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Fandom Tear in the Multiverses: The New Timeline (Sign-Ups)

Name: Dr. Ivo Robotnik

Age: [UNKNOWN], but appears to be in his late 30's.

Gender: Male.

Species: Human.

dr robotnik.png

Residential Universe: The Sega Universe.

Bio*: Ivo Robotnik's backstory largely begins with his grandfather, Gerald Robotnik.

Gerald Robotnik was one of the most brilliant and gifted scientists the world ever knew, being idolised by his grandson, who dedicated his life to becoming a great scientist like him. Despite Gerald having nothing but the purest intentions to use his genius to better humanity and his family (specifically his granddaughter, Maria), however, he was manipulated by the government into producing research that they hoped to twist and exploit towards their own ends to create weapons of mass destruction and even discover the secrets of immortality.

When they deemed Gerald's research too dangerous, they murdered all of his colleagues, arrested him, and killed his twelve year old granddaughter, who was also a cousin to Robotnik, for the sole reason of covering the truth about the research and experiments. Forced to continue his experiments under direct military control within a prison facility, Gerald lost the will to live and went insane, eventually being executed by the military under government orders to keep their crimes quiet once they deemed his research a failure.

With his idol, a man with not a single bad bone in his body, condemned to such horror by his own government, Robotnik saw humanity as power hungry mongrels who destroyed lives without feeling. No longer seeing the logic of using his similar genius to help such a society and world, Robotnik then sought to become a great scientist for the purposes of avenging his grandfather by conquering the planet.


While Robotnik may not have powers, per se, he is more than happy to substitute it for his mastermind plots and schemes. He is a remarkable scientist and engineer, as evidenced by the overwhelming number of robot armies and other inventions he has created. Robotnik is an incredibly skilled pilot; able to swoop missiles and lasers in his Egg Mobile with incomparable skill. Despite his physical figure, Robotnik is also very athletic; during their early battles, there is almost always a point where Sonic chases Robotnik and despite of his weight and Sonic's speed, he always manages to outrun his nemesis long enough to reach his next escape vehicle or weapon. Robotnik also has considerable physical strength, as seen when he is able to shatter an ice wall with his bare hands, and is also quite resistance to damage, as seen when he gets blown up and catapulted on many occasions, coming out scratched but mostly unharmed.


"Am I crazy, or am I a genius? I've got all the technology in my hands! It's time for me to take over the world!"
Name: Ganondorf

Age: [UNKNOWN], but definitely very old.

Gender: Male.

Species: Ganondorf is a Gerudo.


Residential Universe: The Nintendo Universe.


Ganondorf is shown to be very powerful, mostly due to his frequent possession of the Triforce of Power. He apparently possessed some magical abilities before obtaining the Triforce, shown when he blasts Link with dark magic and plagues the Great Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, and Lord Jabu-Jabu with monsters, as well as sealing Dodongo's Cavern with a boulder. After acquiring the Triforce of Power, he was also able to create countless monsters, break the seal on Kakariko Well and subsequently release Bongo Bongo, resurrect the feared dragon Volvagia, freeze several Zoras in Red Ice, fly, imprison and warp away Princess Zelda, open up a portal to another dimension, and conquer Hyrule.

He also has the power to transform into a boar demon known as Ganon, as well as create a copy of himself called Phantom Ganon. In addition, he has enough strength to cause entire rooms to collapse with a single punch. He was also skilled in playing the pipe organ, as evidenced by his playing a song on it to lure Link up to the top of his castle. Ganondorf is implied to wield the Triforce of Power, and may gain some abilities from his connection to Zant.

