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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"How awfully rude!" The Gentleman snapped, appearing in front of the three soldiers again "How dare you ignore my presence! How dare you simply tell me to stand aside as you do what? Try to destroy cricket?! Did your mother never teach you anything about manners, the best thing we British have offered the Multiverse...Well, next to Earl Grey tea."

The Gentleman gripped the end of his cricket bat tightly and using it, gave the three Nod soldiers a damn good thrashing, killing each one with a single hit that scattered their atoms across time and space "Blimey..." The Gentleman muttered "Righty ho. I need to teach these people some manners."

The Gentleman snapped his fingers, appearing before Kane and Master Chief "Kane! You need to teach your men some manners!" He shouted "And oh...A Spartan. The gentleman of the twenty sixth century." He nodded in approval of the Spartan before turning his attention to Kane "Teach your men some manners, or I will." He threatened


American Frontier 1790

"Goddamnit." Gregory muttered "We just talked this buggers out of shootin' us. Sure, let's threaten them for chuckin' holy water in our face! Great idea!" Gregory gave Jotaro a sarcastic thumbs up.

"Unless he gets possessed, we won't need to chuck holy water in his face." The leader of the fort butted in, stepping forwards. Like all of his soldiers, he too was wearing blue, however he appeared to be much older than most of those under his command.

His outfit appeared to have several small holes around the area of the man's heart and was torn and tattered in several places, revealing a scar across the Commander's left arm. While his hair was rugged and grey. He sported a short, scruffy grey beard that looked unshaven. His brown eyes were tired yet alert and with each word he spoke, in his gruff voice the Commander appeared to generate an aura of respect amongst his troops.

"Mind tellin' us what the bloody 'ell is goin' on?" Gregory asked

"You're an outworlder, aren't you?" The Commander asked suspiciously

"I don't even know what the fook that is."

"Watch your tone." A soldier butted in, snapping at Gregory with bitterness "You are speaking directly to Commander Arthur O'Malley."

"They probably don't know who I am, Private Lewis." Arthur replied "They're outworlders. Examine their outfits, their equipment."

"We ain't' aliens." Gregory sighed "Well, at least I'm not."

"Aliens?" Arthur asked "No. Not that kind of outworlder. I am speaking about the kind that travel between dimensions."


New York City: MCU

"Most people get pissy when I copy their voice. It's like hearing your voice in a recording I suppose." The Woman shrugged "I want your loyalty, Kakarot." She began, speaking in a serious tone "If I ask you to kill for me, y'all will. That's if you want to see your family again. I won't ask you to take innocent lives, but I will expect you to kill for me, understand?"

Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: Diverting his attention away from the group of unknown contacts, Chief's rifle went straight to the man who had just appeared out of nowhere. The man was lecturing the bearded man, whom this genntleman identified as Kane, about manners before then referring to John as the "gentleman of the 26th century." His suspicion was now at all it could allow without Cortana on to back him up.

"Everyone on the ground, hands behind your heads and weapons on the ground. I'm placing everyone into UNSC custody until I can get some answers," the Chief said, eyes watching everyone else. Right after that statement, his HUD came back online and fully functional. Motion radar, ammo counter, target reticle, all of it was online. Cortana still hadn't said a word. The Chief shut off his external helmet comms and tried to speak directly with his A.I companion.

"Cortana, I need an assessment of the area with topographical data. Cortana? Cortana, respond." This wasn't normal. That portal, or Slipspace rupture, or whatever it was, must've temporarily shut her down like it did to his helmet's systems.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

New York City-MCU

Goku: The Saiyan warrior's serious attitude returned when the lady demanded that he be absolutely loyal to her, and kill whenever and whoever she told him to. This was definitely something that he was against.

"Now see here," Goku started, "I don't kill. I fight to beat my opponents and keep my world safe, but I don't kill. I wanted to let Frieza live, but if he was going to blast me in the back, then he was never going to learn his lesson. I couldn't talk Cell out of destroying the planet, and Gohan beat him. Majin Buu is still alive and lives on Earth in peace. I want to see my family again, but I won't kill anyone unless it's a danger to all innocent lives."

