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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Barbas said:
Commonwealth: Fallout Universe
Nod Soldier

" If you were in here we would of saw you. We searched this entire building."

"Silly sod." The Gentleman smiled "It's like I told you before, I've been here the whole time. I'm just jolly good as hide and seek. Jolly good."

Hatsune Miku : Fallout Universe

Miku jumped at the sound of a voice behind her. Were they going to shoot her too? It took her a moment to process what this male said. Oh, they were helping her. When the bottle was pulled from her fingers she gratefully let it go. She would have set it down herself but was afraid that if she moved, it'd give the crowd all the more reason to shoot her.

When the man spat in their general direction, Miku backed up a step with her nose wrinkled in distaste. The people here were really not nice at all! Well, most of them. Once the threat appeared to be gone for a moment, Miku let out a sigh, turning towards the man who had helped her. She nearly jumped again. He appeared to be some type of robot human? And that wouldn't even have be considered had it not been for the mesh of machinery in a hole in his neck. Was this robot like her?

"Arigatou gozaimasu... Er, Thank you, sir! I'm alright... just shaken. I have never been here..."

Miku bowed to him in gratitude and then thought of what to say next. Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask where 'here' was?


???-Halo Universe

Master Chief: Still asleep in his cryopod, the Master Chief drifted aimlessly through space after the UNSC frigate Forward Unto Dawn was torn in half leaving the Ark, command central of every Halo array in the galaxy. He placed himself into cryo sleep after he had installed Cortana in the ship to auto-play a distress beacon for anyone to pick them up. He had put himself in a cryopod to rest up until they were found, his parting words to Cortana being "Wake me when you need me."

A year after they had drifted through space, Cortana began picking up a signal. This signal was most definitely alien in nature, but she couldn't pin down where it came from. Her slender holographic form appeared on the console in the middle of the cryobay, surrounded by several tubes with glass casing to reveal their contents. They were all empty, save one. The dark green armor-clad Spartan within the pod slept soundly during the year, hoping to be rescued. Cortana began the warmup cycle for the cryopod to wake the Chief up.

"Chief.....wake up..." she softly and gently spoke to the silent pod. Vitals began stirring a bit more. The Chief's eyes slowly opened under his helmet, then he was fully awake. He slammed the three release switches on the inside of the pod and the door swung open, and he floated out in the zero gee enviornment.

"What's going on? Did the UNSC send a rescue party," the Chief inquired as he clung to the center console, looking at the tiny holographic image of Cortana in the middle. She shrugged her holographic shoulders.

"I could tell you the odds of that, but I know you hate math. I picked up a signal, but it isn't human in origin. Pull me," the feminine A.I responded. The Chief only nodded and pulled the A.I chip from the console, Cortana's form faded away at the same time. He slid the chip into the slot in the back of his helmet and head, the familiar feeling of a cool liquid chilling his head. He activated his magboots and clamped to the metal deck with a thud, grabbing a floating M6D pistol out of the air with a few clips of ammo. He marched over to the door and kicked it through, running straight through the broken remains of technology suspended in the zero gee enviornment. He came upon the armory, and walked in. He picked out an MA5B with several clips of AP ammo, along with a pair of M7 SMGs and ammo for each. He then grabbed an M90 Shotgun and several shells for it and a few grenades.

As soon as he kitted himself out and turned around, a strange portal opened in front of him and sucked him in. As he went through, his HUD went to static. He landed on the dusty ground of a wasteland outside of a chapel. His HUD began rebooting itself as he looked around the new landscape, confused. Wherever he was, he had to find a way back to Earth.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

An advertisement on a large television screen played

"Come one; Come all! To the Greatest Show in the universe!" said the man in the advertisement.

"Hey, Human... look that, an Organic in a stupid hat..." dismissed Rodimus as he watched the ad, "But I can't help think I've seen that guy somewhere before..."

Cadence (PMMM)



Cadence let Rodimus ramble on for a while without giving her a chance to interject. Which was okay, this time, since she didn't really know how to answer any of his statements anyway. She just let him talk and kept an eye out for anything, mostly for another one of those portal things that brought her here.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Prime's faces.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

Fallout Commonwealth

Nod Soldiers

"Well, just stay out of our way. We have important work to do." After speaking, the three Nod soldiers turn lower their weapons and precede to climb down the trapdoor.

Barbas said:
Fallout Commonwealth
Nod Soldiers

"Well, just stay out of our way. We have important work to do." After speaking, the three Nod soldiers turn lower their weapons and precede to climb down the trapdoor.

(( Chief exited a tear just outside the chapel your guys are in ))
Cadence (PMMM)



There was no way Cadence missed that. Some huge bat flying over them and, while she didn't even notice it anyway, the people were still going about their usual days "Hey, look at that, up there." She pointed out the bat to Rodimus. Right now she wished she had a crossbow, preferably obsidian, but of course the Crypt didn't give her one before she made it here. She was stuck with her dagger, which she
could throw at it, but that meant losing her dagger. Kind of her only weapon at the moment, so she held onto it.

She did have a fireball ready though, she noticed. But in case she missed she figured it would be better not to use it on this target yet.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Prime's faces. Throw them at the robot![/border]


(Cooldown complete!)[/border]

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Fallout: Commonwealth


While waiting for his three soldiers to return, Kane notices a man wearing some kind of power armor emerging from a nearby portal. Sensing that the man could be a valuable asset, Kane approaches Chief with his four Confessors following him." It seems like we weren't the only one's who were brought to this world."


