Taken [Inactive]

"Ha, caught us did you?" Isaac chuckled. "Well it would seem your daughter doesn't exactly know general anatomy, or at least isn't comfortable with it."

"Beg your pardon?" Mr. Charles asked. He sounded bored and insulted, it was so easy when talking to his former employee.

"See, typically when a girl says she's ready, she knows where to put the guy's dick-" Isaac included vulgar hand gestures of him constantly motioning to his waist. The guards at Mr. Charles' side were stunned, one man looked like he wanted to laugh, but was silenced by the other.

"Do not talk about my daughter that way!" The CEO screamed at Isaac, who in response only had it in him to laugh again. It was so easy to get on his nerves. If it would bring Alison more favor, he'd do anything to make Mr. Charles to yell at him.
Ali seemed to realise exactly how much risk Isaac was taking, all to make her safe. It registered in her mind, the final puzzle piece falling into place, as she realised that if this plan worked, it could possibly kill Isaac. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to defend him, but that would ruin the guise they had created. Her eyes were wide, and she hoped her father would assume it was simply because of Isaac's vulgarity.

"Father, he's right. I clearly don't understand anatomy, but he clearly doesn't comprehend what it means when a woman asks him to 'go slowly'. It isn't that hard. Or maybe he was just desperate." she scowled at Isaac, then looked at her father. "What's your next offer, father? Let's continue this negotiation."

Mr. Charles smirked. He hadn't seen his daughter fired up, ever. She had always been well mannered in his presence, even when rambling about her naive 'save the world' projects. He laughed. "My next offer? Ah, my girl. You will see. It involves a good dose of public humiliation. And, there's a young heir to the fortune of the CEO of another company... I'm considering negotiating your marriage to him. Of course, you'd be a good little trophy wife. No more of your bleeding heart activities."

"No!" Ali exclaimed, her emotions flaring up quickly.
Isaac steered away from the talk of marriage and took a few steps towards Mr. Charles with his hands raised in anger. That was a bad move on his part, which only registered after one of the guards smacked him square in the nose with the butt of a pistol. The man screamed, blood pouring out from both nostrils.

"He broke my nose!" Isaac yelled, one hand pinched it shut.

"You're lucky that's all he did." Mr. Charles smirked. "I'll give you a few days to think it over. But Isaac? I've got no deals for you, and I'm not quite sure what that means yet."

Although the CEO had said he wouldn't kill them, it sounded more and more like a lie. Isaac was sure he wouldn't make it out of this building unless it were off the roof, in a body bag, or of his own free will. The third option was looking best. He continued to pinch his nose shut as blood pooled up, his sinuses going crazy with the pressure.

"Anything else? Boss?" Isaac asked, he was furious now, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. Running between the guards was pointless. Running now was just as pointless. They needed a better moment.
"Nothing else." Mr. Charles smirked. "Please don't bleed on my carpet. There's a bathroom through that door. Bleed in there, but do please clean it up." he turned and left, shutting the door behind him. He laughed at a joke one of the guards made as they walked away, his deep chuckle echoing in the hallway.

Ali walked into the bathroom, peering around for a camera, and when satisfied that there was none, looked out the door at Isaac. "Get angry and storm in here after me." she whispered, then disappeared into the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the luxurious bath tub that was in there. She needed to talk to him. She couldn't just think through this alone.

I'm not a trophy wife. I cannot be a trophy wife. I can't. She ran a hand through her hair, stressed and panicked.
"Alison, son of a bitch!" Isaac cursed and followed after her. He blabbed about how she should've said something about the guards, and blamed her for getting his nose broken, and when he finally reached the door he slammed it shut.

The act dropped, and he winced in pain, rushing to the sink. He washed his face of the crimson liquid running down his face and gingerly prodded at his nose. It hurt, but it didn't look too bad overall.

"That hurt." He tried to joke about it, but laughing only made it worse.
Ali wet the corner of a towel and approached Isaac, gently wiping some remaining blood from his face. "I'm sorry that happened." she whispered, keeping her voice low so that no microphone would overhear. "Are you alright?" she asked, her other hand stroking his hair carefully. She stepped back from him, digging through the drawers in the bathroom. "He left make up in here... and a hair straightener." she rolled her eyes. "Does he expect me to keep trying to look pretty?"

