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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


Universe from: Sword Art Online

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Yuuki Asuna

Alias/nickname: "Lighting Flash"

Age: 17

Gender and sexuality: Female | Possibly pansexual

Species/race: Human


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A s u n a



Likes: Cooking, Helping others, Rapiers, Food, Children (sorry, my brains at a blah right now)

Dislikes: Those who lie, Anyone that harms those she cares about

Personality and Backround:

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P e r s r o u n d

"Asuna is a kind-hearted, friendly girl with a cheerful disposition. Though she initially starts out cold and standoffish as she focused only on clearing the game, her serious demeanor gradually melts away into something much warmer. Asuna holds herself with pride and strength. She's always looking out for others' well-being and values the safety of everybody, even people she doesn't know. Strong and supportive, Asuna is someone who's unable to abandon a person in need. Being trapped in game with permanent death likely enhances her protective spirit though. Regardless, Asuna is someone that you can definitely call "motherly." She tends to people's injuries, and their stomachs too with her brilliant cooking.

Asuna is stubborn too. Sometimes she has to have her way, and sometimes she ends up dragging that person around or getting them involved in things thier reluctant about. But she's also a very sincere person, even if she can't always express it. Sometimes she's a victim to her own emotions. She can't stop herself once she feels strongly about something or other, and sometimes she ends up jumping into combat without care for her own safety.

But Asuna hasn't already been like this. Since her birth, Asuna has always tried to meet her parents' expectations. Her father was a businessman and her mother a scholar- they were always firm with themselves, yet gentle with Asuna. Regardless, Asuna feared their reactions if she did not meet expectations. Her private school was chosen for her by her parents, and she always had excellent results. For the first 15 years of her life, she only lived for the approval of her parents. She took lessons for various activities, hung out only with friends that her parents approved of, and one day she would eventually go the high school- the university her parents picked. And then marry someone her parents picked. But despite how hard she achieved these things, it scared Asuna deep down inside. If she continued following this pre-determined path, she feared that she would become trapped in it. Her world would continue to shrink around her, and she would never be able to escape from it. So why would someone who didn't care about video games, much less online games, suddenly decide to put on the NerveGear and log onto SAO? Someone who had only played the free games on her cell phone from time to time, yet she suddenly wanted to experience a Virtual Reality MMORPG, the first of its kind? As her brother spoke excitedly about it, having gotten his own copy, she couldn't help feeling interested. It was just a whim, simple curiosity, and a complete coincidence that she got to play SAO before her brother. Despite herself, she too was wondering about that brand new world- a world she had never seen before.

Upon being trapped in that virtual world, Asuna spent the first two weeks cursing herself. She hid away in the Starting City, shaken by the fear of dying in that world. Why did she have to put on the NerveGear? What possessed her, someone usually uninterested in games, to log on that day? But even though she was afraid, she worried about her situation in the real world. Right after being told she could not escape SAO, she first worried about the Mathematics work she had yet to complete. She was scared of her teacher scolding her for not completing it. She worried about the upcoming examinations, and then feared the shame of her parents when their only daughter failed them due to a video game. Asuna was a person who was terrified of failing, and terrified of stepping off the beaten path. For Asuna Yuuki, failure did not exist. She hadn't understood what it meant "to live".

But after two weeks, Asuna decided. Even if she ended up dying in this world, she had to remain as "herself". If she was just going to die, she didn't want to simply rot away in the Starting City, waiting for death to descend. Even if she was killed by a monster, she wouldn't lose herself to this world. So she found her resolve to proceed, even though at first, it was just a resolve to die in combat. Being a complete beginner to MMORPGS in general, she had no clue how to play.Regardless, she showed talent as a fighter despite not knowing theterminology at first."

Known enemies: Sugou Nobuyuki, Heathcliff

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: Kirito, Lisbeth, Silica, Agil

Known Family: Yuuki Shouzou (Father)

Yuuki Kyouko (Mother)

Yuuki Kouichirou(Brother)

Companion: None (Kirito..?)


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Gear/gadgets: None(?)


- Cooking (Completed)

- One Handed Rapier (Completed)

- Two Handed Assault Spear (590/1000)

- Light Metal Equipment (Completed)

-Heavy Metal Equipment (678/1000)

-Parry (917/1000)

- Battle Healing (877/1000)

- First Aid (968/1000)

- Acrobatics (909/1000)

- Sprint (852/1000)

- Sewing (211/1000)

Weaknesses: Her emotions.

Her selflessness

Those she loves/cares for.

Character quote:

"Sometimes the things that matter the most are right in front of you."

"Im not going to die. Because im the one that's going to protect you."

"There is one thing I learned here. To keep doing your best, up until the very end."

"It's better not to go digging for a deeper meaning in a name. You'll end up missing more than you'll observe."


Note: In the rp, im planning on this being before Kirito proposes to her. She indeed has feelings for him, but then again, that might change.
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Universe from: XCOM


Name: Jason Walker

Alias/nickname: The Commander (title), Alpha-1 (Callsign), and Long Shot (Nickname)

Age: Mid-thirties

Gender and sexuality: Hertosexual Male

Species/race: Human


(Guy on right)


Dress uniform


Normal Clothes




Likes: XCOM, his men, Sniper Rifles

Dislikes: Aliens, enemies of Earth,

Personality: The Commander's main priority will always be his men. The Commander deeply cares for his men. He takes a personal interest in there welfare and tries to keep them out of harms way. Jason would never say "We have reserves" unless it saves more lives in the long run. He treats everyone in XCOM with respect, even if they aren't on the front lines. Overall he tries to be a friendly and cheerful person. Despite his attitude he's a amazing shot with a sniper rifle and can hit almost anything.


Known enemies: The Ethereal Collective, enemies of Earth

Known rivals: EXALT

Known allies/friends: XCOM

Known Family: CLASSIFIED

Companion: (See XCOM faction sheet)

Weapons: Plasma Sniper rifle


Plasma Pistol


Gear/gadgets: (See XCOM faction sheet)



(I'm not completely sure if some of these skills can transfer from a game to writing, but I'm going to try.) Headshot (High chance of a critical hit on a enemy.), Squadsight (If an ally can see an enemy and there isn't anything blocking his view, he can see the enemy.), Gunslinger (Does more damage with pistols.), Disabling Shot (Fires a shot that causes the target's weapon to malfunction.), Opportunist (Higher chance of hitting a moving target.), Low Profile (Partial cover counts as full.), and Double Tap (Fires two shots in a quick succession)

Gene Mods Muscle Fiber Density (Gives superhuman leg strength and allows unit to reach high places without need for ladder or stairs.) Secondary Heart (Longer bleed out time and becomes critically wounded instead of dying.), Depth Perception (Better hit chance at high positions.)

Psionic Abilities Mindfray (Causes target to lose grip on reality.), Psi Inspiration (Removes panic and Mindfray from target. Temporary improves targets Will.), and Mind Control (Self explanatory)

Skills: Expert sniper and tactician

Weaknesses: Despite having powerful equipment and superhuman powers, he still has normal human weaknesses.
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I finished Asunas form! ^-^

And now Mamis cx


Universe from: PMMM

Alignment: Lawful/Neutral Good(?)

Name: Mami Tomoe

Alias/nickname: Yellow, Big Sister, "Cheese", Mommy

Age: Im making her 18 because why not.

Gender and sexuality: Female | Sexually attracted to Pans

Species/race: Magical Girl/Human


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M a m i


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Or This?

Likes: Tea, Sweets, Cooking, Flowers, Justice, Friends

Dislikes: Awful revelations, Solitude, Loneliness


At first sight, Mami appears to be a harmless and cool headed female, unknowingly a badass very talented Magical Girl. She's shown to have feminine tastes, such as drinking tea and dressing with flower clips in her hair and bows on her shoes. She's also an excellent cook.

She has a strong sense of personal justice, which keeps her on the path of helping innocents even with little reward for it, befitting the role of a true Magical Girl. Her experience also attracts awe from others and many who fight the same way as she defer to her when it comes to battle plans.

Under all that however, her psyche is surprisingly fragile, as when she is confronted with horrible truths regarding any subject, she can turn unstable and dangerous. And when she's deliriously happy, she can turn surprisingly reckless and showy.


Mami and her parents were in a terrible car accident, parents dead and her very injured. With little time, Kyubey made her a wish, which Mami regretted deeply. With the will of her wealthy parents, she lived in an suitable apartment, fighting to save people from witches by herself, lonely.

A year later, she meets
Kyoko Sakura, a girl who had made her wish at about the same time as Mami, but is far less experienced. Mami saves her from a powerful witch that was too much for Kyoko to defeat alone. Kyoko admires Mami's skill and ideals, and she is the first one Mami has met who thought in a similar way as she did. They become a team, fighting witches and saving people together. Mami meets Kyoko's family, and the two girls become very close.

Some time after they begin working together, Kyoko's father discovers that Kyoko had made her wish to give him followers for his church, which caused him to have a mental breakdown in which he killed himself and everyone in the family, except Kyoko. This event causes Kyoko to change idealistically, and she breaks her alliance with Mami, saying she will fight only for herself from now on. Mami thinks that she can change Kyoko's mind and refuses to let her go off alone, which leads to a clash between them in which they battle using their magic. Kyoko finishes the battle by forcing Mami to give up or seriously hurt her junior, and they separate for good. Mami is alone again except for Kyubey.

Mami meets
Madoka and Sayaka in the barrier of the witch Gertrud. She saves them from the familiars, chasing off the witch for the time being. Homura appears, and Mami advises her to chase after the witch to prevent an immediate conflict. Mami then introduces Madoka and Sayaka to Kyubey and explains the magical girl system, offering to bring them on her witch hunts to learn and experience the life of a magical girl. Acting as their mentor, she advises them to choose their wishes carefully. Mami searches for and defeats Gertrud upon their next encounter, saving the life of a woman committing suicide. She offers to share Gertrud's Grief Seed with Homura, but is rebuffed. Suspicious of Homura's motives in preventing Madoka from contracting, attempts to resolve differences with Homura fail.

Known enemies: Witches

Known rivals: Homura and Kyoko. Kinda.

Known allies/friends: Madoka, Sayaka, Homura

Known Family: Deceased and/or unknown


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Weapons: Percussion-Lock Rifled Muskets, Percussion Lock Cannon, Ribbons.


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Soul Gem


-She can summon her muskets in large numbers and can be fired by hand, they remotely are and or used as a melee weapon. Expended bullets can summon strings to ensnare the foe.

-Mami's weapon which she uses for her finishing move,
Tiro Finale, is an enormous percussion lock cannon. The cannon and the method of use seems to vary each time she summmons it, implying that she probably creates it to match what she has in mind then.

Mami's guns can only shoot one bullet, but the type of the bullet can also vary so it can
shoot shotgun shells too.

-Mami also uses ribbons which she can use to bind enemies. She extends them from her clothing or summons them out of the air.


Marie Antionette, Calling Your Attack, Dead Star Walking, Good Is Not soft, The Gunslinger, Gun Kata, Credens Justitiam, Lady Of War, Stepford Smiler, The Yamato Nadeshiko, Ojou-San, Sempai

Weaknesses: Dishonesty of herself, Selflessness, Her Loneliness

Character quote:

"It's the first time I've been this happy while fighting. I'm not scared of anything anymore. Because I'm not alone anymore."

"If you want to make a wish for
someone else, then you really need to take the time to think about what you actually want."

"You shouldn't want to be like
me, I'm...just tryin to act cool. No matter how scary it is, how hard it is, I can't talk to anyone about it. I always cry alone."


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Universe from: Just Cause

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Rico Rodriguez

Alias/nickname: Dictator Removal Specialist

Age: 47

Gender and sexuality: Hertosexual Male

Species/race: Human


Likes: Blowing things up, Medici, the Rebellion,

Dislikes: Oppressive Dictatorships

Personality: In Just Cause, Rico is portrayed as being vaguely sarcastic but confident in his own abilities and hardly ever loses his temper. He is clearly familiar with the absurdity of the tasks he is given and occasionally quips in reference to this. He is also shown to attract the attention of a few women while on his mission, which might be something new to him. According to Maria Kane, he has a habit of breaking things. Rico's personality has darkened in Just Cause 2. He is somewhat cynical, yet retains his dark sense of humor and occasional wit, but is more serious in his tone. He is also more aggressive and unlike before, does lose his temper on occasions. Rico also speaks more in free-roam game play and has lost a little of his Spanish accent. In Just Cause 2 he doesn't have any moral issues with stealing medical supplies, money and vehicle parts from civilians. He talks a lot more in Just Cause 3.


Rico was born on January 25, 1968 in Mexico. It has been stated (at the official Just Cause facebook page) that he grew up in Medici, but was not born there. Medici is said to be his mother's homeland. It has also been said that it's Rico's homeland. According to an
, Rico's parents were killed in action, when Rico escaped the coup in Medici.
Before the Agency

Anders Bodbacka, senior technical designer for JC3,

that Rico was born in Mexico and moved to Medici, which is where his mother is from. Rico left Medici when Di Ravello ordered his soldiers to kill his parents who were fighting against Di Ravello's coup.
Rico was a race car driver made famous in Medici before joining the Agency. (Mentioned by developers during an interview about JC3). Also, during his time in Medici, Rico was very good friends with Mario ever since childhood, who would later lead the Rebellion, a revolutionary faction that would fail until Rico's arrival.

