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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Pyosimros said:


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Species: Human

Kate Bishop


Ever notice in movies how people can just, like, dive underwater and see where they're going just fine? Drives me crazy. I open my eyes underwater and all I see is blurry fog and it stings. Movies suck.

Brashness, perkiness, and a bit of charisma is what makes Kate's personality. A person who would rather have it her way instead of others, Kate often aggressively takes control over situations if they call for it. In some extreme cases, she would completely go against her orders and disguise as a villain, not mentioning this to anyone before it's too late. This strong personality is often what fuels her success, and her downfalls, starting with her superiority complex. Not to the level of someone like Doctor Octopus, though Kate has a strong belief that she can handle anything, big or small, within limits course.

With these weaknesses or strengths (all in the matter of perspective) taken to account, Kate seems like a lot to handle for most people. And that fact would be correct, if you were either denying her help, or if you're just a scumbag. To most allies however, she's friendly enough, if you ignore all her quips and passive insults of course. A helpful person, Kate gives help when it's needed, if it's within the law. Charisma is what she uses in most stealth missions, charming her way into enemy territory or just knowing someone's identity, Kate almost always finds a way to get into secret locations.

Kate's also been shown as a no-nonsense person as well, generally kicking people out if they don't agree with her, and taking things that doesn't belong with her.

To sum it up; who is Kate Bishop? Well, Kate would be defined as a person with fiery personality that takes a major liking to humor, when she's the one delivering it.



Kate was born from an extremely rich family, and you could say that she was well, a spoiled brat. With a father who was always working, Kate grew estranged with the man and her mother died when she was very young. Even if Kate had a sister, all of this turned her into an independent, stubborn person. One night in Central Park however, there was an event that sparked her hero work.

Kate was assaulted and was left traumatized and with a case of PTSD. The ordeal led her to become a master at combat, learning 7 different forms of offensive and defensive techniques. With swordplay, archery, gadgetry, martial arts, and a little bit of therapy time here and there, Kate came out a new person. At least, in skills at least.

A few months later, Kate joined up with the Young Avengers and went crimefighting, but a name change was long overdue. With the Civil War over and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) dead, she was given Hawkeye's bow by Captain America. A few days later, Clint was revealed to still be alive, and wanted his bow back. It took a couple days, but the ordeal with sorted and Kate got to keep the bow. After even more adventures with the Young Avengers, the group quickly disbanded and Kate was left alone again.

In Brooklyn, Kate soon joined the original Hawkeye to form the unofficial team; Team Hawkguy. Team Hawkguy hit a lot of speedbumps and pointless disputes over various pointless things, but the pair soon grew a close bond, calling each other for help when needed. Or, in reality, Kate annoying Clint into her helping him.




  • New Jersey
  • Traveling
  • Getting new stuff
  • Romance
  • Team Hawkguy


  • Selfish people
  • People rejecting her help
  • People hiding things from her
  • Swimming



  • Being a human


  • Marksmanship
  • Archery
  • Hand-to-hand combat (advanced)
  • Persuasion
  • Disguise
  • Voice alteration
  • Gadgetry
  • Pain tolerance
  • Free-running
  • Weaponry
  • Swordsmanship


  • Human physiology
  • Childish demeanor


  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)'s bow
  • Kree composite bow (used in out-of-world situations)
  • Battle staves (rarely carried along with)
  • Sword (rarely carried along with)


  • Trick arrows
  • Utility belt (various items, rarely worn)


Known Enemies

  • "Tracksuit-Draculas"
  • Kingpin
  • Kazimierz Kazimierczak
  • Giuletta Nefaria
  • New York's criminal underground
  • Spider-Woman
  • Black Cat

Known Rivals

  • Hawkeye (Clint Barton)

Known Allies/Friends

  • Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
  • Former members of the Young Avengers
  • Deadpool

Known Family

  • Derek Bishop (father)
  • Eleanor Bishop (mother)
  • Heather Bishop (step-mother)
  • Susan Bishop (sister)


  • Hawkeye (Clint Barton)


Universe: Marvel

Alignment: L.N.

