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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

I had to go from muscle-memory from writing for Sunday School with this guy.

I wish I had a few issues of this, just to see what they did with it.
Crenando said:
Mahvel, baby!
He's super obscure because he was co-published by a Christian book company and probably only got to children's hands via Sunday School or some such.

Anyways, he's powered by God...and he's actually super canon.
So he's like Bibleman.
Morbuskid said:

Okay here how it is,

Morbus wins: Can be seen

Draw: Can be seen

The Illuminator wins: Can not be seen
@hudhouse this is him arguing that he'd still win even if the one he's fighting has access to his weaknesses
theManCalledSting said:
Did you see how he argued that Morbus would still beat Illuminator? Even tho Illuminator is powered by a divine being?!
Not just any divine being.


or Odin as they would later reveal him to be?


*falls into PTSD flashbacks on having to watch Bibleman at sunday school and how godawful it was*
TommyGun15 said:
Okay. I'm sorry. Just, I got reminded of why I only watched to one episode of Doctor Who. I don't know why, but for some reason every time I watch it the creatures in it make me nauseous. I can't seem to explain it.
I remember as a child watching the episode "Dalek" and just being terrified of it. I was told that Daleks couldn't get up the stairs, so when the damn thing actually started flying, well...

Still not as scary as this scene though:


TehFanzyMetroid said:
I have pledged to not watch a horror movie until 16.
I saw a part of SAW and I got nightmares for 2 weeks.

Strangely, millions of zombies from TWD doesn't make me flinch
The only "zombie" films to frighten me are 28 days later, 28 weeks later, REC and REC2. I like being frightened but I find that horror stories rather than horror movies frighten me. In saying that however, the first horror film I ever saw was Alien, I must have been around nine years old. That scene where the alien bursts out of the chest still frightens the bollocks off of me.

Had nightmares for a week or so after that about the alien coming to get me. It's why I never completed Alien: Isolation. I was just too damn terrified, hiding in a locker for nearly the whole game. After an encounter in the vents with the Xenomorph I stopped playing. Those damn androids were pretty scary too, but I could deal with them okay.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The only "zombie" films to frighten me are 28 days later, 28 weeks later, REC and REC2. I like being frightened but I find that horror stories rather than horror movies frighten me. In saying that however, the first horror film I ever saw was Alien, I must have been around nine years old. That scene where the alien bursts out of the chest still frightens the bollocks off of me.
Had nightmares for a week or so after that about the alien coming to get me. It's why I never completed Alien: Isolation. I was just too damn terrified, hiding in a locker for nearly the whole game. After an encounter in the vents with the Xenomorph I stopped playing. Those damn androids were pretty scary too, but I could deal with them okay.

I remember playing Alien Isolation. That was fun. And Outlast. That was also fun. Especially the DLC.

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