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Fandom Tear in the Multiverses: The New Timeline (Sign-Ups)

Name: GearBlade654
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Robloxian
Appearance: Gear wears heavy white armor with blue lines of power on the back. He wears a green helmet that covers his head, ninja style. (Shock Trooper hat)
Residential Universe: Robloxia
Bio (Optional): Gear was a former Robloxian champion. He retired a while ago, until now. With the duty to protect this world, Gear joins the General for assistance in combat.
Powers (Optional): Gear has trained in martial arts and boxing in exchange for his ice and lava abilities, powers he wielded long ago. Now he uses the power of gravity with his martial arts.
Vengeance: Gear will launch a flaming punch that deals more damage the more allies are down. Only once per battle.
Weapons and Equipment (Optional): Laser Chaingun and Shield.
Other: Gear is extremely slow, making him easy to hit

Name: Apoc Xenon
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Species: Roblox
Appearance: Apoc differs from his futuristic squad members. He wears a black hoodie and blue jeans. A normal roblox smile is underneath the hoodie. Not much.
Residential Universe: Apocalypse Risi g
Bio*: Apoc, the Alliance Squad sniper, is a zombie apocalypse survivor. Very hard to spot him in the night.
Powers*: Extremely stealthy and accuate with his rifle but pays for it with horrible defensive skills.
Weapons and Equipment*: A sniper rifle, revolver, and fire axe.
Other: None

Name: M. Gear
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Species: Minecrafter
Appearance: M. Gear is an extremely blocky figure. Wears a blue diving suit complete with oxygen tanks and diving helmet. And black gloves and boots.
Residential Universe: Minecraft
Bio*: The medic and scientist of Alliancr Squad. Started out a survivor of the wilderness, wounded up being a scientist.
Powers*: High intelligence.
Weapons and Equipment*: Lightning shotgun that can heal or harm, iron sword, 3 splash potions of healing. Drone flies around him and can heal or fire laser blasts.
Other: None
Name: GearBlade654
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Robloxian
Appearance: Gear wears heavy white armor with blue lines of power on the back. He wears a green helmet that covers his head, ninja style. (Shock Trooper hat)
Residential Universe: Robloxia
Bio (Optional): Gear was a former Robloxian champion. He retired a while ago, until now. With the duty to protect this world, Gear joins the General for assistance in combat.
Powers (Optional): Gear has trained in martial arts and boxing in exchange for his ice and lava abilities, powers he wielded long ago. Now he uses the power of gravity with his martial arts.
Vengeance: Gear will launch a flaming punch that deals more damage the more allies are down. Only once per battle.
Weapons and Equipment (Optional): Laser Chaingun and Shield.
Other: Gear is extremely slow, making him easy to hit

Name: Apoc Xenon
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Species: Roblox
Appearance: Apoc differs from his futuristic squad members. He wears a black hoodie and blue jeans. A normal roblox smile is underneath the hoodie. Not much.
Residential Universe: Apocalypse Risi g
Bio*: Apoc, the Alliance Squad sniper, is a zombie apocalypse survivor. Very hard to spot him in the night.
Powers*: Extremely stealthy and accuate with his rifle but pays for it with horrible defensive skills.
Weapons and Equipment*: A sniper rifle, revolver, and fire axe.
Other: None

Name: M. Gear
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Species: Minecrafter
Appearance: M. Gear is an extremely blocky figure. Wears a blue diving suit complete with oxygen tanks and diving helmet. And black gloves and boots.
Residential Universe: Minecraft
Bio*: The medic and scientist of Alliancr Squad. Started out a survivor of the wilderness, wounded up being a scientist.
Powers*: High intelligence.
Weapons and Equipment*: Lightning shotgun that can heal or harm, iron sword, 3 splash potions of healing. Drone flies around him and can heal or fire laser blasts.
Other: None
Again? Okay, accepted.
Name: Bartholomew [Barry] Henry Allen

Alias: Savitar

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Speedster [Time Remnant]


Residential Universe: The Arrowverse

Background: Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen is a time remnant of the original Barry Allen from a potential future that became the powerful armored speedster known as Savitar. Savitar's existence is the cause of a causal loop that involved the death of Iris West, as after he was created the time remnant was shunned by the members of Team Flash. Broken and utterly alone for not being the original Barry, Savitar desired to end his pain by becoming a god; thus he renamed himself after the Hindu God of Motion. As Savitar, he has proclaimed himself to be the "God of Speed", the fastest known speedster in the Multiverse; additionally he is known as the "Dark Lord" within his own cult.

