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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Terminator Universe

"2029?" Said Isaac. "Then I'm definitely not from around here." Isaac then asked. "There's a lot of words being thrown around here that I don't understand. Terminator? Skynet? Jedi? What are those things?" He asked curiously. Clarke then asked Connor. "More importantly, you said this is whats left of San Fransisco. Why did you say that? What happened here?"



The Commander was still sniping Ork Boyz when he heard the order to stand down. He considered the order. "It would nice to make some friends." He thought. Jason then saw the Ork leader slam a SHIELD agent into the ground as a response to the stand down order. "I guess we're not standing down." He lined up his sniper rifle with the Ork leader, aimed for the head, and then fired. The Commander hoped to catch him off guard with the surprise headshot.

The MEC stepped back from the corpse of the Deff Dread. It was sparking a bit from the explosion. The suit's repair servos would cover some of the damage but the suit would need repairs later. The MEC and the heavies refocused their efforts on the Ork boys.

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"Not a clue, I don't recognize those tracks and the names Lea, got it memorized?" He stated.

"And I'm not cold at all, I can control flames and heat and as such my body gives off a unnatural temperature for humans. My temperature, the one that is normal for me, is usually at 104 degrees. This also keeps me from ever getting cold" Lea explained.


In response to Carol's words, Emma tossed her a shotgun that was lying next to a dead SHIELD agent "Use this!" She shouted, continuing to toss ice shards at the Orks, aiming for their faces. One lucky shot struck an Ork through the eye, killing it instantly as the shard pierced it's brain. Emma continued to toss shards at the Orks, knowing that reinforcements would be just around the corner.

San Francisco, Terminator Universe

"I'd like to know that too." Syeron butted in as Isaac spoke

"You two really aren't from around here, are you?" A soldier asked

"Judgement day happened." Connor replied in a grim tone "That's at least what us survivors call it. Skynet, a computer designed to protect humanity released the entire world's arsenal of nukes, destroying the planet and wiping out most of the human race in a matter of minutes."

"The lucky ones...The lucky ones died in the fire." A soldier butted in, lowering his head.

"Skynet created Terminators, machines designed to hunt down what was left of humanity." Connor continued to explain "We've been fighting for survival ever since."

"Where is this Skynet? Where's it located?" Syeron asked

"You're not going after it alone." Connor replied sternly

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San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Revan: Groggily opening his eyes after waking up from the crash, Revan groaned as he sat up in his seat and felt his head, because it was in pain. He felt a warm liquid touch his gloved hand and held his hand in front of his face. Blood. It was blood. His own blood. He must've hit his head pretty hard on the console. He got out of his seat and hobbled out of the cockpit into the main meeting area and switched it on. The shape of a sphere floated into view and he examined it. No information available. Looks like he'd have to go out and explore on his own. The atmosphere was breathable, at least, but he might choose to wear his mask regardless. The mask was a part of him now, part of his identity. He hobble slowly to the ramp as he put the mask on his face. He was about to lower the ramp, but he heard scratching coming from the door. Thinking it might be local wildlife wanting to attack him or just being curious, Revan grabbed a lightsaber hilt from his belt and held it in his hand unignited. He clicked the release on the ramp and it began to lower.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"An explorer that's lost, huh? Well, I guess that's two things we have in common." Cadence told him "One moment I was underground, the next I'm standing here in this field. Hell if I know what happened, but I'd certainly like to get back to where I was. I kind of have unfinished business to take care of there."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


Preparing to block the attack, the massive Ork is momentarily distracted after feeling something hitting his adamantium plated skull, causing him to be hit by Dragon Cyclone. Nearly falling onto his back, Ghazghkull regains his balance at the last moment. Frustrated that this was the second time he's been hit, Ghazghkull aims his Big Shoota at Lilac and rapidly fires a barrage of bullets at the dragon." Yer gonna pay for dat, ya pansy git! I'm gonna tear ya to pieces!"

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American Frontier-Unknown Universe

Jotaro: Jotaro wandered off from his group for a moment to light a cigarette. They had finally arrived in Cairo, yet they still had no idea where DIO's mansion was. What a pain, all this searching was anyways. After a few drags from his cigarette, he tossed it away and stuck his hands in his school jacket's pockets and started walking back towards the group, but some sort of portal opened directly in his face and he stumbled through. His eyes widened in shock as he turned around and removed his hands from his pockets. calling Star Platinum out. The portal that carried him here had vanished and he was faced with a forest. He looked around and examined his enviornment. This was definitely the work of an enemy Stand. Star Platinum faded away as he looked around, seeing two individuals near him. He narrowed his eyes as they settled on the pair and clenched his fists.


