The Mad Queen
Memento Mori. Unus Anus
M. Night Shymalan's House-Random Universe
Deadpool took Goku's fist to the stomach with full force. He clutched his stomach and threw up all over Goku's shoes "My breakfast! My beautiful breakfast! " He shouted "That took me half an hour to make you jackass!"
"What did you have for breakfast?" The Yellow box asked
"I dotdotdot I don't remember. That scene wasn't in this RP. Who wants to see me actually eat breakfast? What would that accomplish for the story?!"
Deadpool took Goku's fist to the stomach with full force. He clutched his stomach and threw up all over Goku's shoes "My breakfast! My beautiful breakfast! " He shouted "That took me half an hour to make you jackass!"
"What did you have for breakfast?" The Yellow box asked
"I dotdotdot I don't remember. That scene wasn't in this RP. Who wants to see me actually eat breakfast? What would that accomplish for the story?!"