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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled, feeling the warmth and protection of Carlos throwing an arm over him. He yawned as he snuggled back into Carlos almost instinctively. Kaleb smiled at Carlos when he rubbed his shoulder. He found himself falling asleep, Alex not far behind him. Both the young former Seraphite and the older former officer were eventually fast asleep, enjoying the warm cuddle of being beside each other. And Alex didn't have another nightmare that night.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos fell asleep soon after his two companions. In the snuggle, he could not help but find all of his people. The comfortable he felt, which was pretty much a lot as he slept, the more he search for comfort. So his draped arm eventually moved to find Kaleb again, hand on his arm and back or wherever it wanted to go in his sleep. No worries. And he slept pretty well all things considered.

It was Nate who did not sleep. He just couldn’t so he didn’t. He thought of Alex and his mama and everything he thought he knew. He thought of lies and truths and dares. He thought of choices and paths and what could happen if he only ever thought things through first. He sat up, legs brought to his knees, head on his knees, arms wrapped loosely around them. And he waited. He was not sure when everyone else would wake. He was not sure who would be first or who he wanted to be first. He was not even sure what he would say, but he knew he needed to say something. He hoped he could say something that would maybe explain. Perhaps it was time to tear down the wall between factions. Look for the light wherever it comes from. Even if that meant he lost the light from before. Even if that meant his light was only borrowed.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt wrapped up into a cocoon but it wasn’t quite the same as being wrapped up in Nate’s arms. He woke before Kaleb did, and noticed he was stuck where he was. Alex squirmed and wiggled himself out enough so he could sit up. He stretched himself and let out a yawn as he woke up. He looked around and saw Nate was awake. Alex wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk to him yet or not. So he just sat there, waiting for the others to wake up.

Kaleb was next to wake, even though he didn’t want to. He felt Alex squirm away and smiled to himself. He gently moved away from Carlos’ touch. Kaleb himself sat up next, stretching himself and sent a smile to Alex. “Sleep okay?” He asked him. Alex nodded. “Yes, thank you.” He said gracefully.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

When Alex awoke, Nate turned his attention only enough to see who it was before choosing not to say or do anything. He sat there like he had not noticed. Silent. Still. He did not look at the sound of additional rustling. If there were two, it would be harder. Now he wished that he could be asleep. But there was no sleep without Alex. That was what he learned in the troublesome hours of the night as he lay alone. It was not the same without him.

Carlos was last to wake up, full body stretch and everything. When he moved and found he was lacking in both other people, he sighed. Carlos’ were not meant to be sad and lonely people. From his position on the floor, he rolled over and reached out a hand to touch Alex’s leg. “Good morning, Handsome.” His sleepy smile was scrunchy on his face. “Good morning, love. I can’t reach you right now, but imagine what I’d do if I could,” he teased.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt the touch on his leg and smiled at Carlos. “Good morning” He told him. Alex was torn inside, he wanted to talk to Nate. At the same time, he didn’t as well. Nate had been so angry last night, so different from the person Alex knew. As he watched everyone wake up, he heard his stomach grumble. He reached for his pack. He’d been saving an old ration bar.

Kaleb shook his head with a laugh at Carlos. “I can imagine a lot of things dear.” He said with a low chuckle. Kaleb looked over at Nate and sighed before he heard Alex’s stomach. “Sounds like breakfast time? Let’s see what we’ve got for food.” Kaleb said, shifting and reached for his pack.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos writhed on the floor as his body came back to life. That medicine really did do a number on him despite the excitement of their middle of the night game. “Mm, I bet you could.” He contorted himself until his hand found Kaleb’s side, and he squeezed for just a moment before dragging himself into a sitting position. “Did I miss anything exciting in my sleep?” He asked as he threw an arm around Alex’s shoulder. “Or did you have a nice, boring night without me?” He smiled, leaning his head on the other shoulder.

Nate couldn’t do this. He thought he could. He thought after the whole night of nothing but thinking about what he did wrong, he would be able to apologize. He would be able to explain his thoughts and process but also say that he had been wrong. It was not right for him to judge. That was awfully hypocritical of himself. So he shoved the blanket in his pack, the other one rolled and folded where he sat, and he moved to the door to start unbarricading it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had pulled out his saved ration bar and ate it when Carlos had thrown his arm over Alex’s shoulder. He shoved the wrapper in his pack and smiled at Carlos. “Nothing exciting happened. Pretty boring stuff honestly.” Alex said with a laugh. His eyes flicked over as he saw Nate get up and head to the door. His leg should be fine and probably didn’t need to be checked.