Colonial Fort-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: The young Japanese schoolboy only had three words for this situation: "Yare yare daze." He took out his pack of cigarettes and stuck one in his mouth. He grabbed the lighter from his pocket and then lit it

The Commander stated. "I'm not going to sit idly by as the planet is enslaved." Jason then saw the screen light up. "Those are some ugly aliens." The Commander thought. Jason asked the group. "Can your Director see this too or are we the only ones who can see it?"

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Fallout Commonwealth


"I'm afraid that I have no idea what your talking about. Perhaps you're confusing me for someone else?"

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Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Gentleman sighed in response to Kane's words "Mistaken? I am never mistaken! Do not take me for a common dandy, Kane or I shall have to teach you some manners with a damn good thrashing."


MCU: Helicarrier

"Well..." The Doctor butted in "I've seen worse. Ever seen an Abzorbaloff?"

"What planet are they from?" Emma asked

"Clom. The twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius." The Doctor explained

"They are a primitive species." The Sycorax butted in, speaking in a threatening tone "The leader of this world will step forwards. The Sycorax will not ask again."

Director Coulson himself entered the room, accompanied by several guards.

"Sir." Stevenson offered him a salute "When did you arrive?"

"As soon as they contacted us I grabbed the first Quinjet flight over here."

"Will you speak for humanity?" The Sycorax asked

"Yes." Coulson spoke in a firm tone

"Sycorax strong! Sycorax mighty! Sycorax rock! Surrender or they will die. Half are sold into slavery or one third dies!"

"Well at least he's straight to the point." Coulson muttered

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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Why are you asking me this? I have no clue, I just got here, just like you." Cadence replied "I take it you know that guy?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2[/border]



@LegoLad659@1stLt HChurch @Some_Bloke

A barrage of colors flashed into view, as Warrior had arrived. He started cutting a promo. "I stand before you, Sycorax, with a challenge. I STAND BEFORE YOU, SYCORAX, READY FOR A DUEL FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY! A DUEL ON THE SECOND BIGGEST STAGE OF THEM AAAALLL!" He moved his body in strange, intense ways. "If I win, you return to whatever faroff star you have travelled from, defeat in your heart...For I am the ULTIMATE WARRIOR!"
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MCU: Helicarrier

"Anyone with such a title should be the planet's champion."

"No." Coulson butted in "We don't have to fight, we can negotiate! Work things out!"

"Your champion has spoken. I will greet you in the arena, Ultimate Warrior where I shall end your life." The Sycorax leader boasted "I shall show you a test of my power."

The leader tilted his hand to the side, generating a dark blue field of energy around it. As soon as he did so, multiple SHIELD agents appeared to leave the room, blank looks of their faces.

"What the hell is going on?" Emma asked

"Blood control." The Doctor explained "The last time I encountered them...They threatened to make one third of the population jump to their deaths."

Stevenson and Emma followed the other SHIELD agents outside, seeing that each one was standing on top of the Helicarrier, ready to jump. Tesla quickly joined them, looking outwards across New York to see thousands of people standing on the edge of buildings. The Empire State building alone was full of dozens of people while Avengers tower had five standing at the edge.

"It's the entire damn city." Stevenson muttered "My city!" He gritted his teeth angrily

"I think it's the entire globe." Emma suggested "Think about it, the leader said that one third would die. Why make just an entire city jump?"

"And that brute just challenged them...Christ."

"That man can cause the world around him to shake just by yelling." Tesla reassured the two agents "I believe he can at least put up a fight."

Downstairs Coulson turned to face Warrior with anger in his eyes, however before he could say anything The Doctor stepped in the way

"Coulson, if you turn down this competition billions of people will die." The Doctor explained grimly

"I know." The Director sighed "Warrior, do you really think you can pull this off?"

@Crenando @LegoLad659 @ryanpk200
The muscleman smiled. "Can I pull this off?" He than looked to the skies. "Do the gods look upon me with pride? DO ALL THE WARRIORS OUT THERE BELIEVE IN THE ONE WARRIOR NATION!? AAAAAA I CAN DO IT!" He then thought of something and got really quiet. He suddenly skronked something loudly. "...Man of SHIELD, prepare for Summerslam!"