According to Rico's JC2 PDA profile, Rico was approached by the CIA during the Invasion of Panama in 1989, when Rico was 21 years old. Sheldon then took Rico under his wing and became his commanding officer and friend, turning him from a rookie into the top agent he is today. According to info in JC3, Rico first met Sheldon on the boat during his escape from Medici.

Rico's time in The Agency and in the CIA

Rico underwent CIA training and due to his expertise with weapons, vehicles and other gadgets, he was soon accepted into The Agency.

This was a unit of the CIA which specialized in "regime-change" operations, which involves overthrowing dictatorships that are being ruled unfairly or are no longer US friendly.

During his time with The Agency, Rico trained under Sheldon, who taught Rico the skills and techniques he would need to carry out such dangerous operations and became a good friend and ally. Rico ran a series of black ops to support guerrilla revolutionaries and overthrow evil dictators around the world.

Rico also met Maria Kane, another recruit within The Agency. Rico and Maria were intimate some time before the events of the first game, something Sheldon is still oblivious to. Nonetheless, the three became close partners and often dispatched as a team: Sheldon being the commander, in charge of contact with Agency HQ and receiving intel, Maria deals with weapon, vehicle and equipment procurement and Rico as the field operative, carrying out all the actual work.

San Esperito - 2005

Roughly around 2005, Rico made a name for himself when he was called to the tropical island of San Esperito, along with Sheldon and Maria, who were already there investigating an unknown conspiracy.

This would turn out to be his largest, most difficult and dangerous operation to date. His task was to infiltrate and assist the two factions on the island and cripple dictator Salvador Mendoza, who was believed to be in control of WMDs and finally put an end to his rule.

After landing on the island nation, he breaks a certain faction leader out of prison to aid him in his revolution; José Caramicas. Transporting him to safety earned him the friendship of his faction (Guerrillas) and the affections of his grateful sister Esperanza Caramicas. He continued to help the faction and make his way across the nation, meeting new allies and making enemies. ‎

With his allies, Rico proceeded and carried out numerous life-risking tasks that included the sabotaging of all Mendoza's businesses and the killing of his corrupt officials. Eventually, Sheldon, Rico and Maria tracked Mendoza down, who had retreated to his own personal island. Rico carried out a full-blown assault upon the island, and fought his way through Mendoza's personal army. Mendoza fled in a jet with Rico in hot pursuit. After Rico jumped aboard Mendoza's flight, the president took a last ditch chance to escape and leaped from the plane.

Rico followed, skydiving above him. Catching up with him in free-fall, Rico placed a time-bomb on Mendoza's back, blowing the president into pieces and ultimately ending Mendoza's evil reign over San Esperito.

After the incident, Rico retired from the Agency and disappeared in Mexico.

Panau - 2009

Tom Sheldon suspiciously goes missing with millions of dollars in Agency cash, He is suspected of going rogue. The Agency wants him found and killed.

Maria Kane personally tracks down Rico, believing him to to be the only person capable of such a mission. She informs Rico about Sheldon's situation, who has disappeared in the island nation of Panau.

Rico reluctantly returns and accepts the mission when he hears about Sheldon. He and Kane are flown to Panau, in South-East Asia, whose new dictator has suddenly cut all ties to the US. Rico is informed that Sheldon may have gone rogue. Rico grudgingly accepts the fact that he may have to kill his friend and mentor, who taught him everything he knows.

Immediately thrown into combat, Rico assaults a military base and retrieves some memory cards with various pieces of intel about the Panau operation on them. Later, Kane and Rico go to visit Karl Blaine, a Swedish Agency asset who has abandoned his mission in favor of gambling and drinking, who is believed to have information about Sheldon. But, after arriving at his house, they are greeted by his apparent girlfriend Jade Tan. Jade tells Rico that Blaine is holed up in the Panau Falls Casino and needs help. Rico and Jade ride to the casino, taking a shine to one-another in the process. Rico then forcefully extracts Blaine from the casino and is repaid with a Black Market contact and the HQ locations of three Panau Factions.

Rico is introduced to the factions as a mercenary called "Scorpio" (once or twice called "Scorpion", possibly by mistake). The factions will dig up information regarding the whereabouts of Sheldon in return for Rico's services as a mercenary. Rico works for the "Reapers", led by Bolo Santosi, who is driven by her want for revolution; the "Roaches", led by Razak "The Razor" Razman, a very powerful drug distributor on Panau, though due to his wealth still remains a prominent public figure; and the "Ular Boys", led by Sri Irawan, who is driven simply by his lust for power and independence. All factions disapprove of dictator Pandak "Baby" Panay, who they feel is corrupting their nation.

Sure enough, he finds Sheldon and confronts him. Learning about Baby Panay, he realizes that Sheldon had not gone rogue as it was believed. Instead, he was on Panay, whom is believed to have ulterior motives for cutting ties with the US. Rico is given the job of eliminating Panau's corrupt leader to return the country to US friendly status. Sheldon tells Rico to keep working for the factions and causing chaos to flush Panay from his hiding spot and take him down, before departing to make amends with the Agency.

As Rico continues to work for the factions, he is abruptly informed that Karl Blaine is missing and isn't to be trusted (he had earlier installed a bug on Rico's PDA). Panay has also captured Jade, who is also revealed as a government agent and was caught snooping around. Rico races to rescue Jade before she is tortured by Panay, and he destroys the base where she is held.

From below a frozen lake, a nuclear submarine (U1) surfaces and a convoy makes their escape with Jade thrown into a truck. However, Rico foils the plan and hijacks the truck carrying Jade. Both are then rescued by Kane and Sheldon via helicopter.

The four of them take a break on Sheldon's barge boat where Jade expresses her gratitude towards Rico for saving her. She shares the intel she had gathered which reveals that there are three superpower representatives on Panau who also want to drive out Baby Panay. Knowing of the faction's want to remove Panay from presidency, each of the representatives have allied themselves with a certain faction, providing them with financial backing.

Alexander Mirkov, a Russian secret service agent is aiding the Roaches; Zhang Sun, a Chinese leader who is backing the Reapers with his promise of revolution and a disgraced Japanese general named Masayo Washio, allied with the Ular Boys. Unfortunately, Jade was caught before finding out why the superpowers want Panay gone, or what their interest in Panau itself is. They all wonder what a small nation like Panau has to offer. Sheldon tells Rico he must continue doing jobs for the factions and retain their trust, in order to discover the locations of these superpower representatives. As Rico prepares to leave, Jade asks what he intends to do, to which Rico replies what he does best, cause chaos. She tells him to take care of himself, but he insists there will be other time for that, jokingly suggesting Jade give him a few tips in the future.

Eventually, all three factions unknowingly put Rico in contact with the superpowers, enabling Rico and Sheldon to wipe them out.

Sheldon calls Rico to the Three Kings Hotel where Mirkov, Sun and Washio are staying. Ironically, none of them know the others are there too. After confronting and defeating all three, Sheldon and Rico again wonder what Panau has that is able to attract the Chinese, Japanese, Russians.

After locating Panay, Sheldon sends Rico and a faction to kill him. Arriving at his lair (Wajah Ramah Fortress), Panay queries if Rico is also on the island to steal its huge oil supply. It suddenly becomes clear that all this was for oil, the superpowers were after Panauan Oil and wanted rid of Panay in order to get to it. The interaction is cut short by Blaine, who believes Panay killed Jade. He sets off a grenade, killing himself and seemingly also Panay. Rico makes a quick exit as the self-destruct sequence activates.

Getting to safety, Rico rages at Sheldon for having him risk his life so much just for oil. They are interrupted by Kane who informs them that rival powers have learned of Panay's death and their tankers are headed toward Panau to seize the oil, which will supposedly turn the nation into a field of death and destruction as they all clash over the worlds largest oil supply, with little regard for the inhabitants of the island.

Rico is sent to the oil field in preparation for the confrontation of the superpowers, but on his way there, a nuclear submarine (U1) rises from the water. Rico checks it out, only to discover Panay, having survived the grenade explosion, is intent on keeping the oil supply for himself. After being overpowered, Panay flees to the front deck of the sub and reveals to Rico that the fight isn't over. Three Nuclear missiles are directed at the superpowers who have come to Panau to take the oil and a fourth is directed at the US. Panay launches them; however his clothes are snagged on the American one and he is hauled off with it. Rico grapples onto one and quickly disarms the first three as they speed over the water. Then after a brief scuffle with Panay, Rico slams him into the exposed missile interior, from which he's unable to free himself, but instead of disarming the missile, he changes the target coordinates.

Rico parachutes to safety and lands on the Agency barge with Sheldon, Kane and Jade. The missile explodes behind him, having hit the prized oil field, much to Sheldon's and Kane's dismay. Rico explains his reasons for destroying oil worth so much, to spare the innocent people in Panau from having to live in fear and poverty due to superpowers clashing over the oil, as without it, all interest in Panau is lost.

As the group sail along the waters of Panau, the four raise a glass to good deeds, friends and a job well done. It remains to be seen what Rico has in store next.

Medici - 2015

Several years after the events of Just Cause 2, Rico leaves The Agency and travels back home to the fictional nation of Medici, located in a fictional Mediterranean archipelago, to overthrow the dictatorship of General Di Ravello.

Since Rico is no longer in the Agency, he no longer wears a uniform. In fact he's wearing jeans and work boots.

With the help of Tom Sheldon he travels to Medici on a plane during Di Ravello week. Sheldon explains that "Di Ravello is sitting on a ton of Bavarium, which makes him the Agency's best goddamn friend". Rico equips himself with weapons that he has smuggled with the help of Tom Sheldon. Rico jumps to the roof of the plane which is now being attacked by SAMs. After defending the plane, the plane makes a vertical turn to dodge a machine gun, which causes Rico to fall off. Rico parachutes down and meets up with Mario Frigo, now The Rebellion's incompetent leader. Rico ends up saving Mario from the D.R.M., then an urgent distress call from nearby rebels comes in and the two head for them as backup. Managing to save the rebels in time, a fellow rebel says that Dimah Ali Umar al-Masri is being attacked by the DRM. Rico mounts a helicopter and saves Dimah. She explains that Bavarium is in the wrong hands and gifts Rico a new grappling hook and Wingsuit. Rico then destroys a bridge to prevent Di Ravello's reinforcements from the previous mission. Rico then visits Mario at his Granmatre's place for dinner after that he liberates the town of Manaea by the command of Alessia and proceeds to liberate power plant Vis Electra. Rico discovers that Sheldon survived the crash. Di Ravello discovers that Rico has returned and orders his soldiers to raze the town of Costa Del Porto to bring out The Rebellion's leader Mario. Rico subsequently saves the town and saves Mario from death.

Dimah requests Rico to retrieve a Bavarium scanner. After retrieving it and discovering that Bavarium is heading to Tom Sheldon, he destroys it and brings to Sheldon to prevent Bavarium coming into anyone's hands an angered Sheldon smashes his glass of beer.

Rico and Mario
then escort a scientist defecting from Di Ravello.

The Medici Military launch a Bavarium nuke to distract Rico hoping that Rico will die, but Rico survives, as well as changing the missile's course to a military centcom.

Mario asks Rico to meet him, only for Rico to realize this was a prank by a drunk Mario and Rico jokingly tells him that he will kill "Moorio". He goes to Mario and the two deliver stolen wine that is unique to Medici. Some time later Sheldon informs Rico that Medici Military ships are after Dimah and Mario, Rico is suspicious of Sheldon but goes to intercept the Military ships and defends Dimah and Mario they meet two smugglers named Annika Svennson and Teo, after a firefight against Medici Military reinforcements Mario gets severely injured Annika offers Rico aid to Mario if Rico do their bidding. It is revealed that Sheldon and The Agency had Ties to Di Ravello for 20 years for a promise that Di Ravello will have an alliance with United States of America and the killing of Rico's parents was planned so Rico could be recruited for The Agency, Di Ravello is disappointed that Sheldon didn't keep his promise of an alliance with the US and starts blaming Sheldon for training Rico and his troubles he asks Sheldon to not come to his palace again. Tom is escorted out of the palace.

The smugglers ask Rico to steal the Imperator Bavarium Tank sieging a Bavarium Refinery and testing a Bavarium EMP, Rico becomes wary of elements of a mole in The Rebellion during this Mario recovers from his injuries the two hear that Military reinforcements, the smugglers escape to "Avoid Suicide" but later return to help The Rebels after this they destroy another power plant.

The Rebels hear that Rosa Manuela is returning to Medici, Rico is protective and doesn't want her returning to avoid an assassination attempt, he protects her plane after landing Rosa recognizes Zeno Antithikara as the mole and Zeno is imprisoned. Rosa tasks Rico to destroy a train carrying Bavarium out of Medici and Rico destroy the train Annika and Teo ask Rico to help free their friends after doing this Dimah Rico and Sheldon stop a transport plane carrying a Bavarium bomb, Medici Military attacks The Rebellion as a ruse to free Zeno Rico confronts and destroys Zeno's helicopter killing him.

