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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

MCU: Sycorax Ship

The Sycorax leader simply laughed at Lilac's effort. "Even though my brothers were destroyed the last time they visited your pitiful planet they were still able to relay a message to the stars. They told us of how they were defeated by a stranger named The Doctor by using own our blood control against his."

"What are you saying?" The Doctor asked in a concerned tone

"The button was a ruse." Tesla muttered grimly

Two Sycorax warriors approached the Commander and held swords to his throat while four approached Lilac wielding blades.

"If you do not stand down you violate the terms of this contest." The Sycorax leader stated, pointing his sword at Warrior "Can you live with that much blood on your hands?"


Puella Magi Madoka Magica

"Christ, did Bruce lose it or something?" Constantine muttered to himself. He may have worked out Batman's secret identity, but he wanted to keep that secret to himself "Normally other people are the ones askin' me this question every other day of the damn week. Rodimus, just what the hell is going on here?"

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Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@Some_Bloke @Crenando @1stLt HChurch

Oh. Well, that was a less than spectacular result from her attempt. Lilac looked at the 'Champion' and the Sycorax leader before turning to her friends "Uh... Sorry, guys..."


Mood: Oh.

Condition: Alright.

Location: Sycorax Starship




"well, if you humans got abilities, then i'm sure you'll be just fine." Sans said, as he looked up at the ship along with the man "no clue, bro. first i've seen anything of the sort."





[border]@Some_Bloke @TrueBananaz

Their attack seemed to be working, as the Bane cried out when the bullets hit, and attempted to flee like the other one did. It didn't make it very far before it fell to the ground, lifeless.

"Ugh..." River groaned, as she pushed herself to her feet. She didn't seem to have taken any injuries from that attack, just had the wind knocked out of her for a few moments from smacking facefirst into a wall. Seeing that the group of creatures had somehow defeated the Bane in the short amount of time she was out, she made her way over to them "Huh, looks like they did a thorough job..." She commented, looking at the disintegrating remains of the Bane. She turned her gaze up to the SHIELD agents "I'm not sure if you can understand me, but either way, thank you."[/border]



"You have no business with the dingo! Your business is with THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He looked to the others, as if to say 'let me do the work'. "The Warzone is here! I haven't lost the battle yet, starman! THE GODS HAVE NOT STRUCK US DOWN AND WE HAVE NOT RETURNED TO PARTS UNKNOWN!" It was clear that he was truly foked at this point.

@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659 @1stLt HChurch @ryanpk200
MCU: Sycorax Ship

When Ren and Elijah hear the plan, they don't mind it. In all, in sounds like it could work. The one part they don't like, though, is that the commander of their little group is willing to sacrifice himself for all of them and that a girl in the group is trying to take his spot. They cannot let that happen; they would feel horrible if these people died that way.

Renae is tempted to talk with Elijah over the private channel in order to devise a plan to get them all out, even the two brave souls in front of them, but she decides against it. Instead, she will just wait to see how this turns out.

Suddenly, a dragon pops over and hits the button, the main point in the group's plan. It made the whole act look so easy.

"Well that worked out well," Elijah comments quietly with a genuinely content tone. Ren simply nods.

When the leader of these aliens speaks, though, Renae's blood runs cold and ice slides down Elijah's spine.

Of course that had to be a trick. Of fucking course it did.

"Now this is swell. Just damn brilliant." This time, Elijah's voice is scathing, sarcastic, and very unhappy, as well as quietly being broadcasted aloud. And Ren can't help but agree.

How could they have not seen that? There must have been an obvious sign, right? Dammit.

When two of the alien guards stalk up to the commander and girl, drawing weapons to their necks, both of the Spartans flinch. Their minds are vigorously telling them to lift their rifles, to protect those people and blow the aliens' brains out. Man, do they want to do that. Although, they also know that that would have a very, very bad result and make this even worse. Instead, they need to let things lay relatively calm for now in order to not rile this bullshit up even more. That way, they may still make it out of this with all their hides intact.

To be sure, Ren utters a stern, "Don't," to Elijah, not caring that it isn't in private.

