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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


The Commander stared at the alien. The idea of becoming a slave infuriated him. His hand went for the Plasma Pistol at his hip but Jason stopped himself. "I can't let my people die." He thought. The Commander then said to the alien. "Fine, lets get this over with." He turned to Telsa. "Are you ready for this?"



Isaac's mask folded up as he applied a med pack. He put his Ripper away and looked at the group of mercs. "Hmm, aliens that aren't trying to tear my face off. Cool." He then replied to Max's question. "Like you guys, I just got here so I haven't seen your friend."

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Hero Prinny: Disgaea Universe

Hero Prinny had finally done it! He'd finally gotten away from Etna and Laharl, and escaped into the netherworld! No longer was he going to let them boss him around and force him to do work! All he had to do now was find a way out of the netherworld... Well, the dimensional gate was a big no, since that was in Overlord Laharl's castle, and even if he escaped to Earth then Laharl and Etna would hunt him down, so maybe he could find some other way. He had snuck out while everyone else was asleep, so hopefully he'd have enough time to get away somewhere that Laharl and Etna couldn't follow. Hopefully. He was around a hundred miles away from Laharl's Castle, which was easily visible off in the distance, but that wasn't far enough. He wandered silently, looking for somewhere to hide.

Hatsune Miku : Fallout Universe

Miku tried her best to keep up but a lot of words were thrown about that she didn't know like "Commonwealth" and "Synth", and not just because English wasn't her first language. It was still hard to grasp how and why she was here but knowing that panicking would do more harm than good, she tried to keep her barings. Besides, she would hate to draw attention to herself. She wasn't sure if she still had the same vulnerabilities as humans, such as getting shot in the head, but she would rather not find out.

After carefully sorting out the questions swirling around her head, Miku picked a couple of the most important and relevant ones and decided to ask those first. "Where is here? And what is a synth? ... Oh, and what's your name?" She added hastily realizing she had yet to properly ask.

She did feel a bit of guilt about involuntarily involving the... synth into all of this and was appreciative for the save nonetheless. She would definitely take the warning to heart and try to remain low. As childish as it sounded, people here were scary and she had no intention of speaking to any stranger after this. While looking at him, she was torn between curiously scrutinizing him and keeping her manners. Occasionally when she caught herself staring, Miku would return her gaze to the floor instead of looking around in case she did meet one of the strangers eyes and somehow ignited anger in them again.

MCU: Helicarrier

"No, but I suppose there is no helping it." Tesla replied, raising his hands and turning to the Sycorax warriors "Very well."

The warriors approached the two men, touching them on the shoulders and within seconds a blue energy surrounded them. They were instantly teleported to the interior of the massive ship that loomed over New York city.


"Welcome to Summerslam." The Sycorax leader shouted in a mocking tone

"Summerslam?" Tesla asked in a confused tone

"That is what your champion called it." The leader laughed with a grin "I look forward to ending his life."

As he spoke, the others on the Helicarrier were teleported to the ship. The Doctor, Coulson, Emma, Lilac, Carol, Renae and Elijah. The final person teleported aboard was Warrior, with two Sycorax warriors at his side. They quickly stepped to the side and the leader walked forwards. He gestured to one of his warriors who approached with a sword and tossed it at Warrior's feet.

"Pick up your sword, Warrior." The leader spoke through gritted teeth "So that I can kill you in front of your fellow humans."


In another part of the Commonwealth, Nick Valentine carefully listened to Miku's questions. He could easily tell that the girl was confused and frightened. Someone without his experience would mistake her for a strangely dressed Vault dweller, but Nick knew better than that. "This is the Commonwealth." Nick explained "Back before the war, they called it Massachusetts. Got a couple of old memories stored up in his synthetic noggin of mine that remember Massachusetts and Boston." Nick tapped himself on the side of the head "As for what a synth is, you're lookin' right at one." He smiled "The first time most people see a synth like me they freak out. There's a lot of screaming and a lot of guns drawn. You're different though."

While theories floated through Nick's synthetic brain, as they did on every case sometimes he found that the best method on getting a clue was the oldest method in the book, simply asking the person.

