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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

[QUOTE="Timmy Turner]( So, do i just Delete it and try again on a different character, or...? )

(( Yes. ))
theManCalledSting said:
Franklin's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too OP in general.
(I'm not familiar with the character. I'm trying to read up on him at the moment.) Couldn't he just tone it down abit and add more to the weaknesses?
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ryanpk200 said:
(I'm not familiar with the character. I'm trying to read up on him at the moment.) Couldn't he just tone it down abit and add more to the weaknesses?
Remember that one time he got a spin-off where he was just Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes?

Good times.
Crenando said:
Remember that one time he got a spin-off where he was just Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes?
Good times.

I did say in the Q&A that I would allow OP characters if they could be nerfed, but how do you nerf a literal God? He's probably one of the most OP characters in all of Marvel. The character who nerfs people, "The Gentleman" isn't someone who could fight Franklin, let alone drain some of his powers.


There's a later story arc that heavily involves the Marvel Universe and I had to figure out a way to have the threat not completely wiped out by Franklin. He's is more OP than playing Oddjob in Goldeneye against a blind toddler.

@Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3340-some_bloke/ said:
@Some_Bloke[/URL] I agree heavily, but there have been times where he had psychic seals on him before.
So was Matthew Malloy and at one point Jean Grey. Neither lasted that long. Xavier himself had to constantly use this seals on Matthew so when he died in Avengers vs X-men they quickly broke down.
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) 40k

Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Good

Name: Klovis the Redeemer

Alias/nickname: The Redeemer

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male straight

Species/race Human


Likes: Torture, purging mutants, purging heretics, purging deviants.

Dislikes: Heretics and mutants, disobedience.

Personality: Ruthless, determinred, relentless, fanatical. Considers himself to be a very merciful man.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Klovis the Redeemer is a legend in his own lifetime and a force to be reckoned with. From his fortress in the Ash Wastes, two weeks journey from Hive Primus, Klovis launches Crusades which are notorious for the slaughter they bring. After the Arch Zealot himself, Klovis the Redeemer is perhaps the most notorious Redemptionist in the Underhive. He battles tirelessly against the infidels, scourging Heretics and purging mutants. His righteous acts of merciful execution are chronicled by the hand of his faithful scribe, Deacon Malakev, who is also charged with carrying the large tome of tortures known as the Liber Excruciatus. Klovis often leads a loyal flock of dedicated Zealots on Redemptionist Crusades into the Underhive. These are crazed individuals that are members of the Necromundan Redemeptionist cults who have been touched by the Emperor's fury. Klovis also leads a cowardly Ratskin named Brude, whom he rescued from a life of sin, turning him from his heretical ways into a faithful follower of the Imperial Creed.

Known enemies: Heretics and mutants

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends:

Known Family: Unknown

Companion: Deacon Malakev


  • Sword of Persecution - A massive two-handed Chainsword known as an Eviscerator, fitted with a master-crafted Exterminator flame cartridge, to slice and burn the unbelievers. The large canisters of Promethium upon his back ensures that the righteous flames of his weapon never run out in the heat of battle.

Plasma Pistol:the smallest variant in the Plasma Weapons family. Each shot from a plasma pistol contains all the destructive fury of a larger Plasma Gun, although with a reduced range and rate of fire.

Heavy padded robes with mesh armour beneath it. He also wears his customary ornate Redeemer mask and a crown of iron that is connected to two canisters of
Promethium on his back, enabling the crown to constantly burn with the righteous flame of his zeal. In close quarters battle, he can turn a valve on the fuel canisters on his back, causing the flames of his crown to release a large blast of flame to burn his enemies.

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: Skilled fighter.

Weaknesses: Normal human.

(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others." If it doesn't hurt. It doesn't count!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: The Anti-Void (Undertale AU)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Good (To himself he's doing good, most others consider him evil)

Name: Error Sans

Age: ??????

Gender and sexuality: Male, Asexual

Species/race: Error



Likes: Destroying 'Glitch Universes' (Universes that differ from the original Undertale universe) Playing with his puppets. Stealing things from Underfell. Killing 'glitches'. (Characters he believes shouldn't exist) Having someone to talk to.

Dislikes: Glitches, Glitch Universes, being touched.

Personality: Error Sans is completely insane, sadistic, and just won't stop talking. He seems to enjoy killing, even when he's NOT killing glitches. He has Haphephobia (Fear of being touched) and has a habit of glitching out when touched or attacking people who touch him.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Even Error Sans doesn't know much about his own past. He's hopped countless timelines and universes, destroying filthy 'glitch universes' and killing countless filthy 'glitches'. He also kidnapped Underswap Sans (Who he calls Blueberry Sans) and usually resides in the Anti-Void, which is a white void that allows him to travel the multiverse across any timeline he wants, answering questions that people ask him on Tumblr.

