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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Ugh im bored at school but with the amount of IC's im not sure where to insert my character without reading a lot
Birdsie said:
You haven't seen me RP Flowey, and without a CS you can't RP as other characters. At least I think so.
@Some_Bloke Please, solve this.
I've used him as a companion. You could probably be Flowey from a different universe.
Akio said:
Ugh im bored at school but with the amount of IC's im not sure where to insert my character without reading a lot
How does crashing a plane sound?
(Note: This Character is very specific, as almost everything about him changes as he gains more Souls. Just saying he isn't a character like any other.)

Universe from
: Undertale

Alignment: Chaos Evil, but with 7 Souls it changes. (Read Powers)

Name: Asriel Dreemurr is his real name, but he refers to himself as "Flowey the Flower"

Alias/nickname: Flowey the Flower

Age: He was a child before his "death", right now it's unknown but as evident from the True Pacifist ending, he is still likely a child\teen.

Gender and sexuality: Asriel is a Flower, however before he became one he was a male, and he still refers to himself as one. His sexuality is unknown, probably straight.

Species/race: Boss Monster (Formerly, and if he gains 7 Souls. Read Powers and Backstory) Flower (Right now)


(Optional) Clothes: In his Flower form he doesn't have them, as a Boss Monster he wore black pants and a striped shirt, with the same colors as Chara's shirt. As a grown-up fused version he wears clothing similar to his Mother's.


(In Flowey Form)

- Gathering souls.

- Being less bored. (As he can't be amused.)

- Determination.

- His motto. (Read Quotes)

(In Boss Monster Form)

- Chara and the rest of his family.

- Determination.

- Keeping his souls.


(In Flowey Form)

- Emotions.

- Lack of Sunlight for too long.

- Lack of CO2 for too long. (Duh, he's a Flower.)

- Lack of Determination.

- People that try to spare him, as he can't comprehend how "Mercy" works.

(In Boss Monster Form)

- Chara on her period homocidal rampage.

- Having to return to Flowey Form, sooner or later.

Personality: (As Flowey) Flowey was once a good person, he tried befriending everyone and giving them the good ending, all with his Determination. With time however, he became bored. Doing the good endings became reptetive, then boring and then annoying... he decided to try something else.

He killed for the first time, to see what happens. It helped him fight the Boredom.

Flowey cannot feel most emotions. He can only feel: "Determination", Different levels of Boredom (The less the better), Survival instinct and Fear.

(As Asriel) Asriel is a good child, trying to help everyone out of kindness. He is the Heir to the monster throne, and he had always kept a good relationship with Chara, until he had to absorb her soul and he died.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Asriel was the only son of Asgore and Toriel Dreemurr. He was playing outside Home, and suddenly a Human fell down, something that hadn't happened in ages according to his parents. He brought the Human home, helped her and they became friends. Soon after, Asgore and Toriel adopted the Human, and Asriel and Chara became sibling-like.

However one day, due to Chara's plans on avenging what happened to Monster-kind, she suicided and tricked Asriel into absorbing her soul, so that he could pass through the Barrier and bring her to the Village. Everything transpired according to Chara's design, and when she wanted to kill the Villagers to free the Monsters from Mt. Ebott, Asriel refused and decided not to fight them. As he was the superior soul in the body he returned home wounded. He died next to his Father, who in rage declared war.

His ashes were spread across the Garden, with Golden Flowers. Many years later, the Royal Scientist: Dr. Alphys, started her experiments with Determination and it's power. She decided to try to bring something to life that never was alive in the first place with it. As Determination gives the will to live. Asgore donated some of the Flowers from his Garden, and as Alphys injected one of the Flowers with pure determination, Flowey became alive.

He possesed the Power of Determination and freed everyone from Mt. Ebott... but with a few short tries it became repetitive, annoying and boring.

He decided to kill someone. Just to see what happends. After he did, he liked it. He had a new vision of the world, that vision is his motto "In this world, it's kill or be killed." After Frisk fell into the Underground, her Determination naturally over-rided his, unallowing him to Save and Reset. However he still felt Determination.

Known enemies: (As Flowey)

Frisk, Sans, Papyrus, Toriel Dreemurr, Asgore Dreemurr, practically everyone in the whole wide World.

(As Asriel)

No one.

Known rivals: (As Flowey) Frisk. (As Asriel) No one.

Known allies/friends: (As Flowey) Possibly Chara Dreemurr. (As Asriel) Everyone.

Known Family: Asgore Dreemurr(Father), Toriel Dreemurr(Mother), Chara Dreemurr(Adoptive Sister)

Companion: No one.

Weapons: None.

Gear/gadgets: (As Flowey) None. (As Asriel) Chaos Sabers


(Both Forms)

Soul Absorbtion
- Asriel and Flowey can both absorb souls, in order to gain power. By gaining 1 to 5 souls, Flowey will simply become more powerful.

