Taken [Inactive]

One person.

"I don't deserve her." Isaac murmured, almost too low for the man to hear. For an instant he lowered the gun from his head, thinking back on the brief moment of kindness she'd shown him.

I'm sorry people haven't been kind to you.

I think sometimes people need to be shown that someone will fight for them.

Isaac, you have a name. You have a heart. Some would argue that we all have a soul, but I'm not convinced that any of us have one of those. Look, you have a name. You have worth. Just... let me believe that about people, please.

There was only one person, and she'd never accept him. Why should he have believed so now? He gave her the chance to run, and she was gone now. Free from him.

He put the gun back up to his temple with a renewed force.

"Son, please, but the gun down." If he didn't, the officer might have to shoot. There was the promise that he would land on the inflatable mat below, but, rather a broken bone than a dead man.

"I can't!" Isaac yelled. "I don't ever deserve her."
"That's the thing..." the officer behind him said quietly. "Often we don't deserve the ones who care about us most. We don't deserve them because we hurt them and we wreck them but they still keep caring, because they see something in us that we don't see in ourselves. Put the gun down. Step down here. I can take you to see her. We can go right now."

The crowd below was holding their breath as they waited to see what he could do. Parents covered children's faces and people shouted at him to step away, to not jump, because there was still hope. Hope. It kept being used. That one word - hope, hope, hope.

The officer sighed, "Please. The best things we've got are the things we don't deserve."
Isaac put his gun down. He pressed a balled up fist against his forehead and wept. Officers raced into action to make sure he didn't jump. One man reached through the fence, grabbing hold of the man's arm. They cut the fence away and dragged him back onto the sidewalk, where an EMT was waiting to check on him.

I should've jumped.

Already he regretted the decision, but all around him people cheered and there were only positive words now. Parents encouraged their children, telling them how good police were. Others made sure to comment on the resolution Isaac had. He didn't believe it was true though, it was dumb luck.
The ambulance took him to the hospital, wanting to check his vital signs and have a psychologist speak to him. They kept him in a comfortable room of the psych ward, on a mild sedative, right next to a room that was filled with ostentatious amounts of flowers. The hospital was quiet and calm this late at night, especially in the psych ward.

In the middle of the night, awkward and hesitant steps entered his bedroom, sitting next to his bed, careful to not wake him. The girl fell asleep with her head on the edge of his bed, using her hands as a makeshift pillow. Of course, the girl was Alison. She had heard the voices entering the hospital as the sedatives wore off, and she found her way into his room while the nurses changed shifts.
As Isaac stirred, he felt a pressure keeping him tied down. He tried to lift his hands, only to discover there were straps keeping him in place. They were used in some instances of suicidal patients, no one knew what he would do after all. His head hurt, his gut felt sick. But, there she was.


He didn't know what to say. Why was she there? His life was saved because he'd thought of her in the last moment. Cautiously, he stretched his hand forward to grasp her pinkie. There was appreciation, yes, but dread filled him quickly. If she was here, then it meant she'd told everyone what he'd done. He quickly pulled his hand away, ashamed at what he'd done.
Alison stirred as she felt his hand grip her pinky, lifting her head and opening her eyes, rubbing them slowly, then letting her head fall back to the bed. Her hair was clean again - a nurse had showered her when she arrived at the hospital - but a few flecks of blue paint were contrasted against the blonde. She reached out, resting her hand on top of his.

"They don't know." she whispered, looking at him with sleepy eyes. "They won't find out." she rubbed her eyes again with the hand that wasn't on Isaac's. She shifted slightly, pushing her hair off her face. "I'm glad you're alive, Isaac." she told him, a small smile on her lips.
"It would've been easier for everyone." Isaac responded, his voice weak, much of his strength lost after the previous day.

He wanted to recoil from her touch, but the restrains wouldn't allow the movement. Instead, he pressed his head into the stack of pillows and exhaled deeply, doing his best to keep a level head.

"What does it matter anyways? I can't get a job anyways. I don't have any money." Before she had the chance to speak up about the credit card, he added, "And no, I'm not using that card. You think he won't notice but, he would."
Alison kept her hand on his, her fingers lacing between his and her hand warm against his skin. "It matters." she said quietly, squeezing his hand and lifting her head so she was looking down at him. "It matters because you matter. You have a name. You have a heart. And heck, I might be willing to believe that you even have a soul, just for the sake of poetry." she smiled a little, a mischevious gleam in her eyes.

"I haven't seen my father yet." she admitted quietly. "He's apparently out of the city on a business trip. I'm beginning to wonder what that actually means." she leaned back in her chair, looking at the roof briefly before taking a deep breath. "Anyway, I'm stuck in the hospital until they're convinced that I'm stable... after that... I... I don't know what. I'm not going back to him."
Isaac kept his hand in hers, the comfort pained him. She still felt that he was important somehow in this hell on earth. What did she see in him? His name, his heart, a soul. All of those were stained black now.

