Taken [Inactive]

Ali sat on the bed, watching Isaac walk around. The room would be well sealed. She knew her father well enough to know that if he had this room for the purpose of kidnapping, he would have it perfectly sealed. The climb down would more than likely kill one of them. She sat up further, standing up and walking over to the door again, then pacing around the room.

"Huh. He's got cameras in here." she muttered, peering up at a camera in the corner. "Great." she walked across the room again, sitting on a comfortable couch and sighing. "Isaac, how the heck do we get out of here?" she said.

She had been taught that swearing was unbecoming of a woman, and so her versions of swear words were only ever 'heck' or 'frick' or something of the sort. It was something her friends always made fun of.
Isaac threw his fist into the window without warning, shocked when it rebounded towards him. "F*ck!" He cursed loudly and waved his hand in the air to relieve the pressure. "Well it's not glass."

He continued to pace while he nursed his sore knuckles, worried about having broken his hand. Five stories up, there were cameras, and the door had no handle. Isaac tried to think of a way for the both of them to escape but as it stood, the situation was grim. There were few things they could to do gain the attention of Mr. Charles it seemed. He didn't like their relationship, but, Isaac wouldn't suggest going at it to get him angry. That wouldn't bode well for either of them.

So, the man returned to the bed and flopped face down onto the mattress. "I don't know." He groaned through the sheets.
Ali lay back on the mattress next to Isaac, laying on her back with her head tilted towards him. "We're going to be okay." she mumbled, "We'll be okay." she repeated quietly. "I mean, we have to be. He can't have us killed. Could he? He would have... he couldn't kill his daughter. That would be too cold."

A small scratching sound at the door got Ali's attention. A pile of paper was slid through a small flap at the bottom of the door. She stood up and approached the door, looking down at the papers. It was her college work, with a note attached. 'Wouldn't want my princess to fail college, would I? That would be shameful. Finish the work. Slide it out. I'll have it sent in. Love, your daddy.'

Ali left the pile by the door and returned to the bed, flopping face down next to Isaac. "He gave me back my college work. He doesn't want to look bad by having me fail college, while he has me locked up. What the heck is this? Ugh. I wish I knew how to swear."
"Swearing is easy." Isaac scoffed. "Ready? Just say it with me, scream it as loud as you want, maybe someone will complain about noisy neighbors." I highly doubt it.

He laughed, cursing in the room with his hands outstretched. In all the years of his life, he'd never had a problem with swearing, now was no different. So he pushed her work aside and wrapped a hand around her shoulder so he could get her to pay attention. If they kept at it, happy or encouraged in some way, time would pass quickly.

"Just say it, Ali, ready?" He asked again. "F*ck you Mr. Charles!" Isaac flipped off the camera and chuckled to himself.
Ali laughed as he wrapped his arm around her, listening to him shout into the camera. She tilted her head to look at him, "I... but..." she shook her head. "But I can't. I mean, it's... agh..." she laughed and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself enough that she could speak, but everytime she opened her mouth, another laugh came out of her.

"F-f-" she started, then sighed. "I can't do it, Isaac! It feels so wrong." she rolled her eyes and peered at him. "Alright. I'm going to do it. I'm going to say it. Fu..." she laughed, pulling Isaac into a kiss. "Can't we just kiss? That's easier than swearing."
He swiftly kissed her on the nose and laughed. "No, Ali. Try damn. It's much easier, or hell, it's in the Bible so you can't really feel that bad about saying it, can you?"

Still, Isaac was scouring the room with his eyes in search of some escape. The window was useless now and there were cameras in the room. It started to look like the only exit was the front door. This was also impossible, because the door didn't even have a handle and was locked from the outside.

"Just come here." Isaac encouraged, pulling her back so they could lay down. He was waiting for her to panic, she was kidnapped again, and this time by her own father.
Ali let him pull her down. Her heart was beating hard as she lay there, but that was the only sign of her panic. She let her head rest on Isaac's chest, trying to control her emotions. She was silent for a little while, breathing slowly and steadily as she worked on it. "Damn." she said quietly. "Hell." she mumbled a few moments later.