Gender: Female

Alias: Hawkeye

Age: 21

hope you stay in this rp longer than the last one
Universe from: Halo

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: John

Alias/nickname: Master Chief, Spartan 117, The Chief, Chief, Sierra 117

Age: 48

Race/species: Human

Gender/Sexuality: Male/heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0815cdbc9aeb20e0a9e6fa5cec4e9b05.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0815cdbc9aeb20e0a9e6fa5cec4e9b05.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Killing Covenant, protecting the human race, finishing the fight, the UNSC, discipline, military structure

Dislikes: The Covenant, losing his team, the Flood, Forerunners, Spartan fans, insubordination

Personality: The Chief is a soldier, tried and true. He follows the chain of command, no matter how harsh or rudely he is treated by his superior officers. He follows orders to the fullest of his extent and gets the job done no matter what. He is loyal to those who follow him as well, treating the other Spartans as his family since they were the only family he's ever known. He can put up with his A.I, Cortana's, witty banter and even offer up some of his own on the rare occasions when he speaks. He also cares for Cortana, seeing her as a valuable companion and friend and not just a military asset.

Backstory: I'm extremely lazy, so here's a link to the Halo wiki. Disregard everything after Halo 3, which would be after John takes a cryo nap in the back half of a frigate


Companion: Cortana, a highly advanced "smart" A.I

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.5548bdeca2583f0be0940e372f2698fa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.5548bdeca2583f0be0940e372f2698fa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Known Rivals: ODSTs

Known Enemies: The Holy Covenant Empire, the Flood, 343 Guilty Spark (Dead)

Known Friends: The Arbiter, Spartan Blue Team (Fred-104, Linda-058, and Kelly-087)

Known Allies: The Arbiter, the UNSC, Sgt. Johnson, UNSC Marines, UNSC Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (it's complicated), Captain Jacob Keyes (Male, dead), Captain Miranda Keyes (dead)

Known Family: The SPARTAN-II candidates, unknown family on his homeworld

Weapons: All Spartans have access to a variety of weaponry that is standard to UNSC units. Master Chief is no exception, but for nerfing purposes I will limit the weapons he is able to carry.

MA5B Assault Rifle-7.62 mm ammo with a fire rate of 650 rounds per minute best suited for close to medium range.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.26f3aa54ca11888697c1aef83c9669cc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.26f3aa54ca11888697c1aef83c9669cc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

M6D Magnum-12.7 mm ammo with semi-auto and a range of 400 feet that can crack through nearly any armor plating on Covenant or human infantry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.e15442bbb89d3b6f51da15a754483cdb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.e15442bbb89d3b6f51da15a754483cdb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dual M7 Caseless Submachine Guns-5mm ammo with a high fire rate and a range of 155 feet.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.486d32b0e694a5bdf87c335f2fc82939.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.486d32b0e694a5bdf87c335f2fc82939.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

M90 Pump Action Shotgun-Soellkraft 8-Gauge shells with a spread of 15 pellets.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.80fa34d0820ffb2839a92b2f651e5fbd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.80fa34d0820ffb2839a92b2f651e5fbd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

M9 Fragmentation Grenades-Filled with shrapnel and a max kill range of 16 feet.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.370b470f1d42cab8f0583dc9106b3225.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.370b470f1d42cab8f0583dc9106b3225.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gear/gadgets: When the war with the Covenant began, the UNSC researchers began to request that units in the field return with any intact Covenant equipment that they could in order to better understand how it worked so that they could figure out how to defeat it. This led to the devlopment of human-made Covenant equipment that the Chief uses in the field. The one that he uses the most is a bubble shield generator, a small device capable of generating and sustaining an energy shield that can reflect all high-velocity projectiles, whether solid or plasma. However, people and vehicles can pass through the shield.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.eb1a5c2427561014b27dc09e0427b191.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.eb1a5c2427561014b27dc09e0427b191.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.64333986545af56a9ec8d2ab5a314700.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.64333986545af56a9ec8d2ab5a314700.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In addition, Master Chief wears the Mark VI MJOLNIR power armor, which enhances his physical capabilities alongside his augmentations. This suit includes brain-linked reactive circuits, force-multiplying circuits, titanium alloy plating, heat resistance, five second regenerating shields, and it weighs 1000 lbs, but that doesn't stop the Chief from leaping vertically three yards into the air onto a stone cliff and landing while making no noise. The gel layer under the armor is what the Spartans put on before the armor is placed on, and it cushions their falls and controls temperature. The Heads Up Display includes a motion tracker with an 80 foot radius, ammo counter, shield display, and targeting reticle. It can also link to camera feeds from wire optics and host private and general communication channels. This suit also contains an oxygen supply he can use to survive in space.

