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Realistic or Modern Talents

Tommy nodded while Serenity told him what she did in her spare time. "Nice ring" He said as she reapearred from under the table, she seemed to be playing with it alot which Tommy thought was a little strange if it was just a regular ring.

((Was in the shower lol))
Serenity smiled. "Thanks," she said. "It was my grandmother's," she said, looking up at Tommy. She slipped it back on her finger and examined it. "What's your favourite colour?" she asked, her eyes meeting Tommy's again.

Oh, lol. (: ))
Tommy gave a little thought to what his favourite colour was and after a few second he replied "Blue, whats yours?" he said glancing to his left and seeing a girl twirling a basketball on one finger.
"Teal," Serenity replied, following his eyes. She looked out the window beside her, seeing a rowdy, loud group horse around. Serenity laughed softly as she watched them, resting her head on the cold glass. She turned back to Tommy, scanning her eyes over his appearance and frame.

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"I'm really excited too. Good thing the only person I know knows about drama" Richard said smiling as he walked with her to the cafeteria. When they arrived, he could see most of the tables full of different groups and crossed his arms. "I guess this school is not very different to other schools when it comes to social groups" Richard said smiling as he waited in line to get food.
"So I'm guessing you're new here then, good thing you know me then because this school can be a bit hard when you are a new student if there is anything you want to know you can ask me." Elizabeth said with a smile as the line started moving until they were at the front. Elizabeth grabbed a bottle of water and a small sandwich and looked around for a table they could sit.
"Are people here cool? I had been wondering that since I got here, I thought everyone here was going to think they were the kings and queens of the universe just for the talents and are there any events going on?" Richard said curiously as he grabbed a soda and a pizza slice and walked beside Elizabeth to look for a table.
"There are a lot of nice people here but you can find a lot of assholes, during my first week some jerk hit me and I had a dark eye for a really long time and some people like to throw really big parties to celebrate the beggining of the year but I think the even you would like is the play. We will start rehearsing soon and it is always a really big production" Elizabeth said looking around the cafeteria for a friendly face or an empty table.
Looking back and fourth at Tommy and Serenity, Liana nudged Serenity laughing slightly. She looked around the room hoping to find an old friend, but found none. "So how many parties do you think are happening tonight?" she asked the two of them.
After Harley finish getting dressed she went to the Cafe her Basketball in hand she sat with all the jocks Football and Basketball, "I dare you to spin it on your nose" one of the Football players said. Harley took the challenger and began spinning it, falling after to minutes, that soon started talking about the Jock party. The jock party was basically a bomb fire but instead on a football field and wasn't a fire in the middle the fire was onto of something that didn't burn the grass. Soon Joseph walked into the Cafe and sat with Harley at the jock table they were the loudest table since they were a lot of guys yelling and arguing about plays and what not.
Richard smiled at her and looked at the groups of people gathering around in the tables and he noticed the loud jock table and chuckled. "Anywhere but there, the jocks used to hate me in my old school and I was pretty much the punching bag" Richard said smiling and then walked with Elizabeth to an empty table and smiled. "Tell me more about yourself. What is your favourite colour? Mine is red"
Jessica grabbed a bunch of invitations for her party from the popular table and started giving out invitations. She passed by the jock table and smiled. "You're invited" she said to everyone in the table and then continued to walk around the cafeteria. "You're invited, you're invited, you're not invited nerd". She finished giving everyone the invitations and then sat back down.
Jocks yelled towards Jessica "You know the Jocks have party tonight" Harley's was the only one to be herd over the crowd "Plus last time we went on of your party, we almost fought" Harley stood the Jocks began getting quiet. "Harley that was last year" Joseph whispered to Harley not wanting to look at the two so he faced the other way. Harley crossed her arm lightly, ignoring Joseph comment, than said "You know it's tradition, the only your throwing the party tonight because the jocks invited everyone but you, even the nerds got invited" she raised a brow.
Jessica looked at her friends from the popular table and laughed with them and then walked towards Hayley and smiled at her. "Oh you are so sweet and naive it's like I'm talking to a four year old kid, you are so adorable!" She said and everyone from the popular table laughed. "Listen, I know that the jocks made a party but I only make my parties because people prefer them over your parties so it is like a charity event besides the fact that no one likes your little parties last year my party was one of the best parties the school has ever seen and why would you even invite me when you know I would never go even if someone gave me millions of dollars. But since I'm in such a good mood I'm going to give you a little advice, stop shouting in public and stop trying to fight me because you are just making a fool of yourself" Jessica said as she walked back to the popular table getting high fives from everyone.
Harley looked at the Jock table "Pass me the red ball" she said catching it with ease, than walking over to the popular table. "Last time I check you were a nerd and I was the one barking at you" she bounce the ball off the back of her head. "Lets not forget freshman year where you were the nerd and I was bad bitch still am I have the jock boys the ones you want" she than stood on the popular table "If you want me to shout and yell and make a scene I will you know I will" she began to look at one of the guys who gave her a hand five. "Who gives high fives anymore after saying a weak come back, the only reason your party was good not great was because the jock where there the jocks bring a game where ever they go including parties" the jocks hollered "And you finally asked daddy to pay for surgery" she sat on the table her legs one side of Jessica, crossing them as she spun the ball on one finger, it being her middle finger. "I mean look at that nose" she said touching it lightly, the jocks laughed
Jessica made a confused face when she heard Harley talking to her and then smiled. "Well, I knew jocks were dumb but I think you win the price Harley! Good job now you just have to get a good memory and then you can stop being the dumbest jock alive! I think you are a bit confused because I was not in this school during freshman year and you can have all the jocks if you want since I'm not interested and the statement about the jocks being the life of the party is not correct. If you had been invited to my party last week you would know that I can throw the best parties and no jocks have to be around." She said and then got closer to Hayley and smiled. "Like my nose? Well if you want it so much then you can take it. Your nose needs a fix, like your hair, your eyes, your mouth... well, your entire face and body need to be fixed but since it is too much to cover then I'm not sure you will be able to afford it" The populars laughed and some of them started recording the event.
Harley tried her best to control her anger but she knew she couldn't, once she brought up the money situation. Joseph knew what was going to happen in the past Harley parents had been drug dealers, so money was sort of a big thing for her. half of the Football team stood, right when Harley did she had the look of mad crazy person at this point, "I'm going to make a scene and your going to be the star of the show" Harley said to Jessica before throwing the basketball hard at her nose, knowing it would bleed. It bounce back into her hands she bounced it back to the football team, she took off her jersey not want to get her favorite jersey dirty, she grabbed her hair pulling her back. "Did they sew them in this time" she said sarcastically meaning a weave, "Don't cry about it" she whispered before basically slamming into her in the ground. Jospeh pushed threw the crowd that had been forming since the football team stood Joseph yelled "Harley stop or the party will be cancelled"

