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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled at him, nodding. He looked over at Nate who tossed Carlos a nail bomb. "Oh you just made his day" Kaleb chuckled as he saw that grin. Alex nodded to Carlos. "I plan on keeping him." He said. Kaleb knew Carlos well enough, and he smiled when the man threw the bomb, shut the door and waited before he ran out. Kaleb looked over at Nate and Alex who both had wide eyes. "Alright, let's get moving" He said, stepping out and looking at the hunters all focusing on the zig zagging form of Carlos. "Move now" He said, moving them out the door, keeping his pistol in his hand silencer on, and made sure to move so he'd be able to shield and cover the two injured men. Alex took Nate's hand, his eyes wide but he followed Kaleb, sticking beside him where he wanted them to be.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate stuck as close to Alex and Kaleb as possible with his leg. It burned in a way that reminded him much of how he was after the runner attacked him from behind. There were too many people for him to slow even a little. He had to keep going. He would just need to keep moving. Keep moving. There was nothing he could do if someone came after them, at least not like this. Carlos on the other hand was doing pretty well. He was taking them out pretty easily. None of them were especially difficult because they were overzealous. Also, none of them were prepared for Carlos. Carlos who flirted with all of them in battle. The winks and comments did wonders for stunning enemies. The ground cavalry was gone pretty quickly. The problem was the several snipers they had up there who were decent shots. He used another guy as a shield but now that they were gone. He was going to struggle. He quickly pulled out a Molotov. Not the best but would do. He tossed it up and ran for the bathrooms. Hopefully that was enough to get the others there.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked back behind them as he ran, seeing the flash of the snipers on the roof and seeing Carlos running. "Kaleb, get Nate to the bathrooms!" He said. Alex was still close enough to hit those snipers with his bow, he'd hit further targets. Alex saw the molotov that Carlos threw send most of the snipers to the ground. All but one, and that one was aiming for Carlos. Alex drew his bow, nocked the arrow and aimed, the arrow flew through the air and hit its target. Alex kept an eye on the roof as he waited for Carlos to make it safely to the bathroom. He sent two more arrows loose, two snipers that had gotten up that had been down. The rest didn't get back up. Alex turned and ran as fast as he could while making sure not to jar his leg too much. He made it behind the bathrooms, panting as he leaned against the wall.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate ran with Kaleb not wanting to leave Alex but knowing that it was better for both of them if he did. He bent down and looked at his leg. Yep, that’s what he thought. The stitches were the only things keeping it together, and that was questionable now that he could see at least one had come undone. That was a problem for when they got to safety. Carlos ran as fast as he could to get to the bathrooms. Thankfully it was not very far away. He pushed hard until he was behind the wall with everyone else. As soon as Alex made it behind the wall as well, Nate was at his side. “Are you okay? How is your leg? I know we don’t have time but just are you-“ he didn’t finish though, because the sight of Carlos made his entire body run cold. “Carlos.” His lips squeezed shut. Carlos looked at him confused then followed his gaze. Oh. Oh that wasn’t good at all. With all that adrenaline he didn’t feel it. One of them had gotten him after all it seemed. Now that he saw it, he could feel it. The bullet lodged in his shoulder. Oh. Nate moved from Alex to Carlos. “Kaleb, we have to go right now. Carlos. Carlos!” He hissed his name and clapped in his face to grab his attention. Carlos blinked and looked at him. “I need you to focus. We need to move okay- no! Don’t look at it. Don’t think about it. Think about, um, think about a farmhouse. One where you live and can do whatever you want. I want you to stay on that thought while we move.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb had made it to behind the bathrooms with Nate. He waited for Carlos and Alex who both appeared a few minutes after. He heard Nate asking Alex if he was okay, and how was his leg. Then Kaleb's blood ran cold hearing that tone. His head turned to see the blood on Carlos' shoulder from a bullet wound. They couldn't make through the park with that wound. Kaleb froze, he didn't know where to take them. Alex on the other hand was intently looking around, he cared for Carlos too, but he didn't have the connection to him that Kaleb did. Alex spied an older looking hotel down a side street that seemed out of the way. "Follow me!" He said quietly, looking around. He didn't see any hunters. "Quickly!" Alex led the way down the side street, ignoring the soreness of his leg, looking around. Kaleb had gone to Carlos' side. "Come on babe, let's follow Handsome. And we can live in that big farmhouse all of us" Kaleb said, trying along with Nate to get Carlos' mind on anything but the bullet wound in his shoulder.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos had gone through a lot. He had been injured a lot. He had been stabbed, hit, all sorts. He’d even been shot before, but the last bullet that managed to hit him was a graze on his arm once a long time ago. This was different. He may not have even noticed if Nate hadn’t told him. Of course, he also might have passed out without noticing that it was coming too, so it was probably better that they all knew. Knew that he got shot. Wow. Shot. Shot. Farmhouse? He looked at Nate and then Kaleb. He lived in a farmhouse doing whatever he wanted with all of them together. “Big farmhouse?” He asked as his legs started to move. Nate and Kaleb had him and they were moving. He looked at Kaleb, because Kaleb was his grounding. “You and me love?”
“And me and Handsome,” Nate added. “And we’ll have rooms with beds and everything.”
“Farmhouse. All of us.”
Nate kept him moving him along but not as fast as they needed to go. “And we’ll play truth or dare every night.” Carlos laughed. Nate patted him on the other shoulder. “But if you don’t catch up with him, Handsome is gonna leave us behind. And Kaleb.” He gestured for Kaleb to moved in front. “Both of your loves will leave us back here if you don’t move those legs. Let’s go big guy.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked at Carlos when he looked at him, nodding. "Of course, you and me, and like Nate said, him and Handsome." He said with a smile. Kaleb nodded when Nate gestured for him to move and he did, catching up with Alex. Alex was moving quickly, he kept his bow ready in case he needed it. The side street was quiet, and he looked back every so often. He couldn't hear what was being talked about, but a few moments later, Kaleb was at his side. He looked at him with a nod. Alex pushed onward, only stopping when he reached the front door of the hotel. He tried it and thankfully it pulled open. He stepped inside, looking around the lobby. It seemed relatively okay, and he waited for the others. "Kaleb, we can't go up so we need to find a far enough room to spend the evening. Can you find one?" Kaleb nodded, rushing down the hall, checking each room as he went. Kaleb waved back to Alex, there was a room at the far end that was in relatively good condition. Alex nodded, looking back to make sure the other two make into the lobby and no one sees them enter.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Eventually Nate had Carlos jogging down the streets. They were still talking, which was dangerous true, but he had to keep Carlos from passing out on them. If he went into shock, which he did seem like he was doing, Nate was not going to be able to pick his big body up. They talked about this farmhouse that Nate was gonna find and Carlos was going to help put back together since all these places were falling apart. He was going to paint the whole place with beautiful murals. He was going to have his own room right there with Kaleb, because he didn’t ever want to be anywhere without him. Nate told him that he and Alex would be next door all the time, and they could play all the sleepover games every night. And have fancy meals. Carlos loved the idea of fancy meals. Finally, they made it to the hotel Nate saw Alex and Kaleb enter. “Hey, handsome,” Carlos said, his voice sounding mostly normal. That was good. “Where’s my love?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex sighed in relief when the two of them finally entered the hotel. Alex shut the door behind them, barring it with a chair he found laying around. He turned back to look at Carlos with a smile. "Hey you. Kaleb's just down here. Come on" He said, walking on the other side of Carlos. Kaleb was at the far end of the hallway, standing outside of the room. A warm smile on his face as he waited for the three of them to make it to him. There they could get the bullet out of Carlos' shoulder and patch it up. There they could rest, relax and eat, and there they could just not have to worry for a little bit about survival.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate watched Carlos walk, glad that Kaleb was at the end of the hall as a visual ending point for him. Carlos smiled big and happy at the sight of Kaleb. As they moved closer, he put out his arms. He wanted his Kaleb. Once they reached the bend of the hall he wrapped his arms around him but immediately cringed away.

