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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex wasn’t expecting the kiss this time. But he wasn’t complaining. He melted into it happily. When Nate pulled away this time, Alex let out a breathless chuckle at his words. “I told you I was dangerous.. and that includes this.” He said with a smile. He felt one of Nate’s hands go to Alex’s and the other eventually made it’s way to the door knob, pushing the door open.

Kaleb had broken away from the kiss and had just been enjoying Carlos’ company in the quiet of the room. “We need to get ready to move love.” He said, just as he heard the door open as Alex and Nate appeared.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate bit his bottom lip at those words. Yeah, yeah Alex was dangerous alright. Deadly in all the ways. Was that bad or good? He didn’t even know anymore, but he loved it. Absolutely loved it. He pulled Alex into the room and laughed, because there was Carlos lounging on the bed looking like he was living a dream where he had not at all been shot the day before. His hand was on Kaleb’s leg which was tamer than Nate expected. Apparently he was not always a lot.

Carlos rolled onto Kaleb’s lap and sighed. “Fine.” He sighed before lifting himself up and searching for his clothing. No shirt, no jacket, only a beautiful body to show off. Once he found them, he started putting them back on, but struggled. “Love, I could use some help. It turns out being shot means moving my shoulder is a bit difficult.” He looked over at the two who recently came in. “Find anything fun while you were galivanting on your own?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was still flying on cloud nine as he was pulled into the room. His eyes went to Carlos, lounging on the bed before getting up. He acted like he’d never been shot, and Alex did have to admit that he was definitely attractive but his eyes were firmly on someone else. Nate. He heard him ask if they found anything fun while they were out. Alex knew he had a mischievous grin come on his face. “Maybe. Does this count?” He asked, removing his hand from Nate’s, grabbed his face gently in both hands and kissed him.

Kaleb looked at Carlos when rolled onto his lap. He shook his head with a laugh as Carlos searched for his clothes, though Kaleb wouldn’t mind if he didn’t. But that was his Carlos. He moved over to him, quickly helping him slip on his shirt and jacket. “Better?” He asked before he heard Alex answer Carlos’ question. His head turned about the time he saw Alex kiss Nate and he smiled. Finally.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was caught entirely off guard despite the fact that this was now the fourth kiss, and there was no reason for him to be so shocked. But he was. He was absolutely shocked when Alex was kissing him again. Everything about this was just right. It was perfect. His empty hands found their way to Alex’s chest and slid up and over his shoulders until he was all but slung around his neck. When the kiss ended, he was out of breath purely because it was immediately siphoned away as soon as Alex’s was there again. His eyes were closed a moment before his shook his head slightly and laughed. “You are a dangerous man.”

Carlos shimmied a little as he settled into his clothes once more, nodding at Kaleb as an answer. He might have said something else, something sarcastic and flirty likely, when instead he turned to look at Alex and Nate. He grinned and clapped. This was exactly what needed to happen. Really, it was shocking they weren’t already like that. “Handsome, did you leave me and find yourself a new beau?” he teased.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had felt Nate’s hands on his chest sliding up and over Alex’s shoulders. He was definitely getting used to kissing Nate. In fact it was pretty addicting doing it. Alex finally ended the kiss, pulling back and dropping his hands down to rest on Nate’s shoulders. He smiled himself and laughed. “I told you so.” He said with a wide grin. His head turned to look at Carlos. “I hope you aren’t too upset.” He teased right back.

Kaleb was glad that the two finally stopped dancing around this. They were a unit just like him and Carlos. Two people that existed better together.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate sighed, groaned, and poorly breathed. He missed it already. He wanted more. Was he learning something about himself in this moment? Was Alex suddenly the most dangerous and powerful person in the entire world? Because that was exactly what this felt like. He laughed, because his own reactions were too funny. What even was his life right now? All that control he used to have over his life was gone. Absolutely gone. Everything he had he was giving to Alex.

“I am!” Carlos bellowed though the intermingled chuckles begged to differ. “I give you the Carlos Special, my most sacred of love, and you toss it aside for someone else?” He picked up his pack and slung it over his good shoulder.