She sat down at the edge of the tub again, having pulled an elastic band from the drawers, and tied her hair back into a messy ponytail. "Isaac, you can't get yourself killed for my sake. Please."
Isaac grabbed her by the shoulders and placed a messy kiss on her lips. He'd been wanting to do that all day. She was important to him, she meant something, and just one day bickering, even if it was fake, was enough to put him on edge. Never again did he want to have to play the bad guy, screaming at a girl.

He pulled away, panting from how excited he was to discover there were no cameras in the bathroom. They could at least talk in here, he could hold her face, kiss her lips, just be close again. He was falling hard for the CEO's daughter.

"Now I'm alright." He breathed, and kissed her much more softly than before.
Ali's whole body felt alive when he kissed her. There was a force behind it that should have scared her, but instead, it made her feel safe. Her arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer against her so he was standing in between her legs. She laughed as they parted, trying to catch her breath, but before she could, his lips were on hers again, with none of the desperation of before, but all of the tenderness she needed.

"I'm glad you're alright." she whispered, keeping him close. "Now let's talk... what do we do? I can't... I can't be a trophy wife. I know the man he's talking about, and he's just as cold and calculated as my father, and he gets all his worker's uniforms made in slave labour factories in Asia, and I just... I can't do that. I'd rather die. Honestly."

She rested her forehead against Isaac's. "He'll come back without his guards sometime. I know he will."
"Even a cold hearted man needs a little love." He teased. Isaac rocked her slowly from side to side with his arms wrapped around her waist. Even in the dim of the bathroom, she looked so beautiful, a diamond deep in the rough around them.

Every day they were served three meals. Breakfast came first, which they both usually missed sleeping in. By the time lunch came around, they'd pretend to bicker and fight. Dinner was silent, and the last time anyone came to their door. If they had something to work with, then maybe they could get out.

The only idea Isaac had would wind him up dead, and didn't guarantee her freedom. In some way it could, now that the marriage was an option. At least she could escape to be married and run away later with time. Isaac really needed to work on something.

"If I had something to fight with, that'd help." He murmured. "The window won't break just by hitting it, we need something to break it. Maybe get to the floor below?" Isaac was grasping at straws now. "We could make a run for it. Ali, I'm sorry, I don't know what we're gonna do."
Ali frowned, her fingers tracing circles on his lower back slowly. She never wanted to leave the bathroom, but they couldn't stay there forever without suspicions being aroused. She looked up at him, biting her lip. "What if we could cover the camera?" she whispered. "We could... So... there's..." she sighed, blushing. "A day more of this fighting. And then we could uh, make up... but clearly, we wouldn't want to be watched when we 'made up'..."

She paused, looking down at the tiles briefly, "What about the hinges on the door? Could we undo those somehow? Take them off, then get out the door..."
Isaac took another look around the bathroom. He was suddenly struck by an idea. The toilet lid was detachable, and when he pried at it, it fell heavily to the floor. After that, he reached up and pulled on the shower rod curtain. It came off after some damage to the walls, but it was a massive piece of metal in the end.

"Yes." He cheered quietly, pumping his fist like a dork. "Alison, bear with me, I've got an idea."

He continued to demolish the bathroom for anything they could use. the drawers came off, the doors to the cabinet, again, the top of the toilet tank, he even pulled off the toilet paper roll from the wall and handed it to the girl. It was her idea originally to use it on him, now she could use it on her father instead.

"So, we might want to wait still. Your father still thinks we're playing around right?" Isaac gripped her by the shoulders again. "But what if, after a huge fight, I just come out with this." He gestured to the shower rod. "And start swinging, accidentally hitting the cameras. If it looks like I'm going to hurt you, they'll come. We can smack them with this crap and run."

It was so far fetched, he doubted himself as he spoke.

This is the only idea I've got.
Ali couldn't help it. She laughed as he handed her the toilet paper roll. It was somewhere between amusement and hysteria, but it was laughter. She held it in her fingers, almost falling backwards into the tub from laughing so much. She composed herself eventually and looked up at Isaac as he gripped her shoulders.

