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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

@Crenando[/URL] @LegoLad659

Disgaea Universe

"Demons?" Nikita asked "Дерьмо. (shit)" She muttered "If you're a demon how come you haven't attacked me yet?" She asked in a suspicious tone "The Soviet archive describes demons as vile, often manipulative creatures from other dimensions intent on taking human souls."


Hero Prinny glares at Nikita, suddenly talking in a very serious tone.
"Don't be a racist. Most demons are actually nice! I mean, they're technically evil, what with virtue being considered sin and all, but a lot of demons are really nice! Oh, and taking human souls?... Yeah, no. Human souls are useless. If anything we take each others souls, but that rarely ever happens. The only time we use a human soul is if it's from someone already dead. Then we sew them into a Prinny suit." He says before going back to his usual demeanor. "So don't be such a jerk dood!"
Disgaea Universe

"How could the archives be wrong about something? Then again, I suppose this could be a different universe the one the Empire studied." Nikita muttered "Do the demons in this world know of Communism? Or the Soviet Empire?


Hero Prinny nods. "Yeah dood! Communism was gotten rid of over one hundred years ago on Earth dood, but some demons who don't follow the overlord made communist societies elsewhere! As for a Soviet Empire, well no dood. As far as I know the only government on Earth is the United Earth Government dood. I know nothing about it though, dood." He says, shrugging. Suddenly, off in the distance a small portion of the Overlord's Castle exploded, sending Prinnies flying everywhere. "OH CRAP! LAHARL WOKE UP DOOD! DO YOU KNOW ANY WAY OUT OF HERE DOOD?!" He asks frantically. He was seriously glad he'd stolen all the weapons in the castle before he ran away, but Laharl could easily beat the crap out of him even without weapons!
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny nods. "Yeah dood! Communism was gotten rid of over one hundred years ago on Earth dood, but some demons who don't follow the overlord made communist societies elsewhere! As for a Soviet Empire, well no dood. As far as I know the only government on Earth is the United Earth Government dood. I know nothing about it though, dood." He says, shrugging. Suddenly, off in the distance a small portion of the Overlord's Castle exploded, sending Prinnies flying everywhere. "OH CRAP! LAHARL WOKE UP DOOD! DO YOU KNOW ANY WAY OUT OF HERE DOOD?!" He asks frantically. He was seriously glad he'd stolen all the weapons in the castle before he ran away, but Laharl could easily beat the crap out of him even without weapons!
"So it does exist in this universe." Nikita muttered to herself "Good." Upon seeing the castle explode and Prinny panic Nikita shook her head "My ship needs repaired, it should take me half an hour to get her airborne. How much time do we have?"
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"So it does exist in this universe." Nikita muttered to herself "Good." Upon seeing the castle explode and Prinny panic Nikita shook her head "My ship needs repaired, it should take me half an hour to get her airborne. How much time do we have?"

Hero Prinny frowned. "Well, considering where we're standing right now we have about thirty minutes before Laharl finds us dood! We need to get out of here, quickly dood!" He says, glancing back at the castle. "We should just run, and take your ship with us, dood!"
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny frowned. "Well, considering where we're standing right now we have about thirty minutes before Laharl finds us dood! We need to get out of here, quickly dood!" He says, glancing back at the castle. "We should just run, and take your ship with us, dood!"
"I have a better plan, penguin." Nikita replied, walking inside her damaged ship "Vklyuchit' rezhim nevidimosti (engage cloaking mode)." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone, turning the ship invisible. She stepped out of the ship and approached Prinny "That should buy us a little more time. I can't take the ship with us, she can't fly like this. Not yet."

Pluto: Fallout Universe

The Merchant snapped his fingers, causing a quill in his hand to disappear. He was currently sitting at a desk with a mountain of paperwork on top of it.

"So that's it." The Merchant spoke, looking up at The Gentleman "We agree not to interfere with each other's interests."

"No guarantee that we won't bump into each other. Especially if I'm teaching a bunch of toffs some manners. What of Kane?" The Gentleman asked

"This version of Kane is under protection, unless he goes against orders. Under section one quintillion point seven sub section twenty thousand and five of our agreement." The Merchant explained

"In that case I am allowed to give him a damn good thrashing." The Gentleman smiled, straightening his monocle.

