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Fandom Tear in the Multiverses: The New Timeline (Sign-Ups)

Name: Mario Jumpman Mario
Gender: male
Species: Very similar, but not the same as Human.

Residential Universe: Super Mario Bros.
Bio*: Every story has its charismatic hero, no? Mario has always risen to the challenge of saving the Mushroom Kingdom from disaster. Ever since his classic journey in New York's sewers, Mario has been the shining star of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Powers*: He can't jump as high as his younger brother, Luigi, though he is more steady on his feet. He can temporarily gain powers through the use of the Mushroom Kingdom's magical vegetation, including elemental flowers, stars, and mushrooms.
Weapons and Equipment*: Stomping and... yeah, that's about it.
Other: Meh.
You would go well with YarnDrawcia YarnDrawcia . He is Roleplaying as Luigi. Anyways, welcome to the RP!
Name: Asriel Dreemurr
Age: As the timelines are constantly moving around, its a bit hard to determine. Biologically though, he's around 18 or 19.
Gender: Male
Species: Monster, Royal
Residential Universe: UNDERTALE
Powers*: Generally, it can assumed Asriel has access to the attacks used by both his mother and father. Along with this, he can summon dual magic swords which can attack on their own if Asriel chooses. A version of Sans' Gaster Blasters, renamed Hyper Goners, can also be used, at the cost of exhausting him out.
Other: He tends to hold his power back to probe his opponent's limits, before unleashing his full potential. Asriel also can be just a bit lazy.


"They call him...The Doom Slayer.."

Name: Doomguy/The DOOM Marine/Doomslayer

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Species: Human(?)

Residential Universe: Argent d'nur(originally) Mars(now)

Bio*: DOOM Marine (Doom Slayer)

  • Badass Incarnate: Being a fighter against Hell and all things Evil, the Doom Marine has achieved the status of being an absolute Badass. This makes him an invincible and unstoppable force to be reckoned with (though it depends on the player's actions).
  • Superhuman Abilities: The Doom Marine has shown to possess immense physical Strength and Endurance, incredible Speed and Agility, and high levels of Stamina and Durability. These abilities are all augmented by the Doom Marines Praetor Suit, and are used when fighting against the Demons of Hell.
  • Destruction Empowerment: A being known as the Seraphim gave the Doom Marine the ability to grow stronger through the Destruction he causes (mainly by killing Demons).
  • Argent Energy Absorption: The Doom Marine can absorb Argent Energy via his Praetor Suit, which reroutes it throughout the suits subsystems and into his body. This allows him to increase either his Health, Armour or Ammo to maximum levels.
  • Rune Absorption and Usage: Through some unknown means, the Doom Marine is able to use mystic runes that he gains upon completing trials. Once a trial is complete, the Marine can then use a rune to gain new abilities.
  • Powerup Usage: Whereas powerups (such as Berserk and Haste) in the game are described as killing or driving human users mad, the Doom Marine can use these without any trouble, sustaining full control and not taking any damage to either his body or mind from using such artifacts multiple times.
  • Master Combatant and Weapon Mastery: The Doom Marine is capable of using any weapon or firearm in his possession with master proficiency. He can use all firearms he comes across with great effect, while also upgrading and modifying his arsenal. He is also capable of carrying a vast amount of weapons, carrying up to 12 weapons including special weapons (Chainsaw and BFG) and grenades.
  • Advanced Intellect: The Doom Marine has shown to possess a high level of intelligence as he is able to use technology from other worlds with no signs of unfamiliarity, despite resorting to violence.

Weapons and Equipment*: Weapon

Name: ellie
Age: 1
Gender: female
Species: living voodoo doll

Residential Universe: msf high
Bio: I'd like to reveal this over time.
voodoo magic: any damage she takes is copied onto the person she has token the form of along with movement caused by sources besides her own body.
transfiguration*: she can transform into doll versions of any person who is dead or she can see.
magic*: has access to her creators magic.
regeneration*: she can repair damage to her body with great speed but only damage caused by herself.
Weapons and Equipment: a needle.
Other: she has the soul of her creator, a rather potent mage, fused into her giving her extra powers(marked by *)
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(Never knew that TiTM had restarted here! Count me in!)

Name: Teai Moq

Age: X L V

Gender: M

Species: Half alien, half elf

Appearance: Teai has dark purple eyes, and a single white dot in the middle of his eyes. Instead of a nose, he has II slanted n o s t r i l s that he breathes through. Teai has typical elf ears that stick out of the side of his forehead. His ears are shorter than normal elf ears. His mouth is a small line etched into his face, and he has big lips. Teai has sharp, clear white teeth. He has wild silver hair that is scattered in every which way.