Powers/abilities: While not possessing any powers, Spartans have undergone physcial augmentations to their bodies at the age of 14. These augmentations were dangerous, as many Spartans were physically deformed or killed if the augmentations weren't compatible. These augmentations, which Chief survived unscathed, grant a skeleton 15 times as strong as a typical humans, an increase in muscle mass, 300% increase in reflexes, much better eyesight and perception, boosted tissue growth, and heightened memory, intelligence, and creativity. Combined with the MJOLNIR suit, which enhances these augmentations, Master Chief's top speed is over 50 mph. a

Skills/talents: Being trained in the military since he was 6 years old, Master Chief is an expert in both hand to hand combat and with a firearm. His skill with almost any weapon is extremely high, and is almost on par with his tactical mind.

Weaknesses: One of John's biggest weaknesses is his attachment to his companions. Since the Spartans were the only family he's ever known, he does absolutely everything in his power to protect them or save them should they come in contact with trouble. Cortana is no different. He almost wanted to go back to Covenant space to rescue her after she stayed behind on High Charity, the main seat of Covenant power, to send him back to Earth after the Flood began to hijack High Charity.

Character quote: "Thought I'd try shooting my way out, mix it up a little bit."



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Height: 6'3"

Weight: 230lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Species: Human

Build: Mesomorph

Clint Barton


This is bad.

If someone were to be the definition of "captain obvious", it could be Clint. Stating the obvious is his specialty, and something that he gets picked on about by his companion, Kate Bishop. He's the type of guy, who isn't too compelled to take action into his own hands, and would only do something if it was doing with him, or if it was to get the girl. This laid-backed attitude coupled with his negligence of action was the reason why Clint broke up with Black Widow and has had two divorces, he's too scared to face things head-on.

When it comes to heroism, Clint often does the small things, that end up helping other's lives greatly. Though what he neglects, is the consequences, leading to his best friend dying. However, as much as he is a hero and helps everyone, the people Clint help the most are his love interests. Opinions of his could be swayed easily depending on the person he's talking to, and more than he'd like, Clint would get used for his skills to do some crime. He never realizes this however, and would almost always inadvertently start something bigger than he could handle.

Clint would be known as an antagonizer as well, often teasing his allies, or his deadpan attitude could get them to the edge.



Clint Barton was was born in Waverly, Ioha with an abusive father and a loving mother. Clint, and his brother Barney used to train together and shoot arrows, something to get their mind away from their abusive father. One day however, his father's drunkenness cost Clint his mother.

Barney and Clint were orphans after that, going through foster home after foster home until they stumbled upon a traveling circus. While a member of the circus, he was trained by two supervillains, Trickshot and Swordsman. In the beginning, he and Black Widow went against Iron Man, and he was branded as a supervillain. However many forget that fact to Clint's enlightenment, and he joined the Avengers.

A great dead of super heroics followed that, fighting things that were way above his skill level, until he stopped. Well, he didn't stop. Rather, he took a break from the Avengers, and lived his life normally. Normally, until Clint beat up some criminals to gain control over an apartment of course. With an adopted dog named Lucky and Kate Bishop, they formed a team; Team Hawkguy. This team followed through with many adventures and mishaps, separating Clint from the Avengers further.




  • Heroics
  • Coffee
  • Watching TV
  • Training


  • Working with Deadpool
  • His stupid decisions
  • Starting things that he can't handle
  • Being forgotten as a superhero
  • People mistaking him as Iron Fist



  • Being a human


  • Archery (advanced)
  • Peak human condition
  • Marksmanship (advanced)
  • Acrobatics (advanced)
  • Martial arts (advanced)
  • Leadership
  • Bilingual (English and Italian)


  • Human physiology
  • Can be seduced into doing crimes


  • Hawkeye (Clint Barton)'s bow
  • Combat knife


  • Trick arrows
  • Avengers I.D. card


Known Enemies

  • "Tracksuit-Draculas"
  • Kingpin
  • Kazimierz Kazimierczak
  • Giuletta Nefaria
  • New York's criminal underground
  • Black Cat

Known Rivals

  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
  • Black Widow

Known Allies/Friends

  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
  • The Avengers
  • Lucky (Team Hawkguy's dog)
  • S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • New Avengers
  • A.I.M. (Avengers Idea Mechanics)
  • Deadpool
  • Spider-Woman
  • Mockingbird

Known Family

  • Brett Barton (ancestor)
  • Mack Barton (ancestor)
  • Harold Barton (father)
  • Edith Barton (mother)
  • Charles Bernard "Barney" Barton (brother)
  • Barbara "Bobbi" Morse (ex-wife)


  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)


Universe: Marvel

Alignment: L.N.

Gender: Male

Alias: Hawkeye

Age: 45

Sexuality: Heterosexual

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theManCalledSting said:
the original tears RP where you were stuck form the immobile RWBY arc
Pfft. My characters were obviously practicing the mystic art form of rock-ism!