The Commander was surprised. A large wrestler came from nowhere and challenged the aliens. He followed some of the others and saw people standing on the edge of various of buildings across New York. Jason was about to talk when he received a call from the Avenger. Like many others across New York and the planet several of XCOM's personnel were standing on edge of their ship and were prepared to jump. Thankfully none of the soldiers that came with him were affected. The Commander sighed. "Shit." He stated.
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"Yeah, I know him... The Bat's name is Mindwipe! I'm sure I don't need to explain what his powers are... It's really self-explanatory..." Rodimus and Cadence finally made it back to the Lost Light, "Okay, kid. You get out now... We're safe."
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Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: John was about to fire off a warning shot to enforce his orders for everyone to get on the ground, but then the recognizable cool liquid feeling in his head returned. Cortana was back online.

"Whew! That was something," the A.I stated whimsically. "I've never experienced something like that. Chief, you there?" John felt relieved to have his companion back, because he felt less effective without Cortana's input in combat situations.

"Yes, Cortana. Did you get taken offline when we passed through that rift?" the Spartan inquired while muting his external speakers.

"I did. I don't know what happened, but we definitely aren't back on...Earth" she stated concerned. She fell silent, analyzing topographical data of the region and atmosphere. "You may find this interesting, Chief. I just finished a topographical analysis of the area, and planet, and found the atmosphere having a 100% match to that of Earth's, but there are pockets of radiation in several locations in varying amounts. My conclusion: we've somehow entered a rift to Earth..."

John didn't take that well. He looked around again at the barren landscape littered with dead plants, inactive vehicles, crumbling buildings coated in thick layers of brown dust. Had Earth not survived the Covenant attack? No, it couldn't have been. If the Covenant glassed it, the ground would be pure glass and the atmosphere would've been boiled away. Not to mention the buildings didn't look like anything from the Earth he fought on. He turned his external speakers back on and stepped closer to the group with his weapon still raised, ready to gun down any possible threats.

"Everyone stand down now until I can get some answers," he barked. He then turned to the sharply dressed man with the English accent who knew that he was a Spartan. "And you, start explaining."

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

New York City-MCU

Goku: This situation was seriously conflicting the Saiyan warrior's mind. This woman, who claimed to be way more powerful than himself, was practically demanding his complete loyalty and willingness to kill anyone she asked him to in exchange for being able to see his family again. Goku couldn't even get a read on her power, not for a lack of trying either. It was like Beerus when he first met the God of Destruction. He couldn't sense his power because he couldn't sense a god's energy before he became one himself. Reluctantly, if it meant getting back to his family, Goku would work for this woman for the time being.

"Alright. You win. You can count on me....to kill anyone who puts any world at risk. Only to save my planet, friends, and family," he conceded, defeated.
Fallout Commonwealth


Decideing that the man with the English accent was just some lunatic, Kane turns his attention to Master Chief." You have nothing to fear. My followers will not attack unless ordered to."


"The Sycorax leader will be relentless." Coulson explained "You need to be careful warrior. The entire planet relies on this fight."

As Coulson spoke, three Sycorax warriors teleported onto the Helicarrier in front of Warrior "We are here to escort you. Refuse and they will die." A warrior threatened

@Crenando @ryanpk200 @LegoLad659

New York City: MCU

The Woman shot Goku a playful smile in response to his words "Great choice. I was afraid I'd have to pummel ya until you gave in. Multitasking can become a bit of a bitch sometimes. As I speak here, I'm currently fighting a random Gem mutant. All I wanted to do was relax for a bit and take it slow...Nevermind, I killed it."

She cleared her throat and spoke again "Do you have any questions?"


Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The Gentleman, seeing that he was being completely ignored by Kane quickly approached one of his soldiers and raised his cricket bat, incinerating the soldier with a damn good thrashing and spreading his atoms across the Commonwealth. He then turned his attention to Kane, glaring at him with anger in his eyes.

"I'll give you a damn good thrashing! Teach you some damn manners!" He swung for Kane's head, only for a hand to reach out and stop his cricket bat. It was the hand of The Merchant who uttered one word upon his arrival in that plain of existence "Enough."