San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Raiden: Wandering around the wastelands, Raiden began to wonder how he had found himself here. He had finally finished Senator Armstrong and repaired his body, but accidently sprinted through a portal and found himself in a burnt out post-apocalyptic wasteland. Upon entering said wasteland, he was immediately attacked by a group of what seemed to be robots. He dispatched them with little trouble and moved on, but they were sporting laser weapons and made no attempts to communicate with him. After a while of walking, he saw some sort of ship fall from the sky and two dogs run to the crash site. He traced the path of the dogs to where they came from, and observed that there was a group of battle worn humans, one in a robe by a strange looking aircraft, and one in high-tech armor. He could not determine if they were friend or foe, so he would approach them and see what they did in reaction. He began walking towards them with the Murasama in its sheathe.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200

Lea turned around, having sensed Jotaro, though not by some magic ability or something, he had just gotten good at sensing people's presence. The only reason for this was the fact that he constantly had to be on his guard for heartless and when he was in the organization he was on guard with the other members. He knew that they would try to kill him the first chance they got as they worried that they would be targeted next by the assassin.

"Okay who are you and what are you doing here" Lea asked, on edge and ready to draw his chakrams at a moments notice. Though he didn't know that this opponent was far more powerful than him. Though Lea didn't look like much of a threat to begin with, with his clothes all torn and the only thing left alone were his shoes.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno

American Frontier-Unknown Universe

Jotaro: Guessing by the guy's reaction, Jotaro assumed this guy was on edge and didn't belong in this place. He didn't look like he belonged here. Neither did Jotaro, or the other guy. He unclenched his fists, but remained ready to receive an attack. He didn't know if they were Stand users or not, particularly of the enemy variety, but he also didn't know if they were hostile or not. He didn't want to start any unnecessary violence.....yet.

"You need to cool down before you start a fight you're gonna lose. I'm not sure if I trust you enough to give you my name. You or that other guy," Jotaro responded with a slight hint of a warning in his voice.

@Sheaon13 @Some_Bloke

Lea seemed to take a moment to observe this man, he had a powerful aura about him and that was just by looking at him. Lea could only imagine how strong this guys was in an actual battle. Yep, he definitely didn't want to get into a fight with him, he seemed to be more powerful than Xemnas! Yeah, he didn't want to battle him, but he would if he had too. So he kept his eyes on the man and kept his guard up too, but wouldn't attack unless he did first.

"I don't know if your a threat or not, so I can't calm down at the moment. I'd rather not take my chances. So how exactly did you get here?" He asked, cautiously.

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke
Terminator Universe

"Damn." Said Isaac. "I've been through ridiculously tough stuff, but that is a whole other level." Isaac then said. "I'd also like to know where this Skynet is." He noticed the new arrival and held up his plasma cutter as a precaution. Clarke aimed at his legs and asked. "Who are you?"

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke

San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Raiden: As he approached the group, Raiden couldn't not notice that they were aiming their weapons at him. He assumed the cybernetic enhancements made them weary, as they were evidently fighting for their lives against more of those robots he dismantled earlier. He needed to assure them he wasn't a threat, as he didn't want anyone to die. Jack the Ripper couldn't make an appearance.

"Relax pal," Raiden started, "I'm no threat to you. You all are trying to survive against robots, no? A group of them ambushed me after I stepped out of a portal of some sort. They're all in pieces now, though. I don't really have a name, since I doubt I can go back to that part of my life, but I do have something I go by, and that is Raiden."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
American Frontier 1791

Gregory, feeling the tension between Lea and Jotaro stepped between them, raising his hands "I don't know either of you fookers but I don't want to see you pummel each other's lights out." He stated "I just want to find some civilization where some bugger actually 'as a clue about w'ats goin' on 'ere."

He sighed "Right, Gregory Nelson. Biggest git in the universe, that's Lea and you are?" He asked Jotaro

@Sheaon13 @apoliseno

San Francisco, Terminator Universe

Syeron stepped in front of John and the others as the ramp lowered. She would recognize lightsabers anywhere, but the question on her mind was what kind of force-user she was dealing with. Jedi? Sith? Gray Jedi? She wasn't sure as she could sense both the dark side and the light in this arrival, just as she could sense great anger in Raiden.

She prepared to draw her saber if either were to become violent but approached the force user "Oh, the dogs are friendly." She reassured him with a smile "Who are you?"

Connor, on the other hand was more focused on Raiden and Isaac. "Okay, I believe you. Who are you?" He asked Raiden "You mentioned a portal, tell me everything about it."



