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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate, without even thinking about it, kissed the side of Alex’s head as he talked. He so much wanted to watch Alex raise baby horses. He wanted to watch him be out in the fields of uninfested grass or something. Crops? And livestock? Everything. He wanted everything, and he wanted to share it all with Alex. He could even see Kaleb and Carlos running around, chasing little animals around and generally living their best lives.

He slowly moved them off the bed, taking Alex with him. “I guess it’s time we go. I don’t think we’re finding this farmhouse today. Plus, I don’t think I want anything that would be that close to this city. It’s terrible around here.” He slowly moved them towards the backpacks to prepare for moving yet again. And maybe breakfast.

Carlos was already up and digging through the packs. “Do we want breakfast, cuties? We have… beans? And whatever else handsome has. Are we fancy again? That was great.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled as Nate kissed the side of his head. He loved it, the little kisses and touches. It made him smile every single time. He could imagine the four of them hanging around the farmhouse with baby horses, and maybe baby sheep and goats too. Alex could picture watching Carlos and Kaleb spending time with the baby animals. It was a wonderful dream that Alex wanted to make a reality. He moved with Nate off the bed, heading towards their packs. "I definitely don't want a farmhouse near here." Alex agreed, before looking at Carlos. "Hmm, maybe beans today and then tomorrow if we get out of this city, I'll find us a great breakfast" Alex said, looking over at Nate.

Kaleb was interested in what Alex said, and they had more beans than anything else for food, so it would make sense to eat that. "Beans for breakfast today, and a special treat for breakfast tomorrow, should we make it out in time." He nodded, "Sounds like a plan"
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate pulled Alex to Carlos who was bringing out the beans. Carlos tossed everyone spoons as he put the beans out on the floor and sat there. He reached up and dragged Kaleb down. He pointed at both Alex and Nate and shoved his hand down. “Want some beans?”

“Oh yes, the delectable beans.” Nate sighed as he sat down, leaving his leg straightened instead of bending it again. He could tell that the soreness was going to be a lot today, but it felt so much better than the day before.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex followed Nate over to Carlos, taking one of the spoons and smiled, taking a spoon of the beans. "Yes, everyone's favorite. Beans" Alex said with a chuckle. He was looking forward to getting out of the city today. He hated cities more now than ever. Kaleb took his spoon as Carlos dragged him down to join them. He laughed, taking a spoon of the beans and ate it.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Beans were, well, beans. They weren’t exciting but at least they were something. The four of them sitting around some beans was not even that exciting. Maybe if it were something else it would be more. Oh well. Beans were beans. So Nate ate them begrudgingly. It was not in any way is favorite. Carlos, however, ate them like he always ate beans. They were just food. He loved the spaghetti and ravioli, but beans were still good. Carlos was the first to finish. He was ready for the rest of their lives, and he wanted a horse. He didn’t know that horses were his destiny, but they were. Animal husbandry was his fate, and he was so down. So when he finished, he was the first to get up and preparing the packs for travel.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex didn't enjoy beans, they were probably his least favorite canned food. He ate a little more before he too was finished. He walked over to the packs after wiping his spoon down, and handed it back to Carlos. He grabbed his own pack and sighed, tossing the bag over his back. Kaleb too though beans were okay but not awesome. He finished a few moments after Alex, wiping his spoon off and handed it back to Carlos as well, snagging his bag before he too stood up. Alex was ready to go, already missing the fresh air of the outside.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate finished last because he got lost in his daydreams. Eventually he too handed the spoon back to Carlos and grabbed his packs. “Okay, my favorite people, what’s the plan now? Alex, my guide in all things, I couldn’t even fathom where we need to go next. Please tell me that you know where we’re going,” Carlos laughed, because he hadn’t really thought about plans. He mostly thought about getting up and moving.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked over at Nate with a smile. "If I remember all the turns we took, we come out of the hotel and turn to the left, and go past those buildings, should take us to the edge of the city, and then its a straight shot from there to the Washington border" Alex said with a smile, holding his hand out for Nate. Kaleb could navigate and make plans in the city, but he'd let Alex take charge once they made it out and into the Montana wilderness.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took Alex’s hand in his and nodded. “Okay, I trust you implicitly.” He turned to Kaleb. “And you too. I don’t know how much I would make it without you guys.”
Carlos shoved his way over and gasped. “What about me?”
“Yes, Carlos, I would die without you too.”
Carlos laughed and opened up the door. He was down with Washington. He hadn’t ever been there, and he was willing to try it with his new family.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled over at Nate, happy to have his hand in Alex's again. "I'd hope you trust me by now." He said with a chuckle. Alex nodded with Nate's words. "I'm really thankful we met you two. I don't know if we'd have made it through this city without you guys. From helping me down and up stairs.." Alex looked at Carlos a little pointedly. "To making sure we got to safety. I can't wait to spend our farmhouse life with you two." Alex said, making his way to the door behind Carlos. Kaleb smiled, listening to the touching words from both men. "We're thankful to have met you two as well." He said also making his way to the door.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As they moved out of the room, Nate couldn’t help but smile. “You guys are so great,” he grinned. “I’m glad that we can all be sappy together. That was the worst before.“ He walked out through the hall and back to the lobby. He looked at the barred front door and sighed.