With gaining 6 souls, Flowey will turn into OMEGA Flowey. (Screen in the Spoiler)

And with 7 souls, Flowey will turn into Asriel.

They are able to keep their souls, until they free-willingly release them, or until the Souls are determined.

Determination - Determination is an ancient power. I won't explain why it works, but how. Both in Flowey and Asriel form, they can feel Determined.

While Flowey's Determination level is lower than Frisk and Chara's, Omega Flowey's Determination is much higher.

Asriel's Determinatin is below, or equal to Frisk and Chara's.

Determination allows Flowey to Save and Reset the Game. (Which I won't use here, because it's simply too OP) However if Flowey is near Frisk or Chara, this ability is lost.

The Second thing that Determination gives is the Will to live. When someone feels Determined in Undertale, their HP is fully restored.

(As Flowey)

"Friendliness" Pellets
- Small magical Pellets that Flowey summons. They deal damage, about 6 of them is enough to kill an average human child, as proven by the Game.

Ecokinesis\Naturakinesis\Plant Manipulation - Flowey can manipulate, create, grow, extend etc. Vines and Plants from nothing. It's not revealed until the ending of the Pacifist Ending, where he uses this power to tie up everyone in the room.

Dissapearing into the ground - As long as Flowey has direct contact with Earth, he can burrow into it and move at fast speeds under it.

He can probably grow Vine-like legs, due to the "Flowey Ran Away" sign, at the end of the Pacifist ending. But that might just be a small mistake\misunderstanding.

(As Asriel)

Pyrokinesis\Fire Magic - The Ability to manipulate Fire and create it. He can create fireballs, streams of Fire Magic. ETC.

Chaos Buster - Asriel summons a blaster and fires waves of bullets, he can also use it to charge up a Powerful Beam that he shoots, but after firing the Beam he needs to wait some time before using the weapon again.

Chaos Saber - Asriel summons two swords. He can disperse them into a mist that causes damage.

Shocker Breaker - Asriel summons multiple Lightning Bolts, that hit the Battlefield from Above. Even if they are under a Ceiling, he can still use this power.

Star Blazing - Asriel summons Explosive Star-like projectiles from the Sky, they hit the Battlefield and explode, releasing even more, damaging stars.

At the end of this attack, he always uses a Giant one.

Hyper Goner - Asriel's final attack before he fights at Full Power. His head grows huge, and sucks in the Protagonist towards itself, probably to devour him. While at that, small projectiles near the Head, if a Projectile hits the Player their HP falls to 1, making them almost dead.

God of Hyperdeath - Asriel's form, in full power. In this form he has two attacks. An attack in which he shoots homing projectiles, that deal massive damage to the player. And a second one, in which he shoots a super-powerful beam of Energy, all across the Battlefield. If the Player was not Determined to live, this would practically dezintegrate them, making it Asriel's most powerful attack.

(As Omega Flowey)

  • Flowey shoots X-shaped bullets that cover the whole Battlefield.
  • Flowey shoots X-shaped bullets in triplets that go near the Player.
  • Flowey shoots Flamethrowers near his arms, that create a long wave of lasting fire.
  • Flowey will shoot a large beam from his "mouth".
  • Flowey will spawn an Enhanced Version of the Friendiless Pellets around his enemy, and they close in.
  • Flowey shoots a bunch of vines that are concentrated at the Enemy.
  • Flowey can grow a venus flytrap out of one of his cactus hands, which will suck in flies that deal damage.
  • Flowey can drop numerous bombs from the sky in large amounts.

Skills: Flowey can photosynthesize.


- Defeating him, and then sparing him will cause confusion and make him afraid of the one who defeated him.

- Lack of anything neccessary to a normal flower. Earth, CO2, Water, Sunlight.

(Optional) Character quote:

"In this world... it's kill or be killed." Flowey before fighting the Player.

"Don't you understand that being nice... just makes you get hurt?" Flowey after defeating and sparing him.

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

(Flowey's Theme Song) [media]

(OMEGA Flowey's theme song) [media]

(Asriel's Theme song) [media]

(Asriel's Fight theme) [media]

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Lancelot said:
It could be anywhere as long as there are no survivors.
In any of the worlds/universes? Thats fine, he cares little about killing people and taking out an entire plane would mean little to him
Akio said:
In any of the worlds/universes? Thats fine, he cares little about killing people and taking out an entire plane would mean little to him
I was talking about the people on the plane, the whole world would be well... overkill
Birdsie said:
(Note: This Character is very specific, as almost everything about him changes as he gains more Souls. Just saying he isn't a character like any other.)
Universe from
: Undertale

Alignment: Chaos Evil, but with 7 Souls it changes. (Read Powers)

Name: Asriel Dreemurr is his real name, but he refers to himself as "Flowey the Flower"

Alias/nickname: Flowey the Flower

Age: He was a child before his "death", right now it's unknown but as evident from the True Pacifist ending, he is still likely a child\teen.