The Rebellion engages in a final battle against the Medici Military and they launched missiles aimed at a base where Dimah is located, Dimah pushes Rico away to sacrifice herself to the missiles killing Dimah. Annika and Teo track down Di Ravello in a powered Bavarium helicopter Rico intercepts Di Ravello and after a long battle Di Ravello crashes but survives and crawls out of the helicopter towards a revolver but Rico reaches Di Ravello in time and gives out a speech. Rico can kill Di Ravello or let him commit suicide ending his reign. It is unknown what happens to Rico after this.

Known enemies: All the oppressive Dictators he's killed and their armies

Known rivals: N/A

Known allies/friends: The people of the Rebellions

Known Family: Deceased

Weapons: Variety of LMGs, Assault rifles, Sniper rifles, pistols, SMGs, and rocket launchers.

Gear/gadgets: Wingsuit, C4, Never ending supply of parachutes, the Grappler (A grappling hook that defies all laws of a time and space), Tethers fired from the Grappler (Lines of that attach two objects and can be smashed together at fast speeds.)

Powers/abilities: He's a normal human.

Skills: Excels with guns, causing chaos, toppling oppressive dictators

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses

Character quote:

Character’s theme song:[media]

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ryanpk200 said:
Universe from: XCOM

Name: Jason Walker

Alias/nickname: The Commander (title), Alpha-1 (Callsign), and Long Shot (Nickname)

Age: Mid-thirties

Gender and sexuality: Hertosexual Male

Species/race: Human


(Guy on right)


Dress uniform


Normal Clothes




Likes: XCOM, his men, Sniper Rifles

Dislikes: Aliens, enemies of Earth,

Personality: The safety and wellbeing of those under his command are his first priority even at the cost of his own safety and wellbeing. Expect him too be the first on the field and the last one off. Jason prefers leading from the field and not sitting back at base. Everyone under his command is treated respect no matter what job.


Known enemies: The Ethereal Collective, enemies of Earth

Known rivals: EXALT

Known allies/friends: XCOM

Known Family: CLASSIFIED

Companion: (See XCOM faction sheet)

Weapons: Plasma Sniper rifle


Plasma Pistol


Gear/gadgets: (See XCOM faction sheet)



(I'm not completely sure if some of these skills can transfer from a game to writing, but I'm going to try.) Headshot (High chance of a critical hit on a enemy.), Squadsight (If an ally can see an enemy and there isn't anything blocking his view, he can see the enemy.), Gunslinger (Does more damage with pistols.), Disabling Shot (Fires a shot that causes the target's weapon to malfunction.), Opportunist (Higher chance of hitting a moving target.), Low Profile (Partial cover counts as full.), and Double Tap (Fires two shots in a quick succession)

Gene Mods Muscle Fiber Density (Gives superhuman leg strength and allows unit to reach high places without need for ladder or stairs.) Secondary Heart (Longer bleed out time and becomes critically wounded instead of dying.), Depth Perception (Better hit chance at high positions.)

Psionic Abilities Mindfray (Causes target to lose grip on reality.), Psi Inspiration (Removes panic and Mindfray from target. Temporary improves targets Will.), and Mind Control (Self explanatory)

Skills: Expert sniper and tactician

Weaknesses: Despite having powerful equipment and superhuman powers, he still has normal human weaknesses.
ryanpk200 said:
Universe from: Just Cause


Name: Rico Rodriguez

Alias/nickname: Dictator Removal Specialist

Age: 47

Gender and sexuality: Hertosexual Male

Species/race: Human


Likes: Blowing things up, Medici, the Rebellion,

Dislikes: Oppressive Dictatorships

Personality: In Just Cause, Rico is portrayed as being vaguely sarcastic but confident in his own abilities and hardly ever loses his temper. He is clearly familiar with the absurdity of the tasks he is given and occasionally quips in reference to this. He is also shown to attract the attention of a few women while on his mission, which might be something new to him. According to Maria Kane, he has a habit of breaking things. Rico's personality has darkened in Just Cause 2. He is somewhat cynical, yet retains his dark sense of humor and occasional wit, but is more serious in his tone. He is also more aggressive and unlike before, does lose his temper on occasions. Rico also speaks more in free-roam game play and has lost a little of his Spanish accent. In Just Cause 2 he doesn't have any moral issues with stealing medical supplies, money and vehicle parts from civilians. He talks a lot more in Just Cause 3.


Rico was born on January 25, 1968 in Mexico. It has been stated (at the official Just Cause facebook page) that he grew up in Medici, but was not born there. Medici is said to be his mother's homeland. It has also been said that it's Rico's homeland. According to an
, Rico's parents were killed in action, when Rico escaped the coup in Medici.
Before the Agency

Anders Bodbacka, senior technical designer for JC3,

that Rico was born in Mexico and moved to Medici, which is where his mother is from. Rico left Medici when Di Ravello ordered his soldiers to kill his parents who were fighting against Di Ravello's coup.
Rico was a race car driver made famous in Medici before joining the Agency. (Mentioned by developers during an interview about JC3). Also, during his time in Medici, Rico was very good friends with Mario ever since childhood, who would later lead the Rebellion, a revolutionary faction that would fail until Rico's arrival.

According to Rico's JC2 PDA profile, Rico was approached by the CIA during the Invasion of Panama in 1989, when Rico was 21 years old. Sheldon then took Rico under his wing and became his commanding officer and friend, turning him from a rookie into the top agent he is today. According to info in JC3, Rico first met Sheldon on the boat during his escape from Medici.

Rico's time in The Agency and in the CIA

Rico underwent CIA training and due to his expertise with weapons, vehicles and other gadgets, he was soon accepted into The Agency.

This was a unit of the CIA which specialized in "regime-change" operations, which involves overthrowing dictatorships that are being ruled unfairly or are no longer US friendly.

During his time with The Agency, Rico trained under Sheldon, who taught Rico the skills and techniques he would need to carry out such dangerous operations and became a good friend and ally. Rico ran a series of black ops to support guerrilla revolutionaries and overthrow evil dictators around the world.

Rico also met Maria Kane, another recruit within The Agency. Rico and Maria were intimate some time before the events of the first game, something Sheldon is still oblivious to. Nonetheless, the three became close partners and often dispatched as a team: Sheldon being the commander, in charge of contact with Agency HQ and receiving intel, Maria deals with weapon, vehicle and equipment procurement and Rico as the field operative, carrying out all the actual work.

San Esperito - 2005

Roughly around 2005, Rico made a name for himself when he was called to the tropical island of San Esperito, along with Sheldon and Maria, who were already there investigating an unknown conspiracy.

This would turn out to be his largest, most difficult and dangerous operation to date. His task was to infiltrate and assist the two factions on the island and cripple dictator Salvador Mendoza, who was believed to be in control of WMDs and finally put an end to his rule.

After landing on the island nation, he breaks a certain faction leader out of prison to aid him in his revolution; José Caramicas. Transporting him to safety earned him the friendship of his faction (Guerrillas) and the affections of his grateful sister Esperanza Caramicas. He continued to help the faction and make his way across the nation, meeting new allies and making enemies. ‎

With his allies, Rico proceeded and carried out numerous life-risking tasks that included the sabotaging of all Mendoza's businesses and the killing of his corrupt officials. Eventually, Sheldon, Rico and Maria tracked Mendoza down, who had retreated to his own personal island. Rico carried out a full-blown assault upon the island, and fought his way through Mendoza's personal army. Mendoza fled in a jet with Rico in hot pursuit. After Rico jumped aboard Mendoza's flight, the president took a last ditch chance to escape and leaped from the plane.

Rico followed, skydiving above him. Catching up with him in free-fall, Rico placed a time-bomb on Mendoza's back, blowing the president into pieces and ultimately ending Mendoza's evil reign over San Esperito.

After the incident, Rico retired from the Agency and disappeared in Mexico.

Panau - 2009

Tom Sheldon suspiciously goes missing with millions of dollars in Agency cash, He is suspected of going rogue. The Agency wants him found and killed.

Maria Kane personally tracks down Rico, believing him to to be the only person capable of such a mission. She informs Rico about Sheldon's situation, who has disappeared in the island nation of Panau.

Rico reluctantly returns and accepts the mission when he hears about Sheldon. He and Kane are flown to Panau, in South-East Asia, whose new dictator has suddenly cut all ties to the US. Rico is informed that Sheldon may have gone rogue. Rico grudgingly accepts the fact that he may have to kill his friend and mentor, who taught him everything he knows.

Immediately thrown into combat, Rico assaults a military base and retrieves some memory cards with various pieces of intel about the Panau operation on them. Later, Kane and Rico go to visit Karl Blaine, a Swedish Agency asset who has abandoned his mission in favor of gambling and drinking, who is believed to have information about Sheldon. But, after arriving at his house, they are greeted by his apparent girlfriend Jade Tan. Jade tells Rico that Blaine is holed up in the Panau Falls Casino and needs help. Rico and Jade ride to the casino, taking a shine to one-another in the process. Rico then forcefully extracts Blaine from the casino and is repaid with a Black Market contact and the HQ locations of three Panau Factions.

Rico is introduced to the factions as a mercenary called "Scorpio" (once or twice called "Scorpion", possibly by mistake). The factions will dig up information regarding the whereabouts of Sheldon in return for Rico's services as a mercenary. Rico works for the "Reapers", led by Bolo Santosi, who is driven by her want for revolution; the "Roaches", led by Razak "The Razor" Razman, a very powerful drug distributor on Panau, though due to his wealth still remains a prominent public figure; and the "Ular Boys", led by Sri Irawan, who is driven simply by his lust for power and independence. All factions disapprove of dictator Pandak "Baby" Panay, who they feel is corrupting their nation.

Sure enough, he finds Sheldon and confronts him. Learning about Baby Panay, he realizes that Sheldon had not gone rogue as it was believed. Instead, he was on Panay, whom is believed to have ulterior motives for cutting ties with the US. Rico is given the job of eliminating Panau's corrupt leader to return the country to US friendly status. Sheldon tells Rico to keep working for the factions and causing chaos to flush Panay from his hiding spot and take him down, before departing to make amends with the Agency.

As Rico continues to work for the factions, he is abruptly informed that Karl Blaine is missing and isn't to be trusted (he had earlier installed a bug on Rico's PDA). Panay has also captured Jade, who is also revealed as a government agent and was caught snooping around. Rico races to rescue Jade before she is tortured by Panay, and he destroys the base where she is held.

From below a frozen lake, a nuclear submarine (U1) surfaces and a convoy makes their escape with Jade thrown into a truck. However, Rico foils the plan and hijacks the truck carrying Jade. Both are then rescued by Kane and Sheldon via helicopter.

The four of them take a break on Sheldon's barge boat where Jade expresses her gratitude towards Rico for saving her. She shares the intel she had gathered which reveals that there are three superpower representatives on Panau who also want to drive out Baby Panay. Knowing of the faction's want to remove Panay from presidency, each of the representatives have allied themselves with a certain faction, providing them with financial backing.

Alexander Mirkov, a Russian secret service agent is aiding the Roaches; Zhang Sun, a Chinese leader who is backing the Reapers with his promise of revolution and a disgraced Japanese general named Masayo Washio, allied with the Ular Boys. Unfortunately, Jade was caught before finding out why the superpowers want Panay gone, or what their interest in Panau itself is. They all wonder what a small nation like Panau has to offer. Sheldon tells Rico he must continue doing jobs for the factions and retain their trust, in order to discover the locations of these superpower representatives. As Rico prepares to leave, Jade asks what he intends to do, to which Rico replies what he does best, cause chaos. She tells him to take care of himself, but he insists there will be other time for that, jokingly suggesting Jade give him a few tips in the future.

Eventually, all three factions unknowingly put Rico in contact with the superpowers, enabling Rico and Sheldon to wipe them out.

Sheldon calls Rico to the Three Kings Hotel where Mirkov, Sun and Washio are staying. Ironically, none of them know the others are there too. After confronting and defeating all three, Sheldon and Rico again wonder what Panau has that is able to attract the Chinese, Japanese, Russians.

After locating Panay, Sheldon sends Rico and a faction to kill him. Arriving at his lair (Wajah Ramah Fortress), Panay queries if Rico is also on the island to steal its huge oil supply. It suddenly becomes clear that all this was for oil, the superpowers were after Panauan Oil and wanted rid of Panay in order to get to it. The interaction is cut short by Blaine, who believes Panay killed Jade. He sets off a grenade, killing himself and seemingly also Panay. Rico makes a quick exit as the self-destruct sequence activates.

Getting to safety, Rico rages at Sheldon for having him risk his life so much just for oil. They are interrupted by Kane who informs them that rival powers have learned of Panay's death and their tankers are headed toward Panau to seize the oil, which will supposedly turn the nation into a field of death and destruction as they all clash over the worlds largest oil supply, with little regard for the inhabitants of the island.

