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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Barbas said:
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) 40k
Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Good

Name: Klovis the Redeemer

Alias/nickname: The Redeemer

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male straight

Species/race Human


Likes: Torture, purging mutants, purging heretics, purging deviants.

Dislikes: Heretics and mutants, disobedience.

Personality: Ruthless, determinred, relentless, fanatical. Considers himself to be a very merciful man.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Klovis the Redeemer is a legend in his own lifetime and a force to be reckoned with. From his fortress in the Ash Wastes, two weeks journey from Hive Primus, Klovis launches Crusades which are notorious for the slaughter they bring. After the Arch Zealot himself, Klovis the Redeemer is perhaps the most notorious Redemptionist in the Underhive. He battles tirelessly against the infidels, scourging Heretics and purging mutants. His righteous acts of merciful execution are chronicled by the hand of his faithful scribe, Deacon Malakev, who is also charged with carrying the large tome of tortures known as the Liber Excruciatus. Klovis often leads a loyal flock of dedicated Zealots on Redemptionist Crusades into the Underhive. These are crazed individuals that are members of the Necromundan Redemeptionist cults who have been touched by the Emperor's fury. Klovis also leads a cowardly Ratskin named Brude, whom he rescued from a life of sin, turning him from his heretical ways into a faithful follower of the Imperial Creed.

Known enemies: Heretics and mutants

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends:

Known Family: Unknown

Companion: Deacon Malakev


  • Sword of Persecution - A massive two-handed Chainsword known as an Eviscerator, fitted with a master-crafted Exterminator flame cartridge, to slice and burn the unbelievers. The large canisters of Promethium upon his back ensures that the righteous flames of his weapon never run out in the heat of battle.

Plasma Pistol:the smallest variant in the Plasma Weapons family. Each shot from a plasma pistol contains all the destructive fury of a larger Plasma Gun, although with a reduced range and rate of fire.

Heavy padded robes with mesh armour beneath it. He also wears his customary ornate Redeemer mask and a crown of iron that is connected to two canisters of
Promethium on his back, enabling the crown to constantly burn with the righteous flame of his zeal. In close quarters battle, he can turn a valve on the fuel canisters on his back, causing the flames of his crown to release a large blast of flame to burn his enemies.

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: Skilled fighter.

Weaknesses: Normal human.

(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others." If it doesn't hurt. It doesn't count!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
theManCalledSting said:
look at the last time you used a character and muddied up an arc... how can I trust you with this guy.
You do realize that he's a normal human, right? Or did you just skim over the entire cs?
Barbas said:
You do realize that he's a normal human, right? Or did you just skim over the entire cs?
like Kane? I mean I legit can't trust what you say... when you said a small army and you still made SHIELD look like jokes...
Barbas said:
You do realize that he's a normal human, right? Or did you just skim over the entire cs?
It's Warhammer. It doesn't matter how normal of a guy you are, all the ladies anyone ever cares about is the size of your ship and/or weapons.
theManCalledSting said:
like Kane? I mean I legit can't trust what you say... when you said a small army and you still made SHIELD look like jokes...
Kane didn't even do anything. And as for Shield, how does an elite Ork unit killing four unnamed security guards make them look like a joke?
theManCalledSting said:
like Kane? I mean I legit can't trust what you say... when you said a small army and you still made SHIELD look like jokes...
...Shield is a goddamn joke. Seriously.
Barbas said:
Kane didn't even do anything. And as for Shield, how does an elite Ork unit killing four unnamed security guards make them look like a joke?
They were armed. It was also the Ork Kommando getting on board via a tear and killing a ton with agents who were armed with the "night-night guns", which are actually designed to take out superhumans jobbing out to him.
JackOfHearts said:
SHIELD sucks. They're ONE of the biggest jokes in the Marvel universe. They can't do their goddamn job properly, period.
This is MCU SHIELD, which was taken over by Hydra. That was a big deal because their agents are competent. If they weren't, that story wouldn't be a big deal.
Crenando said:
This is MCU SHIELD, which was taken over by Hydra. That was a big deal because their agents are competent. If they weren't, that story wouldn't be a big deal.
Ah. Well, that makes sense why they weren't supposed to be failures in this RP.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]They were armed. It was also the Ork Kommando getting on board via a tear and killing a ton with agents who were armed with the "night-night guns", which are actually designed to take out superhumans jobbing out to him.

And yet you didn't bother to bring that up when I posted that so that I could edit it.
Barbas said:
And yet you didn't bother to bring that up when I posted that so that I could edit it.
It was pretty damn obvious enough that the agents were armed considering that I said it in the post. Also, you never specified just four you just said "the rest of the guards". It's also said in the overview what the night-night guns are.
theManCalledSting said:
yeah... MCU SHIELD made sense...
MCU SHIELD is still incompetent, but alot less so then their comic counterparts.
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JackOfHearts said:
MCU SHIELD is still incompetent, but alot less so then their comic counterparts.
You only see shit going bad for them or them having to clean some other shit up. No one ever really paints a good picture for organizations like SHIELD in fiction (because that isn't an interesting story.)
JackOfHearts said:
MCU SHIELD is still incompetent, but alot less so then their comic counterparts.
The comic counterparts are Redshirts, nothing more than cannon fodder in some of the 6-1-6 storylines. The MCU SHIELD was able to take out what was left of HYDRA though as well as all the prisoners HYDRA released when SHIELD fell apart in Winter Soldier (a lot of which are superhuman). The Inhuman crisis too and a lot of other obstacles. On the other hand, the fact that the organization fell apart in Winter Soldier to begin with shows incompetence. Something the organization is recovering from.

Still, not on the level of being taken out by one Ork Kommando with his "drakakdrakakadrakka" gun. They aren't Redshirts from Star Trek: TOS who are literally only there to die to build a threat.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]It was pretty damn obvious enough that the agents were armed considering that I said it in the post. Also, you never specified just four you just said "the rest of the guards". It's also said in the overview what the night-night guns are.

You barely put any information about Night Night guns. All you have is that they're meant to subdue targets with killing them, which is a bad stradegy against Orks which can withstand a few shots from a Lasgun due to their thick skin and unique antomy.
Barbas said:
You barely put any information about Night Night guns. All you have is that they're meant to subdue targets with killing them, which is a bad stradegy against Orks which can withstand a few shots from a Lasgun due to their thick skin and unique antomy.
You know what else has thick skins and are still hunted with tranquilizers?


Fuckin' rhinos.

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