I dunno why, but I felt like I was being mean there. Sorreh ;-;
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Here's a few more characters. Just to see if I can pull it off.

Universe: Undertale

Alignment: If it were possible I'd put 'None', but True Neutral

Name: Sans the Skeleton

Nickname: Sans

Age: Gonna say mid-twenties, cause I have no idea.

Gender and Sexuality: Male, straight

Species: Skeleton


Likes: Bad puns, doing nothing, hanging around Grillby's, and Papyrus

Dislikes: Work, and Dirty Brother-Killers

Personality: Apathetic about pretty much anything aside from his brother. Loves to crack jokes all the time, and tends to sit around doing nothing, even during work.

Backstory: He and his brother Papyrus live in Snowdin town in the Underground. There's not really much to go on in terms of his backstory, though speculation and hidden secrets suggest that he had a connection with Doctor W.D. Gaster, who was apparently completely removed from his own universe by his own machine. The Universe that this Sans resides in is on Frisk's way down the Pacifist route, though he is still aware of his and Chara's abilities to reset the timeline.

Known Enemies: Chara, The Player

Known Rivals: The Snowdrake comedian, maybe?

Known Friends: Undyne, Toriel, Frisk

Known Family: Papyrus

Weapons: Uses bones and Gaster Blasters to attack. He and the other Monsters also have the ability to attack a person's soul directly, via a black zone accessed during combat. Each combatant's soul is represented by a heart.

Abilities: In the combat zone, he can change the properties of a person's soul. Normally in this zone, they are able to float around freely. Sans' ability allows him to re-apply gravity to a person's soul, and force them to the ground. He also has the ability to teleport from place to place, which he refers to as 'Shortcuts'.

Skills: Can dodge pretty much any attack.

Weaknesses: Can be tired out if attacked for long enough. He also tends to sleep a lot, especially if nothing's going on.

Character Quote: "you can't understand how this feels. knowing that one day, without warning... it's all going to be reset. look. i gave up trying to go back a long time ago. and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal to me anymore, either. 'cause even if we do, we'll just end up back here, without any memory of it, right? to be blunt... it makes it kind of hard to give it my all. or is that just a poor excuse for being lazy? hell if i know.. all i know is, seeing what comes next... i can't afford not to care anymore."

Theme Song:

(Yes, I did. I have no regrets.)

Universe: tem frum... UndrtALE!

Alignment: tEM iz tem!

Name: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Nickname: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Age: eleVENTi bylliON!

Gender and Sexuality: hmm... tEM is TEm, and is TEMMIESEXUAL!

Species: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Appearance: tem looK... SUCH CUTE!


Dislikes: nooo! muscls not CUTE!

Personality: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Known Enemies: tem... HAV no enmies! tem BEST FRENDS with EVRYWON!

Known Rivals: tem hav no rivals either.

Known Friends: my friend, tEMMiE!

Known Family: my friend, tEMMiE!

Abilities: tem hav MANY THINs!

Weaknesses: *gaSP!* tEM hav NO wekknesss! at aLL!

Theme Song: [media]

Universe: Undertale

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Name: Temmie

Nickname: Tem

Age: No freakin' clue. They could be centuries old for all I know, but they act like little children.

Gender and Sexuality: I'm gonna say female, and for the sake of comedy, omnisexual.

Species: Temmie


Likes: Cute Humans, Temmie Flakes, and Temmies

Dislikes: Muscles, particularly those of Aaron

Personality: Childish and sporadic. Mostly reflective of her speech and spelling patterns. (Did I seriously have to answer this one?)

Known Enemies: Aaron, maybe? And the player?

Known Rivals: Perhaps Bob, another Temmie that actually speaks correctly, but other than that not really. Unless Aaron fits in this category.

Known Friends: All of Temmie Village.

Known Family: They all look exactly the same, so it's difficult to tell. It doesn't help that they all live in the same enclosed space in the Underground.

Abilities: Temmie, like the other monsters in the Underground, can attack a person's soul directly through the same method. Though their method of 'Attacking' involves petting cute Humans, and it just so happens to deal damage if they're allergic to her.

Weaknesses: Complete airheadedness and naivety of everything around her, she doesn't seem to understand when she's actually in danger. Very easy to catch off-guard because, well... She has no guard to begin with.

She can also be easily distracted by shreds of colored paper, which are all Temmie Flakes are.

Theme Song: [media]
Universe: Armello

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: River

Alias: The Howling Arrow (More of a title, really)

Age: Late twenties, most likely.

