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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex blushed as he heard the whisper in his ear. He couldn't help the little laugh that came out. "Good luck with that" He said with a grin. Alex watched as Carlos switched to talk to Nate before slipping away from them. Alex watched him check rooms as they went to make it faster going. Alex had slid closer to Nate after Carlos had left. He was happy to be beside Nate again, it was as it should be. His eyes widened and brightened when he saw Carlos come out of a room with a whole quiver of arrows. Alex moved a little faster towards him. He'd been unsuccessful in making his own with the little supplies he had. "Thank you so much for finding those!" Alex said gratefully, accepting the quiver. He slid it over his back, and grabbed one of the arrows checking it. They were stronger than the ones he'd had before, a stronger wood. "I can't wait to use them." Alex added, giving a grateful smile to Carlos. Kaleb was up ahead, checking through different rooms when something caught Alex's eye. A stalker was behind Kaleb, who had just exited a room, and he didn't want to startle the man. Without thinking, Alex grabbed his bow, nocked the arrow, slid sideways so he didn't hit Carlos, aimed the bow and fired, right through the stalkers neck, taking it down. Kaleb heard the thud of the body and whirled around, seeing the stalker on the ground. His eyes were wide as he looked over to see Alex holstering his bow again.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Though neither Nate nor Carlos were expecting stalker turned floor mat, the shock on Carlos’ face was significantly more than Nate’s. Nate was aware of Alex’s magical aim. Carlos was not. Nate was not at all used to it, but he was not shocked. He did love to watch Alex do what he did best. Really, he just loved watching Alex period, but he specifically loved watching him do things like this. And if anyone were to notice him watching, they would see that he wasn’t just observing. He was admiring. Always admiring. He stared in awe.

“Handsome and a brilliant archer. Is there anything you can’t do?” Carlos moves forward and checked the stalked now on the floor. Very dead. He bent down and yanked out the arrow that did not break. He waved it in front of him and he walked back and handed it to Alex.

“You should see him climb trees,” Nate said, his voice light like it was floating somewhere else as he stared not at the dead stalker but at Alex. “It’s the most amazing thing you’ll ever see. Or possibly when he is running through them like he can walk on air and he’s shooting the arrow. Perfect aim.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

He bit his lip as he saw the shock on Carlos' face. As Alex had put the bow back, he felt a little more like himself. It was like a piece of him had been given back to him. He might not be ready yet to climb trees again, but he had no pain when he drew and shot his bow. It made him smile as he heard Carlos' words, and his cheeks did tinge red as well. He accepted the arrow when Carlos handed it back to him. "You haven't seen anything yet. Once I get my leg healed, then I'll really be able to show off" Alex said with a laugh, tucking the arrow into the quiver. He looked over at Nate, who he noticed was looking at him. He couldn't wait to be back in the trees, back in his element. Hopefully with a healed leg. He missed climbing and missed the bird song in the forest.
He stepped forward, ready to keep moving.

Kaleb had gotten over his shock, and he smiled. "Thanks for the save" He said. Alex nodded. Then Kaleb kept going, checking to see just where the best place to get over to the next building would be as he also continued to check rooms.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos liked Alex the dead shot guy. That was very cool. That meant that when they inevitably fell into combat. He could do a lot to get them out of messes. Good. “Since you’re gonna be back here anyway, watch our backs as we check the rooms? This just gets better and better. Kaleb, this is the best idea we’ve ever had!” He swiveled around and ran forward to join Kaleb in checking rooms and searching for ways to move to the adjacent building. His best guess was possibly go down another flight of stairs? Or possibly move out to the side to the outset building stairs. Those could get them a better vantage point at least for places they could go. The problem was the Injury Twins. They together probably could not do a whole lot. He might be able to heft them up a couple of places. The medicine Nate gave him seemed to be working wonders.