Elijah's fingers tighten on his firearm the moment she says it, but he resists the urge to lift his shotgun. "I won't," he says, his voice forcefully calm.

Instead of raising their rifles - for now, anyway - Ren and Elijah simply settle for watching every move these two bastards make. If either alien makes one wrong move, they may very well receive a bullet through their skulls.

When the girl apologizes for hitting the button, Elijah shrugs slightly without taking his eyes off the alien, saying, "None of us knew this would happen, really. Don't feel bad," during the movement, sounding way calmer than he feels.

@Crenando @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I'm not taking their ship. I'm saying we take their weapons and bring them back to my ship. The self-repair should only take half an hour. After that, we can get the hell out of here." Nikita scanned the area again "Do not worry about these extremists. I can handle them. Once I find them I need you to stay down. I need you alive."

Hero Prinny frowns. "I don't know, dood...this doesn't seem like a good idea. Besides, I have better weapons then them right here in my pack, dood! We don't need to go anywhere near them..." He says, pacing around in a circle.
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Sycorax Ship

"Just don't pull a stunt like that again. That was careless and you could have been killed." Coulson replied to Lilac, his tone a mix of both anger and concern. "Too many people have died today."

The Sycorax leader scoffed at Warrior's words, raising his sword in an attempt to strike him down "I won't send you parts unknown, I'll send you to Hell!"


"I have no idea what you just said, poorly-postured human... But I do know that Brainstorm is on our side, it's just that his hobby is making universe-ending weapons of mass destruction..." Rodimus replied with an awkward chuckle, "He should get better hobbies..."
Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@Some_Bloke @Crenando @1stLt HChurch

"Come on, you were all thinking about doing the exact same thing." Carol complained "Lilac is just the best option because she's by far the fastest one here."

"Carol. It's fine." Lilac told her, getting her to shut up before looking at Coulson "You're right, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."


Mood: Disappointed in herself

Condition: Alright.

Location: Sycorax Starship




"maybe they're targeting people that aren't stockbrokers?" Sans suggested "or something along those lines, anyway."





[border]@Some_Bloke @TrueBananaz

Ah, good, they could speak. That made things a whole lot easier "My name is River." She told them, without argument "Of the Wolf Clan, in the Kingdom of Armello. I'm a hunter, and candidate for the throne."[/border]



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Marvel Cinematic Universe: Sycorax Ship
"Just don't pull a stunt like that again. That was careless and you could have been killed." Coulson replied to Lilac, his tone a mix of both anger and concern. "Too many people have died today."

The Sycorax leader scoffed at Warrior's words, raising his sword in an attempt to strike him down "I won't send you parts unknown, I'll send you to Hell!"


Hero Prinny sighs. "I did say it before dood! Let me find the weapons, dood." He says, searching through his pack and tossing out various explosives, swords, spears, staves, bows, guns, axes, and other random weapons. "There's also a tank in here somewhere, dood."
Warrior stepped back a bit...and then went for the running shoulder block, knocking over the leader! He used the opportunity used this moment to walk over to the alien, lift him up, and drop him behind his back. Gorilla press! Then he ran and went for...The Warrior Splash! He pinned him, waiting for the ref.
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny sighs. "I did say it before dood! Let me find the weapons, dood." He says, searching through his pack and tossing out various explosives, swords, spears, staves, bows, guns, axes, and other random weapons. "There's also a tank in here somewhere, dood."
"You might need the tank." Nikita stated "If wre are under fire it will be good cover for you. I've seen that kind of magic before. That's a bag of holding, isn't it? How did you manage to find it in this universe? Those things are rare and often go for a high price, at least where I'm from."

MCU: New York City

The young stockbroker shook his head at the skeleton's theory "I came here from Wall Street. A lot of my colleagues are on the roof. That can't be it...I might have an idea. If we figure out who these aliens are targeting maybe we can figure out a way to stop them!" He paused "Screw that, I'm just a stockbroker. What the hell am I meant to do? All I do is sell people crap they don't need."

He paused again as ideas ran through his head "We get whatever we find to the authorities. The police, the national guard. Whoever's fighting whatever's up there."