"F...f*ck." she whispered, then laughed and looked up to meet Isaac's eyes. "F*ck!" she grinned, laughing all the more. It was ridiculous. It was absoloutely ridiculous that she was laying in a room she couldn't get out of, trying to swear for the first time. "I did it. I totally did it!"
Isaac only grinned at first, but as she went on, he had to cover his mouth to keep his smirk hidden. She was so proud of herself by the end that he burst out laughing, until his stomach started to feel sore. Had she really never swore before?

"I can't believe you've never said a cuss word before." He was giggling like a kid, trying to keep his goofy grin at bay. "I'm so proud of you." He said in mock praise.

He rubbed his hand along her arm, then tapped it a few times. If she was happy about it, then he'd have to feel good. She was too innocent to swear, so overall it was hilarious anyways. She felt good it seemed.
Ali blushed as he teased her, hiding her head in the crook of his neck and giggling. She took a deep breath, letting her lips meet with Isaac's neck for a few seconds. She wasn't thinking about what she was doing. It simply made sense to her in the moment, so she kept kissing his neck, her arms draped across his torso.

This wasn't an ideal situation, and the stress had her mind blurred, but kissing Isaac's neck distracted her enough that she didn't panic. As soon as her mind was still, she knew she would freak out. She had to keep it busy and keep it okay. She couldn't fall apart when her father could see. Yet, she could kiss Isaac's neck with him watching?

Alison, you're an idiot.
If this was her way of keeping distracted, Isaac didn't mind at all, although the constant touch of her lips on his neck was arousing to say the least. He cleared his throat and leaned away from her to give her better coverage, more for his enjoyment really.

"Are you going to be alright?" He whispered as quietly as he could, hoping his voice wouldn't pick up on the cameras. She could cry if she wanted to, he almost expected it. The situation was stressful for the both of them. The only reason he wasn't panicking was because he had to stay calm for her sake.

He continued to rub her back, slow and gentle, to keep her comforted, waiting for the tears to come.
Ali kept kissing his neck, leaving small marks all over it. She stopped eventually, lifting her head to kiss his lips, but it was when she met his eyes that her emotions rose up within her. She collapsed with her head buried in his chest, tears falling again. The tears didn't last nearly as long as they had before, though, and she sat up five minutes later, pushing her hair back off her face.

"We need to get out of here." she whispered. "C-come here..." she slipped under the blankets and pulled them over herself and Isaac, looking at him in the darkness. "I doubt he can hear us under here... and he probably thinks we're...uh... you know... so... let's talk." she leaned forward, kissing his lips once more. "And I'll stop kissing you. Sorry."
"What?" He grinned mischievously. "Sex?" Isaac leaned forward and kissed her again, holding her face with his. When he pulled away, he bit gently on her lower lip and continued to be sly about his smile.

Isaac only meant to tease her. He understood that they needed to talk, so he cut the crap and switched to caressing her face instead of using his hands to pull her any closer.

"I don't know how." He admitted. "We're really going to need to think of something."
Ali blushed when he bit her lower lip, nodding. She lay down, pulling Isaac with her, laying on her side with her body close to his. From outside of the blanket, she knew exactly what it would look like. Her hand rested on Isaac's waist, on a bit of exposed skin. It took her a few moments to compose herself well enough that she could talk.

"We can't go out of the window. It's too much of a drop, and we can't break it. Maybe if it was dark we could try and pick the lock of the door from the inside? Uh, can you pick locks? I have no idea how. If we can get out the door, then we'd... we'd have to get all the way out of the house. It's alarmed though. So... we can't." she sighed.

If I were my father, what weakness would I have? What weakness would my security have? She looked at Isaac in the darkness as she tried to think. "He's too confident. He's always too confident. We'll have to... we need to get him in here, then we need to get ourselves out, and leave him here."
At that moment he had an idea, but, he wasn't sure if Alison would like it. They'd really need to put up an act for it to work though, considering what it looked like they were doing at the present moment. He sighed, explained he couldn't pick a lock, much to their disappointment.

