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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Meanwhile in the outer region of this reality in another Multiverse Cluster... where this is shite that's being televised... Some Irish Lads review the SummerSlam Arc.


"Hello, Noggers..." greeted Yah Boy, Jay Hunter

"Happy Days are here again..."

"It's OSW Review, the Old School Wrestling Podcast, filmed in glorious grapple-vision and encoded with blast-processing, with your boy, Jay Hunter, ever as always with Mr. OOC and V1! We're taking a look at Summerslam, FATE OF THE FOOKIN' EARTH! And it's comin' at you."


"So Warrior did his five moves of doom and pins the alien-looking bloke in a nothing match... So What do you guys think?" asked Jay Hunter to his fellow hosts.

"It was shite..." said V1 which caused the other lads to laugh.

"Warrior was gassed two minutes in and fookin' Macho was just the fookin' ref, are yah havin' a laugh, mate?" expounded V1

Then Mr. OOC chimed in and added, "Where the fook was the world title match?"

Causing the lads to laugh again.

"Well, Steve... Hogan couldn't make it, brother, there 'cause those SHIELD guys had no respect for the business, Brother."

"But that alien-looking bloke was just going to job to him anyways!" retorted V1, "Why the fook can't have this been a world title match?"

"It's for the fate of the planet earth, Steve!" countered Jay.



The Lads end the review on a high note... and the Cosmic Ballet Rolls on...

@Some_Bloke @Crenando
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Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

Cadence shook her head in response to Rodimus "Nope, no clue." She told him "He arrived through one of those rift things, and that's the first I've seen of him."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2[/border]



MCU: Helicarrier

The Doctor sighed in response to Elijah and Lilac's words "As soon as they arrived?" He asked "So an unknown ship with unknown intentions shows up. Shall we try talking to them, no let's just blast them out of the sky!" He replied with sarcasm

"But you knew what they were, Doctor. You knew what they were capable of and yet you lied to us." Emma replied angrily

"Think about it this way. The last time the Sycorax invaded Earth they were murdered as they attempted to flee. All that did was..."

"Piss off the rest of their species. I get it." Emma replied "Got it. But Lilac is right. They'll just invade some other world. You said it yourself, they're a warrior-like race."

The Doctor stepped away from Emma and the others before turning around again "That Sycorax tribe just suffered a defeat. Something unacceptable in their culture. They'll just fly back to their homeworld in shame. After two thousand and six, well at least in my universe I investigated them in case they ever returned."

"I get it." Coulson stepped forwards "You wanted to resolve the crisis without bloodshed but if we're going to work together I can't have you pull a stunt like that again. We need to trust each other, that means no more secrets. Are we clear?" Coulson asked The Doctor ,turning to the XCOM commander, the two Spartans and Warrior.

"I'll take that as a yes." He replied to Warrior's speech "You'll need to be debriefed and interviewed while SHIELD and XCOM work on the cleanup."

Emma turned to Tesla "Are you onboard with this?"

"I may need to take some time to think about this." He muttered

"Come on!" Emma pleaded "With your intellect and skills..."

As the white creature began to press buttons around the Helicarrier, one of the radios began to act up, playing music on full blast throughout the ship.


MCU: New York

The stock broker waved goodbye to Sans as he ran towards Wall Street while on another side of the city a SHIELD car passed through the busy city streets with many cars moving out of the way at the sound of it's sirens.

"No." The female agent replied "A few of us got knocked back but no one was hurt."


On another side of the Commonwealth Mirus continued to use the Synth leader as a shield, dragging it backwards as shots fired by some of the other Synths missed her face by inches. As one was about to line up a shot it was shot in the back of the head by Harleen, knocking the Synth forwards. As it turned to face her Harleen drew her maleet, pummeling the Synth into the ground with multiple swings.


San Francisco: Terminator Universe

"You don't have anyone waiting for you back home?" Connor asked "Most of these people do. I can see it in their faces."
Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: After zoning back in to reality after hearing Cortana, the Chief looked up to see the man with the monocle threateningly speaking with Kane. He turned off his external speakers again to speak privately with his A.I.

