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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence tilted her head and scratched it before taking the 'Rodimus Star' from the metal man "Uh... Thanks... I guess." She said, putting it into her pack "So, I take it you have a plan to get out of this place?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star??[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

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@LegoLad659 "Nope... Actually planning on having the local genius of my ship, Brainstorm, figure that one out... I'm actually think of just looking around this Universe and see what surprises it holds..."

I don't trust him either, cuff 'im." Emma ordered

"With what?" A SHIELD agent demanded, examining the Ork leader

Within several minutes, two SHIELD agents arrived with a set of handcuffs, placing them on the Ork leader's wrists.

"These cuffs were originally designed to hold a really pissed off green guy. You struggle, you get pumped with enough sedation to knock out forty elephants. Are we understood?" A SHIELD agent asked Ghazghkull.

As the two spoke, Emma turned to Jason "Thank you for all your help. HQ will probably want to talk to you, ask a few questions as to your place of origin. It's so we can figure out if there's anything dangerous in your universe we need to be prepared for." She reassured him, turning to Carol and Lilac "You two as well. If you could fall through, SHIELD needs to know what else could. You understand, right?"

@LegoLad659 @Barbas @ryanpk200

San Francisco, Terminator Universe

"That's impossible." Connor replied to Isaac's words. Suddenly, the realization hit him. If this man was from that far in the future the war with Skynet and Judgement day would be like ancient history. A small smile crept across Connor's face as part of him realised that there was proof that humanity would survive. That one day, the entire war would be nothing more than a bad dream.

The man had claimed that travelling back in time had been a mistake, but part of it didn't add up to Connor. His smile faded and his train of thought was interrupted by Syeron as he overheard her talking to Revan.
Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Well... I guess that's as solid a plan as any, really." Cadence replied "Not like I have anything else I can do right now."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


Growing impatient with the humans, Ghazghkull waites until the cuffs are on before shouting at them. " I understand, humie! So stop yammering and get on with it."

"I understand. We just showed up from nowhere so I think that's natural. I'll help with what I can." Said the Commander. "My R and D teams would probably like a word as well."

@Some_Bloke @Barbas @LegoLad659


Isaac slowly came to same realization as Connor. "It ain't all sunshine and rainbows where I come from. Besides I think Skynet and Terminators would be a pretty big thing to write down in the history books. I haven't heard of anything like this." Said Isaac to Connor.

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"Hey, Human! I think that's a city over there, maybe someone there may know what the hell's going on here," Rodimus said before he transformed into his vehicle mode.


The Car's door opened and Rodimus' voice said, "Hop in, kid!"
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San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Revan: Surprised by the woman's reaction, Revan lowered his guard a bit. She was asking how he was alive? He himself didn't even know the answer to that.

"To be frank, I'm not even sure myself. My Dark Side body was reunited with the Light in me that became a Force Ghost, and somehow that revived my body on the fourth moon of Yavin. I reclaimed the Ebon Hawk and have been searching for signs of the Sith Emperor ever since. What about you? How has the Republic fared while I searched for the Emperor?"


"I find myself, unconscious in a strange new universe... Wow, this plot thread again? You're really scrapped for ideas Mister Writer..." Neptune Narrated to herself as she was in a room with another girl.

@dorkling ((Hope this is good enough))​

"It's what we're trained for." Emma reassured Carol "However, sometimes you can't save everyone." Her tone shifted to a grim one as she knelt down to the body of a fallen SHIELD agent and shut his eyes. She clenched her fist and turned to face the Commander "Coulson will want to talk to you, personally. I'll radio in some transport."

Emma then turned her attention to Ghazghkull and spat at him as several Quinjets descended.

"Revenge will get you nothing." Tesla told Emma

@Barbas @LegoLad659 @ryanpk200

San Francisco, Terminator Universe

"Perhaps it was simply lost in time?" A soldier suggested

"No, he's right." Connor replied

"My R2 unit says it's different universes." Syeron butted in "Parallel worlds." She turned her attention back to Revan "The Sith Emperor died." Syeron explained "He was killed by Darth Vader in an act of redemption and returned as a spirit only to be killed again."

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence was really confused by this guy... Thing... Whatever it was, now. First he told her to scout the area for cities when there clearly was one in the distance, then he instantly changed his mind and changed shape. He really needs to make up his mind. Also change back to his humanoid-ish form, because that thing is creeping her out.