The powers he displays are never definitively attributed to any one of these sources, though he gains many abilities which have the same visual effect seen when other beings use Twilight-based powers. These include the use of Twilight Portals, turning into Twilight in order to possess another person, and existing as a fiery entity in the shape of his own face. He was able to survive an attack from Midna while she was using the Fused Shadow, and even destroys part of the powerful artefact afterwards. He is also capable of generating a barrier powerful enough to require the Fused Shadows to fully dissipate (especially evident after Link left Hyrule Castle and a pyramidal barrier was erected), and was also capable of transfiguring various entities, such being especially evident with his turning Midna into an imp-like creature via Zant. In addition, he can also bestow entities with near guaranteed revival from death so long as he himself doesn't perish beforehand, as evidenced with Zant.

He can create Phantom Riders as well, as evidenced by his fight with Link. He was also capable of destroying one of the Ancient Sages, who were implied to be disembodied spirits, with his bare hands, shortly after surviving his execution and shattering the chains binding him to a pillar. He is also demonstrated to shatter chains binding him with minimum effort, as evidenced by his first actions shortly after surviving his execution. His overall strength seems to rival many others, and scarily so.

Weapons and Equipment*:

Ganondorf wields the Triforce of Power. Presumably through possession of this, Ganondorf gains incredible strength and durability, astonishing magical powers, even allowing transformation into various beastly forms, and near immortality (while he has been known to live for long periods, he has also been killed while possessing the Triforce of Power, though other times he is only sealed away in some manner after his defeat).

Ganondorf's appearance as a nebulous, fiery entity while in the Twilight Realm may be a form of protection from the Twilight endowed by the Triforce of Power, similar to the wolf form that Link takes when exposed to certain Twilight magic, such as the Shadow Crystal. He also wields the powerful Great Swords. They are described as a set of Great Swords brimming with dark power. This weapon type has a Darkness Elemental Attribute and, if he so desires, allows Ganondorf to fill dark energy in order to unleash the collected dark energy in a powerful attack. Ganondorf can also envelop himself in a shroud that resembles a shadowy version of his Ganon form.


"He who wields such power would make a suitable king for this world, don't you think?"

(That was the last one, at least for now. Sorry about that.)
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Name: LaserBlade654
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Species: Robloxian
Appearance: Blade is a 1.0 robloxian. His body is in different colors, but only his yellow plastic head can be spotted. The rest of his torso is covered in a formal red and white striped formal suit with black gloves and boots. Unlike his fellow Alliance Squad members, who usually have a normal roblox smile (R. Gear is different, he has the Commando face), his default face is Secret Service.
Residential Universe: Robloxia
Bio*: The general of Robloxia's Royal Guards, the main force of the recon operation to this Earth. The operation was cut short upon the arrival of the Demonic Union, and Blade was called back to fend them off-and hopefully, stop them once and for all. Once this invasion ends, Blade plans to rejoin the Alliance Squad to complete his mission.
Powers*: Blade has decent reflexes, but it doesn't rival what Apoc can dodge if he's stealthed.
Weapons and Equipment*: Blade is the commander of the Royal Guards. As such, he directly commands a Conquerors-style Command Center, which will deploy once the Union's invasion has been defeated. The Center, as commanded by Blade, will eventually start expanding and building, all while researching new technology and creating troops.
Blade has a laser pistol and a knife. However, in combat, he uses a heavy green combat suit which strength is second to R. Gear's armor. It trades off some durability for a plasma cannon on the right arm.
Other: He's not the final member or Alliance Squad-the saboteur codenamed Flame Two, will join soon.
Just two questions...

1. How many characters per a person
2. Would Sonic be too fast for this rp?
1. As many as you can control, but I would recommend from 3-6 characters at minimum detail or 1-3 at maximum detail.
2. One of the RPers in here controls Dr. Eggman so no.
Me? Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. I’m built tough, you know. A little too much is just enough for me.”​
  • 317081-hector.png
Name: Hector
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Residential Universe: Fire Emblem (Elibean Saga)
Bio: In Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Hector is a young lord and a good friend of Eliwood. Hector’s parents died of a disease and his older brother, Uther, is the current lord of Ostia. He and Eliwood have had a match every 2 months since they were 12, and have had about 30, making him 17. In chapter 7 if you visit the house he is waiting for Eliwood for the match. His fighting style is rash and somewhat dangerous as a result of being self-taught in wielding an axe.