In central park the female SHIELD agent slowly approached River "Do you have any idea what that bird creature was? Did it follow you?"

MCU: Sycorax Ship

"I understand that you were trying to do the right thing but that was reckless." Coulson replied

"Another device must be hidden on this ship somewhere." The Doctor whispered "If I was a big red button for a doomsday weapon where would I hide myself..." He muttered, looking around

"Under lock and key." Tesla muttered, thinking about his own weapons of destruction

"Exactly. If the Sycorax have learned from last time they've hid it somewhere on this ship." The Doctor explained "I just need to find out where."

"We won't have a lot of time if Warrior dosen't win then." Stevenson sighed "Brilliant."

Macho Man Randy Savage approached Warrior as he had the leader pinned down. He knelt down and began to count.


The leader struggled, reaching for his sword only to find it out of reach. He grunted angrily

"Two!" Savage shouted

The leader attempted to kick at Warrior, desperately trying anything to get the hulk with war paint off of him. He yelled angrily as Randy Savage uttered the word "Three!" Ending the fight. He raised Warrior's arm into the air "You have your champion!" He shouted.

Seeing his defeat at the hands of mere humans, the Sycorax leader stood to his feet and charged towards Warrior wielding his sword in an attempt to stab him. In response to this Tesla quickly drew his stun gun and fired, incapacitating the leader and causing him to fall to the ground.

Before the other Sycorax could react to the fall of their leader The Doctor quickly ran forwards "Your leader violated the terms of the trial by combat." He explained grimly "No one, not one of your brothers died today. If you return to this world or any Earth within the walls of reality we will not spare anyone. Leave this planet and fly back to the stars. When you speak with your other tribes tell them that The Doctor and this world's champion sent you and to leave Earth alone. It is defended.

At the mention of The Doctor's name, there was an uproar within the crowds of Sycorax and the group was quickly teleported back onto the Helicarrier as the Sycorax ship flew upwards. A SHIELD agent approached the group "Sir! You're back!"

"What's the situation?" Coulson asked

"The blood control's been lifted!"

"Seems like the new tribe leader actually has a sense of honour." Stevenson grinned

"Or he's just frightened." Emma suggested

@LegoLad659 @Crenando @1stLt HChurch @ryanpk200

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

"Someone who treats destroyin' the bloody universe as a hobby doesn't' sound like much of an ally to me." Constantine replied in a grim tone "You sure he didn't bugger things up here?"
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"You might need the tank." Nikita stated "If wre are under fire it will be good cover for you. I've seen that kind of magic before. That's a bag of holding, isn't it? How did you manage to find it in this universe? Those things are rare and often go for a high price, at least where I'm from."

Hero Prinny stared at Nikita with a confused look. "Bag of...holding? These things are a part of every Prinny's body, dood. They're really common down here, dood!"

"Your baseball expert must be a fun guy to hang around with." Crane jokingly stated. He then saw the Synths. Crane switched from his sword to a electric knife. He decided on the knife so he could move faster against the guns pointed at him, and electricity could effect robots more versus fire or poison. "I'm ready for a fight." Said Crane.



Isaac studied the schematics while Connor spoke. "Seems like a good plan. I am also ready to go. I don't have an gear to grab. Everything is already on my suit." Said Isaac to Connor. "What group am I with." He asked.

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Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@Some_Bloke @Crenando @1stLt HChurch

"What do you know, the big guy actually managed to pull it off." Carol commented as she realized that they were back on the helicarrier "Can't say I was expecting that."


Mood: Kinda upset, but not as much.

Condition: Alright.

Location: Helicarrier




"looks like we don't have to." Sans pointed out, looking up at the ship as it left, and the people on the rooftops started to back away "someone's already done all of that for us."

