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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate narrowed his eyes, watching the something moving. He didn’t like the idea of Alex getting closer at least not without backup. He could send one of the other two, but he hated the idea of them getting hurt, especially since Carlos was already hurt. He pointed to the Kaleb and Carlos and held up a palm. Wait here. Then he pointed to Carlos and mimed throwing something. Carlos nodded. He would be prepared as ranged. He turned back to Alex, and leaning in very close, he said, “Together.” Because they were going to have to get through, and one alarming thing in the shadows was better than an unknown number of hunters. If they went together, they would be fine. Maybe he could even get the thing to move into better lighting for Alex. They would have to get closer to see.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Nate when he turned to him. Alex nodded when Nate leaned in close and whispered that they’d do it together. Alex took a deep breath before he moved. Hand in Nate’s, other hand on his bow. He crept towards the hallway entrance, further down the thing moved. Alex kept his eyes trained in front of him, right on that thing. He didn’t have a great line of sight on it, and he needed to get closer. Alex looked around for a way to get just that bit closer to it. Kaleb stayed where he was beside Carlos, allowing those two to do what they needed to.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As Nate and Alex moved forward, so did Carlos. He didn’t not move too far in, but he wanted to be closer in case things went awry as they felt they may do with how shady it go the further they progressed forward. The floor was cracking like it was caving it, but it was not moving. This was likely the natural erosion of time. But it also meant that it was harder to stay level with everyone else. He stepped purposefully, quietly. The something in the shadows disappeared down another hallway. Maybe they could just walk around whatever it was? Not big enough to for be a bloater but equally big enough to be a person or a runner. They would hear if it was a clicker, right? Or maybe this one was particularly quiet? He stepped into the line of the crack, walking down the middle to attempt to see better. He didn’t. What he did notice was the the floor felt strange. It looked down and it was wet. Well, that happened in older building. Water was pretty common, especially in lower levels. He followed the trail to see that yes the rest of the hall did appear to have some standing water.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex took notice as he shifted himself to peer around the wall into the hallway, of the condition of the floor. It was wet and he felt his blood run cold as he saw the thing go down another hallway. Alex looked at Nate, pointing down the hallway. He could feel the floor had cracks running through it, and how it felt like it was a step away from caving and sending them somewhere he probably didn't want to be. He looked behind him to see Carlos moving up as well, Kaleb sticking right beside him. He narrowed his eyes as he looked closer. Were those spores in that hallway? Alex didn't want to take any chances with his new family. he'd rather wear the mask and not have spores up ahead than take a chance and lose what he'd found. Alex reached into his pack and slid on his mask, turning and looking at Nate, Carlos and Kaleb, pointing at his mask then down the hallway. 'Possible spores' He was trying to say.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Spores meant more friends, and though he did not want to go this way if they had a whole lot of infected friends, they were very quickly running out of options. These hunter guys were insistent, likely because they enjoyed the hunt of people far more than anyone should, and they needed to get out. If they went the other direction down the street, they may not get to the park and find their way out. So spores it was. He twisted around and pulled out his mask. He turned back to see Carlos and Kaleb already doing so. He put on the mask. No spores for them. If this was going to have a whole lot more people, he was going to wait for the other two to catch up a little more. He put out his hand to touch Alex’s arm. Wait. He stood on a rough patch of floor. If he had been paying attention, he might have felt the slight shift below him. Instead. He was making sure he had his people. When Carlos stepped onto the same are, that was when Nate felt something off, but he still didn’t know what it was. He didn’t know it was the ground. Not yet.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Nate when he felt the touch on his arm. He nodded, looking behind him to see Carlos and Kaleb both wearing their masks and stepping up. Once the two were with them, Alex stepped forward and stood on the area that Carlos and Nate were on. He felt a subtle shift in the floor, but it was only when Kaleb stepped on the area that Alex felt it move. The floor creaked, groaned and buckled, and before anyone had a chance to move, the floor caved, sending them down into what could only be considered basement.

