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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was glad to see Nate moving, he’d be checking the man out later for any bites or scratches. Right now they had bigger problems. Alex caught Nate, and saw the two stalkers. Alex drew back and fired, one down. And he grabbed another arrow, second one down. He heard skittering to his left and flipped to the side. He didn’t have the room to shoot it as it came at him. Alex holstered his bow, grabbing an arrow and waited. He dodged the stalker as it lunged, twisting around it and stabbing the arrow into its neck, using the sturdy arrow as makeshift knife. He tossed the body aside, pulling his bow back out and turned his attention back to the room.

Kaleb had never been more grateful for Nate and Alex. This was a fight he wasn’t sure that just the two of them could’ve handled as easily. The fire died down again and Kaleb lit and threw the last molotov. The shambler was burnt all over, and Kaleb watched as no more infected seemed to join them. Perhaps all of the infected that was down here had already shown up. Kaleb watched as the fire died down again. “Everyone get clear! I’m throwing the nail bomb in a moment!” Kaleb called out to the three. Alex moved to the side, stepping up to Kaleb’s side, out of the line of fire.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Adrenaline was the only thing keeping Carlos going. He took down countless numbers of runners and clickers, and his arm was really starting to feel it. Actually, it was feeling it before this, but now it was really starting to feel it. As he downed the last one, he dropped the crowbar, unable to hold onto anything else. Nate slipped out from the shadows and grabbed onto Carlos’ arm. “Let’s go, big guy.” When Carlos moved but struggled, Nate shoved himself underneath that good arm and started dragging him that way, coaxing him to keep on jogging out. “Kaleb and Handsome are waitin’ on you. You really wanna keep them sad without you?” Carlos laughed but it worked. He pumped those legs faster so that they were running out of the way. “We’re out of the way, Kaleb. Take that ugly thing down!” Because it really was an ugly thing. It was way worse than the bloaters he dealt with before.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched as Nate helped Carlos out of the area, getting them out of the way. He looked over at Kaleb who’d been watching the two intently. Kaleb nodded, pulled out the nail bomb and tossed it. It hit the shambler, exploding on the contact. A loud roar sounded before a loud thud echoed around. The shambler was dead. Then it was silent. Non clicking, no screeching. Just silent. Alex looked around hesitantly before moving towards Carlos and Nate, Kaleb right beside him. Kaleb made it to Carlos, standing on the other side of him, hand on his back so he didn’t hurt his shoulder. Alex moved to the other side of Nate, happy to be close to him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Even though he was certain that they were out of the way, Nate pulled up a hand to black his and Carlos’ faces as the nail bomb exploded. He watched the shambler finally fall, and he let out a deep breath. He gently squeezed Carlos’ side. “Look at that, big guy. We took down something like what? A hundred infected? Ever done anything that exciting before?” Carlos laughed and leaned into Kaleb’s touch. Nate smiled, but all he could think about was a time that was equally exciting. When it felt like a hundred then too. When they thought they won. He placed his hand in Alex’s once again and brought it to his chest. He would have brought it to his face if he could. “Okay, how do we get out of this horrible place?” He asked as Carlos attempted to extricate himself. He did not allow it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled when Nate took his hand, holding it to his chest. He wanted more, but that was a good enough grounder for now. Alex let looked around, his eyes searching. The hallway they were currently standing in kept going. He looked over into the area the shambler had been in but there was no other exits. “I guess we just keep going straight?” Alex suggested.

