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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

MCU: Helicarrier

"It's been happening all across time and space." The Doctor explained frantically, speaking at a fast pace "Technically this...Event has been happening long before you were born while at the same time, longer than this universe will exist. It's a load of wibbly wobbly timey whimey...Stuff."

"Timey whimey?" Tesla asked "Doctor, you have the body of a man but use the words of a child. Who are you, really?"

"Right now, probably the smartest man in the room." Emma explained "His choice of language is just a bit...Ridiculous."

"No such thing as a stereotypical alien." The Doctor replied, hearing the Commander's words "Not really. If you mean the aliens that crashed at Roswell they're actually quite pleasant. At least in my universe."

"What are the chances of them following you here?" Tesla asked The Commander in a grim tone

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Thinking fast, the Kommando hurls the wounded Shield agent at the five guards. Taking advantage of the distraction, the Ork pulls out his Shoota and wildly fires it at the guards." Dakka! Dakka! Dakka!"

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As the man mentions that they want to know about any dangers from the Spartans' world, Renae and Elijah look at each other, both thinking the same thing. They both know that, if some enemy from their world got through to this place, things would get a little dicey. Or more than a little. They have no clue how effective the weapons are in this era, yet they already have a bad feeling that they won't be quite enough to take out the enemies they know of. And there are a lot.

"This is gonna be fun to explain," Elijah comments to Ren during the moment that they look at each other, their conversation only heard between them over their radios. Ren nods to him, agreeing with his attempt at humor but still nervous nonetheless.

After a moment of looking at each other, knowing that it is their turn to give crazy news, the Spartans look forward at the man again.

"Ya might want to get a pen and paper handy," Elijah comments casually, "because there are a lot of fugly things from our..universe that could easily be a problem if they came here."

"One in particular would be especially disastrous," Renae adds. Elijah glances at her, knowing what she is referring to, and shudders slightly at the thought of it.

The two then wait for a response before they launch into informing the man about the enemies that could easily cause trouble here.

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence blinked. Okay, so this guy could apparently read her mind, too "Another star? How many of those things do you have?"

And how big of a waste of resources was it? Crap, she probably shouldn't have thought that.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: This dude.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]



"That's what I meant." Said the Commander to the Doctor as he turned to face Tesla. "The chances of them following us are unlikely. A few days before we went through the tear, my organization wiped out their leadership and destroyed their command ship." Explained the Commander. "However we never figured out if there's more of them. If there is, a retaliation may be possible."

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MCU: Helicarrier

In response to the shooting, the SHIELD agents returned fire using their "night-night" guns, while upstairs several alarms started to go off in response. Emma and Tesla quickly rushed downstairs while Stevenson cursed under his breath.

"How did it get onboard!?" Stevenson yelled "Christ!"

"Another tear?" The Doctor asked

"Are you sure these aliens couldn't have followed you?" Stevenson asked The Commander "You may have destroyed the command ship but what if there were more of them out there?"

Tesla and Emma reached the scene of the Kommando's shooting, immediatley Tesla drew his shotgun while Emma created a sharp spike of ice in her left hand, both waited in anticipation for whatever was behind the door.

"Don't kill it." Tesla muttered

"Says the bloke with the shotgun." Emma sighed

"It's intentions are not to kill, never to kill." Tesla muttered in response with some bitterness.

MCU: Helicarrier


After finishing off the last of the security guards, the Ork immediately locks the restroom's door. Removing one of the darts lodged in his thick skin, the Kommando uses it pick his teeth before throwing it away. Hearing a few voices outside of the door, the Ork thinks of a very cunning plan involving explosives. Removing a landmine and a Stik grenade from his backpack, the Ork hides a the mine under the pile of dead bodies lying in front of the door. Afterwards, the Ork pulls the Stik grenade's pin and tosses it towards the opposite end the restroom and waits for it go off, blowing a massive hole in wall. Madly laughing with excitement, the Ork runs through the newly made hole and begins to rampge around the Helicarrier with his Shoota and assortment of explosives." No one messes with Spookums and gets away wid it! No one!"

@LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke
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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@Some_Bloke @Barbas

Having followed the group to the area, and hearing the explosive go off in the room, Lilac rushed into the bathroom to see what happened. Seeing the hole blown in the wall, she quickly used her Dragon Boost to catch up with the Kommando and stop him.


Mood: Feeling better.

