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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

-Yato & Yukine- (Fallout)

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Listen. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Make this easy on yourself." The Gunner in power armour replied "I wouldn't want to ruin a pretty face." He grinned, turning his attention to the two Assaultrons "What'll it be?"


Yato chuckled to himself. What a bunch of scum bags.

"Hey, Yukine. Wanna teach them a lesson?"

"-Heh? What?"

"Y'know... Show them who they're up against."

"We should wait and see what they're going to do. I'm curious to know who gave them these "orders". Maybe they can bring us to their leader if we just listen to them."

"Awww, come on..."

Yato let out a sigh. What a party pooper...

Fine. Let's see what the assaultrons are going to say. But as soon as one of them makes a wrong move, he's going to beat the shit out of 'em!

"So, you're gonna try and shoot us or what?"

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence nodded in response "Alright, that's good. Let me know if you come up with anything. I'll keep looking around in the meantime." She said, as she started to move again.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A couple of heads.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


As the Commander listened to what was being said about the tears, he thought. "A tear could open on the Avenger. At least the base security is now properly equipped." Jason noticed the arrival of Doctor Shen and several engineers. The head of Engineering introduced himself to the group. "I am Doctor Shen. I'm XCOM's head of engineering. Anything you see the Commander or the men use has been built by my team and I."

Shen walked over and handed the data pad to the Commander. "Everything you've asked for is on here." He said. Jason quickly looked through the data to confirm Shen's statement. When he confirmed the statement, Walker gave the pad to Emma. "All of the information that we have on our aliens has been copied onto this. It includes combat capabilities, autopsies, and info on the UFOs."

@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659


Upon seeing the tear open up, Isaac's helmet unfolded and he loaded a fresh clip into his Plasma Cutter. He then saw the Eclipse mercs step out and come under fire from Terminators. Isaac ran over to help. He began firing at one of the Terminators and shot it's legs off. When it fell down he bolted over and raised his foot over its head. He activated his gravity boots and stomped the robot's head in. Isaac then got back to firing at the other robots.

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San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Revan: Before he could respond to Syeron, another one of those strange portals opened up and revealed a group of mercenaries. As soon as they came out, however, they came under attack from those machines the others spoke of. He ignited his lightsaber and ran to their aid, cutting down droids and assisting the one called Isaac in eliminating the metallic pests.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The leader of the Gunner mercs took one step forwards towards the group "Listen, I ain't gonna ask you again. We're getting paid a lot of caps for this so why not make it easy on yourself?"

"Where's the fun in that?" Harleen asked "Also, why would we go with complete strangers from another universe? Pointing guns at someone ain't exactly the best way to introduce yourself. It's actually kinda rude."

"Fuck it." The Gunner leader sighed, pointing his laser rifle in Harleen's face "We just need the tree. I could shoot you right now."

"And like I told you, he's with me bozo." She spat

Before the Gunner could pull the trigger, a shot went off striking him in the back. The shot missed his fusion core by centimeters, causing him to spin around and return fire.

"Hostile detected." One of the Assaultrons stated "Scanning."

As it spoke, another shot went off taking out another Gunner merc with a shot to the head, blood turning the brown, irradiated ground of the Commonwealth red.

"Well what are you lot standing around for?!" A female voice shouted "Move your asses! Find cover...Or something!"

Upon hearing the voice, the two Assaultrons ran towards the shooter, who was hiding behind a nearby rock. Groot yelled in response, extending one of his arms and knocking one of the robots back, flinging it into another rock. This only seemed to draw the Assualtron's attention to the tree, only for Harleen to open fire, aiming for the robot's head.


MCU: Helicarrier

Emma took the datapad in hand "I'll need to upload this to HQ. If these aliens show up at our doorstep we need to be ready for them. How did you manage to kick there arses last time?"