"Who are you?" He asked

Marvel Comic Universe


Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

(Rodimus is blind, apparently xD )

Cadence held her hand up to Rodimus, a signal for him to stop as she pointed out the newcomer to the area. Seeing that the man was already going for his weapons, Cadence did the same, drawing her dagger and watching the newcomer's movements.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2[/border]








[border]"I can't believe you managed to drag me along with you like this." River complained, as she and Amber made their way through the depths of a dungeon the rabbit had found.

"Come on, this could be exciting! Maybe we could find treasure, or maybe stop some evil cult!" Amber encouraged her, leading the way with torch in hand.

"Or we'll just find nothing, and this'll end up being a waste of our time." River replied "Why am I even here? It's not like Barnaby or Sana are unavailable."

"Sana's difficult to get a hold of, and Barnaby's already been with me enough times." Amber told her "I wanted something new!"

"Okay, but why would you come to the Wolf Clan? We're pretty much opposites, aren't we?"

"That's what makes it more fun! Opposites attract, haven't you heard?"

"...I swear, if this is some elaborate plan to get us closer together or some inane crap like that..."

Amber giggled a bit in response "Oh, don't worry! This is just a friendly expedition!"

"That's what I'm worried about..."[/border]






[border]Geez, that wolf was such a worrywart, Amber thought to herself as she led the expedition. Couldn't she have some fun? Ah, whatever. Maybe she just shouldn't have brought her along. Too late to change her mind now.

The two descended down a flight of stairs and entered a large room, with a couple of portals of some sort near the far wall.

"What are those?" River asked, keeping an eye on the area around them.

"Portals." Amber told her "Duh."

River shot her a glare before the two walked forward, Amber keeping watch for traps and River for enemies. So far neither had shown up, so they were safe for now. Amber approached one of the portals "Where do you think they lead?"

"Why are you asking me?" River replied to her "I'm no expert in magic."

"Just thought I'd ask for your input."

River sighed and shook her head, turning around to continue her watch for enemies while Amber inspected the portal.[/border]



(I'll start sending them to another universe in my next post.)
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Marvel Cinematic Universe: Sycorax Ship

"It's not us you need to worry about, it's our idiot of a champion." Stevenson muttered in response to Lilac's words.

Emma stood next to Coulson and Stevenson and for several moments focused on her surroundings before turning her attention to the fight at hand "Warrior, you need to pick up the sword!" She shouted

"You talked about being The Ultimate Warrior, now you have to prove it." The Doctor added

The Sycorax leader ignored the words of the onlookers, focusing his complete attention on Warrior and waiting for him to make his move. He outstretched his arms in a cocky manner "Well?" He asked

@Crenando @LegoLad659

MCU: New York

Multiple onlookers, upon seeing thousands of people stand on buildings continued to panic. This only increased as Sans appeared.

"What the hell are you!?" A young black gentleman shouted at Sans in a shaken tone "Are you with them!?" He pointed upwards at the Sycorax ship.
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Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: At first, John saw nothing but blackness after the man from before with the strange melee weapon unexpectantly caught his punch and proceeded to smack him with beforementioned club. Then, the darkness gave way and he was back in the area he was before. He felt pain. He staggered a few steps back and dropped his rifle, heartrate rising.

"Chief, your heartrate is rising pretty fast. What's wrong?" Cortana said with an increasingly worrying tone of voice. "Chief? Chief! Chief snap out of it!"

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

Outside The Lost Light-PMMMU

Kuro: Seeing that the human girl was reaching for a weapon, Kuro stopped his hands a few inches away from the grips of his weapons. Had she misunderstood his intentions? He only wanted to take out that robot that could switch forms. Wait, that wasn't a feature Atlas put in its robots. And they weren't ever red with yellow flame stripes. He then took his hands away from his weapons.

"Oh, uh, sorry. That robot just reminded me of...uh...nevermind. I don't wanna talk about it. So what kingdom am I in now? Vacuo? Atlas? And whose Semblance can open those portals? That's new," Kuro said with his back to the giant alien ship.

Horsehead Nebula: Soviet Empire Universe

Nikita was thrown into the side of a snowy mountain, the white on the snow now stained with the blood of soldiers who fought at her side. The bodies of dozens of Commandos and hundreds of the Footmen that they led lay at her feet. A lone Barnardite dug it's claws into the mountainside, glaring at her with cold, dead mechanical eyes. Nikita clenched her fists in response and drew her rifle, opening fire and aiming directly for the machine's head only to find the armour-piercing rounds ineffective.