Gender and Sexuality: Female, asexual

Species: Wolf


Likes: Serenity, or hunting with her bow

Dislikes: Dealing with Thane

Personality: Calm and collected, and tends to prefer strategy over rampaging blindly.

Backstory: River lives in the Wolf Clan of Armello, next to local legend Thane, who she dislikes for his carefree attitude and immense pride to the point of arrogance. Not much has happened so far, but soon, Sana of the bear clan will discover that the King of Armello is corrupted by the Rot, a dark force spreading through their world, and come to the kingdom's aid.

Known Enemies: Banes, and the King of Armello

Known Rivals: Zosha and Mercurio of the Rat Clan, Amber and Barnaby of the Rabbit Clan, Sana and Brun of the Bear Clan, and Thane of the Wolf Clan.

Known Allies: Any of the above rivals, at any given time. Situational alliances and such.

Known Family: None.

Weapons: Her trusty longbow and a dagger strapped to her other side from her quiver.

Gear: Longbow, Leather Armor, and a bottle of Wyldsap for health restoration. She also wears a ring with a Moonstone embedded in it, filling her magic each time a kill is made.

Powers: She, like the other Heroes of Armello, can cast spells through use of the Wyld, the force of good in her world.

Skills: She is able to snipe at anyone from a long distance away, usually doing so before engaging them in melee combat.

Weaknesses: She can be too cautious for her own good, trying to escape from encounters that she believes she can't handle. She may not be easily killed, but if overpowered it's an easy matter to make her flee.

Universe: Armello

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Amber

Alias/Title: The Far Seeker

Age: Early twenties, maybe?

Gender and Sexuality: Female, homosexual

Species: Rabbit


Likes: Treasure, exploring, basically anything adventurous.

Dislikes: Waiting around and being confined.

Backstory: Amber was born into a high-class area of the Rabbit Clan, adopting many of their mannerisms and dress. She loves to seek adventure wherever it lies, and spends most of her time away from her clan as a result.

Known Enemies: Banes, especially ones lurking in dungeons. Goblins probably count as well.

Known Rivals/Allies: Same as River, above.

Known Family: She has some family, but they're never named.

Companion: The Explorer follower, a small mouse ready for adventure! No, I don't have a name for him yet.

Weapons: Her katana, which she sheathes in the base of her parasol to conceal it.

Gear: A torch, lantern, and adventuring kit for her exploration needs.

Weaknesses: While she is armed with her katana, her skill with it isn't much to brag about. Most of her time is spent adventuring rather than using it, except against Banes that she discovers in dungeons.
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LegoLad659 said:
Here's a few more characters. Just to see if I can pull it off.
Universe: Undertale

Alignment: If it were possible I'd put 'None', but True Neutral

Name: Sans the Skeleton

Nickname: Sans

Age: Gonna say mid-twenties, cause I have no idea.

Gender and Sexuality: Male, straight

Species: Skeleton


Likes: Bad puns, doing nothing, hanging around Grillby's, and Papyrus

Dislikes: Work, and Dirty Brother-Killers

Personality: Apathetic about pretty much anything aside from his brother. Loves to crack jokes all the time, and tends to sit around doing nothing, even during work.

Backstory: He and his brother Papyrus live in Snowdin town in the Underground. There's not really much to go on in terms of his backstory, though speculation and hidden secrets suggest that he had a connection with Doctor W.D. Gaster, who was apparently completely removed from his own universe by his own machine. The Universe that this Sans resides in is on Frisk's way down the Pacifist route, though he is still aware of his and Chara's abilities to reset the timeline.

Known Enemies: Chara, The Player

Known Rivals: The Snowdrake comedian, maybe?

Known Friends: Undyne, Toriel, Frisk

Known Family: Papyrus

Weapons: Uses bones and Gaster Blasters to attack. He and the other Monsters also have the ability to attack a person's soul directly, via a black zone accessed during combat. Each combatant's soul is represented by a heart.

Abilities: In the combat zone, he can change the properties of a person's soul. Normally in this zone, they are able to float around freely. Sans' ability allows him to re-apply gravity to a person's soul, and force them to the ground. He also has the ability to teleport from place to place, which he refers to as 'Shortcuts'.

Skills: Can dodge pretty much any attack.

Weaknesses: Can be tired out if attacked for long enough. He also tends to sleep a lot, especially if nothing's going on.

Character Quote: "you can't understand how this feels. knowing that one day, without warning... it's all going to be reset. look. i gave up trying to go back a long time ago. and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal to me anymore, either. 'cause even if we do, we'll just end up back here, without any memory of it, right? to be blunt... it makes it kind of hard to give it my all. or is that just a poor excuse for being lazy? hell if i know.. all i know is, seeing what comes next... i can't afford not to care anymore."

