Taken [Inactive]

Ali enjoyed his smile, she decided. It was genuine, and he got a bit of a crease at the edge of his eyes when it happened. She wondered if his fake smile was one that only hit his lips, but never the rest of his face. She liked that she could cause a real smile, and her lips moved forward to kiss him once more when he stopped talking.

"Maybe it would be worth it." she said quietly, "Money is just a tool, right? I think I could do it. I think I can keep it up for a few more years, couldn't I?" she looked at him in the small space between them. "There's a lot I want to do, you know... but my father has always said I'll lose the naive optimism at some point. I think, maybe, I'm not naive. Just hopeful."

Stop rambling, Alison. Stop it.
Isaac tucked her hair behind her ears as best he could with his arm wrapped around her. "Naive, no. Very hopeful. Genuinely kind." He encouraged her thoughts. "People like you are rare, you know. Making a suicidal man smile after taking someone captive."

While the topic was grim, he did mean it. She'd turned him around completely in the span of a few hours. She had an air about her that made you want to believe what she did. That people with their names, their lives, everyone had worth. It was something he could believe with enough time and practice.

"Do what you think is best." Isaac smiled. "It's always your choice. Alright? Just don't, please, just don't end up on the streets. Stay away from that."

You wouldn't make it alone, really Ali.
Ali listened to him speak, her eyes glued to his. She admired the different flecks of colour in his eyes, looking at each detail of his face, every freckle and every mark, her eyes drinking in his expression. It had seemed so cold before, but the coldness was gone now, and she felt as though she were laying next to someone entirely different.

"I wont end up on the streets." she assured him, her head nuzzling against his hand, enjoying the pleasant sensation as he touched her hair. She wasn't used to such contact, and the tenderness behind his touch set her heart at ease. "We both know that I'd fall apart quickly without shampoo and soap..."
"Just because you don't want to doesn't mean you won't." Isaac reminded her of the fact. "Nobody wants to live on the streets."

He rubbed her arm one more time, giving a reassuring squeeze. It was high time she got back to her own bed after strapping Isaac back into place. If she stayed too long, someone was bound to notice. Especially after her kidnapping, her absences were sure to go noticed nearly every time.

So Isaac kissed her forehead and murmured softly into her hair, "You need to get going, sweetheart. They'll notice if you don't come back. Strap me back in before you do go though." One more kiss for reassurance, and he sighed.
Alison closer her eyes as he kissed her forehead, his tender touch with both his hand and his lips making it harder to move away from him. She nodded reluctantly and slid back out of his arms, standing up and adjusting her hospital gown so it covered more of her body. Her hands traced down one of his arms, gently putting the strap back on it, and she paced around to the other side of him to strap the other hand in with the same gentleness.

Her lips met with Isaac's once more, slowly and tenderly, before pulling away and dusting some hair off his forehead. "I'll talk to you later." she hesitated, turning back to kiss him one final time, before walking out of the room and back into her own room, laying in the bed and pulling a pillow to herself in a hug, grinning.

It wasn't long until the psychologist visited her, sitting down in the chair beside her bed to speak to her. The psychologist was a gentle man, whose voice coaxed her out of panic attacks when she had first arrived at the hospital and woken up shaking and breathless. He now sat beside her bed, asking simple questions to which she either nodded or shook her head.

"Did your captor assault you in any way?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"Are you sure? Did he touch you inappropriately?"

Another shake.

"Did he feed you, allow you to use the restroom?"

A nod.

It wasn't hard for her to shake her head and nod, and the psychologist was kind enough to let her give those answers for now, until she felt ready to offer words again. She rolled over when the visit was done, falling asleep peacefully, her lips still tingling ever so slightly from the touch of Isaac's lips.
Isaac's treatment was tolerable, someone came to talk to him about his suicidal episode. He told the woman that he felt fine, and it was true. Still, she gave him information about where she worked, and recommended he see a therapist.

Like I can afford that.

When she left, he was able to find some sleep, every monitor he was attached to formed a melody which lulled him to sleep. He couldn't imagine the bill he'd be faced with once he left, so he wanted to get out the next day if he could. Truly, he was fine. So in the morning, he unhooked himself and redressed himself in his old clothes. The gun was gun, not much to his surprise.