Carlos raised his arms. “Fear not! I got this! My good arm is still very strong.” And so he started moving everything out of the way. He probably needed help, but he would never ask.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded as they walked through the hall and into the lobby. Alex let go of Nate's hand and moved up to help Carlos move everything out of the way. With Alex and now Kaleb's help, it didn't take much time to get the door unbarred. Alex took Nate's hand again as Kaleb moved over to Carlos. Alex walked up to the front door and opened it, looking out and around. He didn't see anyone. "Clear" Alex called, moving out onto the street cautiously and looking around as he waited for the others.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The streets were quiet and still. Since no one tried to come after them in the night, it seemed like the hunters were not based on this side of the park. That or they gave up dealing with them, which seemed reasonable honestly. Nate hoped that this was going to be a quick and easy travel. It was possible really. They had easy traveling days. If they didn’t loot buildings, they may even be able to leave before the end of the day. Nate looked at windows and doorways to see if there was anyone lurking. He didn’t see anyone or anything. He stayed quiet so that he could hear around them, but so far there wasn’t anything.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex walked beside Nate, eyes looking around every so often and constantly listening. "I don't know about you three, but I think I just want to get out of this city" Alex said. He knew they should search for supplies but Alex just wanted to be out of this place. Put some distance between them and the hunters in this city. Kaleb looked at Alex. "Normally I'd say loot what we can, but I'm with Handsome on this one." He said with a low sigh.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“I couldn’t agree with you more,” Nate commented as they moved down this street. “We can find some non occupied city to loot that doesn’t have murderous hunters coming after us all the time.” Carlos considered for a moment. He needed to replenish much of his supplies. He ran out of just about everything in the last few days, but he agreed. This was a terrible place. When they first left the QZ, they didn’t have what they did now, so they could survive. “Alright, yeah let’s just get out of here.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex, having heard everyone agreeing to move out as quickly as possible, nodded. At the end of this street should be the edge of the city and Alex had to keep himself in check, even though all he wanted was to run as fast as he could. "I'm sure there will be smaller towns along our journey to replenish supplies" Kaleb said softly, looking around his people. He just wanted to get out of this city where Carlos was shot and Nate had been clawed by infected.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Anywhere is better than here,” Nate proclaimed. He was over it too. Very little good came from this city. Well, okay maybe one thing. He did get Kaleb and Carlos out of this, and that wasn’t so bad. But other than that, mostly bad. Anywhere was better. They needed to go. Carlos was mostly feeling the same way. He was excited about this new future and mostly was done with their present. Let’s go. He moved relatively quickly down the streets, easily overtaking Alex and having to slow himself down as they moved. He was not the one leading, and they would all be thankful for that. He was certainly not observant enough for that.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded to that. The only good thing that came from this city was meeting Carlos and Kaleb. He chuckled when Carlos overtook him, but Alex was keen enough in observation that he didn't mind. He could see the buildings thinning out in front of them, the expanse of land beyond that, even a small forest off in the distance. Alex increased his own speed, walking faster now, but trying not to walk too fast.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“So,” Carlos said, unable to bear the silence, “we leave this city and then… meander?” That was kind of what he felt like he had been doing since they left that QZ. Wandering the country with Kaleb was great, but sometimes it felt like they were directionless. There were days that he felt like they were just surviving to go to the next place and survive. Nate felt a lot like that too. He had no direction until Alex. He hoped that now they could find that direction together. They could give Carlos purpose when he lacked it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked over at Carlos. "We leave this city and continue straight through and we should hit Washington in a few days. Then we go from there." Alex told him. "Once we reach Washington, we find Nate's people and find a farmhouse there" Alex added. "I'll guide you just like I guide Nate. We're all one family remember?" He said, seeing that expanse of land growing closer and closer as they walked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate brought their clasped hands to his lips and kissed Alex’s. His guiding light. If he could do more while they were walking this stupid city, he would have. But they were leaving and they weren’t going to turn back. They were going to find something new. And hopefully that new was a whole lot less devastating than this. Though, he considered the plan. They were going to find his people. His people. The people that used to be Fireflies and were swallowed up by some larger group. The people who were called terrorists for wanting justice from FEDRA. When he really thought about it, he nodded, agreeing. But for just a moment, right as Alex said it, he didn’t see those people in his mind. Instead, he saw the people who were with him. His people. They were all already his people. And that was enough.

