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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


"I guess you don't believe in magic then. Well then I'll just say that ordinary weapons can't harm heartless, any weapon with a special property can. Well I just need to figure out anyway to get back home. I don't think that Sora will be all too happy that I left so many heartless for him to deal with. I did say I'd take care of them while he took care of the others in another place on radiant gardens" Lea stated.

"I just hope I can find a way back home" Lea mumbled.


The Avenger

The Research team felt excited. For a while they didn't have anything to do because the Commander decided to exhaust all possible research opportunities. Now that the Avenger suddenly moved from their previous location to where it was now, they finally had something to do. So far they determined they were above New York, just not their New York.

The Skyranger was still flying down to New York. They had been waiting on the people on the Avenger to find a commander center of whoever run the city or major violence. Naturally the violence showed up first. Large green men were firing on civilians. They received the location of large green men and flew to their location. The Skyranger landed and everyone got out. They saw Orks firing at anything that moves and returned fired. @Barbas

Terminatior Universe

Isaac responded with. "My name is Isaac Clarke. I'm a CEC engineer." He looked around. "According to my surroundings, I'm not sure if you now what that is. I have no clue how I got here and I don't know what a Terminatior is." Isaac finished talking. @Some_Bloke

As the Orks opened fire Tesla dived for cover behind a car, shouting for Warrior to get out of the way. He drew his Electromagnetic/UV shotgun and began to fire at the Orks with the intention of incapacitating them. As XCOM soldiers arrived, so did a platoon of SHIELD agents, all armed with assault rifles. Rather than target XCOM they turned their attention to the Orks and opened fire, taking cover behind numerous cars that now littered the streets as civilians tried to run.


San Francisco, Terminator Universe

John nodded as two soldiers, both with dogs on leads approached Isaac and started to sniff him. They appeared to take little notice of Isaac and turned their attention back to their owners.

"He's clean." One of the soldiers admitted with a shrug "He's human alright."

"Then we'll have to take him with us." Connor added before turning to Isaac "It's either that or you die out here." He explained grimly before turning to another group of his soldiers "Guide that plane down to HQ. I need to talk to that pilot, whoever he is."

"Yes sir." One of the soldiers replied with a salute

"Who are you, anyway?" John asked Isaac "That tech looks more advanced than we're used to so I assume you stole it from Skynet. How?"

Noticing a few of his Boyz being gunned down, Ghazghkull stops shooting at the fleeing civilians and looks over at the Xcom squad and Shield platoon. Eager for a good fight, the massive Ork sends his Deff Dread and remaining Boyz at the Xcom squad with the intention of using them to distract the tougher enemies while he dealt with the weaker ones. Turning around to face the Shield operatives, Ghazghkull charges at the shield platoon, attacking anything in his path with his Power Klaw and Shoota.
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Terminatior Universe

"Skynet? I don't know what that is." Said Isaac as he picked up his Plasma Cutter. "I didn't steal my equipment." Isaac then asked. "Where are we exactly? I'm not from around here."

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"An invasion? We're not invaders!" Carol insisted, when she heard the 'Code red invasion scenario' over the radio.

"I don't think they mean us, Carol." Lilac told her, pointing out the starship that had appeared above them before referring to Emma "Right? What exactly is going on, anyway? I'm sure we can help you guys out if you need it."

"Oh, no, I'm not letting you become miss Heropants again." Carol said, grabbing Lilac by the shoulder "Maybe on Avalice, but definitely not in this weird place. Let's just do what the aliens tell us to do for now, and if we need to bust some heads, we'll bust some heads."


Mood: Ruined by Carol

Condition: Still fine

Location: MCU


(I'm upping the soldier count for XCOM from 6 to 9. 2 of each normal class and 1 MEC.)

