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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

M Night. Shyamalan's House: Random Universe

"No you don't!" Deadpool snapped as the punch sent him flying through one of the walls of Shyamalan's house. "The person who sent you to kill me is using you, Goku dotdotdot I think." The merc with the mouth quickly steadied himself.

"What are you doing?" The Yellow box asked

"Isn't it obvious?" Deadpool replied "I can't kill Goku. He has one of the strongest abilities of all. I'm not talking about Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan or how he's able to keep his hair like that. I'm talking about his popularity. The same reason I've never been able to kill old Loggie."

"You're a popular character too." The Yellow box explained "Conventions, comic books, a videogame and a movie franchise. You're already at the stage in popularity where the internet is shipping you with both Dean Winchester and Elsa."

Deadpool rubbed the side of his head and drew his katanas, stepping outside of Shyamalan's house to stand up to Goku.

"Oh shit...This is going to suck." He muttered under his breath. He pointed one of his katanas as Goku before charging forwards yodeling triumphantly.

@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659 @apoliseno

"How about we look for some arena... seems like the kind of place large enough for Mindwipe to have his hostages hang around..." suggested Rodimus as another voice was heard from behind them.

"Actually... They're at the town plaza..." said a raggedy looking man, "I think your big metal bat 'friend' just declared himself king of the city..."

"Mindwipe's no friend of mine... Doc'..." replied Rodimus.

"Figure of speech, my captain... Mindwipe's got the entire populace under some sort of hypnotic signal... Nothing new for me, but something a bit off... his hypnotic signal was never to this level..." replied the man.
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Temmie nuzzled into Emma as she hugged her "oOH! TeM SHop selL... TEMMIE FLAKES!" She answered the Doctor "temmie flakes... BEST FOOD!"

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"So..." Carol started, while Emma and the Doctor talked with Temmie "Is anyone else worried about how many of these tear things are showing up on this ship?"

"If they're showing up so frequently in this universe, I can only imagine the chaos that's happening in others..." Lilac said.


Mood: A bit worried.

Condition: Alright.

Location: With Temmie! (^.^)




"i'm from snowdin." Sans replied "it's a nice little place on the west end of the underground, near the ruins."

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Ȩ͟͝Ŗ̵̷͜R͢͜O̴̡̕͘͡R̵͟ ̷̸̡̢́S̷͘͢͝A͟͏̷͘Ń̴̸͢͏S̛҉̴̢

Error hopped up off of Hero Prinny, who was still yelling out insults. "̸̧́͡H̨̧e҉̸̛ý̸̷̧ ̶p͠҉̧͝͝a̴͢͜l̴̡̧͘͝,̸̶̡̛͝ ̷t́̕a̸͜͢͝k̵̕͜e̸͞ ̶̢́͢͡i̵͜t̨̀͞ ̷̛͘͟e̕͞a̷̢͟s̷͞y̶͜҉́ ̢͢͡t͟͞h̢e̴͢r̸͝ȩ̵͘͡.̴̷̀͞"̴͜ He says, his speech broken and strange sounding. "̷̵N͡o̶̢ ̸̧̧n̸̢̛͘é͞͏̶͜e̛͢d̴͘͢҉͡ ̷̀͝f͜͏͜͠o͞҉͘͡r̢͠ ͘͘͞͝v̶̡̛̕͜i͏̴͠o̶̡ļ̵͢҉ȩn̸͟͠͝c̵̛̀͝è͢͞,̛ ̶́́͝Í̶̵'̀͜͞m̷̴̷̧̀ ҉̷͠͏͝ņ͏҉̕͠ò̶t̕͞͠͝ ̡̧̨̢h̢͜҉͟e͢͞͝͠ŗ̢e͢͏̧ ̸҉̶̵̧ţ̵͏ǫ̷͘͜ ̕͠h̸̵̛͝u̵͘͠r̴҉t͟҉ ̧̕͟͜͡a̶̧n͜y͝͠o͜͡n̛e̸̢͘͡.̀͠͝.̸̵͟͝.̸̴̢̕y̷̵ę͠͞t̛̕͠.̡̧"͝͞͏͟ He says while the zombie merely gave the group a confused stare.


Arrow: The people around Oliver began questioning his real identity, not even recognizing the name "Green Arrow" or his signature green hood. As they said earlier, he stepped through a portal into another universe. He most likely wouldn't be known here. He figured since there was no real harm in showing his face in a different universe, he removed his hood and lifted the mask from his eyes and let it rest on his forehead.

"My name is Oliver Queen, and I was...am," he corrected himself, "a vigilante. I protect my city by going places and doing things that the police can't."

@Some_Bloke @1stLt HChurch @Crenando (maybe Warrior is hanging out with Tesla?) @ryanpk200

Terminator Universe

Revan: Joining the young female Jedi in combat, Revan had assisted in taking down the anti-aircraft weapons. He turned his attention to the large oncoming force of "Terminators", as they'd been called, approaching. He wouldn't be able to call upon the Force to disable so many at once, but he could still tackle large portions at a time. He deignited his lightsabers and clipped them to his belt, then raised his hands into the air. His open hands crackled with light blue electricity, which grew into a large storm of Force Lightning that engulfed the front lines of oncoming Terminator units.

