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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


Resisting the urge to bite the annoying human's head off, Ghazghkull decides to simply threaten the human." You better watch yerself humie. Cuz when I get, I'm coming for yer 'ead."


Somewhere in the Helicarrier, a small Tear opens and releases a lightly armored Ork wearing a gas mask before closing. Shocked and confused by his sudden transportation, the Ork Kommando frantically looks around his surroundings before noticeing a few security guards heading his way. Thinking fast, the Ork quickly opens the door to a nearby restroom and rushes in before quietly slamming the door shut. Taking a few moments collect his thoughts, the Kommando removes his backpack and begins to examine his gear as he silently talks to himself." I knew I shouldn't of tried out dat Tellyporta Grogger bought, I just knew it!"

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@LegoLad659 as Cadence wandered the city she sees a rather odd looking object.


@dorkling (If you want to have Mami show up and not busy with real life)
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Suddenly, Ren and Elijah hear the sound of a couple aircraft above them. Military crafts. They both snap their eyes up and look around between the trees, trained instincts on high alert. The sources of the noise then drop down into large gaps between the trees: aircraft, definitely not civilian, with a rather sleek design. They resemble Pelican drop ships, except far more refined and probably smaller. They remind Renae and Elijah of an earlier version of the drop ship they are so used to, even though it is not like any Pelican they have seen.

And then numerous armed people pile out of the two carriers and surround the Spartans. All carrying firearms, all aimed at Ren and Elijah.

Instinctively, the two drop into a combat position while raising their rifles and moving so they are back-to-back. They have been training together for 20 years, so doing this is their normal reaction to being surrounded. They both look around at the armed individuals, ready to fight if they have to.

When one of the people orders the two soldiers to stand down, Elijah shuffles his stance and grips his shotgun tighter. He can be stubborn, and always ready to fight. Ren, on the other hand, lowers her rifle after a moment of hesitation and stands up normally. Knowing that Elijah would have a harder time giving in to the order, Ren glances over her shoulder and elbows him in his armored back.

"Would you trust my decision to chill the hell out and do as they say?" she mutters over the radio. "That might be are smartest move right about now, Ellie."

Elijah shuffles again, not wanting to let down his guard. Then he shifts and reluctantly relaxes, lowering his rifle with an unintelligible grumble. Neither soldier clips their firearms to the magnetic holders on their backs, just in case they need them or someone tries to remove them while they're clipped there, but they surrender anyway. The two stand up straight and watch the armed people carefully, still back-to-back but now much more relaxed.

"We don't want to start a battle either, as much as our appearance may deny that," Renae broadcasts through the outer speakers in her helmet, her voice amplified so everyone can hear her. "We mean no harm."

"Wait, Renae," Elijah quietly says over their personal radio frequency, glancing over his shoulder at her. "Did he just say 'New York?' As in New York City?"

"Probably. Why?"

"Because we were just in New York a couple weeks ago when we had a while of shore leave and decided to visit some popular cities on Earth for a few days."

"And?" Renae emphasizes, not getting where Elijah is going.

"And," Elijah adds with the same tone, "New York looked absolutely nothing like this. Granted, we may not have gone to this part of the city, but everything here looks old. Ancient, even, compared to what the city looked like when we went there. Am I the only one here that finds that odd?"

"That is the thing that's bothering you? Are you going to just forget about the fact that a group of individuals that appear to be a type of military group have just surrounded us? And that they don't look like UNSC nor Insurectionist soldiers, yet they seem like a well established group?"

"That only proves my point about how none of this makes sense, Ren."

Ren pauses for a moment, not saying a word but still kind of looking over her shoulder as she thinks. Then her attention is drawn forward at the soldiers around them as she heaves a sigh.

After a moment of looking around, Ren reaches back with her left hand and grips Elijah's elbow as they stand there. Its a weird gesture, but it's the best she can think of to get his full attention while still watching the people surrounding them.