"Ah, you. I was wondering when you'd show up." The Gentleman muttered bitterly "What do you want?"

"Only to talk. I did not come here to fight." The Merchant stated, causing The Gentleman to lower his cricket bat in response.

With a snap of the Merchant's fingers, the two beings appeared on Pluto, a cold and desolate world. Neither one was affected by the change in temperate. However, back in the Commonwealth both beings continued to remain in place. As if they could be in two places at once.

"Chief." The Merchant spoke "I might need you in the wars to come. Kane may be a threat to you and to the Commonwealth but I am talking about far larger threats. Threats far greater than the Covenant and Flood. You must heed my words, John."


Pluto: Fallout Universe

The two beings walked across the desolate world side by side. The Gentleman turned his attention to The Merchant and smiled "Ah, you picked a lifeless world so that we can get some peace and quiet. I appreciate your good manners...Why wouldn't you let me enforce them against Kane?"

"I can use Kane to my advantage. A tactician is someone we will need in the wars to come."

"We? Poppycock!" The Gentleman spat "Once these supposed wars start I'm buggering off, jumping from universe to universe if I had too. Sod bloody war."

The Doctor saw the Giant Metal Bat leading an angry mob, "Now that's something you don't see every day..."

The Doctor then scanned the mob with his sonic screwdriver, "And from the looks of things that big ol' metal bat's controlling them with some sort of psychic link... I haven't seen this sort of technology in a long time..." he said to himself as he hid in a near-by alley to avoid the Metal Bat and his mob.
Cadence (PMMM)



Cadence nodded and stepped out of the vehicle, looking around at the metal structure Rodimus had led her into "Mindwipe, huh? Yeah, I can figure..." She said, as her song faded into a rather familiar tune "Is there any way to combat it?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2[/border]



Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: Chief was about to start shooting the man called Kane and his subordinates, even after he assured that his soldiers posed no threat, the sharply dressed man took out a flat wooden club of some sort and smashed it into one of Kane's soldiers, disentigrating him. That man was about to do the same to Kane, but then another strange being appeared out of nowhere and stopped him by grabbing his arm. They spoke something that the Chief didn't catch, as Cortana said something about a hypothesis and then went silent. The other man then turned to Chief and warned him of a coming war that he could be used to fight in, a war with stronger foes than Kane and his forces. This piqued John's interest. His grip on his rifle was still a firm one, but he slowly lowered the weapon.

"War? It already looks like a war hit here. And speaking of here, what is this place and what brought me here?" the Chief questioned, almost beyond frustrated that no one would give him any answers as to where he was now and how he got here.

"Don't you mean us?" Cortana corrected with a sly tone to her voice.

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659
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Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"A tear in the fabric of reality." The Merchant explained "That is what brought both of you here. The walls of reality are damaged, as I speak they are breaking down. I don't know what is causing this, for all I have are simple theories."

The Merchant stepped towards Chief "What I do know is that reality itself is full of danger. Armies capable of ripping entire worlds apart within hours, beings capable of bending reality to their whim. Monsters who hide in the darkness. It's simple, I need soldiers."

"Pha!" The Gentleman spat in a mocking tone "You kid yourself. I have seen some of these beings and monsters for myself. What makes you think a ragtag team can stand up to them?! He couldn't stop the guilty spark from killing his friend. As for Kane, you can only cheat death so many times. One of your own friends learnt that the hard way." The Gentleman spoke as he turned to The Merchant, who shot him a cold glare.


Pluto: Fallout Universe

"I only speak the truth. It's bad manners to lie, after all." The Gentleman stated, fixing his monocle

"You've told plenty of lies. Even your title is a lie." The Merchant replied with a hint of bitterness

"Do not mistake me for a common dandy, Merchant. When's the last time you sold anything? You're a terrible merchant"

"Both of our titles are lies."

"Just get to the point. I feel like you are stalling me."

"You may not want to fight in these wars, but I need you to stay out of my way."

"And that of your two friends as well?" The Gentleman asked

"Three friends." The Merchant stated

The Gentleman scoffed in response "You even lie to yourself, Merchant. Hopefully we do not cross paths again. I do not wish to give a man such as yourself a thrashing."