"He might come in if you're hurt." Isaac said quietly. "I don't mean anything to him, but, you? You're still his daughter. If we can manage to make him think I'm a threat to you? Well..." He shrugged. The plan wasn't great, and he didn't want to hurt her any more than he already had, but if they played it right there was a chance someone would come inside the room to separate them. It'd be their only shot.

"We just, we'd have to play it out over a few days." He murmured, kissing her softly. "No kisses, no cuddling, you can't even look at me funny." Isaac teased her now, knowing she enjoyed the new affection he gave her.
Ali bit her lip as he mentioned no kissing or cuddling, knowing that he was being serious, and sensing the teasing in his tone as well. She frowned as she considered the idea, taking her time to think through it. She nodded eventually, "Yeah, that could work. But uh, how do we do it? It can't look like we went straight from... this... to hating each other..."

And I don't want this moment to end anytime soon.

"Maybe we need to have a fight. What do we fight about? It needs to be... serious... and... ugh..." she groaned, touching his cheek. "Maybe we need to make this look... more intense... and then I can freak out, complain that you're pushing me too far too quickly... and... you get the idea..."
Isaac grinned, a devilish spark in his eyes. He rolled on top of Alison with the covers still over their head and kissed her one last time. For good measure, he pulled his shirt over his head and slipped it off the bed and in view of one of the cameras.

"Now, get mad." He taunted, they were safe until she responded. This has to work. "Then we'll get out of here, you will finish college, and I'll take you wherever you want to go."

Lastly, he kissed her on the forehead and brushed her face with his hand. They'd both have to act their parts. Isaac could do it, he was used to being angry.

Please don't take it to heart.
Ali gasped as he rolled on top of her, and her cheeks flushed all the more as he took his shirt off. She leaned up and kissed him once more, her hands exploring his bare skin. As she pulled away, she took a deep breath and gave him a weak shove, knocking the blanket off of their heads. "Isaac! I told you.. no!" she wriggled back, sitting up.

But, god, how I wanted to say yes...

She looked at him with a frustrated expression. "I told you to be careful, to go slowly. This isn't slow. This is fast." She couldn't find it in her to push him entirely off of her. She wanted more contact with him and knew that this was the last she would have for a few days. "I just... I can't believe you..." she had an honest anger in her face.

Use your anger towards your father. Put it all on Isaac for now. He can handle it.

Isaac grinned at her one last time. He gripped her wrists and pressed her against the bed, leaning in to bite her earlobe. As he did, he pulled away and whispered. "Push me, hard. Don't worry, I'm tough."

Then he sat up with her under him and his face was that of pure anger. "You told me you were ready, are you seriously gonna back out on me now?" He yelled, scoffing and sighing as he did. It broke his heart, fearing she might take some of his words too seriously, but he wanted to get out.

If they both played the act for a few days, then they'd need to be at least separated. That much was obvious. Isaac had to pretend to be dangerous. A father would protect his daughter, it was a guarantee, even if he was an addicted, snobbish CEO. Some part of him was still a father to her, and that part of him would want to keep her safe. What it didn't guarantee is what would happen to Isaac if they didn't play it right.

She'll be alright though.
Ali wanted to cry at the sight of his anger. She wanted to curl up in a ball and weep, but she couldn't. She needed to be angry. She shoved him off and stood up. "I told you I would be ready soon! Not now! Not in this room!" she threw his shirt at him and stormed over to the window. "I can't believe you." she felt tears pricking her eyes and let them fall.

"I was wrong. I was wrong about you." she stared at him coldly. "Or maybe you were wrong about me. I'm not as weak as you think I am." she sat down on the couch, her head in her hands and her hands shaking violently.

Oh god, please don't think I hate you.
Isaac screamed in frustration, teeth clenched. He picked his shirt up off the ground and roughly pulled it over his head again. They both knew they were only faking it, but it stung a little to hear. He pushed the thoughts aside, knowing it wasn't true, and sat against the edge of the bed.

This would be enough for their first day. He wouldn't go near her from then on, only to fight, bicker, or groan about something she'd done. Other than that, this would do.

