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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched Nate sit on the floor, and he narrowed his eyes at Carlos who started moving things towards the door. Alex was glad when Carlos finally stopped. Him and Kaleb finished what Carlos had started. It took them a few minutes before the door was sufficiently barred. He looked at Kaleb before back at the two on the floor. "Kaleb, watch them. I'm going to find us somewhere away from the door. This looks another hotel, albeit a smaller one." Kaleb nodded as Alex walked off, he stepped down the hallway by the desk. He listened as he moved slowly, cautiously. The hall was decent looking, still ruined and paper peeling, but it wasn't overgrown with infection. Alex walked to the end, coming to the furthest door and tried to open it, locked. The door across the hall he tried, open. He stepped inside and checked out the small area, and tested both beds. He left the room, door shut and checked a few of the other rooms but this one seemed to be the best option. Alex walked back to the lobby. "Alright, one last walk then we can stop for the night" He said, stepping up beside Nate, holding his hand out for him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As carlos laid there on his back, Nate decided to join him. He leaned the top of his head against Carlos’ and stared at the ceiling. He listened to the movement of the other two, occasionally becoming the cheerleader. Carlos joined. They said things like “You’re so strong!” And “Muscles for days!” And “Well never fail at life with such strong and smart men.” “And handsome!” “Yes, the handsome part is what is going to save us.” “Sure is. Our enemies will be dazzled by their beauty.” “No, that’s us. We’re the dazzled ones, silly.” “I feel like that’s more reason to believe that they would also be dazzled.” “Would you say that the dazzling is a superpower?” “Um, yes?”

That was about the time when Kaleb joined them while Alex looked for somewhere for them to be. This did not stop them in any way but did mean that they now had an audience. They just kept going until Alex returned. Nate was the first to stop, because his entire being was immediately distracted by Alex’s presence. He sat up and reached out his own hand to take Alex’s. He used him to stand up, angry leg and all. “Okay. One last walk.” Carlos also got up with the help of Kaleb. He was less talkative now that they were up. His shoulder hurt too much for him to do much more than clench his teeth.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had heard the two men while he and Kaleb had been barring the door and it still made him laugh. It was nice to hear that banter and cheerleading as they'd blocked the door. Alex broke from his memory with a smile on his face as he felt Nate take his hand, and used Alex to stand up. He would be there to support Nate as they started down the hallway. "We've got a nice soft bed waiting for us, and no more five feet for the rest of the night" Alex told Nate with a smile.

Kaleb had been content to listen to the two men go back and forth with their banter. It was something that he could listen to for hours. It was the sense of family that he loved. Kaleb looked at Alex and nodded, turning to help Carlos up. He would give up support as they walked down the hallway. Only a few hundred feet and then the warmth and safety of a bed and being beside Carlos.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The walk to the room was slow. Nate felt bad about it, especially since he was the slowest by far. At least Carlos could still walk at a normal speed. Nate, on the other hand, simply could not move that quickly. This was pretty bad. It was not something that they were going to be able to fix by cleaning a wound or stitching himself back together. There was nothing broken about it. He could probably fix up Carlos at least with some cleaning. He opened he had not opened the wound, but they was a relatively easy fix. It would not solve the pain. The pain was just going to be a lot for both of them.

When they made it to the room, Carlos collapsed on the first bed. “This is mine. The rest of you may choose where you belong.”
“Your shoulder-“
“Doesn’t need you, Medicine Man. Kaleb is perfectly capable of cleaning it if it’s a problem.” He shooed him away with the waving of hands. “Alex, handsome, you were brilliant, and as much as I love you and your arms, I need you to deal with your boy. He’s whiny, clingy, and annoying.” He sat up then. “But if I hear you two doing anything-“
“I will demand you find your own room.”
Nate groaned and shook his head.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was more than fine walking at whatever speed Nate could handle. When they made in the room, Alex made sure to lock the door behind them. He walked in with Nate, helping him to the second bed. "Don't worry Carlos. I've got him, besides. I need to check that leg of yours" Alex told Nate, wanting to see if his leg had been reopened or if it was just sore from being overworked. Then Alex planned on laying down beside him on that soft bed. He heard Carlos comment about them doing anything and his face flushed bright red at that, turning his head away from Carlos as he kneeled down, ready to check Nate's leg.