"That's a safe bet." She replied to him "I suppose we're heading over in that direction, then?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Narcissist Star[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


Confused as to why Emma was so mad, Ghazghkull shouts at her while he waits for the ships to land. "Oi! What'z yer problem, humie? I only killed five of yer runty friendz. Nuffin to get upset about."

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



And were rude as all hell.

"You-...!" Lilac managed to say, before using another Dragon Boost to attack him as hard as she could.


Mood: Angry. Like, violently so.

Condition: Still hurting, but feeling a little bit better.

Location: MCU Battlefield

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Unable to regain his balance, the massive Ork falls straight on his back after being struck by Dragon Boost. Struggling to stand up due to both of his hands being constrained, Ghazghkull glares at the dragon before shouting out at Lilac and her friend." Yer gonna regret dat, ya git. I'm gonna stomp you and yer little friend!"

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At some point between sooner and later, Warrior had entered his sleeping state where he goes for guidance from his father in Parts Unknown. He needed to, as he didn't know anything about New York as of 2015. Hell, he didn't know it as of 1991! Unfortunately, neither did his father, as he awoke to some kind of scaly dingo fighting the orks. "AaAAaAAAAA! IT'S TIME TO PLAY DINGO!" He took a second to evaluate the situation, as he had grown up around dingoes and had generally been told that beating up people that are smaller than you was bad. "...WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! ARE YOU THE PEOPLE ON THE STREETS?! ARE YOU SOLDIERS OF THE GODS?!"
"A Brave New World for our super brave and pretty protagonist, Neptune!"

"I begin to stir... I then jolted up to find myself on a bed and narrating! Wowzers, is that the sweet aroma of someone cooking? It is! I jolted up, wide awake and ready to eat whatever that is making that wonderful aroma!" narrated Neptune as she awoke from her slumber.

"All right! Time to get this story on the road!"

@dorkling (If you're still up for it.)
Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Oh, he was a ride of some kind? Well, she didn't know that! For all they knew, they were from completely different time periods. In fact, they probably were, judging by... Well, actually, the words 'Metal Man' should explain it well enough. Cadence stepped inside the vehicle.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Roadimus Star[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Universe

As Cadence entered Rodimus' Vehicle Mode a seat belt strapped her in and Rodimus said, "Okay seat tight, it's gonna be a very bumpy ride!" as he Raced off to the City Limits.


San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Revan: Confused by the Jedi woman's statement, Revan removed his mask and cilpped it to his belt so he could have it for later. There didn't appear to be any current conflict, so he wouldn't really need it for now. He returned his gaze to meet hers.

"I've never heard of a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Vader. Wait, you said your droid said something about parallel universes? Maybe you and I are from different universes, as I am from a time when the Republic still holds power in the galaxy. Tell me about your time. How do the Jedi fare there?"


American Frontier-Unknown Universe

Jotaro: The Irish man had so carelessly revealed his identity, which confused Jotaro. Ordinarily, no one that Jotaro encountered revealed their identity to him unless they were absolutely sure they were going to kill him. None of them did, of course, since his group beat every adversary they had faced. That Irish guy, Gregory Nelson, didn't seem too hostile. The other one, who Gregory revealed as Lea, didn't seem too friendly though.

"Yare yare daze," he sighed, "I guess it might be only fair. The name's Jotaro Kujo."


Emma stepped between Lilac and the Ork leader as the Quinjets touched down "Good luck trying that from behind bars. Murderer." She spat bitterly

Tesla, seeing that the situation was under control turned his attention to the large, muscular man who was asking about Gods. "I am not a soldier." Tesla stated "I never have been. Nor am I a man of God."

"Are you a threat to this world?" Emma asked Warrior sternly, preparing herself for another possible battle.

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Cadence held on to something as Rodimus took off. This thing was a lot faster than she'd seen anything move. They would get there in no time at all, for sure.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: A face.[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


Relieved to see that the Quinjets have finally landed, the Ork Boss signals for his remaining fourteen Boyz to get on the ships as he enters one of the Quinjets. But before he entered the ship, the Ork turns around and yells at Lilac before walking into the Quinjet.
" Dis ain't the last you heard of me, ya git. No one crosses Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka! Especially not some runty git like you."

@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659

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