"You shouldn't do that." Isaac warned her. "He has money, power, you could have all of that." He gripped her hand, sighing now. If she played sweet for just a few more years, she could take what she wanted and go, but such thoughts were selfish and criminal.
Alison was silent, considering his words. Her mind raced with thoughts of what she should be doing, she could maintain her relationship with her father and keep the power and money, then she could use it well. She would just need to wait. She would need to be patient. She looked at Isaac, her hand squeezing his lightly.

"What would you do?" she asked. "If you were me, what would you do?" she looked at him curiously, biting down on her lower lip and searching his eyes. She felt drawn to him somehow. Perhaps it was because he knew her father as he truly was, not how he presented himself to her.
"You're a good girl, Alison." Isaac sat up slightly, even with the restraints keeping him in place. "Go home, get a good job."

She needed something more than life on the run. He'd been there before, and after listening her to pleas in the white room, he didn't think she would last more than a week on the streets. Isaac wouldn't feel right knowing she was out there.

"Don't end up like me." He said sadly.
"Can you do me a favour? Call me Ali, please... My friends call me Ali. My father and his associates call me Alison." she requested, leaning back in her chair and sighing quietly. She was still weary, and it showed. It was obvious that there was something in her that still wasn't sitting right - an anxiety and fear about life.

She wasn't sure who she was anymore. She wasn't sure if she could be who her father wanted her to be. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be who her father wanted her to be. Her body slouched into the chair, her head tilting back, revealing a birthmark at the base of her neck as she exhaled slowly.

"What if I could get you a job, Isaac? Not... not with my father. But what if I could help you? I have friends, who are kind and genuine and they could help... I don't want you to feel like you're a charity case, because you're not. I want to prove to you that you're worth fighting for, and the only way I can do that is by fighting for you."
"Please, just go." Isaac closed his eyes and sobbed quietly, his heart rate picked up on the monitor as he became stressed. "I should've jumped, I should have ended it when I had the chance."

He had lingered for her, but she was going to end up just like Isaac now. She had to stay away from him, before it was too late. Her father was right, he'd messed her up in those four days.

"Don't you get it?" He asked her, eyes still closed. "I'm done for. I'm not, nor have I ever been worth fighting for. I'm a nobody. It's you who's worth fighting for, because you can actually do something. You have the opportunity and all the money in the world. So just go, go do something besides waste your time on me."

Isaac supposed he didn't really mean it. He appreciated the effort she put forth to keep his spirits positive. For the first time in his life there was someone honestly giving a damn about him.
Alison shook her head, reaching across to wipe away some of his tears. Her touch was gentle, concern etched into her expression as she wiped them off his cheek. She leaned down, resting her head next to his on the bed, her lips slightly parted as she seemed to consider something that she didn't dare voice.

Don't kiss him. That's stupid. Do. Not. Kiss. Him.

She lifted her head, hesitating before kissing him on the cheek and letting her head fall to the bed once more. "You're not done for. You're worth fighting for. You're not wasting my time. And the only other place I have to be right now, is a hospital bed next door to yours."
You care for her.

Isaac couldn't deny the emotions which bubbled to the surface at the touch of her lips against his skin. From the simple gesture, he couldn't deny the way she'd changed something in him. It was true that she really wanted to see him improve, it wasn't a lie like her father. God how he wanted to turn his head, let her know, but he was strapped into a hospital bed after trying to jump off of a bridge.

"What have you done to me?" He laughed through the slight wetness on his face. Isaac pressed his head his head against hers, right next to him. "You're such a damn fool." Even though the words were harsh, he said it with the purest intentions. He was happy in that moment.
Alison smiled as he laughed, grateful for the brightness that appeared in his expression as he smiled. She rested her forehead against his, squeezing his hand with hers and staying quiet, her eyes glued to his, her breathing slow and consistent as she enjoyed the moment. They lay there for a long while, looking at one another.

Don't kiss him!

She leaned in slowly, her lips grazing his gently. Not quite a kiss. Her breathing warm against his lips and her eyes uncertain. She didn't know if she could close the gap between them, because she wasn't sure how he would respond. The psychologist would be in her room soon, but she didn't think much of the visit. She wouldn't speak, anyway.

Her lips still lightly touching his, she looked at him, waiting.

Kiss me, please...
"Untie my hands, please." He whispered against her lips.

Isaac wanted to wrap his hands through her hair and hold her close. Where did the feelings come from though? In the moment he wanted to say it was simply how close she was, the temptation of a rich man's daughter, but that wasn't it. Over the course of the week he'd gone through the phases where he'd hated her, pitied her, and then set her free.

It wasn't that though. She honestly cared for him. All of her concern was so genuine and honest that he was attracted to her very essence.
Alison reached down and took the straps off his wrists slowly, her head never moving away from his. She felt her heart beating so hard that she was convinced that he would be able to feel it from where he was. The nerves in her lips were tingling, sending her brain into a strange blur of emotions and sensations.