Theme Song:

(Yes, I did. I have no regrets.)

Universe: tem frum... UndrtALE!

Alignment: tEM iz tem!

Name: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Nickname: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Age: eleVENTi bylliON!

Gender and Sexuality: hmm... tEM is TEm, and is TEMMIESEXUAL!

Species: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Appearance: tem looK... SUCH CUTE!


Dislikes: nooo! muscls not CUTE!

Personality: hOI! iM tEMMiE!

Known Enemies: tem... HAV no enmies! tem BEST FRENDS with EVRYWON!

Known Rivals: tem hav no rivals either.

Known Friends: my friend, tEMMiE!

Known Family: my friend, tEMMiE!

Abilities: tem hav MANY THINs!

Weaknesses: *gaSP!* tEM hav NO wekknesss! at aLL!

Theme Song: [media]

Universe: Undertale

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Name: Temmie

Nickname: Tem

Age: No freakin' clue. They could be centuries old for all I know, but they act like little children.

Gender and Sexuality: I'm gonna say female, and for the sake of comedy, omnisexual.

Species: Temmie


Likes: Cute Humans, Temmie Flakes, and Temmies

Dislikes: Muscles, particularly those of Aaron

Personality: Childish and sporadic. Mostly reflective of her speech and spelling patterns. (Did I seriously have to answer this one?)

Known Enemies: Aaron, maybe? And the player?

Known Rivals: Perhaps Bob, another Temmie that actually speaks correctly, but other than that not really. Unless Aaron fits in this category.

Known Friends: All of Temmie Village.

Known Family: They all look exactly the same, so it's difficult to tell. It doesn't help that they all live in the same enclosed space in the Underground.

Abilities: Temmie, like the other monsters in the Underground, can attack a person's soul directly through the same method. Though their method of 'Attacking' involves petting cute Humans, and it just so happens to deal damage if they're allergic to her.

Weaknesses: Complete airheadedness and naivety of everything around her, she doesn't seem to understand when she's actually in danger. Very easy to catch off-guard because, well... She has no guard to begin with.

Theme Song: [media]
Universe: Armello

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: River

Alias: The Howling Arrow (More of a title, really)

Age: Late twenties, most likely.

Gender and Sexuality: Female, asexual

Species: Wolf


Likes: Serenity, or hunting with her bow

Dislikes: Dealing with Thane

Personality: Calm and collected, and tends to prefer strategy over rampaging blindly.

Backstory: River lives in the Wolf Clan of Armello, next to local legend Thane, who she dislikes for his carefree attitude and immense pride to the point of arrogance. Not much has happened so far, but soon, Sana of the bear clan will discover that the King of Armello is corrupted by the Rot, a dark force spreading through their world, and come to the kingdom's aid.

Known Enemies: Banes, and the King of Armello

Known Rivals: Zosha and Mercurio of the Rat Clan, Amber and Barnaby of the Rabbit Clan, Sana and Brun of the Bear Clan, and Thane of the Wolf Clan.

Known Allies: Any of the above rivals, at any given time. Situational alliances and such.

Known Family: None.

Weapons: Her trusty longbow and a dagger strapped to her other side from her quiver.

Gear: Longbow, Leather Armor, and a bottle of Wyldsap for health restoration. She also wears a ring with a Moonstone embedded in it, filling her magic each time a kill is made.

Powers: She, like the other Heroes of Armello, can cast spells through use of the Wyld, the force of good in her world.

Skills: She is able to snipe at anyone from a long distance away, usually doing so before engaging them in melee combat.

Weaknesses: She can be too cautious for her own good, trying to escape from encounters that she believes she can't handle. She may not be easily killed, but if overpowered it's an easy matter to make her flee.

Universe: Armello

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Amber

Alias/Title: The Far Seeker

Age: Early twenties, maybe?

Gender and Sexuality: Female, homosexual

Species: Rabbit


Likes: Treasure, exploring, basically anything adventurous.

Dislikes: Waiting around and being confined.

Backstory: Amber was born into a high-class area of the Rabbit Clan, adopting many of their mannerisms and dress. She loves to seek adventure wherever it lies, and spends most of her time away from her clan as a result.

Known Enemies: Banes, especially ones lurking in dungeons. Goblins probably count as well.

Known Rivals/Allies: Same as River, above.

Known Family: She has some family, but they're never named.

Companion: The Explorer follower, a small mouse ready for adventure! No, I don't have a name for him yet.

