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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate could really use that rebar again. He would always choose Alex, but they needed to move faster than they could go when Alex was going to be gentle and amazing. They were going to have to be able to move quickly. If Nate was going to move fast, he was going to have to manipulate his body in ways that he was not sure how to do while attached to Alex. He really didn’t want to disengage though. They were extensions of each other. Until he found something that was good enough, he would use Alex. “Thank you,” he said gently as Alex supported him. “Remind me to find a better way to thank you later. I feel like I’m a broken record.”

Carlos stuck to Kaleb. His pain was bad but not as much as Nate’s. He was mostly able to avoid using his arm up to the point that he started swinging at them. It was cranky but mostly sore. Nate was hopping over things and sprinting. He was sure he probably hurt significantly more than Carlos. “I think your plan is brilliant, love. I’m sure they would agree if they were at all paying attention to anything that wasn’t themselves.” He shook his head laughing. He honestly found it cute how they were. He remembered when he was much the same way with Kaleb. They would get past it. Maybe. But not today and not soon.

“Yes, yes, it is a brilliant idea.” Nate looked over his shoulder and smiled toward Kaleb. “It really is. I agree. Let’s find somewhere decent past this park.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was glad to help Nate, give him the support he'd need. It made him feel important, that he was more than just the archer, more than just a scarred man from a crazy cult. "We can find a better way later for you to thank me, once we're safe" He told Nate. Once they were safe.. Until they reached the farmhouse would they ever really be safe. Alex looked over at Kaleb and nodded himself, choosing to ignore Carlos' playful teasing. Alex started moving when Kaleb did, both men helping their people, supporting them where they needed it.

Kaleb was quite content with Carlos sticking close to him. "Will you behave love?" He said with a laugh, seeing Nate look at him and smiled. "Alright then, here we go." Kaleb started forward, heading slowly down the hall. He listened and watched for anything that could be unsavory for them to deal with, be it infected or hunters. So far the building was quiet as they moved forward. There was a hook to the hallway that went to the left. Hopefully that hook would lead them out of this building and if it worked well, put them at the entrance to the park.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“No,” Carlos answered. “I don’t think that I will.” He laughed, and Nate laughed because he knew that was true. They were never going to hear the end of this. Carlos was too Carlos to ever drop it, but at the same time, Nate didn’t want him to. He liked it. It felt right for this to be the way between them. Carlos certainly did not want to stop. He was absolutely against it. Would he even be Carlos if he were to behave? It seemed unlikely. Instead, they all walked along this hall, now trying to pay attention again since they were not yet out of danger. This hall was quiet enough, and it felt better than the other part of the building before they dropped in. That had to be good for something. As they hooked around the corner, all seemed well. Quiet and well. Quiet meant great things unless of course it meant the worst things. But they could hope. They needed a reprieve.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb rolled his eyes at Carlos. He knew that he couldn't behave, it just wasn't how the man worked. And Kaleb loved him for it. It was part of what made Carlos who he was. It was one of the many reasons that made Kaleb had fall in love with him. Alex chuckled, hearing Carlos and Kaleb's words. It was something that he'd come to enjoy and almost rely on. It was normal now to him. As they came to the corner, the hall was quiet and much nicer looking. A door sat at the end of the hallway. Alex wasn't sure just what would be on the other side of that door, but with the light streaming through the small window gave Alex hope that it was outside and the park would be right there.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos opened the door. He did not wait for them to decide to come up with a plan. He did not question whether or not they were going to be attacked. He wanted to go. If there were people out there then fine. They could come at him. The four of them just took on a shambler and a whole nest of infected. Who was going to stop them now? Not some pesky little hunters. So he opened the door, and after all that build up in his mind, he was mildly disappointed when there wasn’t a single hunter waiting for him. Nate followed, scanning and listening. But no. They weren’t where they were the day before but instead what appeared to be the back side of the street. Oh, no hunters because they weren’t expecting them to be in this area? Huh, that was good. He turned back to the building they came from, and he had a feeling that unless you moved through the basement as they did, this section was blocked off from the rest. They just went through what he could only see as a very dangerous short cut. Not too far was the entrance to the park. Carlos noticed too, grinning with a silly, “Jackpot.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had put one hand behind him, resting it on his bow when Carlos had opened the door, but as they walked through the door, there weren't any hunters. Alex looked around, noticing that they'd essentially taken a short cut. The park entrance was right there, and so were a swath of trees. Alex looked over at Nate, wanting to run to the tree so he climb up and get a look around at the area. "The park" Alex said softly, both nervous and excited. Nervous because of a possible ambush, and excited to be among nature, real nature and not the stuffy buildings they'd been working through the last two days. Kaleb followed Carlos through the door, looking around and listening but they seemed to have rare stroke of good luck at this point.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate smiled at how close they were to this second chance at freedom. Of course the hunters were likely watching the park entrance knowing that this was where they were going. This meant that they had little time to get there. “Alex. You need to get to those trees as fast as possible. I can’t get there that fast. I can’t do much of anything that fast right now.” There was no way for him to sneak over there. There was only hoping that he wasn’t about to die. “You get up and safe and deadly.” He reached a hand up to touch his face. “I will join you as fast as I can. Which will be slowly.” He turned to Kaleb and Carlos. “I don’t know what we’ve got left, but if they notice us, we could start blowing things up to create a smoke screen.” Carlos lit up at the idea. Of course he would. “We may be lucky and they may think we’re somewhere else. But we also may not be lucky.” He turned back to Alex. “We’re going to make it to that farmhouse. We just need to get to that park first.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked over at Nate when he spoke. He nodded even though he didn't want to leave Nate at all. "Okay. I can do that." He said. "You better make to me." Alex added, leaning into the hand on his face. Alex looked over at Kaleb and Carlos, he saw the man light up when Nate mentioned blowing things up. That wasn't surprising, at all. Alex looked back at Nate with a smile on his face. "We'll get there. Together" Alex affirmed. He leaned forward and kissed Nate quickly. "See you soon" He said, before he took off. He had mastered the silent run, watching how his feet moved and he looked around as he ran. Once Alex made it to the first tree, he looked around before he hauled himself up, before moving further up, branch by branch. Alex made it to the top, looking around. He leaned against the trunk, holding himself steady with his foot braced against a knot in the branch. His bow was out, arrow in hand, though he didn't see any hunters just yet. Alex shifted his hand so he could move some of the leaves, trying to signal that everything seemed clear. Then his eye caught on a hunter, he was moving toward where the others were. As the hunter went around the corner, an arrow sailed into his heart dropping him to the ground. Kaleb was surprised seeing the hunter drop as he'd started moving towards the park.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

