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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

And in no time they found themselves in the City, Rodimus' door opened and he said, "Okay, hop off, human we're here... I need you to scout the area, I'm sure these humans would freak out if they see me in Robot Mode."


Jason signaled his men to board one of the Quinjet. They all got in and sat down. The Commander said. "We're all ready to go when you are." While the Commander was talking he signal the Skyranger to return back to base.


Lea relaxed, if only slightly, this man didn't seem like a threat, but you couldn't be too careful. All his years in the organization taught him that, not mention he was an assassin in the organization. The friends he had were the ones he would die for and trust with his life. He would never let anything happen to them, they were too important to him and seeing how Gregory saved his life he figured him for a friend, even if it wasn't that much yet. So he owed Gregory, he trusted him, not the extent he trusted Sora yet, but he still trusted him all the same. For now, unless Gregory proved otherwise, he would consider him a friend.

"Yeah we should look for civilization, though I'm normally not one for working with complete strangers who I don't know if I can trust, but the quicker we find it the better. No offense, Jotaro, I don't trust you yet, my trust isn't easily won. The only reason Gregory has it, is because he saved my life. Even then, he doesn't have it completely, I've been betrayed too many times to trust easily. I don't let my guard down around people I don't trust, so don't take it personally" Lea stated.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno

"Cram it!" Emma shouted at Ghazghkull before turning to face Lilac "He's going to be locked up for a long, long time. He won't hurt you." She reassured her new friend. Her attention turned to Warrior as she struggled to keep her eardrums from bursting against the sheer force of the man's yells. "I'll...I'll take that as a no." Emma muttered

"Who is this Hulk Hogan?" Tesla asked "Is he a threat?"

"Only when he gets angry." Emma replied "I think he's talking about the Hulk, the great big green guy that likes to smash stuff." She explained

@Sheaon13 @apoliseno
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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence nodded in response and took a moment to figure out how to unbuckle the seatbelt before getting out of the car "Alright. What am I looking for, here?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A golden face.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

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Tundra-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: After hearing the screech and seeing the bloody animal skull from the creature, Jotaro decided this thing wasn't friendly. He began walking towards it, Star Platinum appearing in front of him. The Stand began to punch it with amazing speed and strength.

"ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!" the Stand cried as it acted.

apoliseno said:

Tundra-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: After hearing the screech and seeing the bloody animal skull from the creature, Jotaro decided this thing wasn't friendly. He began walking towards it, Star Platinum appearing in front of him. The Stand began to punch it with amazing speed and strength.

"ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!" the Stand cried as it acted.

The Wendigo was knocked back by Star Platinum's punches but did not appear injured by the blows. It simply snapped at Platinum in an attempt to get the Stand off of it. Gregory blasted the creature with his sawn-off but this only appeared to annoy the creature.


"Alright then, I'll make sure he keeps that in mind." Emma replied to Lilac's words.


Tundra-American Fontier Universe

Jotaro: Star Platinum did not stop. It evaded the Wendigo's attack by hopping back, then resumed its barrage of punches. This time, more of them were centered around the head. Jotaro saw the lack of damage being done and noted that for later.

Dying Light

Kyle Crane was out on a supply run for the Tower. They were running low on supplies and needed them desperately. He put a good amount of distance between him and a tower. Crane had hoped that the farther he went, he have a higher chance of finding untouched buildings to loot. Kyle found several buildings that look relatively untouched by the zombie apocalypse. Next to one of the building was some sort of portal. "It must be a hallucination. I should take Antizin when I get back." He thought.

Crane poked through the various buildings and was gathering up any supplies he could find. He looked outside and saw the sun starting to set. "I don't have much time left to look around." Thought Crane. "I'll risk it. There isn't too much left to look through." Crane got back to work and finished looting the buildings. When he left the building it was night. Crane moved up to a roof and surveyed the land. He noticed the portal was still there and there seemed to be more Volatiles (fast parkour zombies) outside than usual.