"Well...At least the others are in cells and not in the morgue." Tesla muttered, gesturing to the Ork Kommando's body as it was taken away on a stretcher. Alongside it, going in a different direction were the bodies of the seven SHIELD guards killed by it. Tesla sighed in response, shaking his head "Such a waste."

In another part of the Helicarrier, Stevenson was speaking with Director Coulson via a screen, only for another agent to approach the director from behind "Both of you need to see this." She spoke in a shaken tone

"What is it?" Coulson asked

"We picked something up on the long range scanners. A tear just opened near Saturn. Larger than any we've seen before."

She handed Coulson a datapad who quickly began to read through it. It displayed the image of two Sycorax ships

"How much time do we have?" Coulson asked in a grim tone

"They're approaching the planet at an alarming rate. We only have fifteen minutes, at best."

"Director?" Stevenson asked "What do we do?"

"Alert everyone. I need all hands on deck for this. Ask The Doctor, XCOM and our two armoured friends in central park if they've seen anything like this before."

"Yes sir." Stevenson nodded, turning to an agent who nodded in response and ran deeper into the Helicarrier as the ship went to red alert.


"Of course we could help you," Elijah says, his tone friendly but serious. "We don't really have anything else to do, anyway, and we will be useful with killing any Covie bastards and educating people about how to do the same. And since it appears that anything of any size can transported here, it will be good to prepare for an invasion. Because that means the Covenant could bring one full blown flagship or more with thousands of soldiers through, which would not be good at all."

"If that were to happen," Ren adds, "you would probably have to evacuate the city until the threat was neutralized by your military. Otherwise, many people would die. And, trust us, the Covenant are good at invading a city and killing everything. They have done that many times to human cities on Outer and Inner Colony planets. We know that very well."

Her tone in the last sentence grows quieter as she is reminded of the night the Covenant slaughtered her family, the images foggy but still there nonetheless. She glances up at Elijah, knowing that her friend is probably being reminded of the event as well. Which is obviously the case since she finds that he is already looking down at her. Or he knows what she is thinking about and feels bad for her. All she can see is his visor, but she knows what expression he probably has on his face. She also expects him to say something to comfort her, but he instead just gives her a light tap with his elbow. She taps him back, then looks at the man again. Elijah does as well.

"Do you guys have a home base or headquarters of some sort?" he asks the man, also glancing at the second one that stepped forward. "If so, can we come with you? There isn't really anywhere else for us to go."

"You make us sound like lost, helpless puppies," Renae whispers over their private radio, a smile in her voice. Elijah can't hold back a snort and a smile before glancing at her, then he switches to their private radio frequency so no one can hear them and breaks a couple chuckles.

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A Man peeked out of the Blue Police Box and scooped the area, presumably for any danger. He then stepped outside of the box and said to himself, "Everything looks normal, I hate normal!"

(@LegoLad659 )
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Hatsune Miku : Fallout Universe

The air was thick and smelled of dust and debris. People seemed to be bustling about, talking among themselves or simply on their way to a new destination. Something, a place, that must have looked well kept and been in its prime was now rundown. A city with some busted windows. The streets were crumpled in places, hard to tell by the amount of litter and garbage covering the ground. Even the cleanest of people looked as if they were covered in a thin layer of dust; old and worn out. Something they all shared was the wary gaze they gave one another, their surroundings and nothing in particular.

This place had clearly seen its better days, Hatsune Miku knew that by simply looking, but had yet to grasp where she actually was. Had something happened that she had yet to be informed of? Even imagining the place put back together, it wasn't a place she recognized as home or any place she had ever been to before. She walked along, probably looking like the cleanest thing there, spick and span almost. Her clothes were neatly placed, no wrinkles, smudges or tears, but that was how she always looked. An idol should always look her best to give a positive image to her fans.