"Ellie, we can figure this all out later when we have the ability to do so. For now, let's just roll with this. Also, please do not go batshit crazy on these people unless you have a good reason to do so. And you know what reasons are acceptable," Ren says quietly and seriously to try and convince her friend to calm down. "Just do as they order us to do, okay?"

"I know, Ren. No going crazy..as long as they don't touch either of us in a way we don't like. I understand. And you better damn well believe that I will try to figure all this shit out as soon as possible."

Content with his answer, Ren lets go of his elbow and concludes with, "Wouldn't expect anything else, slippery eel." To Ren's slight surprise and joy, the use of the nickname makes Elijah snort in amusement again. Glad that he doesn't seem as hostile anymore, Ren smiles behind her visor and prepares for possible orders from a leader of the group surrounding them.

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MCU: Central Park

Chara stepped right into a vortex she found as she wandered the underground. Anything to get out of the underground. Through the vortex were things she hoped she would never see again. Human civilization. She was standing on a field of grass. She was in a park. Off in the distance she saw buildings... Many buildings. There were also very many people around. Hunan people. Human people she so richly wished to slaughter but couldn't. Too many witnesses. She wasn't determined enough to kill that many.

-Yato & Yukine-

"I am Groot." Groot added
"No, I don't think so. Not really." Harleen replied "There'd be a lot more monsters. Anyway. I don't know where we are either. Us two are trying to get home."


ryanpk200 said:
I can handle apocalyptic places." Said Crane. He then said in a worried tone. "I'd also like to get home too. A lot of people are relying on the supplies I've gathered."

"Trying to get home? Is it--"

Yato and Yukine turned around, but the tear was gone. Of course. Great. They shouldn't have stepped through!

"What do we do now...? We need to be back home before the night comes. It's too dangerous."

"Heh, do you really think I don't have a plan? A god can do no wrong!"

Yato smiled as he took Yukine's hand, and...


.....Yeah, he stood there.

Wait, why is he still standing there?

"...Why is it not working?"

He stopped smiling and closed his eyes, focusing. Come on, why can't he teleport outta here? Its actually...--

"--Not working!!?"

" 'A god can do no wrong!' "

"Stop it, Yukine!"

"So we're stuck here. Great. Just great."

Yukine let out a sigh and put his hands in his pockets. Yato has to be the shittiest god ever.

He looked up at Groot, Crane and Harleen while Yato kept trying to teleport like an idiot.

"So tree guy is Groot. I'm Yukine. Guess we're stuck here together. What's your names?"

Ha asked Crane and Harleen. Did Harleen talk to herself earlier? Eh, whatever...

He wondered what Crane was talking about. Where did he come from? What supplies?They sure as hell weren't ordinary people.

(Come on! Go! Do it! Why the f--?!)

"It's obviously not working, Yato!!"

"Shut up! I can do it! Just you wait!!"

"...Freaking tracksuit idiot..."

"I heard that!!"

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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence was seeing a lot of odd-looking things. Mainly the buildings in the area, they didn't look like the ones she knew back home in the slightest. This blue box thing didn't stand out to her at all.

Well, maybe a little bit - Perhaps the theme of it was off or something. Still, she decided not to bother with it right now. I mean, it's just a box. Nothing important could possibly be inside it. Those kind of things were reserved for treasure chests.

...Hmm, maybe she's been hanging around the crypt for too long.

(The perception filter at work, ladies and gentlemen ( :P ))

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A golden face of a metal man.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

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American Frontier 1790

Gregory shrugged sarcastically to Jotaro's words "Wouldn't be the first time I fell off a cliff. First time I've seen one of those ugly fookers though. What in Christ's name were those things?! I've seen a lot of the galaxy. I've seen giant spiders, cybernetic monsters...Glig prostitutes...These ugly wankers look like they stepped straight from a kiddie's nightmare. I got no clue."