Gender and sexuality: Asriel is a Flower, however before he became one he was a male, and he still refers to himself as one. His sexuality is unknown, probably straight.

Species/race: Boss Monster (Formerly, and if he gains 7 Souls. Read Powers and Backstory) Flower (Right now)


(Optional) Clothes: In his Flower form he doesn't have them, as a Boss Monster he wore black pants and a striped shirt, with the same colors as Chara's shirt. As a grown-up fused version he wears clothing similar to his Mother's.


(In Flowey Form)

- Gathering souls.

- Being less bored. (As he can't be amused.)

- Determination.

- His motto. (Read Quotes)

(In Boss Monster Form)

- Chara and the rest of his family.

- Determination.

- Keeping his souls.


(In Flowey Form)

- Emotions.

- Lack of Sunlight for too long.

- Lack of CO2 for too long. (Duh, he's a Flower.)

- Lack of Determination.

- People that try to spare him, as he can't comprehend how "Mercy" works.

(In Boss Monster Form)

- Chara on her period homocidal rampage.

- Having to return to Flowey Form, sooner or later.

Personality: (As Flowey) Flowey was once a good person, he tried befriending everyone and giving them the good ending, all with his Determination. With time however, he became bored. Doing the good endings became reptetive, then boring and then annoying... he decided to try something else.

He killed for the first time, to see what happens. It helped him fight the Boredom.

Flowey cannot feel most emotions. He can only feel: "Determination", Different levels of Boredom (The less the better), Survival instinct and Fear.

(As Asriel) Asriel is a good child, trying to help everyone out of kindness. He is the Heir to the monster throne, and he had always kept a good relationship with Chara, until he had to absorb her soul and he died.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Asriel was the only son of Asgore and Toriel Dreemurr. He was playing outside Home, and suddenly a Human fell down, something that hadn't happened in ages according to his parents. He brought the Human home, helped her and they became friends. Soon after, Asgore and Toriel adopted the Human, and Asriel and Chara became sibling-like.

However one day, due to Chara's plans on avenging what happened to Monster-kind, she suicided and tricked Asriel into absorbing her soul, so that he could pass through the Barrier and bring her to the Village. Everything transpired according to Chara's design, and when she wanted to kill the Villagers to free the Monsters from Mt. Ebott, Asriel refused and decided not to fight them. As he was the superior soul in the body he returned home wounded. He died next to his Father, who in rage declared war.

His ashes were spread across the Garden, with Golden Flowers. Many years later, the Royal Scientist: Dr. Alphys, started her experiments with Determination and it's power. She decided to try to bring something to life that never was alive in the first place with it. As Determination gives the will to live. Asgore donated some of the Flowers from his Garden, and as Alphys injected one of the Flowers with pure determination, Flowey became alive.

He possesed the Power of Determination and freed everyone from Mt. Ebott... but with a few short tries it became repetitive, annoying and boring.

He decided to kill someone. Just to see what happends. After he did, he liked it. He had a new vision of the world, that vision is his motto "In this world, it's kill or be killed." After Frisk fell into the Underground, her Determination naturally over-rided his, unallowing him to Save and Reset. However he still felt Determination.

Known enemies: (As Flowey)

Frisk, Sans, Papyrus, Toriel Dreemurr, Asgore Dreemurr, practically everyone in the whole wide World.

(As Asriel)

No one.

Known rivals: (As Flowey) Frisk. (As Asriel) No one.

Known allies/friends: (As Flowey) Possibly Chara Dreemurr. (As Asriel) Everyone.

Known Family: Asgore Dreemurr(Father), Toriel Dreemurr(Mother), Chara Dreemurr(Adoptive Sister)

Companion: No one.

Weapons: None.

Gear/gadgets: (As Flowey) None. (As Asriel) Chaos Sabers


(Both Forms)

Soul Absorbtion
- Asriel and Flowey can both absorb souls, in order to gain power. By gaining 1 to 5 souls, Flowey will simply become more powerful.

With gaining 6 souls, Flowey will turn into OMEGA Flowey. (Screen in the Spoiler)

And with 7 souls, Flowey will turn into Asriel.

They are able to keep their souls, until they free-willingly release them, or until the Souls are determined.

Determination - Determination is an ancient power. I won't explain why it works, but how. Both in Flowey and Asriel form, they can feel Determined.

While Flowey's Determination level is lower than Frisk and Chara's, Omega Flowey's Determination is much higher.

Asriel's Determinatin is below, or equal to Frisk and Chara's.

Determination allows Flowey to Save and Reset the Game. (Which I won't use here, because it's simply too OP) However if Flowey is near Frisk or Chara, this ability is lost.

The Second thing that Determination gives is the Will to live. When someone feels Determined in Undertale, their HP is fully restored.

(As Flowey)

"Friendliness" Pellets
- Small magical Pellets that Flowey summons. They deal damage, about 6 of them is enough to kill an average human child, as proven by the Game.