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Merchant disappeared with a snap of his fingers and The Gentleman floated upwards, far above the heads of Chief and Kane and snapped his fingers with a smirk. "Don't worry chaps, the rest of the Commonwealth won't see this. A little bit of cloaking ought to do no harm wot wot." As The Gentleman spoke these words, an army was conjured at his side.




"DIIIIIIVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE!" The Hawkmen commander, Brian Blessed bellowed. In response his army descended upon Kane's forces with their laser weapons, dated greenscreen from the 1980s and superior numbers the first of Kane's men fell within seconds. The others opened fire, knocking several Hawkmen out of the sky and causing them to fall with the same dated greenscreen from the 1980s. Brian Blessed himself landed on the ground and clobbered one of Kane's men over the head with his staff, knocking him unconscious. He then turned his attention to Kane and flew towards him with the same greenscreen following him.

"DIIIVVVEEEEEE!" He bellowed again only for one of Kane's men to step in the way to protect his leader. Blessed grabbed the soldier and with a loud and bellowing chuckle clobbered him over the head, knocking him unconscious. With the last of Kane's men falling to the might of the Hawkmen, they surrounded Kane with their blasters as Brian Blessed and The Gentleman stepped forwards.

"You should know something Blessed." The Gentleman smiled "Gordon's alive."


The voice of Blessed was so bellowing and powerful that it shattered the Gentleman's monocle. The Gentleman snapped his fingers, repairing his monocle and rolling his eyes. "Blimey." He muttered

With the snap of his fingers in another universe The Librarian appeared before Kane, Chief, Brian Blessed and his army of Hawkmen "If you want to live Kane, you'll do exactly as I say. These men want to kill you. I don't."


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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I have a better plan, penguin." Nikita replied, walking inside her damaged ship "Vklyuchit' rezhim nevidimosti (engage cloaking mode)." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone, turning the ship invisible. She stepped out of the ship and approached Prinny "That should buy us a little more time. I can't take the ship with us, she can't fly like this. Not yet."

Hero Prinny heard shouting off in the distance. "Alright dood! We've got to get going! Overlord Laharl is going to have the whole netherworld on high alert, dood! Plus, if he finds out that I'm helping a human get away from him he'll kill us both dood!" Hero Prinny looked around, trying to get his bearings. They were only a few miles away from the Stellar Graveyard, meaning that it would be easiest to run there. "Follow me dude!" Hero Prinny yells, heading off to the north towards the Stellar Graveyard. Of course, Hero Prinny hadn't even bothered to think about the fact that the Stellar Graveyard was extremely dangerous and filled with rouge demons who enjoyed killing others.
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny heard shouting off in the distance. "Alright dood! We've got to get going! Overlord Laharl is going to have the whole netherworld on high alert, dood! Plus, if he finds out that I'm helping a human get away from him he'll kill us both dood!" Hero Prinny looked around, trying to get his bearings. They were only a few miles away from the Stellar Graveyard, meaning that it would be easiest to run there. "Follow me dude!" Hero Prinny yells, heading off to the north towards the Stellar Graveyard. Of course, Hero Prinny hadn't even bothered to think about the fact that the Stellar Graveyard was extremely dangerous and filled with rouge demons who enjoyed killing others.
Nikita, still being unfamiliar with this new world stepped back into her ship "Zanimat'sya samostoyatel'no ispravit (Engage self-repair)." She commanded before cautiously following the penguin. She didn't know for sure what she was up against. Considering what she had heard about demons from various archivists back in the Empire she was on high alert, constantly searching around for anything that might prove a threat. "Where are we going, penguin?" Nikita asked suspiciously

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

Having been brought into Resistance command by Connor and his men the group all stood around a large table, on it was a map of San Francisco. Connor drew several small circles in pencil, all of which matching up with the location of tears.

