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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Barbas said:
You barely put any information about Night Night guns. All you have is that they're meant to subdue targets with killing them, which is a bad stradegy against Orks which can withstand a few shots from a Lasgun due to their thick skin and unique antomy.
Actually the overview says that they are designed to bring down superhumans. But sure weapons that can bring down Deathlok and Inhumans in a single hit are nothing compared to "DRAKAKAKA", right?
Universe from: Undertale

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Frisk

Alias/nickname: Some of the monsters of the underground have nicknames for him, otherwise none.

Age: 12

Gender and sexuality: Gender: Unknown. Sexuality: Unknown

Species/race: Human



(Optional) Clothes: *See image above*

Likes: Friendship, Bad puns, Cinnamon (will eat Butterscotch though.), happy endings, is good with pretty much anything.

Dislikes: Violence and sadness.

Personality: Frisk is generally very kind. Actually, no. Always very kind. They enjoy helping people feel better and such. They hate any violence, and refuse to fight even in life threatening situations (they have become an excellent dodger.) Only twice have they struck with intent to harm, and they'll never do it again. They are patient and quiet. Basically, they just want to make everyone happy.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Frisk had it rough. They refuse to talk about why, but one day they hiked up to a mountain by themself and fell down a hole into a world of monsters. However, they went on a mission to befriend them rather than fight back at their strikes. Eventually, they learned they had a power called DETERMINATION: the ability to persist after death. They had so much of it, that they became able to rewind time after death to the last time they had concentrated DT. Using this power, they've been making the world a happier place. They freed all of monster kind and created peace between monsters and humans. That's not enough though. They want to make more people happy. They made one timeline happy...

the multiverse it is!

Known enemies: They only have one. The demon that comes when you call its name: Chara.

Known rivals: They don't really have one. Sometimes Undyne will challenge them to things, but she's not really a rival.

Known allies/friends: Everyone in their original timeline. Most specifically, Sans, Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, and Asgore. However, pretty much every monster's their friend.

Known Family: The monster's kinda adopted them. Toriel specifically became their mom. Their human familly though... he doesn't talk about.

Companion: Chara persists with them. Their negative power has weakened significantly, and they've become almost bipolar. Sometimes they're just a cynical, sarcastic person. The other time, however, Chara's omnicidal. Frisk has a hard time dealing with Chara.

Weapons: None, but their friendship and their DETERMINATION

Gear/gadgets: Lots of food to heal them. Also a jetpack phone, and a multidimensional box in their phone.

Powers/abilities: DETERMINATION: the power to rewind time after their death, and even restart their adventure.

Skills: They are very persuasive, AMAZING at dodging, and of course DETERMINATION.

Weaknesses: They will endlessly try to make you happy (not really, but it'll be a LONG time before they fight back.) This can lead to his own downfall if he messes up (but of course, DETERMINATION)

(Optional) Character quote: "I believe even the worst person can change, if they really try. They just need a light to follow and determination. I have enough of both to go around."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:[media]
((Sorry, meant to include my other two characters in the last post, but forgot. Will do that.))

  • Universe from: Madoka Magica

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Name: Homura Akemi

    Alias/nickname: Just Homura

    Age: Teens

    Gender and sexuality: Female Lesbian

    Species/race: Human/ Magical Girl



    (Optional) Clothes:


    Check Appearance

    Likes: Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, and Madoka. Oh, and also Madoka.

    Dislikes: Kyubey, and anyone that would harm Madoka.

    Personality: She is endlessly persistent and stoically emotionless in everything she does. She is entirely pragmatic, unless Madoka is involved.

    Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Homura was just a normal girl until she was introduced to the magical girls. She much enjoyed their company, but never became one herself. That is, until a world ending witch appeared and killed all her friends. She signed Kyubey's contract, wishing she could be strong enough to help her friend Madoka. Thus she travelled back in time and began her time-loop journeys, currently at 100+ loops, of trying to save Madoka. She still hasn't given up, and it doesn't look like she will any time soon.

    Known enemies: Kyubey, and the Magical Girls (On some timelines)

    Known rivals: None. You're either an ally, an enemy, nothing, or just a bother.

    Known allies/friends: Madoka, the Magical Girls (On some timelines)

    Known Family: None

    Companion: N/A

    Weapons: She often uses guns which are summoned through magic.

    Gear/gadgets: Her main gadget is a strangely shaped shield on her arm. Depending on the position of it, it can freeze time allowing her to plan an attack, or even reverse time.

    Powers/abilities: The power to reverse/freeze time (for a bit). Summoning guns. Rapid healing. No pain.

    Skills: Pretty much all the powers described above.

    Weaknesses: She only has one weakness, and it's one hell of an Achilles heel. Her soul-gem, located on the backside of her left hand, is the source of her magic and power. If it gets destroyed, she dies. Furthermore, if it is separated by over 100m. from her, her body goes rag-doll. If it gets consumed by grief, having not been cleansed enough, she becomes a witch.

    (Optional) Character quote: I'll do it over, no matter how many times it takes. I'll re live it over and over again. I will find a way out. The one path that will save you from this destiny of despair. Madoka my one and my only friend. I don't care because if it's for you, I'll stay trapped in this endless maze... Forever.

    (Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]
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Universe from: Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus

Alignment: True Neutral

Name: Nico Di 'Angelo

Alias/nickname: Nico, also known as 'The Ghost King' in the Underworld and 'Ambassador of Pluto' in Camp Jupiter