Emma shot Ghazghkull another ice spike only to hear something moving overhead. She sighed in relief, for reinforcements had arrived. Thirty five Quinjets flew overhead, targeting the Orks and preparing to fire while the Helicarrier itself even flew overhead, aiming every cannon at Ghazghkull and his Orks.

Rather than fire on the spot, a voice spoke over an intercom.

"Unknown alien, this is Agent Stevenson representing the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division... You are to stand down immediatley or be destroyed!" Agent Stevenson commanded over the radio "You have ten seconds to comply!"

"I think you should do as he says!" Emma shouted at Ghazghkull.

@Barbas @LegoLad659
Terminator Universe

Isaac lowered his plasma cutter. He still kept a tight grip on it, just in case. "I'd also like to know more about this portal." He said. "I entered one and was brought here."

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke


The Commander watched the Ork leader through his scope. When he saw the shot connect with his head, he similed. "Nice shot." Jason said to no one in particular. The Commander killed several more Ork Boyz and then saw the Quinjets and Heilcarrier above them. "They have their own version of the Avenger." He thought. "Shen is going to like these people."

Realizing that he was surrounded and out numbered, Ghazghkull raises his shoota and gets ready to fight to the death before suddenly thinking of a cunning plan involving the helicarrier. Lowering his massive gun, Ghazghkull orders his remaining Boyz to stand down before shouting out to the helicarrier." Alright, ya runty gits, we give up. "
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San Francisco-Terminator Universe

Raiden: Seeing the inquisitive nature of the locals, Raiden thought the best way to show them that he was not hostile was to tell them anything he knew.

"I don't know anything about it. It just randomly opened in front of me on a mission in Africa and brought me here. That's all I got," Raiden replied.

Revan: Seeing a woman in Jedi robes, Revan was relieved to see a familiar sight. Everything about this situation was odd, especially the rift that brought him here. When the woman inquired his identity, he was cautious of what she would think. He sensed curiosity within her, not only about him, but this situation. He clipped the lightsaber to his belt and looked at the woman.

"My name? I was known by many. The Savior, the Conqueror, the Redeemed. My name.....is Revan," the ex-Jedi replied.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"It's a long story." Cadence told the metal man "Suffice it to say that somebody disappeared and I'm trying to find them. And I was getting close before I was zapped to this place."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

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New York City-MCU

DIO: After taking cover in a nearby building to avoid daylight, DIO's curiosity almost got the better of him when he heard a sound like loud plane engines roaring above the building he took shelter in. He wanted to see what the comotion was, because he also heard shouting and gunfire, but he could not go out in the daylight. Part of his right arm had already turned to ashes because of being dropped in daylight.

@Some_Bloke @LegoLad659 @ryanpk200
San Francisco, Terminator Universe

"Revan?" Syeron replied, taken aback "How...How are you even alive?"

Connor continued to focus on Raiden and Isaac "We've been coordinating with soldiers in Africa since the war began. A lot of good men and women there." He explained "What year are you from?" He asked, assuming that both had time travelled.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200


More SHIELD agents approached Ghazghkull and his Ork boyz, drawing night-night guns. An agent approached Ghazghkull and raised a night-night rifle to his face "Are you going to come quietly?" He asked in a bitter tone.

Emma turned to Carol and Lilac "They're not the first to be hostile." She explained "Having that Helicarrier comes in handy." She pointed upwards "Were either of you hit? Do you need a medic?"

As the three talked, Tesla stepped out from behind cover, holstering his shotgun "I mean no harm, my assumption is neither do they." He gestured towards the XCOM soldiers "I too stepped through a portal from another world."

@Barbas @LegoLad659

Chuckling in response to the human's question, the nineteen foot Ork bends down so that he could look at the agent better." Oh I'll come quietly, humie. You have nuffing to worry about."

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The Commander walked over to Tesla and the others. "My men and I don't mean no harm. The situation looked like it needed help and we were in the area." He said. Jason then introduced himself. "I'm Commander Jason Walker. I lead the XCOM project." Jason then turned to face the Ork and asked the others. "Do you seriously trust this guy?" @Some_Bloke @Barbas @LegoLad659

Terminator Universe

"I'm from the year 2511." Answered Isaac. He didn't have much to say at the moment.


Rodimus shot the human a suspiscious look that changed to a far more casual look as he shrugged and said, "Well good, I get bored easy... and for such a feat of not wanting to bore a great hero like me... you get this!" He then offers her a badge.

"A Rodimus Star!"


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