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Fandom TᕼIS IS Tᕼᕮ... ᗯᗩY? (1᙭1 ᗪOᑌᗷᒪᕮ ᖇᑭ)


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Ashlin was in Boba Fett's starship with him and Fennec, on their way to Tython. Before that, she landed her ship on Mos Eisley, and after a bit of persuading, she was on her way to get his old armor back from the Mando. So she was stuck on his ship, quite bored.

Fennec walked over to her with a smirk on her face. Ashlin noticed it and raised an eyebrow at Fennec. "What is that look on your face for?"

"Nothing. Just that... we're going to see the guy who has been in love with you since you first met him." She replied.

"Oh my God..." Ashlin rolled her eyes. "Stop with that already."

A young Anakin Skywalker waved goodbye to her friend Nhroa as he was walking with Padme Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, and Qui-Gon Jinn. He just got freed by the Jedi from Greedo, which meant he had to reluctantly leave behind his life on Tatooine. "Can-can't Nhroa come with us?" He asked Qui-Gon.

"I'm sorry young one. We've only freed you. Not your mother or your friend here." Qui-Go replied.

"Okay..." He said sadly. He then walked over to Nhroa and said to her, "I will come and visit you when I'm older. I promise you."
Din Djarin was waiting by Grogu, who had just perched himself on the curious stone and was sending out a signal for any Jedi. This, of course, was only suggested by Ahsoka Tano, so he knew that it wasn't just a wild goose chase.

Looking up from where he was leaning against a pillar, he saw a ship land not too far away. He stood up with his cycler rifle at the ready, just in case the entities aboard turned out to be hostiles.

Boba Fett landed Slave 1. "Alright, let's head out."

Nhroa knew that this would be the start of a better life for Anakin, but she was still reluctant to see him go. She wondered how long it would be before she saw him again.

Giving him a quick hug, she slipped a small token into his pocket. It was a part of her podracer. They did races together, and it was a small memento for him to remember her by.

"Good luck," she whispered and watched as he left.
Ashlin walked out of Slave 1 with Boba and Fennec onto the lands of Tython and took out her A280 blaster rifle, her lightsaber hilt on her belt. As she covered her eyes from the sun, she noticed Din and Grogu on top of a mountain. "There they are. You gonna ask for the armour back? Or try and steal it from him?" She asked him.

As they climb the mountain, Boba explained to Din that the armour worn by Cobb Vanth belongs to him. Ashlin then noticed Din was staring at her.

"Hey." She said softly, waving slightly at him.

Just then, Ashlin heard ships flying over ahead. "Kriff. Guys..."

A few years later, Anakin was now Obi-Wan Kenobi's padawan and he was 22 years old. He was growing out his braid and he couldn't really cut it off until he became a Jedi master. Anakin is troubled by visions of his mother in pain and decides to return to Tatooine with Padmé to save her.

"-I don't want to give up on her, but she's been gone a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long." Cliegg Lars finished his explanation. Anakin then got up, trying not to express his anger.
"Where are you going?" Cliegg asked him.
"To find my mother." Anakin replied.
"Your mother's dead, son. Accept it."

As soon as Anakin heard that, he stormed out of his old place and ventures out and finds her at the Tusken campsite.
Din was thankful it was only Boba, Fennec, and Ashlin. He'd had his eyes on her ever since the two had met. He kept it to himself, but clearly not well enough.

As Boba was explaining about the armour that Cobb Vanth wore, he couldn't help but stare over his shoulder and right at Ashlin. It had been a while since he'd seen her, so she was a welcome sight. Clearly, he'd been staring too long, however, and when Ashlin waved at him, he couldn't help but wave back awkwardly.

Din looked up as the ships came out of hyperspace right over them and he cursed under his breath. "Protect the kid. No matter what."

Nhroa had also grown in the years of Anakin's absence, taking care of his mother from afar while she was out in the galaxy, taking on bounties. She'd become a bounty hunter in her adult years. She was able to provide for Shmi distantly

When one of her payments never found its way, though, she decided that she needed to investigate. Her journey back to Tatooine was short and her voyage to the Tusken camps were even shorter. That was where the last transmission came from.

Sand from a wind storm brushed up into her face as she searched the camp. Her hard discovery came when she found Shmi's body in one of the tents. Rage filled her and she slaughtered the Tusken Raiders.

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