Gregory shrugged again and stared into the distance, seeing the smoke rising in the distance again "Civilization." He muttered "Whatever people live 'ere might be able to tell us just what those things were."


MCU: Central Park

Hearing the two Spartans talk about New York as well as lower their weapons, the SHIELD agents do the same while an agent in his thirties took two steps forwards "What year are you from?" He asked cautiously "You may have time travelled. I know that sounds difficult for you to hear but the year is twenty fifteen. I can prove it."

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Wait, so his name is 'The Doctor'?" Carol asked, with a thoroughly confused look on her face "...That's weird. Why not just have a regular name like the rest of us."

"I'm sure he has a good reason, Carol." Lilac told her "As long as he can help us out, his name doesn't matter too much. So, what's up, Doctor? Why are all of these portal things appearing all over?"


Mood: Feeling better.

Condition: Just a dull ache, now.

Location: MCU Helicarrier



Startled by the human, the Ork Kommando quickly grabs the human by the neck with his left hand and holds him up against a wall before holding his knife up to the Shield agent's throat. Loosening his grip a little so that the human could talk, the Ork begins to interrogate the human." Alright humie, dis is what's gonna happen. Yer gonna quietly tell me everyfing ya know about dis piece of scrap . And if ya even fink of calling for yer mates, den I'm gonna gut ya with dis 'ere knife. Understand?"

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MCU: Central Park

Chara stared as several of the humans approached her. She didn't know what was going on but she rolled with it. They were armed with guns. Another missed opportunity to give her knife good use. She started to pretend she was crying. They would never hurt a crying child.

"They... They..." Chara said pretending to be sad "They're gone!"

She dug her face into her hands so that the humans wouldn't see her smirk. She felt like laughing but that would give it away so she just made crying sounds.

New York City-MCU

Goku: Blinking at this woman who just appeared in front of him confused, Goku didn't know what to think at first. She spouted some nonsense about dimensional whatevers (which may have been true), but then she mentioned something about getting back to his family. How did she know about them? Has she been watching him. Goku powered up to Super Saiyan 1 and took a ready stance.

"How do you know all this? Were you behind those portals? Did you being me here to kill me," the Saiyan asked.


"He said that would be boring." Emma explained

"I...I have no idea." The Doctor shrugged

"All he has are theories." Emma continued "Ranging from interdimensional aliens to an experiment gone wrong. None of them really make a lot of sense."

"Hey! Some of them...Kind of make sense." The Doctor replied


On another level of the Helicarrier, the SHIELD agent raised his hands, surrendering to the Commander "I dunno much man...I'm the janitor!" He lied with a nervous grin "Can't you tell by my blue uniform? The janitors also carry guns for protection too!"


MCU: New York City

Inside central park, the SHIELD agent stood up and took another step towards Chara. A sympathetic look was on her face "Hey. It's okay. We can help you find your parents." She shot the child a reassuring smile


"If I wanted to kill you, Kakarot I would have done it already." The Woman shrugged in response "As for the portals. No. No, I'm not behind them. I'm...Well me and two of my friends are trying to figure out what is." She explained "Not even the Time Lord has worked it out yet." She sighed in frustration, rolling her eyes "I know what I know because I have too much time on my hands." She shrugged sarcastically

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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence looked at Rodimus with an eyebrow raised "I've only been out for like thirty seconds." She told him. And wouldn't a vehicle driving itself look suspicious to passersby anyway?

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A golden face of a metal man.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

@LegoLad659 "Heh, you got a point there, if I didn't already give you a Rodimus Star, I'd give you one right now..." Rodimus said before creating a Hologram of a Driver, who looked like Judd Nelson from Breakfast Club, to communicate to Cadence, "There... Is that better?"
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Sensing that the human was lying, the Ork growls in annoyance before stabbing his knife into the human's left shoulder." I'm not gonna tolerate any lies, humie. Especially lazy ones. So unless ya want to be carved up, I suggest you tell da truth."