Nate was lost to whatever he was supposed to be doing. Walking? Were they moving again? Right. Getting through this building and finding shelter. He had been absolutely rendered useless after that. That was how he so often was. Part of him wished that he had some sort of highly impressive talent like that to show off, mostly for Alex and not so much the rest of them, but the other part of him was absolutely content to have Alex be his amazing self. He could take all the glory. “I’m glad your back feels better,” he said softly. “Now you’ll get to be you again. I missed seeing you shoot.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed at that. "I'll keep an eye on you don't you worry" He told Carlos. He watched as the man ran forward to join Kaleb. Alex was much more alert now that he could actually shoot his bow and had arrows to fire. Alex moved forward, putting a little bit of testing weight on his leg. It was still a little tender, but no where near the pain from last night. Alex looked over at Nate when he talked, his face flushed red. "I'm glad it is too, now if I can get this leg working again. I'll be back to full health and prove how dangerous I can be" He replied just as soft. His eyes widened as he heard Nate say he missed seeing Alex shoot. He wasn't that worth watching, was he?

Kaleb checked a room, seeing fire exit stairs outside. "Carlos, I've got some fire exit stairs, we should check them out, maybe get an idea on where to go from here to get to the next building." Kaleb mentioned, stepping into the room.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos nodded. He popped back out to the hall where he called to the slowpokes. “We’re gonna check the fire exit stairs. If anything horrible comes at you, yell really loudly so that I can join the action too.” He smiled then jogged back to Kaleb to check out the stairs. Being inside buildings this whole time meant that he was losing site of how it looked on the outside. The buildings were in shambles overall. It did not look great. “Love, what about that way. I think that’s the edge of the city out that way. So if we could get through this next building, we might be able to cut through that area. What is that? A park?”

Nate nodded. “Got it. Scream loudly.” He gave Carlos a thumbs up as he ran off. He turned his attention back to Alex. “Oh right, we were going to compete for most dangerous. I’m going to be honest, I’ve met you, and you officially win even when we both can’t move. I can’t do anything if I can’t sneak up on someone.” He laughed. He peered into the rooms as they passed them. There was not a single supply right now that he would want bad enough to risk anything being them with his leg the way it was.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb followed Carlos out onto the fire exit stairs. He could see how bad this city really was. He followed where Carlos was looking. The edge of the city, just through that park. "I think that's a good plan. The real question is how do we get to this next building" Kaleb stepped forward, heard a creak and leapt back as the panel he'd been standing on buckled. "Get back inside!" He told Carlos, running back to the window, jumping in and looked back to make sure Carlos made it in too. He didn't realize how messed up the stairs were.

Alex nodded. "Okay" He said, before turning to look at Nate. He laughed hearing that. "I win even injured? I'll take that" He said with a triumphant smile. "I'm the most dangerous, although we both knew that" Alex added with a laugh. He looked at a few of the rooms as they went, but he wasn't leaving Nate's side anytime soon. He heard a creak and looked around, before a crashing sound echoed through the building coming from the room that Kaleb and Carlos had gone into to check the stairs. Alex's heart dropped.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The crashing sound resounded in Nate’s mind and overtook every thought he had up to that point. All joking was gone. All silly games. Gone. “Kaleb! Carlos!” He disregarded his angry leg, hoped the stitches would hold and pounded forward toward the room the other two entered. His eyes quickly scanned finding Kaleb but not seeing Carlos. “Kaleb are you okay? Where’s Carlos?”

Carlos was hanging onto the window that he narrowly caught as he poorly jumped from the falling stairs. He pulled himself up and climbed back in. “I’m here, cutie pie. Miss me did you? Have a change of heart?” He staggered forward, shaken but okay. When he was able to catch his breath and regain his balance, he put out his arms. “The offers always stand.”

Nate nervously laughed and sucked in the gasp that would have given away that his leg was not happy with this new situation. “Did you figure out where to go?”

Carlos, still a bit winded, answered simply, “don’t go down. That way is a tragedy.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had followed Nate into the room, seeing Kaleb and he looked around but didn't see Carlos. "Carlos!" He called, before he sighed in relief seeing the man climb in the window. "I'm glad you both are okay." Alex said, looking between the two. He shifted uncomfortably as he stood there. He was glad they were okay.