Good thing, too. That meant that he didn't have to do anything. That was his favorite thing to do.[/border]




[border]@Some_Bloke @TrueBananaz

Hadn't they heard of the Banes before? As far as she knew, the presence of the Rot was a worldwide problem. Then again, she had absolutely no clue where she was, so it was possible that she was nowhere near Armello or anywhere that Banes lurked, so it was probably best to give them the benefit of the doubt "Those creatures are called Banes, the source of the darkness in Armello." River explained to them "Yes, they did follow me, two of them. Did you dispose of the second as well?"[/border]



Meanwhile, in the Helicarrier's cargo bay, another tear opened up, and a little white creature stepped through. Curious, it started wandering around the room, examining the contents of crates it passed and pressing whatever buttons it could find in an attempt to figure out what they did.

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ryanpk200 said:
"Your baseball expert must be a fun guy to hang around with." Crane jokingly stated. He then saw the Synths. Crane switched from his sword to a electric knife. He decided on the knife so he could move faster against the guns pointed at him, and electricity could effect robots more versus fire or poison. "I'm ready for a fight." Said Crane.



Isaac studied the schematics while Connor spoke. "Seems like a good plan. I am also ready to go. I don't have an gear to grab. Everything is already on my suit." Said Isaac to Connor. "What group am I with." He asked.

(I removed the MCU post. @Some_Bloke Your post didn't update for me. I'll fix it when I get home.)
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MCU: Sycorax Ship

When the hulking man coined as their champion manages to beat the leader of these aliens, Ren and Elijah are honestly surprised.

"Wow," Elijah mutters. "The guy actually did it."

"Seems like we should have had some more faith," Renae adds, sounding genuine.

When the defeated leader jumps up and turns on the champion again, Ren and Elijah just barely resist the urge to jump forward and stop him. He is breaking the rule of the dual, anyway, and they now have all the right to step in. Although, their need to shoot or attack the leader quickly becomes unneeded as another of their friends up and shoots the bastard.

"Damn," Elijah states, surprised again. "Bold, that one."

"He's also a good shot," Renae quietly adds to their private conversation, admiring how easily the guy was able to shoot the leader. Being a marksman herself, she can't help but respect that.

Then the conversation between their group and the aliens begins. The Spartans simply watch, standing still like before and not feeling the need to but in. Especially since the man speaking seems to know exactly what he is talking about; there's no reason to cut in on that. The aliens seem to become extremely aggravated by what is being said, but they comply nonetheless even with their uproar and anger and-

And suddenly everyone is back on the human ship from before. Ren and Elijah start a little and look around, prepared for a fight, but they very quickly calm down as they come to the realization they are safe now. Thank god. Their adrenaline is spiked because of the confrontation a few moments ago, but this safer location is helping them calm back down.

"Thank god that fiasco is over," Elijah comments quietly over their radio as they stand there and wait for any orders that may come. "That situation was starting to me make pretty uncomfortable."

"You and me both, Ellie," Ren comments from beside him, calmly watching the people around them.

@Crenando @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny stared at Nikita with a confused look. "Bag of...holding? These things are a part of every Prinny's body, dood. They're really common down here, dood!"
Nikita simply nodded in understanding. At first she doubted that his creature was nothing more than a talking penguin but now she knew that he was so much more. She was still unsure on whether or not Prinny was a demon however, a creature born with a bag of holding attached to it? It was different to the ones the archivists had talked about, at least in appearance. An alternate version from another universe, perhaps?

As various theories ran through Nikita's head she continued to keep look-out "I haven't even asked your name. If the two of us are going to work together out here it's important." As she spoke, her helmet retracted into the rest of her suit, revealing Nikita's face. "Nikita Travoski of the glorious Soviet Empire." She offered Prinny a handshake.

MCU: New York City

The young stockbroker looked upwards with a grin on his face as everyone began to walk from the edge of buildings. His grin only increased in size as the alien ship retreated. He raised his middle finger at it "And don't come back you assholes!" He quickly stopped in his tracks "I gotta go see if everyone in work is alright." He spoke, running in the direction of Wall Street "You coming for not?"

"The second one?" The female agent asked "Crap!" She shouted, placing her finger in her earpiece "All units be advised we have a hostile creature of unknown origin loose in the city. Description is that of a large bird-like creature." After issuing her alert and female agent took Chara's hand and ran towards one of the cars, turning her attention back to River "You know more about these creatures than we do. We're going to need you for this."

