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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was going to handle the incessant flirting by fighting back. That was apparently how he decided this was going to go, and he didn’t hate it. If Carlos got to be all over Alex, then maybe Nate was allowed to do that as well. After all, Alex was his first. And now that they seemed to have this new back and forth, he liked Carlos more. “That’s not too far,” he commented. More stairs. That wasn’t any fun but they had Carlos to take them down. And also potentially demand compensation. Nate had never met someone like Carlos, and it was even stranger seeing him with someone like Kaleb. They were not exactly the same kinds of people. But maybe that was the point. Find people who have differences. Differing talents and ideals. They make you better together. Like him and Alex. He was better with him. “How far is it to the park in the open? There’s got to be a way to move through there quickly.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked between Nate and Kaleb. He didn’t like the fact that they’d be in such open space at all. He walked beside Nate, but his focus was on Kaleb as he listened to him. The stairwell was coming up quickly again.

“I’m not sure how far we have to travel in the open, I couldn’t get a good look at it before the stairs collapsed. Which also begs the question that what if patrols heard that collapse? Are we walking out into a fight?” Kaleb couldn’t help but wonder if that was exactly what was going to happen.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate grabbed Alex’s hand as they neared the stairwell. “If we are, then we do this the smart way. Before we leave the building, we figure out any and all places for cover. We prime defense, and we stick to the plan. Get to the park. Did you see anywhere that we could recoup if we get split?”

Carlos shrugged. “I mostly almost fell to my death. Saw some trees towards the opening I think. There was a building also towards the opening. It may have been bathrooms. Meet up there if we get split? and there aren’t baddies hanging out ready to kill us?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Nate grab his hand and he sighed in relief. He turned his head when he heard Carlos mention trees. He could be very helpful there. Though Kaleb’s words had put him on edge as they made it to the stairwell.

Kaleb sighed. “One of us can look out first, see how close we are to the first round of cover and if we have any company. We can use the bathrooms as a regroup spot if we have to.” Kaleb agreed, pulling open the stairwell door for everyone. “Before we go further, where is everyone’s strength when it comes to fighting and defense?” Alex looked at him. “I do better in trees but you’ve seen my aim with a bow” He said.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

When Kaleb stopped them, Nate stopped right beside Alex. They were one until they couldn’t be anymore. “I’m significantly better if I can be hidden in the shadows. If I can get behind someone, I am more than fine. I am not, however very capable at close combat face to face. Especially like this.” He looked down at his leg. “But this won’t stop me with what else I can do as long as we keep me behind them.”

Carlos nodded and patted both Alex and Nate on the back. “Don’t worry, beauties. That’s me. I can hold my own in close combat. They can come at me.” He nodded towards Kaleb. “What about you love? So our friends know what to do with you.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Carlos patting him on the back and nodded. He looked at Nate before back at Carlos. He was still very unsure and a little nervous about this but they’d be able to do it. All Alex needed was a tree or two and his bow.

Kaleb nodded. “I’m better at a medium distance, I keep them on their toes between explosives and my pistol. So Carlos can get them to go after him leaving their backs to Nate, Alex and I.” Kaleb said. “How does that sound to you three?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos drew away from the other two and stepped towards Kaleb. “It sounds like there’s a very good reason you are our leader, love.” He placed a finger below Kaleb’s chin and smiled his way into a what was probably his most normal kiss that he’d done since gaining their extra two. He stepped to the edge of the stairs and beckoned forward the ones with injuries. “I know you have your walking stick now, but no risks when we’re about to probably go into combat.” Nate lifted his arms for scooping. When being moved to the bottom of the stairs, he looked back at Alex and dramatically rolled his eyes. At the bottom, Nate put a finger to Carlos’ lips. “Keep dreaming, lover boy.” He slipped away and stood at the wall to lean on as he waited for the rest. Carlos sighed and moved back up to the top. “Your turn,” he grinned towards Alex.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled at Carlos when he stepped over to him, finger below Kaleb’s chin. “It’s not just my good looks dear.” He said as he gave back to the kiss Carlos gave him. He smiled softly as Carlos walked away to help Nate down the stairs.