Ecokinesis\Naturakinesis\Plant Manipulation - Flowey can manipulate, create, grow, extend etc. Vines and Plants from nothing. It's not revealed until the ending of the Pacifist Ending, where he uses this power to tie up everyone in the room.

Dissapearing into the ground - As long as Flowey has direct contact with Earth, he can burrow into it and move at fast speeds under it.

He can probably grow Vine-like legs, due to the "Flowey Ran Away" sign, at the end of the Pacifist ending. But that might just be a small mistake\misunderstanding.

(As Asriel)

Pyrokinesis\Fire Magic - The Ability to manipulate Fire and create it. He can create fireballs, streams of Fire Magic. ETC.

Chaos Buster - Asriel summons a blaster and fires waves of bullets, he can also use it to charge up a Powerful Beam that he shoots, but after firing the Beam he needs to wait some time before using the weapon again.

Chaos Saber - Asriel summons two swords. He can disperse them into a mist that causes damage.

Shocker Breaker - Asriel summons multiple Lightning Bolts, that hit the Battlefield from Above. Even if they are under a Ceiling, he can still use this power.

Star Blazing - Asriel summons Explosive Star-like projectiles from the Sky, they hit the Battlefield and explode, releasing even more, damaging stars.

At the end of this attack, he always uses a Giant one.

Hyper Goner - Asriel's final attack before he fights at Full Power. His head grows huge, and sucks in the Protagonist towards itself, probably to devour him. While at that, small projectiles near the Head, if a Projectile hits the Player their HP falls to 1, making them almost dead.

God of Hyperdeath - Asriel's form, in full power. In this form he has two attacks. An attack in which he shoots homing projectiles, that deal massive damage to the player. And a second one, in which he shoots a super-powerful beam of Energy, all across the Battlefield. If the Player was not Determined to live, this would practically dezintegrate them, making it Asriel's most powerful attack.

(As Omega Flowey)

  • Flowey shoots X-shaped bullets that cover the whole Battlefield.
  • Flowey shoots X-shaped bullets in triplets that go near the Player.
  • Flowey shoots Flamethrowers near his arms, that create a long wave of lasting fire.
  • Flowey will shoot a large beam from his "mouth".
  • Flowey will spawn an Enhanced Version of the Friendiless Pellets around his enemy, and they close in.
  • Flowey shoots a bunch of vines that are concentrated at the Enemy.
  • Flowey can grow a venus flytrap out of one of his cactus hands, which will suck in flies that deal damage.
  • Flowey can drop numerous bombs from the sky in large amounts.

Skills: Flowey can photosynthesize.


- Defeating him, and then sparing him will cause confusion and make him afraid of the one who defeated him.

- Lack of anything neccessary to a normal flower. Earth, CO2, Water, Sunlight.

(Optional) Character quote:

"In this world... it's kill or be killed." Flowey before fighting the Player.

"Don't you understand that being nice... just makes you get hurt?" Flowey after defeating and sparing him.

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

(Flowey's Theme Song) [media]

(OMEGA Flowey's theme song) [media]

(Asriel's Theme song) [media]

(Asriel's Fight theme) [media]


Just making sure he knows that there's one pending. No pressure.
Should i simply roleplay the crash as well or do you want to that while i just set up the crash?
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Akio said:
Should i simply roleplay the crash as well or do you want to that while i just set up the crash?
I guess you could set it up then Bane and a few henchmen show up, attempting a hijack of the plane?
Lancelot said:
I guess you could set it up then Bane and a few henchmen show up, attempting a hijack of the plane?
Im gonna bring down the plabe from afar, or rather being who my character is a quite powerful supernatural being hes gonna take down the plane while its in the sky. Perhaps they've already hijacked the plane and he takes it down by chance and their unlucky
Birdsie said:
You haven't seen me RP Flowey, and without a CS you can't RP as other characters. At least I think so.
@Some_Bloke Please, solve this.
There's cameo characters and Redshirt characters, actually. It's how I'm able write for the agents of SHIELD team without making CS sheets for them all. That's not stopping you from making a Flowey CS though, as long as it's established as being from a different timeline than the one the other Flowey was in.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]There's cameo characters and Redshirt characters, actually. It's how I'm able write for the agents of SHIELD team without making CS sheets for them all.

Yes, I've read up on them by now.

When I was posting the prievous one I haven't actually known.
I would also like to take Revan, if that's possible. KOTOR will go down as one of my favorite games in all of history. Played it last year...multiple times. Anyways, here's the CS


Universe from: Star Wars (OC)

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Name: Arach Hakar

Alias/nickname: Darth Kabaar, Lord Kabaar, Shadow of Death

Age: 26

Gender and sexuality: Male/heterosexual

Species/race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.235fc1c7076218e2b9159e61d0f9d721.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.235fc1c7076218e2b9159e61d0f9d721.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.a6e36d011de427f1c3170df3217faec2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.a6e36d011de427f1c3170df3217faec2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Strength, success, the Dark Side, obedience, victory, order

Dislikes: Weakness, failure, the Jedi, chaos, defeat

Personality: A cunning strategist and a ruthless warrior, Darth Kabaar shows no mercy to his foes, regardless of race, gender, and age. Even though it may be considered to some as overconfidence, Kabaar always believes his foes to be weaker than himself and fights to overpower his enemies completely. Even though he is a Sith Assassin, meant to be embody stealth, he leaves very little to stealth once he attacks. He holds nothing back, even against foes weaker than him, symbolizing the Sith mentality that strength must be shown at all times, never weakness. He takes the principles in the Sith Code to be his mission statement in life.