Still, he waited in his room. A nurse came by after being alerted that he had flat lined and was relieved to see that it was only Isaac unplugging himself. After a stern lecture, she attempted to hook him back up, but he wouldn't let her. Bills, so expensive. When she was gone, he slipped from the room and popped his head into the next one. There she was, Alison, sleeping. He'd have to let her know he was heading out.
Alison spent her day being checked on by doctors. They wanted to make sure everything was absoloutely fine with her, examining every bruise and bump she had as if they were cancerous. She was frustrated by the end of it, and ready to scream, but she kept her mouth shut mostly, and slept when she wasn't being poked and prodded by the staff at the hospital.

The next morning she heard a faint flatline in the next room, frowning. She was half asleep and it didn't register that the next room's occupant was Isaac. Her Isaac. She frowned and fell back asleep, her weariness winning out over her concern. She wanted her father to come back, to weep over her and apologise for what he had done.

The sound of footsteps entering her room stirred her once more from her sleep, and she lifted her head slowly, pushing her hair back from her face and smiling at the sight of Isaac. "Hey." she greeted quietly. "You're out of bed... does that mean you're not on suicide watch anymore?" she asked, sitting up.
"I probably am." Isaac chuckled. He dragged a chair to her bedside and plopped himself down at her side. "I can't afford to stay, so, I'm checking myself out."

He gripped at her hand, squeezing it tight. Isaac would be fine so long as she didn't worry. There were other things he had to worry about, but if she was anything but satisfied before he left, it would be harder for him to go.

"I'm going back to my house, to get my car, what I've got left. My rent is due and I can't pay it." He chuckled lowly and averted his gaze to the floor. "Gotta start moving so I don't lose anything I want."
Alison smiled as he sat beside her bed and took her hand. It felt almost natural that he would hold her hand, his warm fingers sliding between hers. She held his gaze, sliding across the bed to be a little closer to him. Her hand squeezed his as well. She didn't want him to leave, even though she understood why he had to. Having him right next door was comforting, somehow. It didn't make sense, but her emotions rarely did.

"Are you going to disappear?" she asked him quietly, her voice heavy laden with concern. "How can I find you? How do I know you're not just going to go..." she paused, taking a breath to contain her emotions. "You're not going to hurt yourself, are you?" she felt tears spring to her eyes as she thought about it, fear gripping her.

Somehow, Isaac had become a sign of freedom for her, a reminder of what the world outside of hers was, a reminder that she didn't live in a world of rainbows. He reminded her of what she was hoping for, and he made her want to be better, work harder. He made her want to love better, not just perform better.
"Oh, Ali, no. No." He soothed her, leaning forward so he could hug her close. "I'm not going to do that. I don't think so."

She still wanted to leave, didn't she? Well, now was a chance. He pulled away slightly and brushed her hair with his hands. Sure, it wasn't an ideal life, but if she could wait just those last months to graduate, then he would take her wherever she wanted to go. If she wanted to move to Florida to help the homeless, he'd take her. Or go to China for some strange adventure. He'd take her, he'd find a way.

"I don't have anywhere to stay Ali." He reminded her. "Where am I supposed to go anyways?"
Ali welcomed his arms around her, letting him pull her close and inhaling slowly. She noticed for the first time that Isaac had a smell to him. It wasn't an unpleasant smell. She liked it, in fact. He didn't wear lots of aftershave or cologne, and it made her trust him more. All of her father's friends wore too much of the stuff, but Isaac didn't wear any. She allowed herself a small smile, her face buried in Isaac's neck.

She pulled away slowly to look at him, her eyes still slightly glazed over from the tears. "I'd tell you to stay at my place, but I don't know when my father will get back, and I assume he wouldn't be happy to see you..." she laughed awkwardly, wiping her eyes. "Do you want me to talk to my friend about a job for you? He graduated last year, and he started this crazy cafe. It's right in the middle of the city, and he's set it up so that for every meal someone buys, a meal gets given away for free to someone who needs it. If you'd... if you'd let me ask... I'd happily ask... But only if you want me to."
What harm would it do to try? Isaac wasn't unfriendly, but, he'd have to bust his ass to prove that he wasn't who Mr. Charles claimed he was, a drugged up homeless nobody. So he decided to accept. "Sure, Ali." He grinned and tousled her hair.