Condition: Just a dull ache, now.

Location: MCU Helicarrier

@LegoLad659 Rodimus wasn't surprised by the human's question and thus he answered her in kind, "Well, Let's just say it's enough for an entire crew of over Three Hundred Bots and some few guys I like." Rodimus then pondered what their next move may be, this universe feels off... as if there was something waiting for them.
MCU: Helicarrier


Hearing something behind him, the Ork turns around and spots a strange purple colored creature flying towards him. Feeling like being sneaky instead of being shooty, the Ork pulls out a Smoke grenade and pulls the pin before dropping it at his feet. Waiting until the smoke completely filled the room, the Ork dives into a nearby trashcan.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-28_16-44-26.png.fea62a1fdc82e3bd459e2ace7d627b6c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-28_16-44-26.png.fea62a1fdc82e3bd459e2ace7d627b6c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Chara nodded, still with fake tears in her eyes. She stuttered and shivered to try to make herself look more sad.

"W-W-Where are you going to take me?" Chara said before digging her face back into her face.

"That's unlikely. We haven't picked up any activity since the command ship was destroyed." Said the Commander as he and his troops ran after Stevenson. They reached the bathroom just in time to see a wall be blown apart and a Ork run through the hole.

Seeing Lilac run after the Ork, the Commander sends his fastest men ,two supports, ahead to chase the Ork. They get to the room where they last saw the Ork and are caught off guard by the smoke grenade. Thankfully their armor's sealed air supply prevents them from coughing on the smoke but they still lose sight on the Ork. When the smoke fades they begin to search the room.

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-Yato & Yukine-

Yato looked at the gunners with a blank expression, unimpressed by their threats.

"Careful. You might hurt someone with those guns." Said he, cracking a smile

"Yato, they have guns! Don't make them angry!"

"It's alright, Yukine. I know what I'm doing."

He whispered back to Yukine who stood behind him. His past as a god of war is over, but that doesn't mean that he can no longer kill.

"We're not going anywhere with you."

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MCU: Helicarrier

Upon hearing the explosion Stevenson sighed "Excuse me a moment." He muttered, leaving the room with an assault rifle and searching the lower levels with a platoon of guards. Stevenson approached Lilac and the others "What the hell is going on here?!"

"Another one of those ugly green guys." Emma replied, drawing her pistols

"I thought we agreed not to kill the creature." Tesla muttered

"That creature just took out six agents. It's too dangerous to be kept alive." Emma stated bitterly, turning a corner and finding a trashcan. She noticed a green creature peaking out of it, obviously (poorly trying to hide) and tossed an ice spike at it while Tesla, Stevenson and the other agents opened fire.

On the upper deck The Doctor, hearing the sounds on gunfire ran downstairs.

Omega: Mass Effect Universe (post-control)




Max Valentine sat down at one of the tables in lower Afterlife, with Bishop at his feet. Afterlife was a place once claimed by Cerberus but now back under the control of the gangs of Omega. The Blues Suns, the Blood Pack and Eclipse all united under Aria T'loak, the self-proclaimed "Queen" of Omega. A title she made sure everyone remembered.

Several weeks ago, a tear had opened in Max's home universe leading to this one. A discovery both scientific communities lost their minds over. Seeing the opportunity as a means of making some credits and new allies, Max had travelled to Omega in search of mercenary work. He took a sip of Noverian rum as a Salarian sat across from him, accompanied by two Eclipse mercenaries.

"Cute dog." The Salarian stated, getting a blank stare from Max in response.

"I came here to talk business, but thanks for the compliment." Max replied with a grin and another sip of his drink "What needs done?"

"My brother...He went missing yesterday. Walked right through another tear."

"Here on Omega?" Max asked, getting a nod in response "These things just open as they damn well please."

"Aria's been trying to keep things under wraps. She dosen't want to start a panic."

"So where do I come in?"

"I've read things about you, Valentine. Military history, the way you took down two crime bosses single-handedly. I want you to lead a team of mercs through that tear to find my brother."

"How much?" Valentine asked, taking another drink

"Seven million."

"Christ!" Valentine shouted, spitting out some of his drink "You got yourself a deal."

Two hours later, Valentine greeted several Eclipse mercs outside of a tear in the slums of Omega.


"Can anyone tell me what we're up against?" Valentine asked "Your boss was a little bit...Silent on the details."