“Neat.” Carlos brought Nate back to reality with this one word as they approached the edge of this city and stepped across. “Are we gonna like these people? Because I like Medicine Man and I like Handsome. Are you bringing me to more beautiful people? I would not say no to that.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled as he felt Nate bring their hands up and kiss Alex's. This was everything he wanted right now. Walking with the three men who've been his people. Alex looked over at Carlos when he talked. "I.. Nate, would you say they are beautiful people? I've never met them" Alex didn't have an answer, but what he did have was an expanse of barren land with a swath of forest to the left. Alex wanted to be in that forest. "Can we um can we walk through the forest for as long as we can?" Alex looked over at Nate with a soft smile. He could already feel himself relaxing as they crossed out of the city. His head snapped up when he heard something behind them and looked back to see a group of three hunters at the border just behind them. They didn't seem to be moving over the city line, though they had their weapons raised up, two had pistols and one had a bow.

"We need to run." Alex said, pulling on Nate's hand. "Now!" He added. HIs heart dropped as the one with the bow aimed at Kaleb, the pistols were aimed at Carlos, knowing he was already injured, and Nate. Kaleb looked back and saw the three hunters, his heart sinking when he noticed their aim. Kaleb moved and pushed Carlos towards the forest. "Run!" Kaleb mimicked Alex. They didn't have the resources to attack, even Alex was running low on arrows, so they had to run and dodge, aiming for the forest to make it easier to lose them. The hunters didn't seem like they wanted to leave the city lines, but they could be a border patrol and may send a group after them anyway.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate wasn’t sure how to answer that. His perception of beautiful people was a little bit different than other people’s. Carlos saw beauty as a physical representation of a person, and Nate did not. He loved when the person was beautiful. When he met Alex, he was so overwhelmed by the beauty of Alex not his body. That’s how Nate always was. Though, now that he settled into a more comfortable existence with him, he could see the physical attractiveness as well. It just wasn’t what he noticed first. Like with Carlos. He was a physically attractive man, but Nate didn’t really notice. So were these people they were going to beautiful? He didn’t know. He could only hope that at least the people would be beautiful. For Carlos, he hoped they could be physically attractive too. Hopefully they had strong arms for him. That seemed to bring him a lot of joy.

He was going to attempt to find a way to explain this as Alex turned his attention behind. His own gaze followed slowly, at first thinking it was looking to Kaleb.

Not more.
Please not more.