Rico is sent to the oil field in preparation for the confrontation of the superpowers, but on his way there, a nuclear submarine (U1) rises from the water. Rico checks it out, only to discover Panay, having survived the grenade explosion, is intent on keeping the oil supply for himself. After being overpowered, Panay flees to the front deck of the sub and reveals to Rico that the fight isn't over. Three Nuclear missiles are directed at the superpowers who have come to Panau to take the oil and a fourth is directed at the US. Panay launches them; however his clothes are snagged on the American one and he is hauled off with it. Rico grapples onto one and quickly disarms the first three as they speed over the water. Then after a brief scuffle with Panay, Rico slams him into the exposed missile interior, from which he's unable to free himself, but instead of disarming the missile, he changes the target coordinates.

Rico parachutes to safety and lands on the Agency barge with Sheldon, Kane and Jade. The missile explodes behind him, having hit the prized oil field, much to Sheldon's and Kane's dismay. Rico explains his reasons for destroying oil worth so much, to spare the innocent people in Panau from having to live in fear and poverty due to superpowers clashing over the oil, as without it, all interest in Panau is lost.

As the group sail along the waters of Panau, the four raise a glass to good deeds, friends and a job well done. It remains to be seen what Rico has in store next.

Medici - 2015

Several years after the events of Just Cause 2, Rico leaves The Agency and travels back home to the fictional nation of Medici, located in a fictional Mediterranean archipelago, to overthrow the dictatorship of General Di Ravello.

Since Rico is no longer in the Agency, he no longer wears a uniform. In fact he's wearing jeans and work boots.

With the help of Tom Sheldon he travels to Medici on a plane during Di Ravello week. Sheldon explains that "Di Ravello is sitting on a ton of Bavarium, which makes him the Agency's best goddamn friend". Rico equips himself with weapons that he has smuggled with the help of Tom Sheldon. Rico jumps to the roof of the plane which is now being attacked by SAMs. After defending the plane, the plane makes a vertical turn to dodge a machine gun, which causes Rico to fall off. Rico parachutes down and meets up with Mario Frigo, now The Rebellion's incompetent leader. Rico ends up saving Mario from the D.R.M., then an urgent distress call from nearby rebels comes in and the two head for them as backup. Managing to save the rebels in time, a fellow rebel says that Dimah Ali Umar al-Masri is being attacked by the DRM. Rico mounts a helicopter and saves Dimah. She explains that Bavarium is in the wrong hands and gifts Rico a new grappling hook and Wingsuit. Rico then destroys a bridge to prevent Di Ravello's reinforcements from the previous mission. Rico then visits Mario at his Granmatre's place for dinner after that he liberates the town of Manaea by the command of Alessia and proceeds to liberate power plant Vis Electra. Rico discovers that Sheldon survived the crash. Di Ravello discovers that Rico has returned and orders his soldiers to raze the town of Costa Del Porto to bring out The Rebellion's leader Mario. Rico subsequently saves the town and saves Mario from death.

Dimah requests Rico to retrieve a Bavarium scanner. After retrieving it and discovering that Bavarium is heading to Tom Sheldon, he destroys it and brings to Sheldon to prevent Bavarium coming into anyone's hands an angered Sheldon smashes his glass of beer.

Rico and Mario
then escort a scientist defecting from Di Ravello.

The Medici Military launch a Bavarium nuke to distract Rico hoping that Rico will die, but Rico survives, as well as changing the missile's course to a military centcom.

Mario asks Rico to meet him, only for Rico to realize this was a prank by a drunk Mario and Rico jokingly tells him that he will kill "Moorio". He goes to Mario and the two deliver stolen wine that is unique to Medici. Some time later Sheldon informs Rico that Medici Military ships are after Dimah and Mario, Rico is suspicious of Sheldon but goes to intercept the Military ships and defends Dimah and Mario they meet two smugglers named Annika Svennson and Teo, after a firefight against Medici Military reinforcements Mario gets severely injured Annika offers Rico aid to Mario if Rico do their bidding. It is revealed that Sheldon and The Agency had Ties to Di Ravello for 20 years for a promise that Di Ravello will have an alliance with United States of America and the killing of Rico's parents was planned so Rico could be recruited for The Agency, Di Ravello is disappointed that Sheldon didn't keep his promise of an alliance with the US and starts blaming Sheldon for training Rico and his troubles he asks Sheldon to not come to his palace again. Tom is escorted out of the palace.

The smugglers ask Rico to steal the Imperator Bavarium Tank sieging a Bavarium Refinery and testing a Bavarium EMP, Rico becomes wary of elements of a mole in The Rebellion during this Mario recovers from his injuries the two hear that Military reinforcements, the smugglers escape to "Avoid Suicide" but later return to help The Rebels after this they destroy another power plant.

The Rebels hear that Rosa Manuela is returning to Medici, Rico is protective and doesn't want her returning to avoid an assassination attempt, he protects her plane after landing Rosa recognizes Zeno Antithikara as the mole and Zeno is imprisoned. Rosa tasks Rico to destroy a train carrying Bavarium out of Medici and Rico destroy the train Annika and Teo ask Rico to help free their friends after doing this Dimah Rico and Sheldon stop a transport plane carrying a Bavarium bomb, Medici Military attacks The Rebellion as a ruse to free Zeno Rico confronts and destroys Zeno's helicopter killing him.

The Rebellion engages in a final battle against the Medici Military and they launched missiles aimed at a base where Dimah is located, Dimah pushes Rico away to sacrifice herself to the missiles killing Dimah. Annika and Teo track down Di Ravello in a powered Bavarium helicopter Rico intercepts Di Ravello and after a long battle Di Ravello crashes but survives and crawls out of the helicopter towards a revolver but Rico reaches Di Ravello in time and gives out a speech. Rico can kill Di Ravello or let him commit suicide ending his reign. It is unknown what happens to Rico after this.

Known enemies: All the oppressive Dictators he's killed and their armies

Known rivals: N/A

Known allies/friends: The people of the Rebellions

Known Family: Deceased

Weapons: Variety of LMGs, Assault rifles, Sniper rifles, pistols, SMGs, and rocket launchers.

Gear/gadgets: Wingsuit, C4, Never ending supply of parachutes, the Grappler, tethers fired from the Grappler

Powers/abilities: He's a normal human.

Skills: Excels with guns, causing chaos, toppling oppressive dictators

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses

Character quote:

Character’s theme song:[media]

Done and done.
Universe from: Kingdom Hearts

Alignment: neutral good

Name: Lea

Alias/nickname: Axel

Age: 16 or 17

Gender and sexuality: male/straight

Species/race: keybearer/former nobody/somebody


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2016-01-21-11-38-45-1935091670.jpg.a24ca353f6600c7333d75dc76431fd1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2016-01-21-11-38-45-1935091670.jpg.a24ca353f6600c7333d75dc76431fd1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Optional) Clothes:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2016-01-21-11-54-51-722737086.jpg.88ad1f0e65f484007b212d32eae6d000.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2016-01-21-11-54-51-722737086.jpg.88ad1f0e65f484007b212d32eae6d000.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: his friends

Dislikes: organization thirteen

Personality: kind, caring, and sarcastic. Though if he were ever to become a nobody again he would be cold, manipulative, uncaring about anything as long as he gets the job done

Backstory : He was once the organization assassin before he met Roxas and Xion and they starter to change him for the better. Then he died and he then died as well protecting their somebody, sora. Then he came back to life with a heart and gained a keyblade after saving Sora’s life once more.

Known enemies: the organization thirteen

Known rivals: Isa, before he became Saix

Known allies/friends: Xion, Roxas, Sora, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, Goofey, Kairi, and Ventas

Known Family: unknown

Companion: none

Weapons: chakrams and keyblade

Gear/gadgets: none

Powers/abilities: can control flames and anything to do with heat

Skills: is agile and extremely skilled with chakrams

Weaknesses: He may be agile but he isn't strong where he could lift several pounds with ease. He also can't hurt his friends because of the promise he made Roxas and Xion, he would always be there for his friends.



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ryanpk200 said:
Universe from: XCOM
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Extraterrestrial Combat Unit

Mottos: Vigilo, Confido (I am watchful. I am relied upon.) Bellator in Machina (Warrior in the Machine) Mutare ad Custodiam (We Change to Protect)

Species/race: Human


Backstory: XCOM's activities officially began when the Council activates the XCOM Project in 2015 due to an alien invasion. It consists of all the facilities, materials, and personnel set aside or recruited as a top-secret contingency against alien invasion. Composed of some of the best military and scientific personnel the member nations have to offer, XCOM works to defend Earth from the extraterrestrial threat not only through direct intervention but also by studying the alien life forms and their technology which may reveal both weaknesses and reverse-engineering opportunities respectively. XCOM develops advanced weapons such as lasers and plasma. They create new armor that allows for invisibility or jetpacks. During the early stages of the invasion they capture several aliens. Through interrogations they learn the location of the alien base. Before they can attack the base, a human group known as the EXALT shows up. They work to thwart XCOM's efforts of fighting of the extraterrestrial invasion. In response, the Council tasks XCOM with eliminating these traitors of mankind. They manage to stop EXALT and refocus efforts on the aliens. XCOM reaches the alien base and clears it of aliens. They recover to important things from the base, the Hyperwave relay and the secrets of Psionics. Through Psionics XCOM soldiers were able to do many new things with their mind. Things like inspiring allies while causing enemies to panic. They research the Hyperwave relay and adapt it to their own means. They use the relay to reveal a cloaked ufo that was fast than any plane at XCOM's disposal. In response they created the Firestorm. The advanced plane was built by combining alien technology and human technology. They dispatched a Firestorm to shoot down the cloaked ufo. At the crash site XCOM fights a new alien. Its Psionic power was unmatched by anything XCOM had seen. They kill the alien and recover a device it was guarding. Upon retrieval of the device a massive alien appears from nowhere. XCOM quickly researches the device and uses it to get aboard the alien ship. XCOM wipes out everything aboard but due to the death of the alien leader the ship begins to self destruct and turn into a blackhole. A solider stays aboard the ship and flies it out of Earth's atmosphere to prevent Earths destruction.

Known enemies: The Ethereal Collective (The Aliens)

Known rivals: EXALT

Known allies: The Council of Nations

Base: XCOM travels from location to location inside of a repurposed alien ship called the Avenger.

Research Labs:
The research team, headed by Dr. Vahlen, can be found in this location. The laboratory allows XCOM to research upgrades and new equipment.

This facility, managed by Dr. Shen, allows XCOM to build a wide variety of items that have been researched by the scientists in the labs or designed by the engineers in the Foundry.

Air force: XCOM pilots fly the hybrid fighter craft called the Firestorm. They are equipped with either EMP cannons or the Fusion Lance.


Solider Classes: Assaults specializes in close combat.

Heavy specializes in using explosive weapons.

Snipers focuses on taking enemies out from afar.

Supports h
eals, conceals, and buffs allies; provides suppression fire.

MEC Troopers are operators of
MECs, these soldiers act as heavy fire support and cover destroyers, and can be built to excel in close combat.

Subclasses: Psionic soldiers can possess a supplemental set of psionic abilities. To test for psionic capabilities, a soldier must spend 10 days in the Psionic Labs.

Gene Mods abilities allow soldiers to be genetically engineered in the Genetics Lab, granting up to five modifications that provide superhuman abilities.

Weapons: Plasma Pistol (Sniper, Assault, Support)


Plasma Rifle (Support)


Plasma Sniper Rifle (Sniper)


Alloy Cannon (Assault)


Heavy Plasma (Heavy)


Blaster Launcher (Heavy)


Particle Cannon (MEC)


Tactical Subsystems (MEC secondaries)

Armor: Titan Armor is among XCOM’s heaviest designs. It enhancing a soldier's protection from weapons fire, while also providing immunity to fire and toxins.


The Archangel Armor combines heavy armor with a small propulsion system that allows for limited flight capabilities. Sealed: internal air supply and recycling systems provide the wearer immunity to poison and airway interruption Flame Resistant: cooling systems and alien alloy construction confer immunity to environmental fire damage


Ghost Armor: By integrating a stealth field based on the phase-shifts observed in the hyperwave beacon, this suit makes it extremely difficult for the wearer to be detected in the field. It should be noted, the stealth system is only effective when used by a soldier in cover.


Psionic Armor: It’s the most powerful armored suit, this equipment serves to amplify the wearer's psionic abilities through a system modeled after the alien's own cybernetic implants. However, it should be noted, this armor can only be equipped by a soldier found to have Psionic abilities.


Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuits, or MECs, are powerful battlesuits that mount an array of useful weaponry and support equipment. Each MEC can be customized to fit specific tactical approaches. If a
MEC Trooper dies, his MEC can be recovered and repaired in the Cybernetics Lab.


Gear/gadgets: Items (XCOM: Enemy Unknown)

Powers/abilities: Class abilities (XCOM: Enemy Unknown)

Skills: Quickly research alien technology and build equipment from it

Weaknesses: Small air/ground force

Named Characters: Shaojie Zhang is a former Triad operative that defected to XCOM. When his boss was planning to sell a recovered alien device to the aliens, he took it and contacted XCOM. They escorted him out of China and he joined as a soldier.


Annette Durand is a human civilian with powerful latent psionic abilities who is rescued from an EXALT convoy.


Central Officer John Bradford is an officer attached to XCOM. He reports to the Commander and often confers with Dr. Shen and Dr. Vahlen. Bradford is frequently referred to and answers to the callsign Central. He’s the junior commander and provides intelligence on objectives, and alert the Commander of additional alien threats.