“Carlos! Why don’t we deal with your shoulder problem first and then we can get affectionate.” Nate tugged at his other arm. Carlos sighed but followed away, grabbing Kaleb’a hand as he moved.

“Handsome better be coming with me.”
Nate led him to the bed and sat him down. “Okay, Kaleb, can you get him ready. Take the shirts and stuff off while I pull out all the medical supplies we have.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled at Carlos, he saw that big smile on his love's face and as much as he wanted to hug him and enjoyed the initial hug but frowned. He heard Nate tell him to let him take care of the shoulder first. Kaleb and Alex were right behind Carlos as they entered the room. Kaleb held Carlos' hand as Alex smiled. "I'm right here" He told Carlos. Kaleb sat beside Carlos while Alex stood at the foot of the bed. Kaleb took off Carlos' jacket, and then his shirt, setting them on the bed and made sure to sit on Carlos' uninjured side, taking that hand and ready to be there while Nate patched him up. Alex crawled onto the bed, sitting as close as he could, hand on Carlos' back to provide support as well.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

A long time ago, Ben got shot. His mama shoved him down on a slab of who knows what, ripped off that shirt, and in that moment told Max and Nate to pay very close attention in case this ever happened again. And it did. Many times. Not necessarily to any of them but just in general. Nate had to deal with many gun shot wounds from his fellow Fireflies. Some were bad. Others were worse. Some had people dying while he worked on them. It was a hazard of being the medic.