"We never saw your friend but a few of my scouts did discover the rift you came through a few days ago. When did he go missing?" Connor asked

"Yesterday." One of the mercs answered

"You don't seem freaked out by all the aliens, why?" Max asked

"With some of the stuff Skynet's thrown at us..." Connor began in a grim tone, only to point to another area of the map shaded in "Scouts investigated but they never found a body. They were quickly ambushed by Skynet's forces and had to retreat." Connor paused "Why is your friend so important?" He asked suspiciously

"He was investigating these rifts." The Asari merc explained

"What if these droids want him alive for what he knows?" Syeron suggested "They probably want to find out what's going on just as much as you guys do."

"Or they want to use these things as a weapon." Connor muttered, peering over the large map again

"Where's their holdout?" Syeron asked

"It's a suicide mission." Connor stated

"Been on a few." Syeron half-smiled "Always came back in one piece...Well, almost." She joked, displaying her cybernetic hand to Connor "I have Artoo this time around, too." She gestured to the Astromech droid at her side

"Got a couple of those myself." Max nodded in response "Listen, all we wanna do is get this guy home. His brother sent us. Your men don't have to get involved in all this shit, alright. Just me, these fella and any volunteers." Max gestured to the Eclipse mercs standing with him

"No." Connor muttered "We haven't launched an assault yet because we didn't have the numbers. Now we do, as well as people with abilities." He turned to two soldiers at his side "Get me the schematics for their stronghold."

"Yes sir." One of the soldiers replied, leaving the room

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Nikita, still being unfamiliar with this new world stepped back into her ship "Zanimat'sya samostoyatel'no ispravit (Engage self-repair)." She commanded before cautiously following the penguin. She didn't know for sure what she was up against. Considering what she had heard about demons from various archivists back in the Empire she was on high alert, constantly searching around for anything that might prove a threat. "Where are we going, penguin?" Nikita asked suspiciously

Hero Prinny stopped walking for a second. "We're heading to the Stellar Graveyard, dood! Watch out for partially destroyed, but still active space ships dood! If you see any, that means we're getting close, oh, and if they start firing at you, then, well, run dood!"
Warrior kicked the sycorax leader in the stomach, the sword barely clipping his untamed mane. He then held his hand to the air, preparing for the Greco-Roman knuckle lock. "AaAaAAA! SHOW ME YOUR STRENGTH!" If it was good enough for a match with a draw as big as Hogan, it's good enough for a match to save humanity.
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Hatsune Miku : Fallout Universe

"Oh, I see... I've definitely heard of Massachusetts before," Miku said with a small nod, her voice losing volume and certainty as it trailed off at the end. Yeah, she'd heard of the place, but this looked nothing like it. Maybe then it was there was some kind of large scale event and she'd ended up here after it had happened except... She remembered distinctly where she had been. Miku had been center stage at a concert, singing her heart out as she was blinded by the lights. She stepped forward into the bright lights and then.. somehow the "Commonwealth".

So, this "synth", although she felt it derogatory to only refer to him as that, was not entirely accepted into this strange society? It was strange considering he was the only one who had shown her kindness so far. Maybe there was a rule where everyone had to be cold heartless bastards and because he was not, people disliked him. Who knew?

Who was she? Miku paused for a moment, not surprised by it, many people knew nothing of vocaloids but because she wasn't sure if that term would be understood here, she tried to ponder how best to explain it. "My name..." She spoke slowly, as if trying to gradually figure out what she was going to say herself. "...is Hatsune Miku. I'm a vocaloid... Well, sort of like a robot made to look and sing like a human. Synthetic... Maybe I am like you?" She offered, thinking it over. He didn't want to offend him by trying to compare the two, but Miku thought it sounded logical enough.

JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny stopped walking for a second. "We're heading to the Stellar Graveyard, dood! Watch out for partially destroyed, but still active space ships dood! If you see any, that means we're getting close, oh, and if they start firing at you, then, well, run dood!"
"I run from nothing." Nikita replied in a serious tone, clenching her fists "A true soldier of my empire never does. A true Soviet never does. If they start shooting get behind me and I'll fight them off. Right now you're the only source of information and the only ally I have on this world so I need to keep you alive, understand?"

Nikita paused, continuing to scan the area for potential threats before speaking again "What's in this Stellar Graveyard that you're so afraid of?" She asked

MCU: Sycorax Ship

The Sycorax leader stumbled backwards with the force of the kick but managed to steady himself. He charged forwards towards Warrior with a swing aimed for his legs. As most of the Sycorax were watching the fight Stevenson turned to the others "Listen." He whispered "There's a chance that he might not be able to win this. If he fails..."