Still, even the inhabitants didn't look too fondly on her. They either openly stared or glared, or even ignored her presence altogether as if she wasn't welcome. It wasn't as if Miku was egocentrically inclined to believe everyone should pay her positive attention but it was that she was uncomfortable under their gaze. Instead, she decided to focus on the area, the objects, the non sentient things that couldn't possibly judge her as the people did. It was then something caught her eye. A glass bottle with a pleasantly colored blue liquid. It was a shade Miku was quite fond of and because of that, she couldn't help herself from lifting the bottle to inspect it further.

"Nuka Cola Quantum," Miku murmured, the words coming out clumsily in her accent.

Suddenly the man standing close by, turned towards her with a grimace. "Thief!" Miku blinked twice, not quite comprehending what was going on. Before she could say anything, the man pulled a gun on her and aimed the barrel at her head as many of the other surrounding people did. Before she knew it, she was surrounded at gunpoint, holding up her hands with the bottle still clasped between her fingers. All was silent and Miku figured she might as well hastily explain. A flow of words escaped her mouth, all in a foreign language. When the man who had originally shouted, furrowed his brows in a frustrated way and said, "I don't understand what you're saying, girl!" Miku understood her mistake. She cleared her throat and tried again.

"I'm sorry, I only meant to look at it. I had never seen one before... It's a pretty color."

She smiled sheepishly but the crowd didn't seem any more inclined to lower their weapons.

Tough crowd.​
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MCU: Central Park

The agent nodded in response with a grim look in his eyes "The Director himself will want to speak with you." He gestured towards the Quinjet and the group of agents began to lead the two Spartans towards it "Maybe we can figure out a way to help you get home. We're still learning more and more about these tears each day."

The agent stopped in his tracks, touching his earpiece "I understand." He muttered, turning his attention to the two Spartans "Something's emerged from a tear near Saturn. An alien craft that's heading straight for us. For both our sakes I hope it's not the Covenant."

Fallout Universe: Near Federal Ration Stockpile

Near an abandoned, run down chapel, a portal forms and tall bald man with a metal suitcase emerges from the portal with a large group consisting of twenty-four Nod soldiers, five Confessors, two Saboteurs, and one Cyborg Commando. Waiting until the last of his forces exited the portal, the man known as Kane faces his followers and speaks to them." Come, my faithful disciples! We have much work to do." After speaking, Kane and his followers begin to travel towards the nearby chapel.

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

Not too far away from the Federal Ration Stockpile, a well-dressed man with a monocle appeared with the snap of his fingers. With another snap of his fingers, he summoned a cricket bat as a feral Ghoul charged at him. He rolled his eyes and with a single swing, reduced the Ghoul to ashes, scattering it's atoms across the irradiated ground of the Commonwealth.

"What's all this then?" The Gentleman asked himself, speaking in a strong Oxford accent fixing his monocle as he examined Kane's arrival. "I do hope they're not here to ruin cricket."

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Both soldiers respectfully nod at the man before following the people who were formerly circling them. The two Spartans tower over the people and are probably a lot stronger, but they still don't feel safe in this weird, older place, and it just doesn't feel right.

When the head of the group says that they might be able to find Ren and Elijah a way home, they both look at each other for a second. Oh, how they wish that could happen. They don't want to abandon these people if there was an invasion, for that goes against all they were trained to do, but they also want to get back to their universe and team. Hell, maybe if they can figure that out, the Spartans could still maintain communication with this universe somehow and send over reinforcements through a tear if the Covenant, Prometheans, or Flood managed to get through. Or any other problem, if soldiers could be spared. They don't want that to happen, not in a million years, but being cautious about it is still a smart move.

The Spartans stop in their tracks the same time the man does, knowing something is wrong by seeing his posture. And that suspicion is confirmed when the man gives them the news of a ship appearing around Saturn and heading straight for Earth. They stiffen and look at each other for a moment, their adrenaline spiking as they proses the possibility of an enemy coming to Earth. Especially a ship.