Seeing the approaching Deff Dread, two XCOM heavies and a MEC gave the combat walker their full attention. They their fired Heavy Plasmas and Particle Cannon and occasionally fired a plasma rocket. Two supports bolted around the battle field. They worked to heal injured civilians that were caught in the crossfire and evacuate as much as they could, while firing at a Ork Boyz every once in awhile. The remaining assault troopers found cover and fired at the Ork boys. The Commander and the other sniper were behind the assault troopers and picked off Ork Boyz with their plasma sniper rifles. @Barbas


Sky-Terminator Universe

Revan: In the skies above the burnt out planet, a large portal opened up and a small cargo freighter shot out, lights flickering. It was stable as it descended, but the engines weren't glowing at all. The ship made a hard landing not too far from the humans' current location and skidded on the ground to a halt by the base. Revan lay unconscious in the pilot's seat, head bleeding from a wound caused by his head colliding with the instruments panel. Two lightsabers sit attached to his belt and a mask is clipped to his back.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
The Lost Light

"You know what? I'm feeling a bit adventurous... Let's head in to that Dimensional Tear!" Rodimus said as the pilots reluctantly obliged and set course to the tear...


Once the Lost Light entered the tear they now found themselves around the Earth

"Well that was lame... either way you guys both get Rodimus Stars!" said the egotistical co-captain of the Lost Light as he handed the two co-pilots Rodimus Stars.

"Okay, fellas... Scan the planet to see if there's anything interesting on it!"​

((I'm opening the PMMM-verse for @dorkling meaning there's this giant ship hovering over the earth... ))

Deff Dread

After receiving a massive amount of damage to certain areas of it's chest and left saw arm, the Deff Dread begins to wobble around for a few moments before regaining it's balance. Emitting a loud growl of annoyance, the Deff Dread charges at the Xcom MEC with the intention of chopping of one of smaller mech's arms with it's remaining saw.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Universe

The Lost Light

The Scans reveal that the crew of the Lost Light were hovering over a relatively normal Earth.

"Huh, Was hoping for something more dramatic..." Rodimus said with a hint of disappointment, "Well, nothing ventured; nothing gained, I suppose... Find a nice landing spot on the planet, guys... We need to be sure this Earth was like we left it... or if we're back in the Functionalist Universe again..."

The Lost Light descended to the Earth below

@LegoLad659 @dorkling
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Barbas said:
Deff Dread

After receiving a massive amount of damage to certain areas of it's chest and left saw arm, the Deff Dread begins to wobble around for a few moments before regaining it's balance. Emitting a loud growl of annoyance, the Deff Dread charges at the Xcom MEC with the intention of chopping of one of smaller mech's arms with it's remaining saw.
Seeing the Deff Dread charging, the MEC said in its robotic monotone voice. "Activating close quarters combat procedure." The MEC charged the combat walker while off to the side the heavies continued firing at the Deff Dread. When the MEC got close, it activated its kinetic skrike module (rocket fist) and uppercuted the combat walker.
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica Universe

The Lost Light lands just off of the City Limits in a lush greenland, the ship opens up and Rodimus walked out of the ship.

"Well, this is boring..." he said to himself as he looked over the greenland.
Cadence (MM)


Cadence made her way through the crypt, which had so far gone through three iterations - Areas or Zones, you could probably call them. First there was a standard underground area expected of a crypt, then the place had been overgrown with fungus, and now the third level consisted of both an area frozen with ice and one burning with fire. Having these two areas right next to each other made little sense to her, but then again so did her continued existence, so she decided not to question it. Dagger, shovel, and torch in hand, she traversed the area searching for an exit of some kind. Preferably that led further downwards.

Fighting her way through goblins and elementals that inhabited this particular area, Cadence soon found an odd anomaly hidden in a wall, which shone dimly through small cracks in said wall. Digging it out, she found what looked to be a portal of some kind. Now, she was no stranger to portals - Several places in this crypt used teleportation runes to travel between them - so her first instinct was to walk into it and find out where it led. The portals usually remained after she stepped through them, so she wasn't concerned about the return trip.