Kaleb had gotten to his feet, looking around checking for Carlos when he climbed in the window. Kaleb sighed in relief before turning to look at Nate. "Yes, we can get through this building, work our way down, cut through the park and should be able to get out of the city that way" Kaleb said, walking over to make sure Carlos was really okay, concern in his eyes.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Oh, I see. You want to go the safer route. Okay fine, yes, down is the answer.” Carlos smiled, but it faltered as he faltered. To hide this from worry, he threw his arm around Kaleb’s shoulders. He leaned in close for a moment and whispered quickly , “I’m okay. Nothing we can’t handle.” Then he pulled away, slipping his hand in Kaleb’s and then into Alex’s as he pulled them back out to the hall in search of the inside, non collapsing stairs. “Chop chop, medicine man. I don’t have a third hand or I’d grab your hand too.” As he passed Nate he added, “or somewhere. You choose.” He laughed.

Nate followed after the rest, using his not stolen hand as a blessing so that he could watch how everyone was moving. He checked Alex’s leg and Carlos’ everything. Everyone seemed mostly fine which was exactly how he liked it. He would keep an eye out for Carlos though. He seemed prone to powering through any problems he might have.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at the two of them before he felt Carlos take his hand and pulled them out into the hallway. He moved better than he had been, the pain in his leg was subsiding and he had less of a limp than it did yesterday. Alex looked back at Nate from where he was beside Carlos and smiled at him. He turned his head back around as they moved. He was ready to get out of here, though the park made him uneasy. The Seraphites used the park to ambush the WLF patrols. It was a perfect way to ambush anyone. Alex hoped his fear wouldn't be true as they searched for the stairs. If anything he should be able to get into a tree and hold himself there to shoot, the trunk could provide support and act as his leg.

Kaleb looked at Carlos when he talked. "Safer? I wouldn't say of this is safe, but yes. Down is the right way to go. I didn't see a connecter to the next building. He was already worried about Carlos, but he hoped that if Kaleb didn't see anything concerning, Nate might. He felt Carlos throw his arm over his shoulders and sighed at the whisper. Kaleb allowed himself to be pulled into the hallway, before he dropped Carlos' hand to start searching the rooms again, making his way down the hall looking for the stairwell.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Once they made it to the hallway, Carlos broke away from Alex as well to check rooms. This time he was taking a whole extra ten seconds in each room to check for things he thought might appear to his friends. Nate was slowest now with the newest of injuries. He was, however, pretty adept at keeping things together and avoiding pressure in one spot. What he needed was a third leg. “Carlos. Get me something I can walk with. Something sturdy enough to hold my weight and not snap quickly. Long enough to me to hold and not bend over. I will be able to move significantly faster if you can do that for me.” Carlos nodded with renewed fervor and disappeared into the rooms.

Nate moved until he was up with Alex. It was difficult but necessary. “If this is a park full of trees, will that make you feel any better?” He asked. He was hoping that they could find at least something that made this all work out.

Carlos popped back out of one room and shook his head. “Nothing yet, cutie. But down there by Kaleb. Pretty sure that’s the sign for the exit stairwell. Maybe on the next floor?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb had walked further up, his eyes drawn forward as he saw the exit sign by a door. He looked back at the others before he grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open. He stepped in and looked down the stair well as far as he could. No blockages that he could see, and so he turned around to look at them. "Stairs look clear" He said.

Alex watched as Carlos also pulled away to check the rooms out. Alex looked beside him as Nate came up beside him. He heard him and looked down for a moment. "Maybe, but I also don't trust parks. It's too easy to set up ambushes there." Alex admitted softly. He had come to care about Kaleb and Carlos, maybe not as much as Nate, but he didn't want them hurt either. "I'll feel better when the last of my leg wounds heal and we're out of this stupid city" Alex said with a heavy sigh.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Then you get to be my third and fourth legs until you find me something on the next floor,” Nate told Carlos. He put out his hand and gestured for him to come over. Carlos, into the confidence boost that seemed to have happened after Alex hug time, happily obliged. Nate put a firm grip on Carlos’s shoulder. “You walk and I will align with you. Don’t slow down because you think I can’t handle it.” And so they moved. The first few steps were awkward, but then he got the rhythm. They weren’t normal levels of speed, but Nate was no longer the slow man about to take forever to get anywhere.