MCU: Helicarrier

"I was actually afraid that they'd get everyone to jump." Emma sighed in relief "Why don't get head down to the pub? Drinks are on me."

"They wouldn't." The Doctor smiled "The thing about blood control is that it's nothing more than a cheap bit of voodoo. Think hypnosis only on a much larger scale. It can't overcome human instincts."

"So you lied to us?!" Stevenson snapped angrily, stepping towards The Time Lord so that their faces met

"Coulson said it himself. Too many people have died today." The Doctor explained grimly "The last time the Sycorax invaded Earth they were murdered by the Prime Minister as they retreated. If I told you the truth you could have just blown the ship out of the sky."

"You son of a bitch! Lives were at stake!" Stevenson snapped again, pointing a finger in The Doctor's face.

"I know." The Doctor replied "I was trying to save lives."

"This'll have to wait." Coulson interrupted "We have some cleaning up to do that and this invasion has made me realise something." He spoke in a serious tone, stepping into the middle of the room "It's made me realise just how unprepared we are. We lost twelve agents today. We nearly lost the damn planet."

"What do you have in mind?" Tesla asked

"As of this moment I'm proposing a joint task force between SHIELD and XCOM to combat whatever comes through these tears in. I want all of you on board for it."


Commonwealth: Fallout

"Put your weapon down." One of the Synth leaders commanded

"I'd rather die than be a lab rat." Mirus spat bitterly. She could take a few of these Synths out, but it would reveal her to the others. People she had only known for an hour, maybe even less? She wasn't keeping count. While on the Valkyrie that was Steven or Seeker's job.

"I assure you you will be unharmed." The Synth leader spoke

"I don't believe that for a second, bozo." Harleen spat "A face like yours is less trustworthy and more uncanny valley."

"Harleen..." Mirus began, using her telepathy to speak inside of Harleen's mind

"Oh, well why didn't ya say?" Harleen asked

"Not the first time you've encountered a telepath? People tend to freak out when they meet one."

"I'm running around here with a living tree. Why did ya think I'd freak out over something little like this? Besides my universe is full of people with superpowers."

"Okay, but this has to be our little secret, understand?"

"Only if Groot knows it too!"

"Well it's not like anyone else is going to be able to understand what he's saying anyway..."

"Exactly. It's a foolproof plan! We got ten creepy looking killer robots all pointing guns at us, so I take it you've got a plan of your own?"

"I need Groot to focus on taking out the smaller ones, the ones without armour while the rest of us focus on the armored ones. Can he do that?"

"Sure thing. Just reach inside his head and tell him."

"Good. I need you to wait for my signal. The others will follow along."

Mirus quickly reached into Groot's mind to tell him of the plan. He nodded in agreement "I am Groot."

Mirus stepped forwards, towards the Synth leader. She holstered her rifle and held out her hands with a smile on her face "Take me."

As the Synth leader reached forwards to restrain her Mirus quickly drew her swords and stabbed the leader in the chest. While the blades were able to pierce through his armour the Synth simply looked down at the two blades before looking up at Mirus.

"Shit." She muttered, smiling at the leader before he tried to strike her across the face with his rifle. Mirus used her telekinesis to slow his arm down, causing the impact of the blow to be lessened. She grunted in pain and withdrew her blades as the other Synths opened fire. She quickly stabbed the Synth leader in the back and used his body as a shield while Groot got to work. He charged forwards whilst yelling at the seven other Synths, tossing three of them to the side and wrapping his vine like arms around one. He started to crush it with his sheer strength.

Harleen opened fire on one of the Synth leaders, turning to the others in the group "Well? Get your asses moving bozos!"

The Gentleman observed the battle from behind the barrier he had put up, turning his attention to Chief. He snapped his fingers, allowing Kane and Chief to see the battle taking place but not allowing those on the other side to see the three of them, Brian Blessed or his Hawkmen army "You chaps up for placing bets?" He asked with a half-smile "Or how about a game of cricket?"