Kaleb sat beside where Carlos had collapsed. "Leave those two alone, and take that shirt off. I want to check that shoulder of yours" Kaleb told him, trying to get Carlos' attention from picking on them and focusing on him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos looked at them with an accusatory point but then laughed and turned his attention to Kaleb. “Oh so it’s actually you who’s doing something. Do you need me to send them away?” But he was already working on getting the upper clothing off, which was difficult but not as bad as the first time they did this. He looked at the ugly that was the wound. “Do you think it makes me more attractive if I scar like this?” Because even when he wasn’t distracted by this, he was still wildly distracted by this. He couldn’t help it. It was how he had always been.

Nate sat on the edge of the second bed and attempted to help move up the pants. “You tell me what you see down there, beautiful. Because I’m going to be honest. I hurt so bad I don’t think I can see much of anything right now.” He glanced over at the other two just to make sure Carlos was distracted before quickly leaning over and kissing the top of Alex’s head. He may not have actually been hiding this, but it was a fun little game that they could play.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb rolled his eyes at Carlos with a chuckle. "I'm glad to see your humor is still intact dear" He said, fingers moving towards the wound. "Well, its bruised, but nothing seems to be opened. It'll still be sore for a bit though" Kaleb said before laughing. "I think you look attractive no matter what scars you have, in fact it makes you look even more so" Kaleb said with a smile, kissing Carlos gently before pulling away. "Time to rest love" He said softly.

Alex looked up at Nate with a nod, cheeks tinged pink. "Of course I will. I'm here to help you remember?" He said, that small smile on his face. Alex looked at his leg, unwrapping it. The stitches held beautifully, nothing had been reopened. The bruising and skin was multi-colored and angry but much better. Alex said, blushing harder when he felt Nate kiss the top of his head. "It looks good, just angry and upset." Alex told him, sliding his pant leg back down after re-wrapping the leg up. Alex got up with a smile, standing in front of Nate. "Now. What did you say earlier? Less than five feet?" He said with a smile, before he leaned forward and kissed Nate, happy that he and the others had made it here safely.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos sighed as Kaleb finished and pulled away from that honestly far too little kiss, but it was fine. He was not about to put the clothes back on. He fell back onto the bed arms grabbing Kaleb and pulling him down with him. “Only because you said it so nicely, my sweet.”

Nate didn’t even notice the other two anymore, because he was so immensely enraptured by Alex. He should have felt relieved that his injury was mostly fine. He should have been paying attention to how Carlos’s wound looked. But really, did any of that matter when Alex was right there with him? Less than five feet. Five feet was too many feet. He breathed him in with the kiss. His wide grin overtook his face again. There really was no pretending for him was there? He wrapped his arms around Alex. His lips broke apart from Alex’s just long enough to ask, “How about no feet?” as he pulled Alex onto the bed, falling onto his back with a giggle. Carlos could be rude all he wanted, but Nate was absolutely certain that Carlos was probably also distracted. He so often was.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb allowed himself to be pulled down beside Carlos onto the bed. It was warm, soft and being held by Carlos. “I try to be nice love.” He said, resting beside him. “Hopefully you get better sleep tonight baby.” He added.

Alex blushed as Nate wrapped his arms around him and laughed as he heard him say no feet and Alex had to agree. No feet was much better. “I agree.” He said as Nate pulled them on the bed. Alex shifted himself so that he was beside Nate so he didn’t feel like he was crushing him by laying on top of him. “I like this no feet thing.” He added, leaning over and kissing Nate again. He was tired, but he wanted to kiss him too. A little more kissing then it was time for sleep.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos kissed Kaleb’s cheek and rested his head against his partner’s. “I can only try, love.” He was exhausted, and if nothing else, he was likely going to sleep more for that reason. He was the kind of tired that made him feel like his body was dead. He might even sleep forever hours instead of only in thirty minute spurts this time. He had Kaleb, and that always made things better. He yawned, eyes closing. He would be asleep soon.

Being in this kind of playful mood seemed like a horrible idea when they needed to rest. Well, alright, he personally was not thinking about how this was a horrible idea, because he was caught up in the moment. A part of him, though, somewhere in the back of his mind, knew that if they wanted to be awake for their continued journey the next day, they were going to need to stop this and actually sleep. His leg was begging for him to shut down for a while so that it could actually rest and not have to keep existing. It wasn’t fair. All Nate wanted was to be with Alex. He wanted kisses, because he just discovered that those were things he absolutely loved. If Carlos could kiss whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, why did Nate have to be restrained? It was stupid. “Mm, is this how we sleep? Because I would not object to zero feet.” But at the same time, his whole body was just so tired. So he kissed Alex until he couldn’t breathe and laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop now. Sleep time.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled at Carlos when he kissed his cheek. That was all he wanted. He wanted the man to try. Kaleb was content where he was. His head beside Carlos and was quickly asleep himself, his entire body ready to sleep.