Nate, still clinging to Alex, whipped his head around and feigned a glare. “I told you some things were for me. This. This is for me.” He gently turned his head back around and rested his head on Alex’s shoulder. “My monkey man.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled at Carlos’ reaction. He knew it was playful and he knew that Carlos really didn’t care. He had Kaleb like Alex had Nate. Alex didn’t want to move, his face turning red as Nate looked at Carlos, saying that Alex was just for him, and he agreed. “Yes. This is just for you. My medic.” Alex said softly as he felt Nate rest his head on Alex’s shoulder. This felt right, and he didn’t want to move even though they really had to.

Kaleb rolled his eyes at Carlos. “Alright, we should get headed if that’s okay with everyone?” He asked with a laugh. The sooner they made it out of the hotel and through the park, the sooner they could leave these hunters behind hopefully.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate and Carlos sighed at the same time, and both laughed together. What were they even sighing at? Who knew. The answer was unimportant. Nate moved his hands away but put one in Alex’s hand as it belonged. He brought them up to press his lips to the back of Alex’s. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Carlos nodded and moved along with them, though stopped as everyone moved out of the room. “Wait. If Handsome is all for you, does that mean that I don’t get the stair toll anymore? Because I am not sure I like this anymore if that’s how this is going to go.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex did finally drop his hands, but was happy to hold Nate’s like always. He wasn’t sure what exactly changed but he didn’t mind it. He smiled when Nate brought their hands up, kissing the back of Alex’s. He looked over at Carlos with a laugh. “We’ll see.” He said with a grin.

Kaleb headed out of the room, pack on his back as he looked back at Carlos when he asked. “When we make it to some more stairs, we’ll cross that bridge then my love. For now, Nate? You two checked things out, so you wanna lead us to the exit?” He asked. “I’ll keep our wounded artist company back here.” He added with a small laugh.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate looked back at Carlos and mouth, “mine,” followed by a laugh he very poorly hid. “Got it, boss,” he addressed Kaleb and led them down the hall. “The building is pretty clear at least on this side. It gets ugly the further down on the other side, so we chose to not go that way. Unless you want to fight whatever may be down there in the hopes of finding a different exit, we’re looking at going through the front doors. We couldn’t see anyone through the windows, but we had a terrible vantage point.”

“You mean the vantage point of being attached to one another?” Carlos asked like he wasn’t right up on all of them all the time. He raised his brows playfully.

Nate could help but smile. “Well, yes. But also because the windows blocked the way.” He then laughed as he conceded, “and maybe we were a little distracted. Maybe.” He looked over at Nate and his idiot grin got even bigger.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex followed beside Nate down the hall. He blushed at both Carlos and Nate’s comments about being distracted and being attached to each other. “Me? Distracted? No. It was all Nate.” He said with a laugh. “In all honesty though, there was no good vantage point.” He said, looking at Carlos.

Kaleb laughed, listening to those two. “Don’t call me boss.” He grimaced. He was done with being in charge. Kaleb stayed beside Carlos to keep an eye on him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate rolled his eyes. “Yes, you’re right, I was the only one distracted.” He laughed but couldn’t help but add, “and boy was I distracted.”

Carlos shook his head. “My sweet, you still have the best plans and therefore are still our leader. We could call you that instead? Your majesty perhaps? My king? Or my liege?” Of course, that was very Carlos to give pet names. That was how he showed his affection the best. “But I do believe you. It is hard to see when you’re fused to another person. Hey!” He reeled from the gentle smack from Nate who twisted halfway back to do so. “Don’t knock it for being the truth.”

Nate turned to Alex and asked, “why are we keeping them again?” But he laughed anyway as they reached the lobby. “So, front doors where at least we know how to get back to the park or scary hallway that may lead to a back exit that they probably are not watching? My vote is for front doors-“
“Because you’re boring-“ Carlos interrupted.
“Because we don’t know what’s down that other hall. It could be significantly worse than some hunters who may be out there.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled at Nate, seeing him roll his eyes. "I can be quite the distraction I'll admit" Alex commented, winking at Nate with a small laugh. He looked over at Carlos and laughed again when Nate gently smacked him about the fused to another person comment. He was quite enjoying having these two and the banter between all four of them was something that made him feel like he'd found a family, a home. "I'm not too sure why we're keeping them." Alex joked, looking at Nate. "I think the front door is the best option all things considered. We might be walking into issues but I'd rather hunters than the potential for thousands of infected in that hallway." Alex said, agreeing with Nate.