Age: 14

Gender and sexuality: Male, homosexual

Species/race: Demigod (Son of Hades)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-20_9-37-11.png.fa5bd00089096b583978fb229de4a97e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-20_9-37-11.png.fa5bd00089096b583978fb229de4a97e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nico's personality is kinda all over the place. When he first found out he was a demigod, he was quite happy about, well, everything, and was obsessed was Mythomagic cards. However, once his sister, Bianca, died, everything changed. He became grim, and liked to spend time alone, believing that he didn't fit in with the living and instead should be amongst the dead. Despite being shown as a powerful being with influence over the dead, he was naïve and gullible, and most of his time was spent trying to get his sister back. At times he can be untrustworthy, but at the same time willing to make up for his mistake. He is brave, and doesn't show fear - perhaps his only fear is exposing his sexuality. He is secretive, an finds it hard to let out his true feelings. While he tries not to show it, Nico has a lot of internal pain, maybe because he feels as though having grown up in the 40s he doesn't belong in the 21st Century, or because he is a child of Hades. He is caring towards his half-sister, Hazel, and loyal to his family. He has a short temper, and his fatal flaw (as all demigods have one) is holding grudges.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Nico was born in the early 1930's in Italy, the child of Hades, Greek God of the Underworld, and Maria Di 'Angelo. He had an older sister named Bianca. At the beginning of WW2, the family moved to the USA, where they stayed in a fancy hotel for a while. Zeus struck the hotel with lightning, killing Maria but the children surviving thanks to Hades protecting them. Hades then ordered for them to be taken to the Underworld and bathed in the River Lethe to erase their memories. For a while, they lived in Washington DC, going to a boarding school, before being sent to the Lotus Casino in Las Vegas. Nico and Bianca stayed there for what felt like a month, but turned out to be around 70 years. They left the Casino and joined Westover Hall, a military school in Maine. The two were soon collected by Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover to be taken to Camp Half Blood. They were attacked by a manticore, and the Hunter's of Artemis came to save them. Bianca became a Hunter, and Nico was sent to Camp Half Blood after they defeated the manticore. A quest was issued where Campers and Hunters had to work together, and Bianca volunteered to partake in it. She died, which angered Nico, and completely changed him. Some Skeleton Warriors showed up, but was swallowed by the ground after Nico told them to go away. At this time, he realised that he was the son of Hades, and fled to the Labyrinth, where he worked with Minos to try and reincarnate his sister. He learned shadow travel, which Minos taught him. He then helped Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Rachel Elizabeth Dare (yes, I have to put her full name, if you read the books you'd understand why) to navigate the maze and find Pan, before returning to Camp Half Blood and helping with the battle by summoning some undead warriors. At Percy's birthday, he appears at his apartment and tells Percy about his plan to defeat Kronos - dipping Percy in the River Styx. They partake in this plan, but it is soon revealed that Nico was asked by his father to take Percy to him so that he could find out about his past beforehand. Hades tricked Nico, and held Percy captive, until Nico saved him and took him to the River Styx. He then helped out in the Second Titan War by helping his father summon waves of undead warriors to attack. After the battle, Hades was welcomed on Olympus, and therefor Nico was welcomed at Camp Half Blood. However, he soon returned to the Underworld, with hopes of bringing his sister back once again. He found out that Bianca had chosen to be reincarnated in a new body, and there was no chance of getting her back. He then found Hazel, another child of Hades who had died, and helped her get out of the Underworld and lead her to Camp Jupiter, a Roman demigod camp. Nico met Percy at Camp Jupiter, but pretends he doesn't recognise him in order to keep the two camp's rivalry a secret. He took a trip to Tartarus, which was a big mistake, as he ended up nearly going insane. Luckily, he was rescued and taken to Rome. Unfortunately, he was then held captive by the twin giants Otis and Ephialtes. The Seven (Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel and Frank) go to save him, despite knowing it's a trap. He explained that the Doors of Death had two opening, a side in Greece for mortals and a side in Tartarus for monsters.

Known enemies: Kronos

Known rivals: n/a

Known allies/friends: Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, Rayna, Piper McLean and Thalia Grace

Known Family: Hazel Levesque (half sister), Bianca di Angelo (sister, deceased), Maria di Angelo (mother, deceased), Hades (father) and Persephone (stepmother)

Companion: n/a

Weapons: A Stygian Iron Sword

Gear/gadgets: n/a

Powers/abilities: He had influence over the dead and can use shadow travel. He has ADHD, which gives his supernatural battle reflexes, and he is dyslexic, which gives him the ability to read Ancient Greek rather than modern languages.

Skills: He can speak in Ancient Greek, Italian and English. He is a good fighter.

Weaknesses: He is dyslexic, and holding grudges is his fatal flaw.

(Optional) Character quote: “Nico strode forward. The enemy army fell back before him like he radiated death, which of course he did.

Through the face guard of his skull-shaped helmet, he smiled. "Got your message. Is it too late to join the party?"

"Son of Hades." Kronos spit on the ground. "Do you love death so much you wish to experience it?"

"Your death," Nico said, "would be great for me."

"I'm immortal, you fool! I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here, and no chance to live."

Nico drew his sword-three feet of wicked sharp Stygian iron, black as a nightmare. "I don't agree.”



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Assailant said:
((Sorry, meant to include my other two characters in the last post, but forgot. Will do that.))

  • Universe from: Madoka Magica

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Name: Homura Akemi

    Alias/nickname: Just Homura

    Age: Teens

    Gender and sexuality: Female Lesbian

    Species/race: Human/ Magical Girl



    (Optional) Clothes:


    Check Appearance

    Likes: Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, Madoka, and Madoka. Oh, and also Madoka.

    Dislikes: Kyubey, and anyone that would harm Madoka.

    Personality: She is endlessly persistent and stoically emotionless in everything she does. She is entirely pragmatic, unless Madoka is involved.

    Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Homura was just a normal girl until she was introduced to the magical girls. She much enjoyed their company, but never became one herself. That is, until a world ending witch appeared and killed all her friends. She signed Kyubey's contract, wishing she could be strong enough to help her friend Madoka. Thus she travelled back in time and began her time-loop journeys, currently at 100+ loops, of trying to save Madoka. She still hasn't given up, and it doesn't look like she will any time soon.

    Known enemies: Kyubey, and the Magical Girls (On some timelines)

    Known rivals: None. You're either an ally, an enemy, nothing, or just a bother.

    Known allies/friends: Madoka, the Magical Girls (On some timelines)

    Known Family: None

    Companion: N/A

    Weapons: She often uses guns which are summoned through magic.

    Gear/gadgets: Her main gadget is a strangely shaped shield on her arm. Depending on the position of it, it can freeze time allowing her to plan an attack, or even reverse time.

    Powers/abilities: The power to reverse/freeze time (for a bit). Summoning guns. Rapid healing. No pain.

    Skills: Pretty much all the powers described above.

    Weaknesses: She only has one weakness, and it's one hell of an Achilles heel. Her soul-gem, located on the backside of her left hand, is the source of her magic and power. If it gets destroyed, she dies. Furthermore, if it is separated by over 100m. from her, her body goes rag-doll. If it gets consumed by grief, having not been cleansed enough, she becomes a witch.

    (Optional) Character quote: I'll do it over, no matter how many times it takes. I'll re live it over and over again. I will find a way out. The one path that will save you from this destiny of despair. Madoka my one and my only friend. I don't care because if it's for you, I'll stay trapped in this endless maze... Forever.

    (Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]

I finished Okabe's.
Universe from: Halo (AU)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Daniel

Alias/nicknames: Achilles

Age: Unknown, presumabley in mid-40s

Gender/sexuality: Male/heterosexual

Race: Augmented human

Appearance: (He is the red one in the middle)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.6564afa75d8f597896abf363ecb5a94d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.6564afa75d8f597896abf363ecb5a94d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Achilles is a soldier all the way, as he has been for a greater portion of his life, but doesn't always act like one. He loses his temper somewhat easily, especially if he encounters a "snag" in his mission or if he is made to do something he disagrees with. He sometimes focuses too much on the battle at hand rather than the mission objectives, which sometimes causes him to lose control in conflict and go on a rampage to destroy the opposition completely. He is also rather hotheaded, preferring to take the fight head-on rather than approach cautiously if he knows that he will have an advantage. However, this doesn't mean that he doesn't have a soft spot. The two other Titans, both killed in action, were brothers to Achilles as they had been through a lot together. He may have always fought with them, but he still respected them in the end. They used to be the only things that kept him in line, but now he has matured through the conflict on the "super ring" and become more respectable.