"A Specter showed up a day ago to investigate." One of the mercs replied with a shrug "Apart from that we're as clueless as you are. The pay was good so we signed up."

Max shrugged in response and the group entered the tear, with Bishop close by at Max's feet.

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

Upon stepping through the group instantly came under fire by several Terminator units, causing them to run for cover.
Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@Barbas @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200

Lilac had almost caught up with the Ork when it suddenly threw a smoke bomb at the ground, causing her to skid to a halt as she coughed and tried to see through the fog. Yeah, she didn't have much luck with that. She couldn't find out where he went by the time the smoke cleared and the others arrived.

Luckily they managed to find him hiding in a trash can (How did he fit in that thing? Eh, she didn't really know) and opened fire on it. Carol ran over to her in the meantime "Lilac! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Carol." Lilac told her "Just a bit of smoke."


Mood: Glad we got that over with quickly.

Condition: *Cough cough*

Location: MCU Helicarrier


Cadence (PMMM)


"I see..." Cadence replied. Somehow she wasn't surprised. She only knew this guy for about five minutes and he was already the most narcissistic person she'd ever seen. It was more than likely that he had a near-infinite supply of these gold badges.

Hmm. Maybe she could sell this thing when she got back. And any others he ended up giving her for completely random reasons.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: That dude.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

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"You're questioning of how many Rodimus Stars I have shows that you're not afraid to ask questions! So I'm going to give you another!" said Rodimus as his hard light holo-avatar gives her a Rodimus Star ((That's a thing in the Comics))
MCU Helicarrier


Unable to dodge the incoming bullets and ice shards, the Kommando can only watch helplessly as his body is blown to pieces.
((I am so, so sorry for how long this post is. And how much I have Ren ramble on and kinda go out of character. This is basically just me going into my "ramble on about Halo facts" mode while trying to stay at least somewhat in character with Renae. Also, I explained these kinda briefly. So if you want to learn more about them, they are linked in the shared CS section of Ren's and Elijah's CSs. Also, the Flood are really damn scary and I seriously have a crippling fear of them (I have since I first fought them in the games when I was 11), so that's probably why the Flood section is the most descriptive. Which doesn't really make sense but..I don't know how else to explain it. Seriously, though, Flood are horrifying and by far the most dangerous enemy in the Halo universe.))

"Not even close," Elijah tells the man in response to his last question, his tone grim. Then Renae, the one that loves facts and information the most out of the pair, takes a step forward. Elijah, knowing that she is about to spew a load of facts, states, "Well, you guys are about to be blasted with a load of information." Then he goes silent.

"There are three factions of non-human enemies that are from our universe," Ren starts after glancing back at Elijah. "The Covenant, the Prometheans and Forerunners, and the Flood. Each is made up of multiple different types of enemies. The Covenant is the most well known, since humans have been fighting them for over thirty years and we have almost been exterminated by them. Or, well, humans in our universe have. In fact, Elijah and I-" Ren gesture back at Elijah "-are super soldiers called Spartans that were, per say, specially trained for fighting those bastards. It is our job to protect humanity against the Covenant and any other enemy that comes along. Anyway, the Covenant has an extremely large and strong army with extremely advanced technology. Their soldiers can be defeated, but the population as a whole has been going strong for many years despite what we do. The Covenant Empire is technically the only enemy of ours that can be considered an alien force, even though the other enemy factions are not native to Earth either. Within their ranks are at least eight different species. The most well known species are the San'Shyuum, Sangheili, Jiralhanae, Unggoy, Kig-Yar, and Mgalekgolo. Or, more commonly called, the Prophets, Elites, Brutes, Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters, respectively. Technically, a large portion of the entire Sangheili race has turned against the Covenant and allied with humans around six or so years ago, but some Elites are still loyal to the Covenant. Covies are pretty dangerous individuals, but as long as you have enough firepower and are smart about fighting them, any stragglers that may follow us can be killed. Especially since they can be pretty easy to take out if they only show up in smaller groups. We might have to help you with taking them out if they were to make their way here, though, because we know how to best fight them."