Kaleb blushed rather heavily, cheeks a cherry red, as he listened to Carlos. "Just call me Kaleb. I swear sometimes Carlos you and those pet names will cause my heart to stop functioning properly." Kaleb said, smiling at Carlos. "And given your current state, the front door is a much much better option" Kaleb added, looking from Carlos with his bullet wound and looking at Nate and Alex.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos chuckled and leaned against Kaleb, face very close. “Is that so?” He asked with a mischievous smile. “That sounds inappropriately entertaining.“ He snaked his good arm around Kaleb’s. “I like the sound of that, my king.”

“Carlos, for the love of our safety, could you please focus for two seconds.” Nate looked back, and Carlos looked like he two two seconds from doing who knows what. And he was being rude about Nate getting distracted. “Front doors. My thought is one of us pops their head out before we all go out and get hurt. No, not you Carlos. That got you shot last time. We know the direction we need to go. I don’t know where they are going to be, but there are a lot of buildings down this street. We can run to a lot of them for cover and hope they aren’t super spread out. We took out a lot of them yesterday, but I’m sure not enough. Any thoughts?” He stopped them before getting to close to the front doors where they could be seen. He looked to Alex without waiting. “I stick with you. Five feet unless we’re actively being attacked. I certainly can’t be apart now.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex listened to Nate, nodding. The buildings along the street could give them cover and allow them to get closer to the park. Closer to the trees that Alex missed so much. He was going to volunteer to stick his head out the door but Kaleb volunteered before he had a chance. He found himself fine with that actually, he didn't really want to risk it. He looked over at Nate and nodded. "Five feet no matter what. Unless we're attacked. I don't want to be apart either" Alex admitted.

Kaleb rolled his eyes. "Carlos, stay with them. I'll stick my head out. We're going down the street towards the right, that street should take us close to the park if I remember correctly" Kaleb said, crouching down and walking to the front door. "Are we ready for this?" He asked, not sure what would happen when he opened the door to look.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate grasped Alex’s hand tightly, because he needed to keep him close. They stuck together to get to the park to get out of this city. Carlos groaned as Kaleb offered himself up both because he hated when Kaleb was at risk and also because this was what he was supposed to do. He hated that he got hurt yesterday. He could do something still. He shoved his body between Alex and Nate. He blew a kiss to Kaleb and shoved his good arm around Alex’s shoulders. “Ready. What about you lovebirds?” Nate nodded.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex held onto Nate's had just as tight, using him as a grounding support. He would stick close to Nate no matter what. Alex heard Carlos groan and he didn't expect to have Carlos shove his body between him and Nate, good arm over Alex's shoulders. Alex rolled his eyes with a small laugh. Fortunately their hands were still together. "I'm ready." He said, seeing Nate's nod. Kaleb heard the groan and he knew why. But Carlos was hurt and he knew that he had to do it. Kaleb looked at the three of them and nodded. He slowly opened the door, his head sticking out and looking up and around. He didn't see anything. No shots, no guards. Kaleb pulled his head back in. "Coast looks clear." He said. Kaleb pulled the door open wider, stepping out and looked around, nothing seemed out of place. "We should move quickly, keeping to the buildings in case we need to duck into one" Kaleb said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate nodded and moved quickly out of the building. He kept his hand firmly in Alex’s. Carlos slipped to the side, running faster than both of them. His shoulder hurt but it did not stop him. He was determined. Nate was determined. He was going to make it so that he could make it to their forever. Him and Alex forever. No thoughts of the Fireflies. For the first time in a long time, something else was more important.