So right now as Carlos sat on this bed with Kaleb and Alex there with him, Nate was prepared for this. The wound was ugly. It was not going to kill him, but it very well could go south quickly if he couldn’t get that bullet out and everything cleaned. Thankfully he had the right equipment. “Okay, Carlos, you don’t get to fall asleep. If you start waning, both of them have permission to slap you until you wake up.”
“Mm, I’m okay with that.”
Nate rolled his eyes. “I need you to keep talking. Want to play a game?” He asked. “Let’s play truth or truth. No dares. Only secrets. Just like you like it. Someone care to take the plunge?” Because in this moment, he needed a distraction. When Nate started digging into his shoulder, it was going to get rough. He would have to dig it out, pack it, sew it. The whole nine yards.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Kaleb before he smiled. "Okay, so Kaleb. Ask me anything for a truth" Alex started, trying to keep an upbeat attitude because he knew this would not be fun. He'd seen healers take out bullets from his fellow warriors and it was never pretty.

"Okay Alex. Tell me. When did you first start climbing trees?" Kaleb asked. He was curious about the scarred man near him and he'd slowly be able to learn more about him.

"Okay, so it's kind of a dumb story, but Yara one of my friends, told me that I didn't have the guts to climb up to the top of this one tree, taller than most of the trees around. I was oh 8 or 9? I told her that I could climb it no problem. I did, I got to the top and was so proud. The descent on the other hand was not so great. I more or less fell from branch to branch, grabbing what I could with my hands until I hit the ground" Alex said with a laugh. He looked at Carlos.

"Okay you, so a truth for you. What drew you to Kaleb?" He asked him, hoping to take his mind off of what Nate was doing in his shoulder.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate let the story start before he began. Carlos squeezed Kaleb’s hand but listened to the story. He tried to picture a young Alex climbing and then falling. Handsome up in a tree is where he got stuck, so at least that worked. When it was his turn, he blinked a few times, looking at Kaleb to ground him. He raised this heads and held them close. “I told you how we met right? After I- mmm I made the mural. Beautiful thing. Kaleb my love in his full fancy outfit looks at it and then doesn’t throw some fit like the rest of the guards always did. He just uh-“ his jaw clenched but after a moment of breathing he started again. “His bright eyes. They were like these jewels. I saw them everywhere. I had to talk to this - this guard who liked my art and had the most beautiful eyes.” He tried to turn to face Alex but chose to mostly look at Kaleb and hope. “And have you seen these arms? Beautiful, strong arms. I love someone s-strong and” pause for growl of pain, “confident. And- and- and dominant.” He pulled up their hands and kissed Kaleb’s. “I maybe possibly pushed this relationship.” He laughed and then clenched his other hand hard.

“Don’t stop there,” Nate said as he finally pulled the bullet out. Now for packing the wound. He glanced up at Carlos who was clearly having a hard time speaking. “Kaleb, what convinced you to keep this crazy guy with you?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Both Alex and Kaleb tried their best to give comfort as they listened to him talk. Kaleb's heart hurt hearing his struggle to talk. He squeezed Carlos' hand in support, swallowing back his own pain at seeing Carlos in pain. He laughed softly hearing him talk about how confident Kaleb was, how dominant. He smiled when Carlos kissed his hand. Kaleb rested his head against Carlos' as he started talking, trying to keep Carlos focused on him, while Alex rubbed his back gently.

"It was another day of patrol, my group had broken up a fight between other officers and people. That was something that I often got in trouble for allowing. I had broken off to check out the sounds of spray paint and there was this man, painting a beautiful mural on the wall. I was entranced by the art, and more so by the man making it. I was drawn to him from day one, and when I left Denver a few weeks later, he tagged along with me. The flirtatious comments, the crazy energy when it came to fighting infected or hunters, and just his upbeat attitude convinced me that this man was the one for me, the one that I wanted to travel this country with. He makes every day an adventure, every night peaceful and with him I don't have to be the guard or the officer. I can just be me and that was all I ever asked for" Kaleb finished, pressing a kiss to Carlos' cheek softly. "Alex, your turn again. What drove you to leave your group?" He asked. Alex swallowed a little as he sighed.

