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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

(Hey... Sorry I was gone so long.)

Universe from: OC

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Name: Yami-No-Oni

Alias/nickname: Yami

Age: Over 1,000 years old

Gender and sexuality: No set gender, but refers to himself with male pronouns, and typically takes a male form. Bisexual.

Species/race: Calls himself a demon, but shares no connection with Hell, or other demons.

Appearance: Yami is capable of shape-shifting into almost any form, but he'll generally take on a warped version of his host's appearance. His true form is a multi-armed demon with scales, the head of a wolf, and one-thousand eyes located all over his body. This is what he looks like when a person views his soul.

(OCs only) Clothes: Changeable at will

Personality: Yami is cruel, sadistic, and manipulative. However, he is more than capable of pretending to be a person's ally to get in their good graces. He enjoys screwing with people, and will often make his plans much more complex than they need to be for no reason than because it amuses hm.

Backstory: Yami hails from a world in which demons are not spawn of hell, but the result of a human soul being bound to an object during the process of enchantment. Normally this erases the soul's personality but in rare cases, typically in the case of an exceptionally powerful magic user, a fragment of their personality will survive, albeit twisted and warped beyond belief. This being is known as a demon. Due to the suffering it causes a soul, being used to enchant an object is a punishment meant for only the most heinous of crimes. Yami's crime: Binding the souls of 1,000 other people to his own.

Known enemies/rivals: Whoever happens to be his host

Known allies/friends/family: Whoever happens to be his host

Companion: Whoever happens to be his host

Weapons: A 6ft, large bladed spear, designed for both hacking, and thrusting. He cannot be separated from this spear, and he cannot wield any other weapons. This spear is indestructible as long as Yami is still bound to it.

Gear/gadgets: When he physically manifests in humanoid form, he often carries a copy of the spear he is imprisoned in.

Powers/abilities: Yami is capable of summoning waves of negative energy, which appears as a cold, black flame. This is not a real fire, and thus doesn't burn object, in fact it passes right though non-magic armor and shields. However, it does "burn away" the victim's soul, leaving them a lifeless husk. Doing this make Yami stronger. Yami is also capable of making deals with people, and when doing so he can shape the very fabric of reality. However, he can't use these powers for any other purpose than the completion of said deal, and there are limits to what he can do, even when warping reality (Think Genie rules, or the Dragons Balls). Yami can also exorcise limited control over people from whom he has taken part of their soul, usually as part of a deal. He can't directly control them at first, but he can make them see, hear, and feel things, and this power grows as he makes more deals with them, and comes to control more of their soul. So long as he is bound to his spear, he cannot die. With the permission of his host, Yami can open a gateway from his prison that he is capable of reaching through and pulling things, and beings, into.

Skills: Master of deception. Very manipulative. Knows powerful soul-based magic.

Weaknesses: As a demon, Yami is bound to his enchanted object, in this case a spear. He only be seen, hear, or touched by people who are either touching the spear, or whom he has made a deal with. At the same time, he can choose not to be seen by these people if he wants. He cannot move the spear on his own, though he has been known to cause it to fall over, or nudge it once in a while. He can also influence people into picking up the spear (sort of like the Ring from Lord of The Rings). However, without a host to carry the spear, Yami is essentially helpless.

(Optional) Character quote: "You didn't need them. They hated you anyway. They thought you were slowing them down. How about you let me help you show them how wrong they were?"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
TommyGun15 said:
(Hey... Sorry I was gone so long.)
Universe from: OC

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Name: Yami-No-Oni

Alias/nickname: Yami

Age: Over 1,000 years old

Gender and sexuality: No set gender, but refers to himself with male pronouns, and typically takes a male form. Bisexual.

Species/race: Calls himself a demon, but shares no connection with Hell, or other demons.

Appearance: Yami is capable of shape-shifting into almost any form, but he'll generally take on a warped version of his host's appearance. His true form is a multi-armed demon with scales, the head of a wolf, and one-thousand eyes located all over his body. This is what he looks like when a person views his soul.

(OCs only) Clothes: Changeable at will

Personality: Yami is cruel, sadistic, and manipulative. However, he is more than capable of pretending to be a person's ally to get in their good graces. He enjoys screwing with people, and will often make his plans much more complex than they need to be for no reason than because it amuses hm.

Backstory: Yami hails from a world in which demons are not spawn of hell, but the result of a human soul being bound to an object during the process of enchantment. Normally this erases the soul's personality but in rare cases, typically in the case of an exceptionally powerful magic user, a fragment of their personality will survive, albeit twisted and warped beyond belief. This being is known as a demon. Due to the suffering it causes a soul, being used to enchant an object is a punishment meant for only the most heinous of crimes. Yami's crime: Binding the souls of 1,000 other people to his own.