"It could work." she said quietly. "Hell, anything could work. Or could fail. But we only have one chance. He won't let us try twice." she bit her lip, Isaac's closeness making her nervous and excited all at the same time. She let her legs slip around his, her feet hooking around his ankles to bring him a step closer to her.

"Let's try it. We need to get angrier at each other, though, for him to believe when you snap.. Or maybe I need to start acting brattier." she bit her lip as she tried to think.
"Just fight me." Isaac encouraged. "Anything you can, hit my nose if you have to."

He wrapped his arms more carefully around her shoulders, him standing up and her sitting on the edge of the tub. They'd demolished the bathroom now, and he would have to be careful about how wide the door could be left open. Still, he went back to focusing on her. Isaac brushed his thumb against the bottom of her lip, gazing lovingly at her face.

"We can try to get out." He cooed.

Then, for the last time that day, he leaned down. First he kissed her forehead, then each cheek, and finally he bent down to meet her lips.
Ali's lips parted at the touch of his thumb, her eyes glued to Isaac's. She wanted to respond to his words, but her mind was a blur, her lips tingling from the touch. She closed her eyes as his lips met her forehead then her cheeks, sighing happily, then wrapping her arms around him as his lips met hers. There was a hunger building in her each time they kissed. She held him tighter, kissed him harder, and her heart raced faster. Her hands rested on the bare skin below his shirt, tracing circles there as they kissed.

The girl spent the next day making small, aggressive comments any time she could, mumbling angrily and provoking Isaac. She was acting like a teenage girl with PMS. She knew it. Her only solace from her task was when she went to the bathroom to sit quietly for a while.

As the moon rose in the sky she took a deep breath and looked at Isaac. "Do you know what makes me most angry? That I thought you could be good for me. I thought you had a good heart. But you're just cold. You're f***ing cold!" She stood up, taking tense steps towards Isaac.
Isaac was learning to try to enjoy their little game. At least he could admire her snide comments, her acting. It made their pretend anger less irritating.

"Oh, right, I'm cold." He retorted. "At least I'm not a scared little dady's girl, always crying and begging to be set free. Come on Alison. Get a grip." Although his words were false, it still sent a pang of regret straight to his stomach.

He would never hit her, not even in their little anger games. But her body which tensed up towards him put him on the defensive. On the streets, such behavior would've warranted a punch to the face, else he'd have run already. Isaac didn't like feeling cornered, so he took a step back, eyes reflecting a small bit of fear.
Ali saw the fear in his eyes but knew she had to keep going. She needed to do enough to get Isaac angry and have her father's security come running. She took another step forward, her expression positively venomous as she looked him up and down.

"You think I'm a Daddy's girl? I'm here, aren't i?! I chose you and then you chose to push me too far! Now we're both stuck and it's your fault! You did this to us both. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are useless. Maybe I should have given up and walked away when I could!" She took another step closer, her face inches from his.

That close, it was obvious that her eyes were sad. Her hands clenched into fists as she stared at him. "Come on, coward. Do something. Defend yourself."
"Then do it!" He screamed. "Go marry the other rich kid, be a trophy wife." Isaac turned his hands to the door in an overly dramatic fashion. "There's the door! Go on, oh, wait, you can't, because your father decided to put us in here. Right. You act like it's entirely my fault."

His logic was flawed, but, it never mattered. Again, he would never hit her, not now, but she looked so sad. He was reminded of their plight to get out, and so he stepped forward and ignored his intuitions from the streets. Isaac raised his fists, looking down on the girl as he stepped forward.

"You sure you wanna get hurt?" He asked angrily, and sincerely. Was this the moment then? Would he be able to break the cameras in time, and go after her?
"My father might have the right idea marrying me off! I should never have chosen you!" Ali screamed, her voice breaking and tears falling as she spun around and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door dramatically behind her.

Tears fell once she was in the bathroom, and she wasn't entirely sure why. Their fight was fake but the words still stung - both those she heard and those she spoke. She took deep breaths to try and calm herself down, waiting for the sound of a breaking camera.