They had upgraded again.

She holstered her rifle as the living machine drew closer and drew her energy blade, slicing into one of it's legs and stepping to the side. The Barnardite stumbled at the loss of it's leg but managed to steady itself and turn around. It opened fire with a laser-based hand blast only for Nikita to dodge the shot by activating her suit's thrusters. The shot blew a hole in the mountain in the process, causing an avalanche that coated the machine in bloodstained snow

Seeing that the living machine was now distracted Nikita flew forwards and with a heavy swing of her energy blade decapitated the Barnardite. Both the head and body fell from the mountain, landing in the heavy snow below. Nikita yelled under her helmet, swinging her sword in the air. She lowered her sword as she saw one of the now damaged living machines flying upwards and into the planet's atmosphere in an attempt to escape. She refused to let it live.

Quickly summoning her ship using the computer inside her suit, Nikita climbed into the pilot's seat and flew after the Barnardite. She then noticed that it was flying through a tear...It was trying escape from the universe itself! She opened fire with the ship's cannons, tearing into the living machine and tearing it to pieces with a few well-placed shots.

She felt the ship shake as it was hit from behind. Another Baranadite had survived the battle. It was trying to escape from the universe and only Nikita stood in it's way. She was then hit from the right, yet another one of her enemies, the enemies of her empire had survived. They had upgraded again and their energy cannons began to tear through Nikita's ship. One blast broke a hole through both the ship and her armour, tearing through it as it if was poking a hole in aluminum foil.

Nikita grunted in pain as blood began to drip out of her gut, her vision began to blur.

"Нет... не сейчас (No...Not now)." She muttered weakly. Her ship flew through the tear only to have it close behind her, leaving the Barandites behind.

Disgaea Universe

A tear opened in the skies above the Netherworld and Nikita's ship began to descend in a downwards spiral. Just as it was about to crash, Nikita's healing factor started to kick in and she regained consciousness. She tightly gripped the controls and tried to steer the ship only for it to crash not too far from Hero Prinny's location. The back door to the ship opened and Nikita staggered out, seeing...A Penguin?

"Что, черт возьми, здесь происходит (what the hell is going on here)?" She asked herself before staring down at her now damaged armour.


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Gentleman smirked in response to Chief's reaction "Well, did you learn you lesson? It's not very polite to punch a kind and well-mannered cricket player like myself in the face oh wot wot wot." He then turned his attention to Kane "As for you, that bastard may have plans for you." He gestured towards The Merchant "So you ought to do as he says otherwise...I'll give you a damn good thrashing too." He threatened


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Marvel Comic Universe


@theManCalledSting @theManCalledSting

(Yes, I could have sent her somewhere else, but I don't think that she could survive in the Fallout universe, I have no clue what the American Frontier is, and the MCU is filled with people already ( :P ))[/s][/border][/column][/row]



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Fallout Commonwealth


"I can assure you that I have no intention of going against you or your friend."

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Marvel Cinematic Universe: New York

"If by party you mean alien invasion that's causing everyone to want to jump to their deaths, yeah." The man replied sarcastically, however it was obvious that he was hiding his fear under a blanket of sarcasm. He had fear in his eyes and his legs shook violently "Anyway, what are you? Are you an alien too?" He asked, trying to hide his fear again


Commonwealth: Fallout

"But you see Kane, you lack proper manners." The Gentleman replied, threatening Kane by pointing his cricket bat at him "And this man and I are not friends. We are simply making an agreement on another planet in this solar system to stay out of each other's way. He has good and proper paperwork for it. Good manners come at no cost.."

"Kane. If you try to take these lands you are going to lose. I can offer you something better." The Merchant warned

@apoliseno @Barbas
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Marvel Comic Universe



"ah, i see. nah, i'm not an alien, at least i don't think i am." Sans replied to the citizen "just a skeleton from the underground, is all. nothing special."

(I'm just gonna make this quick and kinda shitty to get my foot in the door before all hell breaks loose. Ignore any typos that are bound to be in here; I'm too tired to fix them right now.)