Hallway-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Since whatever happened to Stands happened to the users, Jotaro was knocked back down the hallway as Star Platinum faded away as it was knocked back. He landed with a thud on his rear and skidded a few feet before stopping, now flat on his back. That hurt a bit, and it hurt his pride. He hadn't even seen this chick move, but she knocked him down the hall. Maybe this was like the cargo ship and the hallway itself was a Stand. No, he hadn't seen anything in the hall move either. The weakness in the multiverse must've weakened his Stand to the point where it can be seen and touched by non-Stand users. He stood straight back up and dusted off his jacket, straightening his hat as well. Star Platinum reappeared behind Jotaro as he began marching right back at the woman, ready for round 2.

"Yare yare daze," he groaned, "that caught me off guard, bitch. You're gonna learn real quick that doesn't happen twice." Once he approached, Star Platinum grabbed the woman's wrist with the intent of breaking her arm.

M. Night Shyamalan's House-Unknown Universe (Can we just say Deadpool Movie verse?)

Goku: Seeing that his opponent is right back up and charging at him with two swords, Goku wasn't exactly unhappy about a fight, but he didn't really want to fight a guy who didn't even have a high power level. He turned Super Saiyan and dumped ki into his arms, like he did the first time he met Trunks from the future. He caught the two katanas on the tips of his fingers before backflipping and extending a leg, kicking Deadpool in the chin on the way.

JackOfHearts said:
Ȩ͟͝Ŗ̵̷͜R͢͜O̴̡̕͘͡R̵͟ ̷̸̡̢́S̷͘͢͝A͟͏̷͘Ń̴̸͢͏S̛҉̴̢
Error hopped up off of Hero Prinny, who was still yelling out insults. "̸̧́͡H̨̧e҉̸̛ý̸̷̧ ̶p͠҉̧͝͝a̴͢͜l̴̡̧͘͝,̸̶̡̛͝ ̷t́̕a̸͜͢͝k̵̕͜e̸͞ ̶̢́͢͡i̵͜t̨̀͞ ̷̛͘͟e̕͞a̷̢͟s̷͞y̶͜҉́ ̢͢͡t͟͞h̢e̴͢r̸͝ȩ̵͘͡.̴̷̀͞"̴͜ He says, his speech broken and strange sounding. "̷̵N͡o̶̢ ̸̧̧n̸̢̛͘é͞͏̶͜e̛͢d̴͘͢҉͡ ̷̀͝f͜͏͜͠o͞҉͘͡r̢͠ ͘͘͞͝v̶̡̛̕͜i͏̴͠o̶̡ļ̵͢҉ȩn̸͟͠͝c̵̛̀͝è͢͞,̛ ̶́́͝Í̶̵'̀͜͞m̷̴̷̧̀ ҉̷͠͏͝ņ͏҉̕͠ò̶t̕͞͠͝ ̡̧̨̢h̢͜҉͟e͢͞͝͠ŗ̢e͢͏̧ ̸҉̶̵̧ţ̵͏ǫ̷͘͜ ̕͠h̸̵̛͝u̵͘͠r̴҉t͟҉ ̧̕͟͜͡a̶̧n͜y͝͠o͜͡n̛e̸̢͘͡.̀͠͝.̸̵͟͝.̸̴̢̕y̷̵ę͠͞t̛̕͠.̡̧"͝͞͏͟ He says while the zombie merely gave the group a confused stare.
"I want that creature alive. Leave him untouched and we won't have a problem." Nikita threatened "By the direct order of a soldier of the Soviet Empire I demand that you identify yourself and stay out of our way. You are now interfering with Empire business. Something that is not tolerated in any part of the Multiverse."

MCU: Helicarrier

While The Doctor smiled at Temmie's words his expression changed to one of worry at Lilac's words. What of his own universe? What if certain enemies used the tears to return, to lay waste to the Earth he knew.

"I..I need to check on something." The Doctor muttered, trying to hide his fear before turning and walking away "Phil, where did your agents leave my ship?"

"The blue box?" Coulson asked "It's just downstairs." He then turned his attention to Lilac and Carol "It's not just on this ship. It's happening all over the world. That's why I'm setting up this joint task force."

Emma simply held Temmie. After the events of the past few hours she needed this.

The Doctor continued to walk through the corridors of the Helicarrier, the very thought of him not being there as his own Earth was invaded and destroyed by a threat from another universe filled his mind with worry. This world, this Earth was also home to the human race. Just as Pete's World was. In his absence, the Cybermen had used that world to stage a full scale invasion. Something that could happen to his own Earth in his absence.

On another side of the Helicarrier Stevenson finally began to lower his pistol "You remind me of a guy in Hell's Kitchen." He muttered "The police and the national guard can't be everywhere. That's why I joined SHIELD to begin with. We're not your enemy, Queen. You just happened to show up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Right when I was in a pissy mood. Today's been rough."