He is bold by nature, and his straightforward, blunt mannerisms are often a source of consternation among Lycian nobility. Tiring of the inaction on the part of the Lycian nobility against Marquess Laus’s recent suspicious activity, he gathers his axe and sets out on a quest to help Eliwood search for his father Elbert with the assistance of some of his Ostian colleagues, Serra the cleric, Matthew the thief, and Oswin the knight. His personality has a surprising compatibility with Lyn’s and they strike up an unusual friendship ranging from provoking each other to chasing each other on with offhand remarks. This frequently confuses Eliwood, who cannot tell whether they are friends or not. Hector's friendship with Eliwood mostly is a friendly rivalry between the two. In his epilogue, he expects that his future son to have a rivalry with Eliwood's son. However, in their B-Support, Hector tells Eliwood about a dream that he had been having, one where a blue-haired man with a great beard is talking affectionately to his blue-haired daughter. Eliwood remarks that Hector was having a vision of the future. He also mentions that he saw a red-haired Pheraen boy taking his daughter away, much to his anger at Eliwood.

Later on in the story, Hector’s brother Lord Uther dies of disease. Oswin was given strict orders not to tell him, which angered him greatly when he realized his brother had died, until Eliwood convinced him to forgive Oswin. He grieves for a short time, but then gets over it to help stop Nergal.

Hector eventually acquires the legendary axe Armads, used by the legendary Durban. This is a foreshadowing to the events of The Binding Blade with the saying "He who wields Armads shall die not peacefully, but in battle"; a warning which Hector took seriously but chose to accept in order to help Eliwood.

Weapons and Equipment:
View attachment 295504
Armads: Thunder Axe, one of the divine weapons of Elibe. The Axe possess electrical attributes, and can cause thunderous strikes when swung

Name: Itachi Uchiha






Residential Universe: Naruto series

Bio: Itachi Uchiha is a missing-nin from Konohagakure, and a prominent member of Akatsuki, partnered with Kisame Hoshigaki. He is Sasuke Uchiha's older brother.

Itachi was born into the Uchiha clan and was praised by all as the best of his generation - a genius above all others. Even by the standards of the battle-adept Uchiha clan, Itachi's prowess far outshined all others. However, not even his family, friends, or teachers could understand him. When he was only 4, Itachi had already witnessed countless lives lost due to the Third Great Shinobi World War, which emotionally traumatized him and turned him into a pacifist. At age 7, he graduated from the Ninja Academy at the top of his class after only one year, mastered the Sharingan at age 8, passed the Chunin Exams at age 10, and became ANBU Captain at age 13.

When the Uchiha began planning to overthrow Konoha, Itachi, as an ANBU, was tasked with spying on the village. Knowing that a coup d'etat would only lead to another Ninja War, Itachi chose to spy on the Uchiha instead, passing on information to the Third Hokage and the other Konoha elders. After this he began to act strangely, not attending the clan meetings, speaking out against the clan, and becoming the prime suspect for the murder of his best friend, Shisui Uchiha. The clan lost hope in Itachi, and his father began shifting his focus to Sasuke instead. Meanwhile, the Third's attempts to negotiate a bloodless end to hostilities between the two parties were proving ineffective, so, against the Third's wishes, Danzo and the Konoha Council ordered Itachi to wipe out the Uchiha.

Itachi slaughtered his entire clan overnight, sparing only Sasuke. Sasuke's life was worth more than the village to Itachi, and he could not follow through with the orders to kill him as well. Instead, he made himself out as a villain, who had killed their innocent family only to test his abilities. By doing so, he wanted Sasuke to take vengeance on him and become a hero to Konoha, thus redeeming the Uchiha name. He tortured Sasuke with his Mangekyo Sharingan, and encouraged him to become strong enough to kill him and avenge their family. Hoping that his beloved little brother would someday be powerful enough to kill him, Itachi left the village as a traitor.