"I have a plan for that." Coulson whispered, taking caution that the Sycorax did not hear him

"Really? I'd like to hear it." The Doctor butted in


On another side of the Commonwealth Mirus continued to lead the new group of outworlders south. That was a name she'd been called in another dimension, one she didn't like all that much. She decided to keep the name though as she thought it had a nice ring to it.

"I'd start the whole are we there yet thing but I'm afraid it'll distract us from listening out for monsters...Or whatever else this place is gonna throw at a gal like me." Harleen spoke, breaking the silence as well as Mirus' train of thought.

"It's a bit safer up north." Mirus explained, keeping her eyes on the road

"I am Groot." Groot replied, shaking his head

"He said it's not sayin' much considering how a group of mercs with killer robots wanted to kill us." Harleen explained

"How...How do you even know what he's saying?" Mirus asked

"Well, how did you tame a damn dinosaur?" Harleen asked with a sarcastic shrug

"I am Groot." The giant living tree spoke, appearing offended by Harleen's words

"Yes, I know I didn't tame you. I was just making a point."

"I'm just curious." Mirus replied, turning around "You're better telling me now or I'll probably pester you about it for this entire trip. Probably lead to us getting killed and eaten by Deathclaws...That for some reason are really far north." She shot Harleen and Groot a playful smile

"Well when you're wanderin' around with no one to talk to but a livin' tree you're going to pick up on it eventually. Now you gotta tell me how you tamed a dinosaur."

"Time, patience and a lot of hope." Mirus lied "Hey, there's probably a world out there where people get paid to do this kinda thing." She turned to Jim and stroked under his chin, making eye contact with the creature.

Mirus sharply turned to the left and raised her rifle, looking through her scope "Shit." She muttered "Ferals. They're tearing into a few Mole rats and while I'm sure that we'd like to stay and take bets on who's going to win, I'd rather we just sneak past them. Might need to save our ammo."

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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I run from nothing." Nikita replied in a serious tone, clenching her fists "A true soldier of my empire never does. A true Soviet never does. If they start shooting get behind me and I'll fight them off. Right now you're the only source of information and the only ally I have on this world so I need to keep you alive, understand?"
Nikita paused, continuing to scan the area for potential threats before speaking again "What's in this Stellar Graveyard that you're so afraid of?" She asked

Hero Prinny continued walking silently for a little while before deciding to talk. "There's a few things, really... First of all there's some kid who controls and army of extremely powerful zombies who hangs out around the Stellar Graveyard. And I mean, those things can survive ANYTHING you throw at them. Second, there's a ship there that belonged to the human invaders. It was the most powerful one...There's a laser cannon on it capable of completely destroying Overlord Laharl or anyone for that matter, except maybe Baal, lord of terror. Not only that, but there are still humans around here that don't understand that their invasion failed... They attack demons sometimes, striking quickly and without mercy... They have powerful weapons too." He says, sighing. "Sorry about talking your ear off there, dood!"
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny continued walking silently for a little while before deciding to talk. "There's a few things, really... First of all there's some kid who controls and army of extremely powerful zombies who hangs out around the Stellar Graveyard. And I mean, those things can survive ANYTHING you throw at them. Second, there's a ship there that belonged to the human invaders. It was the most powerful one...There's a laser cannon on it capable of completely destroying Overlord Laharl or anyone for that matter, except maybe Baal, lord of terror. Not only that, but there are still humans around here that don't understand that their invasion failed... They attack demons sometimes, striking quickly and without mercy... They have powerful weapons too." He says, sighing. "Sorry about talking your ear off there, dood!"
"No...No, this is helpful. Gives me an idea of what we might be up against in your world" Nikita replied "You said there were other humans here, do you think they can be reasoned with? They'll attack demons on sight, I understand that but what if another human tried to talk to them? Get them on our side, perhaps."

In her mind, Nikita's real question was whether or not she could convert these other humans to her empire's cause. It occurred to her that if Prinny was truly a demon that he could be trying to manipulate her as demons mentioned in the archives had manipulated humans and other mortal beings for countless years across reality.