  • The Speed-Force: As a time remnant of the original Barry Allen, Savitar possesses a potent connection to the Speed-Force, one that has been enhanced via unknown means (speculatively, the Philosopher's Stone). He bears incredible supernatural speed, momentum, and agility, the ability to project electrical arcs, accelerated cellular regeneration, enhanced perception, stamina, the ability open dimensional breaches and to travel through time [restricted from this RP to avoid godmodding], and vibrate his molecules to achieve utter or precise intangibility.
Gear: Savitar's armor enables him to accelerate at incredibly high speeds without being harmed by the buildup of kinetic energy. Beyond that, it is equipped with retractable blades and is seemingly capable of absorbing and redirecting electrical assaults.

Other: "I am the Future Flash."
Name: Bartholomew [Barry] Henry Allen

Alias: Savitar

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Speedster [Time Remnant]


Residential Universe: The Arrowverse

Background: Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen is a time remnant of the original Barry Allen from a potential future that became the powerful armored speedster known as Savitar. Savitar's existence is the cause of a causal loop that involved the death of Iris West, as after he was created the time remnant was shunned by the members of Team Flash. Broken and utterly alone for not being the original Barry, Savitar desired to end his pain by becoming a god; thus he renamed himself after the Hindu God of Motion. As Savitar, he has proclaimed himself to be the "God of Speed", the fastest known speedster in the Multiverse; additionally he is known as the "Dark Lord" within his own cult.

  • The Speed-Force: As a time remnant of the original Barry Allen, Savitar possesses a potent connection to the Speed-Force, one that has been enhanced via unknown means (speculatively, the Philosopher's Stone). He bears incredible supernatural speed, momentum, and agility, the ability to project electrical arcs, accelerated cellular regeneration, enhanced perception, stamina, the ability open dimensional breaches and to travel through time [restricted from this RP to avoid godmodding], and vibrate his molecules to achieve utter or precise intangibility.
Gear: Savitar's armor enables him to accelerate at incredibly high speeds without being harmed by the buildup of kinetic energy. Beyond that, it is equipped with retractable blades and is seemingly capable of absorbing and redirecting electrical assaults.

Other: "I am the Future Flash."
Accepted. Just don't be OP with your powers.
Name: Scott Lang & Hope Van Dyne / (Gi)Ant-Man & The Wasp

Age: Both in their mid thirties

Gender: Male and Female, respectively

Species: Both human, or Teran, as said in Guardians of the Galaxy





Residential Universe: The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Bio*: Scott used to be a smalltime burglar until he stumbled upon Hank, Hope, and a leather outfit that shrinks the wearer. Upon stealing the suit, Scott soon becomes the old ‘tall’ tale, The Ant-Man. As the hero, Scott has; caused a heist, blown a wall in his wife/daughter’s home, fight the Avengers, and go back to jail again. Ouch.

Hope is the daughter of Professor Henry Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne. She was raised in a private boarding school after the death of her mother, aka, the first Wasp. After training Scott to become the Ant-Man, bonding with her father Hank, and heisting the company her ‘boyfriend’ worked so hard in taking from her father, she is finally ready to become the next Wasp beside Scott Lang as the new Ant-Man.

Powers*: Both have none.

