Taken [Inactive]

"Who doesn't like pizza?" He teased. As she played around with different poses, his eyes trailed after her, hungry for each new glimpse of her body. She was attractive, he'd give her that. Although he'd never force himself on her, because again he knew she was too good for him.

It was getting late, though, and he doubted any shops would be open. He shared the thought with Ali, debating what to do about the pool. She could go in a thin t-shirt, he'd let her borrow one. After all it was late, so the swimsuit idea might have been out. Pizza was definitely in, though.

"I'll call for a pizza then."
Ali looked up at him, tilting her head curiously as she watched him. She was happy laying there on the bed, and she licked her lips as her mind drifted. She desperately wanted to tell him that she was ready for more than kissing, but the words wouldn't leave her lips no matter how much she thought them.

After Isaac had ordered pizza, she patted the bed beside her and lay down beside him. "Hey, Isaac..." she whispered, reaching across to touch his cheek. "Maybe I can just swim in my underwear? It covers enough, right?" she asked. She had wanted to say something different, but she again couldn't let the words out.

"I don't think the hotel would allow it." Isaac responded seriously. He put his hands behind his head in a relaxed position. "Oh, pizza will be about thirty or so."

He turned his head so he could stare at the girl who was his. Isaac smiled softly at her. He didn't deserve her, yet there she was. Didn't ever know that one single person could change his perspective so greatly, yet there she was. Every hair on her head, every freckle on her body was a beauty on it's own. Love, it was love, and he was falling hard.

"Hey, Ali." He whispered. Then Isaac leaned forward to plant a cautious kiss on her forehead. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful I think you are?"
Ali nodded, biting her lip as she blushed. "Y-yeah, you've mentioned it." she told him, leaning across to kiss his lips gently. She was trying to restrain herself. She didn't want to crawl on top of him and demand that he take her clothes off, but she was desperate to feel him closer to her. "So, uh..." she pulled away from the kiss to look at him. "I..."

She tried to find the words. She needed to. Say it. She shook her head and laughed at herself, "After we eat, I want to tell you something. Don't let me not tell you." she told him. "It's important..." she leaned over to kiss him again.

He brought out a darker side of her, and she didn't mind at all. She liked how he made her feel like doing something risky. She liked his hands, and his hair, and his eyes. She loved every inch of him that she had seen. "What pizza did you order?"
"Pepperoni." He said quickly. "I hope that's okay."

Isaac turned on his side with his arm keeping his head propped up. He gently caressed the side of her face, making sure his touch was deliberately soft. Where he brought out her darker side, she brought out some gentle being inside.

"Be here soon." He murmured. "Eat, you can swim if you want." Isaac wouldn't stop her. If she wanted to swim in her bra and underwear, so be it. She was a free girl now.
"Pepperoni is great." Ali nodded, sliding closer to him and letting her arm rest on his waist. "Let's go swim." she decided. "Nothing I'm wearing is see through..." she stood up and collected a towel from the bathroom, taking Isaac's hand and leading him to the pool. Once there, she took her shirt off and then her jeans, revealing simple blue underwear and a matching bra.

Her eyes found their way to Isaac as she hung her clothes up. "I..." she bit her lip nervously, suddenly aware of how exposed her body was. There was a tattoo on the side of her hip, a simple butterfly that looked like it had been drawn by a child. "Uh..." she blushed, her hand covering the tattoo awkwardly.

Ali, calm the heck down.
"Don't you want to eat first, ya dork?" Isaac teased, but he couldn't control the eyes that looked her up and down, pausing at her waist. He'd get a call when their food arrived, but, it was tempting to just ignore that all together.

Cash in his pocket, receptionist outside, he had no worries that they'd be alright.

He stayed a safe distance away to keep temptation at bay. When indeed a woman did check the pool for them, he waved to Ali and went to the lobby to pay, returning as quickly as he could.
Ali watched as he returned with the pizza, sliding out of the water. She wrapped the towel around herself and sat down at a table near the side of the pool. "I got a tattoo when I was sixteen." she said quietly as she picked up a slice of pizza. "When I was a kid, I drew this picture of a butterfly. I drew it with my mother the day she died. It wasn't a huge deal then, but I found it when I was sixteen and it reminded me of who my mother was to me, you know?"