Cadence suddenly found herself squinting at the sudden intense light of the sun, and having to shield her eyes from it. What- Outside? How did she end up outside? It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the light. In the meantime she discerned what she could; Apparently there was a large creature just up ahead, though she couldn't tell much about it right now. Perhaps a minotaur? As her vision cleared it was obvious that was not the case, in fact she didn't recognize the monster she saw - If it was, in fact, a monster. There was a large metal structure behind it. Again, she didn't recognize it at all.

Her rhythmic pulse urging her forward, as well as the music in her head created by the Necrodancer's curse still remaining from the last area she was in, she made her way forward to see if this thing would attack her or not.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor



Heal (On cooldown)[/border]

American Frontier 1791

"We're going to need to get 'igh. I mean 'igher ground, not the type where you sit back, listen to Reggae and discuss the infinity of the Multiverse." Gregory explained before standing up from the chair and grabbing his helmet. He walked towards the cabin door and looked back at Lea "You coming or w'at?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

Across the frozen wilderness, a soldier carrying a Musket ran for his life. He turned around to look back himself frantically. He was constantly panting and there was a look of fear in his eyes. As he wasn't looking where he was going, the soldier collided with a tree and dropped his musket. He quickly managed to steady himself in the snow and continued to run with the heavy snow doing nothing but slowing him down. He rested against another tree and hid behind it, holding his breath as he heard heavy footsteps into the snow behind him.

He reached for a weapon holstered onto his jacket, a flintlock pistol and continued to hold his breath. He counted to three and stepped out of cover, firing at something. It screeched in response as the bullet struck but not in pain. Only in hunger. The soldier reached for another pistol and opened fire only for the bullet to have no affect. He stumbled backwards and screamed as the creature pounced on him.


San Francisco, Terminator Universe

"Don't play dumb with us! Tell the truth!" One soldier shouted, only for Connor to raise a hand

"I think he's telling the truth." Connor replied, turning his attention to Revan's crashed ship "Send a few dogs in, see if that's Skynet and secure it." He commanded

"Yes sir." A soldier replied, letting loose two dogs on Revan's ship. They approached the ship and began to scrape at the ramp's doors.

"This is San Francisco, or at least what's left of it. The year is 2029." Connor explained in a grim tone, watching as Syeron's ship was led down and landed inside of the base. The young Jedi stepped out and approached the others.

"Who are you?" Connor asked

"The one that saved you?" Syeron replied with a half-smile "Syeron Hunwess. One of the most kickass Jedi...And pilot in my galaxy."

"Jedi?" Connor asked "They're made up."

"In your universe, maybe." Syeron replied with a friendly grin. She slightly raised a hand, using it to move a rock into the air and gently float towards Connor. He caught it with his hand.




"If this is a code red, we're going to take all the help we can get." Emma told Lilac and Carol "It could be dangerous, no it will be dangerous. Are you prepared for that?" She asked in a serious tone

Across town, Tesla continued to fire upon the Ork with his stun shotgun while more SHIELD agents had entered the fray, opening fire with both night-night guns and assault rifles.

"Stand down! Stand down!" One of the agents shouted in a commanding tone at both XCOM and the Orks.

@LegoLad659 @Barbas
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"Well... Huh?" Rodimus said as she looked at the new arrival... He activated his communicator to shout out, "Blaster! I thought you said that this area's unpopulated!" He deactivated his communicator before Blaster could even respond.

"Look, sorry... I'm sort of new here... maybe... I'm not sure, this place does sort of look like Earth... but it also looks like the Beast Planet, too..."
(Bloke, you just tagged some random other dude ( :P ))

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"Hey, don't worry about us, we take care of danger all the time!" Lilac assured them "Right, Carol?"

"Yeah, mainly because I have to bail you out of it almost every single time." Carol replied.

Lilac gave Carol a look before continuing her speech "Don't worry about us, we'll help any way we can."


Mood: I want to help out!