There was nothing more exhilarating than watching Alex move. He was quick and silent. He was a warrior, yes, but that was never what Nate saw. He saw the elegance of deer. The grace of a bird in flight. The lightness of the air itself. He smiled as he moved up the trees. His body was beautiful. As Alex raised his bow and aimed, Nate followed the line to see the hunter as he fell. Amazing. Alex was absolutely amazing. He was perfect.

His thoughts were interrupted as Carlos grabbed at his arm. “Let’s go lover boy. You can marvel at your boyfriend as soon as we aren’t in the line of fire. Let’s go let’s go.” He held a nail bomb and a mine in his hands. Nate couldn’t remember if they had those before or if he just now made those. It didn’t matter. It was time to go. He nodded towards Kaleb, and he ran. He was going to make it to Alex.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched as the three made their way down the street. His bow was aimed, ready to fire. His eyes traveling around the area. He saw a group of hunters walking towards the street, probably to join their friend. Alex fired off arrow after arrow, hitting the three hunters just before they could raise the alarm. He was doing everything he could to make sure that the three of them made it into the park. At least there they also had forms of cover. Kaleb nodded to Nate as he too ran towards the trees. He heard the whizzing of arrows through the air as he ran.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As they ran, it was hard to take his eyes from Alex and then his tree when he was hard to see. This was life or death, so he had to keep going. He had to get across. As he heard the arrows flying by, he finally turned to look that way. There was a whole group of them, and they could see exactly where they were going. If they came in after them knowing how this park was laid out. It would be bad. “Carlos! I need you to do what you need to do.”