"And if it is a Covenant ship," Ren says, staring straight at the man again, "it could easily jump here through slipspace. Especially since their slipspace jumps are always way more accurate than what our ships could do. That means they could get here in no time at all and appear at the exact spot they desire. And if this Earth has the same coordinates as ours, they know exactly where to jump."

"Let's go to your headquarters and get everything sorted away and figured out quickly, just in case it is a Covenant ship," Elijah suggests, assuming the tone of a leader instantly. "Especially since more could easily follow this one. We need to be prepared, and it would be nice to see what you have for weaponry so we have an idea of what we could use against these devils. Also," Elijah adds almost as an after thought, "if it is coming here, we need to find out where exactly it will land so the place can prepare to evacuate if the need arises. If we can't figure that out, then people will need to be moved as soon as it arrives. The more people moved out, the less casualties we will have. And, lastly, it would help if there was a way to view the ship, or at least it's general shape. That will definitely tell Ren and I if it is in fact a Covenant ship or not, for they have a very distinctive appearance."

Elijah leading the way, the Spartans stride into the ship. They want to tell these people what they are both thinking: that could also be a Forerunner ship, or maybe even a Covenant ship infested with Flood. Infected ships have managed to successfully jump through slipspace multiple times. The hosts are not as accurate and they tend to crash any ships they hijack, but they can still fly ships as long as one of the hosts aboard was a pilot before being infected. They doubt it would happen, but they don't know for sure. And even though they want to tell them, they also do not want to scare the shit out of them about something that isn't even certain. So they keep their mouths shut, standing like two silent, alert statues in the drop ship with their rifles gripped in their hands. The quicker they get to a base of operations, the better.

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe


Upon nearing their destination, Kane sends three of his Nod soldiers search the chapel for supplies or any information about this new world.

Nod soldiers

After receiving their orders, the three Nod soldiers enter the chapel and begin to thoroughly search the small building. As the soldiers are conducting their search, one of the soldiers discovers a trapdoor. Thinking that there might be some useful supplies within , the soldier alert their comrades waiting outside before entering the trapdoor.


"We managed to win by rapid adaptation." Replied the Commander. "There were several costly victories early on but through those sacrifices, enough of the alien technology was recovered to fight back. Thanks to the new weapons and armor, eventually we managed to kick the aliens off the planet."

Shen and his engineers walked away to take a look around the Helicarrier.



Isaac switches his Plasma Cutter for the Ripper. He fires one of the diamond coated tungsten blade at one of the Terminators. Thanks to a mini gravity tether the blade stays in front of the device. Isaac aims the blade at its head and cuts it off.

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Colonial Fort-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Gregory had walked both Jotaro and Lea for quite a distance to reach the location where the smoke had originated when they first saw it on the cliff just to find some sort of civilization. He wondered himself whether this place would even be safe at all, what with those things from earlier roaming around. They didn't even flinch at Star Platinum's onslaught, so he guessed being pushed off of a cliff would slow them down at best. They did show fear towards Jotaro's fire, so he guessed that might be their weakness. Since wherever there was smoke, there was fire, Jotaro assumed that maybe they'd be safer if they stuck close to a fire.

When they arrived, he saw a bunch of men carrying musket rifles and wearing coats from what Jotaro thought was the American Revolutionary War. So Jotaro time-traveled as well as traveled through space? Then again, Gregory and Lea didn't appear to belong here either, so what kind of travelling did he do? Was it caused by an enemy Stand they don't know about yet? When they approached the fort, Jotaro's mind still full of questions, the guards seemed on edge and raised their muskets. Almost hilarious, since they were inaccurate weapons and took about an eternity to reload its one shot. Gregory assured them the group weren't like the monsters, but then Jotaro's curiosity about when they were was sealed when one of the soldiers compared Gregory to a "red coat." Jotaro walked up next to Gregory and stood next to him, grabbing his shoulder and gently moving him behind him.