(This is making me laugh because two girls were arguing this morning and a girl threw a basketball at her face to end it, than another fight at lunch and the hair thing happened, both in the cafeteria)
Jessica covered her nose when Harley hit her with the ball and gave her the middle finger. "You bitch!" Jessica said and she closed her eyes tightly when she was slammed to the ground and when she opened it she noticed the headmaster coming in and smiled as she whispered at Harley. "You fucked up really bad" and started crying as loud as she could. The headmaster hear the crying and made his way through the crowd and looked at the girls fighting and separated them. "Could you tell me what is going on here?" he said with an angry look and Jessica wiped her fake but very convincing tears from her face and started sobbing. "I gave Harley an invitation to my party because I wanted to be nice to her but she got really mad at me and started making fun of me. I said something mean too because I am really scared of her and I have been very weak emotionally the last few months and then she hit me and I think she broke my nose. I was just trying to be nice..." Jessica said and then continued sobbing. Some of her popular friends who had been recording smiled when they knew what Jessica was trying to do and gave the principal their cell phones with the video. "It's true, poor little Jessy has been so weak since her poor cat died and she wanted to be nice with everyone to get rid of her insecurity but then this happened". After the principal saw the video he gave Harley an angry look and crossed his arms. " Want to explain yourself?"

(sorry if I take too long to write my posts but I'm trying really hard to get my inner bitch out)
Harley knew she couldn't do anything about it, "Have fun at which ever party you choose" she put her hair up than grabbed her jersey and basketball she brought. "Your lucky I only broke your nose" she spat before walking past everyone. Joseph stood there watching Jess cry "That's said because my Uncle died on the way here" he said before all the jocks went back to there table being a tad quiet before walking out Joseph was the last one to leave. Harley basically was running to her room, once she got to her room she went to the shower and took a shower putting on her spandex and large shirt. She knew she was suspended from the Jock party that was the only party she was down to go to tonight she grabbed her laptop than turn on Netflix as she search for a good movie she popped popcorn.
Jessica smiled at some of the popular freshmen as they gave her some ice for her nose as she talked to the principal. "What are we going to do about Hayley? Are you going to give her some sort of punishment for hitting me?" Jessica said full of joy inside of her. "I will think about it" The principal said and then he left. Jessica smiled at her friends and started walking towards her room to get ready for the party.
Harley was watching 'breakfast at tiffany's' she ate her popcorn as she watched it, 'No party for jocks in memory of Harley' a text came in and instantly got many text saying that the jock party was canceled and all of that stuff. Joseph walked in and joined her, "She brought up the money" Harley nodded "I know" he replied. than going back tot he movie. most people came to her door just saying they weren't going to the party it was more than half of the school not including the jocks.

(Sorry if it takes a while to reply watching B.A.T._
Elizabeth smiled as she sat down with Richard and took a sip of water. "Mine is black, I guess we are playing the question game huh? Ok... what is your favourite play? I cant really decide between The Phantom of The Opera and Sweeney Todd" she said with a bright smile in her face and then she looked at the jocks and the populars as they fought and rolled her eyes. "That's another thing about this school. There is a lot of stupid drama and everyone always gets hurt." she grabbed the invitation and smiled. "Weird, I've never been invited to that kind of parties before but I think I'm going to skip it, like I said there is a lot of stupid drama and parties have a lot of that... Poor girl, she looked like Jessica really hurt her"
[QUOTE="Rachel Halil]Looking back and fourth at Tommy and Serenity, Liana nudged Serenity laughing slightly. She looked around the room hoping to find an old friend, but found none. "So how many parties do you think are happening tonight?" she asked the two of them.

Serenity shrugged. "Dunno, love," she replied. "Looking at the number of groups, probably like 10. The dorm rooms are a decent size, so plenty of room," Serenity said, propping her head up with one hand, her elbow on the table.
Jersey and Mikhal just walked around the campus talking to each other. They both entered the cafeteria and grabbed some snack then headed back to Jerseys dorm. She burrowed her head under his arm and continued walking until they reached her door. She entered and saw Harley and some other people in her dorm. "What the hell are these meatheads doing in here? This place is already small as it is." Jersey said. Mikhal looked down at Jersey "...there was a jock party tonight but it got cancelled cause your roommate here broke a girls nose with a basketball..." He told Jersey.
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She shakes her head as the fight between two girls gets split up by the head master. "First day back and there's already drama!" she exclaims laughing slightly, "Do you think you'll go to any tonight?"

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