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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

MCU: New York City

The Woman snapped her fingers and conjured a file, handing it to Goku. Inside was an image of Deadpool's face.

"I need you to kill this man. He's dangerous and has killed hundreds of people. He's currently on a rampage and I need him stopped."

With a snap of her fingers, The Woman teleported Goku across reality while she appeared before Jotaro and Gregory.

Deadpool: Unknown Universe

"Unknown? Like those assholes that just run around nerfing people? Or at least that's what they did in the last RP." Deadpool asked himself as he fell through a convenient tear. "Was I in that RP?"

"I do believe an alternate version of you was, a shitty version." The Yellow box replied

"How could there be a shitty version? It's me we're talking about here!"

"X-men Origins..." The Yellow box sighed

"Hey! We don't speak of that ever!" Deadpool snapped, drawing a pistol and aiming it at his own head, trying to threaten the voice.

Deadpool rubbed the back of his head and looked around, seeing that he was near a fancy house. Rather than describe the house, the writer simply posted an image because he is a lazy git.


Deadpool reached into his back pocket and took out a scrunched up piece of paper, examining it closely. He glanced over at the house several times and approached it, knocking on the door.

"Mr Shamalamadingdong?" Deadpool asked as the door opened. Again, as the writer is a lazy git he decided to just post an image instead.


"Yes." The director replied

Deadpool drew one of his swords and stabbed the director in the chest.

"That's for Last Airbender." Deadpool spoke in a bitter tone, anger in his eyes. Before the director could reply Deadpool stabbed him again "That's for Lady in The Water! Not even I knew what the hell was going on in that movie!"

"Well, you see the Narf..." Shyamalan tried to explain only to be stabbed a third time.

Deadpool stepped away, admiring his work only for Shyamalan to laugh in response

"WHAT THE TWEST!" Shyamalan shouted as all of his wounds started to heal. In response Deadpool lunged forwards, decapitating the director. Even without his head, the director continued to laugh at the merc with the mouth.

"Wait!?" Deadpool shouted, placing his hands against his head "Is Shamalamadingdong politically incorrect?!"

"I don't know." The Yellow box replied

"You're meant to know these things!" Deadpool snapped, kicking the head of M Night Shyamalan into a conveniently placed wood chipper in response. "Oh...That took care of him."

"Who's next on our list?" The Yellow box asked

Deadpool pulled the list out of his pocket and examined it again. He pulled out a pencil and crossed out Shyamalan's name which was at the bottom. The following names remained:

Keenen Ivory Wayans

Steve Carr

Gavin Hood

Joseph McGinty Nichol

The Wachowski Brothers

Sam Taylor-Johnson

Marc Forster

Uwe Boll

"Wait, brothers?" Deadpool asked himself "Isn't that transphobic or something? I don't want to offend both Indians and transexuals in my opening post. Help me Yellow Box man!"

As the merc with the mouth struggled with political correctness, Goku was teleported not too far away from Deadpool.

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Marvel Comic Universe





"awW... tem... doesN'T GeT To fly sPACEship?" Temmie asked, looking downtrodden for a few moments before perking up again "is oki, tho! teM understan. anD TEm get to see CUTe HUmanz, annyway." She replied, smiling at the Doctor and patting him on the head "hyoomiNZ... SuCH a cuTE!" She beamed.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​




[border]@Some_Bloke @TrueBananaz

"We must destroy it as quickly as possible!" River said as she drew an arrow and followed the SHIELD agents inside. The longer it stayed alive, the greater chance it had of infecting more people, or worse, corrupting somebody.[/border]





Sans didn't really know why, but he decided not to use a shortcut to get to the top of the building. He liked the scenic route anyway, heading up to the top on foot. Well, it was nice, anyway, until a glowing, purple bird-like creature burst in through the window "huh. that's weird." He said to himself as the creature started to attack the Humans nearby "doesn't seem to like people."