Backstory: During the times of the old Republic, when the Sith as a race sat in hiding, their order and empire built upon power. Many adored the Sith Emperor, such as one young child named Arach Hakar. His family learned of his abilities with the Force when they were accidently killed by the child at age thirteen in a fit of rage. He reported himself to the local authorities, expecting to be punished, but was instead told of the path to the Sith Temple on Korriban, the Sith's ancient homeworld. This was during the times of the Cold War, in which the Republic and Sith Empire were locked in a stalement after the Treaty of Coruscant. Arriving on Korriban, Arach was one of many Acolytes waiting to be selected to be an apprentice under a Sith Lord. However, the Acolytes had to compete to gain favor with any Sith Lord that saught an apprentice, meaning competition could lead to death for any of the Acolytes. Arach had already determined he wouldn't be one of the ones who would end up dead. A Sith Lord did arrive on the planet during the young Arach's training, Lord Cyphus. Arach had already staged an 'accident' in the Valley of the Sith Lords where one of the other Acolytes fell into a pit filled with sharp spikes and another fell prey to a trap in one of the tombs. The only ones left were Arach and one other Acolyte, Joral Nhakar. The Sith Lord thought up a test and arranged for Joral to acquire a real lightsaber and confront Arach. Even though the former had a real weapon, the latter had better skill and bested Joral in a duel, then executed him and took the lightsaber for himself. Pleased with the results, Lord Cyphus took on Arach as his new apprentice.

After months of training under Darth Cyphus as a Sith Assassin, Arach's first task was to venture to the city world of Coruscant and terminate an informant that formerly supplied Cyphus with Republic supply movements and troop movements. The informant had recently sold out to the Republic and began supplying the Sith Lord with bad information. Once Arach arrived on the world, another Sith informant requested assistance in dealing with the local Justicars, a gang made up of former Republic soldiers who run the Works, a slums-like industrial section of Coruscant, like martial law. Arach grudgingly accepted and terminated the local heads of the gang after tearing through their compound. Once he returned, the other informant spoke that the traitor is inside another Justicar compound in a separate area of the Works. Annoyed that he has to deal with the Justicars again, Arach threatened the informant with death should his information be inaccurate. The former made his way to the other side of the Works, where he infiltrated the other Justicar compound. This time, to avoid unwanted attention and save his strength, Arach took a much more stealthy approach. Sneaking in through an air duct from the outside, he crept through the base until he found the traitor informant in the middle of a communications room with a small number of elite Justicar guards. Arach dispatched all of them and left the traitor for last. Knowing he was about to die, the traitor let it slip that Cyphus had the intentions of usurping power from the Emperor's Dark Council, so the informant decided to supply the Sith Lord with false information to slow his plans.

Arach still executed the informant, and decided to keep the information to himself. He had gotten the confession on a holorecording anyways, which he kept to himself for now. Once the job was done, he was called to Cyphus' flagship, where he was met with another Sith apprentice who claimed to be Cyphus' true apprentice. To confirm this, Cyphus himself ordered Arach to be executed by that other apprentice to terminate loose ends. However, Arach bested the other apprentice and killed the weaker Sith, then turned his sights on Cyphus. It was a long and drawn out battle, as both opponents were powerful, but Arach had greatly improved his skills under Cyphus' tutelage. However, Cyphus was a Sith Lord and not to be trifled with. Cyphus gained the upper hand, but was caught off guard when Arach blinded him with Sith Lightning directly into his eyes. The battle was over after that, and Arach cut down his former master. As it turns out, the Dark Council was fully aware of Cyphus' foolish plan and observed the duel on a holotransmission made by one of their agents aboard Cyphus' ship. This had earned Arach the ability to be made a Sith Lord, and he was now known by the name Darth Kabaar.

After his ascension to a Lord, Kabaar took over Cyphus' ship and his forces by executing all those still loyal to their deceased master. Once a new conflict broke out with the Republic, Kabaar fought them and their Jedi because he viewed them as weak and pathetic, as well as being incapable of running the galaxy. Every battle he fought against them was a success, but it was almost all for nothing. He was assigned back to Dromund Kaas, the Sith Empire's capital planet, after months of extended combat. With what he thought was going to be time to hone his skills with the Force, the Republic launched an all-out attack on the planet with the intention of eliminating the Sith Emperor. Kabaar took to the skies and engaged the Republic ships in space, but felt something was off. He went back to the planet only to learn that the Sith Emperor had been defeated by the Jedi known as the Hero of Tython. After that, he went into hiding and would only come back once the Emperor he had so admired returned to exterminate the Republic.