If he did try anything she was prepared to defend herself.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"No...No, this is helpful. Gives me an idea of what we might be up against in your world" Nikita replied "You said there were other humans here, do you think they can be reasoned with? They'll attack demons on sight, I understand that but what if another human tried to talk to them? Get them on our side, perhaps."
In her mind, Nikita's real question was whether or not she could convert these other humans to her empire's cause. Apart from Prinny, a demon she was slowly starting to trust but still had mixed feelings about she did not believe demons could be reasoned with. It occurred to her that if Prinny was truly a demon that he could be trying to manipulate her as demons mentioned in the archives had manipulated humans and other mortal beings for countless years across reality.

Prinny had an opportunity to take her soul as she was recovering from the crash and appeared to be heavily injured but never made a move. For now, she believed she could trust him. If he did try anything however she was prepared to defend herself.

Hero Prinny shakes his head. "We already tried reasoning with them using a human mediator, dood. They attempted to kill him, and when that failed they moved on to attacking demons...dood." He says, thinking back to that rather sad event. "They...they used the ship's weaponry. The engines were destroyed, but the core and most of the weapons had survived."
MCU: Sycorax Ship

As they watch their "champion" fight the alien leader of this ship, the Spartans' hope sinks as they realize their suspicions are right. It doesn't look like this guy will make it, and if he doesn't..they may all be trapped on this dammed ship.

At the thought of it, Ren shifts closer to Elijah until the shields of their respective armored suits clash and make a slight spark due to friction. Elijah notices the movement and looks down, then realizes why Ren did that. His heart goes out to his friend, knowing what she is probably thinking. He also can't help but be reminded of them when they were younger; with himself staying up late at night to coax Ren off her ledge of hysterical fright after one of her nightmares. Even though they are much older now and Ren doesn't experience those problems any longer, he still feels the need to protect his friend at all costs.

"Relax, Ren," Elijah says clearly but quietly over their private radio. "If this guy doesn't win the fight and we have to battle our way out of here, we'll make it. I know we will. And we will save as many of our new buddies as we can."

"How can you be so sure?" Ren accuses as she peers around at the hoard of aliens. "There have got to be thousands of these things here, and it would not surprise me if there are more. Even with all of our training, we could never take all of them out and survive this." She looks up at Elijah before finishing with, "Not even someone like you with your determined spirit, tough guy."

Elijah scoffs before throwing a lighthearted, "Damn, Renae. I'm offended! Have a little faith, woman!" Ren can hear the smirk in his voice as he spews his comment, but she doesn't say a word. After a second, Elijah quiets down more and says in a more reassuring tone, "Seriously, though, Ren. Even if the shit hits the fan, we'll make it out of this. I know we will. We've survived 20 years of being soldiers, right? And we're only 26. We'll do just fine. Have a little faith."

Ren just looks at him for a moment, watching his posture, then she gives him a kinda rare gesture- the "smile" gesture signature to Spartans. It is simply two fingers being drawn sideways over the mouth area of the other person's helmet, which she does to Elijah. It originated with the Spartan-II's and isn't seen as much in the younger generations, but Ren saw it utilized a couple times by their S-II instructor, Kurt-051, and has always had a soft spot for it. Anyone else watching simply wouldn't understand the gesture, for it seems odd. No other regular human does, really. But Elijah knows it is used to show an emotion - genuine happiness - that is usually hidden by a Spartan's armor or can be difficult for them to express, and it can be a rather special gesture for them. And for a Spartan, it is a large show of emotion. It is usually important to them, especially S-II's. And Ren.

Elijah is a little surprised by the gesture, so he doesn't really react to it at first. Then, as Ren starts to turn away, he reaches up and carefully returns the gesture. Now it is Renae's turn to pause, glad that her friend has returned the smile even though she already knew that he was smiling. That certainly calmed her down a lot.

Then, to diffuse the moment and get down to business - with business being something they are both better at - Renae turns and takes a few careful steps over to the leader of their new group, Coulson, as he mentions a possible plan. Ren motions at Elijah with her head to tell him to come over as well, and he does as she turns to face the man primarily mentioned.