Weapons: Her katana, which she sheathes in the base of her parasol to conceal it.

Gear: A torch, lantern, and adventuring kit for her exploration needs.

Weaknesses: While she is armed with her katana, her skill with it isn't much to brag about. Most of her time is spent adventuring rather than using it, except against Banes that she discovers in dungeons.

All accepted. Where are you thinking of sending them?
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]All accepted. Where are you thinking of sending them?

Sans will probably go in the MCU, Temmie might follow, but I'm not entirely sure. River and Amber I don't really know either, but I'm thinking of maybe sending them to PMMM.
Universe from: Disgaea

Alignment: Chaotic Good? (Sort of.)

Name: Hero Prinny

Age: Unknown

Gender and sexuality: Male

Species/race: Prinny



Likes: Being lazy, sardines, sweets, money

Dislikes: Being bossed around, having to do actual work

Personality: Hero Prinny is lazy, unintelligent, and waaay too cheerful. Other than by making him do work or putting him in an extremely stressful or scary situation there's no easy way to make him unhappy. He is a complete idiot, often causing himself and others problems by trying to help in situations where people either don't need help, or don't need HIS help. He says dood in pretty much every sentence, and will often give idiotic advice that isn't even good.

Backstory: Hero Prinny is your average Prinny, and the only really interesting thing about him is the fact that Etna sent him on an extremely long and dangerous quest to retrieve ingredients for the "Ultra Dessert". In other words it was an idiotic task assigned to him for seemingly no reason. Before he went on his quest Etna gave him a red scarf which keeps him from exploding when and thrown.

Known enemies: Etna and Overlord Laharl (Sort of)

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: Flonne, Etna, and Overlord Laharl (Sort of)

Known Family: None

Weapons: He hides an arsenal of weaponry, including a tank, in his pouch. A few things he keeps in there are a nearly endless supply of machetes and bombs.

Gear/gadgets: His pack can hold literally anything and everything, and is sewn into his body. He can stretch it out to fit whatever he wants into it. His scarf keeps him from exploding if he gets thrown.

Powers/abilities: Hero Prinny can come back from death up to 1000 times, which is a good thing since he's a complete idiot and gets himself killed pretty often. He can also turn into a gun capable of firing an endless supply of bullets and lasers, of course, he can't fire himself though. He's also extremely resilient, and can be hit with pretty much anything and survive a few hits, but he's not invincible. He's also extremely strong.

Skills: Uh...none really. He's not really good at anything except getting into weird situations and getting himself hurt.

Weaknesses: Being thrown without his scarf on. His own stupidity.

(Optional) Character quote: "I've mastered the Art of Dying, dood!"
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Elder Scrolls

Alignment: (see alignment system) True Neutral

Name: Miraak

Alias/nickname: The First Dragonborn

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male, straight

Species/race: Human, Dragonborn





Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):During the period of time when dragons ruled over mortals, Miraak served as a dragon priest on the island of Solstheim. He came into possession of a Black Book which in turn led him to servitude under Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate, who taught him a means to great power: a dragon shout capable of bending dragons to his will.

With this forbidden knowledge in his possession, Miraak turned on his dragon masters, using it, and his power as Dragonborn, to devour their souls to become ever more powerful. During the
Dragon War, the ancient Nord heroes Hakon One-Eye, Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, and Felldir the Oldhad pleaded for Miraak to use his power as Dragonborn to assist them in defeating Alduin. However, Miraak refused to do so and instead attempted his own rebellion against the dragons. Because of his betrayal, the dragons razed his temple on Solstheim.

His rebellion was unsuccessful and he was defeated by another Dragon Priest named Vahlok who was then made his jailor, restraining him to Solstheim.[1] Other accounts mention that just as Vahlok was about to kill Miraak, Hermaeus Mora saved him by transporting him to the realm ofApocrypha.

Known enemies: Dragons, The Last Dragonborn

Known rivals: The Last Dragonborn

Known allies/friends: Hermaeus Mora

Known Family: None

Companion: Hermaeus Mora's Daedra

Weapons: Miraak's sword

Gear/gadgets: Enchanted robes and mask

Powers/abilities: Superhuman strength, durability, and stamina. Skilled sorcerer, Dragon Shout.