As they moved down the street, a sound poked at his ears. Nate’s head shot up but he pulled everyone behind a car. He shoved a finger over his lips then pointed to his ears. He waited a moment but didn’t hear it again. He moved forward, close to the front of the building, making sure to go specifically where they could hide. Was that another sound? He gestured to the building next to them and let go of Alex’s hand only to hop into through a broken window. He was certain that he was hearing something.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex moved just as quickly as the others, the claw swipe from a few days ago almost completely healed and no longer painful when he moved. Alex was able to keep up with him, his head swinging around, listening and looking as they went. He paused behind the car Nate pulled them behind, crouching and nodded, knowing to keep quiet and that Nate heard something. Alex listened and he didn't hear anything, but he trusted Nate. He felt the man drop his hand, before hoping into the building beside them through the window. Alex followed Nate into the building, crouching behind the wall. Kaleb was right behind Alex as well, his focus then on Carlos to make sure he got into the building. Alex looked at Nate, before he listened again. Wait. He heard something too, but couldn't quite make out what it was.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate crouched behind the wall, intent on finding the source of the sound or at least being able to hear it better. Carlos, who had run a little further ahead, now crouched behind an old and large truck. He listened as well, realizing that they moved because they heard something. He hadn’t heard anything, but his senses were dulled now that he was combatting the pain in his shoulder. Nate tried to listen. Was it louder now? Or further? Was there more than one sound? He whipped around, looking into the shambles of this building. It sounded almost like… like a voice? Not words? No… he popped his head up. That didn’t make any sense. He locked eyes with Carlos and pointed to his ear. Carlos looked away a moment, waited, and pointed to another building. He pointed to his lips then mimed a pupped talking with his hands. Words? Carlos listened again but shrugged unsure. Nate turned to Kaleb and Alex? He did the same, pointing to his lips then puppetting. Do you hear voices?
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was listening and watching Nate. He looked out over the wall, seeing Carlos up behind an old truck. He heard sounds, but they were too far away. He looked at Nate again, seeing him point to his lips and then making a motion with his hands. Voices.. That must be it. Alex shook his head and shrugged. Alex held up his hand in 'stay here' motion, before moving further along the wall. He'd pop his head up every so often before reaching the end of the building. Voices. There. The next building over. Alex turned his head, put a finger to his lips then pointed through to the next building before shaking his head. 'quiet, in there' Was his intended message. Kaleb nodded. They needed to get around there or they'd have to sneak in and dispatch the hunters hoping that they were all in that building and no others.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate held his breath as Alex moved away, but he waited as requested. He waited and listened in case he could figure out what they were hearing. Voices. He watched closely until the message was received. That building over there. That must be where they decided to hide out in wait for them. They must not have figured out where they went the previous night. That also meant that they weren’t expecting them from any specific place. If they knew they were in the hotel, they would have come in after them or waited outside. That was good. He put a hand on Kaleb’s shoulder and pointed across the street. Did they need to move so that they could find a way through those buildings to avoid this one? Back to crawling through and hoping to find connections? That seemed like the best way. He did not want to have to kill anyone.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked back at the others, seeing Nate point across the street. He knew what Nate was asking. Move through the building across the street to avoid this one. As long as they weren't in there too. Alex slowly moved his way back, stopping only when he was beside Nate, shoulders brushing. He looked at Kaleb and then at Nate. Alex gave one nod, in agreement that backing up and trying for the other buildings was the smarter move. Kaleb nodded to Nate, also agreeing on that. Alex looked out over the wall, the street was clear. He looked up at the buildings on the other side and didn't see anything in the windows. If they were going to move hey had to move now before those hunters make their way into that building.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

With Alex back at his side, Nate moved across the street quickly, rushing behind a car and then another. He tried to get Carlos’ attention but he couldn’t catch his eyes. He dashed the last bit into the building, crouching behind a wall and listening. The faint voices were gone, but that didn’t mean there were other ones. He turned around, preparing to do something to catch Carlos’ attention when he just about gasped, but the sound was muffled by Carlos’ hand. He pointed further into there building. Maybe a hall? What was he- oh. Oh that wasn’t good at all. Something moved far down that path in the shadows. He couldn’t see what it was, but it was probably not friendly. Where were they supposed to go? While he was staring wide eyed, Carlos did the same for Kaleb, pointing at whatever was moving down there. Something to avoid.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex moved with Nate, falling into step with him as they made behind cars until they made it into the building. He crouched beside Nate, listening and the voices were gone. That didn't mean the building they were in now was empty. Alex watched Nate turn around, and then Carlos was there, hand over Nate's mouth. Alex followed Carlos' point. He looked forward and saw something moving in the shadows. Alex's mouth went dry. He tapped Nate's arm and when he looked at him, Alex would point to his bow. He could make it closer and shoot it or they could try and make it around the thing somehow. Kaleb looked as well, and he had no idea what it was. Just that should be avoided.

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