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Rodimus transformed into his alt mode, "Okay, since nobody else want the ion blaster, I'm keeping it... All right gang! We've got a giant metal bat to take down!" he said as he drove off only to return with a door open, "Blonde Human Female, hop in the other two try and hold on to my vehicle mode... only have space for one..." @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @apoliseno
"Watch your tone?" Thought the Commander. "I don't really see what I did to deserve that comment." He just shrugged it off and then asked. "Could I get a sample of the Ork tech sent to my ship? Having more people research it will get things done faster." He turned to the Spartans. "I don't have any questions, but some of my scientists would probably like to ask some questions. Now that there's an alliance, they probably be over here at some point." He then saw the new arrival come through a tear, and the Commander aimed his sniper rifle at his head. "Stand down." He ordered.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno @1stLt HChurch
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MCU: Helicarrier

Emma snickered in response to Temmie's reaction as The Doctor quickly scanned the creature with his sonic screwdriver "Don't worry, just a quick scan..." He examined the screwdriver "Well, at least I know you haven't brought anything on board with you." The Doctor muttered, turning to Temmie again with a smile "Sorry. Had a few run ins with some bad people."

"So forgive us for being overly-cautious..." Coulson stepped forwards

"Could you keep the music down? Just a little bit?" The Doctor asked

"Just who are you and how did you get on my ship?" Coulson asked


On the other side of the Helicarrier Stevenson raised his gun to Arrow's head "I won't ask you again! Under direct order of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division I order you to drop you bow and get on the ground with your hands behind your head!"

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @1stLt HChurch

MCU: New York

The SHIELD agents immediatley opened fire on the bird-like creature as it flew towards them with their night-night guns in an attempt to bring it down. They had not taken notice of Sans due to their focus being directed on the creature.

theManCalledSting said:
Rodimus transformed into his alt mode, "Okay, since nobody else want the ion blaster, I'm keeping it... All right gang! We've got a giant metal bat to take down!" he said as he drove off only to return with a door open, "Blonde Human Female, hop in the other two try and hold on to my vehicle mode... only have space for one..." @LegoLad659 @Some_Bloke @apoliseno
Constantine rolled his eyes "Bloody marvelous." He muttered sarcastically, holding onto Rodimus.
San Francisco:Terminator Universe

As the helicopters carrying Isaac, Connor, Valentine and the others flew forwards three trucks, both with laser cannons attached drove ahead. They were carrying the "big guns". Within several meters of the Skynet building an HK tank opened fire. It hit the truck in the middle, causing it to explode. A quick scan found that the truck was empty. As the tank turned to face the second truck it was struck from below by a bomb thrown into it's tyers. Another bomb struck the tank in the side, taking out one of it's cannons. A Resistance soldier winked at the tank before diving for cover as it opened fire.

Upon hearing the commotion outside, four more HK tanks were deployed. As one opened fire on the second truck it rammed into the tank before exploding, catching the machine in the blast. The third tank turned it's attention to the final truck and opened fire. Seeing the laser bolts flying towards the truck Syeron quickly jumped from it and lunged at the tank, slicing it in two with a lightsaber blast. She turned her attention to the others and shot them a playful smile.

"Those anti-aircraft guns aren't going to take themselves out!" She shouted as the final tank turned it's attention to her.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200
MCU: Helicarrier

Renae and Elijah register all that happens around them between the moment the man first appears and to the present, for they are very watchful, but they don't make a move to do anything. Even when the other people in the room draw their weapons and the SHIELD officer steps up to the man, the Spartans still stand where they are. They hardly move at all, focusing their full attention on the man so, in case he makes a move to harm any of them, they can move as quick as they can to keep any harm from being inflicted upon themselves and their new allies. So they simply stand there, silent and stiff, staring straight at the new man with their rifles raised and ready.

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200

A man appeared in the driver seat of Rodimus' alt mode, he was Rodimus' Holomatter avatar, he looked a bit like Judd Nelson.

"And you, female... What's your name?" asked Rodimus through his avatar. "I like to know who's been riding on the passenger's side..."
Marvel Comic Universe




@theManCalledSting @apoliseno

"My name's Cadence." Cadence told Rodimus, watching the person appear next to her. A lot of things about this guy were really odd to her, but she just kinda shrugged it off at this point. Lots of things were screwed up about this, might as well just roll with it.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



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Hero Prinny suddenly jumped. He thought he heard something, but it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. Unfortunately for him though, if he had actually heard something, it would have been the zombie that suddenly burst out of the ground behind him. He pulled a machete out of his pack. "Nikita, dood, we'd better start running." He says, not taking his eyes off of the zombie, who seemed to, at the moment, be a bit disoriented.