Dr. Raymond Shen is the lead engineer attached to XCOM and oversees manufacturing, and base facilities construction. Dr. Shen displays some concern over the extent and application of the alien's technology. He is especially horrified by the extent to which some species of alien have been genetically altered, or augmented with machinery, and questions whether
humanity is headed in the same direction. His comments are often contrasted with those of Dr. Vahlen, who seems far more interested in any new alien technology the team recovers.


Dr. Vahlen is the lead
scientist, seemingly an astrobiologist by profession, attached to XCOM who oversees the project's research laboratories.



"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." Arthur C. Clarke

"Those who play with the devil's toys will by degrees be brought to wield his sword."

R. Buckminster Fuller

"Hello Commander,

In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this council of nations has convened to approve the activation of the XCOM Project. You have been chosen to lead this initiative. To oversee our first... and last line of defense. Your efforts will have considerable influence on this planet's future. We urge you to keep that in mind as you proceed.

Good luck, Commander."

–Council Spokesman
I made a small edit.
Universe from: avatar(After the last airbender and before the legend of korra since I have only ever watched the last airbender)

Alignment: neutral good

Name: Ryuuya Mamoru

Alias/nickname: Ryu

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Species/race: mix breed (meaning he was born between two benders, in his case fire and earth bender)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images-3.jpg.fff88eeff812b173c13c1a87a8ed0a94.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images-3.jpg.fff88eeff812b173c13c1a87a8ed0a94.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Optional) Clothes:

A white Chinese shirt(in the picture), black pants, and white shoes.

Likes: ramen, fire, the sun, mornings, plants, gardening, the color red, and the color green

Dislikes: polution, night time, and bullies

Personality: kind, caring, easily angered, stubborn, doesn't like taking orders, and determined

Backstory: He was born in the time of peace after avatar Aang had defeated the fire lord. His mother died in child birth and his dad left him alone when he was six, after he discovered his son was both a firebender and an earthbender. He found one of the Avatar Aang's friends, Toph, and she taught him how to earthbend. He then left, after learning this but not yet becoming a master, and found the Avatar's other friend, Zuko, and he taught him firebending. Which is where he is now, learning firebending while still learning and practicing earthbending.

Known enemies: none

Known rivals: none

Known allies/friends: Toph, Zuko

Known Family: a firebender and an earthbender

Companion: none

Weapons: none

Gear/gadgets: none

Powers/abilities: is and earthbender and a firebender

Skills: earthbending and firebending

Weaknesses: is easily angered and when he gets angry in a fight he isn't as good at either earthbending or firebending, usually making rookie mistakes



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Universe from: Halo (original character)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Renae-B207


Ren- Primarily, first given to her by her family, then picked up by Elijah and her other friends in the Spartan-III program.

Raven- People use it for the same reason the call her Hoot, except usually only her close friends use it on her. Also, they originally gave it to her for her long memory and love of revenge, as well as watching people and being generally curious. Along with being intimidating despite her smaller size.

Hoot- Typically only used by other soldiers and people who know Ren and her knowledge-seeking habits well, especially while in battle. It..tends to be used as a nice term. Usually. Her closer friends don't usually use this name.

Snoop- This tends to be used to demean her, but she usually ignores it.

Demon- This is the nickname that most Sangheili soldiers give to Spartans when they see them in battle or when they see them as allies, and some other Covenant species used the name as well. The nickname was originally used as a derogatory name since Spartans were very strong compared to Covenant forces. But it eventually grew to be a name given to the Spartans as a sign of respect from the Sangheili soldiers they fought against and we're eventually allied with.

Age: 26

Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual

Armor/General Appearance: To people from her universe, her type of armor often looks rather similar to the ceramonial armor if the alien race named Sangheili (known more commonly as Elites), not the armor that Spartan super soldiers typically wear. Especially since Ren's armor gives her cloven toes. This similarity is mainly because her style of armor was heavily inspired by Sangheili armor. Her armor all together looks like the first picture, with the color scheme and pattern being shown in the second picture.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a22380_2015-12-3115.43.48.jpg.e6536efaf9b0328521fc14e697dd4808.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a22380_2015-12-3115.43.48.jpg.e6536efaf9b0328521fc14e697dd4808.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a26da1_2016-01-1521.16.03.jpg.18446fefe06bd5536f7c52b8793fe74f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a26da1_2016-01-1521.16.03.jpg.18446fefe06bd5536f7c52b8793fe74f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Emblem: This is painted onto the left shoulder guard of her armor and fits into a 4×4 inch square. It is the emblem which represents that she is a part of the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) Spartan squad called Fireteam Falcon. It's one of the many Spartan fireteams, made up of Spartan-IVs who were formerly S-IIIs, ODSTs, or Marines before they training to become S-IVs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a2f0a3_2015-12-3115.44.04.png.f3cf4894c690eec0a11efb63c72b017e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a2f0a3_2015-12-3115.44.04.png.f3cf4894c690eec0a11efb63c72b017e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Build: She looks kinda small for a Spartan-III/IV, but Ren is actually rather stable, agile, and lethal despite her petite size. In all actuality, though, she is very tall compared to normal people and soldiers. She towers over the average person, even though she is smaller compared to other soldiers of her calliber. Ren is also covered in lean muscle. She isn't really bulky and thick, but she definitely looks athletic, strong, and fit when out of her armor. When in her armor, she just looks like a deadly human tank.

Current Height: 6' 8"

Average Weight: 228 lbs.

Skin Tone: A good portion of Spartan super soldiers of the earlier two generations have pretty pale skin due to always being in their skin-tight armor that completely conceals their body. Ren kind of does as well, but her skin is a couple shades darker than the average Spartan due to her genetics. Not to much of an extreme, but her skin is still slightly darker.

Nationality: Descended from Americans that migrated to the colony planet Jericho VII three generations before she was born. She is technically considered Caucasian, but like it is described above, her skin is naturally a few shades darker than the average pale complexion that most Spartan-III's and II's tend to have. This hints at the fact that she also has some other nationality in her line, most likely African American mixed with White American. This possibly could have occurred not long before her recent ancestors left Earth to live on Jericho VII, or even after her ancestors arrived on Jericho VII. Her parents weren't truly documented and they died before she was taken into the Spartan-III Program at the age of 6 years old, so it's hard to say for sure if they show more signs to prove anything.

Hair Color: Dark brownish-black.

Hair Style: Unlike most other Spartan-III females, Ren doesn't have a shaved head or very short hair. Instead, the tips of her straight hair ends right at her shoulders. She always leaves her hair pulled back in a tight, low ponytail while in her armor. As a result, she has a small ponytail at the back of her head that is around two inches in length. While out of her armor and undersuit, she typically leaves her hair down. Ren rarely strolls around in anything other than her armor or undersuit, though, so her hair is practically always held back in a ponytail.

Eye Color: Deep blue with small flecks of green and brown that are only noticeable if you look closely.

Other Physical Features: Like any other person that has been a Spartan for years, Renae has many scars from many wounds on her body. These scars can really only be seen when she is out of her armor. Most are healed and small, but some are larger and more prominent. Her most noticeable scars are: a long thin scar stretching almost the whole length of her inner right forearm. She got that one from an Elite's energy dagger; a thin but noticeable scar running across her right cheek bone, up next to her right eye and up into her hairline. It was caused by a training accident; a large plasma burn on her lower back from a Covenant plasma rifle; and a thick, ragged, slightly indented scar on the shin of her right leg. She received that pretty thing while fighting in a warehouse building that had multiple levels that were pretty close together, with the upper levels being narrower and wide open on the sides. While shooting at an Elite, a Brute on the level below her decided to jump up and smack her left shin with his smaller rifle, trying to down her. And his rifle had two curving knives attached to the muzzle. Her leg ended up fracturing from it since that was back when she still wore her weaker SPI armor, and her leg was also obviously cut from the blade. But she killed the Elites then slaughtered the Brute in her rage, so she got her revenge. Along with those, Renae also has one tattoo that is on the back of her right hand. It is a black version of the emblem below, meant to be a tribute to her nickname of Raven. This emblem is also painted in white on the same spot on her armor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/steel_blank_rooster-on-blank.png.14c39113fa1592ba9a0496b57ab9eca2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/steel_blank_rooster-on-blank.png.14c39113fa1592ba9a0496b57ab9eca2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


• Knives (when she's using them, anyway).

• Knowledge about things that interest her.

• Picking at peoples' buttons when she thinks they deserve it, or if she thinks it will be fun.

• Being around people that she can trust to have her back.

• Having a stealthy upper hand on the enemy with them being unaware that she is about to beat their shit in.


• Most Covenant species.

• Traitors.

• When her armor is damaged or malfunctioning.

• Not being able to come up with a good strategy when she needs it.

• Being backed into a corner by the enemy.

• Being in deep water, with and without her armor.

• Watching people get hurt when she knows they don't deserve it.


Ren has a personality that can be best described as, in short, a slightly concerned and rather attentive chill. Almost as if her lax personality is being used to hide something else.

This Spartan doesn't talk a whole heck of a lot. In fact, unless she is asked a question, with good friends, in a good mood, or feels that her thoughts are important to say aloud, people don't normally hear her talk. It's not that she's cold or anything. Nothing like that. Ren just doesn't feel the need to always open her mouth. The Spartan is more talkative off the battlefield, but she still isn't extremely talkative even there. She is nice though, and caring in her own way. Very caring, for she hates to see those close to her being hurt. She also hates seeing people getting dogged when she thinks they don't deserve it. The thing is that she doesn't usually show that caring side unless the occasion arises, and when it does, those other two emotions mixed in with her chill attitude actually overpower her more relaxed side. Renae can easily become a very serious person and lose her relaxed personality in certain situations. And, boy, does she have a sense of humor. It's not exactly nice and...safe, and it can sometimes be rather biting or demeaning. Even to her own friends. But hey, she's being humorous in the only way she really knows how, being a Spartan and all. At least she's trying.

Ren doesn't seem to have a preference to working alone or with a team, but she actually prefers to be out in the field with at least one other soldier. She'll definitely work alone when a mission allows it or when she thinks she is able to, but she tends to feel more comfortable when fighting alongside her team. She knows that she stands a higher chance of survival if she has other soldiers to work with. Renae isn't the best leader, though. Like stated earlier, she is rather quiet. And even though she will give her thoughts out time to time, she isn't the most demanding or outright when it comes to telling people what to do. Ren definitely won't take shit from anyone or let them walk all over her, but she doesn't feel the need to boss others around unless she knows it is needed. She just doesn't feel comfortable with being the alpha of a team. Beta, maybe, but not an alpha. Renae knows that she isn't exactly cut out for that position. But, if it is needed, she will fill those shoes.

Possibly, Ren's most prominent and notable feature is her intelligence, and extreme attentiveness and curiosity. She watches everything around her intently, especially living things. It's not like she's doing it on a combat standpoint, because she does it wherever she goes. Instead, she's more or less doing it to gather information about someone or something. Ren knows more about how living things work than people give her credit for due to her attentiveness, and she does it without even meaning to. It just happens. After being around someone for even a short time, she already has a decent idea of how the person works; she knows the basics of what makes them tick. More often than not, she uses that to work people and push their buttons in just the right way to get the result she wants. She will also use it to comfort people, but she is and will probably always be a little awkward about helping people in that way. So she just naturally picks at people instead, mostly in a "fun," joking kind of way (and, ya know, sometimes for revenge, no matter how small and petty). She'll even do it to Covenant soldiers if she gets the chance. Does she do it on purpose or unintentionally? No one really knows. But she does it, and it's one of her most striking features as a person. Now, back to her curiosity. Part of what sparks her ability to understand many people is due to her curiosity. But that personality trait can also be put to use on other things. Anything, really. As long as she finds something interesting, she will delve into it and thrive to learn more. She always wants that, especially when it comes to things she doesn't know much about. Knowledge about things that she finds intriguing is stimulating for her, and she can't help but know as much about it as she can. Almost like a child with a new toy or book. Although, her curious and attentive character may seem interesting, but it is also dangerous to her. That side has gotten her into trouble in more ways than one on multiple occasions. On the battle field, one example would be that she is so caught up in examining something or someone - or even another species - that she almost forgets that she is in the battlefield. She zones out and forgets to pay attention. This usually awards her with a rude awakening, either by her fellow squad mates yelling at her to pull her head out of her ass or an enemy trying to finish her off. That has gotten her badly hurt many a time, as well as scolded by her team. Another way that curiosity kills Ren the cat is when she gets into things that she shouldn't. This has happened far less often than the former example, but it still happens every once in a while. She is usually caught red handed, and she only sometimes feels guilty for it. But she is reprimanded every time, for officials aren't too forgiving of her curiosity when it comes to those instances. All in all, it's not like she's a bad soldier. On the contrary, she is very good at her career that she grew up in, and she is known to be very lethal with almost any weapon she can get her hands on. But these two traits of hers do set her back sometimes, and she is both proud and resentful of them.

