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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

And there he was. Alex. Moving slowly forward. Listless. Something he did. He wanted to reach out and touch him. Take his hand. Hold onto him like the anchor that he had proven to be already. But how could he ask him for comfort when Nate was the one who did it to him?

“Alex!” It came out like a gasp, hand outstretched as he reacted to the stumble. He may not have fully fallen but that was enough to jar Nate out of his own misery and back to the present. Back to the medic. Well, he guessed he was always the medic. The needle was still in his other hand. No one else was going to be able to put him back together like he could himself.

Carlos too turned as he heard the stumble, but found himself more shocked by the call than anything else. He made his way close to Alex, eyes flitting to the door to see Nate but moving back to Alex quickly. Hand out to touch shoulder. The way Alex wished that he could.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex’s head turned when he heard Nate. His entire focus on him. He felt a hand on his shoulder but he was moving towards Nate. “Nate..” Alex said softly, wanting his friend. That comfort from him that only Nate could truly provide. He knew Carlos had come over, Kaleb was on his way, but Alex didn’t want them. He saw the shredded pants when he saw Nate and frowned. What happened? Alex didn’t know, and he wanted to know, but he also wanted his Nate. The medic, the optimist, the one with the smile so wide, and the one who nestled his face in Alex’s hair and held him close at night.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The second Alex turned to moved towards him, Nate smiled. His smile. The smile that spread across his whole face. The one that showed just how much he loved seeing Alex. Even after being angry or conflicted or whatever else, it didn’t matter, because Alex was his favorite person. He put both hands out, realized he still had the needle, and his smile wavered. No don’t ruin it with this. He pulled his hand back, placed the needle on the pack to his side, and twisted back around with the smile again. “It didn’t bite me. I promise. No bites. Just very nasty cuts.” He looked back at the half an infected that bowed over from the wall. “Careful of the walls, right?” Carlos followed Alex in, nodding. “I see you met the wall friends.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

The smile on his face, the one Alex loved, it was back. The moment Alex saw his hands open after Nate had put away the needle, he was moving. He walked faster than he should have. But he took Nate’s hand, and then wrapped his other arm around him. He hugged him close, as close as he could. Alex heard the words, no bite. Not bitten. Safe. Here. Alex had no words, just held onto Nate for the moment. Then he pulled away, hand still in Nate’s. “That came out of the wall?” He asked a moment later, disbelief in his words.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate could breathe again with Alex so close. His Alex. His guiding light. The one who kept him going. How was he supposed to survive without him? He wasn’t. Clearly. Because here he was on the floor after sewing himself back together because he hadn’t been paying attention. Because he was too tired to look right. His eyes never met Alex, a tiny smile always sitting on his lips. “Yeah,” he answered. “I should have been paying more attention but I- I was, um, I was distracted.”

Carlos stopped a few feet away. “It’s because you wanted one of my kisses too, didn’t you?” They needed a funny moment. Nate snorted in laughter. Carlos kept going. “Because that can be arranged, medicine man. They’re not all reserved for handsome here.”

Nate shook his head, still smiling. “I’m okay but thank you. Where’s Kaleb. I- I need to apologize. And also probably stand up. Which is fine. Look, now we’ll have matching leg wounds too. I do love when we match.” And he tried to stand which wasn’t so hard but still very painful.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed himself, hearing Carlos’ words and though he frowned at Nate’s comment with a matching bad leg, he was happy. Alex stood up, his hand still in Nate’s. “We can support each other” Alex said quietly. He would, even with his leg, he’d support Nate. Alex was just glad to have Nate back, his Nate. The one he wanted by his side.

Kaleb was just outside the door, watching them. He stepped inside, looking at Nate. “No apologies needed. I forgive you anyway. We need to stick together. Strength in numbers right?” He said with a smile. Kaleb was not a grudge holder, and he was softer than he’d been in training, having been around Carlos helped too.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos moved forward to give them space and nudged Kaleb. “Oh love, you are too good for this world. Far too good. This is why you couldn’t stay with those horrible people.” He kissed Kaleb’s cheek then flounced his way out of the room. His job as Alex watcher appeared over.

Nate stood, with effort, and reached for his pack and knife before he made it all the way up. He clung to Alex, because he was all he ever really needed. He leaned his head against Alex’s shoulder for just a moment before standing straight up. “I will apologize anyway,” he called forward as they moved out of the room. “I shouldn’t have been so… black and white. People aren’t like that. Just because some officers are horrible doesn’t mean you are too. Besides, you left them. Like Alex left his people.” He turned to face Alex. “I’m sorry,” he said quieter, for them. “I was supposed to be making you feel better. I was supposed to be there for you. And I wasn’t. I promised not to do this anymore. Get all grumbly and cranky. That was unfair to you. All of you.”

“Don’t sweat it, cutie. But I don’t forgive people rejecting my affection.” Carlos laughed from in front of them.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Nate cling to him. He’d give Nate all the support he needed. Alex smiled when he felt Nate lean his head against his shoulder for a moment. Alex followed as Nate moved out of the room. He heard him apologize and smiled at him. “I forgive you. And you better not do that again. It was tough seeing that. But today’s a new day and we can move forward.” Alex said, his voice upbeat. Alex managed to get them out into the hallway.