Kaleb looked at Nate, feeling Carlos lean into his touch. “I can take over for support Nate.” He suggested. He needed Carlos, the man was his grounder. “I agree with Alex, the best way forward would be continuing down the hallway.” Kaleb said, it seemed like the best plan.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took a brief moment to scan Carlos for anything other than exhaustion. His breathing sounded pretty good, and he hoped they could find more medicine in the future for him. He could hear the slight sound of how it could be sour if they kept fighting much longer. Nate did not have enough time to check his shoulder, but with the way he was holding it, one could assume that it was hurting. Nate was little, though. He was the littlest of the group by far. He was going to be able to support Carlos the way that he needed to be supported for much longer. Finally, he nodded and swapped places with Kaleb. Carlos wanted that anyway. Nate could feel that in his body language. He was drawn to Kaleb. Nate could not judge. He too felt that pull. As soon as Carlos was against Kaleb, he attached himself to Alex’s side. “Okay. Forward it is.” He wrapped his arm across Alex’s shoulders and brought him close in what was probably the worst side hug of his life but only because he desperately wanted a real one. “And if we could avoid any more of these things, that would be much appreciated.” He let the arm slip back down to Alex’s hand and began moving down the hall.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb was happy to take Nate’s place. He let wrapped his arm around Carlos’ back and had him put his shoulder over Kaleb’s. “I’ve got you love. Let’s get out of here ya?” Kaleb said, looking at Nate and Alex. Once they started moving, Kaleb helped Carlos move as well. Alex smiled at the side hug even if it wasn’t the best. “You didn’t get bitten right?” He asked Nate as they walked, Nate’s arm sliding down to take his hand. The hallway seemed quiet, no infected sounds though the spores were still present.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate’s leg hurt. No, it didn’t just hurt. It HURT. It crawled up his leg and grasped at his knee and hip. It made him want to fall over and never get back up, but he knew that another round of that, even with the adrenaline, was not something he and Carlos were up for. He looked back to see Carlos having given up trying to be the big guy and letting Kaleb be most of his support. Good. That was what he needed. If they were lucky, he only made his body angry and didn’t do anything bad to it. Nate thought the same of himself. If he was lucky. He lightly touched his head to Alex’s. “I don’t think so. As soon as we get out of this place, you can check. But I don’t think so. I feel like I would know.” So did Ben. So did Max. He closed his eyes and swallowed that. Too much pain all at once. They moved through this silent hallway, and he was so grateful for silence, that he was not sure if it was good or not. No skittering, the only things that could be there in the quiet. He should have been checking for supplies to replenish what they just used, but he couldn’t make himself take the time. He just wanted out. Somewhere had to either be stairs or enough of a collapsed area to climb out.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Nate, and studied him for a moment. “I plan on checking then. And your leg? How’s that. You can use me for support to walk. I don’t mind.” Alex said, concern in his voice. He knew that between the two of them, Nate’s leg was probably the worst now. His felt much better, though he also didn’t land on it when they fell. Alex looked up ahead, was that sunlight? Or just a trick of the shadows. “Nate.. do you see light at the end here? Or am I imagining things?” He asked. Kaleb followed behind the two, more than happy to be Carlos’ support.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“I’m fine.” Nate said it before he could help himself. This was how he always was. He did not see it as a lie. He was fine in that he would be fine. He was going to be okay, because Alex just saved his life who knows how many times. Him and Carlos and Kaleb. It was like having the Max, Ben, and his mama again. They were unstoppable. “Okay, so that’s not true. It’s not a lie! I am okay. I kinda feel like my leg is the source of all of my suffering, and we can’t really fix that. But I guess I could use the support.” He smiled, breathed, and eventually let himself lean into Alex. “I just don’t want you to hurt more too.”

He looked forward, wanting desperately to see the light Alex saw. Was there a light? His flashlight was ruining everything. He took the chance and clicked it off for just a moment. Oh yes, that was in fact light. “By Jove, I think you are right. Salvation is here! Now the question is, how do we get up there, and also, where is that about to pop us out? Can it magically be somewhere that these hunters are not?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex did not believe Nate at all. There was no way that his leg wasn’t hurting with all that movement back there. He breathed out a sigh of relief when Nate did finally lean into him. “I’m fine. My leg feels great.” Alex told him, happy to support him as they moved. The closer to the light. He had heard Nate’s question but he didn’t entirely know how to answer it until he saw the opening. It was a good few feet above their heads. Alex looked around for something they could climb on. “We need something sturdy to climb up there.” He said. “And Kaleb, it’s gonna be you and me getting these two up.” Alex added. He looked up and saw clear wide open light, what looked like an empty hallway and fresh spore free air.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“I could still probably throw you up there. My one arm still feels great!” Carlos insisted. He tightened his grip around Kaleb, but there was no denying that even that was a bit painful. He pulled away from Kaleb as they neared the opening. “Oh yeah, I could definitely at least hold you up.”