Condition: Fine

Location: MCU


Cadence (MM)


Its first reaction to her presence was to yell at something in the air. Well, not
terrible, she supposed, but it definitely wasn't a good sign of this guy's sanity. He didn't seem to know where he was, seeing how he shouted that he 'Thought the area was unpopulated'. So that was one mystery solved, she guessed. Though maybe it wasn't the best of ideas to be here. If this wasn't the crypt, then she was further away from finding out what happened to her father. She turned around to head back, only to find that the portal was gone.

"What... Where did it go?" She asked, mostly to herself, as she looked around in case she missed it somewhere.

Current Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


Great, the human's leaving... Maybe it's cause I didn't do that Universal Greeting thing... "Umm... Bah-Weep-Graaaaagnah-wheep ni ni bong! I am Rodimus, the Captain of the mighty ship, the Lost Light, I am on a search to find the Knights of Cybertron!"


Laughing at the thought of the human trying to order him around, Ghazghkull grabs a nearby Shield operative with his Power Klaw and precedes to slam him into the ground repeatedly before throwing his bloody corpse at the agent who just shouted at him." You don't know much about Orks, do ya, humie? Us Orks don't like bein' ordered around by some runty git!" Ghazghkull then raises his Shoota and fires it at the newly arrived agents.

Deff Dread

Unable to withstand all of the incoming attacks, the massive mech explodes after being struck by the MEC.

"Yeah, I'm coming" he nodded, getting up and following Gregory out into the snow. Even if it was cold and his clothes looked like they were shredded, he didn't seem cold at all. In fact it didn't seem like it bothered him, the freezing cold I mean. And the only thing that was still fully intact were his shoes. He probably would need some new clothes soon.


Emma nodded in response "Come on." She led Carol, Lilac and the SHIELD agents with her across town to the location of the Ork battle, following the sounds of gunfire. They were just in time to see Ghazghkull murder a SHIELD agent "You're going to pay for that!" Emma shouted, conjuring several lines of water before freezing them, tossing them towards Ghazghkull and his Orks like spears with her hydrokinesis.

"Who are they?" One of the SHIELD agents asked Emma, gesturing towards Carol and Lilac

"Friends." Emma replied, tossing another ice spear at an Ork.

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"Yeah, don't worry, we'll help you take this big guy out! Let's go!" Lilac replied, before using her Dragon Boost to attack the Ork.

"You guys happen to have a weapon I could use?" Carol asked the SHIELD Agents "Lilac may be quick enough to take him on close-range, but I'd like to have a gun on hand."


Mood: Energized

Condition: Haven't gotten hit yet.

Location: MCU Battlefield


Cadence (MM)


Cadence blinked and slowly turned towards the metal man in complete and utter confusion. First he started yammering complete gibberish, and now he's trying to tell her he's looking for something. Honestly, she couldn't even understand
half of what the guy just said. She just stared at him in utter disbelief for about twenty seconds before she responded in any way.

"I, uh... Have no idea what you just said..." She told him, wondering if there was a right answer to this situation.

Current Current Song[media]

Weapon: Dagger

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor[/border]


Heal (On cooldown)[/border]


"Damn, I forgot how easily frightened and confused humans tend to be... Look, I'm an Autobot... Meaning I'm one of the good guys and also on the side I'm an explorer... And Me and my crew have this terrible habit of getting lost... you have any idea where we are? The only thing I know is that this is Earth..."


Curious to see how powerful the human psyker's attacks were, Ghazghkull simply stands still and watches as the ice shards shattered against his Mega armor. Raising his Shoota, Ghazghkull fires it at four of the Shield agents, reducing them to a bloody pulp. Before he could continue his attack, Ghazghkull is suddenly forced backwards after being hit by what looked like some kind of abhuman. Impressed that the creature was actually able to force him back, the massive Ork readies his Klaw and Shoota before peering down at Lilac." Oi, you dere! Dat was a good shot. Unlike the rest of dose runty humies over dere, you seem like someone who can put up a proper fight."

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