"Cortana...what did he just do to me...?" he shakingly asked. He's experienced a lot of pain in his past: the training with Mendez, the augmentations, losing his Spartan brothers and sisters, being shot with plasma, or falling from orbit clinging to a piece of broken armor plating. Whatever that man just did to him with the club, that was even more painful. It was like being obliterated by a HAVOK nuke planted inside of his body, but worse.

"Well, Chief, I really hate to say this but I don't know. Whatever he did, I can't even detect any energy, atomic or otherwise. What are you going to do?" she asked, concerned. He lowered his head to think, staring blankly at his open right hand. He slowly curled the hand into a fist and looked back up at the man in the monocle. John needed answers, and the only way to get them was to ask the source. He turned the external audio back on and spoke up.

"What...what did you just do to me?" he inquired between sharp breaths. For once in his life, John was afraid. Afraid of the powers of this man.

@theManCalledSting @Sheaon13
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Well you're obviously not a very good master of dying if you're still walking around." Nikita cracked a joke, poorly as her attention turned to the smoke "What is that?" She asked suspiciously

Hero Prinny frowns, searching around inside of his pack. "I dunno dood... Oh wait! I think I found the source of the smoke, dood!" He says, pulling a blowtorch out of his pack. "I must've accidentally set something in my pack on fire, dood."

"No. I don't." Said Isaac. "My father left on a top secret mission for the government and never came back and I don't know what happened to mother. It doesn't matter. We weren't close... Any friends that I did have moved on when I was gone for 3 years in a psych ward. If you're wondering why I was in a psych ward, all I'm going to say is it's a long story."

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno


"We're a top secret organization and needed to prevent alien technology from falling into the wrong hands. We have clean up/recovery crew to do just that. I'll send them out." Said the Commander. He radioed the Avenger and told them to get the cleaning crew ready. "Any where specific you want them?" Asked Jason. He then noticed the music. "Is that music your idea of celebration music or something?" He asked.

@Crenando @1stLt HChurch @LegoLad659
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MCU: Helicarrier

Renae can't help but straight up and stand a little taller with pride when multiple other in the room start reaping on this so called "Doctor." Their thoughts seem to agree with hers, just..Ya know, better expressed. She would add a few more points of her own to object what ridiculous things the Doctor is saying, but she holds her tongue. Enough has been said already, the point has been made, and there's no reason to go further. She still listens to the conversation, but she doesn't say a word.

As Renae takes a step back to stand a couple feet from Elijah again, who is silently watching the exchange from a little ways behind her, a cacophony of noise suddenly blasts through the ship. Both of the Spartans jump, lowering there bodies a little at the sudden noise and raising their rifles a bit. After a moment, their minds register it as music. Rather unappealing and really fucking loud music.

"What is this crap and why is it even playing? And why so goddamn loud?!" Elijah ponders to Ren over their private radio, like always, calmer now but still confused.

"Hell if I know. I'm just glad right about now that we have helmets on," Ren replies, peering around the walls and ceiling of the room. Then her eyes settle on the man who is apparently in charge of this whole operation, hoping maybe he will know how to shut it off.

@Crenando @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Warrior was a pro at interviews! He fancied himself an interview champion after appearing on Arsenio Hall!


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Gentleman turned his attention to Chief and with a smirk answered Chief's question "I gave you a damn good thrashing. The other man, who across reality is known as The Merchant saved you because he needs soldiers in a pointless war. You need to learn you manners but he needs soldiers." The Gentleman sighed and stepped away "Get down here." He muttered to himself "I cannot talk to this unmannerly brute any longer."

The Merchant appeared before Chief "He killed you. I brought you back because I need soldiers. There's a war coming."

"A war you'll lose." The Gentleman scoffed "He brought you back only to have you die at the hands of a tosser he wants you to fight."

@apoliseno @Barbas

MCU: Helicarrier

"No." Coulson repleid placing his fingers in his ears as he tried to shout over it "We don't have celebration music."

"And isn't crap..." Emma began, placing her fingers in her ears

"This is Chas and Dave." Both Emma and The Doctor spoke in unison. The Doctor drew his sonic screwdriver and pointed it upwards, turning the music down to a tolerable level. He smiled in response and continued to hold the screwdriver

"What are you doing now?" Stevenson asked in an annoyed tone.

"Tracking down the source. I think something's on your ship."