Alex didn’t want to sleep, he just wanted Nate. His body was trying to force him to sleep. His eyes went to look at Nate. “I’d be perfectly fine if we sleep at zero feet.” Alex said quietly. Alex kissed Nate back until Nate broke it off. “As much as I want to keep kissing, it’s time to sleep.” Alex said, resting his head on Nate. His eyes closed as he slowly fell into a relaxing sleep.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

And so they slept. It was a day full of far too much for anyone. Shambler. That was new for Nate, and he would love for it to never be a thing he had to deal with ever again. Infected were bad enough. Runners were sometimes unpredictable, clickers were vicious, stalkers were creepy, and bloaters were awful. But shamblers? Those were a whole new kind of terrible. Never again. Never. No more creepy basements full of spores and so. many. infected. Just sleep.

Nate slept strangely well for how troubling the day had been. Despite his leg, everything was fine. It might have been because he had Alex there to ground his entire being. That was beyond helpful. After having a halfish night without him, Nate was determined to never go through that again. Carlos slept like the dead. The actual dead. He fell asleep and then didn’t move again. He didn’t stir or rustle. He didn’t thrash or wake up. He didn’t move to the end of the bed. He was their own corpse to deal with. Hopefully that meant his shoulder would fare better in the morning when he had not moved so much on it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex slept dreamlessly, wrapped up in Nate’s embrace. It was warm, it was safe and after the crazy day they had, it was needed. Alex held onto Nate tightly. He was exactly where he wanted to be, and after the other night when he’d slept with Carlos and Kaleb, he never wanted to leave Nate’s side again. Eventually like all things, the sun did rise, filtering through the boarded up windows. Alex shifted on the bed, his mind was awake but his eyes were closed still.

Kaleb slept wonderfully, especially after last night when both him and Carlos had gotten very little sleep. He curled into Carlos’ side and stayed like that until the sun rose the next day, his eyes opened half way but his mind was still very much asleep.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos. Dead to the world.

Nate, however, less dead. The light touched his eyes, and he rolled his head away from the windows. Oh Alex. His sleepy mind regathered his Alex in his arms, and kissed the top of his head. This was all he wanted. All he needed. When he opened his eyes, he looked to the side and smiled at the sleeping forms of Carlos and Kaleb. He liked having them too, but he liked having Alex more. Sorry guys. There was just something about the way he and Alex clicked so quickly. They were two people meant to find each other. Unsure if he was awake or not, he absentmindedly ran his hands through Alex’s hair. A morning ritual so he learned.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex hummed softly as he felt Nate kiss the top of his head. His eyes might not be open, but he was very much awake. He opened his eyes as he felt Nate run his hands through Alex’s hair. “Mmm.. morning” Alex mumbled, tilting his head to look at Nate. He would never get tired of being in Nate’s arms. It was where Alex wanted to be forever.

Kaleb was looking at Carlos, but he was still half asleep.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate smiled as the sound of Alex’s voice. He turned his attention to him completely, tilting his head down towards him. His lips found Alex’s for their new morning kisses and cuddles. “Mornin’ beautiful,” he murmured as his voice tried to remember how to exist again. It was deep and almost gruff with sleep. “I think you might be the best thing I have ever woken up to.” He laughed as he thought about that. “And that’s saying something, because once I woke up to a horse. He was beautiful too,” he teased.

Carlos considered being awake, but he was very tired. The light was tickling his mind, so he was beginning to stir.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled as Nate turned his attention to him. Alex happily kissed Nate back, he could get used to this. “I have to agree. Wait. Really? You woke up to a horse? Nathaniel are you comparing waking up to me with waking up to a horse?” Alex asked in a mock offended tone, trying not to smile.

Kaleb felt his mind start waking and he shifted his body, stretching.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate couldn’t help but laugh so loud that Carlos really did stir this time. He tried to shrug like this was nonchalant but he failed miserably. “No, I’m not comparing you to a horse.” He let that sit a moment before he teased, “I’m comparing you to the horse.” He laughed some more before deciding this warranted some explanation. “My mama thought it would be a nice present and got this horse to lay down beside me so I woke up and bam! Horse. He was beautiful.”