Kaleb smiled at the nudge from Carlos and the kiss on his cheek. “Yeah well, I guess you’re rubbing off on me.” He said, walking out of the room. He turned to look at Nate behind him. “I accept the apology.” He said, though he glanced at Alex. “Glad I’m not the only one trying to find a better thing.” He said while Alex chuckled with a nod.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate wrapped his free hand around the front of Alex and gently pulled his head to his, kissing the side of his head before slowly letting it go to allow them to actually move faster and not be as dawdling. He was, after all, the reason they were moving slower. “I promise. No more anger about hypocritical things. I will behave when we play again.”

“Yessss more truth or dare!” Carlos giggled as he ran off to a room and then back to the hall. “That’s my favorite game. Usually you don’t get things that intense but hey- who doesn’t like intense?”

“Or we can just talk like normal people,” Nate suggested. “Answer all the questions like civilized people.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

He smiled when he felt Nate moved his head closer to him, kissing the side of it. He missed that. Though after kissing Carlos, he wondered what it would be like to kiss Nate. “You better keep that one.” Alex told him, the smile betraying any unhappiness about the situation. He laughed as he saw Carlos’ reaction to Nate’s words. “More truth and dare!” Alex said happily. Things were back to normal again. Alex had to laugh, it must be a sight to see two limping people making their way down the hall supporting each other.

Kaleb could see a connector in one of the rooms to the next building. He could also hear skittering from a few darker rooms up ahead. “So we have a connection in this room to the next building, and some stalkers in the room ahead of us. Carlos do you want to help those two make it to the next building or go play with our friends?” He asked the man.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos looked at the two hobbling ones and shook his head. “They’re yours, beautiful.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a gun with silencer. “I need to have some fun.” He turned back to the two limping, which was an admittedly entertaining sight. “Take care of him, medicine man. I like him a lot. You found a keeper.” He brought his fingers to his lips and blew them towards Alex before running off to the room ahead.

Nate followed Kaleb to the connector. His leg was throbbing, but at least he knew that the stitches were holding him together. Thankfully he cleaned it up before Alex got there. “Okay, boss, what do you need us to do?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had heard the skittering as well but was thankful that Carlos went to take care of it. He blushed as the man blew him a kiss and turned to follow Kaleb to the connecter. It was about a foot up from the floor. Easy enough if they could find something to climb up on. Alex looked around and spotted an old desk. It seemed sturdy enough. “Kaleb, can we climb on that to get up?” He asked.

Kaleb had been looking to see what they could use and heard Alex. He looked over at the desk and nodded. It was good enough to get them up. Kaleb moved the desk to the connection. “Alright, Nate. Put your good foot on the desk, I’ll pull you up.” Kaleb said, climbing onto the desk. “Then we’ll get you up Alex. Same way.” He said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate did as he was told, good foot on the desk and hands up for Kaleb to move him. “You know, it’s really not that bad.” It was not a lie if he believed it. “It’s probably not as bad as Alex’s.” He at least stitched up his own. He moved forward so that they could pull Alex up as well. He hoped that Carlos was okay. Which he was. He was more than okay. In fact, he was having the time of his life. The stalkers were a beautifully terrifying challenge that always raised his mood. It also made his confidence so much greater when he felt like he accomplished something like taking out a room of creepy stalkers. Rooms as it happened. Rooms.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb helped Nate up onto the desk. “We’re going to find somewhere safe further in and we’ll clean up and analyze wounds there.” Kaleb said. He wasn’t a medic but he knew basic first aid. Alex lifted his good foot up while Kaleb held his hand. Kaleb helped Nate pull Alex up. “Now we need to get him up onto the next building” Kaleb said. “Grab his arm, I’ll grab this one. Alex, when we get you up there, you’ll have to crawl up a little bit to give us space. Okay?” Alex nodded, ready.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate agreed that this was probably a good idea. He cleaned his own, stitched it up, and overall felt like he did pretty decent, but his own pain, both physical and mental, masked his mind. He was sure that it was not his best work. He knew that he had overreacted before about Kaleb. If he trusted him before he knew about his past, there was no reason not to trust him now. He trusted that he could help with the legs. A pang of guilt washed over him as he realized that Alex needed him this morning and he left. He left because he couldn’t handle his own pain when Alex needed him. At least now he could be here. He reached and grabbed his arm and pulled him up alongside Kaleb.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt the two of them lift him up onto the ledge. Alex crawled out of the way, turning and sitting up. Kaleb held his hand out to Nate. “Your turn” He told him. He was ready to help him up onto the ledge so that both of them were safe in the other building. Kaleb then turned his attention to the door waiting for Carlos to show up. Once he saw the man, he’d haul himself up and they could make it through this building and hopefully into the next one before they stopped again.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate grabbed onto Kaleb and climbed up to the ledge and crawled out of the way as well. He looked back trying to see if Carlos was on his way. What if he wasn’t okay? What if something went wrong? Did he need help?