Turns out, him and his friends have a similar thought process as the Spartans when it comes to the fight. No surprise there; the conclusion is a little obvious. He mentions that he has a plan, though, which is wonderful to hear.

"We'd love to hear it as well," Elijah adds to the conversation from beside Ren, eager to hear the details.

@Crenando @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"At this point, anything'll help, really." Lilac replied, joining the group in the discussion after seeing the warrior's display "I don't exactly have a lot of confidence in what's going on right now."


Mood: Not as hopeful anymore

Condition: Alright.

Location: Sycorax Starship




"well, there's my brother, if you're talking about the skeleton thing. the underground is populated with all kinds of monsters."





[border]@Some_Bloke @TrueBananaz

River, seeing the Bane approaching, drew her dagger to fight back. It lifted its wing to absorb the attack, though it still got a rather nasty injury from the blade. The Bane screeched loudly and pecked at River, who managed to dodge the attack by diving to the side, rolling onto her feet and firing another arrow at it.

The Bane hit River with its wing, sending her flying into the wall of a building. Screeching again, it looked around and saw the SHIELD agents and Chara. Assuming that River was out for now, it flew towards the group, ready to spread more of its Rot.[/border]



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The swole philosopher dived out of the aim of the sword, and fell to the floor. He then realized what was weighing him down. "I need no sword...I AM THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He threw the hunk of metal like a javeline at the the leader's robes, hoping to pin him to something. With that little distraction, Warrior climbed to his feet and ran straight towards the leader, preparing to clothesline him.

@LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @1stLt HChurch
-Yato & Yukine- (Fallout)

Mirus kept talking about deathclaws, ferals, mole rats and whatnot while Yato and Yukine just tried to piece things together.

These people were all fricking weird, but Mirus knew what she was talking about. Sticking with them was probably the best thing to do. The universe they were in wasn't very friendly, after all.

"What exactly are those 'ferals'?"

Yato asked Mirus, keeping his voice down.

In the meantime, Yukine walked next to Groot and just stared at him, not interested in learning about the creatures of the fallout universe.

"...Is 'I am Groot' the only thing you can say?" He asked, looking up at the walking tree with curious eyes. He did not understand the gravity of that situation at all. And even if he did, he wouldn't really care. They fought against all kinds of phantoms and even gods, so what can a "feral" do?

JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny shakes his head. "We already tried reasoning with them using a human mediator, dood. They attempted to kill him, and when that failed they moved on to attacking demons...dood." He says, thinking back to that rather sad event. "They...they used the ship's weaponry. The engines were destroyed, but the core and most of the weapons had survived."
"What kind of weapons?" Nikita asked, this time with more curiosity and suspicion. If these weapons were powerful enough to kill demons, it was something the empire should add to it's arsenal. While there hadn't been a recorded demon attack since 1917, two months before the Soviets had discovered the tear the empire had never pushed the idea away of the possibility. With all efforts now focused on the war in the Horsehead nebula, Nikita also wondered if such weapons could be used against the Baranadites, to turn the tide.

At the same time she didn't want to put her informant in harm's way. She did not believe for a second that a small talking penguin could handle himself in the field of battle. She began to wonder how he had survived in a land filled with demons.

"Point me in their direction. We're going to need those weapons." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone

MCU: Sycorax Ship

"Doctor, how are the Sycorax controlling everyone below?" Coulson asked with a cautious whisper

"Blood control." The Doctor explained "Normally there's a big red..." He paused, looking across the large cave-like interior of the ship "Button."


"I've fought them before. Simply pushing the button will disable the blood control."

"The second Warrior gets knocked down I'm going to create a diversion." Coulson explained "When I do, I'm going for that machine. The rest of you need to get yourselves out. I've already activated an SOS signal."

"And then what?" Stevenson asked

"Launch a counteroffensive."

"No." Stevenson whispered bitterly "For God's sake you're the Director. SHIELD needs you. The damn planet needs you."

"I'll do it." Emma butted in

"Alex, I'm just one man." Coulson shook his head "I'm no Fury."