Crane had two options. He could risk moving through the area and risk being detected by Volatiles or if the portal was real, use it. As he pondered his decision, a small can fell from his backpack. Several of the nearby Volatiles noticed the sound and saw Crane and ran after him. Noticing that he was seen, Crane quickly climbed down the building and dove into the portal.


Crane looked around and took in his new surroundings. "This place looks nothing like Harran." He said to himself. Crane climbed on top of a nearby house. Crane looked across the wasteland and saw a woman and what looked like a tree man walking through it. Seeing that the only people around here, Crane put away his weapons and caught up with them. When he did, Crane walked up to them and asked. "Umm you two wouldn't happened to know where we are?




"I'm gonna check it out."

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Are you sure? I don't know what could be on the other side."

"Exactly. What if it's a huge phantom? You're screwed without me!"

Yato let out a sigh.

He was right. Who knows what's on the other side of that portal? They never saw something like this before.

"...Alright. Let's go, Yukine. But stay behind me. Always follow me."

"Y-yeah. Sure thing."

-Meanwhile, somewhere in the universe of Fallout-

A tear opened near Crane and the others, and voices could be heard from the other side of it.

Then, a young man in a tracksuit stepped through, followed by a teenager with messy, blond hair. Their eyes widened as they made eye contact with the group, and the two stood still, staring at them.

"Is... Is that a walking tree...?"

"Seems like it..."

"What do we do? Where are we?"

"I don't know. Maybe they can tell us something about this place."

"...Be careful."

"I'm always caref--"



"What?! Careful my ass!"

"You--!!... Let's go."

The two walked up to the group, unsure what to expect. Who are they?

"Yo. Can you tell us where we are?"

apoliseno said:

Tundra-American Fontier Universe

Jotaro: Star Platinum did not stop. It evaded the Wendigo's attack by hopping back, then resumed its barrage of punches. This time, more of them were centered around the head. Jotaro saw the lack of damage being done and noted that for later.

The Wendigo simply clawed for Star Platinum's face, letting out another inhuman screech. This attracted the attention of another Wendigo that charged towards Lea, Gregory and Jotaro.

"Bugger." Gregory muttered, firing another round from his sawn-off


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

Harleen shrugged in response to Crane's question "Well I know it isn't Kansas. Too apocalyptic." She explained only for another tear to open up and two new arrivals to step through. "This must be some kind of junction for these interdimensional portal thingies." She suggested, rubbing her chin as if deep in thought.

"I am Groot." Groot added

"No, I don't think so. Not really." Harleen replied "There'd be a lot more monsters. Anyway. I don't know where we are either. Us two are trying to get home."

Cadence (PMMM)



Cadence nodded "Right. Okay, I'll see what I can find." She replied, walking off in some direction to explore a bit.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A golden
metal face.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

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Frozen Forest-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Calling back Star Platinum to avoid the damage from the Wendigo's swipe, Jotaro looked to see another one coming. Star Platinum's leg appeared semi-translucent around Jotaro's, and he kicked off the ground into the sky to avoid the second one. These things were unharmed by Star Platinum, so he guessed his Stand might not be of use in this fight. On his way down, he caught himself in a tree and lifted himself up. He was weighing his options here, but he didn't want to abandon the two on the ground. He should try to draw their attention. He grabbed a branch on the tree and held it as he swung under, dropping to the ground. He grabbed the lighter from his pocket and lit it, holding it up above his head.

"Hey you deer-skulled assholes, over here!" he yelled.

Halo universe, 2558

"What're we up against?" Elijah asks calmly over the radio from around a rocky corner in the cave, hastily but carefully reloading his shotgun.

"Just a few Covies," Renae states quietly from outside, ducked behind a boulder and watching the Covenant soldiers carefully walking through the valley below. "About two dozen Grunts, fifteen or so Jackals, six Brutes. Nothing too difficult."

"Sounds like a piece of cake," Elijah comments casually.

"Wait, there's something else," a voice warns over the comms. Ren flicks her eyes up across the short valley at the other cliff, her eyes locking onto the spot she knows the rest of their squad is at. "And I'm surprised you didn't see them, Raven."