As they moved into the stairwell, Nate looked over at Alex. “Okay, if you know how the ambushes might work, can you find them before we fall into them?” It was a curious thought that he hoped could allow them at least time to prepare or find another way around.

“Ambush the ambushers?” Carlos asked. He allowed Nate to struggle on a whole stair before lifting him up and plopping him back down at the next floor. Unnecessary yes but easier and faster that way. “Need a lift?” He asked Alex as he moved back to the top.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was moving better today and he was glad that Carlos could help Nate walk. He thought about it for a moment as they walked, their pace a little closer to normal than the slow one they'd been doing so far. Alex looked over at Nate. "It's possible, but I'd have to get into a tree as soon as possible to see what's up first." Alex said, nodding at Carlos when he heard the question. When they made it to the stairwell, he watched as Nate struggled with one step before Carlos picked him up and brought him down to the next floor. Alex knew he had to take it easy on his leg if he was planning on climbing sooner rather than later. "I'll take the lift, thank you" He said, knowing it was the smart thing to do, even if he wanted to go down the stairs himself.

Kaleb had led the way down to the next floor, having already opened the door and looked at the hall. They'd check the rooms here and then make their way to the ground floor. Once there, it would be very open until they could get to the park. It was the open area that made Kaleb nervous. They'd been on the streets just entering the city when they got ambushed the first time. It made him uneasy to want to be down on the streets again. Coupled with the ambush comment he'd heard from Alex about the park. Kaleb was starting to question if they should keep moving through the buildings and try and get out that way.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos didn’t even wait for Alex to finish his acceptance before scooping him up and moving down the stairs. As he set him down, before anyone could object, he reached for Alex’s face and gently pressed their lips together. “I take service fees.” Nate rolled his eyes and could not keep the scoff from breaking through. Carlos chuckled as he pulled away and swiftly blocked Nate from moving, which wasn’t hard since he was the slowest and also waiting for Carlos to come back as his assistant. “You’re right. I shouldn’t let you get away without paying your dues.” Carlos shoved both of his hands over Nate’s cheeks and gave him a kiss that was pretty close to the Carlos Special. When he pulled away, Nate was every shade of red one could be naturally. Carlos laughed so hard that Nate should have been ashamed but if he was no one would see a change in his face. He grabbed Nate’s hand, placed it on his own shoulder, and said, “Let’s go Medicine Man. I thought you were going to keep up with me.” With that, he moved them before Nate was ready, but since Nate had never had an experience like that, he probably would not be able to shake that for a while. But at least they were heading out of the stairs now and on the next leg of the journey.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex blushed as Carlos picked him up and brought them down the stairs. Once he was set down, he didn't expect the kiss but smiled into anyway. "Do you?" He asked a little breathlessly before he heard the scoff from Nate. Alex turned his head and looked at him before he felt a weird clench in his chest as Carlos kissed Nate like he'd kissed Alex last night. He didn't like that Carlos had kissed Nate, that was for him to do. Wait. What? Alex shook his head, moving away from the pair, noticing Nate's bright red face. Alex shouldn't care. He shouldn't but he did and he hated it since that seemed to be how Carlos was. He entered the hallway behind Kaleb, he was determined to keep going, and even decided to check rooms himself, pushing the doors open and looking around. Kaleb had no idea what had happened, but all of a sudden, Alex was checking rooms with him, moving like the slight limp in his leg wasn't a deterrent. Kaleb looked back to see Carlos supporting Nate behind them.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos and Nate moved into the hall, traveling quicker than before but still slow enough to be a bother. “Go find me something else to use,” Nate was finally able to say, though he was not nearly as confident. This, of course, made Carlos laugh. “You don’t enjoy my presence, Medicine Man?” Nate could not help but laugh out of being uncomfortable and rammed his hand into Carlos’ arm. “Just go before I use my Medicine Man skills to do some very unMedicine Man things.” Carlos smiled like Nate promised something much nicer than he did and disappeared into the rooms. That was when he realized that Alex wasn’t there. Where did he go? Oh, checking rooms? That was weird, but he must have been feeling better. Good, he was glad that Alex felt better. He missed Alex’s confidence. When Alex came out of one of the rooms, he called out to him. “Alex! I’m glad you’re feeling better.” He smiled his big toothy grin at him, all thoughts of what just happened disappearing. “Be careful.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had just stepped out of a room when he heard Nate call out to him. "Yeah, the leg's feeling much better." He said, a half smile on his face as he tried to sort through his thoughts. "I will" He promised, seeing that big grin. Alex turned away, his mind still whirling as he tried to figure out just what he was feeling. It was definitely not going to be figured out within the next few hours, or even the next few days. Alex walked further down, pushing open a door and stepped inside, listening carefully. He stepped into the kitchen and did a quick survey, finding a few canned foods and some rags. Shoving those in his pack, he moved on and checked the living room and bathroom, nothing. However in the bedroom, he checked the closet and found a jacket that looked to be thicker and Nate's size. He shoved that into his pack along with a pair of pants that size too. He was a little happier as he headed out of the room, out into the hallway. "Hey Nate!" He called to his friend with a smile. "Look what I found" He said, pulling out the jacket and pants with a smile. He might be confused and a little uneasy about what had happened, he also knew what Nate had been wanting and he wasn't going to let his feelings or weird thoughts deter him from helping his friend. Kaleb was busy searching up ahead, looking in other rooms.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate watched Alex disappear into a room and worked at moving himself along as fast as he could. He wished he could go into those rooms with him. Five feet. They were not to be apart any more than five feet. Yet, while they were with two additional people, they spent so much time apart. Was that a good or bad thing? Was it good that they felt safe enough to do that? Was it bad if there was something in one of these rooms that they needed more people to take? He hated the thought of being without Alex. But every time he came back out, Nate felt his tensions relieve.

