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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
Please you're not the worst RP'er I've come across... There are a lot worse... trust me.


On the second site for RPing I used, Dead Frontier there was a prick called Ozone. He is without a doubt not only the worst RPer I've ever come across but also a horrible human being too. Everything he touched died and he even made fun of one of the other members of the site for her having cancer. It became a "thing" to have "No Ozone allowed" written in your sign-up thread for people that had experienced him. In another thread before, she and Ozone got into an argument where Ozone was like "Well I'm sure you're a generic gamer girl, you're fat and ugly and have no life" Except with terrible spelling and grammar

To which she replied "Well I have cancer so all my hair is gone and I use a computer at the hospital to access this site."

Anyway in a thread she made it said "No Ozones allowed" to which he replied, again with terrible spelling and grammar "There is only on Ozone, did the cancer eat your brain yet?"

Now this girl was my RP-buddy of sorts and I had recently lost my grandfather to lung cancer. Lets just say I tore Ozone a new one. One of the things I said was "Cancer doesn't eat the brain, if you're going to make fun of someone for having an illness, at least get the illness right!" Except I was sixteen and I had just lost my grandfather so my language was a lot more colourful. Hormones with grief and anger over my friend being insulted...Bad mix.

Rather than sit here and try to remember every word I called that little shit, these helpful videos might give you a brief idea about it:




The silver lining to insulting a girl with cancer is that he was so hated for it that he was driven away from the RP section for good. He tried to start up in the stories section but ultimately failed. Not sure what happened to him after that. I think he left the site for good.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]People miss him more than the miss Adam

Adam... That name sounds familiar. I feel like we're forgetting something. (I remember him. I just was trying to make a joke.)

Wait...Does this make Oryx a good guy? I use that term loosely, what I mean is...Well, if all of this is true then the Traveller is the true evil in the Destiny Universe and it's zombie soldiers aka "Guardians" killed his son.
I've had two random half baked ideas about me doing my own universe like @theManCalledSting and the WWE and the @TehFanzyMetroid's upcoming TWD stuff. So the games I've been playing a lot are FTL: Faster than Light and GTA 5. I was thinking that maybe an arc in FTL would be something like a bunch of random characters are placed on one of the game's ships and go on an adventure that would end with defeating the boss. The GTA 5 arc would be characters pulling off a series of heists for a reason I haven't thought off yet. Thoughts? @Some_Bloke
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ryanpk200 said:
I've had two random ideas about me doing my own universe like @theManCalledSting and the WWE and the @TehFanzyMetroid's upcoming TWD stuff. So the games I've been playing a lot are FTL: Faster than Light and GTA 5. I was thinking that maybe an arc in FTL would be something like a bunch of random characters are placed on one of the game's ships and go on an adventure that would end with defeating the boss. The GTA 5 arc would be characters pulling off a series of heists for a reason I haven't thought off yet. Thoughts? @Some_Bloke
Well arc 3 is going to be a bit crowded with the Nexus/Dalek/Sauron stuff (happening right now), TWD stuff (start after the MCU stuff has ended) and searching for the "God killer" in order to defeat Ultron Prime. There will be room in it for arc 4 though.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Well arc 3 is going to be a bit crowded with the Nexus/Dalek/Sauron stuff (happening right now), TWD stuff (start after the MCU stuff has ended) and searching for the "God killer" in order to defeat Ultron Prime. There will be room in it for arc 4 though.

That fine. I still need some time to work out the details.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Well arc 3 is going to be a bit crowded with the Nexus/Dalek/Sauron stuff (happening right now), TWD stuff (start after the MCU stuff has ended) and searching for the "God killer" in order to defeat Ultron Prime. There will be room in it for arc 4 though.

I can't wait for the TWD stuff so I can finally bring Crane into the RP. If my GTA idea gets anywhere then I'm keeping Trevor for that.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The max limit is 12. Someone had three characters before or something which is why I said seven for them.

Ah, makes sense. O was afraid I was gonna kill off a character or two to make way for some others
Demonhunter said:
when do we know our characters been accepted. is it the like?
also since I made natsu... should I make gray for argument purposes?
Yep the like from me and hopefully (if the notifications work) you get tagged in the "accepted characters" post. If you want to make Gray go ahead, the character limit is twelve so you have eleven spots left. :)
Demonhunter said:
holy crap. some people actually have 12 characters?!
Nope, that's just the limit. I increased it from eight to ten and then later on from ten to twelve because I'm mental.


The person with the most characters has eleven of them.

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