Teai wears lemon yellow goggles that cover his eyes, and he typically wears them during science experiments. When they're not covering his eyes, the goggles rest on his forehead. Teai has a silver blue jacket, with an amber colored zipper. The jacket has II pockets. His pants are grey, and also have pockets. The pants have stains from substances that Teai used in previous experiments. Some of these stains are green, black, and purple. Teai also wears shiny brown shoes that he polishes.

Universe: The universe of Allai. It is inhabited by both elves and aliens. Within that universe, Teai lives on the planet, Massa.

Bio: Teai was born the son of a gaa (pretty much like a senator, in US) of Massa. His mother is an alien, and his father an elf. When Teai was III, his brother was born. Teai lived in a mansion with his parents and brother. When he was IV, he started school. Teai was sent to the regular public school near his home. Teai excelled in school, especially in science. That was his best subject. In Grade VI, he joined the science club, which was a club that looked into scientific projects. By the time he entered high school, he was mostly taking science and math courses. Before he knew it, Teai was going into college. He picked Maha University, a school that had amazing science programs. But there was a problem.

His parents wanted him to go into politics. Teai thought he could excel in science. He didn't think he'd be good at all with politics. He chose science, and from then on, he and his parents never had the same relation. Teai earned his major in space travel VI years after beginning college. He and a couple of friends began to ponder space travel, and visiting different galaxies. They researched space travel, and actually ended up going back to college again to learn more. He spent the next IV years studying just space travel. Soon enough, he and his buddies built a machine.

It was capable of traveling to other galaxies. After II years of building it, they were ready to use it. Something horrible happened. Teai' friends were testing it out, when fire broke out everywhere. An explosion occurred, and his friends didn't make it. Teai went into a state of depression. For a single year, Teai took a break, and stopped his work. After a year, he decided he had to finish his work.

Teai started to work on the new machine all by himself. And, with the help of his robot assistant, Clyde. At the end of another II years, he decided he was ready to test the machine. He didn't know how much of a fail it'd be...

Power: He can sense danger, but only if it's super close to him, which is a quarter mile radius. This is part of his elf instincts. His other power is skill with a sword, which is a result of his alien heritage.

Weapons and Equipment: He carries a rusty gun in his pocket. It's quite old, and he often needs to repair it. But it usually works, and when it does, it gets the job done. He also brings a shiny wrench in his belt.

Other: Teai is weak to fire.

The Golden General The Golden General
Axcicos Axcicos
IMG_1872.PNG (Joined it on Roblox, so..Why not?)

Name: DaGamingDolphin
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Species: Robloxians are human, right?
Residential Universe: ROBLOX
Bio*: I guess he's just a skilled player, nothing much for a bio.
Powers*: Temporary speed boost, like, for ten seconds every hour?
Weapons and Equipment*: The classic ROBLOX sword, and a guitar
Other: He's very cautious of hygeine.
oh hey dailyrolord! i'm in the villains and heros 2 rp over on rp forum. username nimona. didn't realize it started on roblox
(Why not? Just recently joined and I like where this is going. Mind you, these are rough drafts. I'll edit them sometime soon)

Name: Alm

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human with dragon blood in his veins


Residential Universe: Fire Emblem (Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia / Heroes)

Bio*: Alm is a youth hailing from the village Ram in the southern peninsula of Valentia, the adoptive grandson of the famous retired knight Mycen and, for a time, the foster brother of Celica. When news reached Ram of General Desaix's coup against Zofia, Alm and four of his friends volunteered to join the Zofian liberation force to oppose the invasion by neighboring Rigel; from there, Alm became a leader of the revolution, successfully fighting his way into Rigel itself. Toward the war's end, he learned of his true identity:
Albein Alm Rudolf, the only son and heir of Emperor Rudolf of Rigel, and the cornerstone of Rudolf's gambit to free the world of the corrupting influence of the gods Mila and Duma.


Alm's Base Stats

Max HP 52
Luck 39
Attack 41
Defense 41
Skill 41
Resistance 40
Speed 39

Weapons and Equipment*:
  • Rigalian Royal Sword
  • Falchion (Heroes Incarnation)
  • Rigalian Shield

Name: Samuel Drake

Age: 45-46

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Residential Universe: Uncharted (A Thief's End / The Lost Legacy)

Bio*: A career thief with a good heart if not the greatest moral compass, Samuel Drake has spent half of his life stealing to support himself and his brother Nate. The other half was spent in a wide variety of prisons, including a long stint in Panama. Currently not behind bars and itching to get back to doing what he does best, Sam is an asset to any treasure hunting expedition - just be sure to have an ample supply of nicotine on hand.