After pausing for a moment, Ren continues, "Alright, now to the Prometheans and Forerunners. Technically, the Prometheans are currently a larger threat than the Forerunners even though they are directly connected. These are the newest enemies of ours, yet they are thousands of years older than the Covenant. Yes, thousands. They are newer, though, because they were just recently awoken again. Technically, the Prometheans are the fighting force of the Forerunners and are basically artificial intelligence warriors that were built from living people. So they were created by using the living particles of a person, I guess, but these soldiers we battle are not sentient beings any longer. Yes, I know, this all sounds really weird," Ren says, nodding her head a little, "but it is all true and the result of extremely advanced technology. I'm not making this up. Anyway, this enemy can be pretty difficult to kill, and it is hard to kill them effectively unless you, well, know what order to kill them all in. I'll get to that in a moment. So, there are pretty much just three main types of Promethean soldiers: the Crawlers, Watchers, and Knights ((if anyone that is reading this is freaking out because I'm not including the new type of Prometheans that are introduced in Halo 5, here's why: I haven't played Halo 5 yet *cries*. So I'm not going to give info about a type of enemy that I don't know anything about and that I've never truly seen before. So I'll stick with the Promethean soldiers found in Halo 4 to make it easier for me to explain)). The Crawlers are smaller and roughly resemble dogs, the Watchers fly in the air and look like two disks with a small body connecting them in the middle, and the Knights are biped enemies that are really damn tall and damn strong. A single Knight can be protected by a Watcher, and Knights can also teleport. This is where the order part comes in. It doesn't matter when you kill the Crawlers even though they are very annoying to leave to last, but the same cannot be said about the other two. Because in order to keep Knights from being regenerated by the Watchers hovering above them, you have to kill the Watchers before the Knights. Trust me, it makes things a lot easier and saves a lot of headache. Not to mention ammo. Anyway, these things are probably less likely to actually come here because they usually tend to stay around Forerunner structures and shield worlds, same with other flying Forerunner sentinels. Which are not Promethean soldiers; there's fine line of difference between Forerunner sentinels and Prometheans. So, they're not much of a threat, and it wouldn't hurt to be careful about them. But the Covenant are actually a much larger threat than most Prometheans."

When Ren finishes, she is about to continue on to the last enemy, but she instead pauses for a moment to sigh and prepare herself. This is going to be the craziest one to explain, because it will probably sound like something conjured up by a mentally unstable person rather than being a factual thing. It is true, though. And no one can truly understand what this disastrous parasite is and what it does unless they have actually seen it themselves. And these people most likely have not seen them. They need to know, though, because this last enemy could spell disaster if it got here. They deserve to know that.

"The last enemy," Renae starts, her voice coming out in a sigh as Elijah stiffens behind Renae, "is called the Flood. Even though they are hopefully eradicated at the moment, it would not surprise me if they are still floating around out there somewhere and ready to try to destroy all life again. And you're probably going to think I'm batshit crazy when I talk about this, but this..infection actually is a real thing.

"The Flood is, in simple terms, a parasite. It has the ability to infect any living, sentient being, as long as it can get a hold of the thing's nervous system. That means humans, dogs, cats, birds, wild animals, etcetera. Then, it scrambles the DNA of the thing and mutilates the body so it becomes demented and twisted. The skin turns gray or tan or green or a combination of all those colors, it then bubbles and puffs up, and the arms have a tendency to be transformed into long dangerous clubs with sharp edges. That arms can look like tree branches or large spider legs, and they are used to kill any living thing the host sees. It is really hard to properly explain what they look like, but that is the best I can do. And just know that they are scary looking things. Us Spartans aren't usually scared of much, but this enemy greatly scares even us Spartans. The transformation of the body is done to both living things and dead bodies, and it happens in a matter of seconds. Not hours or days or weeks; seconds. Mere moments. For example, this is what would happen to a live, human soldier: they could be trying to defend themselves against the Flood when a little devilish spore the size of a cat or smaller dog jumps on them and latches on before delving into their nervous system. All it takes is one spore. At one moment, the person is trying to pry the spore off their body while probably yelling and screaming in fear. And then in seemingly no time at all, they will be scrambling up as a Flood Combat form that looks nothing like a human, ready to kill any living thing it possibly can. Even the host's allies and friends. And, once this happens to a living thing, they are gone forever. There is no cure for the Flood. Granted, the being still retains all important information it formerly had if it is something that could be useful to know. Information such as knowing how to operate weapons, or drive vehicles and fly aircraft, or work technology, or do anything else that could help the Flood forms travel and find more hosts to devour. But after the thing is infected, it is nothing like the person it used to be. All the new Flood Combat form wants to do is kill and infect everything it sees. Whether it be a former enemy or former allie, it will try to kill and infect it. Before being infected, all of the hosts could have been enemies; but once they are infected and part of the ever growing Flood swarm, they all work as one. The even scarier part is that the Flood can even take over pieces of technology and make it theirs; a building, a ship, smart and dumb Artificial Intelligence programs-" Ren isn't sure if these people know what A.I. like the ones she is used to are like, but oh well "-even an entire planet. Of course, those things aren't taken over in the same way because they actually are not sentient beings. But ships can be flown by knowledgable Flood forms; entire ships and planets can become covered with disgusting Flood biomass if they get a hold of them, and they will never be able to be clean and normal again; and A.I. can be broken down and absorbed into the Gravemind. Mainly because A.I. are pretty much just an electrical brain with a personality and avatar made of light. So the Gravemind captures A.I. and manipulates them, and usually even tortures them until they break and give in to adding to the Gravemind's ever growing mass of knowledge before fading away to nothing. Sometimes the A.I. will even me manipulated to trick people, but not always. I don't know about you, but the fact that the Flood can also take over objects and artificial beings is terrifying.