"And this was just a diversion? Who uses Chas and Dave as a diversion?" Emma asked, one part of her concerned about the possibility of an attack, the other enjoying the music.

Tesla took his fingers out of his ears "Thank God." He sighed in relief." The excess of loud music had been overwhelming. He walked towards the others "Right then. Allon-sy!" The Doctor shouted, pointing his screwdriver forwards

"We could just check the communications room." Tesla suggested, stopping The Doctor in his tracks "Oh, right." He muttered in response with a smile, walking down one of the corridors with his hands in his pockets

"Wrong way, Doctor." Emma said, causing The Time Lord to turn around.

Emma, Tesla, Coulson and two more SHIELD agents followed The Doctor as he reached the communications room, finding the white creature.

In the other part of the ship, Stevenson leaned over to the two Spartans "Keep this between you and me but I'm not sure if we can trust this Doctor." He whispered "If we're going to work together I think we need to keep an extra eye on him." He then turned towards Jason "By cleanup Coulson meant we checked up on the civilians and the state of the world. The Sycorax didn't leave anything behind. People are going to be asking a lot of questions. All of them directed at their leaders who will then direct the same questions at us. It's going to be a nightmare." Stevenson sighed, placing his face in his hands.


@1stLt HChurch @ryanpk200 @Crenando

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

"I sure hope so." Syeron replied to Revan's words with a shrug while the mercs, Valentine and the Resistance troops all began to gather gear, doing ammo checks and preparing themselves for the mission.

"My father died saving my mother." Connor replied to Isaac "That's also a long story." He leaned back from the table and quickly checked his own gear. Connor quickly led everyone to the roof of the base where four choppers were waiting.
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American Frontier 1790

"It's not enough to take out a Wendigo." O'Malley sighed with a tired look in his eyes "It'll come in handy though."

"Tell us what the bloody 'ell's goin' on. Now." Gregory snapped impatiently

"I said that something was protecting this fortress. A very old kind of magic." O'Malley replied, leading the two men deeper into the fortress. He led them to a door with two guards outside. The two saluted O'Malley and opened the door. The corridor led underground, with various lamps illuminating the darkened, stone corridor "The people who built this fort built it under orders from a powerful being to protect someone."

"A whole fort just for one bloke?" Gregory asked "Must've 'ad a lot of dosh on 'im."

"The men didn't do this for money, they did it out of fear." O'Malley explained bitterly. He continued to lead the two towards a door. To Gregory's surprise it was another corridor. One that didn't belong in this time period. As soon as the three men entered it, Gregory was instantly on guard.


MCU: New York

The Woman closed her eyes for several seconds, searching for a part of reality where she could examine Goku's skills when she saw O'Malley, Jotaro and Gregory step into the corridor. She clenched her fists angrily and turned to Goku "I actually have something in mind." She smiled, trying to hide her anger.

@LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke

"So... do any of you guys know how to use a ion blaster?" Rodimus asked the humans as he presented them weapons to use against Mindwipe, "But don't aim it at anyone without the words Mind or Wipe in their name," Rodimus paused and continued, "Oh and if they're not a Giant Metal Bat or sound like a vampire... don't shoot them either."
Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

Cadence took the ion blaster from Rodimus, examining it "Is it similar to a crossbow, or a black powder rifle? I've used both of those at least once."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2[/border]



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MCU: Helicarrier

When the music dies down to a comfortable level, the two Spartans sigh. That music wasn't like anything they would usually hear around UNSC bases and ships and such, and it sounded so old and outdated. Fits in with this setting, but still odd and unappealing. And, honestly, Ren and Elijah hardly ever intentionally listen to music anyway, so they don't have much of a liking toward it. To them, music seems like useless, distracting noise more than anything.

When the group of people walks off down a hallway to investigate why the music started, the Spartans track them with their eyes but keep their boots rooted. There's no reason for them to follow, really, so they'll just stay here.

As they stand there, growing used to the sound of the music, one of the officials from earlier leans toward them. They don't lean in themselves, but Ren and Elijah both peer down at him as he whispers his idea.

"I agree," Ren replies with a nod. "He's given us plenty of reason to be cautious around him, so watching him would be a good idea." Elijah simply nods at the man as well.