As an added thought, Renae is a responsible, trustworthy soldier who is talented and ruthless. She will accomplish most missions that she is set out to do, and will try her hardest all throughout even if she doesn't succeed. And, even though she can become distracted, she is still smart enough to usually know when to pull her head out of the clouds and use her brains to be useful. The one asterisk to this is if she is given an order or mission that she doesn't believe is beneficial or smart, or if she thinks it endangers individuals that she doesn't believe deserve it. If she feels that a mission fits into those guidlines, she will either complete the orders with resentment or deny them altogether. And these moments are some of her most vocal. This has only happened a few choice times in all her years of service, but these are the instances where she will get into the most trouble with officials. It's not like she finds it fun to cause insubordination, because she is actually respectful to her superiors. Her problem is that she doesn't want to do something that is against her morals. It just wouldn't sit well with her in the long run if she allowed herself to do that.


Renae started out her life generally normally. She was born on the colony planet Jericho VII, along with one sister who was nine years old when Ren was born. Her parents were - in the standards of a Insurectionist colony planet like Jericho VII - average, living in the city and having jobs that worked at breweries that made a special wine, the planets most notable product. Ren had a pretty average life while growing up.

Although, only 12 days before she turned 3 years of age, that "average life" went to hell. The large alien military group that calls themselves the Covenant had invaded the planet, instigating the Battle of Jericho VII. The result of the battle left Ren with her parents dead, her older sister dying shortly after the two girls were rescued after being badly injured, and Ren being relatively unharmed. Just scared out of her mind. Ren was the only survivor of her small family, and went on to avenge their deaths.

Renae can still remember some gruesome details of the night her family died and her life changed forever, the flashes feeling like images from a terrible nightmare that have been engraved into her memories: Her parents moving her sister and herself into a corner of the very small house, posting themselves with pistols to try and protect the two girls as long as they could; a cacophony of noise drilling into the house from the battle out in the street; her parents being stabbed through by a bright blue light that illuminates the eerily dark room, one right after the other, before their bodies slump to the floor; a towering, growling beast holding the glowing energy sword and thudding slowly up to the sole survivors of the small family, Ren shaking as the sharp light held by the beast outlines half it's unearthly features; her body riddled with terror as her sister is shot in the chest by a second weapon held by the beast, the globular "bullet" as blinding as the sword wielded by the creature; Ren curling into the corner as far as she can with her arms covering her head, even though she knows very well that the lumbering, growling monstrosity in front of her can see her very clearly; a loud growl rumbling from the chest of the beast- to be cut off sharply by two controlled barks from a rifle, followed by a heavy thump; Ren hesitantly looking up to find the bastard dead, the dying light from its glowing weapon outlining four finger-like protrusions on its face that look like jaws; a silhouetted figure standing in the doorway behind the dead beast. The human figure staring calmly over at her from a smooth and softly glowing face, it's body bulky but calm, and it's rifle still smoking ever so slightly.

Ren will remember that night for the rest of her life, even if the memory is growing more foggy as she ages. The images of the dead alien Sangheili, Covenant soldier on the floor and the noble Spartan in doorway stick the hardest to her mind. And even though she knows very well know that it's not the case, she can't help but think of the Spartan as a god with how they held themselves in such a regal manner. How they just stood there calmly, appearing there at the last second to save her little life. In truth, she views them like her guardian angle, and has mentally thanks the soldier time and again for saving her at the last second.

After the Spartan saved her from the Elite, they came in and carefully but quickly picked her up and out of there, along with her sister. The older girl (that she can't remember the name of, no matter how hard she tries) was almost dead, but she was still taken. In a blur, the two girls were transported by the Spartan to a larger building. This structure had other survivors inside as well. Not too many, but there were still some. After depositing the children, the Spartan quickly turned and ran back to the battle. To this day, Ren has no clue who the Spartan was, what their gender was, or what generation of Spartan they were. All she can remember of the soldier is their silver-gray armor with red highlights.

Shortly after being dropped off, Ren's sister died as the medics tried to keep that from happening. The rest of that night was a blur, practically a smudge of muddy confusion and darkness that Ren can't get focused in her mind. Ren was transported away as soon as possible along with other civilian survivors, the battle still raging on the planet. She may not have been kept close by the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) and ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence), but they certainly kept her in their sights due to what promise she showed for the Spartan-III program. They also did some tests on her, to check out her genetics. So when they started selecting individuals to join the second Spartan-III company, known as Beta Company, they snatched up Ren in the bunch when she was six years old.

(The rest is outlined in the joined section.)

Known allies/friends: Elijah, The Spartans on Fireteam Falcon, most individuals in the UNSC, a good chunk of Sangheili (Covenant species).

Known Family: All of her true family died when she was almost three. Elijah is the only person that she considers to be her family.

Companion: None



BR85N Service Rifle with a custom skin (Battle Rifle)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a35483_2015-12-3115.43.19.jpg.a07a5a8344c6c6266d31a28f38bb08fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a35483_2015-12-3115.43.19.jpg.a07a5a8344c6c6266d31a28f38bb08fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dual M6H Personal Defense Weapon System with custom skins (Pistols)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a460d7_2016-01-1718.22.03.png.8f4b98f0d0d09897f6789ce06f12edff.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a460d7_2016-01-1718.22.03.png.8f4b98f0d0d09897f6789ce06f12edff.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dual custom CQC WS Combat Knives, with the modified sheaths for them attached to the outer side of Ren's calves.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a499f9_2015-12-3115.46.47.jpg.1ad10e659360090380271fa5b1fd2fe6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a499f9_2015-12-3115.46.47.jpg.1ad10e659360090380271fa5b1fd2fe6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a4d789_2015-12-3115.46.33.png.4ddab3907ee77786b12f21cb0fbd5c21.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a4d789_2015-12-3115.46.33.png.4ddab3907ee77786b12f21cb0fbd5c21.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Grenade Types-

3 Type-1 Antipersonnel grenades (plasma/sticky grenades)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a56a48_2015-12-3115.50.21.png.e8617a61b7ee9d8eb0f4da91494e5f84.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a56a48_2015-12-3115.50.21.png.e8617a61b7ee9d8eb0f4da91494e5f84.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

3 M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose grenades (frag grenades)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a59c15_2015-12-3115.47.20.png.73ab05314210786ded599c696c000160.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a59c15_2015-12-3115.47.20.png.73ab05314210786ded599c696c000160.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Marksmanship, medium- to long-range weaponry, hand-to-hand/knife fighting, intelligence/gathering info, and weapon proficiency.


Intelligence/Knowledge- She loves gathering knowledge, and will use it to come up with her next plan of action or to inform others.

Stealth- She can move very quietly while on the battlefield, as long as she needs to.

Resourceful- Even if something isn't meant to be a weapon, she can still figure out how to use it as one in most situations if the need arises.

Attentive- Ren pays close attention to all the important things going on around her, especially people. She mainly does it without meaning to in order to know how the people around her work and think.

Marksmanship- She is nowhere near the best aim, but she is still talented with quickly aiming at and popping an enemy, especially with here BR.

Determined- Even when things seem bleak or she feels like absolute garbage, Ren will still stride on with as much confidence as she can muster.


Aloof- It is not uncommon for Ren to become distracted by something that is interesting to her, even while on the battle field.

Hesitant- She sometimes thinks too much before she acts, which carries the possibility of slowing her and others down.

Intelligence/Knowledge- It may be helpful to be smart, but to a point. For Ren, she has reached that point time and again by trying to soak up more knowledge than she has time for.

Slight Xenophobe- She tries desperately to forgive the alien soldiers that have sided with the UNSC since the year 2553, and she has on some instances. But after being raised to kill those aliens on sight, it's kinda difficult to change from habits and learned reflexes. And her blurry memories of the night that she lost her family don't help much.

Quiet- That is usually a good thing when on the battlefield. But if Ren has to lead a squad, her natural tendency to be quiet isn't the most helpful. She will speak up and talk a lot when she has to, but she doesn't usually talk much unless it is needed.

(The rest of her info will be with the sheet for my other Spartan character in a combined section.)



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Universe from: Halo (original character)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Elijah-B023


Ellie- That is simply a shortened version of his name. The only people that have ever really used this nickname are Ren and other Spartan-IIIs that he trained with.

Coyote- This is more of a descriptive nickname. Elijah is a leaner guy, so he looks leaner compared to some other Spartans. But his slimmer size helps him to be light on his feet, and his cunning wits while in battle help him to be lethal with his agility. Elijah isn't exactly fast at running, but he can dodge and weave and move in combat quickly. He is also rather brave, not afraid of much and willing to take on any enemy he knows he can fight (that isn't always be the smartest idea, but that's just how he is). That may not be a perfect description of a coyote, but his friends gave it to him during training since it fit him well. It was also a good thing to use if they had to talk in codes or secrecy. It was also brought on for a more saddening reason, which is that he has small tendencies to be a scavenger in order go get what he needs. That is due to his young childhood.

Eel- A nickname that Ren picked up on for him as a play on his name, and he isn't too fond of it. She claims it's because he can be slippery like an eel when in a fight and lethal if an enemy gets too close, but he doesn't buy it. Or like it much.

Demon- (Same reason at Ren's explanation)

Age: 26

Gender and sexuality: Male, heterosexual

Armor/General Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a5faea_2016-01-0909.23.04.jpg.059b61c610efa32c5e4f7c4421a90af9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a5faea_2016-01-0909.23.04.jpg.059b61c610efa32c5e4f7c4421a90af9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a670df_2016-01-0909.22.49.jpg.ff85b255e519da1e22b53bd4907b7230.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a670df_2016-01-0909.22.49.jpg.ff85b255e519da1e22b53bd4907b7230.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Emblem: This emblem sits in the same place as Ren's and as the same size. This marks that he is a member of Fireteam Falcon.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a694cc_2016-01-0913.22.33.png.c1833d8666969a1d641d8573393be1b6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a694cc_2016-01-0913.22.33.png.c1833d8666969a1d641d8573393be1b6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Build: Elijah never really looked like a huge, extremely strong Spartan. He is about the average height for his generation, though, so he isn't exactly small. He just doesn't appear to be extremely blocky and muscular, despite his strength. His build is instead more athletic, and a little lanky. No matter what people think of him, they always think he looks athletically fit rather than very muscular. He is no weakling, thought. Not in any way.

Current Height (in armor): 6'11"

Average Weight: 272 pounds

Skin Tone: His skin color is generally average for a Spartan-III- pale due to so much time in his armor, but not to a sickly extent. His skin color is the color of a pale Caucasian male that lacks true pink or tan hues.

Nationality: He was born on Jericho VII, an Insurectionist colony planet with a mix of nationalities. That is part of what gives Elijah his accent, which is not American. It sounds more European, probably British or Irish. Heck, maybe even Australian instead of European. Part of what makes his accent so hard to understand is that it's minor, sometimes unnoticeable. So this could hint at the fact that his ancestors came from a European country on Earth, not too far back in his line. Or he picked it up from someone who he lived around or was born to on Jericho VII, which is just as likely. Either way, he looks like a pale Caucasian male, which could end up being a bunch of possible nationalities, and he has a minor English or Irish or Australian or some non-American accent to boot.

Hair Color: Brunette with a little bit of coppery, auburn red mixed in to give a slight red tint.

Hair Style: His hair is two or three inches long, which is allowed but not exactly the normal stubble length that a majority of Spartans currently have. And no matter what he does, Elijah always has messy hair. It just doesn't calm the hell down and lay flat on his head like normal, which is probably due to him wearing his helmet so much. It annoys him a lot, especially when Ren pokes fun at him for it (she knows it annoys him). He's learned to deal with it, though, because he'd rather have longer hair than a shaved head.

Eye Color: Hazel

Other Features: Like any other soldier, he has scars on his body. Besides ones left from his augmentations, the most noticeable ones are across his left cheek, a plasma burn mark on his right collarbone, and a ragged scar across his left palm. He also has a tattoo of the emblem below on the inner side of his left forearm, in a sort of pledge to his nickname of Coyote (even though the emblem has more of a wolf shape than a coyote). This emblem is also painted in white on the backside of his armored right hand, like Ren's. He just chose to have his tattoo in a different spot than she did.

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Speed/Agility- Like it is explained in his nickname section, he is very light and quick on his feet. He's not the best with running, but he can certainly move fast in the middle of a combat situation.

Caring- He keeps an eye on all of his friends and squad mates it battle, trying his hardest to keep them all alive. It doesn't always work, but he tries. And off of the battle field, he is very caring to those that are close to him. Elijah will try to help with any problems that his loved ones have (especially Ren, obviously). He is less caring to new people since he isn't as comfortable around them, but he still tries to help.

Sharp Eye- He catches almost everything that goes on around him, watching for tactical information, any possible enemies, any possible allies, anything that could help him, etc. And, of course, he keeps an eye out to see if any of his allies become hurt. He doesn't do it in a way like, "I have to do this to be better!" He instead does it in a naturally need to stay alive and watch out for the best possible way for him to keep himself and his friends alive.

Close Range Firearms/Combat- He is good with up close fighting, countering Ren's talent with medium to long range fighting styles. That could mean he is good with his rifle up close, or his knives, or his limbs, doesn't matter. He is just strong and light on his feet, and likes to take on enemies closer up rather than from afar. That's one reason why him and Ren make such a good pair, because they have opposing skills that add together to make a dangerous tag team.