Alex watched as Carlos kissed Kaleb before picking Nate up and helping him down the stairs. Alex laughed at Nate’s dramatic eye roll and he watched how Nate didn’t let Carlos kiss him. Alex didn’t know how he had that willpower because Alex sure didn’t. Alex nodded as Carlos came back up to the top. He stepped over and allowed Carlos to pick him up and bring him down the stairs.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos picked up Alex, cradling him in his arms like he did. As they walked, he stated, “You don’t get to deny me my payment.” At the bottoms of the stairs, he gently put Alex down and stole his kiss. “You may go now, handsome.” He turned to Nate who was making his way over to reclaim his rightful place at Alex’s side. “Are you sure-“

Nate interrupted with a hand up, but the smile on his face made it clear he wasn’t upset. This was just how Carlos was. And even if it was a bit silly, he still was not sure how much he appreciated the constant kisses. Granted, he didn’t really care about the one he gave Kaleb, so maybe this was something else. Either way, he had a point to make. A good natured point but still a point. “I’m positive.” He lowered his hand and shook his head. “Try again later, stud.” He slid that hand into Alex’s while he waited for Kaleb to join them at the bottom.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex let out a small laugh as Carlos picked him up. The more he picked Alex up, the less he cared about it happening. He looked up at Carlos when he was told that Alex couldn’t deny his payment. Once he set Alex down, he felt Carlos kiss him before he turned to Nate. Alex saw Nate come over to his side. Alex didn’t know how to feel when Nate continued to deny Carlos’ kiss but he didn’t feel that weird clench in his chest again. He felt Nate slide his hand into Alex’s like normal.

Kaleb joined them a moment later. He looked at the door to the outside, swallowed hard and sighed. “I’m going to look out and see what’s up. If we’re lucky, we’ll have cover right away and they aren’t out there.” He said. Kaleb opened the door a moment later, peering out. He didn’t see anything, and there were some barriers up ahead they could duck behind. He leaned back in. “I don’t see anything, and there are barriers for cover that should get us most of the way to the park.” Kaleb said, “Are we ready?”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos stood at the door as Kaleb looked out, ready. Though he doubted there would danger that quickly, one could never tell. If the hunters assumed that they would come out this way, they could have been laying in wait. Since Kaleb seemed mostly fine, he relaxed a little. He turned his attention to Nate and Alex. Nate wasn’t even looking at him to Kaleb. He was looking at Alex as he so often was. He squeezed the hand he held and smiled. “Five feet unless we’re actively being attacked. Or you’re doing your superhero tree and bow thing. I’ll stay with you on the ground when we get there.” He brought his empty hand to the back of Alex’s head and pulled him down to kiss his forehead. They were some affectionate group, weren’t they? Then he reached into the side of his pack and grabbed the hunting knife. “Ready.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded as he looked at Nate. “Five feet. No more.” He agreed. Alex smiled softly when Nate put his hand to the back of Alex’s head so he could pull him down to kiss Alex’s forehead softly. Alex looked over at Nate with a nod before turning his attention to Kaleb. “Let’s go.” Kaleb nodded and opened the door. He led the way to the first barrier, ducking down behind it. He looked around and it seemed quiet. Kaleb beckoned for the others to join him. Alex followed, crouching down and joined Kaleb’s side. “If we can get to that building across this street, we can duck through it and it should drop us at the entrance to the park.” Kaleb said once everyone had joined him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos followed immediately after Kaleb. He was so used to moving like that that he didn’t know how else to move. It was like that with Nate and Alex too. They were so used to moving together, it probably would have been strange if he didn’t. As they moved, something caught his eye just as they all ducked down. “Alex,” he whispered since Alex was the closest. He pointed up into a building where someone was looking out a window. He was not looking in their direction. He placed a hand on Kaleb’s shoulder. “Up there.” He wasn’t sure if that was something they needed to deal with now or something they were going to hope they could avoid. He knew that was not something he or Carlos were going to be able to handle.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked back to see Nate behind him, Carlos on his other side. Alex heard Carlos say his name and he looked, following the point. He saw the person in the window. “I can shoot him but if there are others with him, I’ll alert them.” He whispered. Kaleb looked up, they weren’t looking this way and alerting everyone would be a bad move. “Let’s keep going, quietly.” Kaleb said, walking forward slowly. This building would be full of people. They’d need to be extremely careful. “Keep your eyes open, they could be everywhere in this building up ahead.” He added softly.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