Eventually, his brother became strong enough to come and challenge him. As Sasuke brought him to the brink of death, he spilled the entire truth about his actions that night, and asked Sasuke to take his Sharingan, so that he may obtain the ultimate power in the Uchiha clan, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He then encouraged him to cease his betrayal of Konoha, and ensure its safety instead with his newfound power. However, Sasuke acted contrary to his wishes and acted to destroy Konoha instead.

Later, in the 4th Ninja War, he was brought back as an undead clone, and had infinite chakra.


Chakra Reserves

As an Uchiha, while Itachi's chakra was naturally strong, his actual reserves were below average, made worse by his terminal illness. This prevented him from participating in prolonged battles and limited his use of Mangekyo Sharingan techniques to three times a day before he needed significant rest, at which point even his Sharingan deactivated. Itachi had very refined chakra control, however, which compensated for this. He was even able to perform his techniques with one-handed seals.

However, when he was later brought back as an Edo reanimation, his chakra became infinite, and thus, he can now use his abilities indefinitely.

Mangekyo Sharingan
Itachi possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, which increased his already great power, and enabled him to use his most powerful techniques. With his left eye, he could use Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that traps an opponent's mind in an illusionary world, torturing them for what seems like days in a matter of seconds.With his right eye he could use Amaterasu, a ninjutsu which allowed him to create a black flame that he could direct by moving his eye to burn through seemingly anything in its path, including fire itself.

His final technique was Susanoo, a technique that manifested itself as a spectral being, labelled as the "Raging God of Battle". It wielded the Totsuka Sword, an ethereal sword with the ability to seal anything it pierces into the gourd that serves as its hilt, and Yata's Mirror, a shield that can reflect any attack. Zetsu, a fellow Akatsuki member, stated that Itachi's mastery of the Sharingan, combined with the legendary weapons of Susanoo, made him invincible.

Weapons and Equipment: He carries various Shuriken and blades within his robes. He is proficient with blades, but does not have mastery over them.


"People Live their Lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That is how they define "Reality" . But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? They are merely vague concepts... Their "Reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to be simply living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"
Name: Sōsuke Aizen

310+/31 physically





Residential Universe:

Bio: Aizen spent much of his career in the 5th Division, eventually becoming its lieutenant under the former captain, Shinji Hirako. Shinji kept Aizen under his view during this time because he felt there was something dangerous about him. 100 years ago, Aizen's experiments on Soul Reaper/hollow hybrids involved using an unknown method to cause spirits to transform into hollows, eventually culminating in the creation of the Visoreds. He framed fellow Lieutenant Urahara for the hollowfication process and forced him to leave Soul Society.

During that time, Aizen met Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tōsen, and lured them to his side. Aizen became captain of the 5th Division later on, and Ichimaru became his lieutenant and right hand man. Ichimaru and Tōsen later became captains of the 3rd and 9th Divisions, respectively, but remained loyal only to Aizen. According to Aizen, even when Hinamori was his lieutenant, he thought of no one but Gin as his subordinate.

At some point, he also saw the potential of Momo Hinamori, Izuru Kira, and Renji Abarai, and took them all into his division. While Kira and Hinamori were obedient and loyal, becoming the lieutenants of the 3rd and 5th Divisions under Ichimaru and Aizen, respectively, Renji proved to be too rebellious and was transferred to the 11th Division (and later to the 6th, where he too became a lieutenant).

When Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends invade Seireitei to rescue Rukia Kuchiki from execution, he manages to lay hands on the Hōgyoku with an elaborate plan involving Rukia's execution and the attempts to rescue her, manipulating most of the other captains of Soul Society according to his will. After obtaining the Hōgyoku, a device that allows the free creation of half-Soul, half-Hollow hybrids called Arrancar, he declares his intentions openly.