Nate wasn’t ready for more, and he really wasn’t ready to die. Not yet. Not when he just found Alex. Not when he just found Carlos and Kaleb. Not when they were finally making it out of this terrible city. They were too close to stop now. They were too close for it all to fail. He held Alex’s hand so tight it might bruise later, but he couldn’t lose him. He ran as hard and fast as his legs would take, and he knew that even if it felt better, he was about to ruin that progress. Carlos moved quickly too as Kaleb pushed him along, but this was bad. This looked bad. He positioned himself so that his bigger figure was frequently in the way of any shots that could get to Alex and Nate. If anyone could take a hit, it was him. He already took one.
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt the tight grip from Nate, and while it may bruise, he was thankful for it. It grounded him, brought him to the present. Alex ran, fast. He moved in step with Nate. Gunshots fired out as the four of them ran, the whizzing of arrows sounded as well. It was a sound Alex knew well, but he'd never been on the other end of it. He just had to hope that they'd make into the forest and the group would stay there. As Alex ran, he looked back to see the hunters haven't crossed the line. Alex looked forward, the forest was right there. A few yards away. Just a little bit further.

Kaleb pushed Carlos along, he ran just beside him, trying to keep him safe even as he shielded the other two. Kaleb felt a sting in his side but ignored it, it wasn't important. Those trees, shelter, safety. That was his priority at the moment. Get his people in there, get them safe. Keep them safe. Safe. Where they ever going to be safe? Kaleb looked back to see the hunters turning away as they ran into the forest. Kaleb slowed down, panting as the shaded forest was already calming. Kaleb looked back once more, the hunters were gone. They'd have to keep going but they didn't have to run. "Guys.." Kaleb said softly, finally slowing to a walk and twisted to see just what had stung at him. Oh.. Well... His uninjured track record was just broken. Sticking about two inches out of his side was an arrow, just above his hip and closer to his back. He was so busy looking at the arrow in his side and the blood dripping down that he missed the root in front of him and tripped, falling to his knees.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Once someone asked Carlos if he was an adrenaline junkie. Being stuck in the QZ, he looked at that person with mostly disdain but also questioning. What adrenaline is happening in here? Running from the guards when he creates beautiful works of art? Yeah, he did that a lot. It wasn’t about the adrenaline though. It was about creating something beautiful and also getting away with it. He knew that all of this would lead to running of course. He did love that part. It was more than a little entertaining. And now that he was out of it, exploring the country and running from horrible people like hunters, maybe he could say that yes he might enjoy this a little more than he originally said. As they moved through these trees, he laughed, because they did it again. They bested those stupid hunters again, and this was it. They were out of this stupid city, and they won. “Haha! Look at us!” He exclaimed shoving a hand on both Alex’s and Nate’s backs. “We are officially the ones that got away!” He was so loud and boisterous that he didn’t hear the soft word behind him. He didn’t notice Kaleb slowing. He was so stuck in his own head where everything was going as well as it could. When he heard something louder behind him, he just assumed it was Kaleb walking, so he turned, smiling and laughing like the goof that he was, saying, “Love, did you see how we- Love?


Carlos’s eyes searched the vision that he didn’t understand for too long. Kaleb on the ground. Did he trip? Carlos began to bend down too, ready to pull him back up, his face still sporting that smile. Come on, Kaleb, we can do better than tripping over some-

And then he saw it.
The red first. It fell from his side, covering his clothes.
Carlos dropped, hand moving down to the side and finally seeing what he should have seen earlier. The arrow. His face went white, the excitement and shine ripped right out of him. Like the arrow he wanted to rip out of Kaleb. “Love, are you okay?” His hands shook as he grabbed onto Kaleb on his other side. He lifted his head to him, his entire body quivering now. “Baby you talk to me,” he insisted. His eyes flicked to the arrow, his lips parted just enough to let out the breath of his breaking heart. His eyes welled with tears. Without looking away, with a hysteria that overwhelmed his core, he snapped, “Nate!” He stared at the arrow again, the blood dripping onto his hands as he tried to do something, anything.

“Carlos, what’s-“ but Nate saw it too. He dropped beside him trying to see the extent of the damage but he couldn’t. “Carlos, I need you to move-“

“No!” he barked. “You fix him.” A command.

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