"Hawkmen, we must rescue the..." Brian Blessed started to bellow only to be cut off by The Gentleman "No, old friend. We are going to see how this plays out. I have my bets placed wotwotwot. "

The Gentleman turned back to Kane and Chief "Still want to place bets? This is your last chance chaps.


San Francisco: Terminator Universe

"You're on the first chopper team with me." Connor explained "You planning on sticking around when this fight's over? The Resistance could use a man with your tech and experience."

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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Nikita simply nodded in understanding. At first she doubted that his creature was nothing more than a talking penguin but now she knew that he was so much more. She was still unsure on whether or not Prinny was a demon however, a creature born with a bag of holding attached to it? It was different to the ones the archivists had talked about, at least in appearance. An alternate version from another universe, perhaps?
As various theories ran through Nikita's head she continued to keep look-out "I haven't even asked your name. If the two of us are going to work together out here it's important." As she spoke, her helmet retracted into the rest of her suit, revealing Nikita's face. "Nikita Travoski of the glorious Soviet Empire." She offered Prinny a handshake.

Hero Prinny smiles, extending his flipper. "I'm Hero Prinny, the master of dying, dood! It's nice to meet ya' Nikita!" He says as smoke starts slowly drifting out of his unzipped pouch.

Hatsune Miku : Fallout Universe

Miku blinked, not sure how to respond and self consciously glanced around at the people who had apparently gone back to their business. She caught the eye of the man who had called her a thief and he gave her a look so lethal she backed up a couple steps. Okay, first things first, no eye contact. These people are really scary. Except this kind man. Miku was really lucky to have met him. She looked back up at him and then down again.

She heard him as he spoke but fell into a daze. Get back home.. that was a nice thought but was it possible? There was still the idea that all of this was a dream but frankly that was very cliche and probably not true. People woke up when they were afraid enough and Miku was sure she had passed that limit. He was already walking away and she suddenly started after him, jogging to catch up and then matched his pace. "Thank you so much! This means a lot, sir!" She stuttered.

Suddenly it occurred to Miku that her sleeve was a bit heavy. She shook it a couple times and a few leeks poured out of her sleeve onto the ground. Good to know that still worked. Where there was Miku there was leeks and music.

MCU: Helicarrier

When one of the men in the room hints that he wanted to spare alien lives - spare them, of all things! - by letting the invading ship escape, Ren and Elijah look at each other, appalled. How could someone justify that an invading ship deserves to leave freely after trying to kill people? Or at least threatening to make people commit suicide. That's just insane!

"Excuse me, sir," Ren says aloud to the man while stepping forward, her voice just barely keeping a polite tone as she holds back her disbelief. Elijah stiffly stands beside her the whole time, silently staring at the man from behind his helmet. "Why do you think it was necessary to keep back information just to save an invading alien ship? They had no good intentions at all and came for no acceptable reason; they should have been blasted out of the sky as soon as they came, not allowed to leave!"

As Ren stands there, breathing a little hard, her mind drifts to the fact that, in her universe, any ship like the one they were just on would be fired upon immediately the moment any of that bullshit started to play out. The UNSC wouldn't have given it a chance, because there would be human lives at stake. She had witnessed it happen enough times with Covenant ships, and there was no reason why it shouldn't have happened to this one as well. Any foreign critter set on killing or tormenting humans out of complete random does not deserve a chance to save their dammed hides! The fact the ship easily could have been destroyed instead of safe like it is now is so very aggravating.

As Ren spouts her thoughts to the man and takes a moment to breath, Elijah carefully leans over to the individual talking about joining forces against the baddies and extremely casually comments, "And, uh, I dunno if you could already tell or not, but we're in on your plan. I know that my wonderful friend over here would love to help as much as I do." He gestures to Ren while muttering the last sentence, careful not to make it too obvious for her to see.

@Crenando @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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Seeing that they were back on the Helicarrier, the Commander let out a sigh of relief. He radioed the Avenger to call off the Firestorms and to check up on the people under blood control. Jason was now in a happy mood when he heard the people under blood control were fine. He then turned to Coulson and said "I like the idea. Your organization is more familiar with tears and we have the scientists and engineers to produce new ways to combat threats. I accept your proposal."

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