After using the Hogyoku to gain a large base of Arrancar followers and unimaginable power, he and his Arrancar paradise, Hueco Mundo, are taken down by a joint effort by all the Captains of Soul Society. In the end, he is defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki's most powerful attack and sealed in a chair for 10,000 years.

Genius Intellect: Arguably, the most fearsome trait of Aizen is his tremendous intellect. He is well-versed in the history, strategy, and tactics of Soul Society, and is privy to knowledge unknown to many, such as the existence of the Ōken and its method of creation. He has created several Hollows and Arrancar while avoiding any suspicion from the majority of Soul Society. For over 110 years, he had been engaging in experiments involving unique and highly dangerous manipulations of Reiryoku and Reishi, including experiments involving the Hollowfication of Shinigami, something which had never been done before.[193] He has an innate knowledge of the Hōgyoku, rivaling that of its creator, Kisuke Urahara, even knowing how to destroy it.[194][195] He figured out the true nature of Shinji Hirako's Shikai, allowing him to counter its effect. He effectively deduces the true nature of the Hōgyoku via trial and error of the situations which revolve around it.

Master Manipulator: Aizen has proven himself very crafty and a cunning man since his public betrayal of Soul Society. He can deceive and manipulate others around him in different ways for a variety of purposes. For years, he convinced everyone around him he was a kind-hearted man with the best intentions for Soul Society while performing horrific actions. He has a great talent for analyzing and observing everything in his presence, allowing him to understand a person's pattern of thinking and better manipulate them. He can formulate well thought out plans several steps ahead of others, some of which have a long term in mind. His most well-known plan spans over 110 years, a great accomplishment which involved moving people around like pieces on a chessboard and making sure they played the role he had planned out for them. He is masterful at plans within plans, such as kidnapping Orihime, allowing him to use her abilities to extend the shelf life of the Hōgyoku and lure many of his enemies into Hueco Mundo to trap them, making it easier for him to accomplish the goal invading the Royal Palace.

Master Strategist & Tactician: Aizen has proven himself to be a masterful and flexible tactician, adjusting seamlessly to any given combat situation, if not planning out events well in advance. He understands the strengths, weaknesses and mannerisms of his enemies, and creates strategies to achieve victory; this includes modifying an Arrancar for the sole purpose of defeating Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, a Shinigami whose abilities surpass his own. Despite viewing his power as worlds beyond others, Aizen is highly cautious in battle, placing special protections on himself so as to leave no blind spots.

Kidō Master: Aizen has immense proficiency in using Kidō spells. He is well-versed in a variety of Kidō types and skilled enough to use even high level Kidō without the use of their incantation, such as Hadō #90 to disable 7th Division Captain Sajin Komamura, albeit only at a third of its power. Even during his time as a lieutenant, he could block high level Hadō spells such as Hadō #88 from the likes of Tessai Tsukabishi, captain of the Kidō Corps and the most proficient Kidō master in Soul Society at the time, with Bakudō #81. He can also produce powerful protection spells while in battle. After his imprisonment in Muken, Aizen is able to cast the strongest Kidō at full power effortlessly, including using Hadō #90 while he was still restrained to a Reiatsu-suppressing chair,[209] and Hadō #99, the most powerful offensive spell of all.

Shunpo Master: Aizen is so fast, opponents commonly cannot discern even being attacked by him until after it has taken place Aizen can easily outmaneuver Ichigo's Bankai and Hollow mask-enhanced speed, to the point where he could casually lay a hand on Ichigo's chest and still dodge a point-blank attack. Aizen can dodge simultaneous attacks at close-range and evade Bankai-level techniques, and even when being attacked from behind.

Master Swordsman: Aizen's swordsmanship is supplemented by his immense strength. He can perform tremendously powerful and precise strikes and cut through very sturdy targets, such as Renji's Shikai and Komamura's Bankai. He cut down four captains (two of which used their Bankai) and four Visored (with three being former captains of Gotei 13) with ease,and easily overpowered a Hollow mask-enhanced Ichigo Kurosaki.