So they were going to silently move. It looked like that guy was looking at the other building they were in earlier that day. If they were lucky, the hunters would assume they hadn’t made it as far as they had quite yet. If they were lucky. If being the big words here, and Nate was not sure how lucky they were right now. “Sure wish we’d come up with that silent communication method,” he muttered out loud and to no one specifically. It would have made their lives significantly easier. He paused to do a full scan of everything that he could see. There was the one guy in that building. Another one in one further? That looked like the silhouette of a person. He didn’t see anyone on the other side. That was an oversight he was not going to tell them. Up ahead, he did not see anyone, at least not yet. While the guy wasn’t looking, now was the time to go. So he moved as quickly as he could without using his impromptu walking stick which would make sound. Carlos moved quicker and beat them to the other side, pulling at the door to that building. Locked. His eyes went wide.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at the others, he looked around and didn't see much, but he wasn't as good at finding people in large cities. He waited until the guy in the other building wasn't looking and he followed as quickly as he could, Kaleb right beside him as they made it to the door in time to see that it was locked. "Nate?" Alex asked him. "Can you pop that quietly?" He added in a whisper, hoping that they could get into cover before the guy in the building saw them. Alex kept an eye on the man who was currently still looking away from them. Please stay looking that way. Alex just wanted to get through the city, he didn't like feeling like the hunted instead of the hunter. He felt like the deer he hunted and he didn't like it one bit.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate, who had been watching for other people in the building, had not noticed that it was locked until Alex said something. He took two seconds, two seconds that they didn’t have, to realize what Alex was asking. He shoved his rebar in Carlos’ hands as he moved quickly to the door and shoved the hunting knife in, messing with the knob. He heard the snap, and his heart dropped, but the door swung open. He did not have time to deal with that right then. He stepped inside quickly and moved to the side to let the rest of them in. He scanned the inside of this building, but his mind was struggling to focus. He did not look at the broken blade for now. When everyone else was in, he could pull out the other one he had. The one he took from the hunter who had Alex trapped. The one he killed for it. Carlos put his large arms behind the other two and pushed them inside quickly and closed the door. He held the rebar out for Nate who took it almost blindly.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was glad that Nate knew how to pop doors open, because he definitely did not. Alex felt Carlos push him and Kaleb in behind Nate, the door shutting behind them. Alex looked around, listening. He didn't hear anything- wait. A creaking noise drew his attention to the right, there was a hallway leading away from them. He tapped Nate's shoulder, pointing down the hallway in a silent 'there's something down there' and he moved that way, silently, bow drawn. He moved quietly for having his slight limp still. Alex came to the end of the hallway and peered around the corner, one hunter near the end, no one else seemed to be around. Alex drew his bow, arrow nocked and let it fly silently lodging in his heart, dropping the man quietly and quickly. He didn't hear any reaction to the drop so his guess that he was alone was right. Kaleb had moved straight ahead, looking around the shelves and broken walls for any other hunters, so far seeing none.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate moved with Alex. He didn’t have time to pull out the knife, but he could still back Alex up if necessary. It turns out that it was not necessary. Instead he was entirely unnecessary. Alex was more than enough to take care of people. Nate bent down to the hunter and pulled out ammo that he tossed towards Kaleb. While down there and Alex checked the shelves, he sifted through his bag and pulled out the hunter’s knife. Good enough for now. He placed his broken one on the hunter on the ground and moved to catch up with Alex. He tested the rebar. It was too loud. Okay. He leaned it against a wall and chose to do a whole lot of questionable movement instead. If they were sneaking anyway, it would be fine.