"Oh, right, because pulling me into bed definitely isn't a signal that says 'I'm so ready'" Isaac mocked her from his spot against the bed. "Women."

This...this sucks.
Ali eventually moved, walking across to pick up her college work off the floor, taking a position by the window where the sun was, curling up and reading the notes that were there. She glared at Isaac occasionally, simply so she could look at him. She was frustrated that she couldn't speak to him, but this was what was necessary to be done.

"Dinner." a feminine voice called as two plates of food were slid through the door.

Beatrice. Ali rushed to the door as she remembered whose voice it was, "Beatrice! You need to open the door! Please! My father has locked me in here, and... please... Beatrice... please..." she pleaded. Beatrice had worked for her father for years, and had helped raise Alison.

"My girl, I cannot let you go. You should not have spoken cruelly towards your father. You made your own bed, dear." the kind feminine voice replied, and Ali listened as her footsteps faded.

Ali took her food and returned to her place by the window, staring blankly at the plate. I just want a damn hug.
Isaac glanced at the door, his heart struck with grief seeing Alison beg like that. No one was here to help her, her father would've made sure of that. Still, it was harsh to have another human being be so cold towards the girl.

He got up to collect his food, making sure to spare Ali his angered look. It was all a show. One slip up could end both of them behind locked doors forever. For Isaac, it might earn him a spot in the ground pushing up daisies. That was an option he didn't like to think about. He could apologize, prove he was a better man, but no one knew but Alison. She was locked in here, too.

The man opened his mouth to say something, but held back. Eat, make sure you're eating.
The night passed in a cold silence. Ali took a pillow from the bed and slept on the couch, mumbling about how she didn't want to sleep anywhere near Isaac. Her sleep was full of mumbling and occasionally she would cry something out in panic, sitting upright, then collapsing back to the couch as she realised that she'd simply been dreaming.

As the sun rose outside their pretty prison, a loud knock on the door sounded, and then the large wooden door swung open slowly to reveal Mr. Charles, with two of his security guards flanking him on either side. "Good morning, children." he greeted coldly, his eyes resting on Ali for a few moments, a small amount of concern showing as he pursed his lips. "It's about time we discussed the terms of your imprisonment."

Ali sat up and looked at her father, wiping sleep out of her eyes and leaning against the edge of the couch. "Which are?"

"The terms are simple. I cannot kill either of you, because having blood like that on my hands would be too much. I already have one set of blood on my hands, and that's enough." Mr. Charles stated slowly. "My conditions are easy - that you agree to let my personal surgeon remove your tongue so you cannot speak cruel words about me again."
Isaac laughed from the bed. He felt bad that Ali hadn't nudged him off, he would've moved. She'd taken the couch as her own, so she must have decided that was better. It didn't bother him really, neither were the most comfortable options.

"You're joking right?" Isaac burst out laughing. "You know there's this revolutionary idea called sign language." He slowly signed the letters of his name, having learned them some time ago, and not knowing anything else. Then he pointed a finger towards the trio at the door in jest, laughing all the while. "Or there's paper, and all sorts of other ways to talk."

"You I have less of a problem killing." Mr. Charles stated coldly. His steely gaze turned towards Isaac then, distasteful memories flooded the both of them.

"Oh no, big scary Isaac." He rubbed his face and yawned. "I'm so scared."
Ali raised an eyebrow, slouching a little so her face was hidden. She was amused by Isaac,but she couldn't let her father see her small smile. She bit her lip and composed herself. He had to be exagerrating. He couldn't be serious with his demand to cut their tongues out. There was more that he wanted, or rather, less, but whatever else he wanted would pale in comparison to the loss of her tongue.

It was a classic negotiation technique. Ask for more than you want, so that when you give your real demands, the person gives you what you want because it seems much more reasonable that what you previously asked for.

"No deal, father." Ali told him quietly. "Next offer, please?"

Her father chuckled, looking over at her. "Ah, my daughter. I taught you well, it would seem. Of course I taught you well. I am an expert at this." he glanced between the two, "What happened last night? Lover's quarrel? Or is this an act?"

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