"I was told when I turned fifteen that I had to pick a partner for life, and by nineteen, if I hadn't found someone, I'd have them chosen for me. I had spent time looking at my 'choices' as they called it, and realized I couldn't be with a woman, it just was wrong to me. That was just the start. Once I realized I didn't like women, I had brought it up and my mother threatened to have me punished for it. In my culture it was men and women that's that. I left when I was nineteen, knowing I couldn't marry someone just because I was told. So I packed my bow and left." Alex explained, before he looked at Nate to see how it was going.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos leaned his head against Kaleb’s, breathing in the man who was his and only his. He loved people. He loved all people. He loved to be with anyone and everyone. None of them were Kaleb though. Not even Alex as handsome and cute as he was. Focusing on Kaleb was easy. He could see these stories. When it came to Alex, it was harder, because he couldn’t see them. But he could see Alex in his mind. He could imagine it. “I’m glad you left them. I would be so- uh! Mmm. So sad if we were left without.” He shoved his face into the side of Kaleb’s as he cringed away what he could from the pain. This was worse now. Why was this worse? He wasn’t going to look though.

The answer was that Nate finally got it all cleaned but had to close it now. That meant stitches. A whole lot of stitches. Those hurt. “Can someone hug Alex for me?” Nate asked as he, covered in Carlos’s blood, kept the stitches going. “Or squeeze his hand or something. Someone show Alex love that I can’t do right now. No, Carlos I did not tell you to move. If you’re showing love, you’re gonna have to do it a whole lot smaller.” He laughed and Carlos laughed.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb felt Carlos shove his face into the side of Kaleb's face and he sighed. Kaleb switched his hands, allowing him to free an arm and wrapped Alex up in a hug. Holding the scarred man close to Carlos and him. It was a weird three person hug that really had one person holding the other close. Alex happily tucked himself to Carlos' back as he felt Kaleb's arm around his shoulders. "I've got him Nate." Kaleb said. He kept them close happily. "I'm glad I left too, because if I hadn't, I'd never have met you two" Alex said with a smile. The two of them were doing their best to keep giving Carlos comfort. "Okay, Nate. You get a truth if you can. How'd you meet Handsome here?" Kaleb asked, looking at the man curiously as he turned his head just enough to see him, but still keeping it pressed to Carlos.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate smiled involuntarily at the question. “Handsome came to my rescue,” he began. “Turns out, I am terrible at reading maps and have worse direction sense. I was traveling alone to Washington with the hope of finding something after a whole lot of bad luck, and I am was lost absolutely and utterly lost. And then there’s Alex. He comes waltzing over like he already knows my plight, plucks this map from me, and says he’s gonna take me where I need to go otherwise I’d end up in Florida.” He paused to laugh as he finished about half the stitches. “So I follow this stranger I feel like I’ve known for ages not only through this town where he single handedly takes out three runners? And a bloater. Then he takes me to the forest which I’m even worse at navigating and shows me a whole new world up in those trees.” One last stitch. “Best decision in my whole life was to follow Alex. My beautiful Monkey Man. I don’t know what I’d ever do without him.” He finished the last stitch and wiped down the wound one last time. “Alright, there you go. Try not to open it up like the rest of us.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex blushed as he ducked his head into Carlos' back as he listened to Nate talk about how they met. It was fascinating to hear about their meeting from Nate's point of view. His head lifted as he heard Nate say that Carlos was all set. He moved away from the two, grabbing his water out of his pack and a fresh rag. He crawled on the bed and looked at Nate. "Time to wash you up and check that leg of yours Mr. Medic" He said with a smile, ready to help Nate with his guidance of course. Kaleb wrapped an arm around Carlos with a smile. "You did so good babe, very strong" He told him with a smile. He did look at Alex with surprise at what he took down. "Three runners and a bloater. Carlos, a man after your own heart" He chuckled.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos all but collapsed into Kaleb at his release. His shoulder hurt. It more than hurt. It throbbed. He was sure this would get better, and he was sure that this was better than it was earlier, but that didn’t actually make it any easier to deal with. It was Kaleb who made it better. His presence. He fell into his chest, all but laying on him, and sighed. “I knew you did good finding these guys. Handsome is going to have to show us some of these moves when he feels better. I’m feeling cheated.”