He didn't have to go yet, there were days to kill until Ali maybe set him up with his job. They'd have to confront Mr. Charles at some point though. Either that, or they could run away. Ali didn't even have to come with, but Isaac would take her somewhere, move on if she asked. After all, he had kidnapped her, and if her affections wore off in a few days, he'd understand.

"I'll find my own place to stay, alright?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern. "You worry too much."
Ali blushed as he tousled her hair, her cheeks flushing pink. The pink was made all the more obvious by the paleness in her skin, caused by being inside for over a week. She ducked her head down to hide her head, embarrassed further by the blush in her cheeks. "I'll call him later." she told him, her voice muffled slightly by the way her head was hidden.

"I'll stop worrying." she told him, pulling her head away and laughing. "I just... I..." she shrugged, unable to find words to express herself. "I'll not worry. Promise. I know you can take care of yourself." she leaned down, kissing his lips again, and then once more. "Sorry." she laughed awkwardly.

A friend of Ali's from college stood in the doorway, raising an eyebrow and smirking at the sight of Ali kissing a man she didn't recognise. "Hey, Ali." she greeted. "Hey Ali's boyfriend, I didn't know you existed?"
Isaac was startled at the voice and he jerked away from Ali at the sound. He reminded himself she wasn't here to accuse him of anything, it was just Ali's friend. He waved his hand awkwardly and sat back in the chair, one hand still gripped Ali's tight.

"It's sort of a new thing." He rolled with her story, not wanting to make it awkward for anyone. Would this girl recognize him at all? He'd been on the news for a while now as some miracle, a jumper saved by police. No one had come to talk to him, which he appreciated, but his face was there. He had to say his name, then she might know. "I'm Isaac. It's nice to meet you."

May as well roll with it now.
"Nice to meet you, Isaac. I'm Sarah." the girl smiled at him, completely ignorant of what had happened in the days before. "I just came by to give you the readings you've missed from class, and a couple of assignments." she put a folder down on the table beside the bed, looking between Ali and Isaac with curiosity. "Seriously, I'm so happy that Ali's found someone. She's one of the best people I know, but guys always... well, you don't need to know. Guys are often just scared away by how good she is, you know?"

Ali raised an eyebrow at Sarah, "Sarah, shut up. Now." she told her, laughing. "He doesn't need to know. He really, truly doesn't need to know. And I'm not that good. You talk like I'm a saint or something. I'm not!" she hid her head against Isaac's neck again, sighing. "Shut up, Isaac... don't agree with her."
Isaac grinned mischievously. He knew. "She's such a sweet girl." While rubbing her hand he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, seeing what it would do. She seemed embarrassed and he wasn't helping.

Had this girl, Sarah, not been in the room he may have said it in a more affectionate tone. He meant it, truly, she was sweet, innocent, and kind. She knew it too, but was too modest to admit it. Odd to think that if he'd never been wronged by her father, in turn kidnapping her, they never would've met and he never would've gotten his second chance.

"I love it." He added kindly. "The way she is."
Ali smiled as he kissed her cheek, tilting her head to look up at him. She recovered slowly, sitting up in the bed again, but leaving her fingers weaved through Isaac's. She sat back and adjusted the pillows behind her, sighing. "Whatever." she laughed. "I'll let you believe your lies." she told Sarah, smiling.

"Anyway, I have to go. Got a date with Brendan very soon, but I wanted to drop by with the work for you." she paused, digging around in her bag. "Oh, and chocolate. Chocolate too." she pulled a block of chocolate out of the bag and put it on the pile of papers. "I'll come back tomorrow. Will bring you coffee." she looked at Isaac, "And it was good to meet you, Isaac! I hope we can all hang out soon." she left the room quickly.

Ali picked up the chocolate with her spare hand and grinned, breaking some squares off. "Do you want some?" she asked Isaac, offering him the block. Her cheeks still had a faint pink edge to them, but she wasn't as self conscious about it.
As much as he wanted to accept, he wouldn't. It was her treat. She'd been through tougher trials than he had, because at least he was used to the torment. Alison wasn't.