MCU: Helicarrier

"I believe you." The Doctor reassured Temmie "I don't know how to get you back home yet. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"You can stay with SHIELD until we figure that out." Coulson replied "Just don't touch anything." Coulson warned "A lot of this stuff is really dangerous."

"We'll figure it out eventually." Emma reassured Temmie "We always do." She approached Temmie and knelt down next to The Doctor "My name is Emma. Nice to meet you."

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Arrow: After seeing all of the weapons drawn on him, Oliver figured he wouldn't be fighting his way outta this one. He slowly put the string back up and removed the arrows, placing them in his quiver. He then dropped the bow and held his hands up. He wished Diggle or Thea could give him some backup right about now. Maybe even Barry would be nice. He just gave a glare at the g-man looking guy holding a gun to his face and pondered what the two future-looking people said. They had said they didn't know anything about H.I.V.E, but they looked like they should. He needed to get out of here and back to his "Arrow Cave."

@1stLt HChurch @Some_Bloke

M. Night Shamalan's House-Deadpool Universe

Goku: After the woman had told him to kill a guy in a red and black suit because he was very dangerous, Goku didn't even get to ask what he had done before she teleported him somewhere. He looked around with with wide eyes only to have them rest on the guy from the picture. He didn't look so tough. Maybe Goku could talk him down instead of killing him, make him stop doing whatever it was that made him such a threat. He walked towards the man.

"Hi!" the Saiyan said in a friendlyish tone. "So, I've heard that you could be a pretty big threar to somebody, and I'm here to stop it. Hopefully we can talk this out because I don't wanna kill anyone."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I run from nothing." Nikita started, taking a defensive stance as she stared down the zombie "Get behind me Prinny." She commanded. Due to it's appearance she assumed this creature was some kind of zombie, something the Archivists had told her about. In most cases it was simple to kill one. Destroying the brain of removing the head. She waited for the zombie to make it's move.

Hero Prinny shakes it's head. "Trust me, dood, we want to leave this one alive. These things HATE overlord Laharl, dood. Besides, we can't kill it, or...injure it, dood. Zombies down here are a type of demon, dood. Even if you take the head clean off, or smash it to pieces, it just reforms, dood. You'd need to kill it with magic or fire, dood, only one of which I can actually do. We should run though, dood."
Marvel Comic Universe




@theManCalledSting @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

On the way to the city, Cadence made sure she had a firm grip on the Ion Blaster. She or may not know how it works, but she wanted to make sure it was in a position where she could use it well.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodymus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



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JackOfHearts said:
Hero Prinny shakes it's head. "Trust me, dood, we want to leave this one alive. These things HATE overlord Laharl, dood. Besides, we can't kill it, or...injure it, dood. Zombies down here are a type of demon, dood. Even if you take the head clean off, or smash it to pieces, it just reforms, dood. You'd need to kill it with magic or fire, dood, only one of which I can actually do. We should run though, dood."
"Who is Overlord Laharl?" Nikita asked suspiciously "Answer my question and I will spare this creature." She threatened. With Prinny and this new world Nikita had arrived in Nikita had more questions than answers. With every step she took deeper into this world even more questions were raised. She was growing tired of not knowing what was going on, of this world contradicting what she had been taught.

MCU: Helicarrier

"Who the hell are you?" Stevenson asked Arrow in a threatening tone

"Enough." Tesla muttered, stepping in "You have stepped through a tear in the fabric of reality." Tesla explained in a calm, clear tone. "I did the same, as have these two." He gestured to the two Spartans behind him "What's your name?" He asked

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Who is Overlord Laharl?" Nikita asked suspiciously "Answer my question and I will spare this creature." She threatened. With Prinny and this new world Nikita had arrived in Nikita had more questions than answers. With every step she took deeper into this world even more questions were raised. She was growing tired of not knowing what was going on, of this world contradicting what she had been taught.