Weapons and Equipment*: Both have the ability to shrink to the size of a bug, though Scott can grow 50 feet tall and Hope can activate a pair of wings when shrunken down. While Scott has little metal rings that will shrink/grow whatever it hits by impact (red rings shrink; blue grows), it is currently unknown if Hope possesses shrink/grow rings, though for the sake of ‘why not’ and probably diversity, I’m going to say she does.

The Golden General The Golden General
Name: Nicolas Antonio
Alias(es): Pequod
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Human, hispanic

Residential Universe: Metal Gear
Bio*: Born in Columbia, Nicolas spent his childhood in slums, barely getting an education or attention from his parents, who constantly had to work to pay for his school tuition. At the age of 18, he joined the Colombian air force, piloting helicopters for transportation. After hearing of the creation of Diamond Dogs, he decided to leave the military and join DD for the promise of a better pay and some more excitement, not realizing that he would be roped into flying the world's greatest soldier around just months after joining. He, his helicopter, and D-Dog were sent to Earth seconds (from his point of view) after the Boss, somehow ending up on Earth several months after the Boss did.
High aptitude for piloting helicopters
Can keep calm even under intense pressure

Weapons and Equipment*:
Flight suit
Wilderness survival kit (rations, survival knife, fire starter, radio, etc.)
Several magazines of .45 ACP
Transport helicopter modified to have two mounted miniguns, rocket pods, and a FULTON extraction system

AM D114
DD designed handgun, based on the M1911. Chambered for .45 ACP.

Spoils D-Dog
Is one of the few people John considers a friend-both in this world, and his

Name: Diamond Dog
Age: 2 years, 3 months
Gender: Male
Species: Canis Lupus

Residential Universe: Metal Gear
Bio*: D-Dog was rescue as a pup by Big Boss, who found him during one of his missions in Afghanistan. After receiving training from the staff of Motherbase, D-Dog became one of Big Boss' closest companions.
Unusually high intelligence and IQ for a dog, enough to understand complex commands and even how to use a knife in his mouth
Developed sense of smell that lets him detect unseen threats

Weapons and Equipment*:
DD designed "sneaking suit" with a knife sheathed close to the "shoulder"; D-Dog has been trained to utilize this knife as a weapon
Is extremely affectionate
Seems to understand the concept of stealth-somehow

EDIT: Added in helicopter
Name: Lee Stone
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Appearance: He wears a grey astronaut suit, back emblazoned with a phoenix. His suit is surprisingly intact, but underneath the helmet is an American man with grey hair that only seems to be cut, but otherwise left alone. Also has a small mustache and has brown eyes.
His AMSU, the Juggernaut, seems to be half as tall as a skyscraper, AKA 50 m(Lee can increase the height if he repairs it enough). The head is a vertically positioned cylinder with 3 white dots in a triangle formation in the front of the cylinder, with the torso, legs, and arms shaped like an old-fashioned knight, but with armguards, gloves, and metal boots.
Residential Universe: Gargantuan, Sigma Sector
Bio: Lee Stone. A Phoenix Corps pilot in the ALT, back when the Leviathans struck at the Sigma Sector. Eventually, after many missions, the source of the Leviathans was found from a group calling themselves the Chosen, who the ALT tracked down and attempted to take down. The mission was a success with Cesena-01, the moon where the Chosen were operating, exploding and Lee seemingly killed.
But he wasn't. He shrouded himself in rocks as he fell towards a world-his rock abilities somehow saved him by sheer luck.
As Lee awoke, he discovered a new world, even running into old comrades-including Mystery 01, who somehow survived the destruction the Mk. 5 PROPHET AMSU's struck him with.
Now, as a new world arrives, Lee heads there as well to protect the universe.
Powers: Lee uses rock based powers.
Weapons and Equipment: Lee uses a HoloLMG and a HoloPistol, both which fire HoloBolts instead of bullets.
His AMSU, the Juggernaut, uses a HoloHAC (Heavy AutoCannon), a Mega Pistol (giant HoloPistol), a drone launcher for 10 drones that float, distract, and fire HoloRifles, a Photon Crusher (giant hammer made of light), and a railgun on the shoulders of the AMSU. Plus low speed but high armor.
Other: Lee is laid back. Will be introduced first event.