Stevenson extended a hand to Oliver as he offered him a handshake. He half expecting him to pull something. A vigilante was someone he could work with, but he knew how unpredictable they could be. There was another vigilante operating in Hell's Kitchen, one who while he was deemed too unpredictable by SHIELD was still on their radar.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @1stLt HChurch @LegoLad659 @Crenando

MCU: New York

"This is going to be difficult for you to hear but you've stepped through a gap in the fabric of reality. You are now in another universe." The female SHIELD agent explained "Do you remember how you got here? Was there a blinding flash of light or a portal of some kind?"

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

Seeing the force lightning set the young Jedi Syeron on edge. However, she quickly reminded herself of what she had heard about Revan and kept her concerns to herself. She lunged forwards, cutting down two T-600 units with a single swing of her lightsaber. The HK tank opened fire on the heavies, tearing the ground around them apart with their laser cannons with several shots. Syeron quickly deactivated her lightsaber and charged at the Asari mercenary, diving for cover behind a destroyed anti-aircraft gun.

"Do you have a plan?" The mercenary asked

"Not really. I tend to make these things up as I go along." Syeron shrugged, peering out of cover just as a laser blast flew past her head.

Inside the building Connor led Isaac, Valentine and the others down a long, empty corridor. He raised a hand in a fist position, indicating that the team stop. He knelt down, seeing the parts of a T-800 unit scattered on the floor.

"Were we late or somethin'?" Valentine asked, approaching Connor. The two men looked upwards, seeing that the corridor was covered in the scattered parts of other Terminator units. "Someone's been busy." Valentine muttered, turning his attention to an Eclipse merc "Could a Salarian, well our Salarian have done this?"

"No." Connor butted in, standing up "This is the work of another machine."

"What makes ya so sure?" Valentine asked

"Skynet's security system is designed to search and destroy human threats. An alarm would have been triggered. Whatever this machine is, it must have disabled the security system."

"Otherwise we'd be up in our necks to Terminators right now." Valentine added

theManCalledSting said:
@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659 @apoliseno
"How about we look for some arena... seems like the kind of place large enough for Mindwipe to have his hostages hang around..." suggested Rodimus as another voice was heard from behind them.

"Actually... They're at the town plaza..." said a raggedy looking man, "I think your big metal bat 'friend' just declared himself king of the city..."

"Mindwipe's no friend of mine... Doc'..." replied Rodimus.

"Figure of speech, my captain... Mindwipe's got the entire populace under some sort of hypnotic signal... Nothing new for me, but something a bit off... his hypnotic signal was never to this level..." replied the man.
"And who the 'ell are you supposed to be?" Constantine asked the raggedy man "If this Mindwipe wanker's growing in power he..." Constantine paused as he took another smoke of his cigarette "He's an idiot mucking around with powers he dosen't understand."

American Frontier 1790

The Woman stared at Star Platinum with anger in her eyes, gently pushing him away "Touch me, and your Stand will never touch anything again." She threatened Jotaro, turning her attention back to Gregory "I followed O'Malley in there 'cause I wanted answers. 'Ad no idea..."

"Just ask your questions and get on with it." The Woman sighed "Try to keep your friend in check, too."

"Just what the 'ell is going on?" Gregory asked impatiently

"Tears in reality are opening all across the Multiverse. Some world's haven't been hit yet but it's only a matter of time before they are." O'Malley explained grimly

"Thank you." The Woman smiled at the old general "Is there anything else I can do for you boys?"
apoliseno said:

M. Night Shyamalan's House-Unknown Universe (Can we just say Deadpool Movie verse?)

Goku: Seeing that his opponent is right back up and charging at him with two swords, Goku wasn't exactly unhappy about a fight, but he didn't really want to fight a guy who didn't even have a high power level. He turned Super Saiyan and dumped ki into his arms, like he did the first time he met Trunks from the future. He caught the two katanas on the tips of his fingers before backflipping and extending a leg, kicking Deadpool in the chin on the way.
"No." Deadpool replied as he hit the ground again "I'm the six-one-six merc with the mouth. Wait, why is it called the six-one-six universe to begin with?"

"The Watcher called it that." The Yellow box explained as the merc stood to his feet again.

"Hey!" Deadpool shouted angrily, pointing at Goku "Those katanas were expensive, blondie! They cost more than you pay for hair gel! Give them back or face the wrath of one million Superman fanboys!" He threatened, shaking a fist at Goku.

"Really?" The Yellow box asked

"It sounded better in my head." Deadpool shrugged
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I want that creature alive. Leave him untouched and we won't have a problem." Nikita threatened "By the direct order of a soldier of the Soviet Empire I demand that you identify yourself and stay out of our way. You are now interfering with Empire business. Something that is not tolerated in any part of the Multiverse."