Hero Prinny sighed. "Ruler of the netherworld, dood. He's a really good guy, but tries to act like a villain, dood. Of course, when Prinnies try and run away he has a tendency to hunt them down and...painfully bring them back, dood. Down here, Prinnies are nothing more than servants to more powerful demons, dood. We're treated like shit. We don't have time for this, dood."
apoliseno said:

M. Night Shamalan's House-Deadpool Universe

Goku: After the woman had told him to kill a guy in a red and black suit because he was very dangerous, Goku didn't even get to ask what he had done before she teleported him somewhere. He looked around with with wide eyes only to have them rest on the guy from the picture. He didn't look so tough. Maybe Goku could talk him down instead of killing him, make him stop doing whatever it was that made him such a threat. He walked towards the man.

"Hi!" the Saiyan said in a friendlyish tone. "So, I've heard that you could be a pretty big threar to somebody, and I'm here to stop it. Hopefully we can talk this out because I don't wanna kill anyone."
"Deadpool universe?" Deadpool asked "If this was my universe all the movies would star Ryan Reynolds and every family would recieve a free unicorn. Reynolds is the second sexiest man alive, next to me of course." Deadpool admired himself in a hand mirror that seemed to come from nowhere. He quickly tossed it to the side and stared down Goku, a Saiyan warrior less sexy than him "I'm a pretty big threar to someone?" Deadpool asked "Never heard that one before."

"Could it be a mistranslation in the dubbing?" The Yellow box suggested

"Of course!" Deadpool slapped the side of his own face "Well, Goku you see I'm kinda on an important mission to save the Multiverse." Deadpool explained as he began to walk towards the Saiyan "So why don't you get out of my way before I do to you what James Wong did to your franchise?"

"Is your mission that important?" The Yellow box asked

"OUR mission." Deadpool snapped "Don't forget, you're along for this ride too. WAIT!" Deadpool placed both hands on his head "James Wong! I forgot to add him to the list. I'm going to chop off his Dragon Balls."

Marvel Comic Universe




@theManCalledSting @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

Cadence stepped out of the vehicle, looking around and keeping an eye on their surroundings in case Mindwipe was nearby. She kept her guard up, paying attention to the music in case it changed and she had to compensate for it.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodymuus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



Ē̟͓̦͔̞̭̣̯ͦͨͤ̐̓ͩͮ̐ͧ͢Ŗ̶͍̰̯̰͙̹̞͉͚͖͈͈̫̱̠̺̩̺̦ͭͯ̋͛͋̏̚͠͞Ṟ̵̷̣̘̗̫̺̠̩͕̪̞̀̎̓ͪ̚͡͝Ö̡́ͯ͊ͬ̎̆͋ͩ́ͭ̈҉͙̙̞̲͍̣̕ͅR̅͂̆͛ͥ͆͑ͭͮ̆ͧ͛̋̒͂͆ͨ͝҉̕͘҉̮̞̭̰͈͓̺͍͍̩̜͙͖̺ ̬̞̮͉̠̖̭̻͍̹̺͈̥̟͙͆ͧ̎̿ͦ͘͡Ş̸͇̪̘̤̘͙̼͚̫̟͍͈̜̮̇͊͆͗ͬ͠ͅͅA̵̺̜̪̺͉̖̦͑̎̾̓̾ͦ̾ͥ̕Nͯ̒̂ͧ̈́ͤͣͩͥͮ̈ͦ̄̆̚҉̵̨҉͈͖̝̯Ṣ̳̟̬̳ͣͮ̒̓̎ͦͪ̈́̋ͬ́̇͐̇̚͢ͅ: DISGAEA UNIVERSE