Carlos grinned. Kaleb was their best shot when it came to things like explosives and firearms. He could be having once been part of FEDRA. But there was just something about things blowing up that really brought him a joy that he could not explain. The way that the world took a moment to come apart was so beautiful that it was almost art. Would this hit the group of hunters? Maybe. It didn’t matter. What he was about to do was create too many explosions for them to follow. One on them and several to block the view of them running in. “Keep your sights on where you gotta go because it’s about to get a little foggy for us!” And then he started tossing things. He threw the nail bomb towards the hunters and the mines closer to them. He had a Molotov left. Good. There was a pillar of fire. It created a wall of force around them. They needed to get in those trees fast so that it blocked at least where they went. That could buy them survival time.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex heard the nail bomb first, his gaze turning from the hunters he'd been shooting at, heart in his throat. He could barely see anything through the smoke. Time to move. He heard the mines go off as he twisted, running and jumping from branch to branch. As he came around the side of the tree that faced the park, he saw a close enough branch from the tree beside him. Alex swallowed hard, took a breath and ran, leaping over onto the next branch cleanly and only a little twinge of pain in his leg. He didn't know where the others were but he knew they should be in the park by now, and so he leaned against the trunk, looking at the ground trying to spot any of them.

Kaleb knew Carlos would be thrilled hearing Nate's words, and he was. He could see the grin on the man's face and it made him happy. Kaleb ran as the first bomb exploded, and felt the heat from the molotov's fire. He ran straight for the park, running through a couple bushes before ducking into cover behind a tree, the same tree that Alex was in and the youngest of them could see Kaleb there safe. Now he just needed to make sure that Nate and Carlos were safe. He looked out over the park, most of the trees were close enough for him to traverse the park above, giving them aerial support and watch for hunters.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

When the world disappeared into the debris and fire, Nate just about panicked, because he couldn’t see Alex anymore. The closer they got, the harder it was for him to find him anyway, but at least he could see his tree. With the succession of explosions, he lost his way. He hated that. He didn’t so much care about being in one spot specifically, but he did deeply care about being near Alex. They promised to be together at all times except for extenuating circumstances. This was one of those, yes, and they had a solution for that. He was to be right at that tree. How could he do that when he couldn’t even find it? Not to mention he wasn’t going to be able to keep up this speed. He already hurt so bad, and he could feel his speed dropping significantly. He was officially the weakest link in their machine.

He gasped as someone grabbed onto his arm. He whipped his head around, prepared to do something, and it was Carlos. Where had he come from? “Need a lift, lost little buddy?” Nate had just enough time to ask “What?” Before he was not nicely scooped like Carlos did with Alex. Instead, Carlos crouched low and ran right in front of him so that Nate collided painfully. With his good arm, Carlos held onto Nate and moved himself back up. “Readjust yourself so you’re holding on, Medicine Man.” So he did. And just like that, he was a backpack. Where was Carlos’ backpack? Oh, in his bad arm. Of course. How very Carlos. Nate reached down and yanked it out of his grip which wasn’t that hard. He could do that for him at least for a little while. “You’re my eyes now. Find our boys now that we’re in the trees. I will get us there and out of the way.” So that’s what they did. As a team. Carlos weaved through the trees like a maniac and Nate used his additional focus now that he wasn’t dealing with running to track down the other two. It wasn’t that hard honestly. Maybe he was learning a thing or two about the trees now after all.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was searching for Nate, his eyes looking through the bushes and around the other trees. He should get down, go further down to look better but Nate told him that he needed to be in the trees, safe. But Alex didn't know if he wanted to be safe if he didn't have Nate. There is greater than five feet between them right now and he didn't like it. Alex decided he could always go back up the tree. So he worked his way down the tree, moving branch to branch and stopped at the last branch before the ground. "Kaleb" He whispered to the man standing by the trunk. Kaleb, having been looking for their boys, looked up at Alex in the tree. "Do you see them?" He asked, and the older man shook his head. Their voices were low, and then, wait. Alex narrowed his eyes. "Kaleb! Look!" Alex pointed to see a figure running towards them. Kaleb twisted himself so he was behind the tree looking at the figure and Alex had his bow out and drawn, but closer inspection showed Carlos. "Carlos!" Kaleb called softly while Alex simply breathed out. "Nate..!" As quietly as he could.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Honestly, riding on the back of Carlos was not so bad. He once rode Ben’s back like this in a similar situation. They were a whole lot younger, but Ben was still a big dude. Nate was a smaller, scrawnier teen at the time, and he could not keep up after flat out breaking something around his ankle. That was not a fun time. This, however, was kind of cool, especially now that he could see their destination. They were going to survive this.

“Special delivery for a certain handsome monkey man,” Carlos grinned as he slowed to their sides. “Well, almost. Special instructions tell me not to make the drop until we have a safe place to do so. Eyes?”

