Taken [Inactive]

"It's only been, what, a week hardly?" Isaac turned to her, face torn. "I feel terrible. Like I really don't deserve you."

All the negative thoughts swarmed into his mind again, reminding him why he'd run to the bridge in the first place. He placed his head down on her bed and breathed deeply to distract himself. This wasn't working, he needed to be able to forgive himself.

"I know you forgive me, I just." He scoffed. "I need to get it through my thick skull."

Isaac couldn't leave now. He wanted to stay, make sure Ali was being treated well, because if he walked out the doors it was either death or a hard road. He was used to taking the hard road, but, temptation was always a careful factor.
"I'll tell you as much as you need me to." She told him quietly, her voice determined and firm. "Just let me know and I'll say it ten million times over until it gets in there." Her lips curled into a small smile.

Her lips met the top of his head, kissing it gently, then moved down to the top of his neck. "I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you." She mumbled over and over.

"Stay here with me tonight." She requested. "I don't want you to leave me alone..."
"You know I can't just stay in the hospital." Isaac's voice was muffled with his face on her sheets.

She forgives you.

Still, he wanted to cry out and have her look at him, his life. She knew what kind of person he was, and yet, she forgave him. Three times she said it alone in the last second.

"God damn, must be some dust." He choked out, eyes wet and embarrassed. Alison really was too good. He wanted to think he deserved every drop of her kindness. The job, which would help him get a house and handle on his life. What part of her said to go out and make life great for others? Where was that drive, where did it come from? What made it so she could be so kind and he could only regret the past, pressing on as is.
Ali laughed quietly and looked down at him, "yeah, hospitals are notorious for how dusty they are, Isaac." She teased gently, her hands running through his hair. "Gets caught in my eyes sometimes too, you know. I hear that forgiving yourself for the past helps a whole lot." She lifted his head gently, kissing his lips.

"I forgive you, Isaac. I forgive you. I forgive you so much that I'm kissing you." She kissed him again, holding it longer than the other kisses, more passion behind it.
I'm a grown ass man, stop crying!

As much as he wanted to, he couldn't. Isaac bawled with his head near her side. After all this time, someone cared enough about him to push him forward in the world. His life wouldn't be ruined, and his emotions sprung forth. Through that, he'd found a love of his own in her.

"Thank you." He sniffled, keeping his head low so she didn't have to see his face scrunched up as he cried. Isaac didn't know how to show his appreciation in any other way.
Ali stroked his head as he cried, her fingers entangled in his hair gently and her breathing slow and calm. She wasn't sure what to do or say, so she simply let Isaac cry beside her.

This wasn't something she was used to. She wasn't used to these moments. She lay down with her head right near his, her lips against his forehead, kissing it every now and then.

She waited for him to speak. She couldn't force him to speak to her. It was up to him. She simply lay there, her lips and hands trying to comfort him.
"No one's ever been this kind." He laughed sourly. "Isn't that terrible?"

Isaac stood from the bed so he could grasp her face without having to awkwardly lean forward. He stared into her green eyes, trying to figure out what it was that made her tick. Maybe she was simply born that way. Kind heart, kind soul. He rubbed his thumbs along her skin, smiling softly.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" Isaac gave them one last good look, then moved on to a more pressing thought. "Or that you're kind, and caring." He leaned in towards her face, nuzzling her nose with his. "You are the most beautiful girl to ever come into my life, Alison." He closed in on her lips, pressing slowly and softly in an affectionate way.
Alison gulped as he held her face, her eyes glued to his with a nervous excitement. She was already blushing from the intensity of his gaze, but it only increased the more he spoke. She was holding her breath by the time he leaned into her face. "I..." She opened her mouth to respond, but his lips were on hers before she could and she had no objection at all to being silenced.

She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close as they kissed. A hunger developed in her kiss the longer it lasted, her heart racing as she let herself go. She wanted him on the bed with her, but she didn't ask. She wasn't willing to.

After what felt like an eternity, she pulled her lips away from his, slightly out of breath, and laughed happily, flopping back onto the bed. "Oh god, I like kissing you way too much..."
"I have no problem with that." Isaac leaned down and kissed her forehead.

It was getting late, and he had to decide now, what would he do? He could stay, fulfill her request, and possibly get kicked out by hospital staff. If he talked his way out of it, the latter wouldn't be such a horrible plan.