  • Efficient with hand-to-hand combat
  • Multi-lingual
Weapons and Equipment*:
  • Personal handgun
  • Shotgun
  • RPG-7
  • His Motorcycle

Name: Fran

Age: Unknown (Assumed 50)

Gender: Female

Species: Viera

Residential Universe: Final Fantasy XII

Bio*: As a viera, she is sensitive to Mist and can sense it in a way similar to smell. Having left her homeland, Fran has lost many of the viera's natural talents, such as the ability to "speak" with the wood in Golmore Jungle, which has lead to the viera in her home of Eruyt Village to no longer consider Fran a true viera and view her as an outcast.

Fran has the most mysterious life out of all the characters in Final Fantasy XII. She is reserved more among people of other races and as Fran rarely displays emotion, surprising her comrades when she loses her temper in Mist Frenzy. Fran speaks in a calm tone with a distinct accent, but rarely speaks to people she doesn't know; when she first meets Vaan she lets her sky pirate partner Balthier do the talking. When offended, she will act expressionlessly cold, such as when Vaan inappropriately asks her about her age.

Fran's goals and dreams in life are largely shrouded in mystery, but it is known she left her homeland to live a life of freedom. Although Fran likes to keep her distance, she is loyal to her friends and family. She cares deeply for her sisters in her homeland despite claiming to be their sister no longer, having abandoned the viera way of life. It is implied that Fran feels lonely and sorrowful for having left her family behind, as she warns her sister of following in her path, explaining it only leads to a life of solitude.

Fran displays happiness by way of a subtle smile in a few occasions in Final Fantasy XII. Fran smiles upon learning that Jote still cares for her, and appears amused when Balthier acts exasperated at Reddas's assumption that Vaan is Balthier's apprentice. While Fran and Balthier keep their relationship professional, at times a romantic interest is hinted at. In Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, Fran states Balthier's methods of wooing her were different from Tomaj's of flowers and gifts.

  • Keen sense of smell
  • Agile

Weapons and Equipment*:

  • Bow and arrow
  • Black Magic
  • Light Magic
  • Shields
  • Masks

(Why not? Just recently joined and I like where this is going. Mind you, these are rough drafts. I'll edit them sometime soon)

Name: Alm

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human with dragon blood in his veins


Residential Universe: Fire Emblem (Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia / Heroes)

Bio*: Alm is a youth hailing from the village Ram in the southern peninsula of Valentia, the adoptive grandson of the famous retired knight Mycen and, for a time, the foster brother of Celica. When news reached Ram of General Desaix's coup against Zofia, Alm and four of his friends volunteered to join the Zofian liberation force to oppose the invasion by neighboring Rigel; from there, Alm became a leader of the revolution, successfully fighting his way into Rigel itself. Toward the war's end, he learned of his true identity:
Albein Alm Rudolf, the only son and heir of Emperor Rudolf of Rigel, and the cornerstone of Rudolf's gambit to free the world of the corrupting influence of the gods Mila and Duma.


Alm's Base Stats

Max HP 52
Luck 39
Attack 41
Defense 41
Skill 41
Resistance 40
Speed 39

Weapons and Equipment*:
  • Rigalian Royal Sword
  • Falchion (Heroes Incarnation)
  • Rigalian Shield

Name: Samuel Drake

Age: 45-46

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Residential Universe: Uncharted (A Thief's End / The Lost Legacy)

Bio*: A career thief with a good heart if not the greatest moral compass, Samuel Drake has spent half of his life stealing to support himself and his brother Nate. The other half was spent in a wide variety of prisons, including a long stint in Panama. Currently not behind bars and itching to get back to doing what he does best, Sam is an asset to any treasure hunting expedition - just be sure to have an ample supply of nicotine on hand.

  • Efficient with hand-to-hand combat
  • Multi-lingual
Weapons and Equipment*:
  • Personal handgun
  • Shotgun
  • RPG-7
  • His Motorcycle

Name: Fran

Age: Unknown (Assumed 50)

Gender: Female

Species: Viera

Residential Universe: Final Fantasy XII

Bio*: As a viera, she is sensitive to Mist and can sense it in a way similar to smell. Having left her homeland, Fran has lost many of the viera's natural talents, such as the ability to "speak" with the wood in Golmore Jungle, which has lead to the viera in her home of Eruyt Village to no longer consider Fran a true viera and view her as an outcast.

