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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Well I gotta go walk my dog at the moment, so you can figure out how to escape Goku's God Soul Kamehameha
So guys... Am I late for the party?

So Sting just showed up in the Terminator verse... well good thing he's friends with Robocop

Sorry if It looks like I'm spamming

I'm new here and I have to adhere to the 10 posts rule

I want to know what to do in this RP... I'm new
Crenando said:
Neato! A Stinger!
Sorry to break it to ya, but it's Vince F'n Russo in the OCC chat! You may also call me Mr. OCC... And If you want to be as cool as me... Get your own OSWReview T-Shirt. at TSHART.OSWREVIEW.... f*&(&

Also, you don't have The Disciple, Ed Leslie, in your NWO...because Warrior brainwashed him? WCW Booking.


Crenando said:
Also, you don't have The Disciple, Ed Leslie, in your NWO...because Warrior brainwashed him? WCW Booking.


Dude, if we legit have the nWo... We need A Stiener Math Promo


I knew you could keep Oryx alive. I just didn't think you'd nuke the universe to do it.
@Some_Bloke Issue, that giant explosion? That was the core of the Dreadnought exploding, all that would be left of his fleet would be his SINGLE Ketch he just stole, and a few Skiffs, so its more like a patrol. Plus, Oryx is standing by himself on the planet (Mercury), and the Ketch is more then 10 times smaller then the Dreadnought, with fighting still going on.

Also, yes the Dreadnought's ability to destroy an ability is canon, its the new strike they revealed of the two brother Cabal leaders who fought to the core and strapped explosives to it. If they detonated it, most of the Solar System would be destroyed, I will try and find the source.

Shield Brothers

It was mentioned in passing on the Twitch Stream, but the Cabal rammed a space ship into the Dreadnought, and the Shield Brothers trying to get revenge for their dead leader since Oryx murdered him, was to destroy the core with 4 explosives. It would destroy the rings around the core, detonate it, and the everything would go BOOM!
Crenando said:
I haven't been paying much attention to Arkham. Can someone catch me up there?
Well Harley robbed a bank, Vance got chased there before fighting Killer Croc and meeting one of the three unknowns who told him to fight Hellhounds in the Buffyverse in exchange for information, upon arriving back in the Arkhamverse, he met the Librarian but was followed by Harden and Faith, two people from the Buffyverse because Vance is a werewolf. Still waiting on a reply from @AlwaysYours on that one, but it's only been a few days so I'm not worried he's given up on this RP.

Upon returning from the Buffyverse, after dealing with some Hellhounds Harley and Caim pretty much teamed up to cause havoc. They killed some cops and are currently on their way to Harley's base of operations.


hudhouse said:
@Some_Bloke Issue, that giant explosion? That was the core of the Dreadnought exploding, all that would be left of his fleet would be his SINGLE Ketch he just stole, and a few Skiffs, so its more like a patrol. Plus, Oryx is standing by himself on the planet (Mercury), and the Ketch is more then 10 times smaller then the Dreadnought, with fighting still going on.
Okay I will make an edit.
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@Some_Bloke Syeron should go to the ACU. One Jedi Master and one Jedi Knight would be so useful in Conner's current predicament.

@Barbas Will Trazyn be making an appearance in this rp, or are you limiting yourself to one Warhammer villain per multiverse rp?
I'll probably just post my Commander Shepard from the last RP and adapt it to this RP's standards. I'll probably also post something else to do something new.
ryanpk200 said:
I'll probably just post my Commander Shepard from the last RP and adapt it to this RP's standards. I'll probably also post something else to do something new.
I love the Commander Shepard song! In fact I don't there's been a Miracleofsound song I've heard that I haven't liked.
I'm still waiting on Barbas to get Angron to launch a counter attack against Goku, or at least run away. So, I'm kinda frozen in place.

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