The walls were covered in the fungal infection, spores were everywhere in the air and as Alex tumbled down, landing in rather nasty looking water, he heard the shuffling and groans of infected. Once he landed, Alex immediately grabbed his bow, checked his mask to make sure it wasn't broken before his head snapped up. Alex froze as he heard thump.. thump.. A sound he hadn't heard since he left Seattle. Shambler. He looked around, the infected hadn't quite noticed them yet, but he could see a few runners, heard a handful of clickers and the shambler further up. Alex realized in the fall, he'd lost Nate's hand and he looked for him silently. Kaleb scrambled quietly to his feet, checked his mask before checking on Carlos. Then he looked around for a place to regroup before they tackled the infected that was crawling in this area.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The first thing that both Nate and Carlos noticed were the immense pain that shot through them. For Nate, it shot up his leg so fast that it felt like someone shoved something sharp up it. No, that was just his leg being real cranky with him. For Carlos, it was smacking into the floor on his shot shoulder that did it. The pain radiated across his chest and down his arm. He could even feel it in his ear. As Nate rolled to the side, quickly jumping back up, standing on one foot to keep from additionally hurting himself, Carlos did not immediately move. Instead, he writhed in the pain of it for another several seconds before he could even fathom getting back up. Nate could compartmentalize that pain at least while he had the adrenaline of the fall.

Where was Alex?
What was that sound?
Where was Alex?

He crawled out of the nasty water until he found a ledge of what was probably the floor they were standing on before. He hated basements. They were so much darker, full of shadows that were always moving, and they always had spores. Spores were actually the worst. There were so many infected when it came to spores.

What was that sound?
Alex. He needed to find Alex. He saw the moving figures of Kaleb and Carlos but didn’t really check over them. He wanted Alex. Where was- oh, there he was. He leapt across the rubble, biting back the pain of every step. He moved until he was with Alex again. When they were together, he asked quietly but urgently, “What is that?” He didn’t like the sound of that at all.

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had managed to land on his good side when he'd fallen, but he was more focused now on finding Nate. And finding out just how to get out of here. Alex was still standing in the nasty water when he looked over seeing motion in the corner of his eye. His head turned to see Nate coming up beside him. Alex immediately reached for Nate's hand, holding it tight. "Shambler. Along with him we've got runners and clickers." He whispered back. "I don't see a way through without engaging all of them. If we can get the runners and clickers taken out first, we might have a better shot at getting that shambler" Alex said softly, keeping his voice low to avoid detection. So far they had been almost blocked by some old shelving units. The sound of them falling hadn't alerted the runners or clickers, they were just little too far away which was fine. Kaleb immediately went to Carlos, ready to help him up when he was ready to get up.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Shambler. They had a shambler? “Big water guy who’s twice as tough as a bloater and made my mama quiver shambler?” The fear was palpable in his voice. Nate’s mama hated when they came across bloaters, but she made sure that he never had to deal with a shambler. They never fell into basements, and they stayed clear of stagnant water. Honestly, he wasn’t sure just how she was so good at avoiding these types of situations. It must have been her scouting skills. If only he had been more adept at it before she died.

Hand in Alex’s, he felt more grounded now. He could focus now. He turned his attention to the side, back to Carlos and Kaleb. Carlos was still on the floor. Was he okay? He pulled Alex to walk with him, but as they moved, Carlos was getting up. Carlos grabbed onto Kaleb, slowly pulling himself up into a standing position once again. His good hand covered his hurt shoulder for a moment before he shook his head and pointed forward. He was good enough for now. They couldn’t stay there forever. Nate wasn’t sure he was okay with that, but he did not want to have to open up and look at a wound with all the spores around. He moved to Kaleb with a simple, “Watch him,” then moved along with Alex back to where they started. They needed to figure out where all of the infected were so they could get it under control.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had nodded when he heard Nate ask about the shambler. Alex walked with Nate, headed towards Carlos and Kaleb. He watched Carlos use Kaleb to get to his feet. Fortunately he seemed okay considering his injury, even with his hand to his shoulder. Alex looked around, there were shelving units in front of them and two different doorways behind those. There was an area to their left that looked like it turned into a hallway, and hooked around the area they were in. Alex pointed that way, maybe they could take it around and get a better vantage point on the infected. Kaleb nodded to Nate. “I plan on it.” He said, keeping himself close to Carlos.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