Scowling behind her helmet, Ren snaps, "I can't see everything in the damn valley from where I'm at. That's why we split up. So why don't you tell me what you're seeing, Arthur, since you can see the things so readily? There's no point in telling me something is there if you won't give me at least a hint of what it is. Or is your eyesight too shitty to make out what it really is?"

A snort sounds behind Ren, and she glances over her shoulder into the gloom to see Elijah shaking his head as he finishes loading his shotgun. To anyone else, he almost looks annoyed, but Ren can tell that he is only amused. She can't help but smirk a little before looking back below.

"They're to the south, smartass," Arthur huffs. "Goddamn, I didn't think that would sting you so much. Chill, Renae."

"You should know by now that Ren gets very offended when you insult her eyesight," Elijah jibes over the comms with a smile evident in his voice, shuffling up carefully next to Ren while in a crouch. "That's one of the best ways to get her all worked up and in a great mood."

"And you'd know that better than anyone," Arthur says smoothly, a hint of biting humor in his voice. "Do you use it on her very often to get the perfect reaction you desire?"

Keeping her mouth shut despite her annoyance at that immature comment, Ren glances over at Elijah. She can tell just by his rigid posture under his armor that he is pissed, staring across the canyon like he'd rather go fight their teammate than their actual enemies below them. And he honestly would rather do that, because he is sick and tired of Arthur's bullshit. They both really wish their teammate would stop being such an ass every freaking chance he can. It would really save a lot of headache..and keep Elijah and Ren from wanting to kill or maim the prick of a Spartan-IV.

Thankfully, before anything else can be said by the two men, a female voice cuts in with, "Good god, Arthur, you're like a goddamn child." A pause, then, "There's two Hunters and a Wraith to the south, Ren. Coming in slower because they were just dropped off by a second Phantom after the rest of the group."

As the woman says this, Ren sees the enemies meander into view from her right. The enormous Hunters lumbering forward at a trot, neck and neck, the Wraith just behind them. Dammit. Fighting Hunters sucks. The fuckers are strong and covered in armor, and they love to hide behind their enormous shield that every Hunter has mounted to their left arm. Not to mention their canon mounted to their other arm.

"Thanks, Penny," Ren responds over the radio.

"Hey, Morgan," Elijah calls over the comms, "could you possibly take out the Hunters from there with your sniper? Taking out the rest of the squad on the ground would be much easier if we don't have to watch out for the Hunters."

"Getting between their armor is difficult, but I could definitely try," Morgan replies, his voice thoughtful. "Just give me a moment."

Elijah nods to their teammate even though it is unneeded, then Elijah and Ren look down to the Hunters. The bang of two sniper shots pings off the sides of the canyon a moment later. One connected with each beast, but the colony of orange worms making each of them up are very much still alive. Both of the beasts crouch lower behind their shields and bellow in response, looking around at the walls for the source of the rounds. After two more shots, one finally falls, causing the other to roar in frustration out of its nonexistent maw as it's bond brother is killed. Four more shots later, and the second Hunter follows the first to the ground. The Wraith begins firing it's canon and turret rounds at the walls of the canyon, the group of ground soldiers following suit, but they have no idea where exactly to fire. It's almost comical, watching them fire haphazardly to try and hit things they can't even see. It would be nice to see these shitbirds do this all day.

But enough of that. Time for business.

"Use the tunnels in the walls to find a quick way to the valley floor," Arthur orders his Fireteam, his voice all business. "Let's blow these alien bastards to hell, Falcon!"

"Gladly," Elijah whispers as he turns down the tunnel, Ren at his back. The two had mapped out these tunnels before the mission truly started, knowing that a hasty dash through them would be needed on this mission. And since they both know that Elijah is a better fighter in close quarters, he leads the way.

After a minute in the dark tunnels, they know they are getting close to the entrance. Just a few more turns, and they will be at the ground level of the valley and ready to blow the dumbasses' brains out.