"We aren't "red coats" either. Do we look British to you, dumbass," Jotaro stated bluntly. It might look weird to them, an overly built and tall Japanese student calling a group of adults dumbasses, but he didn't care. "And on the subject of those "monsters", we figured out how to beat em right before we pushed three of em off a cliff. So we'll tell you if you let us in."


San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Revan and Raiden: The former Jedi had ignited the other of his lightsabers now and began slashing through the mechanical enemies in a blur of green and purple. He deflected stray lasers that were fired his way into other bots and occasionally used the Force to blast a few of the enemies into the air. At the same time, the cyborg warrior named Raiden and his blade were a silver and red whirlwind, dashing through the crowd and cutting apart what he assumed were a new type of drone. The talk of where he came from and how he got here were going to have to wait until these things were dealt with.


New York City-MCU

DIO: The man who DIO had placed under his sway had an impressive array of books to read. The vampire learned more of this world through those books, about the various "heroes" that lived within it and the various threats that have plagued the world in the past. What he couldn't learn from the books, he had persuaded the man to tell him. If he were to begin finding individuals to work for him, he should at least know about what goes on in this world. Until the sun sets, DIO would be stuck in the apartment with only the man to entertain him. He had already drained the man's wife to speed along the process of healing his arm of the wounds left by the sunlight. He sat back and listened to the man speak of a team of heroes known as the "Avengers" while he read another history book, contemplating his next move.

Goku: What was this woman talking about? She had claimed to be observing him for a while, but confirmed herself that she wasn't an enemy. Now she was trying to recruit him to fight a coming battle for her against strong enemies. The Saiyan was all for fighting, since that's what allowed him to keep getting stronger, but he didn't know who he was to be fighting or why. This situation just kept getting more suspicous to him.

"You just said you needed strong warriors to fight a coming war? I don't fight in wars, lady. I only fight to protect the Earth, regardless of those dimensional whatevers," Goku boldly stated with a look of confidence about him.
Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Gentleman appeared on the other side of the trap door, a smug expression on his face "Hello there chaps!" He shouted gleefully "Would you like to hear about the wonders of cricket?! The greatest sport in the Multiverse! Lovely jovely!"

West of Abernathy farm, Harleen kicked the laser rifle out of the hands of a Gunner as he attempted to return fire against the sniper. As the Gunner attempted to stab Harleen with a combat knife, she kicked it out of his hand before kicking the Gunner across the face, knocking him back before finishing him off with a shot to the head.

Another two Gunners and one Assualtron attempted to shoot at her from behind only for Groot to extend his arm, impaling the two Gunners and knocking the Assualtron into a rock, tossing the two Gunners to the side. He turned around and smiled at Harleen, getting a grin from her in response.


The two remaining Assualtrons charged towards the group, both arms charged with electricity while they charged up the lasers in their heads. Both Harleen and the sniper opened fire, focusing on one Assualtron.


MCU: Helicarrier

Stevenson nodded in response to the Commander's words, showing him an image of the Sycorax ship on his datapad "Do these look familiar to you?"

"Yes." The Doctor replied, peering over Stevenson's shoulder and butting into the conversation "They're called the Sycorax. A race of warriors and slavers."

"Slavers? Shit." Stevenson muttered "At least we know why they're here."

"I've beat them before. Lost my left hand though...Until it grew back." The Doctor spoke in a fast-paced eccentric tone "Had Christmas dinner afterwards. By the way, do you have a satsuma?"


"Hmm. The timing might not be right for one. After all, it's the summer. Not even close to Christmas." The Doctor muttered "Anyway...The Sycorax will probably want to talk to you. Tell your Director to choose his words, very, very carefully."

"He always does." Stevenson smiled reassuringly

Tesla followed Shen and the engineers, hoping to examine some of SHIELD's technology.

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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"You cut your hand off and it grew back? Sounds like an interesting story." Lilac commented, looking at the Doctor's hand and trying to figure out which one it could've been.