Backstory: Taken into the SPARTAN program when he was only six years old, Daniel was trained brutally from that day by a combination of drill instructors and AI class tutoring. When he was fourteen, he underwent the project's physical augmentation process that turned him into the super-soldier he would become. As a Spartan-II he fought alongside the others that survived the augmentation process against the Insurrection at first, but then the war with the Covenant began and he was hard-pressed into service to defend human worlds against the alien threat. For humanity, however, the war did not go entirely in their favor. Colony after colony would be glassed by Covenant plasma weapons and billions would be slaughtered in the Covenant's conquest to eradicate the humans. On a mission to Reach, along with fellow Spartan Gabriel, they were tasked with retrieving sensitive data for Dr. Catherine Halsey that would help her in the development of an advanced AI unit known as Cortana. During the mission, however, something went horribly wrong and the data was lost. Dr. Halsey had been able to create Cortana without it, but even to present day Daniel always blamed himself for the destruction of Reach by losing that data. On another mission, the pair of Spartans were betrayed by a Spartan, name of Kushiel, while they were trying to grab an alien power source, which turned out to be Forerunner in origin. The tide of the war began changing when the Master Chief, John-117, destroyed a Halo array, a massive weapon capable of extinction on a galactic scale. Humanity started winning the war, and soon the Spartans were decommisioned and put on hold. A truce was even established between the Covenant and humanity. Things started looking up for humanity, but that quickly changed.

The new Covenant hierarchy redeclared war on Earth in the name of the late Prophets, but they were overthrown in a large coup led by a Covenant extremist by the name of Nakai, who launched a new campaign against the humans. This new and bloodier campaign saw more human worlds being burned as the UNSC kept being pushed back farther and farther back towards Earth. Achilles and all other Spartan IIs still alive were pressed back into service to combat this new threat, but to no avail. Nakai then began a systematic purge of all Spartans in active combat, believing that he could exterminate them all and finally bring an end to the humans. In response to this, an old Spartan I scientist, named Ki, was tasked with the goal of further enhancing the genetic makeup of the remaining S-IIs. Thus began Project Olympian. Only three Spartans qualified, however. These three were Achilles, Gabriel, and Perseus. Now, with their new augmentations and new armor, they were practically untouchable by conventional Covenant weapons. Their first deployment as Titans was to rescue a Lieutenant by the name of Eli who commanded of a squadron of ODSTs who had taken heavy casualties in combat with Nakai's forces on a human colony. They dropped in via drop pods and decimated the Elite forces, allowing Eli to extract their wounded. They had also learned that Eli was a washout of the S-IIs, having to be retrained as an ODST after his augmentations backfired. Afterwards, they linked up with another Spartan, name of Tobias, and his unit of ODST forces to assault what they believed was Nakai's main landing zone. When they arrived and killed off the primary guard of Elites, a "snag" tripped up their progress. Nakai's ship came down and glassed the area out of nowhere, killing all of the ODSTs and Tobias. The three Titans and Eli were cloaked from Covenant sensors and began a retreat. When they were far enough away, they noticed a large blue column of light in the distance that disrupted communications with KI and the UNSC Sceptre in orbit of the colony.

They were later extracted and brought back to the Sceptre, which sparked an argument between Achilles, Gabriel, and the admiral in charge of the ship caused by Achilles being angry over the failure of the mission. After a stern reprimand from the admiral, Achilles and Gabriel reminisced of past missions to try and calm down. After, the Titans underwent a mission with Eli to the source of the blue light, which was assumed to be a teleporter of some sort, though the destination was unknown. They infiltrated the site to find Forerunner tech powering the thing, but were discovered by the Elites stationed there and a battle began. The humans were pushed into the structure that housed the teleporter and subsequently beamed to its destination: a massive Halo array being constructed in the depths of space by Nakai. The Titans and Eli noted a Covenant outpost and began their search for the ring's Cartographer, or the map of the ring, there. Achilles led a distraction by stirring up a fight with the forces there while Gabriel and Perseus slipped inside to download the data. When they emerged, they finished off the remaining Covenant forces and blew the bunker sky high, destroying the Cartographer as well. They then managed to find a relay that allowed them to send a signal to the Sceptre, which brought the frigate in in the midst of a massive Covenant fleet. The ship was scuttled, except for the admiral and his crew, and the Titans began to search for escape pods with Eli. They all reunited with Ki and led a massive assault on the crash site of the Sceptre. That's where Eli called in with a beacon given to him by Tobias before he died to bring reinforcements in.

The reinforcements came in an army of Spartan IIs, including the Master Chief. They decimated the Covenant's forces going inbound towards the Sceptre and fought their way towards the Titans. They then split their forces in half, as they had learned from the Titans that and ONI agent by the name of Sato betrayed the UNSC with Kushiel to gain access to the Forerunner "Mantle of Responsibility." Half of their forces, along with Gabriel and Perseus, pushed towards the construct that Sato and Kushiel would need to access the Mantle. The other half stayed with Achilles and defended the Sceptre from another wave of Covenant forces. After they were killed, Achilles noted a lone high-ranking Elite standing in the battlefield and went to meet him. The Elite stated that he didn't wish further conflict with the humans, and instead wished to fight alongside them against Nakai. The Spartans accepted the help, and were told that their forces were needed now at the construct. When Achilles arrived, he learned a rigged Phantom dropship from Sato had exploded and severely wounded Eli and Perseus, the latter of whom died during medical treatment aboard the Spartans' flagship, the UNSC Hyperion. Sato had been captured, and Kushiel had barricaded himself inside the construct. Nakai's ground forces had then converged on the site, and a massive battle began between the two forces. In the midst of the fighting, Sato landed back on the site in a stolen Pelican dropship and went in to the construct, followed by a very angry Perseus. Eli then landed in a drop pod, his life saved by the Project Olympian augmentations that he underwent before Sato escaped, along with the first members of the first Titan battalion. After the ground battle had been won, Eli took a Pelican to Nakai's ship to personally deal with him.

Eli faced and defeated Nakai, and the UNSC ships fired on Nakai's and damaged the cruiser so it crashed into the ring with Eli still on it, although he was alive. Gabriel then warned everyone to evacuate the ring, as he was going to overload the construct and destroy the ring. Achilles argued with him, telling him to get out, but Gabriel still stayed. Everyone with the exception of Gabriel and Eli then left the ring, which exploded and sent chunks of the ring in almost every direction in space. Achilles asked the ship's captain to search the debris field for survivors. They came across a signal, recognizing it as Eli's. They retrieved him, mourned their losses, honored the fallen heroes. The Covenant had seen the rise of Spartans, and now they had witnessed the dawn of Titans.

Companions: None

Known enemies: The Covenant, Nakai, Agent Sato, Kushiel

Known rivals: None

Known allies: The UNSC, the Spartans, the Titans, traitor Elites

Known family: The Spartans, the Titans

Likes: Killing Covenant soldiers, winning fights, completing missions

Dislikes: Losing fights, losing comrades, snags in missions, traitors, weak links

Weapons: Even though Achilles' armor is the highest standard, even stronger than the MJOLNIR system, he still only has access to the standard UNSC weapons and equipment, but he makes the best of what he does have access to.

MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System-A close to mid ranged weapon with a 600 RPM fire rate that fires 7.62x51mm armor piercing ammunition.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.eb5e40840d667e0a13c3aa9c17355a76.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.eb5e40840d667e0a13c3aa9c17355a76.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

M319 Individual Grenade Launcher-A break-action grenade launcher that fires 40mm grenades. The trigger can be held down to delay the explosion of the grenade until the trigger is released, and can generate a small EMP effect that temporarily shuts down vehicles and deactivates shields.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.dafa3d709d54416f2dee7e69a1e6b784.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.dafa3d709d54416f2dee7e69a1e6b784.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade-Fragmentation grenades capable of tearing through shields and armor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.1c2a82e3c3b2c912a6f38b25101c0b14.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.1c2a82e3c3b2c912a6f38b25101c0b14.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gear/gadgets: Aside from Achille's arsenal, the main component of his equipment is his advanced armor system. The Titans' armor is the strongest equipment that the UNSC has ever developed, able to withstand an amazing amount of punishment. For an example, Achilles stood in the middle of the open in a Covenant compound being shot by several Covenant footsoldiers. He later remarked that their armor could take the heat of their plasma rifles, but the high heat plasma artillery of Covenant Wraith mortar tanks would be too much. The shielding on these suits, however, is weaker than that on the MJOLNIR armor, but that hardly makes a difference when it''s impervious to standard weapons and high-heat plasma. Apart from that, he carries a variety of other types of grenades for his launcher, including flares and smoke.

Skills/talents: Being trained in the military since six years old, Achilles is an expert with firearms and explosives, as that is what he usually carries. With the augmentations of his augmentations, he is faster, stronger, more durable, and can think faster than a standard Spartan, which are already superior to standard soldiers. While most soldiers of his class have great tactical minds, Achilles would rather just use overwhelming force to complete an objective, which happens to be his specialty.

Powers/abilities: As most Spartan IIs, Achilles underwent the project's augmentation process at the age of fourteen. This greatly increased his metabolism, skeletal strength, thinking process, speed, strength, and perception to super human levels. When the war with Nakai was putting a strain on the humans and Spartans began dying off in great numbers, new research was being done to further enhance the Spartans genetic makeup. Achilles was one of three that qualified, and he underwent those augmentations as well. Now all of the values that were increased by his first set of augmentations received a boost, so now it would take a lot more to bring him down,

Weaknesses: Achille's biggest issue is his hot temper, which can flare up at a moment's notice. This temper of his can cause him to just run out of cover to mow down any opposition during a firefight or begin arguing with his allies and comrades, and he would probably start a fight should he be in the mood.

Character quote: "You think you're fucking tanks?!? I AM A FUCKING TANK!!!"



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Universe from: Elder Scrolls

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Name: Sheogorath

Alias/nickname: The Mad Prince, The Saint's Lover, Hero Of Kvatch

Age: Ageless

Gender and sexuality Male/Straight

Species/race: Daedric Prince


(Optional) Clothes:

Likes: The Mad Prince tends to like a thing one minute, then said minute passes and despises said thing with such passion.

Dislikes: second verse same as the first

Personality: Sheogorath savors the act of driving mortals insane or making them perform actions which can be seen as trivial or silly. He is completely unpredictable and often comments in nonsensical or otherwise socially unacceptable statements. He often refers to the removal of entrails and has a curious obsession with cheese, which is taken to near hysterical levels in Oblivion. Despite being completely mad Sheogorath displays incredible intelligence and insight.

And his past as the hero of kvatch has made the current Sheogorath more benevolent than his predecessor, he is far less inclined to murder you over the color of you're shoes and is more likely to hold up to his end of the deal. and even more likely of assisting someone on his own accord, despite the likeliness of it having no immediate reward for him, a servant of his question him on why he does this, Sheogorath gave the servant the answer of it being unexpected. Sheogorath despises being predictable

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): [media]

Known enemies: Jyggalag, Mehrunes Dagon.

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: Haskill, the denizens of the Shivering Isles, Martin Septim

Known Family: None

Companion: Haskill "Though he won't be joining us"

Weapons: He carries with him, The Staff of Sheogorath it holds all the powers of the shivering isles. and allows the madgod to stop time for brief periods

Gear/gadgets: Wabbajack

Powers/abilities: Chaos is madness and madness is his domain. so you can guess it he can bend you're reality and mind to his whims. Immortal

Skills: Murder and killing, magic casting

Weaknesses: despite being immortal Sheogorath can be "Killed" though he'll only be sent back to The Shivering Isles, but due his origins as a creature of Nirn, he can re-enter the Mortal Realms with far more ease then other daedric princes.

(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
Universe from: Crash Bandicoot

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Crash Bandicoot


Age: 19

Gender and sexuality Male and Straight

Species/race Eastern Barred Bandicoot


(Optional) Clothes:

Likes: Wumpa Fruits

being the good guy



Relaxing in the sun


Those who hurt his friends

Rotten Wumpa Fruits

Personality:he is always willing to help and is very attentive to others. But overall, he has a rather wacky, cartoonish personality, in simple terms, he is a tornado. His demented behavior was in fact extended to actual sadism/masochism which he takes pleasure in torturing innocent animals, park drones, and even himself. Despite this however, Crash is usually kindhearted and laid back. He is not known for his anger, even towards his greatest enemies he rarely maintains a great deal of contempt. Crash's intelligence level is something of a question, since he is illiterate and Aku even made a comment that brain damage was "not much of a danger to Crash".

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Known enemies: N-Gin, Nina Cortex, N-Brio, Dr. Neo Cortex, Dingodile, Tiny The Tiger, Uka Uka

Known rivals: Fake Crash

Known allies/friends: Crunch, Spyro The Dragon, Aku Aku,

Known Family: Coco Bandicoot

Companion: none

Weapons: Fruit Bazooka



Mind Control Immunity – Perhaps linked to his previously mentioned lack of intelligence or maybe even something else entirely. But whatever it is Crash simply is immune to mind control

Enhanced Strength - Crash has displayed significant physical strength, able to cause considerable damage to Titans and other large creatures, such as Tiny. He also was able to pick up Crunch and slam him on the ground over and over, with little effort.

Enhanced Agility - Crash is also very agile, able to jump more than his own body height into the air with a standard jump, as well as pull off a double jump with similar vertical lift.

 Enhanced Stamina - Crash also possesses exceptional stamina and resiliency, able to run and fight steadily for long periods of time (evidenced by the fact that many of his games' plots take place in a small span of time), and also take massive blows from Titans and the like, then just get back up and resume fighting with the same vigor and liveliness as before. The latter is also evidenced by the fact that he can spin at high speed for almost a solid minute before he gets dizzy, and still only stay dizzy for a brief moment.

 Cyclone Spinning – Crash’s signature ability and just as the name implies, Crash is able to spin at such high speeds that he is able to deflect projectiles and deal centrifugal force-augmented blows to opponents and even allowing himself to float slowly to the ground

Enhanced Speed - Crash can run quite fast, as evidenced by his Crash Dash ability.

Enhanced Reflexes- Crash has improved reaction speed as he was able to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles.

Enhanced Durability-Crash is able to take a large amount of damage and still continue fighting.

Skills:Expert Combatant - Crash is no novice when it comes to fighting, possessing considerable skill in hand-to-hand combat and an ability to use weapons, such his Fruit Bazooka and operating any sort of vehicle, with ease

Contortionist - Crash is quite limber, able to twist and crouch his body into all sorts of positions. This is perhaps helped by the fact that he is now a teenager.

Weaknesses: He is dumb. no seriously he mistakes his arch-enemy for his sister. when Cortex disguises himself as Coco, Crash doesn't notice that his sister has apparently changed species and gender.