Fran has the most mysterious life out of all the characters in Final Fantasy XII. She is reserved more among people of other races and as Fran rarely displays emotion, surprising her comrades when she loses her temper in Mist Frenzy. Fran speaks in a calm tone with a distinct accent, but rarely speaks to people she doesn't know; when she first meets Vaan she lets her sky pirate partner Balthier do the talking. When offended, she will act expressionlessly cold, such as when Vaan inappropriately asks her about her age.

Fran's goals and dreams in life are largely shrouded in mystery, but it is known she left her homeland to live a life of freedom. Although Fran likes to keep her distance, she is loyal to her friends and family. She cares deeply for her sisters in her homeland despite claiming to be their sister no longer, having abandoned the viera way of life. It is implied that Fran feels lonely and sorrowful for having left her family behind, as she warns her sister of following in her path, explaining it only leads to a life of solitude.

Fran displays happiness by way of a subtle smile in a few occasions in Final Fantasy XII. Fran smiles upon learning that Jote still cares for her, and appears amused when Balthier acts exasperated at Reddas's assumption that Vaan is Balthier's apprentice. While Fran and Balthier keep their relationship professional, at times a romantic interest is hinted at. In Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, Fran states Balthier's methods of wooing her were different from Tomaj's of flowers and gifts.

  • Keen sense of smell
  • Agile

Weapons and Equipment*:

  • Bow and arrow
  • Black Magic
  • Light Magic
  • Shields
  • Masks

Three characters? Wow.
(More CSes!)

Name: DailyRoLord

Age: Daily was created on 6/22/2016. Technically, he has only been living for a year and a quarter. However, when he was created, it it guessed that Daily looked and acted like a twenty year old human.

Gender: M

Species: Robloxian

Appearance: Daily is diagnosed with Outfit Changing Disease, a disease somewhat common on his home of Robloxia. His appearance is always changing. However, his face always stays the same. He has beady black eyes, and small curved eyebrows. Daily also has light skin (which every once in a long while may change), and a mouth that slants down. However, his body ALWAYS looks blocky, and never changes.

Universe: Robloxia

Bio: DailyRoLord was created on 6/22/2016. Nobody knows the true identity of his creator. Well, that's not true. Only a couple, well-known people do know. But all that people know is that this mysterious creator lives in the Milky Way, somewhere on Earth. DailyRoLord refers to the creator simply as Creator. He was made to be Creator's representative and counter-part on Robloxia. Daily moved into a part of Robloxia called Gamyx.

Time passed, and Daily started to make friends in the land of Robloxia. He would go on fun adventure with them, and more. He'd even play various simulations with them. In November 2016, DailyRoLord discovered a part of Robloxia known as Forumia. He moved out of Gamyx, and moved into Forumia. He moved into a specific part of Forumia referred to as Suggestia Ida. For a while, Daily resided there.

One day, in winter of 2017, Daily ventured out of Suggestia Ida, and found a place called Roleplaya Forumia. He moved there, leaving Suggestia Ida. Daily made friends in Roleplaya Forumia, learning the official recreational activity of the suburb- roleplaying. He would join his friend's various games.

Daily found his home in Roleplaya Forumia. Until one day, the Robloxia government made a decision that would change Daily's life. Builderman, the monarch of Robloxia, decided to wipe down the neighborhoods in Forumia, and replace them with a much larger, more populated suburb- Robloxia Ne Discussia.

Daily and his friends from Roleplaya Forumia were forced to move out. Creator, feeling sorry for Daily, organized for Daily and his friends to travel to another galaxy, calleDiscord. An immigration hub was formed on Discord. Soon enough, they found a place to go to. Creator transported Daily and his friends to the planet of RP Nation. Daily and some of his friends resided there. Every week, Creator transported Daily back to Robloxia, so that he could visit his old friends. When he visited Robloxia, he stayed in Gamyx and another suburb called Groupzy. One day, everything changed.

Creator wanted DailyRoLord to embark on a mission. Against his will, Daily was forced to leave RP Nation, and the planets he was familiar with. Creator teleported Daily to Earth, and decided he would keep in touch. Daily doesn't know what this mission is for, what it's about. He was taken to Earth by Creator against his will. Enter the present RP!