"Come on, Isaac..." She whispered, her hands shaking as she hugged herself. "Lets do this and get the hell out of here..."
"Baby, you didn't choose me!" He taunted after, her, following quickly to the bathroom to retrieve the shower rod he'd pried from the wall. Isaac pried the door open and scurried inside. He picked up the bar from the floor and hit the wall hard, his eyes reflected how sorry he was.

"Gotta make some noise after all." He murmured. One more loud smack, he urged her to scream. "Make some noise, we've gotta get back in there, so I can smash the cameras." The cameras were close enough. One was just outside the bathroom door, while the other was on the opposite side of the room. They were on the same wall, seeing as there was no coming in or out, but it made smashing them all the easier.

"When I got out, I'll swing up." Isaac said quickly. "Get that one, then you need to run to the other side of the room, otherwise I've got no reason to get over there." He swung at the sink, his hands were shaking. "You ready?'
Ali screamed as he thrashed around, reaching out to squeeze his hand briefly. She waited a few more moments before rushing out of the bathroom and cowering in the corner just below the first of the cameras, "Isaac! Stop!" She cried. "Stop it!"

She caught a glimpse of cars pulling into the driveway out of the window, gulping. Of all the nights to have a dinner party, her father had chosen this one. She had to work hard to not laugh. This would at least be memorable for his guests.

"Please, Isaac!" She shouted. "Just calm down, will you?! Don't act like an animal!"
Isaac bolted from the bathroom with the shower rod in hand. He swung back until it reached the first camera, locking eyes with Ali to make sure he'd hit it square in the lends before sprinting to the other side of the room. Face ripe with fury, for Mr. Charles, he came at Ali with the bar raised high.

"I'm not an animal!" He yelled at her, seemingly lost to the anger.

For a brief flash, he looked up, before he brought the rod down hard. To the camera, it appeared that he'd brutally beaten Alison, but it was smashed to pieces at the last moment. He wasn't sure if there were still bugs, so he looked to Ail and quickly motioned for her to grab something, anything, mouthing it as well.

Isaac continued to smash the second camera before he poised himself near the door, ready to smack whoever came through.
Ali looked around the room uncertainly. She had believed Isaac's anger. She was scared as he brought the rod down. As he mouthed words to her she blinked a few times, then rushed to the bed and with a loud crack, broke off part of the bed post so she had a length of wood about the size of a baseball bar, poising herself close to Isaac.

She waited with bated breath, taking deep breaths to stay calm as she heard footsteps rushing to the door. The footsteps were familiar to her. They were the same steps that rushed to her when she would cry in bed after a nightmare.

"It's him." She whispered to Isaac, her eyes wide and her hands gripping the wood. A key turned in the door and Ali inhaled sharply.
Isaac swung hard, hitting whoever was behind the door. He didn't care to look down, even if it was Mr. Charles. It was better if he never knew, he insisted it in his mind. The less he knew, the better.

"Come on!" He urged. From the door he pulled the keys from the lock, just in case. Now though, he had to look down, had to face what he'd only seconds before decided to ignore. He pushed the man inside and pulled Alison out, locking the door behind them both.


He pulled her by the wrist, unsure of where he was going. Then he realized, maybe she knew. Alison would be a better guide than he, so he stopped, shower rod in his free hand and looked around with wide eyes.

We need to run.
Ali let Isaac pull her along, then stopped as they faced two lots of stairs. She remembered this place. It was one of her favourite hide and seek spots as a child. She pushed panic away and took Isaac's hand, rushing down the stairs to the left. They narrowed as they went down and eventually led to the corridors at the back of the house that staff used to get around without being noticed.

"There's a door..." She mumbled, rushing towards it. Footsteps were beginning to echo behind them and she threw herself against the door, trying to open it. "Damnit..." She spun around and pulled Isaac into one of the staff bedrooms, slamming the wood in her hand against the window and sliding herself through the broken glass, flinching as it cut her,

If they could just get off the grounds, they would be safe...
Isaac followed close behind, not bothering to pick out the glass which stuck to his skin. There were more important matters at hand. If they could get back to the city, he had a car. Where there was a car, there was escape. He wouldn't risk taking one of Mr. Charles' car, not when he knew they were on the run.

"Are you alright?" He stopped to ask, giving Alison a once over to make sure she wasn't hurt too badly. Besides the glass in their hands, he didn't know what else to expect.

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