Kaleb smiled at the squeeze from Carlos, then he looked over hearing things moving. Nate was working on unbarricading the door. “Don’t you want some breakfast? I’ve got uh beans.” Kaleb asked. They hadn’t exactly had dinner last night. And even though Alex had eaten his bar, they could all use some food.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate instinctively turned his head, and as he did so realized he needed to look a whole lot more put together than he felt. He smiled, genuine but little this time. Nothing like his usual ones that Alex got so often. “No, but thank you. That is very kind of you to offer.” His voice was small but filled with the gratitude of Nate again. He turned back to his work, moving chairs and the like out of the way. It was mostly easy though his muscles were obviously less than everyone else’s here. The last was the desk. He knew this one would be tough, but he was a survivor like his mama. Like his brothers. So he started to move it, slower than Kaleb and Carlos but enough.

Carlos leaned back, head over his shoulder at the sound and narrowed his eyes in concern. “You need a hand with that?”

For a moment, the pain flickered across his face, but it was gone so fast he was not sure if anyone saw it. If he was lucky, they didn’t. “No, thank you though. I got it. Eat your breakfast. You need your strength.” He continued to move the desk, unable to say the rest. How is your breathing? Do you still feel winded? Did the medicine help? Would you like me to check it out and see if there’s anything else we can do? But he didn’t. He didn’t think he could manage anymore words.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex saw it. But he didn’t think that Nate wanted to talk to him. He’d pretty much left the other man alone. He looked over at Kaleb who’d dug out a can of beans and offered some to Alex. “I’m all set. I think I’m gonna stand and stretch out.” He said. Alex moved from where he was, slowly but he made it to his feet. He tested his leg, and felt a little pain but it was mostly sore. He could handle it for the day. He might end up needing support eventually though. For now he worked on stretching out his leg.

Kaleb handed a spoon to Carlos and popped open the can of beans. He watched Alex stand up and test his leg. Kaleb took his own spoon and grabbed a spoonful and ate it, not super hungry but knowing he had to eat something, even if it was only a few spoonfuls. His eyes flicked over to Nate moving the desk and sighed.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos took the spoonful and happily ate it. Beans were beans in the survival. He took his usual share then leaned against Kaleb, watching the other two. “How do you think this is gonna go?” He asked in a quiet, almost whisper. He handed his spoon back to Kaleb. He was worried to say the least, though he was not sure what exactly he was worried about. Was this a mistake aligning forces with two strangers? It was going so well until it wasn’t. Maybe they really shouldn’t have done things in the middle of the night when everyone was exhausted.

Nate’s jaw clenched as he heard Alex’s voice. His beautiful voice that instead of brining hope only brought the hot wave of incoming tears. No. He would not be bested by extreme emotions he didn’t even understand. He slid the desk part of the way then moved to the other slide to move that section. The office desks were so much heavier than other ones. They were full stations once upon a time. As he moved from one side to the other, he caught a glimpse of Alex’s stretch, and his body turned, halfway to asking all the questions of concern. Are you okay? How badly does it hurt? Did it tense through the night like before? Did they need to do anything to make it easier? But he couldn’t just jump back in like everything was okay. Like he hadn’t been the one to antagonize everyone. So he turned away as he moved the desk a little more until there was at least enough room to open the door and slip out of they had to. And maybe he would. Oh. He pushed the desk a little bit more, checking to make sure everyone was busy doing whatever it was they were doing, and decided. There was enough space for them to maneuver. “You guys finish your breakfast. I’m going to scout out ahead. Make sure it’s safe.” And before anyone could argue, he was gone.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had been glancing over at Nate every so often as he stretched. He was regretting asking to play truth or dare last night. All he wanted was to have a little fun and then eventually fall asleep beside Nate. Instead he’d watched Nate get mad, antagonize Kaleb and he had spent the night with Carlos and Kaleb instead. His head turned when he heard Nate say he was going to scout ahead. Once he left, Alex backed up against the wall, using it as support. He let out a soft sniffle, stop. Don’t you dare let those tears out. He lectured himself and looked over at the other two.