While the man talks to the other people left in the room, a question pops into Ren's head: who are these people anyway? What is their organization named, what are their soldier-like men called? What is the purpose of their establishment? She needs to know more about them, and now. So she'll just have to ask.

"Sir, I have some questions, if I may ask them," she starts. "They are about your organization here. What is it called and what is your purpose? Is this a branch of the military, maybe a special forces? And what are your ground forces called that were deployed to pick us up and out of the middle of the city? Also, what is your name, and rank of you have one?" She knows those are a lot of questions, but, hell, Ren is really curious about all of this and she needs answers. Elijah becomes intrigued as well, joining Ren is watching the man to await his answers.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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Isaac nodded and followed Connor. When they reached helicopters he went on the same one as Connor, and sat down. He tried to stay closer to the middle of the helicopter because his improvised went meant for range. When he sat down, his mask unfolded and covered his face.


"Oh. What about where the Orks attacked?" Asked the Commander to Stevenson. He then said in a sarcastic tone. "Lucky you. We didn't have to deal with anything like that." The Commander then heard the Spartans ask several questions. "I know your questions weren't directed to me, but I should introduce myself. My name is Commander Jason Walker. I command the Extraterrestrial Combat project or XCOM for short. Our purpose is to act as Earth's first and last line of defense in a alien invasion. We also study recovered technology to improve our own. I guess we would be special forces. Like you guys, we came through a tear.

@Some_Bloke @1stLt HChurch
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Hero Prinny sighs, putting the blowtorch back in his bag. It's not like it really mattered if anything in there caught fire, he could just steal more stuff! Priority number one was hiding out in the Stellar Graveyard until he could find a way out of the netherworld. Honestly, as long as he got away from Overlord Laharl he'd be fine. Still, something was bugging him. Something he couldn't quite put his flipper on at first, but quickly realized it. How had Nikita gotten to the netherworld?! After the last human invasion there was a barrier preventing humans from entering the netherworld without permission, or, well, just being straight up able to break through it, meaning that Nikita couldn't have gotten there through any normal means, so her ship shouldn't have gotten through... Unless there was some sort of special way she arrived in the netherworld? That, added to the fact that she knew nothing about Prinnies, made for quite the suspicious combination. Humans would definitely know about Prinnies, considering that Prinnies visited often, and Angels, well, they had Prinnies of their own. He shuffled a few of the things in his pack around, moving his explosives and machete's closer to the top, leaving the tank right under them. He didn't trust Nikita, but still, jumping to conclusions would just end up with him getting hurt or killed or worse. "Hey, dood, we should really get a move on. You see those floating star like things in the distance? They're the reason we call it the Stellar Graveyard, dood. We're pretty close to it now!" He says to Nikita, pointing off in the general direction of the Stellar Graveyard.

MCU: Helicarrier

The Doctor kept his hands in his pockets and took on step towards the white creature "Chas and Dave is a good choice, well when it's not at such a high volume." He smiled

"Who are you?" Coulson asked in a serious tone "How did you get on my ship?"

"Could be another tear." Tesla muttered

Stevenson sighed "I'm sorry. I was so caught up with the Sycorax and the Orks that I never explained this stuff to you. We are the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. SHIELD for short. It's our job to keep the planet safe from threats both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. The organization collapsed a few years ago but Coulson managed to build it back up. As for picking you up in the middle of the city, you stepped through a tear, a rip in the fabric of reality. Basically, a portal to another damn universe. That's what the Orks came through, it's what the Sycorax came through and it's what you came through. SHIELD's job at the minute is to investigate and contain. However, as you're smart and chose to cooperate instead of being giant dicks that's not going to be an issue."

Stevenson turned to the XCOM commander. After his comment about the Orks, Stevenson wanted to slap the man across the face but held back. It would shatter the alliance. "Watch your tone." He muttered in a grim tone "I lost twelve men to those cu**s." He sighed again, composing himself "Our scientists back at HQ are looking at the Ork technology right now. I'll let you know if they find anything useful."


Netherworld: Hero Prinny Universe

Nikita made one final scan of the area before following Prinny into the graveyard. Part of her expected the penguin to lead her into a trap, while she understood his urgency to escape the same part of her wondered if that was a ruse to steer her away from her ship. It would leave her with no means of escape apart from her armour itself and as she had never flown in it in front of Prinny there was no way of him knowing about that feature, unless he had seen such armour before.