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One of the men surrounding the Spartans steps out of the ring and heads toward Ren and Elijah. He is on Elijah's side of the circle, and heads straight toward them.

"Hey," Elijah whispers over his private channel with Ren, the comment heard only by them. He also taps her with his elbow, and she looks over her shoulder to see why he is trying to get her attention. She turns completely when she sees the man, facing him and standing right next to Elijah.

Ren opens her mouth to respond when the man, looking about the same age as them, asks what year they are from. The fact that he asks the question doesn't make any sense in Ren's mind. Wouldn't this place be in the year 2558 as well, despite the outdated appearance of everything? Although, then again, nothing is exactly normal or seemingly logical at the moment. And then the man mentions that the year is actually 2015, and that Elijah and herself may have..time traveled...

Ren doesn't really know how to respond to that. Even for someone in her field, that is an extremely weird thing to hear. All she can do is clench her jaw shut in surprise, not able to form a response.

The only good thing about that info being given to them is that they now know why everything looks so old. Over 540 years older, to be precise. So they have one question answered; one of many.

Elijah, dumbfounded as well at the startling news, glances at his friend when she doesn't say a word. Going by her head being locked in the direction of the man and her posture unmoving and stiff, Elijah guesses that she is surprised. Very surprised. He would try to calm her down, which he can easily do and definitely wants to do, but that would make this moment a little awkward with everyone watching them. And he isn't exactly calm either at this moment. Instead, he looks over at the man and gives his response a few seconds after the man informs them of their predicament.

"Uh, we are from the year two thousand, five hundred and fifty eight," Elijah comments, the statement feeling weird to say for some reason. "And I would say that we have seen some pretty crazy stuff already to counter this, but what you said is still pretty damn weird."

"What do you want from us?" Ren suddenly blurts, making Elijah's head snap to the side to look at her. "As in, what do you want us to do now?"


"Done." Said the Commander. "We've fought everything from the stereotypical grey aliens to large robotic tanks so there's too much to rattle off right now. I'll get you what we have from the research archives." When he finished talking, Jason turned around and took a few steps back. Jason radioed the Avenger for the alien files and a small team of engineers to be sent over.

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New York City-MCU

Goku: Standing back from the woman with eyes wide in shock, Goku now felt utterly confused. The only ones who ever knew him by his Saiyan name always came with trouble, but nothing about this woman suggested she wanted to fight. Goku just remembered that she wanted him to do something for her, so that he could go back to her family. He still didn't trust her, but he powered down back to his base form.

"How did you know my Saiyan name? And what is this thing you want me to do?"

DIO: Having brainwashed the resident of the apartment he had taken over, DIO had the middle-aged man look out the windows to see what was going on. The man had seen the agents, the large creatures, the advanced jets, the child, the two armored individuals, and the black-haired man in a Japanese dogi. The man reported it all to DIO, who smiled in delight. So many pawns for him to use, yet all such a mystery. For now he would bide his time until the sun sets, then he would act.


MCU: Central Park

Chara threw a slight giggle but stopped herself and continued crying. She dug her face into her hands making sure the humans didn't see her big smile. She suddenly heard the human talking to her say something about finding her parents.

Chara turned her smirk into a frown and took her face out of her hand and looked at the human "Bu... Bu... Bu... But they're gone! Dead..."

-Yato & Yukine-

"I'm Harleen and you just stepped through a portal to another universe. Instead of being one full of lonely supermodels like you would have wanted, you ended up here. Stuck in a post-apocalyptic wasteland with me, Crane over there and a living tree...With God knows what else out here that will probably try and kill you."

Yukine stared at Harleen, his eyes wide open as she kept shaking his hand.

Yep, these people are batshit crazy.

"--Full of lonely supermodels?"

That's bullshit. Who would--

Actually... Thinking about it...

"AGH! Yukine! What the hell are you thinking?!"