Error Sans frowns, brushing off his jacket. "̧̕͢͏O̧̢͡͏͡h̶̡ ̧̕͘͠͠s̨͟͟h̴͞u̢̡͜͞͝t̵̡͜͟͝ ̶͏ú̷̷͜p̕͏̨҉͟.͏̸͢"̴̡͜ He mutters. "̶̀͢͡Į̶̴͞'̷̡̀̕͢m̕ ̡̡E̵̢Ŕ̶͘Ŗ̵̴̕̕O҉̶̷R̨͠.̷͞ ̷̡͝Q͏̵́͘͏u̡͡į̵́͞t̀͘͞ ̵̀́͡a͝͏c͏͟t̶̨͡i̸̴n҉̸͝҉͞ģ̷̕ ͟͞͡ļ̷̴͘ík̴͏e̸̡͞ ̨̡͠ỳ͟ơ̶̵̕͠u͘͡͞ ̴̴̢̧̡c̸͝҉̧͘a̴͠ń̀ ̵̡̛̀b̕ǫ͜͟ş̴̛̀s̷̸͢͝ ̧̢͘͘m͠͞ę̷̨́ ̶̨͟͜a̶̧̕͢r̸͡͠͏o̶̕͜͜u҉̵̵̢͠n͜͜d̢̧͏.̀͏͢͟"̴̕͡ He says angrily. The zombie came up behind him, attempting to bite a chunk out of his head, only to get blasted into nothingness by an Error Blaster from out of nowhere. "̨͠͠W̢̛e̸̛͡l͜l̡͏̨,̛̕̕ ̷t͝͡h͠͠a͏̵͜t̶͢҉ ̶̛ẁ̧a҉̧̛͜s̸̡ ̷͘͡u̵̡̡͘͞ń̵̕a͏̶͜͏v̴̨̢͝ò͢͟͏i̡̨͞d̸̴͘҉̛a͟͟b̶̴l̴̨͝ę̷̴͢͢!̨̛͜"̴̸

Isaac stepped off the helicopter and watched Connor plant the explosive. He then followed him into the building, and down the corridor, and saw the remains of the Terminators. "I keep thinking one of them going to start moving and try to spook me." Said Isaac. "Back from where I came from, I have learned to be wary around corpses." He then asked. "Have rouge Terminators ever been thing? Or is this a completely new machine?" Considering how dangerous this machine was, Isaac drew his biggest, most powerful, and heaviest weapon known as the Contact Beam. It was heavy enough to the point of Isaac leaning while holding it. "What ever is it, I'm ready for it." Said Isaac.

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JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans frowns, brushing off his jacket. "̧̕͢͏O̧̢͡͏͡h̶̡ ̧̕͘͠͠s̨͟͟h̴͞u̢̡͜͞͝t̵̡͜͟͝ ̶͏ú̷̷͜p̕͏̨҉͟.͏̸͢"̴̡͜ He mutters. "̶̀͢͡Į̶̴͞'̷̡̀̕͢m̕ ̡̡E̵̢Ŕ̶͘Ŗ̵̴̕̕O҉̶̷R̨͠.̷͞ ̷̡͝Q͏̵́͘͏u̡͡į̵́͞t̀͘͞ ̵̀́͡a͝͏c͏͟t̶̨͡i̸̴n҉̸͝҉͞ģ̷̕ ͟͞͡ļ̷̴͘ík̴͏e̸̡͞ ̨̡͠ỳ͟ơ̶̵̕͠u͘͡͞ ̴̴̢̧̡c̸͝҉̧͘a̴͠ń̀ ̵̡̛̀b̕ǫ͜͟ş̴̛̀s̷̸͢͝ ̧̢͘͘m͠͞ę̷̨́ ̶̨͟͜a̶̧̕͢r̸͡͠͏o̶̕͜͜u҉̵̵̢͠n͜͜d̢̧͏.̀͏͢͟"̴̕͡ He says angrily. The zombie came up behind him, attempting to bite a chunk out of his head, only to get blasted into nothingness by an Error Blaster from out of nowhere. "̨͠͠W̢̛e̸̛͡l͜l̡͏̨,̛̕̕ ̷t͝͡h͠͠a͏̵͜t̶͢҉ ̶̛ẁ̧a҉̧̛͜s̸̡ ̷͘͡u̵̡̡͘͞ń̵̕a͏̶͜͏v̴̨̢͝ò͢͟͏i̡̨͞d̸̴͘҉̛a͟͟b̶̴l̴̨͝ę̷̴͢͢!̨̛͜"̴̸
"Error." Nikita muttered under her breath as the zombie was destroyed. She didn't hold it against Error as he was defending himself, she would have done the exact same thing after all. "This universe is full of monsters, that is at least what my source tells me. In exchange for information about your universe I can get you out of here." She spoke in a serious tone

theManCalledSting said:
"I'm the Doctor... Just the Doctor... And to be honest Mindwipe has no idea what he's doing with the power he has, the last time I met him he though he was speaking to the dead... actually he was just picking up old radio signals..." The Doctor said.
@apoliseno @LegoLad659
"So he's pretentious and mental?" Constantine asked "Great. How do we kick this wanker in the bollocks?"

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

"We were able to reprogram a Terminator." Connor explained "But it's currently back at HQ being monitored."

"Maybe someone else reprogrammed another Terminator?" Max suggested "These pricks could have been caught off guard by one of their own."

"Maybe." Connor replied, leading the group onwards "Or maybe something came through one of those tears."

Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@theManCalledSting @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

"Can't we just bust the guy up with these and be done with it that way?" Cadence asked, holding up the Ion Blaster Rodimus had given her "It seems needlessly complicated to try and disable him when we could just destroy him outright."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



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M. Night Shymalamadingdong's House-Random Universe

Goku: After blocking Deadpool's, as the guy called himself, attacks, Goku flew up in the air and released his Super Saiyan form to return to his base form. While flying straight up, he shot a volley of energy blasts out of the palms of his hands at Deadpool, followed by a long beam of energy out of his right hand. He stopped midair and began charging up ki, holding his bent arms at his sides while the typical blue aura of energy surrounded him. He scowled down at the guy. He had a very low power level, so it was a very high possibility that this guy couldn't use ki. This fight wouldn't be that much of a challenge, which slightly disappointed the Saiyan, but at the same time he was glad it shouldn't drag out.

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: Not even paying the army of winged men with laser weapons any attention at the moment, John stepped towards the Merchant with a one-hand grip on his assault rifle, which he held at his side with the barrel pointing down. A war...that threatened the fabric of the multiverse. There was no way the Chief could turn that down or forget about it.

"If that much is at stake, then you can count me as an ally. What do you need me to do...uh...sir," the Chief said as he stood straighter. The man might look like a civilian, but he was the one recruiting Chief for this war, so John saw him as a commander...or something like that. He decided it was best to leave Kane for these guys.

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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Error." Nikita muttered under her breath as the zombie was destroyed. She didn't hold it against Error as he was defending himself, she would have done the exact same thing after all. "This universe is full of monsters, that is at least what my source tells me. In exchange for information about your universe I can get you out of here." She spoke in a serious tone

Error Sans smiles. "̷̶̨͟͟Y͜o̢͠u͢͠ ́ẁ̸͢à̸n͘͘t̡͘͝ ̕҉m̶̧̡̛̀e̶̷̡͢͜,̵̡ ̴̷̢͜͠É̷̸͢r͏̨҉̕r̷̨̕͜ớ̀ŕ̢̧̡ ̨͟͢͠S̵̵̶̕͞a̢̢n̨͠s̕̕͟͢͡,̶͢͡҉͝ ̀͢͠͏t̵̢̨͘͜ǫ̸̡͟ ̨͜͢͠t̷̛͟͡e̶̷̛͜͞l̷͞͝l̴̛͜҉ ͏y̨͢͜o̡͠u̴͟͜ ͡҉a̶͝b̡́͡͠o҉̧̕u̴͞t̨́̕͢͟ ̡̨͜M͟͞Y̨̛͢͏ ̵̧̀͠u̴̵̢n̛̛i̷͘͜͞v̶̢̢̧͡è҉͟r̀̀̀͘s̷̨͞e̸͘?̷̧̛̕ ͠͡Y̸҉̵̶e̢̧̛a҉̢́h̡̨,̷͘͢͠ ̸̷̛̀̕s̸͘͏̸o͢͡r̨͟r̸̢̡y̕ ̧̛́p̨̀̀͡a͏ĺ̴̸̵,̴͘͢͜ ͡҉̶b̸̢̀͘͠u͢͢͜͡͡t̕͡ ̡̀̕̕t̷̡̨͝h̶͞͝e̴̵͝͡r̸̨̢̛͞e̴̸ ͡à̧̨҉i҉̧͠͏ņ̵̀͠'̢̛͞҉̷t̴̴ ̧̨͢͠͠m̶̧̀͝u͏̡̧͏ç̴҉h̛̀́ ̸́͞͞t̡̨̀͡ǫ͢͝ ̡t̸̶̡è̸̡l̸̕͠l̵̢̨͜.̶̧͢͞ ̸҉̴͠͡I̶̕͟'̢̛͝l̡̀҉̷l̴̸ ͘̕͢͝a͏̷͢͡͝ń̢͘s̴̶̴̢͢w̴̛͝͝ę͏r̷ ̨̛a̸̛͟͠n̡҉͘͠y̧͝ ̶̶̡q͜͞u̶e̷͜͝s҉̢t̵҉̨i̧͞ò͞ǹ̢̕͜͡s̢͟͡͞ ̵͢y̷͜͠҉̀o͞͏́͜u̴̸̢͟ ̴́w̡̛͠͏͠a̡n̵҉́͢͢t̸̢͡͡,̸̵̛͢͟ ̸͠s͟͠҉o̷̢͢͏̶ ͡҉̸̡͢g̸͡҉͏͡o̷̧͘͝҉ ́͠a̴h̴͝ȩ͝͝a̡̕͟͝d̡̀͘͟.͟͠"̶̶͝ He says, tying Hero Prinny up with strange blue strings and lifting him into the air with the strings. "̶̵̕҉B̧͜ú͘͘͠u̷̸͜u͟͟͝u̸̧͟͡ư̧͘u͞͠t̨̛͟͟͜,̢͘͡҉͞ ̶̧̢́ì̴͢f̷͢ ̛̀͡͝͞y̷̴̕҉o͠u̷͢͝ ̴̧̡͘á̢͟s̸̡̀͢҉k̡̧ ̷̨m̵̀̕͝͡è̕͡ ̷̴͡͞a̷͜͜n͘͡͡y̨̧̕͘͠t̸̨̨h̴̨͏̢́í̵̧ń̨͠g̷̨̛͘͟ ̀͞ţ͟͜h̡̢͝a̵̷҉̡͘t̀ ̵̀̀͘I҉͜ ́͏͡͠d҉͢͠͝o̶̡n͏̸̡̢͟'́t̴̸͡ ̶̀͏͜l̵̛͝i̸̡҉̶̧k̸e͝͏̸,̴̀ ̸̨͞o͝͡͡r̕͠͞ ҉̷̢̢͡t͘͢͝r҉̨͏̷y҉͠ ͏̷̴̶̢t̵̷̵͢͞o͏̶͘͟ ̡́̀̀a͡͠͡͏t̕͢҉t̴͞a͟ć̷̢̛k̵͡ ̨́͘͜m̴̕͞͠ȩ̷̢̨,̨͟ ̛̕͠͡y̷̛͢͟ò̴̡͟͟ù̴̀͡r͟͠ ̸̀͡f̀͠r̸͞͏͠i͏̸̡e҉̡͏͜n̴̶̢͡d̡̧'͢s͏̡͠ ̶̨͝g͏̨̡͢͡o҉͢͡͡i̷̡̢n̨͝͝g̢ ̴̕t҉͞ơ̵͟͟͡ ͠h̸̡̡ą̵̧̛͞v̵̴̀͠҉ę͘ ͜͝a̸̸͡ ̕b̷͞ą̀̕͢d͢͝͞ ̸̧́͏t̵̨̨i̸̛͢͟͏ḿ̴̸̴͟ę̶̴́͞.̨͟͏̷̛ ̷͡T̡͡h͏̢͢͞í͝͡n̷͢k̴̸͢ ̢̡͘͘͡ó̶̡͝f̴̕ ̢̀̕͟ì̴̀͝͝t̶ ̴̀͝ĺ̡̀͞͠i̶͘͞͏k҉̸è̡̨͘͡ ̵̨̧͜a̕͡n̕͟ ̧̡̛͘i͜҉ǹ̨͝͏͘s̵̕͟͠͞u͏͏̴̛ŕ́a͘̕ń̴̢͏c̷͟e͘͠ ̶͠p̛͢͏o̵̷̡l̵̡i͏̡ć͠ý̡͟.̢́̕͏͏"̧̛͘͡
M Night's House: Random Universe