Known enemies/rivals: Whoever happens to be his host

Known allies/friends/family: Whoever happens to be his host

Companion: Whoever happens to be his host

Weapons: A 6ft, large bladed spear, designed for both hacking, and thrusting. He cannot be separated from this spear, and he cannot wield any other weapons. This spear is indestructible as long as Yami is still bound to it.

Gear/gadgets: When he physically manifests in humanoid form, he often carries a copy of the spear he is imprisoned in.

Powers/abilities: Yami is capable of summoning waves of negative energy, which appears as a cold, black flame. This is not a real fire, and thus doesn't burn object, in fact it passes right though non-magic armor and shields. However, it does "burn away" the victim's soul, leaving them a lifeless husk. Doing this make Yami stronger. Yami is also capable of making deals with people, and when doing so he can shape the very fabric of reality. However, he can't use these powers for any other purpose than the completion of said deal, and there are limits to what he can do, even when warping reality (Think Genie rules, or the Dragons Balls). Yami can also exorcise limited control over people from whom he has taken part of their soul, usually as part of a deal. He can't directly control them at first, but he can make them see, hear, and feel things, and this power grows as he makes more deals with them, and comes to control more of their soul. So long as he is bound to his spear, he cannot die. With the permission of his host, Yami can open a gateway from his prison that he is capable of reaching through and pulling things, and beings, into.

Skills: Master of deception. Very manipulative. Knows powerful soul-based magic.

Weaknesses: As a demon, Yami is bound to his enchanted object, in this case a spear. He only be seen, hear, or touched by people who are either touching the spear, or whom he has made a deal with. At the same time, he can choose not to be seen by these people if he wants. He cannot move the spear on his own, though he has been known to cause it to fall over, or nudge it once in a while. He can also influence people into picking up the spear (sort of like the Ring from Lord of The Rings). However, without a host to carry the spear, Yami is essentially helpless.

(Optional) Character quote: "You didn't need them. They hated you anyway. They thought you were slowing them down. How about you let me help you show them how wrong they were?"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
Yamur @Some_Bloke
Who wants to be Yami's host? I'm willing to let one of my characters be Yami's host unless someone else is interested.
Universe from: Dark Souls

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Sir Knight Artorias

Alias/nickname: Artorias the Abyss Walker

Age: Unknown

Gender and sexuality: Heterosexual Male

Species/race: Godkin


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/artorias.jpg.79ecda2bcda777637f004a91d00c0ca7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/artorias.jpg.79ecda2bcda777637f004a91d00c0ca7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Artorias is Godkin, and stands at roughly 12ft tall.

(Optional) Likes: Fighting, Fire, Hunting Dragons, Destroying creatures of The Dark, His allies

(Optional) Dislikes: The Dark, Dragons

Personality: Artorias is a knight of honor, and extremely loyal to his companions and Lord Gywn. He hates The Dark, and is willing to put his own life and risk and travel to the Abyss itself to confront it. He greatly values his companions, even over his own safety, and would put himself in severe danger to protect them.

Backstory: Artorias is one of Gwyn four knights, and is believed by many to have been their leader. Together, the four knights hunted dragons that posed a threat to Anor Londo, and fought agents of The Dark wherever they appeared. Over time Artorias began to grow impatient with only reacting to the threat of The Dark, and sought to find a way to confront it directly. To this end, he made a pact with the creatures of the Abyss, exchanging part of his soul for a ring that would allow him to enter the realm of The Dark. Leaving with only his companion, The Great Grey Wolf Sif, Artorias descended into the Abyss to battle Manus, the Father of the Abyss. However, Sif was unable to handle the corrupting influence of the Abyss, and Artorias used his magic great-shield to create a barrier capable of protecting his companion, meaning to return after Manus had been defeated. However, without the shield Artorias was unable to defend himself from Manus's dark magic and unnatural strength, and he was defeated, The Dark corrupting his mind. With the last of his willpower, Artorias returned to the surface, where he stood watch killing all that sought to enter or leave the realm of The Dark. He remained like this until The Chosen Undead defeated him, and his soul was set free.

Known enemies: All Dragons and creatures of The Dark. Especially Manus

Known rivals: The Chosen Undead

Known allies/friends: The other three Knights of Gwyn. Sif.

Known Family: None

Companion: The Great Grey Wolf Sif

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/sif.jpg.677eecc2dfda24876412a3ed41e19638.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/sif.jpg.677eecc2dfda24876412a3ed41e19638.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sif stands at about 12ft at the shoulder, and while normally she normally fights as a normal wolf, she is capable of using her master's sword if the need arises.

Weapons: Artorias carries a 10ft great-sword which he is able to use with one hand. It is enchanted to kill creatures of The Dark.