Skills: Skilled Swordsman

Weaknesses: Can be killed

(Optional) Character’s theme song:


Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) 40k

Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Neutral

Name: The Swarmlord

Alias/nickname: Herald of the Great Devourer

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality None

Species/race Tyranid



Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):It is the pinnacle of the evolution of the Hive Tyrant bioform, a truly unique monster. The Swarmlord is essentially immortal, like a Hive Tyrant, as once killed it is reborn by the Hive Mind with the exact same experiences, character and knowledge, in essence becoming stronger than its predecessor every time because of its new experience. But unlike a Hive Tyrant, the reincarnation of the Swarmlord appears to be a stress-induced response that is triggered only when conventional strategies of the Hive Mind fail and greater resourcefulness and tactics are needed. To this end, the Swarmlord possesses more autonomy from the Hive Mind than any other Tyranid creature, and its connection with the Hive Mind is so strong it can emerge amongst any Hive Fleet, transcending any physical limitations separating the different Fleets. The Swarmlord has aeons of battle experience and bloodshed to draw upon. In fact, it is as old as the Tyranid race itself.

Known enemies: Non Tyranid

Known rivals:None

Known allies/friends: Tyranids

Known Family: Tyranids

Companion: A Hive Fleet

Weapons: Razor sharp teeth and claws, a tail, a sharp horn, and four bone sabres, crackling with disruptive power, that are capable of slicing through adamantium and force fields as if they were nothing. They differ from commonly seen Tyranid Boneswords in that each sabre has a crystalline growth, not indigenous to the galaxy, at its core that partially protrudes through the blade's serrated surface.

Gear/gadgets:Extremely hard Chitin armor.

Powers/abilities: Extremely fast, regenerative powers, commands one Tyranid Hive Fleet, and will be remade if killed.

Skills: Skilled with it's four Bone sabres, skilled strategist, and aeons of battle experience.


(Optional) Character’s theme song:


After I thought about it and stuff...it did make sense. And the how and why of us celebrating the holidays suddenly didn't matter as much anymore. At least not as much as us being together, you know? Me and Valeria and mommy and daddy and uncle Ben and uncle Johnny and even his girlfriend Kourtney...talking and laughing and giving each other gifts and playing games...and when I looked around me, I could see it. What my dad had been talking about...surrounding me, around all of us, protecting us... Love, right?
Franklin Richards

no slide
shouldn't be

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Franklin's backstory is sort of iffy. No one knows where he obtained his powers from, but he ended up gaining cosmic level powers that allowed him to create and manipulate entire realities at will, even creating pocket dimensions as a small child. A few months before birth, the mere power of this boy made him feared by many, even Galactus feared him . His father, tried to invent many ways of inhibiting his powers, but most of the time it failed, or it didn't work for a time.

After such a long time afterward, like 5 or 6 years after his birth, a man that looks like the adult-like variation of himself, except in an astral form, came to visit Franklin. He taught him how to use his powers more thoroughly than creating pocket universes, and even at one point mastered a bit of Astral Projection and stuff.

Aterwards, the Celestials arrive. These beings had no apparent finite limitations, and were so powerful even The Gods of Asgard feared them, and Galactus was one-shotted by them . These beings wee able to create worlds ( universes ) at will. Franklin Richards confronted , and managed to transform a killing intent blast from them into flowers, and blocked a telepathic assault from many celestials at once ! Afterward, his mentor used some of his power to revive Galactus to a power so great he one-shot Mad Celestials ( more powerful than normal Celestials ) , and Adult Franklin managed several simultaneously, with no apparent effort on his part. He even called Galactus " his herald "

After that was done, Adult Franklin talked about the End of The Universe with Galan ( Galactus ) , and said he was going to do his part to see that a new reality was created. Afterwards, the child variation of him started to bond quite well to his father. His father, decided not to try to seal his powers, and help him master them.

Known enemies: Dr.Doom ( formerly ) , Mephisto , Galactus ( formally ; currently his servant ) , Oblivion ,

Known rivals: No rivals at the moment

Known allies/friends: X-Men , Avengers, Power Pack, Man-Thing , etc.

Known Family: Fantastic Four

Companion: Galactus, other than that unknown.

a child.

Weapons: He can manifest virtually any weapon he's seen once.

Gear/gadgets: None at the moment

Powers/abilities: Reality Manipulation , Astral Projection , Super Speed ( he can increase it to infinite levels ) , Super Strength ( same as speed ) , Super Durability ( can shrug off attacks from Celestials ev )

Skills: Fast think, very intelligent despite having a childlike mind , very creative with his warping.

Weaknesses: He has the mindset of a child, and his emotions control the majority of his powers.

@theManCalledSting ( How do you think i did ? Is it good ? Do i need any corrections ? )
[QUOTE="Timmy Turner]@theManCalledSting ( How do you think i did ? Is it good ? Do i need any corrections ? )

Franklin's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too OP in general.
( So, do i just Delete it and try again on a different character, or...? )


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