Deadpool managed to dodge most of the blasts by jumping or diving out of the way, but a lucky one struck him in the chest.

"Give back my katanas!" Deadpool shouted, drawing two Uzis and opening fire on Goku

"Do you think that'll work?" The Yellow box asked

"No, but it'll make me feel better!" Deadpool shouted


Isaac followed the others and then saw the machines made of liquid metal. He noticed their arms became blades. It kind of reminded him of the Nercomorphs from his universe. Isaac charged his weapon and aimed at the robots. Out of habit he fired his Contact Beam at their arms.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno


When the vigilante lowered his bow, the Commander did the same. The Commander stayed quiet while the others conversed with Queen. When he noticed Coulson entering the room, he nodded at him.


Crane finished off several more Synths and then watched Groot finish the fight. He then saw Mirus use a Stimpack on Harleen. "So that's what these things do?" Said Crane as he held up a Stimpack. "I found a couple on the mercs."
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Marvel Comic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Uhh... Come again?" Carol asked, as they approached the TARDIS "That thing's your spaceship? How do you...?" She started as she followed the Doctor inside, looking around at the ship's interior "...What..." She said, before stepping outside and looking around the box to make sure it wasn't a trick.

(Typical first reaction to the TARDIS ( :P ))


Mood: (^.^)

Condition: Cuteness Overload Imminent.

Location: With Temmie!






Temmie hopped off of Emma and onto the floor once she let go, looking up at her as she talked to the others. She didn't really understand what they were talking about, she really only cared about Emma at the moment. Temmie was glad to see her kneel down do her height "okI!" She replied, once Emma told her that they'd look after her "tem will be... GOOD TEM for cuTE hUManS!" She happily declared, before nibbling a little bit on Emma's pinkie, obviously not understanding the gesture.[

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



"could you?" Sans asked "thanks, i appreciate it. then again, this place has been pretty interesting so far. maybe i'll stick around for a little while."

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Nikita drew her rifle and aimed it at Error Sans's head. "Put him down, monster or I will be forced to use violence!" She ordered in an angry tone.