Mood: Curious

Condition: Hey, another half a leaf appeared!

Location: MCU Helicarrier


Colonial Fort-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Rolling his eyes at both Gregory and the soldiers, Jotaro stuck his hands in his pockets and followed Gregory into the building with Lea trailing behind the two of them. He wondered what this guy was going to have them do.


"You're quite the character, Doctor." Said Jason. He then asked. "How did your hand grow back?" When the Commander heard that SHIELD was going to talk to the aliens, he said to the group. "I'll have my air forces on standby. If talking doesn't work, I'll send them in." The Commander radioed the Avenger and commanded them to prep the Firestorms.

@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659
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Nod Soldiers

Not expecting someone to suddenly appear next to them, the three shout out in surprise before aiming their weapons at the Gentleman." Holy shit! Where the hell did you come from?"

-Yato & Yukine- (Fallout)*

Boy, that escalated quickly.

Yato stood in front of Yukine to cover him, trying to process what the hell was happening. Everything happened so fast--

A shot whistled past Yato's head, causing his left ear to start ringing. He could feel the bullet's gust of wind brushing his hair.

Damn, that was close.

Way too close.


He called the name of his Regalia Yukine, turning him into the blessed vessels. Two sharp blades, wrapped in nothing but mere bandages.


(It looks like this.)

"About time you called my name!"

"Excuse you! You wanted to listen to them, remember!?"

He glanced at the second assaultron, frowning when he noticed their electrically charged arms. He never fought a robot before... What is this, sci-fi?

...Enough shits and giggles.

These guys deserve a beating.

Yato ran forward, raising both blades over his head as he jumped up into the air before darting back down to the ground, using gravity to increase the power of his attack.

He brought the swords down on the second assaultron, attempting to split his head in two. Metal or not, a blessed shinki should be able to cut through it like butter.

He was looking straight into its 'face'.

He was still falling when he realized that it was charging its laser.

It was waiting for him to come down.

"--Damn it!"


He quickly raised both blades and held them in front of him in an X-like position.

The laser shot out, hitting the swords with a clinking noise.

The impact was strong, but he managed to withstand it.

However, the blades not only blocked the attack...

They reflected it.

There was a loud bang, and the assaultron got knocked back by its own laser, falling on its back.

"Yeah, have a taste of your own medicine! That was amazing, Yukine!"

"Woah! Thanks!"
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MCU: Helicarrier

"You can't." The Doctor spoke in a grim tone, a hint of anger in his voice "War and combat are the way of the Sycorax. You'd be gearing up for a war you can't win."

"Then what do we do? Throw up our arms and shout hey, enslave us!" Emma butted in sarcastically

"I defeated a Sycorax tribal leader in a trial by combat." The Doctor explained, frantically "That's how I lost my hand."

"You still haven't told us how it grew back, Doctor." Stevenson replied suspiciously

"I was still going through my regeneration cycle...Time Lord biology...Look! That's not important! Right now, we need to focus on stopping them." The Doctor explained in a frantic tone. He needed to stop any more bloodshed.


"Sir..." A frantic agent spoke, butting in "The Sycorax ship's about to enter the atmosphere."

"Where?!" Stevenson snapped

"New York city. The Sycorax are coming straight for us. Director Coulson is already on line two."

"What is it with aliens and my city?" Stevenson sighed

The Sycorax ship entered the skies above New York, causing the glass on nearby buildings to shatter. The glass on the upper floors of the Empire state building shattered, landing on the streets below. Civilians on the ground looked upwards, some screaming in terror recalling the battle of New York several years ago.

Within seconds an image appeared on screen.


"The leader of this world will step forwards." One Sycorax, who The Doctor assumed was the leader spoke


With the Nod soldiers, The Gentleman conjured a pipe using the snap of his fingers and started to smoke it "Why chaps, I was always here." He replied "You may need to get your eyes tested."

@Sheaon13 @apoliseno

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