With a nod, he moved himself and Alex around the icky water and to what he could only hope was not a horribly infected hallway. Not that they had much choice. He had to believe that Carlos would be okay with Kaleb. He had to believe that as long as they kept moving, they would be able to survive this. The hall was equally nasty. The water continued to plague the area, and the walls looked like they’d seen better days. Between peeling and breaking, it was probably best that it was so dark down there. Carlos turned on his flashlight clipped to his pack. Nate needed one of those. His other hand held his. This was going to get difficult when they inevitably found one of the infected down here. The spores floating everywhere made him certain that there was one. And the sounds. The sounds of clicking and skittering. The sounds of something large. With four of them, they could surely take out anything in the way. If he and Alex could take out two clickers, three runners, and a bloater, the addition of two more should be great. A click somewhere close. Further down? Or perhaps closer. Sound carried through this basement in strange ways. All places full of spores were like this.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex followed Nate down towards the hallway. It was not any better than the area they'd just left. He looked at the two with flashlights and was glad Nate had one. They moved slowly down the hallway, the sounds of infected all around. bouncing off the walls. It was making Alex nervous, and he had pulled his bow from its holster in his free hand, holding the wood. Alex paused looking straight ahead of them. Something was moving in the shadows. He gently nudged Nate, before he pulled his hand away. He needed both hands to actually use the bow in his hand. Alex crouched down, listening. Skittering.

Just great.

Alex drew his bow up, arrow nocked and ready. He could see the thing skittering down the shadows of the hallway in front of them. Alex took a deep breath, waiting. Closer. Closer. Perfect. Alex aimed at it's head and let the arrow fly, bringing down the stalker. One infected down out of how many? Alex didn't want to think about just how many were down here, and they still had the shambler up ahead somewhere. Alex stood from his crouch, holding his bow in one hand and sliding his hand back into Nate's. He still heard the infected everywhere but the hallway was clear again. For now.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

And just like that, one was down. One of probably a million. If they were lucky, this wouldn’t be entire hoard or nest of them. If they were lucky, they could walk right on through and nothing would bother them. Of course, if that were the case, Alex’s magical aim wouldn’t be necessary, and that was clearly not the case. What good was he going to be in a place like this when they were trying to be quiet and afar? Everyone else had a good ranged attack if necessary, though Alex was by far their stealthiest range. There was no question. He was thankful that Alex was on his side and not the hunters’.

As they moved down the hall, the clicks grew louder. Clicks. As in more than one at once. Echolocation was going to be what saved them as he turned himself and the flashlight down a path to the left. Beyond several storage shelves that were acting as obstructing walls, he saw one. Where was the other one? He moved up closer, careful not to be in direct line of the first, and found the other also in the room. They needed to take both out at the same time. That meant he and Carlos needed to go up there. Alex and Kaleb were range. He and Carlos were close combat. He squeezed Alex’s hand before removing his own and holding up his palm. Wait. He turned and touched Carlos on his good arm. Follow me, he gestured. He nodded to Kaleb. It’s going to be okay.

Nate led Carlos quietly around the wall of storage that threatened to topple over them. The two clickers were pacing inside this area, occasionally pausing to screech. Nate skirted around one side and Carlos skirted the other. Slowly, they made their way behind their respective clickers, Nate having to wait extra for Carlos to get the right timing. As soon as he saw the moment he nodded towards Carlos who nodded back. Nate moved up behind his clicker and drug it down to ram the knife into its head as Carlos, wielding his machete, hacked into it several times before it dropped. Carlos sighed at the broken weapon. Nate pulled out the bat and tossed it to him as they returned to the other two. They exchanged a high five, and Nate placed his hand back in Alex’s. Let’s keep going.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex swallowed hard as he looked at Nate when he squeezed his hand. He nodded in acknowledgement of the wait signal from Nate. He saw him touch Carlos' arm and watched as the two of them moved towards the sounds of clicking. He looked back at Kaleb, mirroring his look of concern. They both wanted their people to be safe. To come back to them whole. It seemed like it took forever but eventually Alex saw them come back, high fiving and he smiled, Nate's hand back where it belonged, in Alex's. Alex nodded as they headed back down the hallway, the thumping sound of the shambler getting even louder. It was close. Alex's eyes saw another stalker skitter down the hall and into a room to their right. Alex nudged Nate with his shoulder, pointing at the room up ahead to the right. He dropped Nate's hand, moving beside the wall yet not touching it, and came to the doorway, peering inside. THe stalker was near the back, before it saw him. Screeching at Alex, he went to draw his bow, nocking an arrow and let it fly, but the stalker had moved last minute, so it lodged in its side, not where he'd intended. Alex started backing quickly, trying to nock another arrow as the stalker came through the door, aiming for Alex.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Too many. There were too many down here. They were not swarming, and that was the only thing about this that was nice. Nate had been too many places where the number of infected were just too many to carefully work through. This at least had that going for it. As Alex disappeared, he held his breath much as he assumed Alex did for him when he left. He didn’t like it. He hated when Alex was away. He followed, unable to wait for him when he was gone. He knew something went wrong when Alex backed out quickly, now still up. He panicked. What could he possibly do to help. There was not enough space to get through and behind, especially since the stalkers were far more wiry than the rest of the infected. Runners, though horrible, were easier to deal with than these things. No wonder his mama never let him stick around the shadows. He tried to determine what he could possibly do to help, racing forward at least to be with Alex, though his leg was very unhappy with him. And then the stalker dropped. Nate blinked in astonishment and turned to look to the side where Carlos was standing, hand still out with a pistol pointing towards where the stalker had been. A silencer sat at its end.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had almost made to the other side of the hallway when Nate had moved forward towards him. Alex blinked as the stalker dropped to the ground. His head turned to see Carlos with his pistol out, silencer set. He nodded over to the other thankful. Alex grabbed Nate's hand, squeezing it as a grounding force. He breathed out softly, looking between the three others. Kaleb walked up beside Carlos, and then they made their way on. Thump.. thump.. It was louder now, as if the shambler was up ahead. Alex knew it was close, but then again, the walls made it near impossible to tell exactly where the sound was actually coming from.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

