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Realistic or Modern Talents

Serenity laughed at Liana, hoping Tommy would understand her sarcasm. She continued eating her pizza, waiting for Tommy to tell them his talent.
Tommy watched as Serenity moved her out of her face. "Sports, Basketball" he replied. Grinning at Liana's sarcasm. "What's yours?" He asked looking from Serenity to Liana.
Smiling she replied, "The exact opposite of sports, I'm a piano player and a dancer." It made sense that Tommy played basketball, his build and appearance resembled the athletic type.
Harley quickly put her stuff away and put on a different outfit, it instance of Zach Lavine jersey basketball shorts, and he favorite Black and white Jordan 3s. Joseph went to Harley's room and than walked tot he cafe, they talked as they both made there why. Harley was there for her basketball talent while Joseph was there for his Football talent. Joseph was wearing a simple shirt and pants and maroon vans. as they walked inside they went there separate ways to there groups. Soon Harley was spinning the basketball on finger while eating with chips with the other.Joseph had been talking about some up coming plays that he was thinking of to some team mates.
[QUOTE="Love The Game]
Harley quickly put her stuff away and put on a different outfit, it instance of Zach Lavine jersey basketball shorts, and he favorite Black and white Jordan 3s. Joseph went to Harley's room and than walked tot he cafe, they talked as they both made there why. Harley was there for her basketball talent while Joseph was there for his Football talent. Joseph was wearing a simple shirt and pants and maroon vans. as they walked inside they went there separate ways to there groups. Soon Harley was spinning the basketball on finger while eating with chips with the other.Joseph had been talking about some up coming plays that he was thinking of to some team mates.

I tagged you in my post did you read it?
JacobLoL said:
Tommy watched as Serenity moved her out of her face. "Sports, Basketball" he replied. Grinning at Liana's sarcasm. "What's yours?" He asked looking from Serenity to Liana.
Serenity smiled. "Kick-boxing," she replied, taking another bite of the delicious pizza. "I should have got two pieces," Serenity said, sighing softly.
"Lessoned learned, always get more then one piece of this pizza," she said laughing a little. Looking around she shook her head, "First day back and the groups are already forming."
Stoked911 said:
Jersey said goodbye to Mikhal and went to the room she was going to share. "This is it...now to see who will harass me through the whole school year..." She said and entered the room seeing her roommate was already putting up posters etc. "Ummmm...hi..." She said looking at her her bags on the floor.
Mikhal continued walking until he reached his dorm number. He sighed and opened it going inside seeing some of his roommates stuff already up. He didn't greet him or anything he just walked inside and threw his bags on his bed and left to find Jersey.

Harley quickly put her stuff away and turned to her, "Hello I'm Harley" she began laying out her bed spread out a different outfit, it instance of Zach Lavine jersey, basketball shorts, and he favorite Black and white Jordan 3s. Joseph went to Harley's room "Hey you are already finish in here" he said looking at her side of the room. and sitting next to Harley's outfit Harley nodded sticking out her hand. "Joseph this is--" Harley couldn't complete the sentence not really knowing her roommates room.

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((Phone about to die :( ))

Tommy raised an eyebrow at Serenitys reply. She didn't look like a girl who would be talented at kickboxing, he had thought that she's say acting or dancing like Lianah. "Really?" He said surprised.
[QUOTE="Rachel Halil]"Lessoned learned, always get more then one piece of this pizza," she said laughing a little. Looking around she shook her head, "First day back and the groups are already forming."

Serenity laughed softly, nodding. "I definitely learned my lesson." She scanned the cafeteria to see certain people flocking to certain groups and she nodded. "Yea, nothing new about that."
Jersey looked at Joseph then at her roommate "My name is Jersey...nice to meet you...ummm..." She said looking at both of them expecting them to tell her their name. She put her bags on her new bed and just waited until they spoke up.

Mikhal continued walking until he was in the room Jersey mentioned. He entered and stopped looking at the others. "..."
Harley nodded "Jersey my roommate Jersey" she said she than turned to Mikhal, "Hello Harley" she said holding out her hand. Joseph held out hand, "Hello ,Joseph" he said as he stood up hand still out

(Is Mikhal pronounced Michael)

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JacobLoL said:
((Phone about to die :( ))
Tommy raised an eyebrow at Serenitys reply. She didn't look like a girl who would be talented at kickboxing, he had thought that she's say acting or dancing like Lianah. "Really?" He said surprised.
Serenity smiled, used to seeing that reaction. "Yea, since I was 14 actually," she said, nodding her head.

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Mikhal just looked at both their hands and back at them. "....Mikhal..." he told them never taking his hands out his pockets. He wasn't one to shake people's hands or touch em. Jersey just looked back at them and chuckled. "Mikhal...isn't one for making physical contact..." she said
(My BF is spelled the same way and I have to go night))

Both of them nodded putting there hands down, "I'm going to change than head down to the Cafe maybe I meet all of y'all down there or we can meet back here." Harley said Joseph nodded, "I still have to decorate my room a bit so meet you at the cafe" Joseph said
"Ok then..." Victoria sighed as she saw her roommate walk out. She took out her laptop and opened it. She hadn't been on it the whole trip here. She put on the music and started unpacking some more.
Elizabeth turned around when she heard someone talking to her and smiled at her new roommate as she crossed her arms. "Nice to meet you, I'm Elizabeth" she said while she finished unpacking and then looked at her roommate again. "Why are you here for? I'm here for acting" she said confidently.
Richard smiled at Elizabeth when she said she was here for acting. " I'm here for acting too!" He said as he finished unpacking and then smiled at her. "I'm going to the cafe, wanna come?"
"That's great! I guess the school did a good job deciding who is going to be with who. I'm really excited for the drama classes" Elizabeth said smiling as she walked out with Richard and headed towards the cafeteria. "The food here is pretty good"
"Impressive" Tommy said leaning back in his chair as he winked at Serenity. She definately didnt look like a kick boxer but hey, she must be pretty good to be attending this school.
A smile grew on her face at the action. "Thanks," she said, ripping off pieces of the crust and eating them. Her hair kept getting in her face and she just pulled it back into a ponytail, sighing in satisfaction.
Tommy leaned back so his chair was now only on two legs, he noticed that Serenity's hair kept ggetting in he face until she pulled it into a ponytail and then something happened, which had never happened to Tommy before... he didnt know what to say. He never got lost for words, expecially around girls. "So.." He said awkwardly. He felt like physically wincing but managed to control himself.

((i actually am running out of things to say! lol))
"So, what do you like to do when you're not playing basketball?" Serenity asked, placing her elbows on the table and propping her head up, facing Tommy. She watched him with interest as he leaned back. Serenity glanced around the lunch room before meeting her eyes with Tommy's again. She twirled one of the rings on her finger, awaiting Tommy's answer.
Tommy leaned forward propping his head up with his elbows, just as Serenity was so now they were pretty much looking straight at eachother. "Not much really, my life consists of basketball and sleeping" which was partly true and those two activities did take up large portions of his day. "'What do you do when your not" Tommy paused for a moment grinning "Kick boxing" He still found it a bit odd but in a good way that Serenity was actually some sort of fighting machine.
Serenity nodded, laughing softly at the sleeping bit. "Most times, I'm either riding my longboard, exercising or singing," she said, thinking the question through. Serenity's ring was sort of big on her finger and as she was twirling it, it fell off and right onto the floor. She groaned, stepping off her stool and bending down to pick it up. Serenity stood back up, placing her ring on top of the table. "Sorry," she apologised to Tommy, sliding back into the chair.

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