Carlos yawned, shoving his face into Kaleb’s side. He blinked a few times before yawning an again and groggily asking, “Do we have horses now?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex knew that wasn’t the case but Nate’s reaction was worth it. He laughed at the comment. “I’m glad you think I’m as beautiful as a horse. I’m not sure if it’s a compliment or not.” He teased back. Then he looked over at Carlos. “We’re gonna have horses at our farmhouse don’t worry.” He said with a laugh.

Kaleb was up at this point. He laughed as well. “I have a feeling I’d like your mama Nate.” He said with a grin, feeling Carlos shove his face into Kaleb’s side before he asked about having horses.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed almost as loud as the one before again. He shoved a hand to his face as he shook his head. He moved his hands so they cupped Alex’s face. “I think you are far more beautiful than any horse. He kissed him sweetly then kissed his forehead. “Even if he was a majestic beast.”

Carlos, still mostly sleepy, rolled so that he was laying across Kaleb with his head hanging off the bed and looking at the other two upside down. “You’re getting us horses? Babe.” He sat up and looked at Kaleb. “They’re getting us horses.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed again, seeing Nate's reaction. He was enjoying this little morning conversation, it was peaceful, it was nice. Alex blushed when Nate cupped his face and hearing that comment. He kissed him back when Nate kissed him and smiled at the kiss on the forehead. "I'll take that compliment." He said with a smile. "I'm much more majestic then any horse" Alex added with a playful grin. He shifted himself as he listened to Carlos and chuckled at him.

Kaleb looked at Carlos when he rolled onto Kaleb, looking at the other two, head hanging off the bed. "I heard that dear, I can't wait to learn how to ride one. I've seen them before." Kaleb said with a smile as Carlos sat up, and looked at him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate chuckled against Alex with a wide grin. “Mm you think so? Horses can be pretty majestic. Though, I guess I have seen you in those trees.” He ran his thumbs across Alex’s cheeks. “You leaping through those branches like you were the air itself. Almost like you were flying. Yeah... okay. That's... that's pretty majestic.” He narrowed his eyes as he turned to face the other two. “Wait, you’ve never ridden a horse? And I thought handsome here was sheltered.”

Carlos shook his head. “Do you really think we had an opportunity to ride horses in that godforsaken QZ? We’re lucky to have seen them.” He took Kaleb’s hand. “Love. Horses. For us. At a farmhouse. Where we live and sleep and stuff.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed himself, enjoying the feeling of Nate's thumbs across his cheeks. "See, told you. Much more majestic. Horses can't leap through trees and fire arrows like me" He said with a chuckle. Alex looked over at the other two with a wide smile. "Maybe we can even breed two of them and have babies running around the farm" Alex told them, this dream becoming more and more like a promise.

Kaleb agreed with Carlos. "I saw horses while we were traveling, out on the plains. They were too skittish to work with though." He told Nate. "Yes, horses for us, at our farmhouse. Where we can live, love and sleep. I like that idea Alex. Have baby horses running around, what do you think love?" He asked Carlos with a smile.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Ooh, baby horses? I didn’t even think about that,” Nate mused. “We could have beautiful horses with their beautiful babies all being led by beautiful people. We are going to be exactly like one of those storybooks we find in the book shops sometimes. Picturesque is what my mama would call it.” He wrapped his arms around Alex as he envisioned his dream. “I really wish she could have met you guys. She would have loved all of you.”

Carlos crawled across the bed and popped up. “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go find us a farmhouse and begin our horse husbandry destiny.” He grabbed Kaleb’s hand and pulled at Alex’s arm.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded, looking at Nate. "I'd love to have some beautiful babies around our farmhouse. I used to help care for them when I wasn't needed in the fields or training." Alex said softly. "They're adorable." He said, smiling as Nate wrapped his arms around Alex. He rested his head on Nate's shoulder with a happy sigh. "I wish I'd met her" Alex said quietly, before he looked over at Carlos who'd pulled at his arm. "I think Kaleb's right, I guess its time to get up." Alex laughed.

Kaleb laughed, seeing the sudden change in Carlos. He saw him grab Kaleb's hand and it was easier to let Carlos pull him off the bed. "I guess we're getting up now huh?" Kaleb said with a laugh.

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