Name: Bill Johnson
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: Bill is a slightly fat and short British man with brown eyes, blonde hair, and with a mustache. His hair is extremely neat.
Wears dark grey GAMMA armor. Basically heavy futuristic armor-not much. Oversized chestplate, armguards/shinguards, gloves, and boots. And a metal dome for a helmet.
Residental Universe: Heirs, Sigma Sector
Bio: Bill, before the Collective invaded, was a big history enthusiast, taking interest in all aspects of the past. However, when the Collective invaded, Bill joined the Sabre Corps to protect the rich history the Sigma Sector had.
However, first was a recon mission: and Bill met plenty of new entities and old comrades.
Then, when that was over, Bill headed back to the Sabre Corps. Now, he fights here as well when he's not on a mission.
Powers: Metal manipulation. Usually to create minions-the more complex the minion, the more time it takes to create.
Weapons and Equipment: Bill uses a DES (Directed Energy Suppressor), basically a LMG that fires a continuous laser beam, and a HoloPistol.
Other: Bill is noted to be a fan of art and history. Also carries a book about the Leviathan Crisis.
Noted to be extremely determined. If he's ordered to do something, then he will see it through no matter what.
Name: James "Logan" Howlett

Aliases: Wolverine, Weapon-X, Old Man Logan

Age: Over Two Centuries Old.

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant


Residential Universe: Prime Marvel Universe

Bio: A long-lived mutant with the rage of a beast and the soul of a Samurai, James "Logan" Howlett's past is filled with blood, war, and betrayal. Possessing an accelerated healing factor, enhanced senses, and bone claws in his hands that, along with his skeleton, are coated in adamantium, Wolverine is the ultimate weapon. Originally heralding from a dystopian reality where his family was brutally murdered by the 'Hulk-Gang', Old Man Logan seeks to bring peace to this new and unusual reality.

Powers: Logan bears a regenerative healing factor that has greatly decelerated his aging processes and enables him to repair and/or regrew damaged tissue, organs, bones, and limbs at an accelerated rate. Due to his age, however, his healing abilities are somewhat slower than his mainstream counterpart. He also possesses an adamantium skeleton and claws, canine senses, and low-tier superhuman physical stats.

Other: "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do ain't very nice."
Looks like an old Robloxian veteran should come to crash the party, right?

Name: David "Section" Mason
Age: 46 (Born 1979)
Gender: Male
Species: Human, Caucasian

Mason is slightly above average both in terms of height and weight, at 6'1" and 200 pounds. He possesses brown hair and hazel eyes, alongside a scar on his right arm when he fell off a tree as a child.
Residential Universe: Call of Duty: Black Ops universe- 2025
Bio: In 1996, David entered the US force as a Naval Officer, seeking to follow his father, Alex Mason, as a soldier. He spent time with the elite NAVY SEALS for a few years before being recruited into the SEAL Team Six, where he eventually made his way into the position of a Lieutenant Commander.

In 2025, Mason was tasked with pursuing the cyberterrorist Raul Menendez. After uncovering his plan to cripple the world's military via a cyberattack, Mason and his friend Mike Harper both managed to infiltrate Menendez' compound and spy upon him, learning of a loose end- "Karma"- that needed to be taken care of.

Heading to a spa resort, the duo- alongside Javier Salazar- found that Karma was a nickname for a woman named Chloe Lynch, and successfully extracted her after killing Raul's second-in-command DeFalco. Soon after, Mason captured Menendez at a rally at the cost of Harper's life.

Unfortunately, Mendendez escaped soon afterwards thanks to the help of Salazar- whom was in actuality a mole for Raul- and hacked the entire world's defense systems to wreak havoc, forcing Mason to proceed to escort the President- and multiple G20 convoys- in Los Angeles to a safe location.