She moved the towel away so he could see the tattoo properly. "It reminded me of hope and innocence and love and all those good things, so it made sense to get a tattoo in my sixteen year old mind. Now I'm a bit embarrassed by it, but... I don't know. It makes me smile, you know?" she bit into her pizza again, leaning back against her chair.

"And I'm rambling. Sorry. You, uh... you make me nervous. In a good way."
"It's sweet." Isaac said earnestly. He put the pizza on the table in front of them and slipped his hand towards her waist. His fingers trailed the somewhat sloppy lines of the butterfly. "It's great that you still think of her."

Isaac never met his mom. He'd learned she was nothing more than a prostitute, and there was no saying if she was even alive. His dad was some poor sucker who knocked her up.

"I'm sorry, that she's not here." Isaac's face fell, and he reached out to squeeze her hand.
Ali's skin developed goosebumps where Isaac touched. She leaned forward to kiss Isaac as he squeezed her hand, her eyes closing as she tasted pepperoni on his lips. She pulled away slowly and looked up at him, "I like kissing you, so much." she laughed, touching his cheek before returning to eating her pizza. She leaned against the back of the chair.

"Don't be sorry. I loved her. She loved me. I think that's enough, you know? What do you know... about your family? You don't have to tell me,if you don't want." she was nervous about pushing him too hard.
"It isn't a big deal." He admitted. "Mom was a prostitute, dad was some poor guy. I never met them. That's really about it."

Isaac didn't feel she was being pushy. It was natural to be curious about another person's life, especially the closer they became.

"I lived in a bunch of foster homes. But, I was a bit of a rebel." Isaac scoffed and took a few bites of his food. He was more than that, but, now wasn't the time for tales of minor arrests and charges. He was better now. "I got kicked out, ,and here I am. Isaac, boy wonder."
Ali listened, then finished her slice of pizza and collected another. Once done, she let her food settle and dove back into the water gracefully, resurfacing and looking up at Isaac from the edge of the pool as she pulled herself up to look at him, her wet hair sticking to her face slightly. She was grinning, looking relaxed.

"Come here..." she requested quietly. "I.. I want to tell you something." she suddenly looked nervous again, her cheeks already pink from blush and her arms holding her up on the edge of the pool. She waited for him to come close to her and bit her lip. "I... I..." she laughed. "I'm ready." she told him. "I want to do more than kiss you, Isaac." she whispered.

And I've wanted to for several days but there were cameras watching our every move...
Isaac knelt down beside the pool and listened intently, smiling devilishly at her mention of more than kissing. He reached out and held her by the chin, staring seriously into her eyes.

"You sure?" He asked lowly, afraid someone would come inside the pool area and overhear their conversation.
Ali nodded as he held her chin. "Yeah, I'm sure." she whispered, pushing herself up a little more so she could meet his lips briefly and then falling back into the water. "I've been thinking about it, and I'm sure. I'm not just ready... I want to. I've always hated that people wanted me to be 'ready', for something that I should desire, you know?"

She kicked her legs back, splashing a little. "And I want this. I... I want you." she nodded. She didn't sound innocent as she spoke, she sounded well thought out, and firm in her desires. She didn't have those nerves in her tone anymore. "If you'll have me, that is." she smiled at him.
Oh, Ali. You don't even know. Of course I'll have you.

"Well, alright then." He smirked and let her face go. Isaac stood and held an arm down to her. "Come on up here, Ali."

So then, she did want him. After all this time, it hadn't gone to their heads, she really did want him. It elated him and gave him a high. He waited for her to accept his hand.
Ali took his hand and let him pull her from the water, standing in front of him. She took a few steps closer, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. She stands on her toes to kiss him gently, then took a step back again. "Isaac, I love you." she whispered, her hands stroking the stubble that had formed on his cheek.

"Want to go back to our room?" she asked quietly, her voice shaking slightly. She had goosebumps all over her. Her voice had a husky tone to it that hadn't been there before, desire showing up in her voice.
Soaking wet, she came to him from the water and he embraced her. He cut off her question with a hasty kiss, hungry for her lips. Isaac pulled away though, breathing for the sake of his sanity.