Prinny had claimed to be a demon, after all. That was enough to set Nikita on edge.

@Some_Bloke "I like your confidence, human! Reminds me of me... so as a Sign of greatness, I give you this!" Rodimus offers Constantine a Rodimus Star. "A Rodimus Star! The Human Female has two of those! You should feel honored, very rarely does an organic gets presented a Rodimus Star! Wear it with pride!"
Marvel Comic Universe




@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

Cadence had no idea what that meant, but she figured she'd find out in time. She held the Ion Blaster and examined it for a few moments to make sure she understood how it worked as best she could.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



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Helicarrier/New York City-MCU

Arrow: Another tear opened in close proximity to the two Spartans and Agent Stevenson. Out of the tear came a man in a somewhat armored green hooded outfit with a quiver on his back full of arrows and a bow in his left hand with several pointed flachette darts and a variety of other darts in more than a few places on his outfit. Under the hood, Oliver wore a similar green mask over his eyes, which were quickly darting around the room. With pretty amazing speed, he had two arrows knocked in the bow with both pointed at the two armored figures. He was confused, which he didn't even attempt to hide. Could they be some new H.I.V.E goons? Their weapons and armor looked hi-tech, so it fits. He was glad one of his arrows was outifitted with an EMP device.

"Who are you? Are you H.I.V.E? Did you bring me here?" the emerald-clad archer questioned.

Goku: Eager at the chance to start his work for this woman to get back to his home and training routine, Goku caught the woman's smile as a sign that she knew somewhere he could be of use.

"Just tell me where! I'm ready to get started," the Saiyan said.



Kuro: The young Huntsman-in-training graciously accepted the rather unwieldy weapon, but pondered its compatibility with his own fighting style. He looked back up at the Rodimus...guy? Robot? Whatever. He was giving a badge of some sort to the man with the weird accent, who said he'd rather use magic. This place was full of weirdos.

"Uh...Rodimus...sir," he started, "would there be any way to combine this "ion blaster" with my weapons? I don't mean to insult it, but I'd feel much more comfortable with my own weapons."


Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: John was now thoroughly confused, worried, and scared. This man said that he had...killed him, yet he stood on the ground. It was then explained that the man with the monocle's companion, whom he called The Merchant, had brought him back in order to fight in a war. Trying to ignore the other man's comments about it being a pointless war against foes that could kill him, he was now back into a realm he understood...somewhat.

"What...what kind of war? Did the Covenant cause it?"

Hero Prinny sighs, staring up at the star like things in the sky. "It's weird, dood. After over ninety two thousand years of demons trying to figure out what those things are, we still haven't figured it out, dood. They aren't stars, but at the same time they are. It's really confusing, dood." He mutters, walking straight into a boulder because he hadn't been paying attention. "Anyway, back on topic, dood! We need to stick around here for a while, dood, at least until Overlord Laharl finds us. If we can lure a bunch of pissed of demons towards him, he's sure to get distracted, dood! Meaning we can make a break for it, and get back to your ship, dood! Then, you can get me the hell out of the netherworld, dood, so I don't have to worry about Laharl killing me for running away!"
MCU: Helicarrier

"Both of your organizations actually sound similar to ours, except for some specific details," Ren replies to the the SHIELD man and the other one who spoke. "And our job is to protect humanity, not harm it, so we didn't really feel that it would have been right to attack your men who brought us here," she adds to the SHIELD official in response to his comment about them being smart about cooperating. "We have no want to harm other people if they give us valid reasons to believe that they will not harm us."

"Also, since I believe you guys might like to know," Elijah cuts in, making Ren look up at him, "we are soldiers from the United Nations Space Command, or the UNSC. The UNSC is the first line of defense that any human has against beings that may harm them, especially on Earth. Even if that harm is other humans. And my friend here and I are dedicated soldiers known as Spartans. More specifically, Spartan Fours, formerly Spartan Threes, and the strongest and most advanced soldiers the UNSC has to throw at any enemies of the human race. My name is Elijah-B023, or just Elijah, while hers-" he gestures to Ren at his side "-is Renae-B207."

"You can call me Ren," Renae adds to the end. "And if you would like to know more information about us and the military organization we come from, just ask."