Known enemies: Pretty much every Undertale AU character except Blueberry Sans and the characters from Undernovela.

Known allies/friends: Blueberry Sans

Powers/abilities: Complete Fourth Wall Awareness. Can create Error versions of Gaster Blasters out of thin air. Can create strings out of his hands that allow him to tie people up, bind their souls and use them as puppets (The victims are still aware of what's going on, and can still speak), or move objects. These strings are pretty hard to cut, snap, or otherwise destroy, and defy the laws of gravity. They can also lift up really heavy objects.

Skills: Mind games, being punny. ;D

Weaknesses: Really bad eyesight. Sometimes he glitches out, freezes, or goes completely blind for short periods of time.
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Universe From: Play Dead

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Alias/Nickname: The Surgeon


Species: Alien. Specific Breed is unknown.

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Asexual

Personality: Surgeon has the most horrendous luck when interacting with people when it comes to anything other then treating or operating on them. Though he is generally polite, he'll say something totally innocuous,but at exactly the wrong moment/in front of the wrong person who would have issue with what he said for reasons he couldn't possibly have foreseen. Any chats with him have ended with him being embarrassed or pissing someone off by accident.

Appearance: (Diguise)



It revolves mostly around the life of a Draconian youth named Lamarr following his arrival in the City of Purgatory after having led an incredibly sheltered but relatively stable life in the Boiler Tunnels under the city. The city is filled with chaos and monsters, and strange mechanisms regarding death that result in you coming back to life within hours of being killed ((which happens a lot in a city as crazy as it is)). Not actually afterlife Purgatory you might be thinking of itself, merely named after it, it’s located in the hollowed out core of an alien planet, the surface of which has been incapable of supporting life for a long time.

As a result of the instabilities of life there and death having far less consequence, on top of bad things happening to people all the time in general, most of the occupants of the city have become either jaded misanthropes, nervous wrecks, or gone completely bonkers. Even the more levelheaded people tend to have some kind of disturbance or secrets they’re keeping to themselves.

Lamarr, who is naturally optimistic, decides to make it his mission to fight evil and help others as he tries to find a possible fix for world’s strange curse, while doing his best to not slowly succumb to madness or despair himself - which is a legitimate concern, so much so that some of the big villains of the story don’t bother getting in his way that often, because of how likely it is he’ll simply collapse or break down before he can possibly win in the long run.

While it begins fairly simply, in time it starts to become clear there are a lot of secrets and underlying forces at work in this world, and the dark comedy/schadenfreude nature begins to seep into cosmic horror story territory as more of the mythos and such is built and explained. An example that isn’t a spoiler: the primary reason for the ‘respawning’ process, for example, is the work of an eldritch abomination that delights in and feeds off of carnage and misery, both physical and mental, known as the Necrin, and the only way to sustain its morbid appetite is by letting its prey reincarnate ad infinitum. In exchange for this, it provides the city with power and sustenance, and generates atmosphere within the core of the otherwise dead planet. Most of the villains serve this entity, either for personal gain of power, or because they feel they literally have to since if it’s not appeased it could stop sustaining their world and all life within it could die forever.

A lot of characters that appear to be antagonistic at first turn out to be more noble that the protagonists give them credit for - they’re forced to operate in obtuse or questionable ways because of how the actual villains control so much of the world, and because the Necrin has eyes almost everywhere. While plenty of them are legitimately evil and unforgiveable, a lot of the monsters that are created or brought into Purg from other dimensions to cause destruction for Necrin to feed upon turn out to be misunderstood entirely, are confused/frightened creatures that have no friggin’ clue where they are, are sentient but were manipulated/lied to, or simply too alien to comprehend they’re causing harm, and are victims of the vast white dicklord that is the Necrin as much as the protagonists are.

The Surgeon is possible the best multi-planet doctor every in his universe due to he is skilled in nearly every field and is able to treat hundreds of different races, which is impressive when any one species or planet has its own countless variables when it comes to injury or illness. Because he is this widely applicable, he’s chosen to occupy an inhabited planetoid/asteroid belt that can’t always deploy specialists in a timely manner from one settlement to another. Until he landed in the city of Purgatory...

Companions: His Assistance (Deceased)

Enemies/Rivals: Necrin (Alive), The "Hither" (Alive), Mulligrub (Alive), Cindiblock (Deceased)...

Freinds/Family: Lamarr (Alive).

Likes: Quiet Moments, Friends

Dislikes: Danger, Conversations,
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