Error grins, tightening the strings. "́͢A̷h͟ ̡̡͝͝a̶̧̧͠͞h̴͢͢͝ ̢͘̕͢á̶͘͞h͘͞҉~̵̶͘ ͜͝I̶͏̸̶͠f̸̴͜ ҉̵̕͟͟y̵̧͡͠ǫ̶͠͝ú̴̶͟͡ ͡҉d̴̀̀̀͢o̷̕n͠'̶̢̛̕t̸̛͘͘ ̵̵̧̀p̸̡҉̴͡ù̷̧̧͞t̸̛͠ ̴̷̢d̷́̀o͘w̢͘n҉̸̀͘͡ ̸͢͡҉̴t҉̀̀͘͞ḩ̧͜͟͝a̷̢̧̛͞t̴̀̕ ̵̢̢̕͢g͢ù͟͠n͘͝͞͞,͏̴̛ ̢̢͝Í͟͟͡'͟͏l̨͏̶̀̀l̢̀̀ ͝҉͢s̨̀h̶̴̡̡͢a͘t̢͡t̡͜͟͠͠e̴̛͡r̶͏̴ ̸̨̧̀͡y̵̸̷͏ơ̶̕͢ų̀͠͠r̷̕͢͜ ̷̕͢f̧͘͟͡r̢̀͟҉i̴̕͏̨e̸̛͜n̵̶̢̛̕d̸ ̷̵̢͘h̸̴͡e̛͏͢ŕ̴̡̕͘e͟͏̵̷'͘͘͝s͠҉ ̡̛͜s̶͝ó̵͟͢u͏̶ĺ̕͡͠.̸̨͘͟͡ ̡͜N͡o̸͞͠w̸͏,̨͟ ̸y͟͏o̡̨̢͞u̶̕ ̷̵͟͜ẁ̶̸̢͢o̵͜͢͞u̴l̕͠҉̸̵d̢̡̛͘͢ņ̷͡͡͞'́͡͞t̶̶ ̶͟w͟͢͝à͢͡͞͡n̡̨͏̴͟t̀̕͠ ̵̵͢͢t̸̶̕͞h̷̵͜͢a̧͟͜҉ţ̸,̴͟҉҉͝ ̧͜w͞͠ò̷̕͠͞u̷̡͢҉l̴̢̕͢d̸̷̕ ̡͜y̢͟o҉ù?̶͘̕"̷͏̷
Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief-The war The Merchant spoke of hadn't even started yet, but the way he spoke made it seem that it was coming and it was coming soon. The stakes were clear to the Master Chief: failing meant existence itself might be torn apart. He could not fail. He would not fail. He never failed. He always wins. Then the Merchant instructed him to meet up with other groups of people who didn't belong in this universe at a location called 'Diamond City.' Seeing as how he had no maps, John was about to protest that he had no way of knowing where it was until his mysterious ally touched the side of his helmet and, just like that, he knew where to go. Cortana felt the information as well, and she put a marker on his HUD with a distance. It wasn't too far, but it was going to be a hike.

"Understood. Do you have any other information about the area? Any threats to those groups or myself?" John inquired.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

M. Night Shymalan's House-Random Universe

Goku: It seemed Goku missed his ki blasts, and made his opponent even angrier. He saw Deadpool pull out a gun and open fire at Goku. He evaded using Instant Transmission to appear behind him and dropped the swords, completely intact, at his feet. He then took a swing at his extremely talkative foe's stomach with a fist.

San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Revan: After exhausting a good portion of the oncoming threats, Revan lumbered behind a piece of rubble to take cover and regain his energy. Using that much lightning without tapping into the reserves of the darkness within him is troubling. He looked up to the sky to see an aerial vehicle coming towards Syeron, and she brought it down. She was quite the capable warrior. He observed another aerial unit attempting to strafe the soldiers and reached out with the Force, gripping the ship and he strained to hold it in place. He brought his hand down and the ship mimicked the action and exploded in an orange fireball when it impacted the ground.

Raiden: After seeing more destroyed Terminators, Raiden grew hopeful that they had an ally within the enemy. Traitors were some of the deadliest weapons in warfare, capable of destroying armies through betrayal. They stepped into another room and an elevator door at the far end of the room opened up and revealed two silver humanoid-looking blobs with no distinquishable facial features. The arms of them morphed into blades and they began to charge. Raiden smiled and welcomed the challenge. Activating the high-frequency ability of his Murasama, small arcs of red lightning appeared on the blade as it began to vibrate at high speeds. He began in a slow jog and broke into a run towards the enemy. He then leapt up and over them, twisting mid air to land facing them while behind them. He focused on one and entered a Zendatsu, slowing his perception of time but everyone else would see him moving incredibly fast. His blade started cutting through one of the enemies at lightning speeds, a blur of red.