Kaleb ate quickly, taking their spoons and wiping them off. He tucked the can and spoons away. “I don’t know Carlos, I just don’t know.” He admitted, feeling Carlos lean against him. He heard that soft sniffle from Alex and let out a small sigh. “You’re gonna have to help him. Clearly his friend isn’t.” Kaleb mentioned softly to Carlos. “Be his support once he can’t walk on his own.” He added, placing a hand to Carlos’ shoulder and squeezing it gently.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos nodded, obviously okay with this job of being Alex’s support but also because he knew that Kaleb was right. He was not sure how to feel that Nate just abandoned Alex. If they were so close, why didn’t he come over and apologize? Why didn’t he sweep Alex up in his arms and win him back? That was what Carlos would do. It was hard to imagine someone who wouldn’t do that. So instead he put his hand over Kaleb’s and brought it to his lips before standing and moving towards Alex. “Hey, are you okay? How’s your leg.” He stood near, not too close in this exact moment but close enough that if he needed support, he could take it. He also was not sure how Alex was handling this and didn’t want to make it worse.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked up as Carlos walked over. He let out a rough sigh. Was he okay? Really? No. Not at all. He was upset, hurt and confused. His leg was tensed up from sleeping and it hurt as he’d stretched it out. “Honestly? No. I’m not. But I will be. I’ve been through worse. Much worse. My legs a little sore, little painful but I can walk for now.” Alex admitted. He looked at Carlos, his eyes watery and all Alex could think of was how much he wanted a hug, that comfort and support. That grounding. He wanted a hug from Nate. But it seemed like Nate didn’t want him anymore. Maybe if they part ways, he’d go with Carlos and Kaleb. They seemed to care. Kaleb smiled at Carlos when he kissed his hand and watched as he went over to Alex. Kaleb just didn’t understand what happened or why. If Nate cared so much, why didn’t he apologize? Why did he just leave?
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos watched Alex carefully. He looked worse than he was letting on, and he had a feeling that had nothing to do with the leg, though that was likely not helping at all. He leaned against the wall beside him, debating. No, he couldn’t leave him so sad and helpless like that. He reached his hand out, a finger under Alex’s chin to move his gaze so that they could be looking at each other. Carlos greeted Alex’s face with a warm smile. “Okay, but what about you? How are you feeling? How are you really feeling? Don’t bottle up those emotions or they’ll get the better of you.” He removed his hand but placed it on Alex’s shoulder as a physical reminder of the support he could give.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was looking down, his fingers pulling at his shirt. He felt a finger under his chin and he allowed Carlos to move his head so that he was looking at him. That warm smile made him feel better. How was he really feeling? Did he want to open up to these strangers? Alex didn’t much care anymore. “I- I am confused. I’m hurting inside and I’m upset. I don’t understand why he did t- that. Why he was so a- angry. I wish we’d never played t- that stupid game.” Alex felt the touch on his shoulder and that did it. He turned his body carefully and hugged Carlos. Silent tears trailing down his cheeks as he did so. That comfort and touch was what Alex needed right now.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos wrapped his large arms around Alex, pulling him into the hug tight enough to almost be too much but stopping when he thought he might be a lot. Learning to control his might was a skill he had to learn very quickly as he aged. He didn’t want to hurt his friends, and Alex was a friend. A very attractive, very endearing kind of friend that he would love to keep around. That kind of innocence was exactly what he and Kaleb needed. But in order for that to happen, he needed to help his new friend.