Once they land on the large ship, Renae and Elijah step off the drop ship they rode in and walks after the group of people. Their eyes meander to the sides a bit as they take in this new ship, with its sleek look that definitely has a military feel.

Eventually, they make it to some kind of control room. Once there, the apparent leader of this whole organization appears on a large screen. He starts talking to them and the man who brought them here. He doesn't seem too surprised to see individuals like the two Spartans, which is a bit odd. But this man has probably seen weird shit all day, so his behavior isn't much of a surprise.

It isn't obvious to anyone else watching, but when it is announced that the ship isn't a Covenant carrier, the Spartans sigh in relief.

"Thank god," Elijah mutters, not caring to say it over the private radio. Renae nods slightly, not bothering to give a verbal response as the man continues to speak. She is just glad that those alien bastards didn't follow them here.

After the man on the screen says that he would still like to keep the two around for help, both Renae and Elijah straighten and nod sharply, spouting off a firm, "Yes, sir!" in unison. Both of them feel an urge to salute as well, but they refrain because they have no clue what this man's rank is. They are glad to help, though, and feel confident about the current situation.

Until it is announced what the enemy looming over the city actually is. That's does not sound good at all. Ren and Elijah glance at one another as they share a little newfound doubt in the situation, for facing an unknown enemy is not something they like doing. They attention is then snapped back onto the screen as the leader of this new..race appears there.

"Ugly bugger," Elijah comments under his breath to Ren, careful to say it over the private radio this time.

"Tell me about it," Ren replies in the same way.

They watch as everything unfolds around them, with all the commotion and talking. And since they feel out of place - and because they simply don't feel like talking - they don't make a peep. Well, except for maybe the occasional private comment to each other. When that..warrior..guy steps forward to face the leader of this new alien race, both Spartans know this will not end well. The dude looks like he's just hopped up on steroids and crazy pills, and has has a weird obsession with neon colors and almost beings naked. Not a pleasing idea to be throwing that against this apparently very strong beast.

Suddenly, two of the things appear. Ren and Elijah snap, their combat training on alert again as they raise their weapons in caution at the fugly things. They do not fire, but they are prepared nonetheless. Then, in a quick instant, everyone in the room is transported away- and, apparently, to the inside of this new ship.

It takes Ren and Elijah a moment to register where they are, peering around with their guns in hand and eyes wide. Once they do, they relax a bit, but still keep their eyes peeled and bodies ready to act.

"Hey, let's calm down and not get hostile here, okay?" Elijah mentions to Ren in private.

She scoffs and comments, "I'm surprised you came to that assumption before I could tell you myself."

"I know when I could easily be beat, thanks," Elijah snipes back, a little hint of a smile joining the nervousness in his voice.

The Spartans peer around with their rifles for a moment longer, looking through the people around them and out at the throngs of aliens around. They faintly register in their minds that there are people here who they have never seen before, but they shrug that off until later. Besides, these new people seem to be their allies. Better be happy about that and keep them that way. Then, after one final sweep, they settle down, forcing themselves to lower their rifles and loosen up. This isn't their fight at the moment, and they sure as hell don't want to turn it into theirs.

@Some_Bloke @Crenando @LegoLad659 @ryanpk200
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica

A man wearing a trenchcoat with blonde hair entered a tear and lit himself a cigarette as he examined his new surroundings. For the past few hours he had been tracking a serial killer, a low-level demon possessing the body of a human. The demon would kill constantly until it was eventually caught by authorities, at that point it would simply leave the host body and find another.

"Catherine O'Ren, Boris Clarke, John Douglas, Ellen Douglas." The man muttered bitterly, looking down at a young man with messy red hair, a face covered in stubble and eyes filled with hatred. The eyes of a demon inside a human body. The host stood to his feet as the man took another step forwards "Kelly O'Ren." The man muttered bitterly

"Oh I had fun with her!" The demon spat with a grin "The screams of children...Oh music to my ears!" He chuckled gleefully

"Do you have any idea who you're talkin' to ya wanker?" The man asked, smoking his cigarette

"Enlighten me. I want to know who I'm about to kill."

"John ruddy Constantine."

With the mention of the Hellblazer's name, the demon's smug, gleeful expression turned into one of fear and dread "Oh shit."