When Alex came out with that beautiful smile, Nate could not help but reciprocate. “You found things?” He eyed the objects in his hands curiously before finally understanding. “Oh! You found another jacket! And pants!” A bit taken by the wave of emotions that was the journey of the last twenty four hours, he wrapped his arms around Alex into a hug where he settled into what felt like the perfect spot for him to be. “Thank you,” he whispered. He didn’t even pull away, because he just wanted to be there. He didn’t care that they were in a hallway that was probably too open if the other two missed something. He didn’t care that he really should readjust for his leg. This was what he missed.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched Nate smile at him. He loved that smile, it was his favorite thing that Nate did. "I figured you could use a jacket that hadn't looked like it lost a fight with infected. Same for your pants" He said happily. Alex felt Nate wrap him into a hug and Alex was more than happy to hug his friend right back. His head was resting on Nate's shoulder as they hugged, and he didn't want to move. Even with the emotions and thoughts in his mind, a hug from Nate always made Alex feel better. It was a constant, grounding thing that Alex could always rely on and he had missed it. "You're welcome" He whispered back, enjoying the contact. "I know I've been further than five feet a lot lately.. I'm sorry." He added, knowing full well that he'd broken their one rule several times since they'd found Carlos and Kaleb.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed at the comment about the clothing. “Well, they did lose a fight with infected,” he chuckled at them. He loosened his grip on their embrace only enough to move his head to Alex’s pushing their foreheads together like they used to do. He ran his hands up Alex’s back and neck before bracing him and Alex so that he could kiss his forehead. Also something they used to do. As he rested their foreheads together once again, one of his hands found Alex’s cheek, thumb rubbing it and feeling the impression of the scar. He loved that feeling. It felt so Alex. “I have too. I haven’t been an especially good traveling partner as of late. I promise that I won’t be so difficult. I like being happy with you. I’m giving up being grumbly and cranky. And if I start, I need you to remind me that I promised.” He rubbed their noses together. Butterfly kisses his mama called them. It was her way of showing how much she loved him. He could do the same for Alex, even if he didn’t quite understand what that meant in his mind.