As they moved down the hall, one crack in the wall was a little bit wider. He peered inside then quickly moved out of the way. He grabbed Alex’s hand for his attention. He lifted two fingers and pointed to the upcoming door. He mimed walking on his hand. The hunters looked like they were on the move but he couldn’t tell if they were moving out or just inside that room. He pointed to Alex and the door then pointed at himself and the crack in the wall. Hoping Alex understood, he walked backward then shoved himself into the tight space. He waited until the hunter he could see looked the other direction. He looked to the left to see the other one moving towards the door. Now was the time, and he hoped Alex could help me out. He moved forward, reached out, and grabbed hunter. He shoved a hand over his mouth, whispered, “I’m sorry,” before ramming the knife into him and crouching down with the body.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb had snagged the ammo from Nate, before moving forward. Alex looked at Nate when he grabbed his hands, nodding as he saw the man mimed two hunters. He saw Nate point at him and then the door, and then pointed at himself and the crack. Alex nodded, slowly moving towards the door, bow still out and a new arrow ready to go. He peered around the door to see two hunters both looking away from them. Alex saw one get grabbed by Nate and before the other hunter could alert anyone, Alex aimed and fired, dropping him to the ground, arrow in the heart. Alex looked around as he lowered his bow, eyes searching for anyone else at the moment. He didn't see anyone, and he slowly made his way to the crack in the wall where Nate was.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

With the two hunters down, Nate stood back up, grabbing what appeared to be a nail bomb from this hunter - that was a disturbing thought- and keeping it in his hand for now. He nodded towards Alex as he stepped over the body and looking through the desk they were at. Maps? Documents of something? He wasn’t about to go through that whole thing to figure out what they were up to. He was curious but not enough to die. He moved back into the hall and looked for Kaleb and Carlos and nodded towards them. He waited for Alex to continue forward.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex followed behind Nate, his own unease keeping him from really searching for supplies as they went. He wanted out of this city, wanted to be back in the forest, laying on the ground with Nate listening to the sounds of the forest. Alex stuck close to Nate, looking up ahead to see Kaleb making his way towards them. "I haven't seen anyone in here, what about you two?" He asked, coming up beside them. "Three hunters, all dead" Alex told him. "Now where do we go to get out of this building?" He asked Kaleb. Kaleb pointed behind them to the end of the hall where a metal door sat. "Through there should get us close enough where we can use the bathroom as cover to get into the park." Kaleb said. He looked back to see where Carlos was.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate peered at the metal doors and moved that way. He would love to be out of this building and really all of these shambling buildings. Cities did not bother him, but hunters who loved to hunt survivors for the sport of it were not exactly the kinds of people he wants to be around. He did not want this to be the impression that Alex got for all cities. He stopped at the end, also looking for Carlos. Carlos came from around the corner of the right side looking a whole lot dustier than he was before. He held his machete over his shoulder much like one might a baseball bat. He gestured to the doors with his head. “I’m ready love. Run for bathrooms. Don’t get seen. Or if we do, I show off some very good distractions skills.” He pointed to himself with a chuckle. “I’m the distraction.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked at Carlos before he nodded. He walked over to the metal doors, pulling it open. It was a wide open area with no cover, and about a hundred feet ahead were the bathrooms. Kaleb looked out, his eyes searching for anything around. He was about to duck his head back inside when a gunshot went off. Kaleb jumped back in time to avoid getting shot in the face. "Okay, so they're definitely watching this area. It's wide open, no cover until the bathrooms. Carlos, dear. Do what you do best and you better make it to the restrooms. I need you to draw them away from this area so I can get these two safely over there" Kaleb said. Alex looked between the two, face white as he swallowed. He didn't want anyone hurt and just wanted to get out of here.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Da Silva
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos ran his hand across Kaleb’s cheek. “When have I ever not made it, my sweet?” He looked to the door and considered a moment.
“Carlos.” He turned to Nate who tossed the nail bomb at him. “I got you a present.”
Carlos grinned widely. “this is good.” He turned to Alex. “Keep this one. I like him.” He opened the door and tossed the bomb, shutting the door shut immediately. The explosion came with screams. Those would be the hunters who thought they could ambush them now that they knew where they were. He winked at the group before opening the door again and running out of the building in a random direction. Anywhere but the bathrooms. Quick check as he ran. Where were the people? Mostly in buildings. Oh, here comes the cavalry. Guns? Oh yes. He ran in a zig zag like pattern that was irregular and defied pattern recognition. He spun around and ran straight into a group of them, swinging the machete. If it broke, that was fine. He had plenty more to play with.

Nate’s eyes went wide the second Carlos threw the bomb. They stayed that wide with the explosion and with Carlos’ run. He looked at Kaleb in shock, fear, and desperation. But if anyone could get them through this, it was him.

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