Hakuda Master: While preferring to finish his fights quickly with his Zanpakutō or Kidō, Aizen is a highly capable unarmed fighter. Repeatedly, Aizen has caught his opponent's weapons with a single bare hand. While fighting offensively, he exhibits tremendous agility and dexterity, combining both sword and barehanded skills to simultaneously strike with his sword and kick opponents with great force.

Immense Spiritual Power: Even by captain standards, Aizen possesses a tremendous amount of Reiryoku. When Aizen noted that the Hōgyoku in its half-awakened state can be fully activated when temporarily fusing with someone with at least twice as much spiritual power as an average captain-level Shinigami, he calmly proved able to do so himself. He claims he is more powerful than the entire Espada. Even after spending a year and a half sealed away in Muken and losing most of the powers granted to him by the Hōgyoku, Aizen's Reiatsu increased to the point where restraining him to a Reiatsu-suppressing chair after his release was necessary to keep it in check. His Reiatsu is violet. His immense Reiatsu is the reason why Aizen was chosen as one of the 5 Special War Powers by the Wandenreich.

Masterful Reiatsu Control: 2nd Division Lieutenant Marechiyo Ōmaeda stated Aizen's mere presence is monstrously overwhelming.[225] The force of Aizen's Reiatsu is great enough to, without any effort, bring Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, the 6th Espada, to his knees. He has stated it takes a lot for him not to "crush an ant" (referring to Renji, the Sixth Division lieutenant) in his path. Aizen's Reiatsu is powerful enough to nullify abilities such as Suì-Fēng's Nigeki Kessatsu, and allow him to remain conscious under the effects of Najahkoop's The Underbelly. After being released from Muken, Aizen displays the ability to use his Reiatsu as a shield that can vaporize living beings that come too close to him, similar to his previous forms when fused with the Hōgyoku. He can focus his Reiatsu to break through dense barriers that are permeated with Reishi.

Immense Strength: Aizen is strong enough to stop the blade of Ichigo's Bankai with just one index finger (albeit Ichigo was already battle-worn from fighting Byakuya Kuchiki) and almost cut him in half with a single sword strike. He can stop the Shikai of both Renji Abarai and Sajin Komamura with just one hand and destroy the former's with a single swing, proving his strength is more than enough to combat a captain-level opponent. Aizen further displays his strength by cutting through the sword and wrist of Komamura's Bankai. Immediately after Shunsui Kyōraku used one key to remove the seal on Aizen's mouth in Muken, Aizen was able to move freely from his bindings without any further intervention from Shunsui.

Due to his interaction and subsequent fusion with the Hōgyoku, he has gained some degree of immortality, allowing him to regenerate from the damage caused by Ichigo's Mugetsu (albeit at the cost of his new Hōgyoku powers) and live past his 20,000 year sentence in Muken. He took no damage from using Hadō #90 on himself in an attempt to free himself from the Reiatsu-suppressing chair he was restrained to, despite the technique having destroyed all of Yhwach's remaining eyeball creatures and most of his surroundings. Later, he remained unfazed after being dismembered and impaled by a Soul King-empowered Yhwach, and survived being engulfed by his darkness.

Weapons and Equipment:

Zanpakuto (Soul Weapon)

Kyōka Suigetsu (Mirror Flower, Water Moon): In its sealed form, it resembles a normal katana. The only decoration is the tsuba, which is a hexagon. The two sides parallel to the blade are long, whereas the four sides above and below the blade are shortened, making it into almost a diamond or prism-like shape. It has a green handle.
  • Shikai (Initial Release): The release command is "Shatter" and is used to both activate and deactivate it.
Shikai Special Ability: The special ability of Kyōka Suigetsu is Kanzen Saimin ("Perfect Hypnosis"). It controls the five senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy's. The initiation condition for the hypnosis is to show the enemy the release of Kyōka Suigetsu. After seeing it just once, this person will completely succumb to the hypnosis every time it is released, regardless of how long ago it was seen, as the Visored remain affected even after 110 years. When Aizen turns off the hypnosis by force of will, the image shown melts away or shatters. The complete hypnosis of Kyōka Suigetsu is absolutely flawless; even if the target is aware of being under the hypnosis, they cannot resist its influence.