"Do you want me to stay?" He whispered into her hear, hands holding her face close, breath inhaling her sweet scent. It didn't matter what he wanted. Isaac wanted her to be happiest first. An odd change of perspective for him.
Ali nodded, her hands resting in top of his lightly. She was happy laying there. She shifted across to the other side of the bed to make room for him. "Lay with me... I'll even let you share the blanket." She smiled.

She had an innocence about her that made the offer to share the bed not sexual. She didn't want to take his clothes off. She just wanted him to hold her.
Isaac knew he'd be staying a long time if he crawled in, so he kicked off his shoes and slid into bed with Alison. He adjusted his arm so she was laying on it, and wrapped himself up in her. The shared blanket just barely covered the both of them, but he was satisfied with the position.

He wouldn't try anything while she was here, he still had some decency about him. "I'll stay then, alright?" He pressed his head to hers, curled up with his new girlfriend.
Ali fell asleep beside him, her head close to his and her breathing slow and steady all night. She was happy there. She was happy curled up in his arms, his heart beating to the same rhythm as hers and her mind clear from frustrations and distractions.

The morning arrived with a sudden jolt. Ali was woken up by the slamming of a door, sending her sitting up straight quickly. "Oh... I..."

"Alison." Her father growled. "Please explain what I am seeing."

Ali couldn't speak. She broke down, weeping and shaking. This wasn't something she was ready for.
Isaac was rudely awoken by his worst nightmare. Mr. Charles was five feet away from him, staring the pair of them down, and he prayed to every god that the man wouldn't recognize him. It had been a while, Isaac hadn't shaved for a few days either, the slight beard he had growing would help to hide him.

Not for too long, though, his bright hazel eyes were fairly unique, and Mr. Charles had visited with Isaac several times before.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around Alison, shielding her face from her father. She didn't need to deal with him, Isaac knew what the man was like, and he'd protect her.

"She was a little cold, lonely." Isaac said gruffly, hoping to keep his voice low and unrecognizable.

"Then get another blanket." Mr. Charles said rudely.
Alison stayed hidden against Isaac, her arms wrapped tightly around him and her body shaking with sobs. She wasn't okay. She was scared. She didn't know why she was scared.

"You." He told Isaac, staring at him. "You're that boy. You're the drug mule. I know you. I fired you." Mr. Charles stepped forward. "Why are you of all people, hugging my daughter?"

Ali curled up tighter, then peered up at her father, "he's just spending time with me. He's my.. We're... We're seeing each other."
"I'm not a drug mule you ignorant old crow!" Isaac flared up when the accusation was made. "I'm here to make sure she feels safe, from the likes of you."

"Me? Why would she be afraid of me?" Mr. Charles stepped forward and tried to grab at Isaac, but he wouldn't budge. "You cannot see this man, Alison!" He was yelling, Alison was crying, so Isaac did what he could and slammed on the call button.

"Because you're a fraud!" Isaac was belligerent with rage. The old man was a fool to think his daughter would be fine to discover her father had been doing drugs for years, hiring kids off the streets to supply his addiction.
Alison felt her father grabbing at the back of her hospital gown, bit she clung all the tighter to Isaac.

A nurse and a doctor entered the room in response to the call button, looking around the room with confused expressions.

"I'll be taking my daughter home now." Mr. Charles told them. "She's had enough of hospital wards and walls. She needs to be home." He stared at his daughter.

Ali looked up at him with just one eye, her expression full of fear. She didn't want to let go of Isaac. She wouldn't. "No. I won't go with you." She told him firmly. "You're not trustworthy or kind or worthy."
"Nurse, please remove this man." Isaac demanded calmly of her. "He walked in here and tried to take her, please, we've done nothing to upset him."

"Nothing?!" Mr. Charles screeched.

The nurse didn't know who to trust. There was the suicidal man from the day before, and the old CEO and his daughter. One was a mystery while the other was a rich businessman. The obvious choice would be to kick the stranger out and take the old man's word, but, she moved for Mr. Charles, grabbing him weakly by the arm.

"Sir, you do appear to be bothering the girl." She admitted quietly. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Mr. Charles turned and stormed out of the room, "this isn't the end of this!" He roared, storming from the hospital. His own daughter had declared him to be corrupt. This would not do, it would not do at all.

The nurse left Ali and Isaac alone in the room, making a note to check in on them in a little while. She had been waiting for a break in Alison, expecting that at some point the weight of her ordeal would hit her.