Until Elijah turns a corner and finds a bright, swirling..blockage in the tunnel. It looks like it wasn't meant to be there, while also looking like it was made for this particular spot. As Elijah quickly plants his feet and lifts his shotgun, Ren stops short behind him and looks around his shoulder. She then walks up next to him and aims her rifle at the swirling mass, unsure of what it is.

"What in the fresh hell is that?" Elijah exclaims, a slight bit of fear in his voice. Renae honestly has no answer for him.

"You guys having trouble out there?" Penny asks over the comms, curiosity in her voice.

"We're not even out of the tunnels yet," Ren says evenly, trying not to sound too bewildered by this ever moving mass of..something. "We..we met an unexpected blockage in the tunnel. You guys go ahead, we'll figure this out. You'll probably know when we do."

"Yes, ma'am," Penny replies before going silent.

Elijah then switches off the group comms and opens a private one with Ren. "What do you suggest we do here?"

"I don't know," Renae hesitantly says. "I have no damn clue what this is. It could be some Forerunner thing, I guess, but I don't understand why a Forerunner device would be he-"

"Renae, we might want to decide real quick if we're going to keep going or turn back. Because either I'm crazy or its pulling us toward it."

He's not crazy, because Ren could slightly feel it pulling her forward as well. After a moment of pause, Ren looks at Elijah and offers, "Maybe it's just some liquid barrier. It probably wouldn't hurt to step through. It'll probably do nothing at all." Renae doesn't believe it for a moment, but..it's all she can think to say.

That gets Elijah's attention drawn to Ren. And obviously he doesn't believe it either. He looks slowly away from the swirling blockage and down at Ren, lowering his rifle slightly. Then he blurts, "What type of fucking liquid does that?!"

"We don't know everything about the universe or this world, Elijah," Ren says in defense. "We won't know what it does until we walk through it."

"I'd like to know why we even have to find out."

"Because I'm curious, Elijah," Ren snaps. "And we either try this or go back up and drop out of the opening we found earlier so we can leave this place. Which would be a 200 foot fall, or longer."

The two stare at each other for a moment as the swirling thing casts a pinkish light on their steel-colored armor, silently daring the other to give in. Elijah is the one to eventually break, heaving a sigh.

"Fine," he grumbles as he looks forward. "Let's just do it and hope for the best."

Renae gives Elijah a nod that is both slightly smug and a bit hesitant. Then she lifts her rifle and slowly walks up to the swirling mass. She can sense Elijah walk up behind her, just off her shoulder. They walk into the swirling light at the same time..

And everything goes white.


MCU, 2015

The light disappears from around the two Spartans, with the ground a few feet below them. They quickly prepare to cushion their landing, hitting the ground in a crouch. The pair then looks up, watching their surroundings..which are way, way different from the gloomy tunnels they were in before.

They appear to be in a large city, one they have never seen. To be precise, they dropped on the outer edge of a park while overlooking the heavily populated city. This is no city they have ever seen, though, and the buildings, people, vehicles..everything looks way different from what they're used to. It all looks far older, outdated. It's so..weird.

Elijah quickly stands and cocks his shotgun, looking around for any enemies, while Ren stands up and grips her rifle but doesn't lift it. Instead, she looks over her shoulder to where she suspects they dropped from. Maybe they could jump back into the thing. Although, there is nothing there. Just sky.

A chill runs down Renae's spine, buzzing through her whole body.

While Ren slowly looks forward again, trying to wrap her head around this, Elijah activates the comms system linked up with the rest of their Fireteam.

"Morgan? Penny, Arthur?" he calls desperately over the radio. "Can you guys hear me?"

Static meets his ear, and Ren hears it as well due to being linked up to the group comms. She looks over at him as he pauses, then Elijah tries again. When nothing breaks the static, he drops his hand and let's out a sigh. Ren just keeps looking at him, feeling more comfortable looking at something she knows well than looking at something new. Especially since it's Elijah.