Rodimus was alerted by Cadence and was shock when he saw the Giant bat he transformed into robot mode and shouted, "MIDEWIPE!"

"Ah! It has been stellar cycles... Rodimus... But who would have known that our paths would cross once more..."

"Trust me, Midewipe... I wish I did see the last of you when you fell into that space bridge..." retorted Rodimus.

Midewipe laughed.
Cadence (PMMM)



Seemed like these guys knew each other, and not in the good way. Cadence let them talk to each other, keeping her fireball on standby in case things went south.

The music in her head, generated by the Necrodancer's curse, changed to fit this metallic enemy better. It had a much faster tempo, meaning she could react quickly, which was good.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A couple of things.[/border]



Colonial Fort-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: After walking inside the building upon hearing what sounded like the leader of this fort, Jotaro was met by a splash of water and salt right in his face. He replied to this with a glare of anger that would send chills down the spine of an enemy Stand user.

"If you ever do that again, I'm going to punch you through a wall," Jotaro said as he looked the man in the eyes. Another person was bringing around a knife to touch. Gregory complied and touched it, and nothing happened. Evidently, these monsters could also be hurt by silver, which was explained by the man in charge. This is just getting absurd. Jotaro abliged the man and touched the blade, glaring at him at the same time. This was ridiculous.


New York City-MCU

Goku: The young Saiyan nervously giggled a bit when the woman in front of her started mimicking his voice, now a bit more at ease that he confirmed she wasn't a threat. He let go of his fighting stance and stood straighter, but still a bit lax, with his right hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Wow..hehe...that was a good impression! And Chi-Chi doesn't mind my voice, we were friends as kids ya see," he said nonseriously. However, his expression returned to a serious expression as he grabbed his chin with the index finger and thumb of his right hand, thinking. If these portals were affecting his world too, then he definitely had to get back. If these portals were carrying people across dimensions, or universes as the lady said, then he needed to be on his Earth to protect his family, friends, and all the innocent lives there.

"Look, if you can send me back home, then I suppose I can help you. What do you need me to do?"

Rodimus aimed his cannons at Mindwipe, "Your move, Mindwipe! You're out numbered, out gunned and out classed!"

Mindwipe smirked and said, "Is that so, Autobot?"

every civilian armed themselves with makeshift weapons turned their attentions to both Rodimus and Cadence

"Now my children, destroy the Autobot and his human ally!"
Cadence (PMMM)



Well, so much for that plan. Now she had to focus on fighting other people, a prospect that she was obviously uncomfortable with.

What she wouldn't give for a Protect scroll right now.

She saved her fireball for when she'd need it, she decided, and drew her dagger instead to try and face these people. The thing was, while she could move faster, these people weren't constrained by the beat. That could be problematic, especially if the song changed. So far it was steadily keeping where it was, though. She waited for them to make the first move, or for Rodimus to give her orders if he wanted her to stand down.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Look, not right now, okay?[/border]




Rodimus transformed into vehicle mode, "Human, we need to go! There's no way I'm going to put them in danger!" Rodimus said ordering Cadence to hop in, He knew that they were slaves to Mindwipe's hypnotic powers and wished to find a way to free them.
Cadence (PMMM)



Cadence nodded in response, completely understanding his reasoning, and jumped into Rodimus' vehicle. She quickly shut the door behind her and strapped herself in.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Kinda running for our lives here![/border]



@LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke

Rodimus drove as fast as he could avoiding any civilian and obstacle in their way, "Human, I need you to keep an eye out for some place for the two of us to hide in... preferably far way from the Giant Robot Bat and his mindless hoard!"
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Cadence (PMMM)



"I believe it's fairly obvious that we can't hide anywhere in this city, if he controls all of the people in it." Cadence reasoned "Perhaps we should make our way for the city limits."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Just... No.[/border]



Cadence (PMMM)



"Sounds like the best idea we've got so far." Cadence replied, looking behind them.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: ...[/border]




Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: After standing up and retrieving his rifle from the ground, Chief took a second to view the surrounding area. His HUD was inactive at the moment, and displayed the text "Rebooting" in the lower left hand corner of it. Cortana had fallen silent as well. The landscape was a dusty brown and dust-covered remains of buildings littered the landscape. Whatever happened here, it wasn't the Covenant. They cooked planets with high-heat plasma beams and essentially turned their surface into glass and boiled away every living organism. He clenched his free hand into a fist at the thought of it.

It was about then that he heard footsteps. Multiple sets. He counted five in total, four of them having heavier impacts on the ground. He turned to face them and raised his assualt rifle, seeing five strangely dressed and strangely armed individuals.

"Weapons down. Hands in the air. Identify yourselves," the old soldier commanded.


After some time they made it past the city's limits and Rodimus asked Cadence a question, "Human... You have any idea what the hell would that Guy want with a place like that? I ask because I'm more focused on leaving this place as fast as possible!"
Commonwealth-Fallout Universe


In response to Master Chief aiming his weapon at him, Kane raises his left hand to signal for his bodyguards to lower their weapons before speaking. " Now, now, my friend. There is no need for any violence. We are in the same situation as you."



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