"No one stands on the top of the world. Not you, not me, not even gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over. From now on...I will be sitting on it."
He doesn't actually have immortality. It's just heightened durability, though I can remove it if you want. (He doesn't die of old age though)
Thank you for clarifying. Accepted, but don’t abuse the massive list of powers you have on that particular character.
These Japanese words don't actually mean much. Kido is shooting beams and stuff, and Shunpo and all that is just speed and footwork. Really, it's his weapon I have the most interest in.
Name: Ashen One, Lord of Hollows
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Hollow

Residential Universe: Dark Souls
Powers*: Pyromancy, Assorted Miracle/Spells
Weapons and Equipment*: Firelink Greatsword, Yorshka's Chime, Pyromancy Flame (Basically every Dark Souls 3 weapon)
Other: Not really. Idk where to start if I do get accepted.
gonna make another character... who's actually six

name: penny
age: 4 years- 3 months since sentience gained
gender: female
species: sentient a.i.p.a. robot

(minus the cord)
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residential universe: ę̸̡̨̨̡̛̱͓̲͖͔̲̻̬̯͇̫̬̹̦͙͈͉̬̭͎̗̯̭̃͋̎̄̈́́̃̉̍́͗͒͐͑̀͑̔̆̎̽̋͐̂̎̂̑̎́̒̂͒͌̈́̚̚͜͝͠͝͠r̸̛̺̠͍̰̭̫̩̻͓̋́̃͆̏͆̂̐̔̈͆̇́̅̓͛͌͗̓͛͐̊̀̓r̵̡̧̡̢̡̛̞̳̺̝̺̳̟̯͔̼̞͙͙̳̻͈̮̝̘͉̭͇̮͍̘̮̣̖̜̯̽͑̀̓̈́̓̓̑̽́̋̆̏́́́̃̊̀̑̐͒̇͋̇̀̎̔̃͑̋͑̚̕̚̕̕͜͜͝͝ͅo̶͇̜̦̩͖͕͍̯̥̐̂͒̐̽̔̐̀̔̊̎̑͛̉̀͂̏̚͝͝͝ŗ̶̢̨̺̝̣͉͍͚͉͇̲͚̖͖̼̦̹̝̙̳̙͖̠̺̰̤̹̜̟̦̦̙̳̭̙̽̿͑̿̐͛͋̈́̓̉͌́̃̔̍̆͘͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅ:̵̧̛̫̮͍̟̖̅̈̿̓̌̐̑̾͋͆͆́́̏̅̈̈̀̉̉̈́̋́́̽͑͗͛̉̈͝͝ ̷̢̧̢̢̛͈̜̞̲̟̙̠̥͍̩̗̖̺̰̟͇̠̳̻̘̪̭̮̺͔͇̥͗̾̀̍͑̑̓̋̅͑̂̌̒́̄̐̈́͌͋̑̓̉͂̈́̈́̈̈́̄̋͛͊̈́́̌̈́̚͝f̴̡̧̛͙͙̭̜̪͔̻͇̘͍̥̖͔͔̰̰̠͕̘̮̱͖̦̳̣̭͕̤̤͈̗̺̟̪̲͕͗̐͐̋͒͌́͊̾̀͂̿̂͋̉̋̉̈́̀̐̄̔̑̇͛̕͜͜͠͝͝ͅi̵̢͔͖̙̙̥͉̦̠̣̰͌͒̊̈͗̐̎͑̑͆͊̾̓̀̎͘̚͠͝ͅl̴̢̧̧̧̢̨̡̖̪̲̟͈͈̘͖̪̻̙̬̪̣̦̼͓̣̝̯̱̼͎̳̩̰̻͚̟̹̻̻̊̽̑̅̈́͋͛̿̊͆̀͗́̌̀̕̚͜͝ę̷̡̢̧̨̣͉̝͎͙͈̭̠̻̩̩̮̼̮̺̱͉͇̖͎̘̬̝̱̱̺̖͙̬̬̣̞̩̳͗̓̓͊̐̋̿̒̊̃͆̽̚ 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powers:can connect to the internet, has five little helpers each numbered with her as number 1
#2 is blocky and un-refined, being the first prototype
#3 has limbs that are little to short
#4 has limbs that are little to long
#5 has the strength of a adult male
#6 has heat vision, though at best it can set a curtain on fire after a few seconds of concentration.
weapons and equipment: none
other: 1. her and her helpers are all the size of a average figurine 2.her code can be copied and it will try to get back to the main body. 3. she and any instance of her code can upgrade said code and, instance's of her codes that have the physical capability's to, can upgrade there mechanical body as well.
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This is mostly based off of my headcannons of the species.
Chiropterans are the highest beings on the demonic food chain. There are two types of Chiropterans; Queens and Knights of the Queen, (or what Lilith eventually decided to call her's, Chevaliers.) Both survive by drinking the blood of...anything really. Could be animals, could be your grandmother...it depends on their morals.
Chiropteran Queens
The rulers of demon kind. Chiropteran Queens always come into the world with a twin sister. The blood of the two Queens are, essentially, poisonous to their sister. Any time their blood comes into contact with one another, it violently crystallizes. A queen must hibernate for a period of 30 years about every 3 years. The only exception to this rule is if they have not taken a chevalier, or all of their chevaliers have perished. If that is the case, their abilities are significantly weaker than they would be if they had taken a chevalier. The Queen's have basic abilities that are their own, and then others depending on what kind of demon their father was. (Most mythological creatures are a type of demon.) They can only have children with a chevalier of their sister.
Can be killed by removing and burning their heart, being crystallized by their sister's blood, being drained of all of their blood, or being starved to death. (As in given no blood.)
The Two Queens always have either blue eyes or red eyes; eye color being the only different between the two.