"Yeah, yeah. Right."

Yato finally stopped trying. Took him long enough.

"A post-apocalyptic wasteland, huh? Figured as much."

He said as he looked around, trying to come up with a plan. Portal to another universe? Sounded like some kind of fantasy thing.

So Crane, Harleen and Groot. Two people and a tree.

...Did he do drugs or something? Because this is absolutely unbelievable, even for an idiot like him.

Maybe he's dreaming... Yeah, probably.

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theManCalledSting said:

"Yup! I still don't know where the heck I am!"

Neptune followed the aroma of cooked food.

"That's definitely, some pudding!" she said in a trance.

@dorkling ((Just reply to this))

Asuna Yuuki

SAO Universe; 1 o' clock p.m.

Asuna hummed softly as she stirred the chocolate-vanilla pudding, the dark and light swirling together like Yin and Yang. Later that evening, her small group of friends were going to arrive and have a small feast, Asuna practically cooking all day. The chestnut haired girl didn't mind though, it was a nice break to the usual fighting and drama filled days. She flicked her amber gaze to a nearby clock, checking the tine,

1:12... I have plenty time left..Maybe I can even rest a bit or wander off not too far?

She tapped her chin with a spoon, letting herself ponder about how else to fill her time.

Hearing someone enter the kitchen and murmur something, she jumped, rattled out of her thoughts as she equipped a kitchen knife and flung it at the stranger with wide eyes. For better or for worse, it didn't pierce the female figure, instead, sticking out of the wall behind her. "W-who are you?" She asked with narrowed eyes, trying to steady her breathing and calm her beating heart. "And how did you get into my home?!" She demanded, hand slipping to her sword.
dorkling said:

Asuna Yuuki

SAO Universe; 1 o' clock p.m.

Asuna hummed softly as she stirred the chocolate-vanilla pudding, the dark and light swirling together like Yin and Yang. Later that evening, her small group of friends were going to arrive and have a small feast, Asuna practically cooking all day. The chestnut haired girl didn't mind though, it was a nice break to the usual fighting and drama filled days. She flicked her amber gaze to a nearby clock, checking the tine,

1:12... I have plenty time left..Maybe I can even rest a bit or wander off not too far?

She tapped her chin with a spoon, letting herself ponder about how else to fill her time.

Hearing someone enter the kitchen and murmur something, she jumped, rattled out of her thoughts as she equipped a kitchen knife and flung it at the stranger with wide eyes. For better or for worse, it didn't pierce the female figure, instead, sticking out of the wall behind her. "W-who are you?" She asked with narrowed eyes, trying to steady her breathing and calm her beating heart. "And how did you get into my home?!" She demanded, hand slipping to her sword.
"Well if you want me to be honest, hot girl... I really don't know... I sort of fell out of the sky like I usually do and then woke up in an MMO... Nothing too weird for me really..."

Asuna Yuuki

Asuna pulled out the sword on the strange purple girl, eyes widening at her reply. "I-I am not hot excuse you! And what do you mean, 'sorta fell out of the sky'?!" She squinted at the shorter (?) female, finding it very odd and thought the girl was absolutely crazy. "Are some weird game helper or something? Like the guy in the beginning that floated and wore robes?" She asked, knuckles white as she gripped the sword.
dorkling said:

Asuna Yuuki

Asuna pulled out the sword on the strange purple girl, eyes widening at her reply. "I-I am not hot excuse you! And what do you mean, 'sorta fell out of the sky'?!" She squinted at the shorter (?) female, finding it very odd and thought the girl was absolutely crazy. "Are some weird game helper or something? Like the guy in the beginning that floated and wore robes?" She asked, knuckles white as she gripped the sword.
"Whoa! Hot and Aggressive! You related to Noire by any chance?" asked Neptune to the girl. "You gotta be! Same Tsundere Attitude as Good Ol' Noire!"
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