Friendly/Leader- To his allies, he is rather friendly and outgoing. And the more he knows someone, the more he'll talk to them. That doesn't mean he's exactly open to giving a lot of information out, but he likes to talk to people and be generally approachable. This can also help him to be a good leader. Although, if you're an enemy to him, he is not nice at all. Or if he is, it's in a biting way.


Caring- Elijah has a tendency to care too much about his allies, especially his closest friends. He many be strong in battle, but badly wound one of his friends and he will do one of two things: falter and drop back to care for his friend, possibly making himself injured in the proses; or become extremely angry and fight on with a new will to "make the enemy pay," which can also cause him to get hurt.

Underestimates Things- He is strong in battle, but he sometimes underestimates his strength and the power of his enemies.

Lonely- Elijah has this deep need to be around people. So when he is alone, he does not function normally. He is more paranoid and cautious, especially when he is battling an enemy alone. He still fights well even when he is alone, but being alone greatly dampens his mood and abilities. So he likes to seek out other people to be with, specifically his friends and loved ones, when he is alone. Being around allied people really calms him down.

Grudges/Easily Angered- He holds grudges like no tomorrow, and he can become mad rather easily. Like goddamn dude. Chill.

Hides- When there is something that hurts him a lot, whether it be emotionally or physically, he likes to hide away from the prying eyes of people. If he can't do that, he will be very quiet and seem very distant, trying to detach from the situation as much as possible. And the worse the pain is, the more distant he is. Either way, he curls away and tries to escape the pain. That could be caused by his early life when he was homeless, since the best way he could fix or forget about his problems of hunger, sickness, loneliness, physical pain, etc was to just curl up somewhere and fall asleep and have some alone time. He knows it isn't normal to do now, but he can't help it. He does sometimes let others around him in those moments, though, when he knows they can and will help him rather than further harm him. Just like when he was a child and still had his mother, because she would try to comfort him as best she could when she wasn't scoping out food or a better place for them to camp out and survive until the next day.

Personality: Elijah's most striking feature is how caring and friendly he is. Yes, that may not seem like a very striking feature for a person. But remember, he is a Spartan, who was trained to be a soldier from the age of 6 years old. Some Spartans are rather caring, but most are better at making sure something is dead and keeping themselves alive than they are at caring for other living things. They also do not show as much emotion as normal people, and they may seem a little cold. But Elijah seems to always be watching out for the well being of people close to him, and he hates seeing them hurt. Both physically and emotionally.

Elijah is also a rather talkative, friendly person. He doesn't always talk, but if stimulated to do so, he will talk a lot with people. He won't give off much of his own personal information since that makes him uncomfortable, though, so do not go looking to get it from him easily. He does love to talk with people that he feels comfortable around, though. For this reason and the fact that he is caring, he can make a very good leader and loves to be on a team. In fact, he hates being alone, so he is not a happy camper when he doesn't have a team by his side to help him. Although, if he dislikes or doesn't feel comfortable around a person, he will not act nice and he will want nothing to do with them. He acts very cold at those moments and can be very biting to those people.

Now, to different parts of him that are far more..prickly. Elijah can become angered easily, and he can be very scary when he's angry. He can go crazy, and kinda disregards his own safety when he does it. The Spartan will eventually calm down, though, after his adrenaline runs out or the thing causing his anger is out of his sight. Or dead. Whichever happens first. And if he sees that being again, there's a good chance he will act very biting and cold to them. He won't try to kill them unless he is angered again, but he will definitely remember how they made him mad before.

Elijah can also have a problem with hiding away at times when something is troubling him or he is hurt. That is the only time he doesn't mind being alone and, to him, hiding away is the best way to fix his pain. He will still let people try to fix his emotional or physical pain if he trusts them, but he still seems very distant while they do it. Elijah also natural has a strong feeling of self preservation, caused by having to fight for his survival during most of his early life. It has stuck with him, and he always tries his hardest to keep himself alive. In moments when he could easily die or be wounded, he acts more on instincts and reflexes than tactics and wits, unless he needs to use the latter instead. That is also likes to kill enemies as quickly as possible, eliminating the chance of them harming him further. The only time he abandons this need to safeguard himself is when, like stated above, he becomes greatly angered by something and wishes to destroy it.

Last is his more professional side. Elijah is very respectful of his superiors and listens to orders, even if he doesn't completely agree with them. If the order is horrendous, then he may argue it, but he tends to step down from doing that quickly. Otherwise, he holds his tongue and is very respectful.


Elijah's story starts in a small town on Jericho VII, far away from where Renae was born. When Elijah was born, he was the only child, and his parents were already rather poor. Not surprising, really, since their town was small and none too prosperous. The largest income came from his father's two jobs, and some also came from his monther's job. When his parents were working, his ancient grandmother took care of him.

Then when he was only around six or so months, his life went to shit.

First, his grandmother passed away from old age. So his mother had to quit her job, lowering their family's profits. Them, when Elijah was almost a year old, his father was killed in a work accident. His mother was devastated. The event launched Elijah's mother into sadness and the two of them into poverty. Within a couple months, they were out on the streets and surviving on anything they could since his mother had no income coming in. Their life was a constant struggle, and it forced Elijah to act like he was older than he really was. Even for being only a little over a year.

The two survived like this for over a year, living day to day in any open shack of a building they could on any scraps of food his mother could scavenge. It was tough, and they both had horrible lives. His mother did try to get a job, she tried her hardest, but no one would hire her.

Then, only two months before he turned three, the planet of Jericho VII was attacked and bombarded by Covenant aliens. On the day that it happened, Elijah's mother left their shack for a few hours to search for food and a better place to hide out during the battle. She had told the young kid to stay put and silent, hide himself away in the shadows to protect himself. Not make a peep, not move an inch. That would be the best way for him to stay alive, and he had done it before anyway. So he knew it would work. He just needed to stay still, and she would come back. But, of course, she never did. Only an hour or so after she left, he started to hear the deafening sounds of the battle outside. He didn't know who was battling what, but he knew it was intense from the sounds of it. There were barks of gunfire, yelling and shouting from humans, bone-chilling roars from beasts that did not sound even slightly human.

Sometime during the battle on the planet, while the UNSC tried to keep the Covenant from taking the planet, some Marines, ODSTs, and a few Spartans tried to find any survivors they could. A group of three ODSTs found Elijah, curled up in a tiny, collapsing home. After confirming that he was alive despite how sickly he looked, they took him to a safe house to be evacuated from the planet. He fought it at first, throwing his weak limbs around to try and fight them off while whimpering that they couldn't take him before his mother came back. But the soldiers easily transported him, and he was shipped off the planet a few hours later.

He went in and out of foster care on one of the inner colonies for a few years after that. The UNSC and ONI kept their eyes on him, though, and checked for any promise of him being used in the Spartan-III program. And once he was six years old and he had yet to find a permanent home, they conscripted him into the Beta Company of the S-III program.

(Pretty much continued in the joined CS section.)

Known allies/friends: Renae, The Spartans on Fireteam Falcon, most individuals in the UNSC, a good chunk of Sangheili.

Known Family: Like Ren, all of his family members are dead.

Companion: None



M45D Shotgun (Shotgun) with custom skin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a71385_2016-01-0913.19.33.png.07c242e061648b788340d0c41f93368c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a71385_2016-01-0913.19.33.png.07c242e061648b788340d0c41f93368c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


M7/Caseless Submachine Gun (SMG) with a custom skin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a88149_2016-01-0916.10.56.jpg.ef3a0849945f096c16317e2431f85d97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a88149_2016-01-0916.10.56.jpg.ef3a0849945f096c16317e2431f85d97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dual CQC WS Combat Knives, practically standard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a92d08_2016-01-0922.19.39.jpg.7d2039a8850fafa3ec2c627d693a5768.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74a92d08_2016-01-0922.19.39.jpg.7d2039a8850fafa3ec2c627d693a5768.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


3 Type-1 Antipersonnel grenades (plasma/sticky grenades)

3 M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose grenades (frag grenades)

Skills: short-range weaponry, agility, tactics, leadership, brute force

Species/race: Humans (Surgically altered and augmented humans, Spartans are considered cyborgs by some people.)

Soldier Type: Ren and Elijah were originally conscripted into the Spartan-III program. But in the year 2553, most of the surviving Spartan-IIIs were offered the chance to train for the Spartan-IV program, along with many other Marines and Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODSTs) that proved to be talented soldiers. Ren and Elijah were also offered that opportunity. They quickly joined the program in order to advance themselves, and they are now Spartan-IVs.

Known enemies/rivals: The Covenant (The Covenant - Halopedia, the Halo encyclopedia), the Prometheans (Promethean - Halopedia, the Halo encyclopedia), the Flood (Flood), and human Insurectionists.

Powers/Abilities: Well, Spartans don't really have any unnatural abilities, like superpowers and such. All they really are is an enhanced human being, caused by extremely advanced science. Extra strength, faster reflexes, the ability to see stuff easily in the dark, enhanced eyesight to see things that are far away in sharp detail, etc. All three generations of Spartans can also naturally ignore most pain, to the point that they will only stop if someone demands that they do or they are so wounded that they can hardly walk or function (one Spartan-III company was given augmentations to make them almost completely ignore all sorts of pain, so they could recieve horrendous wounds that would have easily downed any other generation of Spartan, but Beta Company did not receive this unique treatment. That's a good thing). Also, any Spartan can go long amounts of time without sleep and rest, water, and food. If they aren't extremely hurt or knocked out, they will just keep going for as long as possible, maybe just showing a small limp and minor fatigue due to their injuries or lack of rest. These alterations in how they operate compared to a regular human are caused by their augmentations (with the immunity to pain part and loss of the need to rest also kinda being caused by how they were trained). They are also rather tactical and talented on the battlefield, but that comes from years of intense training so they can work efficiently in their "career." Renae and Elijah have gone through those augmentations and completed that training as well, from both the Spartan-III and IV programs. They started their training at the age of 6, and received their augmentations to complete their training to become Spartan-IIIs at the age of 12. They then received their Spartan-IV augmentations at a much older age, closer to 22 or 23. Below are two links- one outlines the augmentations that the trained children went through to become Spartan-IIIs at the age of 12, and the second describes the augmentations that the adult soldiers went through to become Spartan-IVs. I put them here because I just barely scratched the surface on their augmentations.


SPARTAN-IV augmentation procedures

Armor Description: MJOLNIR GEN1/GEN2 Powered Assault Armor (Spartan-IV Armor)-

The bodies of Spartans are, say, specially made for this armor. A normal human would not have the muscular and bone strength or the reflexes to work the armor, as it's quick movements do not match the slower movements of a normal human. In turn, a regular human in the suit that is moving even slightly could have shattered bones in only a moment, and could eventually kill themselves with their painful struggling. The Spartans, though, have advanced bodies due to augmentation, gene therapy, and stronger bones caused by either implants on or injections into their bones. As a result, their fast reflexes and strong bones coated in thick, genetically enhanced muscles and implants move normally and safely in the power armor. It is also a perfect fit for the wearer, because the black undersuit of the armor will actually change its fit and shape to be perfectly skin tight on the user. It also controls the temperature and moisture in the suit to make it appropriate for the Spartan who is wearing it, and it can deflect weapons fire and plasma heat up to a point. It is made of a flexible titanium, and is both extreme strong and comfortably flexible for the user. On top of that suit, the GEN2 armor attached to the outer layer of the undersuit can be detached with help of a technician and special equipment, falling off in parts and letting the Spartan walk around in just their undersuit if they wish to do so. Then the armor can be put back on the user in the same easy way that it was taken off.

The outer layer is a remarkably strong multilayer alloy. It has a refractive coating to disperse incoming energy weapon attacks (up to a point, like anything), with a power pack on the back to run everything including the shields (outer refractive layer) and HUD on the inner visor of the Spartan's helmet. They need the pack because, the suits may not look like they would, but they do require a substancial amount of energy to run. That is supplied by the power pack (which can become fried if it becomes extremely, heavily damaged, enough plasma hits the armor of the user and the shields become overloaded by that). The visor can also change its tint on its own to protect the user from light damaging their eyes and to help them see easily, no matter how light or dark it is. The visor works a lot like sunglasses with transition lenses, except the tint of the visor can change almost instantly to fit the situation. And the visor can be customized by the user to multiple different colors (the traditional color is a golden orange, which is due to the fact that that was pretty much the only available color for years). The GEN2 armor weighs just above 440 pounds when in use, so it is damn heavy. But the Spartan's body can easily take the weight due to their augmentations, and the armor feels light as a feather to the wearer. All together, a Spartan wearing GEN2 armor can easily weigh around 600 to 700 pounds, mostly due to their armor and the rest due to their implants and muscle-mass. They can run and jump very easily in the armor, too. Out of armor, they can run up to 40 mph due to, again, their augmentations, but the weight of the armor doesn't slow down their running a whole lot.

Since this is a very brief (and kinda lousy) description of the armor, here is a link with more information about it-

MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor [GEN2] - Halopedia, the Halo encyclopedia

Continued Bio:

This is a description on why Ren and Elijah are friends, as well as, in a way, a joint biography for Ren and Elijah.