Before he could do anything Constantine began to chant words in Latin, quickly forcing the demon out of it's host. It appeared as a small imp-like creature with goat-like horns and charred skin. It took one final look of fear at Constantine before fire surrounded it, burning the demon alive as Constantine finished it off with a spell. It was reduced to ashes in seconds.

The host staggered to his feet, spitting out a mouthful of blood. "Than...Thank you." He muttered, on the verge of tears "I...The things it made me do."

Constantine sat down by the man's side "Listen mate, whatever you did...It wasn't you. It was that bugger of a demon. You need to get home now, your wife's waitin' for ya."

"Won't the police..."

"I already talked to them. You'll be safe. Now get off your arse and get home."

As the host left via the tear, it quickly closed behind him leaving Constantine trapped in his new dimension "Bollocks." He muttered. Constantine examined his surroundings, seeing a ship just behind him.

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

Marvel Cinematic Universe: New York

"Underground?" The young man asked, still shaken "Are there more of you?!"
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Hero Prinny

To say that Hero Prinny was a bit freaked out at the random ship crashing a few meters in front of him was an understatement. In fact, he was downright terrified, and backed away a few steps, staring at Nikita. 'That dood looks scary...' He thinks to himself. Normally he'd pull out a bomb or something, but considering the fact that she was armored, and had just survived a rather terrifying crash, he doubted a bomb would do much except piss her off. He had no idea if Nikita was even hostile or not, nor was he sure if he wanted to know.
Disgaea Universe

"Вы говорите (do you speak)?" Nikita asked the Penguin upon seeing that he was carrying a pack. She assumed that no regular penguin would have the intelligence for carrying equipment.

Some_Bloke] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#0000b3]Disgaea Universe[/COLOR][/SIZE] "Вы говорите (do you speak)?" Nikita asked the Penguin upon seeing that he was carrying a pack. She assumed that no regular penguin would have the intelligence for carrying equipment. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21464-jackofhearts/ said:

Hero Prinny gave Nikita a confused look. He'd heard Russian before when the humans had invaded the netherworld not too long ago, but he didn't speak it. "Uh...dood, I can't understand what you're saying." He suddenly stopped to think about what was going on. A ship in the netherworld, with an armored human... It seemed like another invasion! He decided not to jump to conclusions though, maybe Nikita was friendly, like Captain Gordon!
Disgaea Universe

"You speak English?" Nikita asked, steadying herself against her ship. Her wounds were still healing but she continued to study the penguin "What is this place? I need answers." She asked in a commanding tone

He stood there for a second looking to the crowd, then at the sycorax, before getting foked (read; focused in Warrior speak). "I AM THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He lifted the sword, tied his tassels around it, and ran at the sycorax, clotheslining him. "AaAaAAAAA!" His blade swung around his arm, allowing for the sword to scrape against the his opponent's exoskeleton. "I waited for the referee, BUT HE NEVER ARRIVED!"
Crenando said:
He stood there for a second looking to the crowd, then at the sycorax, before getting foked (read; focused in Warrior speak). "I AM THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He lifted the sword, tied his tassels around it, and ran at the sycorax, clotheslining him. "AaAaAAAAA!" His blade swung around his arm, allowing for the sword to scrape against the his opponent's exoskeleton. "I waited for the referee, BUT HE NEVER ARRIVED!"

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


Lilac and Carol just kinda stared at the new person for a few moments, dumbstruck by his sudden appearance.

"...The hell?" Was all Carol managed to say.


Mood: Huh?

Condition: Huh?

Location: Huh?

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Sycorax ship

"Where the hell did he come from?" Emma asked

"I don't see a tear." Coulson replied, slightly taken aback by the sudden arrival "He must possess some kind of teleportation technology or Pym tech. He could have shrunk himself down and snuck aboard with us."


"If I may interrupt!" The Sycorax leader butted in angrily, swinging for Warrior's head "This contest is for the sake of your planet!"

"Be careful Warrior!" Tesla shouted

@Crenando @LegoLad659

Disgaea Universe

"Demons?" Nikita asked "Дерьмо. (shit)" She muttered "If you're a demon how come you haven't attacked me yet?" She asked in a suspicious tone "The Soviet archive describes demons as vile, often manipulative creatures from other dimensions intent on taking human souls."


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