Ali stayed in Isaac's arms, her tears wetting his shirt. These were the same sort of tears she cried when Isaac had first told her of her father, and she showed no sign of calming down.
Isaac let her cry, holding her tight and rubbing her back for as long as it took. This is the moment he'd been waiting for. She had to break down at some point, and that was the moment. Her father had simply come in at the wrong time, but he was relieved to know that she was letting the emotions out now.

"Shh." He told her. Isaac again nuzzled her face, caressed her skin, anything it would take to keep her calm. "Remember what I told you? You are the most beautiful of all the women in my life, Alison." He hummed, sang to her softly any tune he could remember from the radio. She cried, and he stayed there for her.

If he stopped to think, he was a changed man now. All thanks to her. The least he could do was hold her and keep her safe.
Ali stayed in Isaac's arms for hours, not speaking or moving, except for the shaking of her body as she cried. She began to calm down, her breathing slowing from laboured to heavy, and then finally calming down. She felt like a fool for breaking down at the mere presence of her father, but there was nothing she could do.

Once she was calm, she looked up at Isaac with bloodshot eyes and a face blotched and tear streaked. She shook her head slightly. "This isn't beauty, Isaac. This is a wreck. I'm a wreck." She mumbled.

It felt good to fall apart. It felt good to let herself collapse in a heap knowing that someone was going to hold her together for just a little while. She reached up to touch his cheek, biting her lip. "I'm sorry. I'll be braver."
"No, you're still beautiful to me." He murmured, planting a kiss on the top of her head. Isaac pressed her head back to his chest. "Just stay still, sleep if you need, everyone falls apart from time to time. Everyone. Even the bravest."

The words came out of nowhere, from a new side of him entirely. He liked it though. It felt good to be a comfort to her.

"You don't need to be brave. I know that was hard." He continued to encourage her, rubbing her back and hair when he could. "Just stay here, you're okay."
Ali lay down, pulling Isaac gently with her. She began to cry again, quietly this time, until her breathing was even and she fell asleep, clinging to Isaac with her fragile arms.

A nurse entered the room silently an hour later, plunging a needle quickly into Isaac's neck, sending him into unconsciousness quickly. Another needle slipped into Ali's neck, though her sleep was so deep it was hardly needed.

The room they awoke in was dimly lit. It overlooked the lake on the Charles properly - the windows all barred and with screens over them to filter the light. They were on the same bed, a large double bed that had enough room to easily fit them both.

Ali woke up, looking around the room. She had never seen this room, but it smelled like the familiar chemical used to clean her bedroom. She approached the door, only to find the handle removed from it. "You cannot be serious..." She mumbled.
It took Isaac a while to process what had happened. They were no longer in the sanitary hospital room, but a room that looked like it was out of a hotel. Of course, minus everything but the bed. He didn't understand what had happened until he saw Alison with him, walking towards the door without a handle.

"Karma." Isaac simply said, and fell back onto the bed. He didn't want to believe it, so he asked out lout to confirm his suspicion. "Alison, were we just kidnapped by your father?"

Even if she didn't respond, it made sense. He was furious with Isaac, furious with Alison, so it made some sense. This time there wouldn't be a ransom he suspected, so what would set them free?
Ali walked across to the window, peering at the familiar lake numbly. She didn't want to believe it, but there was no other option. She returned to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, looking at Isaac with a numb expression. "Yeah. We were just kidnapped by my father." She said quietly. She wiggled back into the bed, sitting between Isaac's legs and pulling his arms around her waist.

The closeness comforted her enough that she wouldn't panic. "Only my father would kidnap people and put them in a luxurious room, huh?" She laughed dryly, her fingers tracing over his slowly.

"I guess I'm not going to graduate anymore." She mumbled sadly.
"I'm pretty sure once we get out of this, your professors will understand." Isaac chuckled, trying to keep the mood light before real hell broke loose. This setup was much more comfortable than what he'd provided for her originally. At least there was a window they could try to break out of, depending on what it was made of.

He strolled around the room, checking for anything that might give him an edge to escaping. Mr. Charles was better at this than Isaac, a concern to the younger man, it meant he'd probably done this before to someone else. Just how far back did the corruption go? Isaac didn't want to think about it.

"We could try to break the window." Isaac said as he approached. Once he tapped the glass, he realized it might work. Looking down, there was a good four or five story drop. His plan wasn't looking so great any more.

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