“I don’t know,” he whispered to him, afraid of what it meant that he did not have the answer. “I don’t know why he did that. I think he’s also confused. I don’t know much about the beef between the Fireflies and FEDRA other than neither of them seem to like each other much. But what I do know is that Kaleb isn’t like those people Nate hates, which by the way is weird because I didn’t know he could hate. But he doesn’t hate you.” That was the part he was pretty sure hurt Alex the most. “I may be the reason he hasn’t said anything to you.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex curled into Carlos’ chest as he felt those large arms wrapping around him. The hug was just tight enough to provide that grounding Alex needed. He listened to Carlos, this was new information to him. What it sounded like was so similar to Alex’s own hatred of the WLF and his former group. He knew Nate didn’t really hate him, but he also didn’t know how to handle Nate when he was like this because it was so rare. “Why would you think that? Are you gonna leave me too?” Alex had latched onto the last piece of Carlos’ words. He didn’t want to have both his friends mad at him or abandon him. Alex pulled back a little to look at Carlos, his cheeks wet from those silent tears, eyes still looking a little watery. He hated this feeling, hated crying. He was a warrior but he had cried more in the last few days than ever before.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“What? No!” Carlos was bewildered by this sudden change in assumptions. He had no idea what he said that would make Alex think that. “Handsome, we are here for you. Me and Kaleb,” he paused to turn back towards him a moment, “we’re here to stay.” He turned back, keeping his eyes locked on Alex’s. “None of this is your fault. I told him not to talk to you. I’ve kept you pretty strong armed away. I didn’t like the way he was so… combative. That’s not you. That’s him.” He leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, caring not for the tears and everything else. He leaned their foreheads together as he pulled away. “We already decided to keep you. The more the merrier right?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at him as he said that. That made him feel better, knowing that the two of them weren’t going to leave him. His eyes locked onto Carlos’ eyes. “O- Oh. I see. He’s not usually like that. But maybe it’s a good thing that you did. I don’t think I could’ve handled talking to him last night, or even this morning.” Alex said softly. He smiled as Carlos gave him a gentle kiss on his lips. He liked that a lot and then when Carlos pulled away, their foreheads were pressed together. “You’re right. The more the merrier.” Alex agreed.

Kaleb didn’t want to break this moment up. But they needed to move, spending the night was risky enough. They didn’t need to linger more. “Once you two are ready, we should get going. I don’t trust those hunters enough to stay here much longer” Kaleb said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos grinned, happy that Alex seemed okay with this. He turned back to Kaleb and nodded, sliding his hand into Alex’s long enough to squeeze it, kiss his cheek, and then leave to pick up both his and Alex’s pack, one slung over each shoulder. “Are you ready? I think we need to go find your boy before he gets into trouble.” He turned to Kaleb and looked towards the door.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was feeling better, not completely back to normal, but better. He felt Carlos take his hand, squeeze it and kiss his cheek before walking off. He picked up both his pack and Alex’s. Alex nodded, he was ready to go. Alex slowly made his way to the door, Kaleb right behind him. Kaleb moved the desk and opened the door wide. He looked out and then nodded. “Let’s get going and find your friend.” Kaleb said leading now. Alex limping after him a little slower.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos stayed further back to stick towards Alex who moved slower. Kaleb could scout for them while he was back here. Kaleb was an extremely capable person. Carlos stuck close but did not demand attention. He would be there for whatever Alex needed. As they moved, he stepped away to check a room from the door and then back to the hall.

Nate sat on the floor of a room quite a ways down the hall, staring at a mass of fungal growth on the wall. Coming from it was half of a person that now slumped to the ground. His eyes were closed, his hands in his lap. Beside him was the hunting knife. Both legs were sprawled out like he fell that way and never got back up.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex knew Carlos was close, he knew when the man moved away to check out a room. Alex was content to just walk. He wanted Nate, needed him. But he didn’t know where he’d gone or if he was still angry. He watched as Kaleb scouted ahead of them. This was going to be a long day.

Kaleb was checking the rooms, scouting up ahead. He ducked into one room to see Nate sitting there, facing the wall. “Nate? We’re moving on. Need to keep ahead of these people.” He said. “I know you hate me, dislike me or whatever, but don’t take this out on Alex. He needs you.” And with that, Kaleb walked back out of the room, continuing forward to check the next room.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate did not turn to face him. He only remembered how to breathe. Finally, when he worked up with will and ability to say something, he turned and no one was there. Kaleb was gone. It was just as well, he didn’t want him to see how puffy his eyes were. Or the tear that sat on his cheek still. Or the way his pants had been absolutely shredded at the bottom. A while later, Carlos walked by but didn’t look into the room. He was checking the other side. If he were to turned just a little bit more- but no. He kept walking, trusting Kaleb to have checked already. Where was Alex? And if Alex walked by too, would he be able to say it? He could get up. Walk with them. Lie. But that lie would hurt him. They already had that discussion. He promised to tell him when things happened. But they also promised five feet.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was moving along. His thoughts were a jumbled mess, and all he could think of was Nate. Alex couldn’t help but sniff as he walked by the room. He knew Kaleb had been in it so he wasn’t going to check it, and about the time he walked by, he stumbled. A hissing gasp of pain from his bad leg. He had been so in his head that he hadn’t noticed the piece of rubble on the floor. Alex stopped for a moment, rubbed his leg and sighed.

Kaleb was a few feet ahead when he heard Alex. The man turned around to go check on him.

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