Known enemies: The Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order

Known rivals: Darth Cyphus (Dead), Joral Nhakar (Dead)

Known allies: The Sith Empire

Known friends: Known

Known Family: Deceased

Companion: None

Weapons: Kabaar carries only a Sith lightsaber he had relieved from Sith Acolyte Joral Nhakar after killing the latter. It uses a single red synthetic crystal to generate a red beam of energy that can cut through nearly anything. It cannot cut through cortosis weaves, Mandalorian Iron, other lightsabers, and a few other things.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e525691b791f040e4bd0a8bb33eca7e5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116106" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e525691b791f040e4bd0a8bb33eca7e5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gear/gadgets: In the pouches of his belt, Kabaar carries a kit to repair and recharge his lightsaber, a few medkits, and a holocom. He also wears a Stealth Field Generator to make himself invisible for a short amount of time.

Powers/abilities: Trained in the Dark Side of the Force, Kabaar has access to more powers than the Jedi or anyone trained in the Light Side of the Force. He can use the Force for telekinesis to move objects around, he can focus it through Force Choke to choke several people without having to lay a hand on them, he can summon Force Lightning to electrocute many different enemies as well as the more advanced ability of lightning known as Force Storm, he can drain energy from others through Force Drain to replenish his own energy, he can channel his Force energy into a devastating Force Repulse that disentegrates weaker enemies the closer they are to him and blows back other enemies a great distance, and his last more well-known ability is the Shatterpoint technique which allows him to find and exploit weak spots or scars on or in his enemies. He has a wider variety of abilities through manipulation of the Force, such as the ability to use the Force to make weak-minded individuals do what he says through Force Persuade and Force Dominate. He can also use the Force to enhance his own physical abilities to make himself faster and stronger. As a Sith Assassin, he can cloak his presence in the Force and make himself virtually invisible to other Force users. Conversely, he can sense the presence of other Force users as well.

Skills: As a Sith Assassin, Kabaar is masterful in the arts of lightsaber combat. He has mastered three styles of lightsaber combat through intense and punishing training: Form III Soresu, Form IV Ataru, and Form V Shien/Djem So. Soresu is a more defensive lightsaber form, more effective against many blaster wielding opponents than lightsaber wielding opponents. Ataru is an aggressive and physically demanding form relying on speed, strength, and agility. Both disciplines of Form V are unique, yet Kabaar mastered both. Shien is another blaster deflection form, yet it is also suited for lightsaber duels through large sweeps and other such moves. Shien also gave way to the reverse lightsaber grip, which Kabaar frequently uses. Djem So is a form built on hard strikes and solid defense immediately followed by counter-attacks. Stealth is also a great skill of his, though he rarely uses it.

Weaknesses: While the overconfidence he shows in his fights helps him to overpower his foes, it is also a weakness. He always believes himself the stronger in a battle and fights with nothing held back to emphasize that trait, but he never once considers that his opponent could be stronger than him. This could easily lead to his defeat at the hands of those stronger than himself.

Character quote: "Your weakness disgusts me, Cyphus. You are undserving of the title of 'Darth.' I'll execute you and take it for myself."​

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Skywanker said:
I would also like to take Revan, if that's possible. KOTOR will go down as one of my favorite games in all of history. Played it last year...multiple times. Anyways, here's the CS

Universe from: Star Wars (OC)

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Name: Arach Hakar

Alias/nickname: Darth Kabaar, Lord Kabaar, Shadow of Death

Age: 26

Gender and sexuality: Male/heterosexual

Species/race: Human


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Likes: Strength, success, the Dark Side, obedience, victory, order

Dislikes: Weakness, failure, the Jedi, chaos, defeat

Personality: A cunning strategist and a ruthless warrior, Darth Kabaar shows no mercy to his foes, regardless of race, gender, and age. Even though it may be considered to some as overconfidence, Kabaar always believes his foes to be weaker than himself and fights to overpower his enemies completely. Even though he is a Sith Assassin, meant to be embody stealth, he leaves very little to stealth once he attacks. He holds nothing back, even against foes weaker than him, symbolizing the Sith mentality that strength must be shown at all times, never weakness. He takes the principles in the Sith Code to be his mission statement in life.