Nate looked behind them and patted his good shoulder urgently. “That’s not now. Keep moving. They’re starting to get near the trees. I don’t think they’re happy with us.” He looked to Alex and smiled mischievously. “You and me. Less than five feet later. Let’s go.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was glad to see Nate whole and safe. Carlos had a good grip on him. "Alright, this park is bigger than we thought, but if we keep going straight there looks to be some buildings on the other side we can shelter in and rest" Alex said, before he looked at Nate. He smiled and laughed a little seeing that smile on his face. "It's a date" He told Nate happily. "I'll meet you guys on the other side, you take care of him!" Alex said, winking at Nate before glancing at both Carlos and Kaleb. Then he was gone again, climbing up the tree until he was close to the top, looking around and spying the hunters making their way to the park. Alex leapt from the tree he was in and onto the next one, turning once he'd made it to fire an arrow at the hunter that was getting just too close for comfort. He moved around the tree and jumped onto the next one.

Kaleb smiled at Carlos, he was concerned for his shoulder but knew that Carlos wouldn't put Nate down. He knew they had to keep going. "Well, looks like a party that I want to avoid" Kaleb said with a laugh. He nodded to Alex before the man was back up the tree. "Let's go quickly." Kaleb said, turning and starting to run straight ahead. The idea of a nice building to shelter in, check their wounds and rest driving him forward.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate blushed very rarely. He was bothered by very few things. When Alex said it was a date, that made Nate so unendingly happy he could actually die, but it didn’t do anything to him. When Alex winked, it just made him smile like an idiot. But when Kaleb spoke, that was when he flushed red across both cheeks. The heat rose to his ears, and it only got worse as Carlos laughed and said, “That’s what I’m talking about!” He didn’t have time to deal with this before Carlos was running straight after Kaleb. He was worried about going straight though. That would be the fastest route but also easiest to find. “We’re gonna weave,” Nate told Kaleb, patting his ride’s good shoulder. “Randomly and just like you love to do, big guy. Don’t let them catch you.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex couldn't wait until they could get to the other side of the park. He moved from the tree he was in and made it to the next one. His eyes went down to look at the others running below. Alex paused, facing the way they came. A group of hunters was headed their way. They weren't going to get close. Alex reached into his pack to grab a nail bomb. The arrows he had were a lot sturdier than the prior ones he used. He tied the nail bomb to the arrow tip, tested its weight and nocked it. Alex aimed a little higher than he would normally before letting it fly, the arrow landing on the hunter in the middle and exploding, ending that group. Alex smirked to himself as he moved around the tree and leapt a few trees down. He could see the buildings getting closer. Kaleb looked at Nate when he said they'd weave. He nodded and did just that, before an explosion behind them and off to the side drew his attention for a moment before he moved faster. It wasn't him and it wasn't Carlos, clearly not Nate either which left Alex who'd done that, keeping those hunters off their tail.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate jumped when the explosion went off somewhere behind him. He looked back, but moved Carlos’ head back to the front. Was that Alex? That man was crazy. Crazy and beautiful. And his. All his. How would they survive without him? They wouldn’t. Nate would never have been able to make it to Washington without him. No farmhouse, no Fireflies or whatever they were called. No family. “That was Handsome,” Nate told Carlos who nodded. “Keep us moving. They aren’t going to gain on us with that. There might be another section of the group coming up from our left?”

“Throw another one,” Carlos suggested.
“No.” No thoughts. Nate couldn’t do that.
“Fine. Kaleb? Deal with the group to the left? I think I may have one something explosive left in my pack. Kind Nate, could you hand Kaleb the pack please? I’m going to move us further to the right so they have to get through your handy work.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had moved to another tree, this he had missed. The wind in his hair as he moved from tree to tree. He needed to get to those buildings, needed it more than he cared to admit. Alex wanted nothing more than to be with Nate right now, safe and warm. Preferably on a soft bed just to enjoy each others company. Alex heard an explosion to his left, this one was not him and his heart jumped nervously, until he looked down to see Kaleb just behind the other two. Must've been him. Alex watched as they moved to the right, the only issue was there weren't any close trees to the right. He could go straight or left. So Alex chose straight, he'd be able to keep an eye on the hunters from there and shoot those that got just a little too close.