"You're better than Fury. Fury let HYDRA grow inside his organization for Christ sakes." Stevenson snapped, still managing to keep his voice down

"I'll do it." Emma butted in again

"No." Stevenson muttered

"Face it, sir. You could get caught before you reach that device. I could hold them off with my abilities, hell shatter their machine with them. You have brilliant minds, strategies and armoured super soldiers with you. I'm just a girl with ice powers. A ginger, Scottish Elsa minus the singing skills and angst."

"I'll do it." Tesla suggested, finally speaking up

"No, I know who you are, Nikola." Emma pleaded "SHIELD needs a mind like yours. You could do so much good with this world."

The Sycorax leader's robe pinned him to the ground and while he tried to remove his robe or escape he found himself having to take a defensive stance as Warrior charged towards him. The fool wasn't even using his sword, this was going to be easy he thought to himself as a smug grin developed on his face.


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"A lot of Ghouls are actually really nice, one even runs a town. The place is a shithole but the mayor's quite nice." Mirus explained "Ferals on the other hand, the radiation messed with their brains. Turned them into monsters who kill anything that moves. Never seen it for myself but a guy in Diamond City told me that they eat people."

"So...They're zombies?" Harleen asked

"No. A zombie is a resurrected corpse.

"Sound kinda like zombies to me." Harleen shrugged

"Do we really have to have this discussion now?" Mirus asked "Don't let them touch you. Could give you radiation poisoning. Especially the ones that glow. They can bring other Ferals back from the dead."

"So...Those ones are zombies?" Harleen asked

Mirus kept the group of Ferals in her sights as she led the group further south. Harleen turned to Yukine and nodded her head "Yep, pretty much." She smiled

"I am Groot." Groot shrugged

"Hey, they're zombies in my eyes." Harleen whispered angrily

"They don't spread through bites or transferred blood." Mirus spoke as she turned around shot Harleen a playful smile "Last time I checked that's a pretty damn big factor in being a zombie."

"I am Groot." Groot nodded

"Hey, you're meant to take my side." She whispered again

The group passed by the Ferals and Mole rats, leaving them behind in the Commonwealth and continued heading south.

Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@Some_Bloke @Crenando @1stLt HChurch

Lilac looked at the button that the Doctor had pointed out. Then back at the group, who were arguing about who would go for it. Hello? You kind of have a Dragon here? She could get to it and be back in a flash!

She decided not to voice these concerns and use her Dragon Boost to reach the button in an instant, hitting it as she swung around and back to the group "Needed someone to push a button?"


Mood: I got it!

Condition: Alright.

Location: Sycorax Starship




Sans waved his hand at the man in response "nah, most of 'em should be fine as long as you're not human." Sans said, pausing for a moment "oh. wait a second. you ARE human, aren't you? oops. well, they're all trapped underground, so you should still be fine. i don't really care about fighting any humans right now anyways."





[border]@Some_Bloke @TrueBananaz

The Bane only screeched again in response and continued charging at the group, knocking two SHIELD agents away before turning and attacking the others with its beak.[/border]



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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"What kind of weapons?" Nikita asked, this time with more curiosity and suspicion. If these weapons were powerful enough to kill demons, it was something the empire should add to it's arsenal. While there hadn't been a recorded demon attack since 1917, two months before the Soviets had discovered the tear the empire had never pushed the idea away of the possibility. With all efforts now focused on the war in the Horsehead nebula, Nikita also wondered if such weapons could be used against the Baranadites, to turn the tide.
At the same time she didn't want to put her informant in harm's way. She did not believe for a second that a small talking penguin could handle himself in the field of battle. She began to wonder how he had survived in a land filled with demons.

"Point me in their direction. We're going to need those weapons." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone

MCU: Sycorax Ship

"Doctor, how are the Sycorax controlling everyone below?" Coulson asked with a cautious whisper

"Blood control." The Doctor explained "Normally there's a big red..." He paused, looking across the large cave-like interior of the ship "Button."


"I've fought them before. Simply pushing the button will disable the blood control."

"The second Warrior gets knocked down I'm going to create a diversion." Coulson explained "When I do, I'm going for that machine. The rest of you need to get yourselves out. I've already activated an SOS signal."

"And then what?" Stevenson asked

"Launch a counteroffensive."

"No." Stevenson whispered bitterly "For God's sake you're the Director. SHIELD needs you. The damn planet needs you."