"Seeing the Flood is a truly horrifying sight because they swarm living things. They pelt at any sentient life they can find with this violent, mindless hunger, and try their hardest to kill and infect everything in their path. Of course, they can be downed, but it takes a good amount of firepower to make just one form fall. Unless you have a shotgun, energy sword, gravity hammer, or other piece of powerful weaponry, of course-" she would explain what energy swords and gravity hammers are, but that probably isn't very important to know right now "-And once they do fall, as long as they still have an intact torso and legs, they can be resurrected again and continue on fighting. The Flood's whole goal is to infect every single sentient life form in every single galaxy, and that is relatively easy for them to do. Because one Flood spore, just one, can destroy an entire species, even dead members. And they are driven to swarm and infect everything they encounter."

After that, Ren pauses to catch her breath and give herself a small shake. While doing so, she looks around the circle, watching for the reaction of the people around her. Then she breathes a sigh for the billionth time today, and launches into her last bit of fucked up Flood information.

"Okay, I know you probably don't want to hear it, but there is one last thing about the Flood that I want to tell you about. And that is the Gravemind; the database and, well, mind of the Flood. From what I've learned of the thing, it is massive, made of pure Flood mass and tentacles and a huge, disgusting mouth. It is the only Flood form that actually speaks or has any true thoughts. It does that because it stores all of the information, memories, personality, etcetera of every living thing that the Flood parasite has ever infected. Which is an infinite amount of hosts of any species imaginable. That is why it can be called a database. It has a mind of its own, a devious mind, and it leads all the Flood forms. It's hard to understand how, but it does, and it is a dangerous thing."

Finally, she is done with her speech. Technically, she could probably go into more detail about the enemies - especially the Covenant and Flood - but she doesn't think it is needed. Also, she wants to be done talking, and thinking that much about the Flood makes her uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.

Now that she has finished, she steps back next to Elijah. She is afraid that this new and info will greatly scare these people, and that doesn't sit well with her. Sure, they did ask for the knowledge, but...she still feels bad at the thought of possibly making them extremely paranoid about a thing they will hopefully never have to experience firsthand.

MCU: Helicarrier

Stevenson lowered his assault rifle, sighing in relief. He turned his attention to Emma as he lit himself a cigarette "How many did we lose?" He asked in a grim tone, only to get no response from her "Emma!" He shouted

"S-seven." She muttered


The Doctor arrived at the scene "You didn't have to kill him."

"Actually, we did." Stevenson replied "That thing was a threat. Did you not hear me?! It killed seven of my men! Earlier a few of these things arrived in New York and killed dozens of civilians! You would have done the same thing!"

"I..." The Doctor paused. Was Stevenson right? If attempts of peace had been exhausted, if the Orks had rejected his chance, The Doctor would have slaughtered them.

"It's difficult to push for peace when the other side's shootin' at you." Emma butted in "We told those things to stand down. We gave them their chance."

"Doctor?" Tesla asked

"She's right." The Doctor muttered

"It was murder." Tesla stated grimly

"It was defence!" Emma snapped

@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200

MCU: Central Park

The Agent took a step back, a look of horror on his face "Jesus Christ." He muttered, touching his earpiece "HQ. Did you get all of that?"

"Yes." A voice replied over the radio, the voice of Director Coulson himself "Ask them if there's a chance that these things could show up here."