Gear/gadgets: Artorias's great-shield is capable of creating a barrier that blocks magic and creatures of The Dark. As all humans carry a fragment of The Dark Soul within them, this includes humans. However, while the barrier can be sustained indefinitely, it is only large enough to protect a single occupant, and they cannot attack or move while the barrier is active.

Powers/abilities: Because of The Dark's corruption, Artorias is capable of channeling it's power to an extent, increasing his strength and speed for a short time. However, the more of it's power he channels, the closer get gets to going mad once again.

Skills: Artorias is said to be the most skilled swordsman in Anor Londo, and is capable of fighting with a surprising amount of agility. He often incorporates quick jumps, rolls, back-steps, and running leaps into his fighting style.

Weaknesses: For plate armor, Artorias's armor is fairly light, and doesn't provide as much protection as one might suspect. Without his great-shield, Artorias is incapable of blocking attacks.

(Optional) Character quote: "Thou art strong human. Surely thine kind art more than pure dark. I beg of thee, the spread of The Abyss, must be stopped. Forgive me, for I have availed you nothing."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:[media]




  • artorias.jpg
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  • sif.jpg
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Universe from:Star wars.

Alignment:chaotic neutral.

Name:MDU-1134(modified droideka unit)


Age:early 60's

Gender and sexuality:male/none(thier voice is male)



View attachment 259928

(Optional) Likes:


Accomplishing a mission.

Free choice.

Helping other droids.

(Optional) Dislikes:

Failing a mission

Anything biological(like humans and other such things)

Losing freedom.



Personality:Pierdut is patient and will wait genarations if they have too,they are sadistic but this is only really seen when they have a mission,they are very friendly towards other droids and machines but will disrespect biological beings and treat most of them with disrespect.Pierdut has a slight atychiphobia

Backstory: was just finished when the separatists were destroyed.this left Pierdut without orders or purpose.so they Wandered on a planet named kessel,there he took mercenary work which was easy due to thier powerful shield.The money they earned they used for replacement parts,otherwise,stayed underground and hidden.

Known enemies:none

Known rivals:


Known allies/friends:none.

Known Family:none.


Weapons:Dual blaster cannons on each hand.

Gear/gadgets:short range radar.

Powers/abilities: a powerful deflector shield.

Heavy armor plating,able to go into a ball and quickly roll around.

Skills:is able to quickly think and act during battle/most situations.

Thier shield is durable enough to survive some of the most deadliest blows.

Tierdut has multiple vision modes/is able to zoom in and out thier vision and can track anything visble in front of them.

Weaknesses:his larger then other droideka a and slower,making them a large target.

They cannot track anything invisible.

Thier back is not as well armored as the rest of thier body and a couple of good hits there

without the shield can disable them.

Thier blasters are weak and can be avoided due to the semi slow pace of the projectiles.

Tierdut and the shield can be disabled with a strong emp.

Will not fight unless they have a reason to,unless it is part of thier mission.

They can not turn quickly out of ball mode,which makes it easy to avoid being spotted.

(Optional) Character quote:"unless I get some sort of benefit I won't help you."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:none.
MTchaos1134 said:
Universe from:Star wars.
Alignment:chaotic neutral.

Name:MDU-1134(modified droideka unit)


Age:early 60's

Gender and sexuality:male/none(thier voice is male)



View attachment 259928

(Optional) Likes:


Accomplishing a mission.

Free choice.

Helping other droids.

(Optional) Dislikes:

Failing a mission

Anything biological(like humans and other such things)

Losing freedom.



Personality:Pierdut is patient and will wait genarations if they have too,they are sadistic but this is only really seen when they have a mission,they are very friendly towards other droids and machines but will disrespect biological beings and treat most of them with disrespect.Pierdut has a slight atychiphobia

Backstory: was just finished when the separatists were destroyed.this left Pierdut without orders or purpose.so they Wandered on a planet named kessel,there he took mercenary work which was easy due to thier powerful shield.The money they earned they used for replacement parts,otherwise,stayed underground and hidden.

Known enemies:none

Known rivals:


Known allies/friends:none.

Known Family:none.


Weapons:Dual blaster cannons on each hand.

Gear/gadgets:short range radar.

Powers/abilities: a powerful deflector shield.

Heavy armor plating,able to go into a ball and quickly roll around.

Skills:is able to quickly think and act during battle/most situations.

Thier shield is durable enough to survive some of the most deadliest blows.

Tierdut has multiple vision modes/is able to zoom in and out thier vision and can track anything visble in front of them.

Weaknesses:his larger then other droideka a and slower,making them a large target.

They cannot track anything invisible.

Thier back is not as well armored as the rest of thier body and a couple of good hits there

without the shield can disable them.

Thier blasters are weak and can be avoided due to the semi slow pace of the projectiles.

Tierdut and the shield can be disabled with a strong emp.

Will not fight unless they have a reason to,unless it is part of thier mission.

