Taken [Inactive]

Ali nodded. Her torso was bleeding a little from sliding through the glass, along with her hands. She kept running, reaching out to take Isaac's hand again. "I'm okay. I just... They can't catch us..." She sped up,suddenly thankful that her father forced her to run cross country when she was in high school.

"We need to hide. They'll have cars, Isaac. We can't outrun them all the way to the city..." She looked at him, unsure of herself. "I don't know what to do... I don't..." She looked on the verge of panic, her chest beginning to heave with her breaths. "I don't know how to get out of here..."

She looked at Isaac, hoping he knew. She kept moving in spite of her fear and panic, knowing that to stop was to die, or be caught. "What do we do?"

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Sensing her panic, Isaac gripped her arms and looked her in the eye. "Hey, Ali, look at me." He couldn't afford to have her panicking just when they had escaped. That was the logical reason behind his concern, but there was genuine worry written on his face.

He rubbed her arms slowly. For now, they were hidden on the property and out of sight. There could have been cameras anywhere, but the pair were far enough out of the room that it was difficult for anyone to follow. That was if anyone had noticed their absence other than Mr. Charles, that was. It didn't give them a lot of time.

"We're out, we've got that part done." He smiled at her. It was too soon for a touchy feely reunion now. "Is there, like, I don't know. A golf cart? Something we can just take and go?"
Ali relaxed as he rubbed her arms, looking up at him. She looked tired. She listened to his question but it took her some moments to process it properly. "Y- yeah..." She stuttered, peering around the corner. There was a shed across the lawn. "My father uses the golf cart to inspect the garden work... It's in the shed... Normally it isn't locked..."

She took Isaac's hand again and took a deep breath, sprinting across the edge of the lawn as quietly as possible. She knew the shed opening would make noise,but once it was open they would be okay. They should be okay. She got to the shed and leaned against in, trying to calm herself again.

"Please tell me you know how to drive one..." She mumbled.

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"How hard can it be?" He replied enthusiastically.

Sorry Ali, of course I've never driven one of these. Street kid, remember?

Once inside the shed he acted fast and surveyed the room for keys. They had to be nearby, else the shed some hundred feet from the house would've been pointless for the caretakers. He spied some on a nail near the door and lurched forward to yank them free. Isaac jumped into the driver's side of the small golf cart.

He had no idea where was out, where they were, or how to drive. In his mind, it was impossible, but now he was pumped full of adrenaline. Impossible seemed possible now.

"Hop in princess." He tapped the seat next to him then gripped the steering wheel hard. "I need directions out."
Ali got in next to Isaac, holding tightly to the handrail above her head. She took a deep breath and began to direct Isaac as he drove, her face changing between pale and slightly green as they drove. She directed him to the back gate of the property. It was always opened so that workers could get in and out.

Once they were off the property, she turned around and took one last look at it. "Isaac! We did it!" She laughed with delight, tears falling from her eyes. "We got out, Isaac!" She stared at him happily.

"What do we do now...? Where do we go?" She asked, suddenly unsure of herself.

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"Obviously we take this puppy for a ride around the world." He joked, patting the steering wheel affectionately. Although it lacked any serious horsepower, it was fun to drive. If he ever made millions, or even just had a long driveway, Isaac was getting a golf cart.

From there on, he continued down the road. He wasn't familiar with the area at hand, but the city skyline could be seen, which meant they could at least head there for familiarity's sake.

"In all seriousness though," Isaac dropped the act and wrapped one arm around his girlfriend. "Where would you like to go?" He would've looked her in the eyes, but the road was also important. They were out, he didn't want to crash so soon.
Ali rested her head against his shoulder, tilting her head upwards to kiss his neck lightly. "I have no idea where I'd like to go." She admitted. "I'd like to go where ever you are." She put a hand on his knee, squeezing it before falling silent again. She took a deep breath. "I-I'm not saying I love you. Not yet. Because that would be insane."

She wanted to say 'I love you'.

But she couldn't. It was too soon.

"But I'm falling hard for you, Isaac McKellan." She whispered, her voice barely audible over the grumbling of the gold cart's engine.

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"I love you, too, Ali." He chuckled and quickly kissed her head. Although there was a humor to his words, he felt some part of it to be true.

Here they were, having gone through two stressful events together. For the rest of their lives, these moments would define them and how they would move forward. She'd changed him, and he liked to think that there was a part of him that changed her. Again he told himself that if she hated him, Isaac would accept it. He'd taken her, for four days he held her captive in deplorable conditions. If his punishment was losing her, then he would have to accept it.

"If we can get to my car, we've got the world."
Ali laughed as he said the words, biting her lip. "I'm glad you knew what I meant." She whispered. "Can we go somewhere that's got a beach? I've only ever been to the beach twice. Maybe we could go for a swim together. Make out in the water like a regular couple." She chuckled.

As they got closer to the city and farther from the house, she relaxed more, her hand tracing love hearts on Isaac's knee. She was calm for the first time in a few days, her body melting into Isaac's side and her eyes lazily resting ahead of her.

"Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?" She asked, her hand absent mindedly trailing up towards his thigh.

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"Well." He cleared his throat and tried to ignore her hands as they trailed up his leg. "We're going to the beach now, right? That's what you want?"

In the city, they looked odd rolling around in a golf cart. Isaac wasn't ready to ditch their transportation, but they'd have to at some point. It was easy to remember where a stranger had seen a golf cart, compared to where a stranger had seen two people just passing by. If someone was looking for them, the cart had to go unfortunately.

"We'll have to get rid of the cart, walk from here." He suggested. "Sorry, it's less suspicious."
Ali laughed and slid out of the golf cart as he stopped it, "I'd love to go to the beach. Or anywhere. Just not a city. Is that okay?" She seemed unsure of herself. She had spent most of her life asking for permission to do things, and Isaac asking her what she wanted left her somewhat baffled.

She looked up at the buildings as they walked, staying close to Isaac and hoping desperately that no one recognised her. Her pulse thudded in her thumb, evidence of how anxious she was feeling. She wasn't used to this sudden freedom and she didn't know what to do with it.

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Isaac took her hand and rubbed his thumb against her skin. Anything to calm her. For obvious reason, he felt comfortable roaming the city streets, because it was what he was most familiar with. Just a block away was a spot he used to frequent. It was well covered, there was a gas station nearby, and it was crowded during the day. Sometimes he'd make enough to buy something to eat.

"We can do whatever you like." He said sweetly.

His footsteps were quick, ushering them towards his home. Hopefully his car would still be in the driveway, everything he owned was inside. Isaac didn't want to be homeless just after escaping, the irony would be too unjust.

"I still have your credit car." Isaac said with a smirk. She could always withdraw some cash from an ATM. After all, it wouldn't be strange for a girl to take money out of her own account. Even if it was her father's, the police wouldn't come after them for that. Would they? He didn't think so at least.
Ali calmed as he rubbed her hand with his thumb, looking up as she recognised his house. "We're here... Maybe we should just get a lot of money out of my father's account... As much as we can... And then run?" She asked, looking up at him. She gently pushed him against the edge of the house, her hand stroking his cheek gently.

She leaned forward and kissed him, her body pressed against his firmly and her hands resting on his hips. The hunger was obvious in her kiss now, and with the fear removed from her demeanour, her enthusiasm only increased all the more. She seemed more like a woman and less like a scared girl as she kissed him.

"Sorry. Should I stop?" She whispered.

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Isaac only smiled slyly at her, leaning forward to kiss her back with a reinforced thirst for her. He wanted to run away to another city with her and see what life had to offer. She could work anywhere, help homeless, animals, whatever she wanted. Isaac might struggle to find a job, but he'd try all the same. Once they were safe far, far away from her father, it could only get better.

"No." He finally breathed, going back in for another taste of Alison's sweet lips. Isaac teased her, playfully nipping at her lips. He wrung his hands through her hair to hold her close with no intention of stopping, not then, not yet. Even though the pain in his nose was substantially more now that the adrenaline had gone, he kept on drinking the sweet taste of her. The only girl for him.
Ali felt herself give in to Isaac, letting him have complete control over the moment. She wrapped her arms around him, her lips parting as he nipped on them, her hands exploring the skin of his back under his shirt. This feeling was what she imagined being drunk would feel like, a blur of sensations and desires that she had no real way to filter. This feeling was addictive.

She only pulled away after a while to catch her breath, laughing quietly as she panted, her hands still in place underneath his shirt. "I... uh... we... we should go now, right?" she whispered, "Not that I want to, I think I could stay here for a long time kissing you... But we... have to go before he finds us..."
"Right." Isaac sighed, grinning like a boy. He gave in to one last smooch before slipping away to get inside his house. There would be car keys there, he hoped. Once inside he was happy to discover that no one had intruded on his house. Although empty, nothing was out of place.

He walked up to the counter and pulled open a drawer where he kept odds and ends. His keys jingled to the front and he snatched them up, satisfied at their appearance. The credit card Alison left was still on the counter so he slid it in his pocket without a second thought. He wouldn't have much else to take, there wasn't anything left in the house which called to him. He walked back outside and left his house keys in the mailbox. From then on, Isaac wouldn't be needing them.

"Keys." Isaac jingled the set in front of her face playfully and looked to his car. A small tv in the back, his clothes jammed inside of a suitcase. It was as if he was going on a trip, but left for a few days without the car. Now he had a companion. While she had almost nothing, she supplied some income for now.
Ali leaned against the car as Isaac walked inside, watching him walk with a small smile etched onto her lips. They were still tingling from the kiss, longing for more. Her whole body felt like it simply needed to be close to his for it to be okay. As he walked back out of the house, her smile widened and she stood up a little straighter, laughing and swatting at the keys as he jingled them in front of her face.

"So, step one, money?" she asked, looking curiously at Isaac. "If we get it while we're in the city, he wont know what direction we went of it. I think the withdrawl limit is something insane like ten thousand dollars..." she ran her hand through her hair. "Then we can... go... where ever we're going."