Carlos came running, machete in hand, a stalker right on his tail. He ran into the room and whipped around, blade hacking into its side before swinging again straight into the neck. The stalker crumpled and Carlos staggered back a moment before ripping his blade out and walking up to them like nothing even happened. “I’m ready to go, what about you guys?” He hopped up onto the desk and smiled.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked into the other room to see Carlos run in with a stalker behind him. He watched as the man took care of it quickly before making his way over to them. He couldn’t help the laugh at the man’s actions.

Kaleb shook his head as he watched him. “Really? Just had to make a dramatic entrance love?” He asked with a chuckle. He climbed up onto the ledge and looked at the other two. “Don’t mind the show off” Kaleb said with a laugh.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Thats the only way I know how to enter, babe.” Carlos swaggered his way over to the ledge that he jumped up onto like he was used to doing exactly that. He swiped a hand across Kaleb’s cheek, which was dangerous on this ledge but he did what he wanted and winked at the two waiting for them. “Nothing like a good beheading to work the blood, right?”

Nate still wasn’t sure how much he liked all of the flirting, but at least it was directed at literally all of them. If they were going to play truth or dare again, then he was probably going to have to face the facts that Carlos was going to be all over Alex. However, he was all over Kaleb too. Did that mean Nate was next? That was an alarming thought.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb shook his head with a laugh. “Yeah I know.” He said, smiling at Carlos when he swiped a hand across his cheek. Kaleb sighed, turning to the other two. “Think we can make it through this building and rest in the next one.” He said.

Alex blushed at the wink from Carlos. “I can’t disagree on that. If I didn’t have this stupid leg injury, I’d have been able to help.” He said, working on getting to his feet, slowly. Hopefully this leg would be healed soon. He hated being useless. He was used to fighting, climbing and he hated the he couldn’t.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate rested a hand on Alex. “Hey, you are helping. You’re the glue that keeps us together.” He moved along the ledge to get to the steady ground of the next building officially. He moved aside and waited for everyone to move in before speaking again. “Oh, Alex, what if we merge and then we can have two good legs? What do you think?”

Carlos threw both of his arms around Nate and Alex. “And what exactly do you think you’ll do with that really bad leg of yours then?”

“Hop.” He lifted the bad leg and hopped forward with a grin. “Or just keep it up because we’ll have those two good legs. It will be like being a normal, useful person, ‘cept we’ll have twice the knowledge we do individually.”

Carlos laughed. “He jokes. He has a sense of humor. I like it.” He leaned in so that he was right next to Alex’s ear. “Mm, maybe I do like the idea of having the both of you together.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex tilted his head a little. “I’m the glue? Huh.” He said, a little surprised. Alex followed Nate slowly as he made it into the stable part of the building. “Merge? I’m sure that will end well” Alex snorted a laugh as he imagined that. Alex looked at Carlos when he threw his arms around their shoulders. Alex laughed a little harder as he watched Nate hop forward. There was the man he knew. Alex’s attention was drawn from the sight when he heard Carlos near his ear and blushed heavily, his eyes dropping to the floor.

Kaleb joined them on the steadier part of the building. He watched the scene with a laugh. “Once you three are done we can move along.” He said with a laugh.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed too, and it had been a while since he did this kind of laugh. He could do this, because he wanted to do this. He liked them. He liked who they could be together. He liked having his Alex, and maybe he could share him with friends too. Maybe that was okay. “We’re done,” he answer Kaleb and looked back at the other two before mouthing “Were not done,” while shaking his head from side to side. He scrunched his face in a giggle then twirled around, regretted it, and mostly hobbled forward.

Carlos shoved his arm under Nate’s and then Alex’s deciding that they could very well make themselves worse if they weren’t careful. “Let’s go party people. As fun as you suddenly are, we should save the fun for when we actually reach somewhere to stop.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed himself as he heard Nate say they were done but clearly they were not done. He watched Nate twirl and then end up hobbling instead. He felt Carlos shove his arm under Alex’s and smiled at him. “I guess that makes sense.” He said with a chuckle. “Maybe we can do more games when we stop for the night.” Alex suggested.

Kaleb laughed at the three of them. He did know they had to keep moving though. He started down the hall, listening and checking rooms. He avoided windows and if the door was locked, passed by the room completely.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos, now the middle which is really what he liked the most, answered, “oh yes. More games tonight. I’m learning all your deep dark secrets.” He leaned over to Alex and stage whispered, “we’re gonna learn what makes that little body tick,” and then swapped to Nate with, “and we’re gonna learn who you really are.” With a giggle he slipped from between them and started checking rooms with Kaleb so that they could move through faster. He grabbed various supplies on the way, occasionally tossing them towards people. He came out of one with a whole quiver of arrows. “Hey Handsome. I saw your bow. Want a present? Sorry Medicine Man, I didn’t see anything for you.” Nate shrugged because it was really okay. He just wanted to get to the next place. His relatively good mood was going to get them through a while but he was slow and that was going to become an energy drag soon.

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