They can not turn quickly out of ball mode,which makes it easy to avoid being spotted.

(Optional) Character quote:"unless I get some sort of benefit I won't help you."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:none.
We Moved to a Hosted Project...

OOC - Character Sign-Up
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Touhou Project

Alignment: (see alignment system) Neutral Good

Name: Youmu Konpaku

Alias/nickname: (( None ))

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Late fifties

Gender and sexuality: F, Heterosexual

Species/race: Half-phantom, half-human


Personality: She is straightforward, diligent, and easily gullible. She does not tend to beat around the bush, is loyal, and earnest.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Born within the Netherworld of Gensokyo in a place called Hakugyokurou, she is a caretaker of its princess, and is a gardener for the realm. She is a swords woman trained in dual swordsmanship, and has trained in her class for over fifty years.

Known enemies: None in her world. (Technically)

Known rivals: Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame

Known allies/friends: Yuyuko Saigyouji, Yukari Yakumo, Komachi Onozuka

Known Family: None

Companion: Eh...There is her half-phantom, but it's technically part of her.

Weapons: Roukanken, her katana, is a sword forged by youkai able to slice down vast amounts of material, from air to phantoms to obsidian.

Hakurouken, a shorter sword known as a wakizashi, is an heirloom from her genealogy, and can parry most magical projectiles, and is also able to fire its own magical projectiles when swung.


Powers/abilities: Handling sword techniques

Skills: There is a very wide array of abilities she could use, from jumping above the enemy and slice straight down, to performing a flash of five ranged slashes, to dealing repeated high-damage hits to overwhelm the enemy.

Weaknesses: Can be easily tricked. Lack of armor gives her more speed, but takes less hits to defeat her.
Last edited by a moderator:
ShredKnives said:
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Touhou Project
Alignment: (see alignment system) Neutral Good

Name: Youmu Konpaku

Alias/nickname: (( None ))

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Late fifties

Gender and sexuality: F, Heterosexual

Species/race: Half-phantom, half-human


Personality: She is straightforward, diligent, and easily gullible. She does not tend to beat around the bush, is loyal, and earnest.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Born within the Netherworld of Gensokyo in a place called Hakugyokurou, she is a caretaker of its princess, and is a gardener for the realm. She is a swords woman trained in dual swordsmanship, and has trained in her class for over fifty years.

Known enemies: None in her world. (Technically)

Known rivals: Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame

Known allies/friends: Yuyuko Saigyouji, Yukari Yakumo, Komachi Onozuka

Known Family: None

Companion: Eh...There is her half-phantom, but it's technically part of her.

Weapons: Roukanken, her katana, is a sword forged by youkai able to slice down vast amounts of material, from air to phantoms to obsidian.

Hakurouken, a shorter sword known as a wakizashi, is an heirloom from her genealogy, and can parry most magical projectiles, and is also able to fire its own magical projectiles when swung.


Powers/abilities: Handling sword techniques

Skills: There is a very wide array of abilities she could use, from jumping above the enemy and slice straight down, to performing a flash of five ranged slashes, to dealing repeated high-damage hits to overwhelm the enemy.

Weaknesses: Can be easily tricked. Lack of armor gives her more speed, but takes less hits to defeat her.
Just to let you know, this thread has been discontinued. We've moved to the Hosted Projects list. :)
ShredKnives said:
Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Touhou Project
Alignment: (see alignment system) Neutral Good

Name: Youmu Konpaku

Alias/nickname: (( None ))

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Late fifties

Gender and sexuality: F, Heterosexual

Species/race: Half-phantom, half-human


Personality: She is straightforward, diligent, and easily gullible. She does not tend to beat around the bush, is loyal, and earnest.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Born within the Netherworld of Gensokyo in a place called Hakugyokurou, she is a caretaker of its princess, and is a gardener for the realm. She is a swords woman trained in dual swordsmanship, and has trained in her class for over fifty years.

Known enemies: None in her world. (Technically)

Known rivals: Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame

Known allies/friends: Yuyuko Saigyouji, Yukari Yakumo, Komachi Onozuka

Known Family: None

Companion: Eh...There is her half-phantom, but it's technically part of her.

Weapons: Roukanken, her katana, is a sword forged by youkai able to slice down vast amounts of material, from air to phantoms to obsidian.

Hakurouken, a shorter sword known as a wakizashi, is an heirloom from her genealogy, and can parry most magical projectiles, and is also able to fire its own magical projectiles when swung.


Powers/abilities: Handling sword techniques

Skills: There is a very wide array of abilities she could use, from jumping above the enemy and slice straight down, to performing a flash of five ranged slashes, to dealing repeated high-damage hits to overwhelm the enemy.

Weaknesses: Can be easily tricked. Lack of armor gives her more speed, but takes less hits to defeat her.
Tears: Rebirth

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