Elijah looks down at Ren as well and asks, "Do you by chance have any idea where we are?" Ren simply shakes her head, and Elijah curse violently under his breath. He then takes a hand off his shotgun and rests it on her shoulder before asking quietly, "You're okay, though, right?" It is painfully obvious that he is trying his hardest to hide the nervousness in his voice.

"Of course I am," Ren reassures him, acquiring a relaxed sound in her voice to help make him feel better. "Are you?"

"Yeah," he says quietly with a nod, almost sounding a little distracted. "Yeah, I am." He then takes his hand off her shoulder and lookings away while griping his shotgun again. Hard.

"You sure you're okay?" Ren inquires after seeing this, a certain tone in her voice.

Elijah quickly glances at her and relaxes a bit, then heaves a sigh and breaths, "Yeah, Ren, I am. Just..frustrated."


"Oh, I don't know," he replies, dramatically shrugging his shoulders. Which amuses Ren a little because that can be difficult to do in their armor. "Maybe because we're in a new place that looks way too outdated, we have no way to contact our squad or know how they are doing, and all because we stepped through that damn swirling thing. Oh, and that reminds me," he adds, turning fully to Ren and pointing at her, "remind me to never let you make the decisions again."

Renae can't help but snort at that, acting way more chill than Elijah thinks she should be. "Come on, you know I usually make good decisions. This single bad one shouldn't be horrendous enough for you to not let me make another ever again."

"Your decision made us drop - literally drop - into a place that we know absolute nothing about and does not look like anything we were previously used to. After you decided to walk through a swirling wall of pink bullshit. This is a perfect time for me to make that decision."

Ren gives Elijah a look behind her helmet, one he is bound to understand despite the boundary, and then she turns and walks away. Elijah's loosens his posture for a moment as he watches her before he jogs up next to Ren.

"What's your plan now when we have no idea where we are?" he asks, obviously slightly annoyed.

"You act like this is worse and scarier than dropping out of a Pelican and into a heavy combat zone that we have never been to before," Ren reminds him, a smile evident in her voice.

"That is different," Elijah assures, thankfully sounding calmer than before, "I know how to handle those situations; just distinguish enemy from friendly, then start firing at the former. This, though? Completely different format."

"Well, just be glad that no one is firing at us, I guess." As Ren says this, she starts to see more and more people look at her and Elijah in confusion, some even startled. Most are farther away in other parts of the park, but that doesn't stop them from completely stopping and staring. And, no, this isn't the typical "ERMYGERD IS THAT A SPARTAN?!" type of stare that they typically get from civilians that have only heard about them from propaganda. These people look oblivious to what they are, surprised and maybe even a little afraid to see the two heavily armored and abnormally tall people - with guns - simply strolling through a park. After appearing out of nowhere. Elijah follows Ren's eyes and notices the people as well, looking around the park at them all. Without realizing it, he moves closer to Renae.

The reaction of these civilians does not inspire confidence in the two Spartans.

"I sure hope it stays that way," Elijah mumbles to Ren in response to her last comment. Renae only nods in response, feeling oddly exposed despite wearing her hulking armor.

(I dunno who to tag, so I'll just tag you.) @Some_Bloke
MCU: The Helicarrier, New York

Emma rolled her eyes at the Ork's words and signalled to the pilot to take off, with her riding in the same Quinjet as her prisoner. Every Quinjet quickly landed on the Helicarrier and Emma guided the XCOM soldiers, Warrior, Lilac and Carol inside while the Ork boyz were escorted away by other SHIELD agents.

"Another tear's just opened." Agent Stevenson sighed, glancing at a screen "Just above central park."

"Anything fall out?" Emma asked

"Two creatures dressed in some kind of power armour." He explained in an annoyed two "We have several agents on the scene now."

Stevenson turned around to face the others "On behalf of SHIELD, I'd like to thank you for your help. I just have a few questions."

"Such as?" Tesla asked

"About the universes you came from. If you could fall through, SHIELD needs to know about what else could. Anything dangerous? Anything we should know about?"