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

"We lost one." The Asari merc butted in, shaking her head "The rest of us are fine though."

"Couple of close calls but the rest of us made it out." Max grinned at Revan reassuringly "Listen, you can put that laser-sword thing down. We're friendlies."

John, alongside several Resistance soldiers approached the newcomers with dogs at their side. The dogs approached the new group and began to sniff them, testing to see if the group were Terminators in disguise.

"Get these filthy creatures away from me." The Asari spat

"Hey!" Max shouted "Might smell like crap, but they're just doin' their job."

"Who...What are you?" Connor asked suspiciously

"First time you've seen aliens, eh?"

"Different realities. I understand."

"Okay, now that we've got that cleared up. Was wonderin' if anyone saw a Salarian come through here?" Max asked, gesturing to one of the Salarian mercs

"If they haven't seen aliens before, what makes you think they saw one of your buddies?" Syeron asked, butting in on the conversation

"Don't hurt to ask little lady." Max shrugged

American Frontier 1790

"What in God's name is that!?" Private Lewis shouted "How the hell did it get past the wards!?"

"Calm down, Private." O'Malley commanded "Son, you mind telling me what that thing is? I know it's not a demon or a kind of evil spirit. Neither of those things could get past the wards we have on this fortress...And I know it's not an Angel."

Gregory thought about interrupting O'Malley to explain to him why he thought the wards wouldn't work. That these creatures O'Malley claimed to be demons or spirits were, to Gregory nothing more than what he had called outworlders. Instead, the former mercenary sighed and kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to make enemies out of what was possibly the only man with answers.

"Who put those wards up?" Gregory asked

"Tell us what the hell that thing us and I'll take you to her myself." O'Malley replied, his attention focused on Star Platinum


MCU: Helicarrier

The Sycorax stepped towards Warrior and the others in the command room while another two Syroax teleported onto the top of the Helicarrier, approaching Tesla and the XCOM Commander.

"You are to serve as spectators. If your champion loses, you will be sold into slavery. Resist and they will die." The warrior threatened

@Crenando @LegoLad659

MCU: New York

"When the war's over." She replied with a grim tone, there was a small hint of regret in her voice as she uttered those words. She sighed in response "I have seen what the future holds and I am not looking forward to it."
Chara looked back up at the human with teary eyes and smiled a bit "Okay..." She said in a happier, but still sad voice.

Rodimus transformed into his robot mode and said, "That I have no idea... but I'm sure a 'friend' of mine has an idea... come along..." Rodimus urged Cadence to come with him into the massive ship, the Lost Light.

Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: At the mention of his old friend, Sgt. Avery Johnson's, death, something snapped in John's mind. The nerve of this civilian to dishonor the name of a fellow soldier who died to protect the galaxy from the Ark's activation. Cortana felt it as well, and spoke only to John.

"Chief, your aggression levels are going up. Sgt. Johnson's death was not your fault! You hadn't expected Guilty Spark to attack him!" she pleaded. John, however, heard none of it. He threw an armored fist at the shary dressed man who insulted the honor of his fallen friend.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

With a grin and a wink The Gentleman blocked Chief's attack, grabbing his first and twisting his arm. "Now, now. Learn your manners Spartan. Or else." He threatened with a grin. "I'm going to give you a damn good thrashing!"

He summoned his cricket bat again and hit Chief in the head, incinerating him on the spot and scattering his atoms.

In response to this The Merchant pushed The Gentleman aside and snapped his fingers, reforming Chief's atoms on the spot and resurrecting him. The Gentleman rolled his eyes in response, holding his bat over his shoulder "Really, Merchant?"

@Barbas @apoliseno

Pluto: Fallout Universe

"Why did you bring back that brute?" The Gentleman asked "He has to learn his manners."

"I need the largest army I can find."

"Fine." The Gentleman sighed "If he tries such a thing again..." The Gentleman held his cricket bat to his own throat and made a cutting motion "Be warned."

MCU: New York City

The SHIELD agents with Chara, having heard of the invasion all looked upwards, staring at the New Yorkers ready to jump to their deaths "Jesus Christ..." The agent muttered, turning her attention to Chara "Cover your eyes, sweetie." She spoke in a soft voice.


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