He released Alex from his grip, dropping the pack to shimmy out of the jacket. Now was as good a time as any to swap out. He tossed the one that really did look like he might have been brutally murdered to the side and put the new one on. It felt so nice to have one that wasn’t falling apart. He slipped his old pants off and took the ones from Alex’s hands.

“You didn’t invite me to the party?” Carlos asked as he came out of a room.
Nate looked over his shoulder and shrugged. “It was a private showing,” he answered, voice lower, eyebrows raised.
Carlos also raised his eyebrows. “Oh? Now I have to join you. I love a good strip tease.”
Nate rolled his eyes and turned back to Alex where he shook his head and put the new pants on. Ignoring Carlos who was making his way over, once he finished, he pulled Alex into another hug. “Thank you,” he repeated. “You always know how to make things better.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled at that, remembering the incident. It hadn’t been funny at the time, but it was laughable now. He felt him press his forehead to Alex’s like he was used to. It felt normal, it felt right. He noticed Nate loosen his grip and then Alex felt his hands run up his back and neck. All things he knew, he was used to. Things they did. He smiled softly when he felt Nate kiss his forehead, hands braced behind his neck. Then their foreheads rested together again. One of Nate’s hands made its way to Alex’s cheek, thumb rubbing it. Alex missed this, more than he knew. “I promise to remind you. I like being happy with you too.” Alex said softly, a small blush on his face when Nate rubbed his nose on Alex’s.

Alex watched as Nate pulled away, replacing his old jacket with the one that Alex had found. It definitely looked better than the one he had before. Alex held out the new pants for Nate when he slid off his old ones. Alex looked over at Carlos when he spoke but the blush on his face showed when he heard Nate’s answer. Alex tipped his head to the side at Carlos when he mentioned a strip tease. Alex wanted to know but at the same time wasn’t so sure he wanted to know. He smiled as Nate slid on the new pants before wrapping Alex up in a hug again. “You’re welcome.” He said softly. As he pulled back to look at Nate, he felt all his emotions come back and he had a desire to kiss Nate but he held back. He didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. “We should keep going.” Alex said quietly.

Kaleb watched the entire thing with a shake of his head before continuing on with his room checks.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos was the first to sigh. “Really? You’re gonna end the party as soon as I show up? Fine.” He threw up his hands and started walking away, but looked over his shoulder and demanded, “if he starts stripping again, you call me back over.” Nate wadded up the old pants and threw them at Carlos. He stopped, slowly turned, and shook his head. “Unfair, Medicine Man.”

“Private. Showing.” And before Carlos could turn away from them again, he turned back to Alex and kissed his cheek. “Okay. We can keep going.” He raised his bad leg as he spun around and started moving but made sure to wink at Carlos as he did. Carlos disappeared into the rooms to continue checking, and Nate traveled as quickly as he could through this hall. As he moved, he spotted what might have been what he needed a large chunk of rebar rested against the wall. Uncomfortable? Yes. Good enough? Absolutely. He hobbled to the side and grabbed it. Good enough indeed. With this, he could move himself significantly faster.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at Carlos when he said that and laughed, shaking his head. He laughed a little harder when Nate threw his old pants at Carlos. He found it very entertaining the exchange between them. What Alex wasn’t expecting was for Nate to kiss him on the cheek. Alex blushed rather heavily at that before Nate pulled away. Alex walked beside him, content to let Carlos and Kaleb check the rooms up ahead. He noticed Nate grab an old piece of metal to walk with. He kept pace with Nate even as he increased his speed. “How much further do we have to go?” Alex called up to Kaleb. The older man looked back. “End of this hallway should be more stairs, we can take those to the ground floor and the park should be up ahead, though we will be in the open when we cross the street and head to it.” Kaleb said.

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