(Optional) Character quote:

(Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]

Universe from: Disney (Tangled)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Princess Rapunzel

Alias/nickname: Rapunzel

Age: 18

Gender and sexuality: Female, straight

Species/race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-26_20-8-0.png.8a2037c280aff3e9bfb1c70f9aac060d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-26_20-8-0.png.8a2037c280aff3e9bfb1c70f9aac060d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Rapunzel isn't your typical Disney princess. She is daring, determined and curious about the world around her, and you really can't blame her for that after being locked up in a tower for 18 years. She is optomistic, and always tries to get the best out of life, whether she be locked in a tower or running around the wild with a runaway theif. However, she still has that innocent youth, and deep down is afraid of the outside world and the dangers it brings - all thanks to Mother Gothel. She is also loyal to friends and family, and never breaks a promise.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Whilst her mother, the Queen of the Kingdom, was pregnant with her first child, she caught a disease from which she was bound to die. However, to avoid this, the King and people of the Kingdom created a medicine from a magical flower they say was created by a single drop of sun. This medicine cured the Queen of her illness, and she gave birth to healthy child - Rapunzel. Unlike her parents, her hair was blonde, because of the magic flower. Mother Gothel had been using the flower beforehand to stay eternally young, but now that Rapunzel had the power of the flower in her, she no longer could use that. Instead, she kidnapped Rapunzel and hid her away in a tower, teaching the song which gave the flower it's magic to Rapunzel. Mother Gothel made sure Rapunzel would never leave the tower, and succeeded, until just before her 18th birthday, when a guy named Flynn Rider (or Eugene, his real name) found her tower. The two escaped so Hapunzel could go see the 'flouting lights' - lanterns that were sent up into the sky in hope that the lost princess (Rapunzel) would someday return home...

Known enemies: Mother Gothel

Known allies/friends: Flynn Ryder/Eugene

Known Family: The King (father), the Queen (mother)

Companion: Pascal the Chameleon

Weapons: A frying pan

Gear/gadgets: A frying pan, and her hair

Powers/abilities: Her hair has magical abilities - it can heal people and reverse age if someone is in contant with it when Rapunzal sings a special song:

Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fate's design,

Save what has been lost,

Being back what once was mine,

What once was mine...

The same power also resides in her tears, though she does not know at this point (she finds out at the end of the movie).

Skills: Magical healing hair, adapts to situations quickly, doesn't seem to struggle with her amount of hair

Weaknesses: She is obedient even if she doesn't want to be, such as in the tower with Mother Gothel. She also isn't used to being in the outside world.

(Optional) Character quote: "I promise. And when I promise, I never ever break that promise. Ever!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:




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amybri18 said:
Universe from: Disney (Tangled)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Princess Rapunzel

Alias/nickname: Rapunzel

Age: 18

Gender and sexuality: Female, straight

Species/race: Human


View attachment 242132

Personality: Rapunzel isn't your typical Disney princess. She is daring, determined and curious about the world around her, and you really can't blame her for that after being locked up in a tower for 18 years. She is optomistic, and always tries to get the best out of life, whether she be locked in a tower or running around the wild with a runaway theif. However, she still has that innocent youth, and deep down is afraid of the outside world and the dangers it brings - all thanks to Mother Gothel. She is also loyal to friends and family, and never breaks a promise.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Whilst her mother, the Queen of the Kingdom, was pregnant with her first child, she caught a disease from which she was bound to die. However, to avoid this, the King and people of the Kingdom created a medicine from a magical flower they say was created by a single drop of sun. This medicine cured the Queen of her illness, and she gave birth to healthy child - Rapunzel. Unlike her parents, her hair was blonde, because of the magic flower. Mother Gothel had been using the flower beforehand to stay eternally young, but now that Rapunzel had the power of the flower in her, she no longer could use that. Instead, she kidnapped Rapunzel and hid her away in a tower, teaching the song which gave the flower it's magic to Rapunzel. Mother Gothel made sure Rapunzel would never leave the tower, and succeeded, until just before her 18th birthday, when a guy named Flynn Rider (or Eugene, his real name) found her tower. The two escaped so Hapunzel could go see the 'flouting lights' - lanterns that were sent up into the sky in hope that the lost princess (Rapunzel) would someday return home...

Known enemies: Mother Gothel

Known allies/friends: Flynn Ryder/Eugene

Known Family: The King (father), the Queen (mother)

Companion: Pascal the Chameleon

Weapons: A frying pan

Gear/gadgets: A frying pan, and her hair

Powers/abilities: Her hair has magical abilities - it can heal people and reverse age if someone is in contant with it when Rapunzal sings a special song:

Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fate's design,

Save what has been lost,

Being back what once was mine,

What once was mine...

The same power also resides in her tears, though she does not know at this point (she finds out at the end of the movie).

Skills: Magical healing hair, adapts to situations quickly, doesn't seem to struggle with her amount of hair

Weaknesses: She is obedient even if she doesn't want to be, such as in the tower with Mother Gothel. She also isn't used to being in the outside world.

(Optional) Character quote: "I promise. And when I promise, I never ever break that promise. Ever!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:


really curious where she'll be heading
Universe from: Hyperdimension Neptunia

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: RED

Alias/nickname: Wifey MuscleHead

Age: Early teens

Gender and sexuality: Female, Homosexual

Species/race: Human/Maker


Likes: Cute Girls

Dislikes: Boys


Red is an extremely energetic and cute girl who wishes to have just one thing in her life: a wife!

But not just any wife, or even just one wife. She wants a whole harem of brides. Due to her being genre savvy and having dating sim knowledge, Red knows how to achieve getting them! IF is the first to be chosen by her, after she comes across her one day randomly while out in the forest.

Red tries very hard to please IF for everything upon meeting her. She often makes note that she needs to get more points with IF to get the hotel scene she really desires. Unfortunately.... it does not go the way she intended when she ends up developing a cold instead.

After noticing IF seems to like Vert, Red decides to get her a secret gift, the "Kichiku Megane Harlem Set for Virgins" because Vert had one. After a moment of disappointment, IF assumes Red just mixed up names and had no clue why she purchased that for her, having no idea that Vert owned one also.

In the end, IF humors the girl and lets her think what she wants. She seems to genuinely care for Red, but not enough to date or fall in love with her. Red however, pays this no mind and refuses to leave IF alone, often asking her for romantic gestures, like resting her head on her lap or sharing foods. Red seems to slightly like other girls also, but not nearly as much! She tends to be crafty and likes to trick people in order to get what she's looking for.


Red's first scene begins as IF goes on a mission solo, while beginning to realize that maybe having a party actually does come with benefits compared to going alone. Deciding to go and check on Neptune, she suddenly hears someone screaming in the distance. As she goes to help someone, she is suddenly tackled by a mysterious girl who refuses to get off. IF does manage to get her off, then proceeds to scold the mysterious girl before asking if she is alright. The girl assures IF she is fine before introducing herself as Red.

After IF introduces herself, Red decides she is her wife now. At first IF is surprised, then seems to take it in good humor, thinking that she was only kidding. But after a moment Red begins to cry when she realizes IF doesn't want to be her wife, who tries to clarify what she meant but accidentally leads Red to believe that it's fine to call IF her wife again.

Later IF is out once again when Red runs into her and asks about her monster hunting. IF explains that they may be surrounded and should head back to town. This makes Red upset since she was alone with IF, like she wanted. To IF's apparent shock, Red went up and gathered many monsters for her to fight. IF realizes they can't take them all on their own so she forces Red to flee the scene with her. Upon arrival to town, IF scolds Red for doing that, who then apologizes. IF admits to being flattered by this, so Red considers this a job well done.