"Straight to the point, aren't you Stevenson?" A voice asked as the head of a man with spiky hair peaked around a corner "Not even going to offer them a cup of tea?" The Time Lord asked

"Doctor..." Stevenson muttered with a groan "No. I'm not." He turned his attention back to the new arrivals "I am Agent Stevenson of SHIELD. That man is The Doctor...He's a kind of expert in alternate dimensions. Or at least he's the closest we have at the moment."

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Frozen Forest-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Both hearing Gregory's response and seeing the creatures' dislike of fire, Jotaro held the lit lighter in front of him and start walking towards the things. He grabbed a branch off of the ground and dusted the snow off, hoping it was dry enough to be able to be caught on fire. He held the branch over the lighter. Luckily enough, it was dry enough to be lit on fire, so the end lit up as a torch. Jotaro held the flame as far in front of him as he could as he kept walking towards the creatures, angling them so they'd run straight to Gregory and Lea.

"Yare yare," he sighed as he walked, "please don't tell me you have a flamethrower hidden on you..."

apoliseno said:

Frozen Forest-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Both hearing Gregory's response and seeing the creatures' dislike of fire, Jotaro held the lit lighter in front of him and start walking towards the things. He grabbed a branch off of the ground and dusted the snow off, hoping it was dry enough to be able to be caught on fire. He held the branch over the lighter. Luckily enough, it was dry enough to be lit on fire, so the end lit up as a torch. Jotaro held the flame as far in front of him as he could as he kept walking towards the creatures, angling them so they'd run straight to Gregory and Lea.

"Yare yare," he sighed as he walked, "please don't tell me you have a flamethrower hidden on you..."

"Shite. I regret this decision." Gregory muttered as the two Wendigos stared intently at Lea and him. Gregory grabbed Lea by the arm and walked towards the edge of the cliff, waiting for the creatures to charge forwards. He quickly dived out of the way with Lea, causing one of the Wendigos to fall over the side of the cliff. The other managed to stop itself in time and swiped for Gregory, only for him to dodge the attack and blast the creature with his sawn-off, knocking it back. He hit it again, causing it to stumble back towards the edge of the cliff before firing one final time, presumably knocking it over the edge.

Gregory sighed in relief and began to step away from the edge, only for a long bony and clawed hand to grab him by the left leg.

"Bollocks!" He yelled, falling onto his back as the Wendigo attempted to drag him over the edge.


Jason thought about Stevensons's question. "I'm not sure. My organization recently won a long war against aliens. We're not too sure of the X-Rays's motives and if more live elsewhere." Said the Commander as he looked around he looked around the Helicarrier. "This is quite the setup you have here. I bet several of my engineers would love a tour."

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New York City-Marvel Cinematic Universe

Goku: After a long day of tilling his radish fields, Son Goku tore off his farmer's getup to reveal his bright orange gi underneath it. He was always ready for a fight, no matter what. The only thing that bored him right now was the constant lack of anything resembling a fight after his fight with the revived Frieza. All of a sudden, a strange looking rift opened right next to him. He felt himself being drawn into it. He was sucked through it and dumped out onto a busy sidewalk. He landed on his stomach, which hurt a bit. People were giving him strange looks, many took pictures and videos on their phones, others ran away somewhat afraid. He stood up and started rubbing his head, looking around. Where was he?


Frozen Forest-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Jotaro ran to the cliff and brought out Star Platinum, grabbing Gregory by the waist and picking him up, taking the creature up with him. With a battlecry of "ORAAAAA" the Stand delivered a powerful kick to the thing that sent it off the cliff after its companion. Star Platinum then set Gregory down and disappeared. Jotaro tossed his makeshift torch off the cliff after the two things to hopefully scare them into never coming back. He then swiftly took a cigarette out and lit it, inhaling the familiar aroma of tobacco and blowing it right back out.

"Yare yare daze, you should watch yourself if you're standing by a cliff," Jotaro stalely warned.


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