The uncertainty felt strange, as though she were about to jump off a ledge into water, but she had no idea how deep the water was. The good news was that what was coming up behind her on the ledge - her father - was much more foreboding than anything that could be under the water.
"We could do a few withdrawals, see how far it gets us." Isaac suggested, running his hands through his hair. Ten thousand dollars would get them plenty far away, no doubt.

He jumped in the car, Ali at his side, and drove into the city. They made a few stops at several ATMs, he wanted to be careful. So long as Alison made the withdrawal, it would seem normal. Her name was on the card therefor it wasn't suspicious when she took money from the account. If Isaac had done it, red flags and tiny little alarm bells would've gone off at the bank.

"The ocean then?" He made sure. It was a day's drive to the East coast, but if she wanted to cross the country, he'd do it for her. Whenever, wherever.
Ali was nervous as she made the withdrawals, but she did well at hiding it. She looked tired, more than anything else, as she took money from the account. She tucked the money quickly in her pocket and rushed back to the car, settling in with her legs crossed underneath her. Occasionally she would pause and hand a homeless man or woman one of the notes from her pocket, then rush to the car.

"Ocean." she nodded, sounding more certain of herself. "Sand, and sun, and hopefully people wont recognise me." she leaned across the car, resting her head on Isaac's shoulder and letting out a sigh. "Do you like the ocean?" she asked curiously, flicking her eyes to look up at him. "Or are you just doing it because I want to?"
"I've never been to the ocean." Isaac shrugged. That was the last time he wanted to make any stops, so he made his way out of the city and onto the first road he could. There was a map somewhere hidden under the passenger seat. It would be their only guide, seeing as they didn't even have a phone.

It should've been obvious he'd never even left the city. He grew up a foster child and was kicked straight to the streets. It was a miracle he'd ever even seen a clear field. Things like vacations or trips, they were nonexistent in his childhood. It was too costly.

"I'll go wherever you do." He grinned, and reached across the seat to rub her knee. "I promise."
Ali's skin got goosebumps when he touched her knee, she turned and smiled up at him. "I'm glad, because if you ditch me on the side of the road, I clearly have no idea what I'm not doing and will be a mess within an hour." She chuckled.

Her hand rested in his knee, tracing circles on it again and smiling contently. She fell asleep soon after, her head nuzzled against his neck and her mouth slightly open as she breathed.

She awoke as the sun began to set, the bright rays hitting her eyes. "Oh... Uh... Sorry. I fell asleep, I guess." She laughed and peered up at him, "I'm sorry. I'm a bad car companion."
"That's just fine." He chuckled softly. The whole time she'd been asleep, his hand had been on hers, and she'd managed to lean across the middle of the small car onto his shoulder. It was quite a stretch, and he couldn't help but be a little impressed.

They hadn't gotten far. The sun was setting, so Isaac figured they'd be better off finding a place to stay the night. Somewhere fancy, he was thinking. Not just a dinky little motel. No, he was thinking a full fledged hotel. He rolled his eyes at himself, because of how ridiculous it sounded.

"Do you want to stop soon? Get some more rest?" He asked. "Somewhere with a pool in preparation for the ocean?"
Ali's tired expression brightened at the mention of a pool, and she nodded eagerly, taking the elastic out of her hair and letting it fall messily over her shoulders. The more time went on, the less she looked like the rich girl she used to be. Even the days spent locked in the fancy prison her father created had left her with a strange edge to her - less polish, more mess.

"I think that would be perfect." She agreed, "But, uh, I don't have a bathing suit with me..." She said, a little nervous. "And I know you weren't implying this or anything, but I..." She laughed. "I've never skinny dipped..."

She wouldn't say it, but she felt a nervous excitement about staying in the same bed as Isaac for a night. She wasn't completely inexperienced in those matters, and has decided that she was in fact ready for this with him. Not that she knew how to express that without turning bright red.
"No, I wasn't implying that at all." Isaac couldn't contain the laughter that escaped his mouth. "Besides, we've got, what, a hundred grand? I think you can buy a swimsuit nearby at the very least."

He scanned the road signs for a suitable place, and eventually decided on a simple hotel just another day's drive from the coast. At least, that was his guess. When the time came, he pulled off the road and made his way to the hotel. He was exhausted himself having been driving all day. So he pulled some cash out and paid for a night with a late checkout. For all they knew, it could be a while before they felt rested enough to continue on.

"Come on, sweetheart." He murmured, locking hands with Ali and leading her to their room. Room 205, just a floor away from the pool.
Ali blushed as he laughed, aware that she sounded completely and utterly naive. She looked up at him as they walked to their room, and flopped back onto the bed, smiling up at him broadly, her hands behind her head. "When did we reach pet name status?" she asked, a small playful smile on her lips. Her shirt rode up a little bit, revealing her belly button.

"So... swimsuit, yeah?" she asked, propping herself up on her elbows to meet his eyes. "Then we can go swim... And maybe we could have pizza for dinner? Do you like pizza?" she tilted her head curiously at him, then lay back on the bed again, her hair fanning out behind her head.

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