Now in Lowee, IF has finally gotten a free moment to try Neptune's favorite crepe shop. Upon arrival, IF buys two crepes when suddenly she hears Red. However, after mentioning Red seems pretty far away the other female tries to get away but has trouble doing so when the voice fades just for Red to pop up and surprise IF. IF decides to ask Red why she likes her, then offers her a bite of the custard only crepe. Red offers to buy her one but IF claims they are even now and that she has gained ten more points. Red, in a hurry to earn her Hotel Event raises it to forty, causing IF to lower it to twenty, Red goes to thirty, then IF agrees before asking if one hundred is the limit. Red decides to explains it, "The first wifey to give me a hundred points total gets a bonus item and hotel event!".

Known enemies: Boys, anyone who will harm her potential Wifeys

Known rivals: Boys

Known allies/friends: Her Wifeys

Known Family: None

Companion: That golden pet dragon thing


1) Yo-yo

2) Twin Chinese Sword

3) Chinese Fan

Gear/gadgets: Toys


Red's weapons are toy based, with her dragon assisting her in a few attacks. She acts as a "glass cannon" type character, having high attack power and strong moves but low HP. A Power Bracelet or any armor providing additional HP can help balance this out.

Weapon: Ultimate Toy- Red hits the target with her yo-yo.

Puppy Walk: She rolls her yo-yo at the target.

Around the World: Using her Kendama she swings it around so fast that it causes her to spin around in circles while hitting the target.

Three Puppies: Same as Puppy Walk, but hits three enemies.

Pachinko Ransom: Red throws small Pachinko Balls at the target before falling over dizzy.

Frisbee Performance: Holding her frisbee, she suddenly slashes at the target when its revealed she did in fact hit said target, causing a giant explosion of cherry blossoms.

Amusement Dance: Red moves around while releasing two yo-yos, then slams down her Kendama before appearing away from the monsters with a magazine with her in a school uniform on the front.

R-E-D: Begins as Red pets her Dragon, causing it to change colors and grow into a giant while floating around attacking the entire group of monsters.


Red is a real mixed bag of tricks, with a variety of different skills, and versatile rush and break skills that are easy to use and hit multiple times with ease, but the tradeoff is that they do minimal damage. She has access to her EXE Limit as soon as she arrives,along with her primary attack skill. This combination makes her able to slaughter Linda if she manages to get set up, but it takes some careful planning to make full use of her abilities.

Weaknesses: In spite of her... rather large bosoms... She is still a child who can be easily tricked.

(Optional) Character quote:

  • "Oh my, no can do. When you tell me to get off, it just makes me not want to." Then after IF tells her to not get off, she replies with "Don't worry, I have no intention to."
  • "Ooh, modesty sure is a turn on!"
  • "What's your name, chick? My name is Red. Y'know, R-e-d. Red!"
  • "You don't wanna be my wifey?"
  • "First wifey obtained! Now I gotta look for more!"
  • "As expected of Wifey Number 1. My eyes know quality women."
  • "But... I just got here! We're alone! I came today... I came for you and you alone!"
  • "The first wifey to give me a hundred points total gets a bonus item and hotel event!"
  • "Sometimes, not choosing is the correct answer! It may be referred to as 'harem' option!"
  • "You'll have a wedding with me?!"
  • "I'm the MVP!"
  • "I'm number 1! I'm awesome!"
  • "I'll show you what I got!" - RED using R-E-D
  • "As expected of my wifey's... 100 points!" - S-Rank Quest Clear
  • "I'm dragon swordmaster RED Wong master Bujingai. Remember that"
  • "I do solemnly swear to protect my wifey with my lifey!"

Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Marvel

Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Evil

Name: Cletus Kasady

Alias/nickname: Carnage

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Late thirties

Gender and sexuality Male Straight

Species/race Symbiote


Likes: Spreading destruction

Dislikes: Spiderman

Personality: Sadistic, insane, ruthless.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

A psychopathic serial killer imprisoned for eleven consecutive life sentences, Cletus Kasady met Eddie Brock when the latter, separated from the Venomsymbiote by the toxic touch of the supervillain Styx, became his cellmate.

Learning of Brock's grudge against Spider-Man, Kasady tried to convert him to his nihilistic philosophy, mocking Eddie over his claims to have once been the supervillain Venom. Repeatedly rebuked, Kasady decided to murder his cellmate, but before he could the Venom symbiote entered the cell and rebonded to Eddie. Venom broke free, leaving the terrified and jealous Kasady behind.

Sensing his desire for the power Eddie possessed, a scrap of the symbiote left behind dripped onto Cletus' hand and bonded with him, transforming him into the monstrous Carnage.

Known enemies: Venom, Spiderman

Known rivals: Venom, Spiderman

Known allies/friends:

Known Family: Unknown

Companion: None

Weapons: Tendrils

Gear/gadgets: None

Powers/abilities:Superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina and durability, webbing, wall-crawling, regenerative healing factor, project web tendrils, can form his limbs into weapons.

Skills: Skilled fighter

Weaknesses: Extreme heat, and loud vibrations, such as sound-waves.

(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

I am the ultimate insanity! I am CARNAGE!

~ Carnage

(Optional) Character’s theme song:[media]

Both characters (RED and Rapunzel) are accepted. Sorry that took so long.
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Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) DC

Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Neutral

Name: Lobo

Alias/nickname: The Main Man

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male Straight

Species/race Czarnian

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_20-7-43.jpeg.b49386ec3b996de10a617640ed7ce49f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_20-7-43.jpeg.b49386ec3b996de10a617640ed7ce49f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Lobo is a big, bad biker on steroids. Less stupid than he looks, he enjoys nothing more than bloody violence, cheap booze and terrorizing the whole galaxy by just being around. He’s a walking powder keg ready to explode at any moment, for any lousy reason, just because he can - and because he really enjoys it.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):Lobo, whose name means "one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it," is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise that knew nothing of war and the Czarnians were almost immortal. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane. Lobo knew he was one of a kind, but he wanted even more. Inspired by the idea of genocide, Lobo created a swarm of lethal scorpion-like creatures, he set them on his people wiping out his entire species but himself. He claimed it was a science project and gave himself an 'A'.[1] Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties. Despite his ruthless nature, Lobo has a strict code of honor when it comes to these agreements. Along the way he has met and battled a number of superheroes.

Known enemies: Superman

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: None

Known Family: Dead

Companion: None

Weapons:Chained Hook: Though he employs a wide arsenal of firearms, explosives and blades, Lobo's signature weapon is a large hook on a chain. Aside from use as a weapon, he also uses it to tie up opponents or drag them behind his bike.