Nate hadn’t expected Alex to come over for him now. He’d mostly forgotten about himself with the excitement of Carlos. He looked at his hands which admittedly had looked better prior to the blood work, and then almost didn’t understand the leg reference a moment. Right. His leg was a problem too. He had been so focused on Carlos he really did forget that part. If he weren’t such a mess, he’d hug Alex. He had wanted that kind of intimated touch with him for hours, though. Everything he did made Nate’s chest swell with this overwhelming emotion he did not have time to figure out. “I guess I am a bit of a disaster,” he said. “Are you sure you don’t mind? Ive been told this is pretty gross.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb held tight to Carlos when he fell into his chest. “I know. We’re gonna have to stick around for that.” Kaleb said. He gently moved Carlos so that Alex would have a better ability to clean up Nate’s leg. He wrapped his arms around Carlos as well.

Alex nodded. “I don’t mind.” Alex said, he took some water and put it in the rag. He cleaned Nate’s hands and arms free of Carlos’ blood. Then he moved off so he was standing on front of Nate. “Let’s check that leg.” Alex said, looking at Nate not entirely sure how to start but ready to help him. He knew he’d have to roll up the man’s pant leg, but he didn’t want to hurt Nate either.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Something as simple as cleaning off his hands shouldn’t make him feel like this. He was grateful. He planned it do it all himself, and yet here was Alex doing it for him. Alex always taking care of him. As soon as his hands were clean, he looked down at his leg. What was the best way to do this? He didn’t want to mess up the bed. So he sat on the floor, rolling up his pant leg for Alex. It was a gross sight to say the least. Well, probably gross. Carlos made a sound for sure and decided he had enough of blood for one day and went back to not looking at that. Nate was used to this on himself and others. His leg looked like it had been mailed again, though that was just the blood. Of his many stitches, several came undone. They snapped as he ran and moved. If Alex was going to help, he was going to have to remove the ones that broke and put new ones in. That was not for everyone. “You don’t have to help with this part. I know it’s a lot. I can do it. If you want to clean it first so I can see it better, you can. But I don’t want to ask you to do something uncomfortable.”
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched as Nate moved to the floor, rolling up his pant leg. There was a good amount of blood and several stitches had come undone. Alex looked at Nate with a smile, he might be a warrior and so blood did not bother him. “I’m okay.” Alex said. He re soaked the rag and cleaned off the blood, pulling the stitches out as he cleaned it. He’d watched the healers to this to a few of his fellow warriors. While Alex couldn’t be a medic or healer, he did pay attention when he and the other warriors were hurt. A few moments later, the leg was clean of blood and he’d gotten all the stitches out. “Okay, now what?” Alex asked, looking up at Nate.

Kaleb held Carlos into his chest, noticing that he didn’t want to look at the blood. And as such, he made sure that Carlos didn’t have to look.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate watched Alex with amazement. He was shocked. He should not have been so surprised by their. Alex was a warrior after all. But so few people could do this without issue. Even the toughest of the soldiers would struggle with this. He smiled, because Alex could do anything. Nate absolutely believed that. “Okay. Have you ever had to stitch someone back together? It’s not hard, but it is a bit weird if you think about it too much.” Nate slid the supplies closer to Alex. If he could do it, this was going to be much easier than him trying to do it that morning. They probably snapped because it was at such a bad angle honestly. “Mama told me that if I ever started to get that funny feeling in my stomach while doing it to think about it like sewing your shirt back together. Of course, I’ve never had to do that since all of mine only ever are nice and together or torn absolutely to shreds. That’s my luck.”

Carlos closed his eyes and breathed. He ignored the throbbing of his shoulder. He held on to his love like he had many days and nights throughout their travels. Both hard and easy. He wasn’t usually shot though. That wasn’t any fun at all. This was not the game he was promised.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex could stitch. It might not look pretty but he could do it. Alex had always watched the healers work, especially when he’d been stabbed and sliced before. Watching as they stitched him up. Always watching keenly, knowing that it was a useful skill. “I got this.” Alex said, grabbing the supplies. He threaded the needle and started at the top, close stitches, pulling the skin together, inch by inch. “It’s amazing the skills you learn by watching others” Alex commented as he was about halfway done. He continued working, and eventually Nate’s leg was stitched up. He had been so focused on doing it correctly that he hadn’t even given himself a chance to think about what he was doing. Alex leaned back and washed his own hands clean of Nate’s blood. “There, much better. But you ruined the brand new pants I got you.” Alex said, the dried blood in the pant leg as he pulled it down.

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