"You eat every last square." He stretched and groaned, his muscles tense from being in bed for a few days. It never felt right, relaxing for too long. Strange considering he was a street rat. "I'll buy you more once I figure out this whole mess."
Ali smiled as he told her to eat every last square, her green eyes meeting his. She felt comfortable, somehow. Even in this hospital bed, she was at ease. The white walls seemed less imposing now that her friends had been within them, reminding her that she wasn't trapped in these walls, and Isaac's warm presence let her see a side of him she was grateful for.

He was, in spite of his own claims, a good man. He was a good man in spite of what he had done, but she knew better than to speak those thoughts aloud. It would lead to him denying it and she would crumble as she tried to persuade him.

Instead of speaking, she slipped some chocolate into her mouth and swallowed it, smiling widely at the smooth taste. "Sorry about before. Uh, you know, Sarah and her calling you my boyfriend. I guess it makes sense considering we were kissing when she walked in..." She looked curiously at Isaac, "We could, you know... We could be... Uh... We could date, I mean... If you wanted to..."
He considered the thought. It was sweet of her, she looked so innocent asking the question her friend had imposed on them both. Isaac hadn't dated in years, the last girl dumped him for being too poor. He didn't really mind dropping the relationship then.

"Don't sound so nervous." Isaac chuckled and held her chin with one hand. "If you'd like to date a troublesome man like myself, I'd be honored." He was grinning with only a hint of the teasing implicated. She could do better than him, but Isaac?

Girls didn't get much better than Alison Charles.
Ali blushed as he held her chin. She knew she would have looked away if his hand wasn't there holding her, and she was thankful that he wanted her to keep looking at him. She bit her lip as he spoke, nodding a little as he said he would be honoured.

She smiled back at him, leaning in to kiss him gently. "I think it's about time I had some trouble in my life..." She whispered against his lips, sitting back eventually, laying back down on the bed and looking up at him. "Good... Because otherwise I would have to explain to all my friends that I kissed a guy I wasn't actually dating, and that would ruin their picture of me as a saint. Wouldn't want to lose my halo, would I?" She asked, mischief obvious in her tone.

Dating. This was new. Her heart beat hard and her mind raced.
"I'm sorry, what halo were you talking about?" Isaac teased her. "What about that roll holder, were you going to bash me over the head with it?"

He hadn't meant to joke about their time as captor and captive, it slipped out, and suddenly he was like a deer in headlights. Eyes wide, looking to know he hadn't brought up any painful thoughts. It was still Isaac, the same man who tried to ransom her off to her father for money.

Won't that be a story to tell kids.

Ali looked away briefly, then smiled slightly at him, her eyes showing a new emotion. "It made sense at the time. It was the sharpest object in the bathroom." She looked curious, more than anything, "what happened... It's not something I can forget and pretend didn't happen, because that would be stupid of me. I can't live in denial. But, I understand why it happened, and it terrified me and it shook me and it woke me up to how cruel my father can be." She squeezed Isaac's hand. "And I'm okay. I'm okay with what happened, because your actions were that of a desperate man who had been hurt too many times."

She looked away again, nervous about how Isaac would respond.
He wanted to pull his hand away, but she wouldn't let him. His face fell into his other, and he sighed quietly. "Ali..."

Isaac cleared his throat to keep any tears at bay. Regret was written on his face in capital letters, a huge open book, and so vulnerable. It was too late to forget about it, neither of them ever would.

"I'm sorry. I never said it outright, and it won't mean anything. I hurt you, I did, and you can always blame me for the trouble I've caused, but I'm sorry." There weren't words. How was he supposed to describe the pit in his stomach? Regret was such a complicated emotion. A part of him had been so sure that taking her would bring him the justice he deserved, and that part of him only existed a week ago.
"Sorry always means something." Ali whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek. "And you did say sorry. You whispered it from the other side of the door. I heard it." She kissed his cheek again.

"Promise me you won't let the guilt ruin you?" She whispered. "I forgive you. I forgive you, Isaac. Every part of me has forgiven you." She sounded as though she was begging.

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