She couldn't close the final space between them, too nervous and too unsure of what he wanted to do it. It wasn't something she did lightly. She didn't kiss people just for fun. She had only ever kissed guys she was dating, and this was definitely not a relationship. She let her hand drift around to the back of his neck, playing with his hair.
Isaac gripped the sides of her face, his fingers tangled in her blonde hair. He looked into her eyes, searching for any resistance, and finding none he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead first. This girl had brought out something in him, he was grateful.

"Ali." He said sweetly, his lips back to brushing against hers. Isaac held her gently, and pressed his lips to hers, glad to be free, glad to be wanted and helped and everything more. He lifted himself from the bed so he could press himself all the closer.

This girl.

Isaac brushed his hands through her hair, being gentle. He wanted to erase the captor if there was a hint of the memory still in her mind. This man, Isaac McKellen, did indeed want to change. Alison was here to remind him (thank god). There had been women in his life, other girls, other people, but now there was only one he desperately needed in order to change.

Ali's lips welcomed Isaac's, the warmth of them causing the fog in her mind to increase further, her arms wrapping around him, her eyes slipping closed and a small, happy sigh leaving her lips as they parted briefly. She opened her eyes, smiling, "Isaac." she whispered, letting her lips collide with his once more, her confidence growing as she let her lips part ever so slightly during the kiss.

She pulled away reluctantly after some time, lips curled into a smile and eyes bright as she looked into his. "You're going to be okay." she told him quietly. "You're going to be more than okay." she kissed his forehead, then each of his cheeks. "Do you believe me, Isaac?"

He has a name. He knows my name. I think he could know all of me, somehow. 
Ali's lips welcomed Isaac's, the warmth of them causing the fog in her mind to increase further, her arms wrapping around him, her eyes slipping closed and a small, happy sigh leaving her lips as they parted briefly. She opened her eyes, smiling, "Isaac." she whispered, letting her lips collide with his once more, her confidence growing as she let her lips part ever so slightly during the kiss.

She pulled away reluctantly after some time, lips curled into a smile and eyes bright as she looked into his. "You're going to be okay." she told him quietly. "You're going to be more than okay." she kissed his forehead, then each of his cheeks. "Do you believe me, Isaac?"

He has a name. He knows my name. I think he could know all of me, somehow.
"Yes." He managed to blurt out. Her lips were again on his skin, instantly soothing his worries. She was younger than him, that much was clear, but the innocence of it all was comforting.

Isaac continued to caress his hands through her hair, staring deep into her eyes with his hazel ones. He'd never had the opportunity to look so close, it was stunning to be on the other side of the captor situation. Those identities were gone now. So long as Alison never admitted it was him, he'd be okay, and she would help him.

A job, a girl, you still don't deserve all of this.

While the thoughts plagued his mind, he shook them out nervously. He had to trust her now. She was in charge.
Alison stood up slowly, sliding onto the bed to lay beside him. She wore a hospital gown that covered most of her, fitting loosely over her figure. The gown made her look thinner than she was, emphasising the fragility that had been so obvious when she was in the white room. Her arms wrapped around Isaac, her head resting against his again.

"The doctors called my father yesterday. They told him they'd found me asleep by the river, and that they had me in here for observation." she whispered. "I understand why, but I honestly don't know what to do... I'll finish college, that's for sure. I've only got a few months left. But then what? Do I tell him that I know what he's done?"

If you tell him, he'll deny it. It'll end in a fight, and you'll end up with no inheritance, no power, and no family.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Isaac soothed her, readjusting his arms so one wrapped under her head and around her shoulder. The other rested on his chest. There wasn't much space on the supposed to be single man bed, but he did his best to accommodate the extra person beside him.

"If you tell him, I can't say what will happen." He guessed. "But if you don't, I'd assume life would just go on. I really don't know, Ali. It's up to you. Either sever the tie if you're so bothered, or just leave the situation as is."

I'm just glad you actually believed me.
Ali enjoyed his arms around her. She had spent the last two days longing for human contact, and the simple motion of his arms around her set her at ease more than she had been in a while, her heart beating slowly and an easy smile on her lips as she lay there, using his arm as a pillow. She let her thoughts drift, trying to work out what to do about her father.

"Let's say I didn't sever the ties with him... would doing good with the money he gives me still be good, if I'm simply using the money he stole to do good?" she asked, frowning a little. "It sounds a little bit like Robin Hood, and I always thought he was a little bit dodgy." she admitted, grinning.

She loved children's stories. They made her heart light and her imagination run wild.
"Robin Hood, huh?" Isaac grinned at her. "Steal from the rich, give to the poor. It's classic really."

Classic and funny, he added in his head. If she stayed to inherit his money, she could be so happy. Not that he meant to say money made people happy, but, with the path she traveled it would cost a pretty penny. Alison loved to help people, that much was clear. She wouldn't be happy having the money, but if she was able to bring a smile to everyone else's face, only then would it make her shine.

"It does seem immoral, though." Isaac eventually admitted, sighing lightly. "I don't see anyone really opposing you, if he was found out that is. But, there's bound to be someone who disagrees."

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