In the darkness, it was easier to hear what was around them. His mama once told him to close his eyes if he was struggling to focus on something else, because taking out one sense gave the other ones room to grow. This was like closing his eyes. If he shone that flashlight beam somewhere else, the whole world got real dark for a moment. And he listened. What did he hear?

Thump. Thump.

Did that mean the shambler was the only one left? No shuffling. No clicking. No skittering. It was possible that there were runners that weren’t doing a whole lot of running, and that would certainly be unfortunate, but it felt like they were coming to the climax of the basement area. Probably with a shambler. He wasn’t wholly sure what that really meant. What did they look like? What did they do? How was he supposed to prepare for something totally new?

Alex’s presence was grounding. More than welcome. Later, when they were safely out of this horrible city, he planned to tell Alex just how much it meant to him that he was there to get him through places like this. Guide him. Be his light. Until then, they had a room at the end here. It was for sure the one that came with loud sounds of movement from something unnaturally big. It wasn’t so much a room as an area that was caved in with a little opening left like an arch way. He paused, squeezing Alex’s hand with a fear he didn’t know he had. He pulled them all close so that he could speak without alarming anything too close. “What’s the plan? I don’t know how these guys work and I’m pretty sure he’s in there.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex couldn't hear much aside from the thumping of the shambler as they stopped near an area that had been caved in. A small archway opening. Alex looked at the other two and then at Nate when he pulled them all in. "Shamblers are tougher than bloaters. It took me three molotovs and a nail bomb to bring it down. So we need to know just what everyone has. The more powerful the weapon, the less we need." He said, drawing from the last time he'd faced one of these much tougher plated infected.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The closer they got to this guy, the worse he sounded. Nate was learning very quickly that he did not like shambler or anything that thought to be titled after how they walked. The way they moved the whole world around them. He peered at the opening warily, though he assumed it would be difficult for this shambling infected to get through that opening if he were so big. So he took a moment to drop to the floor and open up his pack. What did he have? It was time to figure it out. “I’ve got two Molotovs and a whole lot of just stuff you could use to make things?” Carlos peered over and shook his head. “Between your stuff in there and my stuff, I could probably make another nail bomb and a mine if we wanted to set a trap. Love, what’s in that magical backpack of yours?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex knelt down himself, pack slipping off to see just what he had to work with. Alex didn't have much, but enough for one nail bomb and he had a molotov himself. He pulled out the molotov and the supplies for his own nail bomb. "I've got a molotov and enough for a nail bomb" Alex said. His attention was turned to Kaleb who'd crouched and looked through his pack. "I've got two nail bombs, a mine and a molotov." Kaleb said, holding out the objects.

"Okay, so we hit him with all the molotovs, but not at once. Once of us can be throwing the molotovs but the rest are going to have to protect them thrower. Once that first one breaks, not only do we have him to worry about, but any other infected in the area" Alex looked between them. He could stand back, looking through the archway and protect them that way. "I'll be the thrower." Kaleb volunteered immediately.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos smiled at Kaleb. “That’s my boy. Ready with the explosives.” He shook his head, imagining. In this world, nothing got him more than a capable, strong armed, explosive wielding man. Mm.