Nate shook his head. “Or you could be kind to your body and not do that?” He suggested. He scanned the area around them in the hopes that they could find something that they could use. ooh oh! “Alex.” Instead of pointing out the moveable cart of heavy looking boxes, he dragged Alex with him to it. “What if we move this under. Then one of you fancy not hurt people can pop yourselves up and one stays down here. The two of you help us injured people - Join my club, Carlos - and then we can do it again to the top. I mean, it shouldn’t be as hard as when we were having to get up,” he teased the last bit at Alex.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked at Carlos and shook his head. “Absolutely not. You are not doing that.” He said, agreeing with Nate. His eyes went over to the cart of boxes when he saw Nate drag Alex over. Kaleb moved from Carlos and went over. “That’s a good plan. Help me move this Alex?” Kaleb wasn’t weak, but it would be easier moving with two people. Alex who’d been dragged over to the cart, nodded. The two men stood one end, holding the carts handle and pushed. It moved, slowly underneath the hole. Alex crawled up first, holding his arm down for Carlos. “Kaleb will boost you up and give me your good arm. I’ll haul you up from there. Nate you’re next. Same way.” Alex said. He made sure to emphasize that Carlos should give him his non injured arm to pull.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was down with the plan. Carlos was not, but he understood that really he probably shouldn’t be trying to show off when all there was to show was his pain and suffering. So, fine, he would allow someone else to be the strong guy. He moved to the cart and raised his good arm up for Alex to move. “Mmm look at those strong arms,” Carlos said as he shook his head and moved up. Nate laughed as he watched. Next was his turn and he moved up, attempting to avoid the pain in his leg and struggling to do so. By the time he made it up, he splayed instead of continuing to move. He waved at the rest of them. “You guys go up first. I need a second.” His eyes closed as he cringed at the pain. Breathe in. Breathe out. He was looking forward to when he could sleep on a nice mattress again. Alex beside him. Curled into him. They could as one. Maybe even some kisses thrown in there. Yeah, that sounded good. That was how he would make it through this. This would keep him going.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex pulled Carlos up onto the boxes, laughing at his words. Once Carlos was up on the boxes, he held his hand out for Nate. Alex tried his best to help Nate avoid hurting his leg more. Tried at least. He had a frown on his face when Nate splayed instead of moving once up. He didn't want to leave Nate there, but at least he was up on the boxes. Alex placed a hand on his shoulder gently, seeing him close his eyes and breathed in and out. Then he crawled up out of the hole and laid down on his stomach to help Carlos up and out of the hole. Alex's eyes went to Nate as he waited for him, wanting nothing more than to find another soft bed away from all this, laying down beside him, wrapped up in the security of Nate's arms. Soon, Alex thought. Soon. Kaleb crawled up onto the boxes and looked at Nate. "I'm not leaving these boxes until we're both out of this hole." He told Nate with a firm voice. He'd helped get Carlos out and now all that was left was to get Nate out as well.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate sighed, because of course they were going to be like this. They were always like this. These men were so good always, and it was both frustrating and heartwarming. Here was Kaleb, who he had known for absolutely no time, refusing to move without him. There was Alex, who he really had only known for a smallish amount of time as well, also refusing to go anywhere without him. Carlos was- well, looking up, Carlos was also on his stomach beside Alex like he was about to help him pull Nate up. Was he really going to do that? He stared up and Carlos winked. Yes, it would appear so. He smiled, and the warmth of this much compassion was enough to jumpstart at least enough of him to stand back up and try again.

“Ah, so I don’t have to go down there and get you? Because I totally would.”
Nate rolled his eyes at Carlos and reached his hands of to Alex, gently swatting at Carlos. “Okay,” he finally conceded. Let’s do this.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled at Nate, looking at him. He'd wait forever until Nate was ready to move. That was just how they worked, and it was amazing to see that the two men they'd managed to add to make a bigger family, were just as willing to help Nate get up. Alex finally saw Nate stand up which made Alex let out a breath of relief. His hands took Nate's while Kaleb gently grabbed Nate's good leg, lifting him up while Alex would pull gently. Hopefully this way, they could get Nate out of the hole with a little pain as possible.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos, definitely helping, clapped as they pulled him up. Biggest cheerleader. Nate laughed as he was hoisted and moved and eventually crawled his way, one legged and therefore taking his sweet time, and all but rolled onto Alex as they made it up. No spores meant he could reach up and toss that stupid mask. No spores meant he could grab that mask on Alex and toss it to the side too. Neither of those tosses was enough to break them. He could pick them up later. Having rolled out of the way for Kaleb to get up. He laugh and kissed Alex like they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. That was how it felt even if they were literally just together. Carlos shook his head, also rolling over so that he was on his back before shoving himself up with his good arm. “Love, when did we sign up for this?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex sighed in relief once Nate was up with them, even if he basically rolled onto Alex. He laughed when Nate took his mask off, tossing it and then he took Alex's off too. He knew that the masks would be fine with those small tosses, and he looked at Nate with a smile on his face. His face flushed red when Nate kissed him. It was like they'd been apart for years only to be reunited again, even though they'd just been together the whole time. He wrapped his arms around Nate happy that they were both safe, both out of that mess below. Kaleb crawled up after Nate, managing to move himself enough to sit beside Carlos, pulling his mask off. He chuckled, looking at the man beside him. "We signed up for this when we agreed to be a big family dear." He said, smiling at Carlos. "Let's give them a minute, how's your shoulder?" He asked, worry echoing on his face and in his words.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

This was probably dangerous. They didn’t know who or what was up here. They didn’t know how long they had been down there. They didn’t know where they were. This was dangerous. Being firmly attached like this was dangerous. Yeah, and they had Carlos and Kaleb to watch after them. He trusted them with their lives. He really needed his Alex right then. His leg hurt like it was being sawed off minus the finally being off part, but it was better when he was with Alex. Everything was better with Alex. When he pulled his face all of like half an inch away, his smile was so big it took up his whole face. “Thank you for saving me. And everyone else,” he said softly. “You are most definitely the most dangerous of us all. I’m not gonna lie. I kinda love that about you.” He kissed him again, once but lingering.