"I'll do it." Emma butted in

"Alex, I'm just one man." Coulson shook his head "I'm no Fury."

"You're better than Fury. Fury let HYDRA grow inside his organization for Christ sakes." Stevenson snapped, still managing to keep his voice down

"I'll do it." Emma butted in again

"No." Stevenson muttered

"Face it, sir. You could get caught before you reach that device. I could hold them off with my abilities, hell shatter their machine with them. You have brilliant minds, strategies and armoured super soldiers with you. I'm just a girl with ice powers. A ginger, Scottish Elsa minus the singing skills and angst."

"I'll do it." Tesla suggested, finally speaking up

"No, I know who you are, Nikola." Emma pleaded "SHIELD needs a mind like yours. You could do so much good with this world."

The Sycorax leader's robe pinned him to the ground and while he tried to remove his robe or escape he found himself having to take a defensive stance as Warrior charged towards him. The fool wasn't even using his sword, this was going to be easy he thought to himself as a smug grin developed on his face.


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"A lot of Ghouls are actually really nice, one even runs a town. The place is a shithole but the mayor's quite nice." Mirus explained "Ferals on the other hand, the radiation messed with their brains. Turned them into monsters who kill anything that moves. Never seen it for myself but a guy in Diamond City told me that they eat people."

"So...They're zombies?" Harleen asked

"No. A zombie is a resurrected corpse.

"Sound kinda like zombies to me." Harleen shrugged

"Do we really have to have this discussion now?" Mirus asked "Don't let them touch you. Could give you radiation poisoning. Especially the ones that glow. They can bring other Ferals back from the dead."

"So...Those ones are zombies?" Harleen asked

Mirus kept the group of Ferals in her sights as she led the group further south. Harleen turned to Yukine and nodded her head "Yep, pretty much." She smiled

"I am Groot." Groot shrugged

"Hey, they're zombies in my eyes." Harleen whispered angrily

"They don't spread through bites or transferred blood." Mirus spoke as she turned around shot Harleen a playful smile "Last time I checked that's a pretty damn big factor in being a zombie."

"I am Groot." Groot nodded

"Hey, you're meant to take my side." She whispered again

The group passed by the Ferals and Mole rats, leaving them behind in the Commonwealth and continued heading south.


Hero Prinny thought about it for a second. "Well, they had a giant laser cannon, dood. But, because of the way the ship had crashed into the ground they could only fire it at really close things, dood. Plus, it's impossible to take off without getting shot with it, dood! Well...not literally, it's just too hard for most demons, dood. Plus, it would need a constant power source, dood! The ship also had flak cannons though, dood! We could detach one and carry it around as a weapon, dood! We'd just need something to use as ammo, dood! Plus, they had giant machine guns to rain down death on demons, dood! Those would be much more convenient, if they weren't stuck under the ship, dood. Wait...ARE YOU CRAZY DOOD?! THERE ARE STILL HUMAN EXTREMISTS THERE, DOOD! THEY'D KILL US BOTH AS SOON AS THEY SAW ME, DOOD!" Hero Prinny yells, starting to freak out. "If you want weapons I have some with me, dood! We don't have to risk our lives, dood!"

For a spacefaring alien race, the Commander was expecting the interior of the ship to look different. Comparing to the other aliens, the current ship he found himself in looked primitive. Jason looked around and saw that they were in some sort of arena. "There isn't much I can do." He thought. "This is between the idiot champion and the aliens." He watched the fight and saw the "referee" come from nowhere. "What?" Was all he managed to say. The Commander was losing hope was he watched the fight. "There has to be a better way..." He thought. The Commander overheard the conversation about the button. He was about to speak when he saw the Dragon rush to the button and hit it. "Now that that's done, it's time for the fun part." Jason stated. He then asked the Director. "Even though you activated a SOS, what good would it do? We got teleported aboard the ship." Since the Dragon hit the button, he expected that aliens were going to attack them, so he loaded a fresh clip into his plasma sniper.

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@LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke

"Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong!" Rodimus greeted the new humans with the Universial greeting in hopes that they'd know he's on their side... "I am Rodimus Prime! I am the Captain of this ship! And I am not the Enemy... that's the Giant Metal Bat that brainwashed an entire population..."

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