With few options remaining, Section led a raid upon Menendez' headquarters in Haiti, where Raul self-destructed the entire drone army whilst proclaiming to his followers that now was the time to strike at the "corrupt" governments that ruled the world. Afterwards, Section finally captured Menendez before he could escape the compound, putting him in custody and sparing him instead of killing him.

After the capture of Raul Menendez, Section returned to Frank Woods' vault- his father's best friend, who had raised David as a child after accidentally killing his father in an incident- and reunited with his father, whom had survived the supposedly fatal shots that Woods fired at him.

David had planned to retire from the military forces afterwards, but after waking up and finding himself in a new world, Section figured that his retirement was probably to be postponed until he got himself settled in again.

Powers: David doesn't have any supernatural powers per se, but he possesses an unnatural will to fight- just like his father, Alex- and resistance to wounds in general. He also works as a jack-of-all-trades, able to utilize stealth and loud tactics efficiently and without too many problems.

Weapons and Equipment:

The Storm PSR (Piercing Shot Rifle) is Mason's primary weapon, also classified as the Metal Storm as a prototype. This semiautomatic rifle was presumably made in limited amounts, as after the events of 2025 it wasn't ever seen again whatsoever despite its capabilities. Said capabilities were likely cutting-technology of its time, possessing the ability to see through walls in order to target foes utilizing a similarly-futuristic IFF (Infantry Friend or Foe) system. It also shows whether or not the bullet can pierce through to hit the user's enemy, which was most likely the case thanks to its charging mechanism. This feature allows it to chamber one bullet at a time without firing, stacking multiple bullets in the chamber (up to a total of five) before releasing the trigger to unleash a true piercing shot- of course, at the obvious cost of more ammunition consumption. It possesses 30 rounds and can be easily reloaded through a break-action chamber in the back that allows its user to access the tube-like magazine inside.


The Titus-6 shotgun is essentially two weapons in one, the main weapon firing three rounds of highly volatile flechettes that quickly explode on impact before needing to reload the drum in the back. It can also fire 2-round bursts of buckshot by utilizing its underbarrel attachment, which holds 10 rounds versus the main weapon's incapability to fire multiple bursts without reloading. The only downside to this is that its optic will fold down and be unusable, the only indication on whether the Titus is meant to fire buckshot or explosive rounds. In addition, they cannot both be used in conjunction, forcing its user to use one ammunition type at a time.


The XM-31 Grenade Launcher is a wrist-fired grenade launcher which is standard-issue for most soldiers alongside the Data Glove Paired, the source of the XM-31. It can protrude form the wristpad and provide a trajectory arc on where its projectiles will land. It can fire both fragmentation grenades that have a shorter fuse than normal and Semtex grenades. It can also be modified to fire something else, such as a rope.


The Interactive Wrist Mounted Display (I.W.M.D), or more commonly known as the Data Glove Paired, is another must-have for soldiers in 2025, as Mason utilizes this frequently. It can be utilized for hacking, communication, facial recognition, and recording a conversation from a long distance, and presumably is utilized via satellite connection. It can also take audio and video calls, making a regular cell phone practically obsolete.

David also carries an Access Kit that can allow him to access otherwise unreachable areas or items, alongside the ability to transfer data to his Data Glove and utilize machines for his benefit. Contents include an arc cutter, hydraulic rescue tool, and a data transferring tool.

Other: "He's just a sad old man talking to himself. Let him talk."
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Basic Information
___|Name: Samus Aran|___
|Age: 25~ (Rough estimation)|
|Gender: Female|
____________|Species: Human|____________
|Residential Universe: Metroid (Post-Fusion Era)|