Kaleb took the pack, reaching in and grabbing the explosive. Kaleb let the other two get some distance away and then he tossed it to the left, right in front of the group. "Move!" He said, catching up to the two. "That'll buy us a few minutes." Kaleb said as they moved towards the right.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos moved. He was already moving the second he no longer felt Kaleb messing with the pack. He was not upset with Nate but it was frustrating that he couldn’t do something like that. In this moment, this was what they needed, but he could see why Nate would struggle with that. Medics. They were just like this. At least they had Kaleb who could do that for them. What would Nate do without them? Die. Probably. Nate was pretty sure that this was going to go poorly for him if he didn’t have his people. It was shocking that he made it as long as he did without his family. But now he had a new one. A new one who could make the harder decisions.

They ran. They ran and they ran. If this was what they could do to get through, this was it. They needed to get through fast. “How much further, beauties?”
Nate couldn’t tell exactly but they were close. “Not much, big guy. We’re gonna make it. You keep moving and we’ll be there in a couple of minutes tops.” Couple minutes. Carlos could do that. He moved Nate to hanging more on the other side to give his arm a bit of a break and he focused on moving as fast as his legs would carry them. It hurt and that was okay. They were so close.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex could see the building ahead of him, about three more trees left. He looked down to see the three just off to the right. Alex looked back and to the left, it looked clear. Their smokescreen and explosives must've done the trick. Alex leapt to the next tree, moving as fast as he could. He skirted around to the next one and leapt to the tree. One tree left. One tree and what looked like a hotel now that they were closer. Alex made it to the last tree, then worked his way down. Jumping down from branch to branch, before his feet hit the ground. He winced a little at the twinge in his leg. The wound was closed up, but the muscles were still sensitive. Alex looked around for his people. Kaleb was running beside the two of them, pushing himself, and that was when he saw the building, the edge of the park and Alex up ahead to the left. "Okay boys, there's Handsome. Let's get into that building yeah?" He said, pushing himself before slowing down when he made it to Alex, the edge of the park a few feet away and the building's entrance just on the other side of the street.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The second he saw that building, Nate wanted to jump down and run himself. Then when he saw Alex, he couldn’t help but squirm as he felt trapped in this hold. He wanted to run straight into Alex and throw his arms around him. He wanted to leave all of this hunter hunted business behind already. He was so tired of being apart. He knew, though, that this was a dream and not a reality. He moved his face to be right next to Carlos’. “You get me to my boy, Carlos.” Carlos reached up his good hand and placed it on Nate’s arms that were around Carlos’s chest. “I promise I will. You’re not the only one who wants to see him again.” They both laughed as Carlos ran. And boy did he run. Sure, he wanted to see Handsome again, but he also just wanted to be done. He could feel his shoulder throbbing but if he stopped now, he wouldn’t be able to start back up. It was now or never, and now was the best time. Now was the only time. By the time they reached this little building, Nate was so anxious that even Carlos was itching to out him down. He wiggled until finally Carlos helped him off and shoved him away. Besides, if this thing was locked, Nate was the one who could open it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex saw Nate again, a huge smile on his face the moment he did. All Alex wanted was to run to him, hold Nate close and just stop. Stop all of it. He knew that wasn't possible, knew they had to keep going. Once the three of them made it to Alex, he turned and ran with them, keeping in step beside Carlos. Finally they made it to the building, and Alex reached for the door as Carlos helped Nate off his back. He pulled on the door, and to his surprise and happiness, it opened. Alex held it open and Kaleb stepped inside first, the lobby was dim but it seemed in fairly decent condition, no fungal growths or spores. Nothing. Kaleb let the way in and Alex would hold the door until the other two were inside, after which he'd bar the door with something sturdy enough to keep them safe for the night.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate plopped himself on the floor as they made it inside the building. There was no determining anything yet. Just sitting on the floor and trying not to think about how much his leg hurt. Carlos, also in immense pain, was not done yet. He was right there with Alex wanting to bar this door so that even if these hunters wanted to get to them, they would have a hell of a time getting in. He started grabbing anything that looked like it would be a pain to move and pushing it towards the door. If he could get enough in the general area, then the other two could actually do something about it. Eventually, he too collapsed onto the floor by Nate. He fell onto his back and sighed. One of these days, they were going to stop running right? Because he was so over it. They both were. They were both so over the constant movement.

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