Backstory: During the times of the old Republic, when the Sith as a race sat in hiding, their order and empire built upon power. Many adored the Sith Emperor, such as one young child named Arach Hakar. His family learned of his abilities with the Force when they were accidently killed by the child at age thirteen in a fit of rage. He reported himself to the local authorities, expecting to be punished, but was instead told of the path to the Sith Temple on Korriban, the Sith's ancient homeworld. This was during the times of the Cold War, in which the Republic and Sith Empire were locked in a stalement after the Treaty of Coruscant. Arriving on Korriban, Arach was one of many Acolytes waiting to be selected to be an apprentice under a Sith Lord. However, the Acolytes had to compete to gain favor with any Sith Lord that saught an apprentice, meaning competition could lead to death for any of the Acolytes. Arach had already determined he wouldn't be one of the ones who would end up dead. A Sith Lord did arrive on the planet during the young Arach's training, Lord Cyphus. Arach had already staged an 'accident' in the Valley of the Sith Lords where one of the other Acolytes fell into a pit filled with sharp spikes and another fell prey to a trap in one of the tombs. The only ones left were Arach and one other Acolyte, Joral Nhakar. The Sith Lord thought up a test and arranged for Joral to acquire a real lightsaber and confront Arach. Even though the former had a real weapon, the latter had better skill and bested Joral in a duel, then executed him and took the lightsaber for himself. Pleased with the results, Lord Cyphus took on Arach as his new apprentice.

After months of training under Darth Cyphus as a Sith Assassin, Arach's first task was to venture to the city world of Coruscant and terminate an informant that formerly supplied Cyphus with Republic supply movements and troop movements. The informant had recently sold out to the Republic and began supplying the Sith Lord with bad information. Once Arach arrived on the world, another Sith informant requested assistance in dealing with the local Justicars, a gang made up of former Republic soldiers who run the Works, a slums-like industrial section of Coruscant, like martial law. Arach grudgingly accepted and terminated the local heads of the gang after tearing through their compound. Once he returned, the other informant spoke that the traitor is inside another Justicar compound in a separate area of the Works. Annoyed that he has to deal with the Justicars again, Arach threatened the informant with death should his information be inaccurate. The former made his way to the other side of the Works, where he infiltrated the other Justicar compound. This time, to avoid unwanted attention and save his strength, Arach took a much more stealthy approach. Sneaking in through an air duct from the outside, he crept through the base until he found the traitor informant in the middle of a communications room with a small number of elite Justicar guards. Arach dispatched all of them and left the traitor for last. Knowing he was about to die, the traitor let it slip that Cyphus had the intentions of usurping power from the Emperor's Dark Council, so the informant decided to supply the Sith Lord with false information to slow his plans.

Arach still executed the informant, and decided to keep the information to himself. He had gotten the confession on a holorecording anyways, which he kept to himself for now. Once the job was done, he was called to Cyphus' flagship, where he was met with another Sith apprentice who claimed to be Cyphus' true apprentice. To confirm this, Cyphus himself ordered Arach to be executed by that other apprentice to terminate loose ends. However, Arach bested the other apprentice and killed the weaker Sith, then turned his sights on Cyphus. It was a long and drawn out battle, as both opponents were powerful, but Arach had greatly improved his skills under Cyphus' tutelage. However, Cyphus was a Sith Lord and not to be trifled with. Cyphus gained the upper hand, but was caught off guard when Arach blinded him with Sith Lightning directly into his eyes. The battle was over after that, and Arach cut down his former master. As it turns out, the Dark Council was fully aware of Cyphus' foolish plan and observed the duel on a holotransmission made by one of their agents aboard Cyphus' ship. This had earned Arach the ability to be made a Sith Lord, and he was now known by the name Darth Kabaar.

After his ascension to a Lord, Kabaar took over Cyphus' ship and his forces by executing all those still loyal to their deceased master. Once a new conflict broke out with the Republic, Kabaar fought them and their Jedi because he viewed them as weak and pathetic, as well as being incapable of running the galaxy. Every battle he fought against them was a success, but it was almost all for nothing. He was assigned back to Dromund Kaas, the Sith Empire's capital planet, after months of extended combat. With what he thought was going to be time to hone his skills with the Force, the Republic launched an all-out attack on the planet with the intention of eliminating the Sith Emperor. Kabaar took to the skies and engaged the Republic ships in space, but felt something was off. He went back to the planet only to learn that the Sith Emperor had been defeated by the Jedi known as the Hero of Tython. After that, he went into hiding and would only come back once the Emperor he had so admired returned to exterminate the Republic.

Known enemies: The Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order

Known rivals: Darth Cyphus (Dead), Joral Nhakar (Dead)

Known allies: The Sith Empire

Known friends: Known

Known Family: Deceased

Companion: None

Weapons: Kabaar carries only a Sith lightsaber he had relieved from Sith Acolyte Joral Nhakar after killing the latter. It uses a single red synthetic crystal to generate a red beam of energy that can cut through nearly anything. It cannot cut through cortosis weaves, Mandalorian Iron, other lightsabers, and a few other things.

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Gear/gadgets: In the pouches of his belt, Kabaar carries a kit to repair and recharge his lightsaber, a few medkits, and a holocom. He also wears a Stealth Field Generator to make himself invisible for a short amount of time.