Chevaliers are creatures that serve a chiropteran queen. They become Chevaliers when a Queen either forces or allows them to drink their blood. They are usually humanoid demons, or actual humans. They have all of the same abilities as their queen, excepting, of course, the abilities the queen inherited from their father. (And they can't make more chevaliers.) Any abilities they had before the transformation remain, and they each get their own specialized ability which is loosely based off of their personality. They will never be able to kill their queen, as they are physically and emotionally able to do so. All Chevaliers love their Queen in their own way, and consider her happiness their happiness. They can only abandon the Queen that changed them for another Chiropteran Queen (which will probably only happen once in a generation of queens,) otherwise they are loyal to their Queen for the rest of their very long life. They can be killed in all the same ways as a Chiropteran Queen can, with their Queen's Sister's blood being poisonous to them. They do not have to hibernate, so they require more blood than a queen does, and their abilities aren't quite as strong.

Random Chiropteran
Just an extra tidbit. By isolating a gene in a queen's blood one can create lab made chiropterans which are just giant bat like creatures. But they can't always fly.

"There are no good people in existence; only those too weak to be what they call evil."

  • Name: Lilith Ovinia
    Age: 1674 (Physically 24) (Has only actually been awake for 174 years though.)
    Gender: Female
    Species: Chiropteran Queen
    Residential Universe: Blood+ non canon

WARNING: I've rped her with these exact same abilities before, she is not op as I don't actually bother using most of these abilities. Honestly her strength and speed seem to be on par with most anime characters anyway. It just looks like she has a lot of abilities, but really they all add up into one basic arse vampire. Lol

WARNING NUMBER 2: Sorry about the long backstory I got carried away....
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