Gear/gadgets: Spacehog:


  • Superhuman Strength: His strength varies greatly from writer to writer. Lobo has shown strength sufficient enough to knock out Superman with his blows without too much apparent effort, but at times is barely able to pick up cars. At most times, Lobo is shown to be on par with Superman in terms of strength. He has even shown enough strength to destroy entire planets. More often than not, Lobo is able to effortlessly lift far in excess of 100 tons.[23]
  • Superhuman Stamina: He possesses inexhaustible stamina and in most interpretations cannot tire.
  • Immortality: Lobo is functionally immortal and cannot die no matter what happens. He is immune to the effects of aging and disease and has been banned from entering either Heaven or Hell.
  • Invulnerability: He has at times shrugged off blows from the likes of Superman with no damage, taken planet-destroying attacks without so much as a scratch but at other occurrences has had his skin penetrated by bullets and had only some resistance against most magic spells and attacks.[24][25]
  • Superhuman Speed: Lobo possesses the ability to sharpen his awareness and increase his temporal flow, appearing to move faster than humanly possible. He can move at incredible speeds.
  • Self-Sustenance: Lobo does not need any food, water, air, or sleep and he can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm.
  • Regeneration: If Lobo does somehow sustain an injury, his accelerated healing factor enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, with little apparent pain. He will apparently heal from any injury. For instance, Lobo can regenerate out of a pool of his own blood, apparently recycling the cells instantly. The speed of regeneration has also varied throughout his appearances.


  • Genius Level Intellect: As unbelievable as it may seem, despite his violent and loutish nature, Lobo seems to have a genius-level intellect in matters of destruction and violence. He can create complex virulent agents and the necessary antidotes to them such as the one he let loose on Czarnia, resulting in the deaths of the entire population in the span of one week. He was also able to scavenge parts from a destroyed time hopper and attach them to his own bike, producing a working time machine.
  • Tracking: The tracking ability allows him to trace any prey across even the Universe.
  • Multilingualism: By his own account, Lobo can speak 17,897 different languages from across the galaxy.[26]
  • Expert Combatant: Lobo is a proficient hand-to-hand combatant, having mastered numerous forms of martial arts from all over the galaxy.

Weaknesses: reckless

(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

-- Lobo

(Optional) Character’s theme song:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_19-54-24.jpeg.0b559f3fd92e2217fca09ddeebeeab85.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_19-54-24.jpeg.0b559f3fd92e2217fca09ddeebeeab85.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_19-55-29.jpeg.92bf75d36dcd6595101cc41d87159a7b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_19-55-29.jpeg.92bf75d36dcd6595101cc41d87159a7b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Universe from:



Neutral Good




God of Life and Creation


14 billion years

Gender and sexuality:

Male, pansexual


Alpha Pokemon




Making friends

Pretending to be human

Being worshiped (denies it)




Losing those he's close to



Just because I'm considered a god doesn't mean I'm any different than you.

Arceus is a very kind and outgoing Pokemon. He is generally relaxed and easygoing, preferring to go with the flow rather than swimming upstream. When push comes to shove, he'll do his best to stand up for those he is close to and what he believes in. Arceus believes that everyone should have a chance at life, and that one's history shouldn't define who a person is perceived as: instead, their actions should speak for them. He loves small children and babies, being more of a fatherly figure, despite not really being good with kids. He likes to show off and compare his powers, but won't pick fights with others and will use minimum power needed to end a fight.


Arceus was hatched from an egg in a void. There was nothing there at the start, only him. Over time, he grew into his powers and learned to use them, creating his universe and six beings to govern it, with Mew being an accident that happened after the formation of the last three. Over time, more and more living things populated the world he had made. The world, despite its many conflicts, didn't stay at war for long and defaulted back to an easy peace.

Known enemies:


Giratina (Arceus doesn't consider his son an enemy, but Giratina doesn't like his father)

Known rivals:


Known allies/friends:

Most legendary Pokemon

Known Family:

Sons: Giratina, Dialga, Palkia

Daughters: Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Mew (formed accidentally from psychic residue)




A pair of rapiers, which can merge together to form a double sided scythe.



Seventeen stone tablets approximately four and a half feet tall and two and a half feet across at the widest area, and generally shaped like coffin lids. Each one contains a different elemental energy, or Type, and allows Arceus to use said energy to his own whim. The Plates are stored within his body, absorbing into his flesh as golden colored energy. They provide Arceus with his powers and the energy needed to survive, thus making it unnecessary for him to eat.




Being the god that created his universe, Arceus has the ability to create whatever he needs on a whim. Granted, he can't create anything he doesn't understand, ruling out most machines. He's also able to create new life forms.


Arceus has a human form and Pokemon form that he can switch between on a whim.


Arceus can heal other's wounds and sicknesses on contact. The more severe it is, the longer it takes, and the less likely of a full recovery.


Using what could be described as golden energy, Arceus is able to summon protective shields and bubbles, and move objects with his thoughts. He can even repair damage to buildings and surroundings that he caused.



Arceus learned to play piano at a young age, and has spent years practicing. There isn't a song he can't pick up quickly.


Though not as impressive as his piano playing, Arceus has an amazing voice and loves to show it off.


What good are swords if you don't know how to use them? He's also rather skilled with his scythe.


Arceus has been running his entire universe smoothly for about 14 billion years now. He has leadership experience, granted that doesn't mean he isn't prone to being rather dense sometimes.



Arceus cannot cook to save his life, though he can create meals out of thin air.


Powerless and unarmed, Arceus won't last long in a fight.

Young ones:

Arceus is more likely to go easier on you, the younger you are. Considering he thinks of everyone as children, given his age, that means he doesn't fight all that much.

Group safety:

Arceus values the group over the individual, and will do anything to make sure the larger amount of people survive any encounter. Sometimes this leads him to sacrificing others, sometimes this leads him to sacrificing himself.

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Barbas said:
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) DC
Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Neutral

Name: Lobo

Alias/nickname: The Main Man

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male Straight

Species/race Czarnian

Appearance:View attachment 243280

Personality: Lobo is a big, bad biker on steroids. Less stupid than he looks, he enjoys nothing more than bloody violence, cheap booze and terrorizing the whole galaxy by just being around. He’s a walking powder keg ready to explode at any moment, for any lousy reason, just because he can - and because he really enjoys it.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):Lobo, whose name means "one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it," is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise that knew nothing of war and the Czarnians were almost immortal. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane. Lobo knew he was one of a kind, but he wanted even more. Inspired by the idea of genocide, Lobo created a swarm of lethal scorpion-like creatures, he set them on his people wiping out his entire species but himself. He claimed it was a science project and gave himself an 'A'.[1] Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties. Despite his ruthless nature, Lobo has a strict code of honor when it comes to these agreements. Along the way he has met and battled a number of superheroes.

Known enemies: Superman

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: None

Known Family: Dead

Companion: None

Weapons:Chained Hook: Though he employs a wide arsenal of firearms, explosives and blades, Lobo's signature weapon is a large hook on a chain. Aside from use as a weapon, he also uses it to tie up opponents or drag them behind his bike.

Gear/gadgets: Spacehog:


  • Superhuman Strength: His strength varies greatly from writer to writer. Lobo has shown strength sufficient enough to knock out Superman with his blows without too much apparent effort, but at times is barely able to pick up cars. At most times, Lobo is shown to be on par with Superman in terms of strength. He has even shown enough strength to destroy entire planets. More often than not, Lobo is able to effortlessly lift far in excess of 100 tons.[23]
  • Superhuman Stamina: He possesses inexhaustible stamina and in most interpretations cannot tire.
  • Immortality: Lobo is functionally immortal and cannot die no matter what happens. He is immune to the effects of aging and disease and has been banned from entering either Heaven or Hell.
  • Invulnerability: He has at times shrugged off blows from the likes of Superman with no damage, taken planet-destroying attacks without so much as a scratch but at other occurrences has had his skin penetrated by bullets and had only some resistance against most magic spells and attacks.[24][25]
  • Superhuman Speed: Lobo possesses the ability to sharpen his awareness and increase his temporal flow, appearing to move faster than humanly possible. He can move at incredible speeds.
  • Self-Sustenance: Lobo does not need any food, water, air, or sleep and he can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm.
  • Regeneration: If Lobo does somehow sustain an injury, his accelerated healing factor enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, with little apparent pain. He will apparently heal from any injury. For instance, Lobo can regenerate out of a pool of his own blood, apparently recycling the cells instantly. The speed of regeneration has also varied throughout his appearances.