Powers/abilities: Trained in the Dark Side of the Force, Kabaar has access to more powers than the Jedi or anyone trained in the Light Side of the Force. He can use the Force for telekinesis to move objects around, he can focus it through Force Choke to choke several people without having to lay a hand on them, he can summon Force Lightning to electrocute many different enemies as well as the more advanced ability of lightning known as Force Storm, he can drain energy from others through Force Drain to replenish his own energy, he can channel his Force energy into a devastating Force Repulse that disentegrates weaker enemies the closer they are to him and blows back other enemies a great distance, and his last more well-known ability is the Shatterpoint technique which allows him to find and exploit weak spots or scars on or in his enemies. He has a wider variety of abilities through manipulation of the Force, such as the ability to use the Force to make weak-minded individuals do what he says through Force Persuade and Force Dominate. He can also use the Force to enhance his own physical abilities to make himself faster and stronger. As a Sith Assassin, he can cloak his presence in the Force and make himself virtually invisible to other Force users. Conversely, he can sense the presence of other Force users as well.

Skills: As a Sith Assassin, Kabaar is masterful in the arts of lightsaber combat. He has mastered three styles of lightsaber combat through intense and punishing training: Form III Soresu, Form IV Ataru, and Form V Shien/Djem So. Soresu is a more defensive lightsaber form, more effective against many blaster wielding opponents than lightsaber wielding opponents. Ataru is an aggressive and physically demanding form relying on speed, strength, and agility. Both disciplines of Form V are unique, yet Kabaar mastered both. Shien is another blaster deflection form, yet it is also suited for lightsaber duels through large sweeps and other such moves. Shien also gave way to the reverse lightsaber grip, which Kabaar frequently uses. Djem So is a form built on hard strikes and solid defense immediately followed by counter-attacks. Stealth is also a great skill of his, though he rarely uses it.

Weaknesses: While the overconfidence he shows in his fights helps him to overpower his foes, it is also a weakness. He always believes himself the stronger in a battle and fights with nothing held back to emphasize that trait, but he never once considers that his opponent could be stronger than him. This could easily lead to his defeat at the hands of those stronger than himself.

Character quote: "Your weakness disgusts me, Cyphus. You are undserving of the title of 'Darth.' I'll execute you and take it for myself."​
Yes you can RP as Revan. The guy before didn't actually RP him in-character that well, having Revan suddenly become aggressive and try to attack soldiers who'd been assigned as an escort for no reason...Only after criticising my Jedi OC for being aggressive and liking violence a few posts earlier. When fighting Skynet.

You know your Star Wars so I trust you'll do Revan justice.

Also, this OC is accepted. You want to drop him off with the two Jedi and ex-Sith (cameo character) or somewhere else?
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Universe from: The Hunger Games

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Katniss Everdeen

Nickname: Girl on Fire/The Mockingjay

Age: 18

Gender and Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual

Species/race: Human/Caucasian





Likes: Hunting, Scavenging

Dislikes: The Capitol,

Katniss has strong and independent survivalist instincts due to her difficult past and is good at thinking outside the box. She is not socially adept and has a hard time making friends due to the emotional strain on her life which has made her hard and cold. She is more concerned about feeding her family than being social, making her awkward around people. Though Katniss can be rather blunt, misanthropic, sarcastic, bitingly cynical and cold she has a very vulnerable side which she only shows around her family, and she has a natural maternal instinct as showed when she comforted Prim and helped Rue. She is not very good at acting for the camera and comes across best when she is herself. She is usually very logical except for times when her emotions get in the way.

Katniss Everdeen is a teenage girl who lives in District 12, an impoverished coal-mining region in the country of Panem. She's a volunteer tribute in Panem's annual Hunger Games, having taken the place of her younger sister in an act of heroic self-sacrifice. Ever since the death of her father in a tragic coal-mining accident, Katniss has taken on the role of her family's head of household. While Katniss's mother was unable to cope with the loss, falling into a deep depression, Katniss stayed focused and took charge. Filling her father's shoes, she became the chief cook and bottle washer, bringing home the food and income that would save the family from starvation.

Known enemies: The Career Tributes

Known rivals: President Snow

Known allies/friends: Gale, Peeta, Finnick, Boggs, Prim, etc.

Known Family: Prim (Sister), Mrs. Everdeen (Mother), Mr. Everdeen (Father, deceased)

Companion: N/A

Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Knife

Gear/gadgets: N/A

Powers: N/A

Katniss is a highly skilled archer and hunter, which she learned from her father. After meeting Gale, she added fishing and trapping to her skills. This is shown when she was making snares in the Training Center, watching the training of the career tributes including Cato using sword, Glimmer using Bow and Arrows, and Marvel using and throwing spears. She also had to educate herself on the edible, medicinal, and poisonous plant life of District 12. Hunting and gathering on a daily basis has given her a highly skilled sense of woodcraft.

Weaknesses: Normal Human weaknesses

Character’s theme song: Carry On by Fun

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Mostly? What else can she do?

She's got dusk breath but those are her only abilities.

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