Additional Information

Power Suit Zero Suit
upload_2017-8-3_23-17-50.gif upload_2017-8-3_23-18-15.png

After the destruction of Samus' home planet, K-2L at the hands of the Space Pirate commander, Ridley, Samus Aran was taken in by a tribe of Chozo, a humanoid race with birdlike features, and infused with their DNA. This allows her to withstand a lot more than a normal human, including gravity several times that of Earth's. This also allows her to perform feats that defy the very laws of physics, jumping at heights higher than the average human. She is also multiple times stronger physically, which means her punches also pack a ton of power. (It is estimated her level of physical strength is at least enough to leave a dent in a solid metal wall, although it is not certain.) She can also wear/summon Chozo battle armor (See above-left picture), which, although it's been modified since its original version, is infused to her very DNA, making it nearly impossible to take off of her when she is unconscious. She has also been infused with Metroid DNA, allowing her to absorb "X-Parasites," the natural prey of the Metroid, to restore health and ammunition.​

Weapons and Equipment
Chozo Battle Armor - Modifiable armor that increases many of Samus' latent abilities. Allows her to keep track of her own health and ammunition.
Arm Cannon - A part of the Chozo Battle Armor. Able to fire a variety of different beams and missiles.
[Misc. Info]
(Hello again. Now that we established that I'm not in power, I think it's time I came onto the scene (probably.). Pleasedontgivemepower. I'll use one of the characters I used in this RP (I think I was good with them) one of the ones I developed through RPNation, and the usual Batter.)

Name: The Batter
Age: Nothing related to the Batter's age appears throughout the game, so we can't say a safe number without likely being wrong.
Gender: Male?
Species: Non-Human
Appearance: CS 2.PNG
Residential Universe: OFF
Bio*: heck no
Powers*: The Batter has three spiritual beings that help him duel against the spectres within zones. He also is capable of falling down deep chimneys and surviving without a bloody mess.
Weapons and Equipment*: The Batter carries a... well, bat that is made of a fine metal. He also has a possession of different meats, Luck Tickets, and Jokers, which all assist him in the hand of battle.
Other: something is off about this character sheet

Name: Sans the Skeleton
Age: Sans is theorized to have existed since the Monster War, which I assume happened somewhere in the timeframe 1500-1850. So yeah, he's old.
Gender: Male
Species: Monster
CS 4.png
Residential Universe: Undertale
Bio*: heck no
Powers*: Sans, being one of the Skeleton brothers, has been gifted the ability to summon bones of three colors at will. White bones are normal damage outputs for the two. Blue bones have you required to stand still as to not get damaged. Orange bones, on the other hand, require movement of any kind from the victim. Finally, green bones are used for healing wounds. Sans, unlike his brother, has a effect called 'Karma' in which his attacks give off a poison he refers to as aforementioned 'karma'. He also has the ability to summon several entities dubbed 'Gaster Blasters' which fire lasers. Sans has a blue-soul ability that lets him throw people into walls or roofs.
Weapons and Equipment*: Sans mostly relies on his powers to do significant damage. However, he is a valuable grill man and is a great hot dog cooker, so he usually has a good bunch of hot dogs.
Other: ogmsnas

Name: Tom Ridgewell
Age: Tom is 27.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Residential Universe: Eddsworld
Bio*: heck no
Powers*: As evident by his design, Tom doesn't exactly have eyes The reasoning behind this has not been found. He can use this as an advantage, as in the Eddisode 'WTFuture', he has a special lock that utilizes eye scanners. Considering Tom is one of the only people who lack eyes, he is the only person capable of unlocking it.
Weapons and Equipment*: Tom has a guitar guarded in an eye-lock mentioned above. This can be used in several different applications as it does do a hefty number on possible enemies.
Other: hi
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Name: Mario Jumpman Mario
Gender: male
Species: Very similar, but not the same as Human.

Residential Universe: Super Mario Bros.
Bio*: Every story has its charismatic hero, no? Mario has always risen to the challenge of saving the Mushroom Kingdom from disaster. Ever since his classic journey in New York's sewers, Mario has been the shining star of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Powers*: He can't jump as high as his younger brother, Luigi, though he is more steady on his feet. He can temporarily gain powers through the use of the Mushroom Kingdom's magical vegetation, including elemental flowers, stars, and mushrooms.
Weapons and Equipment*: Stomping and... yeah, that's about it.
Other: Meh.

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