"Do..Do you think these things could follow you? Or perhaps find another way of getting to this universe?" The Agent asked in a somewhat shaken tone

@1stLt HChurch

Upon noticing the Ork, the XCOM supports also opened fire with their plasma rifles. The rest of XCOM caught up and noticed the dead Ork. "I wonder how it got on board?" Asked one of the soldiers. "It couldn't have followed us. I have fought anything like it." Said another solider.

Another area on the Helicarrier

The Skyranger landed and Shen and the engineers left the plane. They walked over to a SHIELD soldier. "We're with XCOM." Said Shen. "Can you direct us to our Commander?"

Both of the Spartans shift a little, knowing they need to give an answer but not wanting to for how grim it will sound. After a couple seconds of glancing at each other, Elijah decides to give Renae a break and starts to speak.

"That all depends on the tears. Because if large things can get through them, like large spacecraft or whatnot, then that could mean trouble. But if they can only expand enough to let individuals through, then we should be fine. Because, honestly, Covenant soldiers aren't bad in small groups. As long as you have a rifle that can kill things nicely-" Elijah lifts his shotgun up a bit to reference to it "-you should be good. And, really, the only trouble that would probably want to be here or try to get here would be the Covenant. Because coming here would mean more humans to kill, and they hate humans with a burning passion. Like I said, though; if there are only a few, killing them is a piece of cake. And if they do come, we'll help you."

"The Covenant are the most likely ones to come here," Ren suddenly says, making Elijah look at her and go silent. "And it wouldn't really surprise me if they did. For the Prometheans, I..doubt they would come here," Renae says with a little hesitation while glancing at Elijah, not so sure about the answer because of how new this enemy is to them. Elijah just shrugs, unsure himself. Renae then looks back to the man in front of them and finishes with, "And of course, you can guess that the Flood are the most dangerous. But they haven't given humans or the Covenant any problems for around five years now, and they haven't really shown any sign of coming back after hopefully being destroyed years ago. They're durable shits and are an extremely ancient parasite, but they are hopefully gone for now. So we're hoping they won't pose a threat to this place. I cannot promise that they couldn't come here, because the Flood always come out of seemingly nowhere and have only been a known enemy of ours for around six years, but I doubt they would."

"That reminds me," Elijah states as soon as Renae has finished talking, keeping her from going on a speel again. "I now have a question for you guys. How strong is your weaponry? I can tell you have some-" he nods at the people around the circle as he says this "-but how strong is it? What can these firearms do, and what else do you have to throw at an enemy? Because the strength of your weaponry will make a huge difference if any of our known enemies showed their fugly faces here."

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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"...Ah." Cadence replied, taking the star with more or less no comment on the matter "So, any ideas on how to get back yet?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Two Rodimus Stars. Very important.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


Rodimus paused for a second, he honestly has no idea... but he's sure that Brainstorm might had have thought of one... but he doesn't trust Brainstorm with that. "No... but I'm thinking on it!" He said in a reassuring manner.
MCU: Helicarrier

"A tear could have opened on board the Helicarrier itself." Emma suggested

"Is that even possible?" Another agent asked

"Think about it. We still know next to nothing about these things. All we know is that they're gateways between time, space and other dimensions and that they're unpredictable."

"One could open up in HQ...Or the White House." Stevenson muttered "I need to alert the Director about this right away!"

With the Skyranger, the agent nodded in response and directed the XCOM soldiers deeper into the Helicarrier, passing Stevenson on the way who had an angry look on his face.

"She's right." The Doctor nodded in response to Lilac's words. "I've made the same choice." He spoke in a grim tone "Many times."

"I've killed before, Doctor." Tesla admitted "But only after peace was exhausted. A race of undead monsters known as Vampires attempted to turn humanity into cattle."

@LegoLad659 @ryanpk200

MCU: Central Park

"We still know very little about the tears." The Agent admitted "The size and range of a single tear varies. As for our weaponry, we've collected technology from other alien species we have defeated in the past. Aliens called the Chitauri invaded several years ago in full-scale. We were able to handle them but a lot of New York was destroyed...A lot of people died." He explained grimly "If you're saying that something larger could potentially come through a tear, we need to be prepared."

"We could show you." Another agent butted in "If you're right about this, we're going to need all the help and guidance we can get. Will you help us?"

@1stLt HChurch

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