Hallway-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: This woman was seriously pissing Jotaro off. Her attitude and personality were absolutely awful, and Jotaro wished she would shut up. But, it would pay to hear what she had to say if it contained information he could use to get outta here. However, if she was expecting an apology, she wouldn't be getting one.
JackOfHearts said:
Error grins, tightening the strings. "́͢A̷h͟ ̡̡͝͝a̶̧̧͠͞h̴͢͢͝ ̢͘̕͢á̶͘͞h͘͞҉~̵̶͘ ͜͝I̶͏̸̶͠f̸̴͜ ҉̵̕͟͟y̵̧͡͠ǫ̶͠͝ú̴̶͟͡ ͡҉d̴̀̀̀͢o̷̕n͠'̶̢̛̕t̸̛͘͘ ̵̵̧̀p̸̡҉̴͡ù̷̧̧͞t̸̛͠ ̴̷̢d̷́̀o͘w̢͘n҉̸̀͘͡ ̸͢͡҉̴t҉̀̀͘͞ḩ̧͜͟͝a̷̢̧̛͞t̴̀̕ ̵̢̢̕͢g͢ù͟͠n͘͝͞͞,͏̴̛ ̢̢͝Í͟͟͡'͟͏l̨͏̶̀̀l̢̀̀ ͝҉͢s̨̀h̶̴̡̡͢a͘t̢͡t̡͜͟͠͠e̴̛͡r̶͏̴ ̸̨̧̀͡y̵̸̷͏ơ̶̕͢ų̀͠͠r̷̕͢͜ ̷̕͢f̧͘͟͡r̢̀͟҉i̴̕͏̨e̸̛͜n̵̶̢̛̕d̸ ̷̵̢͘h̸̴͡e̛͏͢ŕ̴̡̕͘e͟͏̵̷'͘͘͝s͠҉ ̡̛͜s̶͝ó̵͟͢u͏̶ĺ̕͡͠.̸̨͘͟͡ ̡͜N͡o̸͞͠w̸͏,̨͟ ̸y͟͏o̡̨̢͞u̶̕ ̷̵͟͜ẁ̶̸̢͢o̵͜͢͞u̴l̕͠҉̸̵d̢̡̛͘͢ņ̷͡͡͞'́͡͞t̶̶ ̶͟w͟͢͝à͢͡͞͡n̡̨͏̴͟t̀̕͠ ̵̵͢͢t̸̶̕͞h̷̵͜͢a̧͟͜҉ţ̸,̴͟҉҉͝ ̧͜w͞͠ò̷̕͠͞u̷̡͢҉l̴̢̕͢d̸̷̕ ̡͜y̢͟o҉ù?̶͘̕"̷͏̷
Nikita kept her gun raised "If you are threatening me, demon be prepared to carry out that threat. Do not pick a fight you can't win." Nikita threatened

theManCalledSting said:
"I know you do... Let's just hope it goes well..." the Doctor said, as he guessed that Constantine's idea of a diversion may put others at risk... "And if the local magi doesn't confuse your distraction as an attack..."
"I'll be careful." Constantine reassured The Doctor, noticing his concern "I know these poor sods are just being mind controlled."

MCU: New York

Coulson approached the Commander, seeing Arrow just as the commotion had ended "Stevenson, what's going on here."

"We just gained a new ally." Stevenson explained

"Commander." Coulson began "Has everything been going alright for you and your team?"

@apoliseno @ryanpk200

On another side of the Helicarrier, Emma simply laughed in response to Temmie. "No, it's called a pinkie swear." She explained with a giggle.

"It's bigger on the inside?!" The Doctor asked sarcastically "I know, right?!" He approached the TARDIS console

MCU: New York

"To be honest it could be a while." The female agent replied "We're still figuring these tears out. You're welcome to join us, Sans." She shot the skeleton a reassuring half-smile.

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

Mirus snatched some of the stimpacks from Crane's hands, leaving him with two "We're going to need those. Especially if those Institute pricks get word of us just fruit kebabing a few of their robo friends."

"But what do they do? You just injected me with one, kinda wanna know what was in it."

"Healing serum." Mirus shrugged "Honestly I haven't got a damn clue what's in it. All I know is it works."

On another side of the Commonwealth The Merchant sighed "This land was destroyed by war and by radiation. Thankfully for you, most of the dangerous creatures are further south. Closer to the zone of radiation. You should be weary John, almost everything in these lands will try and kill you. Mercenaries, brutes, mutants and giant monsters created by radiation fill these lands with blood."

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

As one T-1000 turned to Raiden and attempted to stab him in the face the other continued down the corridor, the blast from Isaac's gun knocking him off balance slightly but he continued to charge forwards. Max opened fire, aiming for the machine's legs "Fuck me! You seen one like this before?!"

"No." Connor muttered, aiming for the head of the T-1000 with his rifle "But I have heard of them. Liquid metal." He explained

Outside of the compound Syeron turned her attention to Revan "Nice!" She shouted at him across the battlefield "Any other ideas!?"

American Frontier 1790

"You're just going to let him walk out there?" The Woman asked Jotaro, gesturing to Gregory

"Don't follow me." Gregory muttered "If what you lot are saying is true then I'm not riskin' any other sorry git."

"Open the gate." O'Malley ordered.




"pinkIE SWeaR?" Temmie asked, tilting her head for a moment before silently going back to nibbling on the finger.

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Hey, gimme a break, this sort of stuff is kinda impossible where I come from..." Carol replied, still trying to wrap her mind around the concept as she followed behind him to the console.


Mood: (^.^)

Condition: About to explode

Location: With Temmie!




"well, that's just perfect then, isn't it?" Sans replied. It was difficult to tell if he was smiling back at her or if it was just the fact that he was a skeleton and couldn't make any other expression.[/border]
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