Error was...angry, to say the least. He'd been in the middle of attempting to destroy yet another accursed Glitch Universe, only to get thrown through a tear that had appeared out of nowhere by a rather pissed off Glitch Universe Asgore. Now he was in freefall above the Stellar Graveyard. After about five seconds he landed straight on top of Hero Prinny. "W̸͡҉̷́h̴̶͘át҉̨ ̸̕͟͡t̨̡͡h̢͘͜e̵̛͢͠ ̛͏̕͞h̴͞͞e҉̕͏l̴̢̀̀͘l̕҉̸͡?̕͢͡.̷̵̶.҉̷.̸̨͟" He mutters, laying on top of Hero Prinny and glancing at Nikita and the nearby zombie. "W̷̨̧̕͞ḩ҉͏e͘͝ŕ͠é̷̛͞ ̕͠҉̸͠t̨̨̀́h̶̡e͏̸̨͟ ҉͞f̛͘ù̴̢͢͞c̵͡k̴̶̵̨ ͡a̴̸m̷̷͝͡ ҉͞I̴̵̛?̕͞!̵̧"


Hero Prinny stayed completely silent for a few seconds before starting to yell a string of profanities and insults directed towards Error Sans.


M. Night Shamalan's House-Random


Goku: Cocking his head to the side with and eyebrow up making a "huh?" sound, Goku was thoroughly lost. What in the world was this guy talking about? And what about cutting off someone's dragon balls? Maybe it would be best to knock him out and bring him to the woman so she can deal with him. He disappeared momentarily and reappeared right in front of him, throwing a powerful punch at his head.

"Sorry, sir, but I gotta do this."


Weird Hallway-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: After seeing the strange woman just appear out of thin air in the hallway, Jotaro sent Star Platinum at her with a punch to her face, thinking she is some sort of creature.
MCU: Helicarrier

When the man finally surrenders and retracts his weapons, the Spartans lower their weapons as well. Although, due to how hesitantly he surrendered, they still want to be very cautious with this man that looks like he could easily snap and cause trouble.

As the other two men in the room converse with the new guy, the Spartans actually relax a bit. As always, they still watch the guy, but they are more relaxed about it.

When the man gives his name, Elijah scoffs silently. What type of name is that? It sounds ridiculous. He doesn't say a word, though, knowing to keep his mouth shut.

Renae doesn't, though. She can tell that the guy is giving a tough guy act, changing his voice a bit. Because, yes, she can tell from him speaking to them earlier that it is now different. That doesn't make her mad, though. It fact, it's kind of amusing, and it makes the guy seem less dangerous.

"Hey, tough guy," she says with a snarky but still moderately nice tone, "drop the act. Making yourself seem intimidating might not score you brownie points if you want to find friends here. We'd prefer to see the real you, not some faked bullshit."

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Disgaea Universe

"So you're slaves?" Nikita muttered in response to Prinny's words. As they started to sink in Nikita started to realise that if Prinny was telling the truth his odd behaviour made sense. As Error Sans appeared Nikita ignored the zombie and took a step towards him, aiming one of her energy cannons at the creature.

"Stand down." She commanded in a threatening tone.


San Francisco: Terminator Universe

Syeron and the Asari Commando pushed forwards alongside the other heavies, quickly tearing the anti-aircraft cannons apart. As Syeron deactivated her lightsaber she let out a sigh in relief, only to see an army of around two hundred Terminators approach from the left. In amongst their ranks were tanks, ariel units and even several T-800 and T-1000 units.

"Word of advice." The Asari Commando spoke "Never holster your weapon."

As the small army was occupied with the heavies, the helicopter carrying Connor, Isaac, Valentine and a few others landed on the roof. Connor quickly stepped out, placing an explosive charge that blew a hole in the roof big enough for the soldiers to enter.

"Next time, give us a bit of a head's up first." Valentine joked as he drawed his laser revolvers and followed Connor.


Hallway: American Frontier 1790

The Woman kept her hands by her side as she allowed Star Platinum to punch her. The blast knocked The Stand back and into Jotaro.

"Boys." She sighed, trying to hide her anger "In this corridor is something I hold dear and wish to protect. Following this old fool of a general was a mistake.

"How the 'ell were we meant to know that?" Gregory asked angrily, holstering his revolver "All I wanted to know was what's going on 'ere. Tell me and we'll bugger off. Corridor looks like something from The Shining anyway and I don't want to be murdered by good ol' Jack."

The Woman clenched her fists and ran at Gregory, holding him into the air by the throat "Fine." She muttered bitterly, dropping him at her feet "Let's talk.
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