He picked her up bridal style and made his way to their table. As gracefully as he could, Isaac held her with both arms and bent down so she could get the pizza. He would've added a joke about cash or needing it later, but there were other, more pressing matters.

"I love you, Alison." Purposefully saying her full name, so she'd know it wasn't some casual joke on the side. He full well meant it.
Ali picked up the pizza and let him carry her up to their room. She was happy as she put the pizza down, and she was even happier when he lay her on the bed. She responded to his every touch and made effort to make him even happier as well. She mumbled his name constantly, telling him what she loved about him.

As they lay together once finished, she curled up in his arms and smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'm glad I found the courage to tell you that..." she laughed. "Want to watch trashy TV?" she asked, looking at the TV near the end of the bed. "What do you think?"
"Whatever you want." Isaac had a smile on his face like no other. It was soft, comforting, and filled with a satisfied lust. His hand traced along her bare arm, goosebumps rose on her skin at his touch.

He lazily turned the TV on, handing the remote to Ali in case she wanted to change the channel. Isaac was more focused on the girl at his side.

"I do love you." He murmured again, kissing her nose sweetly. "And we'll find the best damn beach on the ocean, and you bet I'm going to say it again, and again, the whole time we're there."

The ocean, that was right. They still had a days worth of driving ahead of them until the glimmer of the ocean shores could be seen.
Ali looked at him, then leaned over to pick up the remote, turning the TV on to a random movie that was playing. She curled up in his arms, her eyes resting lazily on the TV in front of her, her hands tracing circles on Isaac's back. She didn't feel like an innocent little girl playing with a dangerous man anymore. She felt safe.

She felt like they were a team, working together to face what would come towards them. She leaned across to kiss him again, "I love you too." she whispered. "And I think I love you even more after that..." she laughed. "Has anyone ever told you that you're incredibly good at that?" she grinned.
"Yes." Isaac grinned smugly. He was joking, but he couldn't resist. He waited for the oncoming smack.

He covered her in small kisses, tickling her face with his hands. Goddamn, Ali, you make me feel like a kid again. It's fantastic. Like a child on his first date, he couldn't get enough of the feeling of his lips on hers. So he went in, again, and again, and again, until he needed to breathe again.

"Has anyone ever told you how soft your lips are?" He asked, tracing his thumb across her lips, then kissing her again.
Ali laughed as he kissed her, a light laugh of delight. She was completely at ease for the moment, none of the concern or sadness from the last few days showing. She was breathless after a while, laying flat on her back on the bed and sighing, "I haven't had this much fun for such a long time..." she told him.

"And no, no one has told me..." she smiled at him. "But you're welcome to be the first." she whispered. "I'm willing to listen to every single word you ever say, Isaac. Every word."
Isaac was filled to the brim with delight. Again, that same high he felt at the pool flooded his brain, after having had a rather pleasant evening with Ali. He stroked her face, saying nothing. His hands traced the curvature of her body atop the sheets, pausing along her waist. At last he rested there and used his eyes to do the talking.

Nothing in the world made him feel more at ease than being with her. No matter if they were in this hotel on the side of the highway. He gently rubbed his hand around her waist as he looked on. His own eyes searched in hers, looking to see if he could express without saying what he thought.

Ali. She means the world to me now. A year ago I never would've thought that I could be here with someone who loves me. Hell, on the road with her too, about to just kick back in the sand. I love her. I really, really do.
Ali bit her lip as his hand paused at her waist. Her whole body still felt alive at his touch, her body pressing against his hand rubbed. She rolled on top of him and leaned down to kiss him again, the sheets tangled around her legs, but she barely noticed as she gave herself to him all over again. She was more than happy to do this all night, if she could.

A few hours later, she lay fast asleep in his arms, her body lined with her own sweat and his, and her body matching the curve of his as she slept soundly. It was there that she stayed for the rest of the night, not waking up until the sun was high in the sky, and even then she didn't dare move from her position.

"Morning..." she mumbled tiredly.
Isaac snored loudly and threw his arm over Ali. He mumbled a slow "Mornin" before grunting. He wasn't a morning person. It was too bright and it only meant the coming of work. Even though he didn't have a job, it still brought him an unpleasant feeling.

"Five more minutes." He grumbled and pulled the blanket up over his head. The sun cracked through their cheap blinds and straight onto his forehead.

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