As Ren finishes talking, a tear suddenly opens inside the very room that the small group is standing in. Worried that something dangerous could come through, Ren and Elijah are facing the opening with their rifles cocked in a second. They are glad they do that, too, because the man that drops out quickly arms his own bow with two arrows. Granted, the two Spartans have firearms with actual bullets while this person just has a couple arrows, so it's obvious about who would win here if a fight were to break out, but the Spartans are still cautious about the man. Very cautious, because they don't know his abilities yet. Especially when he starts yelling at them in particular, about who they are and if they are a part of this "hive," and if Ren and Elijah were the ones that brought him here. Both Spartans loosen a little at that, confused.

Trying to get the guy to calm down, Elijah broadcasts to him, "What are you on about? We know nothing about anything you just mentioned, and we don't even know you! We mean no harm to you, really. Unless you mean harm to us, of course, then we will gladly shoot the shit out of you."

"Hey, now, be a little friendlier, would ya?" Ren tells her friend without looking away from the newcomer, jabbing Elijah with her elbow. Elijah just glances at her for a moment, grumbling, before locking his visor back onto this potentially hostile man.

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny sighs, staring up at the star like things in the sky. "It's weird, dood. After over ninety two thousand years of demons trying to figure out what those things are, we still haven't figured it out, dood. They aren't stars, but at the same time they are. It's really confusing, dood." He mutters, walking straight into a boulder because he hadn't been paying attention. "Anyway, back on topic, dood! We need to stick around here for a while, dood, at least until Overlord Laharl finds us. If we can lure a bunch of pissed of demons towards him, he's sure to get distracted, dood! Meaning we can make a break for it, and get back to your ship, dood! Then, you can get me the hell out of the netherworld, dood, so I don't have to worry about Laharl killing me for running away!"
"Any ideas on how we lure the demons without getting caught in the crossfire?" Nikita asked suspiciously, was this a trap Prinny was setting up or was this genuine? She decided to go along with the plan he had in mind, but would continue to remain on guard around the penguin.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Constantine examined the Rodimus star, seeing the smug face of the same robot who had handed it to him. He nodded at the robot and put it in one of his pockets "I'll need to keep that safe." He lied.


Unknown: American Frontier 1790

The Woman appeared before the three men with the snap of her fingers with a look of anger in her eyes.

"O'Malley." She muttered with spite in her voice. Her Texan accent started to fade, being replaced with a voice of pure anger and spite "I thought I told you not to set foot in here."

"Unless I found someone who might be able to help..." O'Malley muttered, stepping back with fear in his eyes "Please..." He muttered

The Woman studied Jotaro and Gregory with her eyes as Gregory reached for his revolver.

MCU: Helicarrier

Stevenson drew his pistol and aimed it at Arrow. "Stand down!" He ordered in an angry tone "Put the bow down and get on the ground, now!" After the events of the past day Stevenson wasn't about to take any chances.

@apoliseno @1stLt HChurch

On the other side of the Helicarrier Tesla heard commotion from down the hall and left the investigate, seeing Stevenson and the two Spartans raising their weapons at Arrow. The Doctor took another step towards the white creature that had called itself Temmie "I don't think these people will let you." He gestured to Coulson before taking another step. He knelt down to Temmie's height "I'm the Doctor, are you alright?" He asked


MCU: New York City

"If this thing starts infecting people it'll turn into a code red scenario." The female agent explained

"There it is!" Another agent shouted, spotting the Bane flying in through the window of a nearby building. The same building Sans had walked into. The car stopped immediatley and all of the agents stepped out, leading River inside.

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"I wish it was the Covenant." The Gentleman sighed

"It is a war that could consume all of reality." The Merchant explained in a grim tone
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Any ideas on how we lure the demons without getting caught in the crossfire?" Nikita asked suspiciously, was this a trap Prinny was setting up or was this genuine? She decided to go along with the plan he had in mind, but would continue to remain on guard around the penguin.

Hero Prinny frowns. "...Good question, dood. Well, the demons around here REALLY hate Laharl, dood. If we could lure them to Laharl, they'd probably forget all about us, dood! Luring Laharl to the demons, on the other hand, well...Let's just say we'd die before we could pull that off, dood."

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