Nate handed his two Molotovs to Kaleb. “You probably have our best throwing arm. I just make everyone feel better.” He grinned. “You’ve got my bat, Carlos, so you’re gonna have to keep me safe too.”

Carlos shrugged. “I will always keep my boys safe. No infected or gunshot wound can stop me.” But even with all that confidence, he leaned into Kaleb first just to be close for a moment before he reaffirmed his grip on Nate’s back. “Ooh wait show me those things you have in that pack again, Medicine Man.” He rifled through once more and attacked some of those sharps to the end of the bat. “Now that’s better. Nothing can stop us now.”

Nate turned back to Alex. “Are we ready?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex handed his Molotov and quickly made his nail bomb before handing them over to Kaleb. He looked at each of them before he focused on Nate. “We are as ready as we can be.” Alex told him honestly. He squeezed Nate’s hand and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. If something happened to either of them, he’d have that. Alex dropped Nate’s hand a moment later, crouching and moving so he could see into the area. He could see the shambler but it wasn’t paying attention to him. Alex readied his bow and nodded to Kaleb to go ahead.

Kaleb kissed Carlos, smiling at him after. He moved along the wall, peering into the area. Kaleb looked at Alex then at the others. Taking a deep breath, he had the first Molotov in hand. Kaleb lit it, and threw it. The bottle broke over the shambler’s head, covering it in fire. The roar from it echoed around. And a handful of infected poured into the room, heading towards the archway. Alex didn’t think, just fired arrow and after arrow.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos and Nate ran in two different directions. Nate ran to the shadows and Carlos ran straight for all of those infected. Carlos, brandishing his newly fancied bat started swinging. One runner down. A second. Oh he liked this a lot. Nate skirted around the room, careful to stay out of sight of that big thing, honestly trying not to even look at it since he most certainly did not have time to marvel at its oppressive presence. He ran around the small arena like room, hopping over turned tables and juking around shelves that acted as pillars. He grabbed whatever was directly in his sights. If he could obtain supplies and weapons for everyone else, he could be their own form of runner. As he moved around the room and back to the swarm of infected, he had the advantage of being behind. Carlos was certainly a distraction. He reached in and grabbed another runner, knife to the head and drop. A clicker reached and grabbed Carlos from behind. Nope. Nate leapt across the dead bodies of runners to yank on its back enough to keep it from biting. Carlos twisted around and rammed that bat into what was left of its face. Nate tried to back away into the shadows, but something caught him from behind as Carlos turned to deal with the infected on him. Nate tried to squirm free but struggled, barely keeping it from what little skin he had showing.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex fired arrows where he could, avoiding Nate and Carlos. It was fascinating to him watching Nate move like he did. But his heart stopped when he saw Nate get caught by a runner. In a rush of anger Alex fired two arrows in rapid succession. His only thought was that no way was he losing his Nate. Not now. Alex loosed one more arrow and the thing fell away from Nate. Alex could only hope that he hadn’t been bitten.

Kaleb waited long enough for the fire to start dying down when he tossed another molotov. Another deafening roar from the shambler as it moved around, trying to find the source of the fire. Kaleb watched as Nate saved Carlos from a clicker and sighed in relief when the thing holding Nate was taken down rather aggressively with three arrows in its head. Remind him never to threaten Nate. The second roar from the huge infected also brought stalkers to the party. Great.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took in a deep breath as the weight pulling him back disappeared once again. No time to revel in this. He crouched down, whipping around to find Carlos who was ramming the bat into a clicker. It was not looking too great, but it would last until Nate could find him something else to use. And then he heard the skittering. He dashed forward, quickly trying to remember what was around. Oh, crowbar. That was better than nothing. He swiped it up, dodging a runner and moving forward. “Carlos!” He tossed the crowbar just in time to dodge again, and as he did so, kick the runner and pull out his knife to jab it into its neck. Carlos caught the crowbar without issue and swung in the same motion. Nate moved behind Carlos and said, not bothering to be quiet now that everyone knew where they were, “You keep on them. I got the stalkers.” He moved into the shadows and stilled. Listening. Skittering to the left. He moved to the wall, not touching it, waiting then reached out and grabbed the stalker that was moving his way. He pulled him down and stabbed. Next. He listened. Watched. Another one was moving directly on the other side of the room. Another one to the right. He ran forward, catching Alex’s eyes and pointing them out before running around the perimeter again. He winced, remembering his leg. Thank god it was healed enough to be closed. It just hurt real bad.

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