Carlos leaned against Kaleb and looked over at his shoulder. “Oh, it’s fine other than the part where I feel like I’ve been shot. Again. In numerous places.” He turned his head to Kaleb. “I’ll be okay. The newlyweds did good keeping me safe.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex knew they should move, that staying where they were could kill them. But at this moment in time, he didn't care. He had been terrified that he'd lose Nate to one of the several infected down there. To have him, holding him and kissing him was what he needed. It grounded him, kept him where he belonged. He was breathless when Nate pulled that half inch away, his eyes locked on him. "I'll always save you.." He responded, before he blushed heavily hearing the next sentence. It was the best compliment he'd ever received. It made his heart flip and flutter and he smiled into the second kiss.

Kaleb looked over at Carlos when he leaned against him. "We'll have Nate check it when we find our safe place for the night." He said softly. "I knew they'd keep you safe." He added, placing a gentle kiss on Carlos' cheek. He'd give the two a minute before suggesting they keep moving, or find somewhere to rest and check on wounds. Both Nate's leg and Carlos' shoulder.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate knew that was true. He knew that no matter what happened, he would always have Alex there to save him. He would be his guiding light in the darkness that threatened to swallow them. No darkness. This was the light. He led him there again. In that moment, as they held each other close, Nate knew that Alex was his forever. His everything. He waltzed into his life and took it all. He loved that about him. He loved everything about Alex. Everything. “I know.” That was another one of those things that he loved.

Carlos smiled, nestled into his Kaleb, and then gave up waiting patiently as much as he did actually enjoy seeing the other two happy. “Chop chop newlyweds! We have a date with the park if you recall. I did not get shot and then anger it for the two of you to kiss us with the make out session.” He flopped himself over and tugged on Nate’s jacket. “Leave some for everyone else.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had never known what love was. Not this kind of love. He knew familial love between his parents and him, and his friends and siblings. But this? These feelings were new to him, and yet as he held Nate close, he realized that he loved their relationships, the way they interacted and worked together. It was unfamiliar and welcoming all the same. He smiled at Nate, hearing him affirm that he knew Alex would save him. And yet, Nate had saved Alex as well. He laughed, looking behind his shoulder at Carlos' words. "I hate to agree with him, but we really should find that park." Alex said, turning back to look at Nate.

Kaleb shook his head at Carlos who decided to leave his spot nestled beside Kaleb to try and get the other two moving. Kaleb managed to stand up, albeit reluctantly, and tucked his mask into his pack. Kaleb took a few steps down the hall, looking around to see if he could hear anything, but so far the hallway was quiet. "Don't listen to him, even though we should move just in case." Kaleb said, looking at the others with a smile on his face.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos chuckled at Alex’s words and then decided to just keep going. This was what family did. They jabbed at each other in the best ways. He shoved his head over Alex’s shoulder and stared at Nate who was literally right there. “Come on, Medicine Man.” He rested his lips right outside of Alex’s ear. “You have to remember to share him with the rest of us.” He kissed Alex’s cheek and then immediately backed away as Nate swatted at him again. Carlos laughed as he retreated to Kaleb, using him to stand up.

Nate groaned playfully. “Fine,” he said but pulled Alex close to him for one last almost desperate kiss. A kiss to say that he hated leaving but they had to keep going. A kiss that insisted that it was a cliffhanger to be continued as soon as possible. A kiss that told Alex that he no longer felt threatened by Carlos, but he still wanted to make sure he understood that Nate’s love was different. Then he dropped his arms and started getting up. Slowly. His leg was unhappy. There was no fixing that though. It was an internal mess.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex rolled his eyes as he felt Carlos' head over his shoulder. The man's lips just outside his ear. Alex didn't mind Carlos' shows of affection which often included kisses, but he'll always be Nate's. Alex chuckled softly as Nate swatted at Carlos, sending the man back towards Kaleb. He looked at Nate hearing that groan. He wasn't expecting the almost desperate kiss from his medic, but he could feel what the kiss was meant to be for. A cliffhanger that they'd pick up the moment they were safe. Alex could feel that Nate was his, and that he wasn't threatened by Carlos and his kisses. Alex knew that their love was different from the familial love from Carlos. He knew from the kiss, from their actions, and he understood. Alex removed his arms, and followed Nate, standing up. He held his hand out for Nate, offering support to him.

Kaleb helped Carlos stand up once he was done teasing the other two. He offered his shoulder and himself as support. Kaleb looked at the others as they stood up. "Alright, if we can get through the park, we should be able to find somewhere just past that to rest for the night." Kaleb said quietly so he didn't draw any unneeded attention to them.

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