  • Genius Level Intellect: As unbelievable as it may seem, despite his violent and loutish nature, Lobo seems to have a genius-level intellect in matters of destruction and violence. He can create complex virulent agents and the necessary antidotes to them such as the one he let loose on Czarnia, resulting in the deaths of the entire population in the span of one week. He was also able to scavenge parts from a destroyed time hopper and attach them to his own bike, producing a working time machine.
  • Tracking: The tracking ability allows him to trace any prey across even the Universe.
  • Multilingualism: By his own account, Lobo can speak 17,897 different languages from across the galaxy.[26]
  • Expert Combatant: Lobo is a proficient hand-to-hand combatant, having mastered numerous forms of martial arts from all over the galaxy.


(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

-- Lobo

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
Does Lobo have any weaknesses?
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Does Lobo have any weaknesses?

He's reckless, but he has no real weakness that I know of.

Nathaniel C. Vincent

"The Reaper"


  • Universe from: OC

    Alignment: Chaotic Good,
    Chaotic Evil, Lawful Good

    Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

    Alias: The Reaper

    Age: 35(65)

    Gender: Male

    Species: Enhanced Human


    Nathaniel is a Serious individual yet Reckless at times due to his Aggression, Quick Witted and Quick on the Trigger, a skilled man through his training, Cynical, not trusting anyone anymore, Fearless, not fearing anything or anyone anymore after his experimentation and determined to find the man who did this to him.

    Nathaniel suffers from D.I.D. and has two Multiple Personalities other than His Normal Personality Shattered and Remnant two of the Same person but different in every way Shattered is a Sadistic, Manipulative, Volatile, Aggressive, Psychotic and Quite Quick Witted While Remnant is Kind, Defensive, Friendly, Quick on the Trigger, Consciously Morale and Caring.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: Brown

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 132 lbs

    "There is Good in Every Evil Person and Evil in Every Good Person, I Walk on both roads each day seeing the worst and best in me"

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Universe from:



Chaotic Neutral




God of the Afterlife


10 billion years

Gender and sexuality

Male, Heterosexual


Pokemon, sub-species Giratina


Being with others

Rebelling against Arceus



Being alone

Following orders

Generally being told what to do


Giratina is the type of guy who will do the exact opposite of what you tell him to do, just because he doesn't like being told what to do. Try to reverse psychology him, and he will straight up punch you. He's spent billions of years locked up in Pokemon hell, and isn't afraid to get confrontational. He doesn't care who his opponent is: usually he'll smack whoever's been the most annoying. Despite his mostly aggressive behavior, he does have a soft spot for the pure of heart and innocent, mostly small children. And however much he despises his father, he does eventually want to make up for their fights... after settling the score, that is.

Either shut up or leave: I don't want to deal with your bull shit.

Giratina was the second being to come into existence in his universe. Gifted initially with the same powers Arceus has, the apparent favoritism of his other siblings and general neglect changed Giratina from the caring and sweet child he was into an angry and violent entity. After a long battle with Arceus, Giratina was stripped of most of his powers and banished to the Distortion world, a dimension in the Pokemon universe that contains the souls of the dead. Over the years, Giratina grew more bitter and resentful of his family, as none of them lifted a finger to help him escape. The only Pokemon that seemed to understand his plight was Yveltal, the God of Death, who had similar qualms with Arceus. The two met as Yveltal started delivering the dead souls to Giratina's dimension.

Known enemies:


Known rivals:



Known allies/friends:


Known Family:

Father: Arceus

Brothers: Dialga, Palkia

Sisters: Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Mew




None; Giratina fights with his fists


Griseous Orb:

This is less of an orb than it is a crystal formation, gold in color with jagged edges, no bigger than a 20x20 throw pillow. It powers up Giratina's abilities and causes Giratina to take on Origin Forme. It's currently stuck between the claw formations on his chest, forcing Giratina to always be in Origin Forme. It gets smaller when he takes on a human form, turning into a black ring with a golden gem that he can wear.



Besides changing between Altered Forme and Origin Forme, Giratina has a human form he can take on. Unfortunately, this causes the Griseous Orb to be lodged in his ribs, making the form rather uncomfortable.

Spirit Channeling:

Being the God of the Afterlife, Giratina is able to guide the souls of the dead and use them as he sees fit, using what little energy they have left to power himself up.


Even without his powers, Giratina is a very strong being, stronger than the average human.


In both Altered and Origin Forme, Giratina is capable of flight. In human form, he's capable of sprouting a pair of shadowy black wings like those in his Altered Forme, so long as he doesn't have the Griseous Orb.



Without weapons, Giratina makes due with his fists.


You won't see it often, but Giratina is good with helping people get over their losses. He's dealt with the souls of the dead long enough to know what to say.


Short fuse:

He'll probably get aggressive if you look at him funny.

Doesn't take directions:

Very disagreeable. Don't expect him to be a team player.

Doesn't trust easily:

He doesn't let people in all that often, preferring to stay with a group but away from any real connections.

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Universe from: D.C Universe

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Krypto.

Alias/nickname: Skip, Shellby, The Hound of Steel, K-Dog, Mutt, Wolf

Age: Unknown

Gender and sexuality: Male Straight

Species/race: An unnamed canine species from Krypton


(Optional) Clothes: A red Cape and golden collar

Likes: Superman, Traveling through Space, Playing Fetch

Dislikes: Anything that Superman dislikes, and perhaps Baths

Personality: Krypto is smart for a dog but his intelligence is not on par with that of a human. He possesses a general understanding of speech, and can take direction well. He is also shown to be smart enough to understand most situations involving humans and can take initiative on his own to save the day when needed. He is also very protective of his family and can be ruthless against threats to it.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Krypto was originally baby Kal-El's dog while they were on Krypton. Jor-El, testing prototypes for the rocket that would eventually send Kal-El to Earth, decided to use Krypto as a test subject. However, Krypto's rocket was knocked off-course; the rocket drifted through space for years until it eventually landed on Earth, where Krypto was reunited with the now-teenage Kal-EL

Known enemies: You're Superman's Enemy then you're Krypto's enemy

Known rivals: none

Known allies/friends: The Justice League

Known Family: Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, John and Martha Kent,Kara Zor-El/SuperGirl

Companion: None

Weapons: None

Gear/gadgets: None

Powers/abilities: None

He possesses an even more keen sense of hearing and smell than Superman (as would be expected of a superdog) and his strength and speed is also proportionate (meaning he is faster but doesn't have the sheer strength of Superman). Due to Krypto's Kryptonian biology he also possesses many of Superman's other abilities, most notable his near physical invulnerability and the power to defy gravity.

Skills: None are really note worthy

Weaknesses: Kryptonite and Magic

(Optional) Character quote:

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
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