Powers: Communication with the Creator, who can provide transport for DailyRoLord. Not really a power, but still.

Weapons & Equipment: As part of his Outfit Changing Disease, Daily has a piece of equipment that switches whenever his outfit changes. It can be something as powerful as a gun, or a sword, or something as pathetic as a remote controlled airplane. Every once in a long while, he will gain a super powerful gear.

Other: Hello.

Name: Creator

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown, but presumed to be male.

Species: Most likely human.

Appearance: Unknown, but his close friends know his true appearance. As Creator, he wears a gray hood, and a gray cloak.

Universe: Milky Way, Earth to be precise.

Bio: All we know about Creator is that he has two lives, one could say. In one life, he lives like a normal human. In his second, he is Creator, keeping in touch with Daily.

Powers: Communication with Daily, and the ability to summon universal transportation. It is assumed that Creator is in touch with galactic pilots.

Weapons & Equipment: A laptop to communicate with Daily.

Other: Creator will only be featured talking to Daily. Eventually, I might bring the actual character in.

The Golden General The Golden General
Name: Darth Vader
Age: 40
Gender: M
Species: Human

Residential Universe: Star wars The Galactic Empire
Bio*: Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith Lord, and led the Empire’s eradication of the Jedi Order. He remained in service of the Emperor -- the evil Darth Sidious -- for decades, enforcing his Master’s will and seeking to crush the fledgling Rebel Alliance. But there was still good in him…
Weapons and Equipment*: Executor-class star destroyer (Fully staffed). red bladed light-saber.
Other: Executor is stocked for an invasion force as well as full continental planetary annihilation.

(scratch Revan, just doing Darth Vader for now.)
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Name: Bowser Koopa


Gender: Male.

Species: Bowser is a Koopa.

Residential Universe: The Nintendo Universe.


Bowser possesses various abilities, the more prominent of which being his fire breath. He can produce continuous flares or flurries of individual fireballs, and he can even use his fire breath underwater. He has been shown to cause fiery rain, and he can produce blue flames that home in on others. Bowser is very proud of his fire breath, showing it off on numerous occasions, and for good reason, too. He is incredibly displeased if it gets taken away from him or copied. Bowser is also extremely resistant to other fire attacks, so you cannot fight fire with fire. Bowser's fact that he always recovers from his defeats is another hallmark of his capabilities. As well as being submerged in lava, Bowser has also fallen great distances, been blown up, crushed, electrocuted, flash frozen and shattered, yet not one of these defeats has been permanent, with Luigi, one of his mortal enemies, once remarking that "Bowser's survived far worse" after the Koopa appeared to sacrifice himself to save the others from a collapsing roof.

Another hallmark of the Koopa King is Bowser's raw physical strength and power. Bowser is very strong, being able to easily break through boulders and topple enemies many times his own size, and when his muscles are stimulated in a certain way, Bowser can move islands and lift giant stone statues, among other things. Like his fire breath, Bowser takes pride in his strength, and is quick to use punches, claw swipes, tackles, stomps, body slams and other physical attacks in battle. Unlike his strength, however, he is not very fast or agile. Bowser is usually the slowest person as well as the strongest, however, it is shown that he can jump incredible heights and do powerful charges, and while he seems to have difficulty climbing ladders and other things of the same calibre, he seems to be a very good swimmer, despite disliking this activity.

When he is heavily damaged, he has the ability to turn into Giga Bowser, who, In addition to being much larger than the original king of the Koopas, Giga Bowser looks far more ferocious, with a larger body, a spikier scaled shell, more muscular physique, and a new curve to his lengthened horns. As well as being an intimidating sight to behold, Giga Bowser is far more difficult to battle than his smaller counterpart. Giga Bowser possesses the same moves as Bowser. His attack power and defensive power is also multiplied immensely, and he appears to use some sort of dark magic while in this form. However, this will not last forever, and after a while of using it, Giga Bowser will turn back into normal Bowser. Bowser's shell is also extremely durable,with the spikes being as razor-sharp as his claws. He can also use his shell to deflect or block projectiles, though there are obviously some exceptions.

Weapons and Equipment*:
Bowser will not use weapons often- however, he can hide many things inside of his shell, such as massive hammers and axes, as well as his Clown Car, which allows him to take to the skies, drive on the ground, or sail on the sea.

"Gwa hah hah! You made it! Just in time for me to stomp you into bits!"

(I'd like to submit two more CSes after this. I'm sorry for the Great Wall-style length of this CS, but I hope I got the important bits in. : ) )
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