The two have been bonded from a very young age. Not before being conscripted into the Beta Company of the Spartan-III program, but they have still been close since they were six years old. So, in short, for 20 years. That bond was kindled after they were paired together on their second day of training. It took a few days of group training exercises before they started to see themselves as friends more than teammates, and their bond was very strong by the time they were around 10 years old. They were always together, trained together, both privately and around other trainees. They also loved to hang out in private, talking about things and just being together when they had the freedom to between scheduled training and missions with the rest of their Company. Ren and Elijah weren't always paired together while training or on missions, but their instructors had a tendency to make them work together due to the promising results that usually showed. They also helped to comfort each other when it was needed, since Ren had frequent problems with nightmares brought on by the night she lost her family. They went away as she got older, but they were rather persistent in her younger years. She would wake up in the middle of the night, shaking uncontrollably and freaking out. Sometimes even crying. Elijah would always be there to comfort her, though, since their bunks in the group barracks for the trainees were next to each other. Sometimes their other friends would try to calm Ren down as well, which Ren greatly appreciated. Although, Elijah always sat with her no matter. He would wait until she had calmed down, not caring how tired he was due to their intense daily training. Renae appreciated his help and gentle reassurance so much. And Elijah liked to sit with her to help curb his silent fear of being alone, which was caused by his childhood as well. Also, he can't help but care for people he is close to and make sure they are okay.

This behavior doesn't come without repercussions, though. The main one was when their other friends - which they had many of - would pester and poke at them. They would tease them and joke regularly that the two had a thing going on that was more than just friendship. This infuriated Renae and Elijah. When the taunts truly started, they would always get mad at their friends and act hostile. They didn't know why this made them so mad, but it did. It burned the two trainees so much. They would verbally fight their friends, sometimes they even tried to bring up the few other close bonds that others shared in order to push the jokes away from themselves. It never really worked, but at least they tried. Those taunts died off as they grew older in the S-III program, then thankfully died to minimal recurrences.

Once they became full blown Spartan-IIIs, with augmentations and their armor, they went on a true missions. Sometimes they were split up, sometimes they were together. They still tried to hang out whenever they got the chance between missions, but those private times weren't nearly as frequent as their younger years.

And then Operation: TORPEDO happened, which killed most of Beta Company. Only a small few of S-IIIs from the company survived, including Renae and Elijah. The two were distraught by this devastation. They did comfort each other some, but they also grew a little distant for a month or so at their sadness. It effected Elijah the most, for he cared for his fellow Spartans and felt horribly bad about his friends. Renae helped him some with it, but it still hit Elijah hard. They both recovered from the tragedy, though, especially after a couple months of sporadic missions. And after the loss of their Company, they were put out on missions together more with squads of Marines and ODSTs by their side. They would have gone on missions with the remaining S-IIIs of Beta Company, but those other Spartans either eventually parished as well or helped to train more S-IIIs. And since Renae and Elijah weren't up to the same caliber of those other S-IIIs, they were utilized on missions instead.

Then came the Spartan-IV program, which both Ren and Elijah were offered a spot in. They joined at almost the same time, and then were placed on separate teams to further their respective skills. Yet, like back in Beta Company, once they finished their S-IV training and augmentation, they were still together whenever they got the chance between their separate missions. And, like in Beta Company, people seeing them do this taunted them and spread rumors and jokes that the two were a couple. In a relationship. Which, of course, pissed the two Spartans off to no end. But, like before, they ignore it to the best of their ability.

Then, after a few months of being S-IVs, they were eventually put back on the same team again. This team, named Fireteam Falcon, had them, a former S-III from Alpha Company, and two S-IVs that were formerly ODSTs. They are very relieved to be on the same team again.

Theme Songs:

Halo CE Theme Song

One Final Effort (Halo 3) ((Favorite song from my favorite game, to be honest. It's such an amazing song.))


Never Forget (Halo 3)


Halo Reach Main Theme/Intro Music


Space Invader (by Trocadero)


Other Information: Here is a video that kinda outlines what Spartans are like and briefly hints at how they came to be that way. It also shows the scientist that created the first true generation of Spartan super soldiers. This video only focuses on the first successful generation, which is the Spartan-IIs, but the IIIs were trained in a similar way. Except the IIIs were made in a cheaper way, hundreds more were made, they were used more as suicide soldiers than the IIs were, they were far more mentally unstable than the Spartan-IIs and IVs, and Halsey didn't help with the training of them at all. She didn't even know about them until many had already finished training. Instead, an officer in the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) created the Spartan-III program and heavily based it off of Halsey's Spartans. The Spartan-IV's were trained in a different way than the IIs and IIIs, mainly because they began their training as adults rather than six-year-olds. Anyway, this video is actually the opening cutscene for Halo 4, so there will be other stuff in there and it mainly focuses on talking about the main character of the game (John-117, Master Chief Petty Officer), but it still talks about what Spartans are like and what they do, and gives a glimpse at what the world is like.
And here is a second video, that gives a look at what a few of the Spartan-IIIs (and one S-II) were like. Their armor isn't the typical SPI armor that S-IIIs wear, though. It is actually an older model of MJOLNIR Powered Assault GEN1 Armor (except, back then, it was the newest model they had). SPI armor looks way different, and these S-IIIs only received this armor to use instead of their SPI armor because they were an extremely important Spartan team. Otherwise, MJOLNIR armor in that era was far too expensive to give to every S-III soldier. In this video, Noble 2 (Kat) and Noble 6 were both S-IIIs out of Beta Company. Noble 1 (Carter), Noble 3 (Jun), and Noble 4 (Emile) were all S-IIIs out of Alpha Company. Noble 5 (Jorge) was a Spartan-II, not an S-III.



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I have one more CS to post (he is another Halo character, but not a Spartan), but I don't have his CS done yet. It will probably take a day or two. Or three. Just a heads up.
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Universe from: RWBY (OC)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Kuro Mayonaka

Alias/nicknames: Shadow Kid, Loudmouth

Age: 17

Gender/sexuality: Male/heterosexual

Species/race: Human


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Personality: Mayonaka loves to have fun and make friends. He tends to be laid back during off times, and sometimes during play matches or sparring rounds. His demeanor allows him to easily befriend others and lead his team through respect and the bonds of his friendships. He admires friendship and respect highly, as well as compassion, sincerity, and empathy. He will not tolerate any kind of injustice, whether it be simple bullying or something more sinister such as criminal activity.

Backstory: Hailing from the kingdom of Vale, Kuro Mayonaka was an orphaned at a young age due to his parents giving him up and leaving him on the side of the street. He was picked up by a pair of parents that loved him like their own son for years. He was raised along with two older brothers and a younger sister. One of his brothers attended Beacon Academy to be a Huntsman, and the other went straight into the work force after his time at Signal Academy. He was sent to Signal by his parents, even though he didn't want to train to become a Huntsman at first. That all changed after their family received a letter from Professor Ozpin himself. The letter stated that his brother was killed by an out of control Grimm during a training session. This tore him up internally, as he had grown rather attached to his adoptive family. Instead of knocking him down however, this inspired him to take up his brother's place and train to be a Huntsman.

During his last year at Signal, he discovered his Semblance, which he calls "Shadow Sneak," and began training to lessen the strain on his body to use it more often. This training gained him great athletic ability both unarmed and with his twin weapons/staff. He graduated middle of his class at Signal, and applied for Beacon to be able to train as a Huntsman. During the rigorous initiation process, that's where he met his best friends that would later become his team. After that, he continues to train in order to get better with his Semblance and grow stronger as a person.

Known enemies/rivals: The White Fang, the creatures of Grimm

Known family: Father, Mother, one older brother, one little sister

Known friends: His team (still needs to be formed *cough* Sting *cough*)

Likes: His team, his friends, socializing, training, reading, listening to music, sleeping, eating

Dislikes: White Fang, Grimm, studying, taking tests, homework, teachers, bullies


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Taiyo (Sun) and Tsuki (Moon): Two dual wield semi auto shotguns that have a fairly long range for shotguns.

Nisshoku (Eclipse): The combined variant of the two shotguns that forms into a poleaxe style staff. The blades on each shotgun extend into spearheads at each end of the staff.

Gear/gadgets: Every student at Beacon Academy carries a personal Scroll: an electronic device that he can monitor his aura, send messages to people, and call his next piece of equipment, the Rocket Locker. The Rocket Locker is a locker in which he can store extra equipment or other things that can be launched to a set location either by typing in the coordinates on his Scroll or the locker itself. He also has a backpack with standard camping materials in case of overnight training missions.

Powers/abilities: Every Huntsman or Huntress is capable of generating an aura, the inner ability of a person to harness the energy in their soul to form a protective shield around their body to protect against minor injuries and abrasions. This allows them to carry out duels against each other without causing actual damage. The status of one's aura can be monitored via their Scroll. This aura also allows them to generate a Semblance, a special power that differs with every person.

For a short time, only for thirty seconds, Mayonaka can cloak himself in shadow and become partially invisible. This ability comes with great strain, however, causing pain throughout his whole body with continued use. This pain slows him down, so he only uses it in situations where he knows he won't be fighting.

Skills/talents: Having gone to both Signal and Beacon academies, Mayonaka is trained to fight and fight well. He's quick and light on his feet and has had years of practice with his weapons, allowing him to develop his own unique and unorthodox fighting style. While his strength lies in combat, he is also an intelligent indvidual who does fit well in a leadership position.

Weaknesses: While Mayonaka has had time to develop his fighting style, he still is only a first year at Beacon in his second semester. He hasn't had as much training or education and still lacks in the discipline department. Due to his dislike of studying and homework, he often doesn't do it and misses out on important information that could be beneficial to not only his fighting style, but his knowledge of a lot of things. He sometimes rushes into sparring matches without thinking of a strategy, overestimating himself and underestimating his opponent. While this may work occasionally, it puts him at a disadvantage because his opponents have already analyzed how he fights and can come up with a way to counter them. Also, his trigger for being sent into a rage mode is the mention of his brother. Not many people do it, but when they do they usually spend a while getting treated for injuries sustained in a fight while he gets detention.q

Character quote: "I'm at Beacon because of my brother. I lost him, and it hurt. A lot. If I can graduate and become a Huntsman, I feel like I will have made him proud."

Character theme: [media]




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Yato (Yaboku)




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    Yato appears as a young man in his early twenties. He is usually seen wearing his signature navy jersey, along with a tattered scarf tied around his neck. He has dark, bluish-violet, chin-length hair, which he occasionally wears in a ponytail, and blue eyes, which have cat like irises when he is angered. Comparing him to Yukine (155 cm) he appears to be roughly between 175 and 180 cm, leaning towards the taller side.

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Skychild said:

Yato (Yaboku)



  • large.gif
    Yato appears as a young man in his early twenties. He is usually seen wearing his signature navy jersey, along with a tattered scarf tied around his neck. He has dark, bluish-violet, chin-length hair, which he occasionally wears in a ponytail, and blue eyes, which have cat like irises when he is angered. Comparing him to Yukine (155 cm) he appears to be roughly between 175 and 180 cm, leaning towards the taller side.

Could you give some more details about his abilities? Like what is he capable of?



Universe from:

"I am from the Undertale universe if you must know."


"Heh. What an interesting chart you have there. I guess I'd consider myself... Lawful Evil."


"Oh? I haven't told you my name have I? I am Chara."


"I have no need for such nicknames."


"No one knows. Just judge me for my looks for all I care. I look 12 so just say I'm 12."


"Are you blind? I'm female of course."


"I have no sexuality. I love none."


"I am a human... Well... If you could call me one at least."




"Lets see... I like genocide, erasing worlds, blood and that's about it. Why do you need to know?"


"I dislike pacifism, peace, happiness, pacifism, friendship, and everything else."


"Do you really want to know? Here goes. I am a murderous beast which who'll do anything to kill everything. I will be everything. Anyone who stands in my way dies."


"I hate humanity... So I left it to go to Mt. Ebbot. When I fell Underground I met Asriel Dreemurr. We became best of friends until I killed them all. Eventually I died... But not anymore."

Known enemies:

"Heh... Everyone."

Known rivals:


Known allies/friends:

"Heh... No one."

Known Family:

"My adoptive parents are Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr. My adoptive brother is Asriel Dreemurr."


"Ha! I don't need any help from a pitiful companion."


"All I need is a knife."


"I don't need any of those!"


"I can 'reset'. I can make things start over so I can stop myself from dying or something else."


"I suppose you could say I'm good at murdering people."


"The only weakness I have would be my own arrogance and my assurance."

Character quote:

"No? How curious. I believe you misunderstood. SENSE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IS CONTROL!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:


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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Could you give some more details about his abilities? Like what is he capable of?

Edited it. Enough details or nah? I hope it's enough. Because i'm lazy af.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]



Universe from: My Brain.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Name: A-01

Alias/nickname: 'Adam'


Mental Age- 18

Physical Age- 4

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Asexual

Species/race: Android


- Friends






Known enemies:

Known rivals:

Shadow Hawk-


Shadow Hawk is specially made to track

Known allies/friends:​

Known Family:







(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

(Optional) Character’s theme song:



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